Declaration of W3C Sample Code MIME and RFC822

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This is the module for basic RFC822/MIME parsing that can be used together with the core of the W3C Sample Code Library. It contains all MIME specific modules which are required to compile and build the MIME DLL.

#ifndef WWWMIME_H
#define WWWMIME_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { 

System dependencies

The sysdep.h file includes system-specific include files and flags for I/O to network and disk. The only reason for this file is that the Internet world is more complicated than Posix and ANSI.

#include "sysdep.h"

MIME Entity Header Parsing

The libwww MIME parsers are completely generic in that they don't know about any particular headers - they are all registered at run-time by the application. There are two parsers: the first is for parsing MIME headers and the second is for parsing MIME footers. They are both converters that can be set up using the HTConverterInit function in the libwww setup module

There is also a default set of the headers defined by the HTTP/1.1 specification which can be initialized using the HTMIMEInit() function in the libwww setup module.

#include "HTMIME.h"			/* Generic MIME parser */
#include "HTHeader.h"			/* Header parser registration */

MIME Entity Header Generation

When sending a MIME entity along with a request, for example using NNTP or HTTP, the entity headers are generated by the MIME generator stream. This stream will be added to the output stream pipe in order to decorate the outgoing request.

#include "HTMIMERq.h"			/* MIME request generator */

Default MIME Header Parsers

The Library's MIME parser is divided into two parts: A generic MIME parser that knows how to unwrap all RFC822 headers and specialized header parsers that knows how to parse Content-Length, for example. This is the default set of the specialized MIME header parsers that can be registered as part of the generic MIME. Note that these functions are not registered by default - they must be registered by the application. This can be done using the HTMIMEInit() function in the WWWInit interface. Of course this can also be used to register new headers that are not represented below - or if you want to replace a default parser then this is also very easy.

#include "HTMIMImp.h"

Multipart MIME Parsing and Generation

Libwww supports MIME multipart generation and parsing using two streams. The parser stream is a converter that can be setup for"converting" the MIME body parts into separate documents. The MIME multipart stream parser can be set up by using the HTConverterInit function in the libwww setup module.

#include "HTBound.h"			/* Multipart MIME parser */
#include "HTMulpar.h"			/* Multipart MIME generator stream */

End of MIME modules

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern C definitions */


@(#) $Id: WWWMIME.html,v 2.9 1997/02/16 18:43:27 frystyk Exp $