#Britisher__Briton__Brit  a native or inhabitant of Great Britain
  supertype:  #European  a person of European nationality
  member of:  #Great_Britain
  subtype:  #English_person  a native or inhabitant of England
     subtype:  #Englishman  a man who is a native or inhabitant of England
        subtype:  #limey__John_Bull  a man of English descent
        subtype:  #Cornishman  a man who is a native or inhabitant of Cornwall
        subtype:  #burgess__burges  a citizen of an English borough
        subtype:  #Jacobean  any distinguished personage during the reign of James I of England
     subtype:  #Englishwoman  a woman who is a native or inhabitant of England
        subtype:  #Cornishwoman  a woman who is a native or resident of Cornwall
     subtype:  #Anglo-Saxon  a native or inhabitant of England prior to the Norman conquest
     subtype:  #Anglo-Saxon.English_person__anglosaxon  a person of Anglo-Saxon (especially British) descent whose native tongue is English and whose culture is strongly influenced by English culture as in "WASP for `White Anglo-Saxon Protestant'"; "this Anglo-Saxon view of things"
     subtype:  #Anglo-Indian  a person of English citizenship born or living in India
     subtype:  #pommy__pom  (Australian and New Zealand) a disparaging term for English immigrants to Australia or New Zealand
     subtype:  #Cantabrigian  a resident of Cambridge
     subtype:  #Lancastrian  a resident of Lancaster
     subtype:  #Lancastrian.English_person__lancastrian  a member (or supporter) of the house of Lancaster
     subtype:  #Hanoverian.English_person__hanoverian  a member (or supporter) of the house of Hanover
     subtype:  #Liverpudlian  a resident of Liverpool
     subtype:  #Londoner  a resident of London
        subtype:  #Cockney  a native of the east end of London
     subtype:  #Mancunian  a resident of Manchester
     subtype:  #Oxonian  a resident of Oxford
     subtype:  #Sassenach  the Scots' term for an English person
  subtype:  #patrial  (British) a person who has the right to be considered legally a British citizen (by virtue of the birth of a parent or grandparent)

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