#chromosome a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order supertype: #body.natural_object an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects; "heavenly body" part: #nucleolus_organizer #gene #chromatid #centromere part of: #cell_nucleus subtype: #sex_chromosome__sexchromosome a chromosome that determines the sex of an individual; "mammals normally have two sex chromosomes" subtype: #X_chromosome the sex chromosome that is present in both sexes: singly in males and doubly in females; "human females normally have two X chromosomes" subtype: #XX (genetics) normal complement of sex chromosomes in a female subtype: #XXX (genetics) abnormal complement of three X chromosomes in a female subtype: #XXY (genetics) abnormal complement of sex hormones in a male resulting in Klinefelter's syndrome subtype: #XY (genetics) normal complement of sex hormones in a male subtype: #XYY (genetics) abnormal complement of sex hormones in a male who has two Y chromosomes subtype: #Y_chromosome the sex chromosome that is carried by men; "human males normally have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome" subtype: #autosome__somatic_chromosome__somaticchromosome any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa subtype: #acentric_chromosome a chromosome lacking a centromere subtype: #acrocentric_chromosome__acrocentricchromosome a chromosome with the centromere near one end so that one chromosomal arm is short and one is long subtype: #metacentric_chromosome__metacentricchromosome a chromosome having two equal arms because the centromere is in median position subtype: #telocentric_chromosome__telocentricchromosome a chromosome like a straight rod with the centromere in terminal position
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