#Europe  the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles
  supertype:  region  a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
  part of:  Eurasia
  part:  European_country__European_nation  countries occupying the European continent
  part:  European_mainland__Continent  the European mainland; "Englishmen like to visit the Continent but they wouldn't like to live there"
  part:  Scandinavian_country__Scandinavian_nation  countries occupying Scandinavia
  part:  Balkan_Peninsula__Balkans  a large peninsula in southeastern Europe containing the Balkan Mountain Range
     part:  Balkan_Wars  wars between Turkey and Balkan countries (Greece and Serbia and Bulgaria) and later between Turkey and Montenegro; 1912-1914
        part:  battle_of_Lule_Burgas__Lule_Burgas  the principal battle of the Balkan Wars (1912); Bulgarian forces defeated the Turks
     part:  Balkan_country__Balkan_nation__Balkans__Balkan_state  a country on the Balkan Peninsula
     part:  Albania__Republic_of_Albania  a republic in southeastern Europe on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula
        part:  Tirana__Albanian_capital  the capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country
        part:  Durres__Durazzo  port city in western Albania on the Adriatic
        part:  Epirus  an ancient area on the Ionian Sea that flourished as a kingdom in the 3rd century BC; located in northwest Greece and southern Albania
     part:  Croatia__Republic_of_Croatia__Hrvatska  a republic in the western Balkans in south-central Europe in the eastern Adriatic coastal area; formerly part of the Hapsburg monarchy and Yugoslavia; became independent in 1991
        part:  Dubrovnik__Ragusa  a port city in southwestern Croatia on the Adriatic; a popular tourist center
        part:  Split  an old Croatian city on the Adriatic Sea
        part:  Zagreb  the capital of Croatia
     part:  Macedon__Macedonia__Makedonija  the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria
        part:  battle_of_Pydna__Pydna  a major victory by the Romans over the Macedonians in 168 BC; resulted in the downfall of the ancient Macedonian kingdom
     part:  Thrace  a region and ancient country in the east of the Balkan Peninsula north of the Aegean Sea; colonized by ancient Greeks; later a Roman province; now divided between Greece and Turkey
        part:  battle_of_Lule_Burgas__Lule_Burgas  the principal battle of the Balkan Wars (1912); Bulgarian forces defeated the Turks
     part:  Macedonia  landlocked republic on the Balkan Peninsula; achieved independence from Yugoslavia in 1991
        part:  battle_of_Philippi__Philippi  Octavian and Mark Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC
        part:  Skopje__Skoplje__Uskub  capital of modern Macedonia
     part:  Turkey__Republic_of_Turkey  a Eurasian republic in Asia Minor and the Balkans; achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1923
        part:  Dardanelles_campaign__Dardanelles  the unsuccessful campaign in World War I (1915) by the English and French to open a passage for aid to Russia; defeated by the Turks
        part:  Edirne__Adrianople__Adrianopolis  a city in northwestern Turkey; a Thracian town that was rebuilt and renamed by the Roman emperor Hadrian
        part:  Abydos  an ancient Greek colony on the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles; scene of the legend of Hero and Leander
        part:  Adana__Seyhan  a city in southern Turkey on the Seyhan River
        part:  Ankara__Turkish_capital__capital_of_Turkey  the capital of Turkey; located in west-central Turkey; formerly known as Angora and is the home of Angora goats
        part:  Antalya__Adalia  a port city in southwestern Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya
        part:  Antioch__Antakya__Antakiya  a town in southern Turkey; ancient commercial center and capital of Syria; an early center of Christianity
        part:  Dardanelles__Hellespont  the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European from Asian Turkey
        part:  Istanbul__Stambul__Stamboul__Constantinople  the largest city and former capital of Turkey; rebuilt on the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine who made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire; now the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church
           part:  Bosporus_Bridge  a suspension bridge across the Bosporus at Istanbul
        part:  Bursa__Brusa  a city in northwestern Turkey
        part:  Izmir__Smyrna  a port city in western Turkey
        part:  Aegospotamos__Aegospotami  a creek emptying into the Hellespont in present-day Turkey; at its mouth in 405 BC the Spartan fleet under Lysander defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War
        part:  Mount_Ararat__Ararat__Mt._Ararat  the mountain peak that Noah's ark landed on as the waters of the great flood receded
        part:  Aras__Araxes  a river that rises in northeastern Turkey (near the source of the Euphrates) and flows generally eastward through Armenia to the Caspian Sea; ancient name was Araxes
        part:  Bosporus  a strait connecting the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; separates the European and Asian parts of Turkey; an important shipping route
        part:  Euphrates_River__Euphrates  a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia
        part:  Seyhan_River__Seyhan  a Turkish river flowing south southwest into the Mediterranean
        part:  Tigris_River__Tigris  an Asian river; a tributary of the Euphrates River
     part:  Balkans__Balkan_Mountains__Balkan_Mountain_Range  the major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
  part:  Bulgaria__Republic_of_Bulgaria  a republic in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe
     part:  Plevna__Pleven  the town was taken from the Turks by the Russians in 1877 after a siege of 143 days
     part:  Sofia__Serdica__Bulgarian_capital  capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria
     part:  Plovdiv__Philippopolis  an ancient city in southern Bulgaria; commercial center of an agricultural region
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
  part:  Czech_Republic  a landlocked republic in central Europe; separated from Slovakia in 1993
     part:  Prague__Praha__Prag__Czech_capital  capital and largest city of the Czech Republic
     part:  Austerlitz  a town in the Czech Republic; site of the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805
     part:  Bohemian  a native or inhabitant of Bohemia in the Czech Republic
  part:  Czechoslovakia  a former republic in central Europe; divided into Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
  part:  Slovakia__Slovak_Republic  a landlocked republic in central Europe; separated from the Czech Republic in 1993
     part:  Bratislava__capital_of_Slovakia__Pressburg__Pozsony  capital and largest city of Slovakia
  part:  northern_Europe  the northernmost countries of Europe
  part:  Scandinavia  a group of culturally related countries in northern Europe; Finland and Iceland are sometimes considered Scandinavian
  part:  Scandinavian_Peninsula__Scandinavia  the peninsula in northern Europe occupied by Norway and Sweden
  part:  Germany__Federal_Republic_of_Germany__Deutschland__FRG  a republic in central Europe; split into East German and West Germany after World War II and reunited in 1990
     part:  Blenheim  the British Duke of Marlborough and the Austrian Prince Eugene of Savoy defeated the French in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession
     part:  battle_of_Jena__Jena  the battle in 1806 in which Napoleon decisively defeated the Prussians
     part:  battle_of_Lutzen__Lutzen  a battle in the Thirty Years' War (1632); Swedes under King Gustavus Adolphus defeated the Imperialists under Wallenstein; Gustavus was killed
     part:  battle_of_Minden__Minden  a battle in the Seven Years' War (1759) in which the English forces and their allies defeated the French
     part:  battle_of_Rossbach__Rossbach  a battle in the Seven Years' War (1757); Prussian forces under Frederick the Great defeated the armies of France and Austria
     part:  battle_of_Teutoburger_Wald__Teutoburger_Wald  a battle in 9 AD in which the Germans under Arminius annihilated three Roman legions
     part:  Dachau  a concentration camp created by the Nazis near Munich in southern Germany
     part:  Rhineland__Rheinland  a picturesque region of Germany around the Rhine river
     part:  Lower_Saxony  a state in northwestern Germany
     part:  Aachen__Aix-la-Chapelle  a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagne's northern capital
     part:  Berlin__German_capital  capital of Germany located in eastern Germany
        part:  West_Berlin  the part of Berlin under United States and British and French control until 1989
     part:  Dresden  a city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River; it was almost totally destroyed by British air raids in 1945
     part:  Leipzig  a city in southeastern Germany famous for fairs; formerly a music and publishing center
     part:  Solingen  a city in west central Germany noted for cutlery
     part:  Weimar  a German city near Leipzig; scene of the adoption in 1919 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic that lasted until 1933
     part:  Bavaria  a state in southwestern Germany famous for its beer; site of automobile factory
     part:  Bonn  a city in western Germany on the Rhine River; was the capital of West Germany between 1949 and 1989
     part:  Cologne__Koln  a commercial center and river port in western Germany on the Rhine River; flourished during the 15th century as a member of the Hanseatic League
     part:  Braunschweig__Brunswick  a city in central Germany
     part:  Dusseldorf  an industrial city in western Germany on the Rhine
     part:  Essen  a city in western Germany; industrial center of the Ruhr
     part:  Frankfurt_on_the_Main__Frankfurt__Frankfort  a German city; an industrial and commercial and financial center
     part:  Halle-an-der-Saale__Halle  a city in the Saxony region of Germany on the Saale River; a member of the Hanseatic League during the 13th and 14th centuries
     part:  Hamburg  a city in northern Germany on the Elbe River
     part:  Hannover__Hanover  a port city in northwestern Germany
     part:  Lubeck  a city in northwestern Germany and an important Baltic port; a leading member of the Hanseatic League
     part:  Mannheim  a city in southwestern Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar rivers
     part:  Munich__Muenchen  the capital and largest city of Bavaria in southeastern Germany
     part:  Nuremberg__Nurnberg  a city in southeastern Germany; site of Allied trials of Nazi war criminals (1945-46)
     part:  Rostock  a city in northeastern Germany near the Baltic sea; an important member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century
     part:  Stuttgart  a city in southwestern Germany famous for innovative architecture
     part:  Wurzburg__Wuerzburg  a city of south central Germany
     part:  Palatinate__Pfalz  a territory in southwestern Germany formerly ruled by the counts palatine
     part:  Prussia__Preussen  a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland; "in the 19th century Prussia led the economic and political unification of the German states"
        part:  Brandenburg  the territory of an Elector of the Holy Roman Empire that expanded to become the kingdom of Prussia in 1701
     part:  Ruhr_Valley__Ruhr  a major industrial and coal mining region in the valley of the Ruhr river in northwestern Germany
     part:  Thuringia  a historical region of southern Germany
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
     part:  Neckar_River__Neckar  a river in Germany; rises in the Black Forest and flows north into the Rhine
     part:  Oder_River__Oder  a European river; flows into the Baltic Sea
     part:  Rhine_River__Rhine__Rhein  a major European river carrying more traffic than any other river in the world; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Ruhr_River__Ruhr  a tributary of the Rhine
     part:  Saale_River__Saale  a river that rises in central Germany and flows north to join the Elbe River
     part:  Darmstadt
  part:  Finland__Republic_of_Finland__Suomi  republic in northern Europe; achieved independence from Russia in 1917
     part:  Karelia  a region in Finland and Russia between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea
     part:  Helsinki__Helsingfors__capital_of_Finland__Finnish_capital  the capital and largest city of Finland; located in southern Finland; a major port and commercial and cultural center
     part:  Espoo  a city in southern Finland
     part:  Tampere__Tammerfors  an industrial city in south central Finland
     part:  Aland_islands__Aaland_islands__Ahvenanmaa  an archipelago of some 6,000 islands in the Gulf of Bothnia under Finnish control
     part:  Mariehamn__Maarianhamina  a town that is the chief port of the Aland islands
  part:  Greece__Hellenic_Republic__Ellas  town a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and olives and olive oil
     part:  Chaeronea  a battle in which Philip of Macedon defeated the Athenians and Thebans (338 BC) and also Sulla defeated Mithridates (86 BC)
     part:  battle_of_Lepanto__Lepanto  Turkish sea power was destroyed in 1571 by a league of Christian nations organized by the Pope
     part:  battle_of_Leuctra__Leuctra  Thebes defeated Sparta in 371 BC; the battle ended Sparta's military supremacy in Greece
     part:  Mantinea__Mantineia  the site of three famous battles among Greek city-states: in 418 BC and 362 BC and 207 BC
     part:  battle_of_Marathon__Marathon  a battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians
     part:  battle_of_Navarino__Navarino  a naval battle in the War of Greek Independence (1827); the Turkish and Egyptian fleet was defeated by the allied fleet
     part:  battle_of_Pharsalus__Pharsalus  Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC
     part:  battle_of_Thermopylae__Thermopylae  a famous battle in 480 BC; a Greek army under Leonidas was annihilated by the Persians who were trying to conquer Greece
     part:  Aigina__Aegina  an island in the Aegean Sea in the Saronic Gulf
     part:  Chios__Khios  an island in the Aegean Sea off the west coast of Turkey; belongs to Greece
     part:  Cyclades__Kikladhes  a group of over 200 islands in the southern Aegean
     part:  Dodecanese__Dhodhekanisos  a group of islands in the southeast Aegean Sea
        part:  Rhodes__Rodhos  a Greek island in the southeast Aegean Sea 10 miles off the Turkish coast; the largest of the Dodecanese; it was colonized before 1000 BC by Dorians from Argos
     part:  Lesbos__Lesvos__Mytilene  an island of eastern Greece in the eastern Aegean Sea; in antiquity it was famous for lyric poetry
     part:  Rhodes__Rodhos  a Greek island in the southeast Aegean Sea 10 miles off the Turkish coast; the largest of the Dodecanese; it was colonized before 1000 BC by Dorians from Argos
     part:  Crete__Kriti  the largest Greek island in the Mediterranean; site of the Minoan civilization that reached its peak in 1600 BC
     part:  Ithaki__Ithaca  a Greek island west of Greece; in Homeric legend Odysseus was its king
     part:  Mount_Athos__Athos  an autonomous area in northeastern Greece that is the site of several Greek Orthodox monasteries founded in the tenth century
     part:  Athens__Athinai__capital_of_Greece__Greek_capital  the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess); "in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world's most powerful and civilized city"
        part:  Dipylon_gate__Dipylon  a gateway on the west of ancient Athens near which a distinctive style of pottery has been found
     part:  Actium  an ancient town on a promontory in western Greece
     part:  Attica  the territory of Athens in ancient Greece
     part:  Corinth__Korinthos  the modern Greek port near the site of the ancient city that was second only to Athens
     part:  Argos  an ancient city in southeastern Greece; dominated the Peloponnese in the 7th century BC
     part:  Delphi  an ancient Greek city on the slopes of Mount Parnassus; site of the Temple of Apollo
        part:  Temple_of_Apollo__Oracle_of_Apollo__Delphic_oracle__oracle_of_Delphi  (Greek mythology) the oracle at Delphi where a priestess supposedly delivered messages from Apollo to those who sought advice; the messages were usually obscure or ambiguous
     part:  Mycenae  an ancient city is southern Greece; center of the Mycenaean civilization
     part:  Epirus  an ancient area on the Ionian Sea that flourished as a kingdom in the 3rd century BC; located in northwest Greece and southern Albania
     part:  Laconia  an ancient region of southern Greece in the southeastern Peloponnesus; dominated by Sparta
     part:  Boeotia  a district of ancient Greece northwest of Athens
        part:  Thebes  an ancient Greek city in Boeotia destroyed by Alexander the Great in 336 BC
     part:  Thessaloniki__Salonika__Salonica__Thessalonica  a port city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea; second largest city of Greece
     part:  Thessalia__Thessaly  a fertile plain on the Aegean Sea in east central Greece; Thessaly was a former region of ancient Greece
     part:  Arcadia  a department of Greece in the central Peloponnese
     part:  Peloponnese__Peloponnesus__Peloponnesian_Peninsula  the southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC
        part:  Sparta  an ancient Greek city famous for military prowess; the dominant city of the Peloponnesus prior to the 4th century BC
        part:  Olympia  a plain in Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese; site of the original Olympian Games
     part:  Lemnos__Limnos  a Greek island in the northern Aegean Sea; famous for a reddish-brown clay that has medicinal properties
     part:  Mount_Olympus__Olympus__Mt._Olympus__Olimbos  a mountain in northeast Greece near the Aegean coast; believed by ancient Greeks to be the dwelling place of the gods (9,570 feet high)
     part:  Mount_Parnassus__Parnassus__Liakoura  a mountain in central Greece where (according to Greek mythology) the Muses lived; known as the mythological home of music and poetry; "Liakoura is the modern name of Mount Parnassus"
     part:  Saronic_Gulf__Gulf_of_Aegina  a gulf of the Aegean on the southeastern coast of Greece
  part:  Roman_Empire  an empire including the lands in Europe and Africa and Asia that were ruled by ancient Rome
     part:  Holy_Roman_Empire__First_Reich  the lands ruled by Charlemagne; a continuation of the Roman Empire in Europe
     part:  Byzantine_Empire__Eastern_Roman_Empire  a continuation of the Roman Empire in the East after AD 330 when Constantine the Great rebuilt Byzantium and called it Constantinople and made it his capital
        part:  Byzantium  an ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks; site of modern Istanbul
  part:  Italy__Italian_Republic__Italia  a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula; was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD
     part:  Cannae  ancient city is southeastern Italy where Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 BC
     part:  battle_of_Caporetto__Caporetto  battle of World War I (1917); Italians were defeated by the Austrian and German forces
     part:  Battle_of_Lake_Trasimenus__Lake_Trasimenus  a battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius
     part:  battle_of_Magenta__Magenta  a battle in 1859 in which the French and Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians under Francis Joseph I
     part:  Marengo  a battle in 1800 in which the French under Napoleon Bonaparte won a great victory over the Austrians
     part:  Metaurus_River  a battle during the second of the Punic Wars (207 BC); Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy
     part:  battle_of_Ravenna__Ravenna  a battle between the French and an alliance of Spaniards and Swiss and Venetians in 1512
     part:  Salerno  a battle in World War II; the port was captured by US troops in September 1943
     part:  battle_of_Solferino__Solferino  an indecisive battle in 1859 between the French and Sardinians under Emperor Napoleon III and the Austrians under Emperor Francis Joseph I
     part:  battle_of_Trasimeno__Trasimeno  a battle in central Italy where Hannibal defeated the Romans under Flaminius in 217 BC
     part:  Appian_Way  an ancient Roman road in Italy extending south from Rome to Brindisi; begun in 312 BC
     part:  Flaminian_Way  an ancient Roman road in Italy built by Gaius Flaminius in 220 BC; extends north from Rome to Cisalpine Gaul
     part:  Italian_Peninsula  a boot-shaped peninsula in southern Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea
        part:  San_Marino__Republic_of_San_Marino  the smallest republic in the world; the oldest independent country in Europe (achieved independence in 301); located in the Apennines and completely surrounded by Italy
           part:  San_Marino.capital__sanmarino__capital_of_San_Marino  the capital and only city of San Marino
     part:  Pompeii  ancient city southeast of Naples that was buried by a volcanic eruption from Vesuvius
     part:  Herculaneum  ancient city; now destroyed
     part:  Abruzzi_e_Molise__Abruzzi  a mountainous region of central Italy on the Adriatic
        part:  Aquila_degli_Abruzzi__Aquila__L'Aquila  the provincial capital of the Abruzzi region in central Italy
     part:  Basilicata__Lucania  a region of southern Italy (forming the instep of the Italian `boot')
     part:  Calabria  a region of southern Italy (forming the toe of the Italian `boot')
     part:  Campania  a region of southwestern Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea including the islands of Capri and Ischia
        part:  Naples__Napoli  a port and tourist center in southwestern Italy; capital of the Campania region
        part:  Capri  an island (part of Campania) in the Bay of Naples in southern Italy; a tourist attraction noted for beautiful scenery
        part:  Ischia  a volcanic island (part of Campania) in the Tyrrhenian Sea at the north end of the Bay of Naples
     part:  Emilia-Romagna  a region of north central Italy on the Adriatic
        part:  Bologna  the capital of Emilia-Romagna; located in northern Italy east of the Apennines
     part:  Friuli-Venezia_Giulia  a region in northeastern Italy
     part:  Latium__Lazio  an ancient region of west central Italy (southeast of Rome) on the Tyrrhenian Sea
     part:  Roma__Rome__Eternal_City__Italian_capital__capital_of_Italy  capital and largest city of Italy; on the Tiber; seat of the Roman Catholic Church; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
        part:  Colosseum  amphitheater in Rome built about AD 75 or 80
        part:  Palatine  the most important of the Seven Hills of ancient Rome; supposedly the location of the first settlement and the site of many imperial palaces
        part:  Holy_See__The_Holy_See__State_of_the_Vatican_City  the smallest sovereign state in the world; the see of the Pope (as the Bishop of Rome); home of the Pope and the central administration of the Roman Catholic Church; achieved independence from Italy in 1929
           part:  Vatican_City__Citta_del_Vaticano  the capital of the State of the Vatican City
              part:  Vatican_Palace__Vatican  the residence of the Catholic Pope in the Vatican City
     part:  Brindisi  a port city in southeastern Apulia in Italy; a center for the Crusades in the Middle Ages
     part:  Tivoli__Tibur  a town twenty miles east of Rome (Tibur is the ancient name); a summer resort during the Roman empire; noted for its waterfalls
     part:  Liguria  region of northwestern Italy on the Ligurian Sea
        part:  Genoa__Genova  a seaport in northwestern Italy; provincial capital of Liguria
        part:  La_Spezia  a port city in Liguria on an arm of the Ligurian Sea; a major seaport and year-round resort
     part:  Lombardy__Lombardia  a region of north central Italy bordering Switzerland
        part:  Cremona  a city in Lombardy on the Po River; noted for the manufacture of fine violins in the 16th-18th centuries
        part:  Milan__Milano  the capital of Lombardy in northern Italy; has been an international center of trade and industry since the Middle Ages
     part:  Marche__Marches  a region in central Italy
     part:  Molise  a region of south central Italy
     part:  Piemonte__Piedmont  the region of northwestern Italy; includes the Po valley
        part:  Turin__Torino  capital city of the Piemonte region of northwestern Italy
     part:  Puglia__Apulia  a region in southeastern Italy on the Adriatic
        part:  Bari  capital city of the Apulia region on the Adriatic coast
     part:  Sardegna__Sardinia  the Italian region on the island of Sardinia; the kingdom of Sardinia was the nucleus for uniting Italy during the 19th century
     part:  Sicily__Sicilia  the Italian region on the island of Sicily
        part:  Egadi_Islands__Aegadean_Isles__Aegadean_Islands__Isole_Egadi__Aegates  a group of islands off the west coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean
        part:  Messina  a port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina
        part:  Siracusa__Syracuse  a city in southeastern Sicily that was founded by Corinthians in the 8th century BC
        part:  Palermo  the capital of Sicily; located in northwestern Sicily; an important port for 3000 years
        part:  Agrigento__Acragas__Girgenti  a town in Italy in southwestern Sicily near the coast; the site of six Greek temples
        part:  Mount_Etna__Etna__Mt_Etna  an inactive volcano in Sicily; last erupted in 1961; the highest volcano in Europe (10,500 feet)
     part:  Tuscany__Toscana  a region in central Italy
        part:  Pisa  a city in Tuscany; site of the famous Leaning Tower
        part:  Firenze__Florence  a city in central Italy on the Arno River; provincial capital of Tuscany; center of the Italian renaissance from 14th to 16th centuries
     part:  Trentino-Alto_Adige  a region of northeastern Italy
     part:  Umbria  a mountainous region in central Italy
     part:  Valle_D'Aosta  a region in northwestern Italy
     part:  Veneto__Venezia-Euganea__Venetia  a region of northeastern Italy on the Adriatic
        part:  Padua__Padova__Patavium  a city in Veneto
        part:  Venice__Venezia  the provincial capital of Veneto; built on 118 islands within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice which is an arm of the Adriatic; has canals instead of streets; one of Italy's major ports and a famous tourist attraction
        part:  Verona  a city in Veneto on the River Adige
     part:  Etruria  an ancient country in central Italy; assimilated by the Romans by about 200 BC
     part:  Riviera  a coastal area between La Spezia in Italy and Cannes in France; "the Riviera contains some of Europe's most popular resorts"
        part:  French_Riviera__Cote_d'Azur  the French part of the Riviera
     part:  Mount_Vesuvius__Vesuvius__Mt._Vesuvius  a volcano in southwestern Italy on the Mediterranean coast; erupted in 79 AD and buried Pompeii; last erupted in 1944
     part:  River_Adige__Adige  a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea; "Verona is on the Adige"
     part:  the_Alps__Alps  a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction
        part:  Dolomite_Alps  an eastern range of the Alps in northeastern Italy famous for their dolomitic limestone
        part:  Matterhorn  a mountain in the Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy (14,780 feet high); noted for its distinctive shape
        part:  Mont_Blanc__Monte_Bianco  the highest mountain peak in the Alps; on the border between France and Italy south of Geneva (15,781 feet high)
        part:  Weisshorn  a mountain in the Alps in Switzerland (14,804 feet high)
     part:  Apennines  a mountain range extending the length of the Italian peninsula
        part:  Caudine_Forks  a battle in the Apennines in 321 BC in which the Samnites defeated the Romans
     part:  River_Arno__Arno  a river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea
     part:  Dolomite_Alps  an eastern range of the Alps in northeastern Italy famous for their dolomitic limestone
     part:  Matterhorn  a mountain in the Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy (14,780 feet high); noted for its distinctive shape
     part:  Mont_Blanc__Monte_Bianco  the highest mountain peak in the Alps; on the border between France and Italy south of Geneva (15,781 feet high)
     part:  Po_River__Po  a European river; flows into the Adriatic Sea
  part:  Romania__Roumania__Rumania  a Balkan republic in southeastern Europe
     part:  Bucharest__Bucharesti__Bucuresti__capital_of_Romania  capital and largest city of Romania in southeastern Romania
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
  part:  Austria-Hungary  a geographical area in central and eastern Europe; broken into separate countries at the end of World War I
  part:  Austria__Republic_of_Austria__Oesterreich  a mountainous republic in central Europe; under the Hapsburgs (1278-1918) Austria maintained control of the Holy Roman Empire and was a leader in European politics until the 19th century
     part:  Tyrol__Tirol  a picturesque mountainous province of western Austria
     part:  Vienna__Austrian_capital__capital_of_Austria  the capital and largest city of Austria; located on the Danube in northeastern Austria; was the home of Beethoven and Brahms and Haydn and Mozart and Schubert and Strauss
     part:  Graz  an industrial city is southeastern Austria
     part:  Linz__Lentia  city in northern Austria on the Danube; noted as a cultural center
     part:  Salzburg  city in western Austria; a music center and birthplace of Mozart
     part:  Innsbruck  city in southwestern Austria; known as a summer and winter resort
     part:  the_Alps__Alps  a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
  part:  Flanders  a medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and southwestern Netherlands
  part:  Belgium__Kingdom_of_Belgium__Belgique  a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Common Market and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
     part:  Bouvines  in 1214 the French under King Philip Augustus defeated a coalition formed against him in one of the greatest battles of the middle ages
     part:  battle_of_Fontenoy__Fontenoy  a battle in 1745 in which the French army under Marshal Saxe defeated the English army and their allies under the duke of Cumberland
     part:  battle_of_Waterloo__Waterloo  the battle on 18 June 1815 in which Napoleon met his final defeat; Prussian and British forces under Blucher and the Duke of Wellington routed the French forces under Napoleon
     part:  first_battle_of_Ypres__Ypres__battle_of_Ypres  battle in World War I (1914); heavy but indecisive fighting as the Allies and the Germans both tried to break through the lines of the others
     part:  second_battle_of_Ypres__Ypres__battle_of_Ypres  battle in World War I (1915); Germans wanted to try chlorine (a toxic yellow gas) as a weapon and succeeded in taking considerable territory from the Allied salient
     part:  third_battle_of_Ypres__Ypres__battle_of_Ypres  battle in World War I (1917); an Allied offensive which eventually failed because tanks bogged down in the waterlogged soil of Flanders; Germans introduced mustard gas which interfered with the Allied artillery
     part:  Bruxelles__Brussels__Belgian_capital__capital_of_Belgium  the capital and largest city of Belgium; seat of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
     part:  Antwerpen__Antwerp__Anvers  a port in northern Belgium on the Scheldt river
     part:  Bruges__City_of_Bridges  a city in northwestern Belgium in West Flanders province; connected by canal to the North Sea; the old city is a popular tourist attraction
     part:  Charleroi  city in southwestern Belgium; center of an industrial region
     part:  Gent__Gand__Ghent  port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry
     part:  Liege__Luik  city in eastern Belgium; largest French-speaking city in Belgium
     part:  Namur  a city in south central Belgium situated on a promontory between the Meuse River and the Sambre River; the site of intense fighting in World War I and World War II
     part:  Meuse_River__Meuse  a European river; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Sambre_River__Sambre  a river in western Europe that rises in northern France and flows generally east into Belgium where it joins the Neuse at Namur
     part:  Scheldt_River__Scheldt__scheldt  a river that rises in France and flows northeast across Belgium and empties into the North Sea
  part:  England  a division of the United Kingdom
     part:  Cotswolds__Cotswold_Hills  a range of low hills in southwestern England
     part:  Lancaster  a city in northwestern England
     part:  Lake_District__Lakeland  a popular tourist area in northwestern England including England's largest lake and highest mountain
     part:  London__Greater_London__British_capital__capital_of_the_United_Kingdom  the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center
        part:  Big_Ben  clock in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, London
        part:  Old_Bailey  the Central Criminal Court in London
        part:  Fleet_Street.street__fleetstreet  a street in central London where newspaper offices are situated
        part:  Harley_Street  a street in central London where the consulting rooms of many physicians and surgeons are located
        part:  Lombard_Street  a street in central London containing many of the major London banks
        part:  Greenwich  a borough of Greater London on the Thames; zero degrees of longitude runs through Greenwich; time is measured relative to Greenwich Mean Time
        part:  Bloomsbury  a city district of central London laid out in garden squares
        part:  Soho  a city district of central London now noted for restaurants and nightclubs
        part:  Wembley  a southeastern part of Greater London that is the site of the English national soccer stadium
        part:  West_End  the part of west central London containing the main entertainment and shopping areas
           part:  Strand  a street in west central London famous for its theaters and hotels
        part:  Westminster__City_of_Westminster  a borough of Greater London on the Thames; contains Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey
           part:  Buckingham_Palace  the London residence of the British sovereign
           part:  Downing_Street.street__downingstreet  a street of Westminster in London; "the Prime Minister lives at No. 10 Downing Street"
           part:  Houses_of_Parliament  the building in which the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet
           part:  Westminster_Abbey  a famous Gothic church in London on the site of a former Benedictine monastery; "Westminster Abbey is the scene of the coronations of almost all English monarchs"; "Distinguished English subjects are buried in Westminster Abbey"
        part:  Pall_Mall  a fashionable street in London noted for its many private clubs
        part:  Wimbledon  a suburb of London and the headquarters of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club where annual international tennis championships are played on grass courts
     part:  Manchester  a city in northwestern England (30 miles east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England
     part:  Hull__Kingston-upon_Hull  a large fishing port in northeastern England
        part:  Humber_Bridge  a suspension bridge at Hull England; 4,626 feet long
     part:  Liverpool  a large city in northwestern England; its port is the country's major outlet for industrial exports
     part:  Birmingham  a city in central England; 2nd largest English city and an important industrial and transportation center
     part:  Oxford.England__oxford  a city in southern England northwest of London; site of Oxford University
        part:  Oxford_University__Oxford  a university in England
     part:  Cambridge  a city in eastern England on the River Cam; site of Cambridge University
        part:  Cambridge_University__Cambridge  a university in England
     part:  Blackpool  a resort town in Lancashire in northwestern England on the Irish Sea; famous for its tower
     part:  Brighton  a city in East Sussex in southern England that is a popular resort; site of the University of Sussex
     part:  Bristol  an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon
     part:  Leicester  an industrial city on the River Soar in Leicestershire in central England; built on the site of a Roman settlement
     part:  Newcastle-upon-Tyne__Newcastle  a port in northeastern England on the River Tyne; a center for coal exports (giving rise to the expression "carry coals to Newcastle" meaning to do something unnecessary)
     part:  Pompey__Portsmouth  a port city in southern England on the English Channel; Britain's major naval base
     part:  Coventry  an industrial city in central England; devastated by air raids during World War II; remembered as the home of Lady Godiva in the 11th century
     part:  Gloucester.England__gloucester  a city in southwestern England in Gloucestershire on the Severn
     part:  Reading  a city on the River Thames in Berkshire in southern England
     part:  Worcester.England__worcester  a cathedral city in west central England on the River Severn
     part:  Avon  a county in southwestern England
     part:  Berkshire  a county in southern England
        part:  Eton_College  a public school for boys founded in 1440; located in Berkshire
        part:  Reading  a city on the River Thames in Berkshire in southern England
     part:  Cornwall  a hilly county in southwestern England
     part:  Devonshire__Devon  a county in southwestern England
     part:  Gloucestershire__gloucestershire  a county in southwestern England in the lower Severn valley
     part:  Hampshire  a county of southern England on the English Channel
        part:  Winchester.England__winchester  a city in southern England; administrative center of Hampshire
           part:  Winchester_College  the oldest English public school; located in Winchester
     part:  Kent  a county in southeastern England; the first to be colonized by the Romans
        part:  Canterbury  a town in Kent in southeastern England; site of the cathedral where Thomas a Becket was martyred in 1170; seat of the archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church
     part:  Somerset  a county in southwestern England on the Bristol Channel
     part:  East_Sussex  a county in southern England on the English Channel
        part:  Hastings  a town in East Sussex just south of the place where the Battle of Hastings took place
     part:  West_Sussex  a county in southern England on the English Channel
     part:  Leicestershire__Leicester  a largely agricultural county in central England
        part:  Bosworth_Field  the battle that ended the Wars of the Roses (1485); Richard III was killed and Henry Tudor was crowned as Henry VII
        part:  Leicester  an industrial city on the River Soar in Leicestershire in central England; built on the site of a Roman settlement
     part:  Lincolnshire  an agricultural county of eastern England on the North Sea
     part:  Northumberland  the northernmost county of England; has many Roman remains (including Hadrian's Wall)
     part:  East_Anglia  a region of eastern England that was formerly a kingdom
     part:  Lancashire  a historical area of northwestern England on the Irish Sea; noted for textiles
     part:  Yorkshire  a former large county in northern England; in 1974 it was divided into three smaller counties
     part:  North_Yorkshire  a county in northern England
     part:  West_Yorkshire  a metropolitan county in northern England
        part:  Leeds  a city on the River Aire in West Yorkshire in northern England; a center of the clothing industry
     part:  South_Yorkshire  a metropolitan county in northern England
        part:  Sheffield  a steel manufacturing city in northern England famous for its cutlery industry
     part:  Northumbria  an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in northern England until 876
     part:  West_Country  the southwest of England (including Cornwall and Devon and Somerset)
     part:  Sussex  a former Anglo-Saxon kingdom in southern England on the English Channel; was captured by Wessex in the 9th century
     part:  Wessex  a Saxon kingdom in southwestern England that became the most powerful English kingdom by the 10th century
     part:  Hadrian's_Wall  an ancient Roman wall built by the Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century; marked the northern boundary of the Roman Empire in Britain
     part:  River_Aire__Aire  a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire
     part:  Upper_Avon__Avon  a river in central England that flows through Stratford-on-Avon and empties into the Severn
     part:  Avon.river__avon  a river in southwestern England rising in Gloucestershire and flowing through Bristol to empty into the estuary of the Severn
     part:  River_Severn__Severn__Severn_River  a river in England and Wales flowing into the Bristol Channel; the longest river in Great Britain
     part:  River_Tyne__Tyne  a river in northern England that flows east to the North Sea
  part:  Northern_Ireland  a division of the United Kingdom located on the northern part of the island of Ireland
     part:  Bangor.Northern_Ireland  a town in southeastern Northern Ireland
     part:  Belfast__capital_of_Northern_Ireland  capital and largest city of Northern Ireland; the center of Irish Protestantism
  part:  Eire__Ireland__Irish_Free_State__Republic_of_Ireland  a republic consisting of 26 of 32 counties comprising the island of Ireland; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1921
     part:  Cork  a port city in southern Ireland
     part:  Galway  a port city in western Ireland on Galway Bay
     part:  Dublin__Irish_capital__capital_of_Ireland  capital and largest city and major port of the Republic of Ireland
     part:  Limerick  port city in southwestern Ireland
     part:  Tara  a village in eastern Ireland (northwest of Dublin); seat of Irish kings until 6th century
     part:  Waterford  a port city in southern Ireland; famous for glass industry
  part:  Scotland  one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; located on the northern part of the island of Great Britain; famous for bagpipes and plaids and kilts
     part:  Bannockburn  a battle in which the Scots under Robert the Bruce defeated the English and assured the independence of Scotland
     part:  battle_of_Brunanburh__Brunanburh  battle in 937 when Athelstan defeated the Scots; recounted in the Ballad of the Battle of Brunanburh in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
     part:  battle_of_Langside__Langside  (1568) Catholic forces supporting Mary Queen of Scots were routed by Protestants under her half-brother Lord James Stuart, Earl of Murray
     part:  Highlands  the Highlands are a mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse)
     part:  Galloway.district__galloway  a district in southwestern Scotland
     part:  Aberdeen.Scotland__aberdeen  a city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea
     part:  Lothian_Region  a district in southeast central Scotland (south side of the Firth of Forth) and the location of Edinburgh
        part:  Edinburgh  the capital of Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth
     part:  Glasgow  largest city in Scotland; a port in west central Scotland; one of the great shipbuilding centers of the world
     part:  Hebrides__Hebridean_Islands__Hebridean_Isles__Western_Islands__Western_Isles  a group of more than 500 islands off the western coast of Scotland
        part:  Inner_Hebrides  islands between the Outer Hebrides and the western coast of Scotland
        part:  Outer_Hebrides  a 130-mile long archipelago northwest of Scotland
     part:  Orkney_Islands  an archipelago of about 70 islands in the North Atlantic and North Sea off the northeastern coast of Scotland
     part:  Shetland_Islands__Shetland__Zetland  an archipelago of about 100 islands in the North Atlantic off the north coast of Scotland
     part:  Firth_of_Forth  a large firth on the east coast of Scotland; location of Edinburgh
     part:  Loch_Achray  a lake in central Scotland
     part:  Loch_Ness  a lake in the Scottish highlands; the largest body of fresh water in Great Britain
        part:  Loch_Ness_monster__Nessie  large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland
  part:  France__French_Republic  a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe
     part:  Dunkerque__Dunkirk  a city in northern France on the North Sea where in World War II (1940) 330,000 Allied troops had to be evacuated from the beaches at Dunkirk in a desperate retreat under enemy fire
     part:  Paris__City_of_Light__French_capital__capital_of_France  the capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce
        part:  Louvre_Museum__Louvre  an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris
        part:  Tuileries_Gardens__Tuileries  formal gardens next to the Louvre in Paris
        part:  Tuileries_Palace__Tuileries  palace and royal residence built for Catherine de Medicis in 1564 and burned down in 1871; all that remains today are the formal gardens
        part:  Left_Bank__Latin_Quarter  the region of Paris on the southern bank of the Seine; a center of artistic and student life
           part:  Quai_d'Orsay  the street in Paris along the south bank of the Seine known for its governmental ministries
        part:  Montmartre  the highest point in Paris; famous for its associations with many artists
        part:  Right_Bank  the region of Paris on the north bank of the Seine
        part:  Ile-St-Louis  island in Paris on the Seine
        part:  Champs_Elysees  a major avenue in Paris famous for elegant shops and cafes
        part:  Orly  a suburb of Paris; site of the international airport serving Paris
     part:  Bordeaux  a port city in southwestern France; a major center of the wine trade
     part:  Brest  a port city in northwestern France (in Brittany); the chief naval station of France
     part:  Cannes  a port and resort city on the French Riviera; site of an annual film festival
     part:  Chablis  a town in north central France noted for white Burgundy wines
     part:  Dijon  an industrial city in eastern France north of Lyons
     part:  Grenoble  a city in southeastern FRance on the Isere River
     part:  Le_Havre  a port city in northern France on the English Channel at the mouth of the Seine
     part:  Lille  an industrial city in northern France near the Belgian border; was the medieval capital of Flanders
     part:  Lyon__Lyons  a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and rayon
     part:  Marseille__Marseilles  a port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean
     part:  Nancy  a city in northeastern France in Lorraine
     part:  Nantes  a port city in western France on the Loire estuary
     part:  Nice  a city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean; the leading resort on the French Riviera
     part:  Orleans  a city on the Loire river in north central France; site of the siege of Orleans by the English (1428-1429)
     part:  Toulouse  a city on the Garonne River in southern France southeast of Bordeaux; a cultural center of medieval Europe
     part:  Versailles  a city in north central France near Paris; site of the Palace of Versailles that was built by Louis XIV in the 17th century
     part:  Vichy  a town in central France (south of Paris) noted for hot mineral springs; was capital of the unoccupied part of France during World War II
     part:  Riviera  a coastal area between La Spezia in Italy and Cannes in France; "the Riviera contains some of Europe's most popular resorts"
     part:  French_region  a geographical subdivision of France
     part:  Alsace__Alsatia__Elsass  a region of northeastern France famous for its wines
     part:  Anjou  a former province of western France in the Loire valley
     part:  Aquitaine__Aquitania  a region of southwestern France between Bordeaux and the Pyrenees
     part:  Artois  a former province of northern France near the English Channel (between Picardy and Flanders)
     part:  Auvergne  a region in central France
     part:  Bourgogne__Burgundy  a former province of eastern France that is famous for its wines
     part:  Bretagne__Brittany__Breiz  a former province of northwestern France on a peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay
     part:  Centre  a low-lying region in central France
     part:  Champagne-Ardenne__Champagne  a region of northeastern France
        part:  Ardennes  a wooded plateau in the Champagne-Ardenne region of France; the site of intense fighting in World Wars I and II
           part:  battle_of_the_Ardennes_Bulge__Battle_of_the_Bulge__Ardennes_counteroffensive  battle during World War II; in December 1945 von Rundstedt launched a powerful counteroffensive in the Ardennes Forest that caught the Allies by surprise
     part:  Corse__Corsica  a region of France on the island of Corsica; birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte
     part:  Franche-Comte  a former province of eastern France
     part:  Gascogne__Gascony  a region of southwestern France
     part:  Ile-de-France  a region of north central France in the Paris Basin
     part:  Languedoc-Roussillon  a region in south central France; named after the medieval dialect of French that was spoken there
     part:  Limousin  a region of central France west of the Auvergne mountains
     part:  Lorraine__Lothringen  an eastern French region rich in iron-ore deposits
     part:  Midi  the south of France
     part:  Midi-Pyrenees  a region in southwestern FRance
     part:  Nord-Pas-de-Calais  a region in northeastern France
     part:  Pays_de_la_Loire  an agricultural region of western France on the Bay of Biscay
        part:  Mayenne  a department of northwestern France in the Pays de la Loire region
     part:  Picardie__Picardy  a region of northern France on the English Channel
     part:  Poitou-Charentes__Poitou  a low-lying region of west central France on the Bay of Biscay
     part:  Rhone-Alpes  a mountainous region of eastern France drained by the Rhone and Saone and Isere rivers
        part:  Lyonnais  a former province of east central France; now administered by Rhone-Alpes
           part:  Lyon__Lyons  a city in east-central France on the Rhone River; a principal producer of silk and rayon
     part:  Normandie__Normandy  a former province of northwestern France on the English channel; divided into Haute-Normandie and Basse-Normandie
        part:  Basse-Normandie__Lower-Normandy  a division of Normandy
        part:  Haute-Normandie__Upper-Normandy  a division of Normandy
     part:  Orleanais  a former province of north central France; centered around Orleans
     part:  Provence  a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur
     part:  the_Alps__Alps  a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction
     part:  Garonne_River__Garonne  a river that rises in the Pyrenees and flows northwest to the Bay of Biscay
     part:  Isere_River__Isere  a river in southeastern France; a tributary of the Rhone
     part:  Loire_River__Loire  a French river; flows into the North Atlantic
     part:  Meuse_River__Meuse  a European river; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Mont_Blanc__Monte_Bianco  the highest mountain peak in the Alps; on the border between France and Italy south of Geneva (15,781 feet high)
     part:  Pyrenees  a chain of mountains between France and Spain
     part:  Rhine_River__Rhine__Rhein  a major European river carrying more traffic than any other river in the world; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Rhone_River__Rhone  a major French river; flows into the Mediterranean near Marseilles; "the Rhone valley is famous for its vineyards"
     part:  Sambre_River__Sambre  a river in western Europe that rises in northern France and flows generally east into Belgium where it joins the Neuse at Namur
     part:  Saone_River__Saone  a river in eastern France; rises in Lorraine and flows south to become the chief tributary of the Rhone
     part:  Scheldt_River__Scheldt__scheldt  a river that rises in France and flows northeast across Belgium and empties into the North Sea
     part:  Seine_River__Seine  a French river that flows through the heart of Paris and then northward into the English Channel
  part:  Netherlands__The_Netherlands__Kingdom_of_The_Netherlands__Holland__holland  a constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea; achieved independence from Spain in 1579; half the country lies below sea level
     part:  Amsterdam__Dutch_capital__capital_of_The_Netherlands  an industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands; center of the diamond-cutting industry; seat of an important stock exchange; known for its canals and art museum
     part:  The_Hague__'s_Gravenhage__Den_Haag  the site of the royal residence and the de facto capital in the western part of the Netherlands; seat of the International Court of Justice
     part:  Eindhoven  city in southeastern Netherlands noted for electrical industry
     part:  Nijmegen  an industrial city in the eastern Netherlands
     part:  Rotterdam  the 2nd largest city in the Netherlands; located in the western Netherlands near the North Sea
     part:  Leiden__Leyden  a city in the western Netherlands; residence of the Pilgrim Fathers for 11 years before they sailed for America in 1620
     part:  Utrecht  a city in the central Netherlands
     part:  Meuse_River__Meuse  a European river; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Rhine_River__Rhine__Rhein  a major European river carrying more traffic than any other river in the world; flows into the North Sea
  part:  Hungary__Republic_of_Hungary__Magyarorszag  a republic in central Europe
     part:  Budapest__Hungarian_capital__capital_of_Hungary  capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary
     part:  Lake_Balaton__Balaton__Plattensee  a large shallow lake in western Hungary
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
  part:  Republic_of_Iceland__Iceland  an island republic on the island of Iceland; became independent of Denmark in 1944
     part:  Reykjavik__capital_of_Iceland  the capital and chief port of Iceland on the southwestern coast of Iceland; buildings are heated by natural hot water
  part:  Lappland__Lapland  a region in northmost Europe inhabited by Lapps
  part:  Liechtenstein__Principality_of_Liechtenstein  a small landlocked principality (constitutional monarchy) in central Europe located in the Alps between Austria and Switzerland
     part:  Vaduz__capital_of_Liechtenstein  the capital and largest city of Liechtenstein
  part:  Luxembourg__Grand_Duchy_of_Luxembourg__Luxemburg  a grand duchy (a constitutional monarchy) landlocked in northwestern Europe between France and Belgium and Germany; an international financial center
     part:  Luxembourg-Ville__Luxembourg__Luxemburg__Luxembourg_City__capital_of_Luxembourg  the capital and largest city of Luxembourg
  part:  Monaco__Principality_of_Monaco  a constitutional monarchy in a tiny enclave on the French Riviera
     part:  Monaco-Ville  the capital of Monaco
     part:  Monte_Carlo  a town and popular resort in the principality of Monaco; world-famous for its gambling casino
  part:  Poland__Republic_of_Poland__Polska  a republic in central Europe; the invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 started World War II
     part:  battle_of_Tannenberg__Tannenberg  a battle in World War I (1914); decisive German victory over the Russians
     part:  Prussia__Preussen  a former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and northern Poland; "in the 19th century Prussia led the economic and political unification of the German states"
     part:  Warsaw__capital_of_Poland  the capital and largest city of Poland; located in central Poland
     part:  Cracow__Krakow__Krakau  an industrial city in southern Poland on the Vistula
     part:  Gdansk__Danzig  a city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea; a member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century
     part:  Lodz  a large city of central Poland
     part:  Lublin  an industrial city of eastern Poland
     part:  Wroclaw__Breslau  a city in southwestern Poland on the Oder
     part:  Oder_River__Oder  a European river; flows into the Baltic Sea
     part:  Vistula_River__Vistula  a European river; flows into the Baltic Sea
  part:  Iberian_Peninsula__Iberia  a peninsula in southwestern Europe
     part:  Portugal__Portuguese_Republic  a republic in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; Portuguese explorers and colonists in the 15th and 16th centuries created a vast overseas empire (including Brazil)
        part:  Azores__Acores  islands in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to Portugal; "the Azores are strategically located on transatlantic air and shipping routes"
        part:  Madeira_Islands  a group of volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Morocco
        part:  Braga  an ancient city in northern Portugal
        part:  Lisbon__Lisboa__capital_of_Portugal  capital and largest city and economic and cultural center of Portugal; a major port in western Portugal on Tagus River where it broadens and empties into the Atlantic
           part:  Ponte_25'_de_Abril  a suspension bridge across the Tagus River at Lisbon
        part:  Porto__Oporto  port city in northwest Portugal; noted for port wine
        part:  Setubal  a port town on the Atlantic coast of Portugal southeast of Lisbon
        part:  Lusitania  ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian peninsula; corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and parts of Spain
        part:  Tagus_River__Tagus  a European river; flows into the North Atlantic
     part:  Andorra__Principality_of_Andorra  a small republic in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France
     part:  Spain__Kingdom_of_Spain__Espana  a parliamentary monarchy in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula; a former colonial power
        part:  Andalusia__Andalucia  a region in southern Spain on the Atlantic and the Mediterranean; formerly a center of Moorish civilization
           part:  Granada  a city in southeastern Spain; site of the Alhambra (a palace and fortress built by Moslems in the Middle Ages) which is now a major tourist attraction
              part:  Alhambra  a palace and fortress built in Granada by the Moslems in the Middle Ages
        part:  Madrid__capital_of_Spain__Spanish_capital  the capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain; home of an outstanding art museum
        part:  Balearic_Islands  an archipelago in the western Mediterranean off the eastern coast of Spain
           part:  Majorca  the largest of the Balearic Islands
        part:  Majorca  the largest of the Balearic Islands
        part:  Canary_Islands__Canaries  a group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces
           part:  Tenerife  a Spanish island in the Atlantic off the northwestern coast of Africa; the largest of the Canary Islands
        part:  Barcelona  a city in northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean; 2nd largest Spanish city and the largest port and commercial center; has been a center for radical political beliefs
        part:  Cadiz  an ancient port city in southwestern Spain
        part:  Cartagena.port__cartagena  a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean
        part:  Cordova__Cordoba  a city in southern Spain; center of Moorish culture
        part:  Jerez_de_la_Frontera__Jerez  a city in southwestern Spain that is famous for making sherry
        part:  Leon.Spain__leon  a city in northwestern Spain at the foot of the Cantabrian Mountains
        part:  Malaga  a port city and resort in Andalusia in southern Spain on the Mediterranean
        part:  Oviedo  a city in northwestern Spain near the Cantabrian Mountains
        part:  San_Sebastian  a city in northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay near the French border; a fashionable seaside resort
        part:  Sevilla__Seville  a city in southwestern Spain; a major port and cultural center; the capital of bullfighting in Spain
        part:  Toledo.Spain__toledo  a city in central Spain on the Tagus river; famous for steel and swords since the first century
        part:  Aragon  a region of northeastern Spain; a former kingdom that united with Castile in 1479 to form Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand V and Isabella I)
        part:  Zaragoza__Saragossa  an ancient city in northeastern Spain; formerly the capital of Aragon
        part:  Castile__Castilla  a region of central Spain; a former kingdom that comprised most of modern Spain and united with Aragon to form Spain in 1479
        part:  Catalonia  a region of northeastern Spain
        part:  Galicia  a region (and former kingdom) in northwestern Spain on the Atlantic and the Bay of Biscay
        part:  Valencia.Spain__valencia  a city in eastern Spain on the Mediterranean; "Valencia is the third largest city in Spain"
        part:  Lusitania  ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian peninsula; corresponds roughly to modern Portugal and parts of Spain
        part:  Cantabrian_Mountains  a range of mountains in northern Spain along the coast of the Bay of Biscay
        part:  Ebro_River__Ebro  a Spanish river; flows into the Mediterranean
        part:  Pyrenees  a chain of mountains between France and Spain
        part:  Sierra_Nevada  a mountain range in southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast east of Granada
        part:  Tagus_River__Tagus  a European river; flows into the North Atlantic
  part:  Belarus__Republic_of_Belarus__Byelarus__Byelorussia__Belorussia__White_Russia  a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European Soviet
     part:  Minsk__capital_of_Byelorussia  the capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Independent States
     part:  Dnieper_River__Dnieper  a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea
  part:  Baltic_State__Baltic_Republic  European countries bordering the Baltic Sea
  part:  Estonia__Republic_of_Estonia__Esthonia  a republic in northeastern Europe on the Baltic Sea
     part:  Tallinn__capital_of_Estonia  port city that is the capital and largest city of Estonia
     part:  Livonia  a region on the Baltic that is divided between northern Estonia and southern Latvia
  part:  Latvia__Republic_of_Latvia  a republic in northeastern Europe on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea
     part:  Livonia  a region on the Baltic that is divided between northern Estonia and southern Latvia
     part:  Riga__capital_of_Latvia  port city that is the capital and largest city of Latvia
  part:  Moldova__Republic_of_Moldava__Moldavia  a landlocked republic in eastern Europe; formerly a European Soviet but achieved independence in 1991
     part:  Kishinev__Chisinau__capital_of_Moldova  the capital of Moldova
  part:  Ukraine__Ukrayina  a republic in southeastern Europe; formerly a European Soviet; the center of the original Russian state which came into existence in the ninth century
     part:  Crimea  a Ukrainian peninsula between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
        part:  Crimean_War  a war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England France Turkey Sardinia; 1853-1856
        part:  Sebastopol__Sevastopol  a city in southern Ukraine on the Black Sea
        part:  Yalta  a resort city in southern Ukraine on the Black Sea; scene of the Allied conference between Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt in 1945
     part:  Kiev__capital_of_the_Ukraine  capital and largest city of the Ukraine; a major manufacturing and transportation center
     part:  Donetsk__Donetske__Stalino  an industrial city in the Donets Basin
     part:  Donets_Basin__Donbass__Donbas  an industrial region in the Ukraine
     part:  Chernobyl  a city in north central Ukraine; site of a major disaster at a nuclear power plant (16 April 1986)
     part:  Kharkov__Kharkiv  a city in northeastern Ukraine; former capital of the Ukraine
     part:  Odesa__Odessa  a port city of south central Ukraine on an arm of the Black Sea
     part:  Danube_River__Danube  the 2nd longest European river; flows into the Black Sea
     part:  Dnieper_River__Dnieper  a river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea
  part:  Gibraltar__Rock_of_Gibraltar__Calpe  place of a colony of the United Kingdom located on a limestone promontory at the southern tip of Spain; strategically important because it can control the entrance of ships into the Mediterranean; one of the Pillars of Hercules
  part:  Switzerland__Swiss_Confederation__Suisse__Schweiz__Svizzera  a landlocked federal republic in central Europe
     part:  battle_of_Sempatch__Sempatch  the Swiss Confederation escaped Hapsburg domination by their victory in 1386
     part:  Ticino__Tessin  an Italian-speaking region of southern Switzerland
     part:  Swiss_canton  one of the cantons of Switzerland
     part:  Bern__Berne__capital_of_Switzerland  the capital of Switzerland; located in western Switzerland
     part:  Basel__Basle__Bale  a city in northwestern Switzerland
     part:  Geneva__Geneve__Genf  a city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva; the Palace of Nations originally housed the League of Nations and is now the European headquarters for the United Nations
     part:  Lausanne  a city in western Switzerland; cultural and commercial center
     part:  Zurich  the largest city in Switzerland; located in the northern part of the country; "Zurich is the center of the German-speaking part of Switzerland"
     part:  Aare_River__Aare__Aar  a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine
     part:  the_Alps__Alps  a large mountain system in south-central Europe; scenic beauty and winter sports make them a popular tourist attraction
     part:  Matterhorn  a mountain in the Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy (14,780 feet high); noted for its distinctive shape
     part:  Rhine_River__Rhine__Rhein  a major European river carrying more traffic than any other river in the world; flows into the North Sea
     part:  Rhone_River__Rhone  a major French river; flows into the Mediterranean near Marseilles; "the Rhone valley is famous for its vineyards"
     part:  Weisshorn  a mountain in the Alps in Switzerland (14,804 feet high)
  part:  Ottoman_Empire__Turkish_Empire  an empire created by the Ottoman Turks in the 13th century and that lasted until the end of World War I
  part:  Low_Countries  the lowland region of western Europe on the North Sea: Belgium and Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  part:  Silesia__Slask__Slezsko__Schlesien  a region of central Europe rich in deposits of coal and iron ore; annexed by Prussia in 1742 but now largely in Poland
  part:  Elbe_River__Elbe  a river in central Europe that arises in northwestern Czechoslovakia and flows northward through Germany to empty into the North Sea

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