The List Class

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.

The list class defines a generic container for storing collections of things in order. In principle it could be implemented in many ways, but in practice knowing that it is a linked list is important for speed.

This module is implemented by HTList.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTLIST_H
#define HTLIST_H

#include "HTArray.h"

typedef struct _HTList HTList;

struct _HTList {
  void * object;
  HTList * next;

Creation and Deletion Methods

These two functions create and deletes a list

extern HTList *	HTList_new	(void);
extern BOOL	HTList_delete	(HTList *me);

Add an Element to List

A new list element is added to the beginning of the list so that it is first element just after the head element.

extern BOOL HTList_addObject (HTList *me, void *newObject);

You can also append an element to the end of the list (the end is the first entered object) by using the following function:

extern BOOL HTList_appendObject (HTList * me, void * newObject);

Remove List Elements

You can delete elements in a list using the following methods. The first method only removes the first entry that it finds matching the oldObject whereas the second method removes all occurances of oldObject.

extern BOOL	HTList_removeObject		(HTList * me, void * oldObject);
extern BOOL	HTList_quickRemoveElement	(HTList * me, HTList * last);
extern BOOL	HTList_removeObjectAll		(HTList * me, void * oldObject);

extern void *	HTList_removeLastObject		(HTList * me);
extern void *	HTList_removeFirstObject	(HTList * me);

Size of a List

Two small function to ask for the size

#define 	HTList_isEmpty(me)		(me ? me->next == NULL : YES)
extern int	HTList_count			(HTList *me);

Reference List Elements By Index

In some situations is is required to use an index in order to refer to a list element. This is for example the case if an element can be registered multiple times.

extern int	HTList_indexOf	 (HTList * me, void * object);
extern int	HTList_indexOfElement (HTList * me, HTList * element);
extern void *	HTList_objectAt	 (HTList * me, int position);
extern HTList * HTList_elementOf (HTList * me, void * object, HTList ** pLast);
#define 	HTList_objectOf(me)		(me ? me->object: NULL)

Find List Elements

This method returns the last element to the list or NULL if list is empty

#define		HTList_lastObject(me) \
		((me) && (me)->next ? (me)->next->object : NULL)

This method returns the first element to the list or NULL if list is empty

extern void * HTList_firstObject  (HTList * me);

Traverse list

Fast macro to traverse the list. Call it first with copy of list header: it returns the first object and increments the passed list pointer. Call it with the same variable until it returns NULL.

#define		HTList_nextObject(me) \
		((me) && ((me) = (me)->next) ? (me)->object : NULL)

Insertion Sort a List

This function sorts a list using the insertion sort mechanism. The comparison function is passed as a parameter and you can  find the definition of HTComparer in the HTArray module. Insertion sort is good method whenever a list is nearly in the correct order and few items are many positions away from their sorted location. If the list gets very long then you may wanna use a quicksort instead.

extern BOOL HTList_insertionSort(HTList * list, HTComparer * comp);

Free list

#define HTList_free(x)  HT_FREE(x)

#endif /* HTLIST_H */

@(#) $Id: HTList.html,v 2.32 1997/02/16 18:42:29 frystyk Exp $