#farmhand__fieldhand__farm_worker a hired hand on a farm supertype: hired_hand__hiredhand__hand__hired_man__hiredman a hired laborer on a farm or ranch; "the hired hand fixed the railing"; "a ranch hand" subtype: dairymaid__milkmaid a woman who works in a dairy subtype: dairyman a man who works in a diary subtype: farmerette a woman working on a farm subtype: gleaner.farmhand someone who picks up grain left in the field by the harvesters subtype: reaper__harvester someone who helps to gather the harvest subtype: vintager a person who harvests grapes for making wine subtype: picker someone who gathers crops or fruits etc. subtype: plowman__ploughman__plower a man who plows subtype: waterer someone who waters plants or crops subtype: weeder.farmhand a farmhand hired to remove weeds
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