Declaration of W3C Sample Code HTTP Module

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

This is the include file for all HTTP access including the server side and the client side. It can be used together with the core of the W3C Sample Code Library. It contains all HTTP specific modules which are required to compile and build the HTTP DLL.

#ifndef WWWHTTP_H
#define WWWHTTP_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { 

System dependencies

The sysdep.h file includes system-specific include files and flags for I/O to network and disk. The only reason for this file is that the Internet world is more complicated than Posix and ANSI.

#include "sysdep.h"

Basic HTTP definitions and utilities

A small set of very basic HTTP stuff

#include "HTTPUtil.h"

HTTP Client State Machine

The client statue machine handles the client side of HTTP generating requests and parsing responses.

#include "HTTP.h"

HTTP Server State Machine

The HTTP module also contains a very simple server module which can be used for experimenting but which is not a full blown server.

#include "HTTPServ.h"			/* HTTP server state machine */

General HTTP Header Stream

The HTTP Request stream generates a HTTP request header and writes it to the target which is normally a HTWriter stream.

#include "HTTPGen.h"

Client-side Request Generator Stream

The HTTP Request stream generates a HTTP request header and writes it to the target which is normally a HTWriter stream.

#include "HTTPReq.h"

Server-side Response Generator Stream

The HTTP response stream generates a HTTP response header and writes it to the target which is normally a HTWriter stream.

#include "HTTPRes.h"

Chunked Encoding and Decoding

Chunked transfer encoding and decoding is new in HTTP/1.1. It allows applications to use persistent connections while not knowing the content length a priori to the response header is generated.

#include "HTTChunk.h"

HTTP Extensions and PEP

The PEP Manager is a registry for PEP Protocols that follow the generic syntax defined by the HTTP PEP protocol headers. All PEP Protocols are registered at run-time in form of a PEP Module. A PEP Module consists of the following:

#include "HTPEP.h"

Generic Authentication

The Authentication Manager is a registry for Authentication Schemes that follow the generic syntax defined by the HTTP WWW-authenticate and Authorization headers. Currently, the only scheme defined is Basic Authentication, but Digest Authentication will soon follow. All Authentication Schemes are registered at run-time in form of an Authentication Module. An Authentication Module consists of the following:

#include "HTAAUtil.h"

Client Side Authentication

Contains code for parsing challenges and creating credentials for basic and digest authentication schemes. See also the HTAAUtil module for how to handle other authentication schemes.

#include "HTAABrow.h"

End of HTTP module

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern C definitions */


@(#) $Id: WWWHTTP.html,v 2.12 1997/02/16 18:43:25 frystyk Exp $