#blond__blonde  a person with fair skin and hair
  supertype:  #person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  instance:  daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au (uri)
  subtype:  #peroxide_blond__peroxide_blonde  a blond whose hair is bleached with peroxide

1 statement is about a direct instance of #blond: dg#graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au

1 statement is about an indirect instance of #blond (daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au): dg#graph1_on_daniel.goodburn@dsto.defence.gov.au click here to display them or click here for a search form or here to add a statement

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