Content Negotation

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

As part of the HTTP content negotiation, a server must be able to match the preferences sent by the client in an HTTP request with the possible set of documents that it has avaiable for this URL. For example , it may have an English and a Danish version in which case it looks at the Accept-Language header and sees what the client prefers. The Library has a simple "Match" algorithm for finding the best as specified by the HTTP specification. As the content algorithm is part of the File Interface then all file access regardless of whether it is from a server or a client application will be able to content negotiotion.

This module is implemented by HTMulti.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library

#ifndef HTMULTI_H
#define HTMULTI_H

#include "HTReq.h"

This function is used when the best match among several possible documents is to be found as a function of the accept headers sent in the client request.

Set the default Welcome page

Set default file name for welcome page on each directory.

extern void HTAddWelcome (char * welcome_name);

Content Negotiation Algorithm

This function looks for a set of bindings between a set of possible objects to be served on a request on the local file system.

extern char * HTMulti (HTRequest *	req,
		      char *		path,
		      struct stat *	stat_info);
#endif /* HTMULTI_H */

@(#) $Id: HTMulti.html,v 2.16 1997/02/16 18:42:40 frystyk Exp $