- What is the least secure thing to do in a CGI script? (1 or 2 lines answer) (1 mark)
Allow the user to (directly or indirectly) access a command interpreter on the server machine.
- Create a CGI script in C that prints its GET parameters (names and values) (3 marks)
Create an HTML header such that: a) links are by default blue on screen and underlined on printed copies (1 mark) b) visited links red are on screen and in normal font on printed copies (1 mark) c) paragraphs are justified and have a width of 20cm (1 mark) d) unordered list elements are indented of 1cm to the right (1 mark)
Create an HTML program such that: a) it displays a text area and 5 buttons (1 mark) b) it displays its GET parameters (3 marks) c) it displays the document properties on 1 level (1 mark) d) when the first button is clicked, the content of the text area is cleared (1 mark) e) when the third button is clicked, the content of the text area is displayed onto the status bar (1 mark) f) when the fourth button is clicked, the content of the text area scrolls in the status bar (2 marks) g) when the fifth button is clicked, it generates a window containing an button titled "YES" and a button titled "NO". When one of these buttons is clicked, the corresponding title should be put into the global variable "Result" in the HTML program (not the generated program, the parent one). (3 marks)