The Timer Class

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

The Timer class handles timer for libwww and the application. This works exactly as in X where you create a timer object with a callback function and a timeout. The callback will be called every time the timer expires.

#ifndef HTTIMER_H
#define HTTIMER_H

#include "sysdep.h"
#include "HTReq.h"

#ifndef IN_EVENT
typedef struct _HTTimer HTTimer;

typedef int HTTimerCallback (HTTimer *, void *, HTEventType type);

Create and Delete Timers

extern HTTimer * HTTimer_new (HTTimer *, HTTimerCallback *, 
			      void *, ms_t millis, BOOL relative);
extern BOOL HTTimer_refresh(HTTimer * timer, ms_t now);
extern BOOL HTTimer_delete (HTTimer * timer);
extern BOOL HTTimer_deleteAll (void);
extern int HTTimer_dispatch (HTTimer * timer);
extern ms_t HTTimer_getTime(HTTimer * timer);

Platform Specific Timers

On some platform, timers are supported via events or other OS specific mechanisms. You can make libwww can support these by registering a platform specific timer add and timer delete method.
typedef BOOL HTTimerSetCallback (HTTimer * timer);

extern BOOL HTTimer_registerSetTimerCallback (HTTimerSetCallback * cbf);
extern BOOL HTTimer_registerDeleteTimerCallback (HTTimerSetCallback * cbf);

Get the next timer in line

Dispatches all expired timers and optionally returns the time till the next one.

extern int HTTimer_next (ms_t * pSoonest);
#endif /* HTTIMER_H */

@(#) $Id: HTTimer.html,v 2.6 1997/02/16 18:43:10 frystyk Exp $