File Access

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
These are routines for local file access used by WWW browsers and servers.

This module is implemented by HTFile.c, and it is a part of the W3C Sample Code Library.

#ifndef HTFILE_H
#define HTFILE_H

#include "HTProt.h"

extern HTProtCallback HTLoadFile;

Directory Access

You can define the directory access for file URLs by using the following function.
typedef enum _HTDirAccess {
    HT_DIR_FORBID,			/* Altogether forbidden */
    HT_DIR_SELECTIVE,			/* Only if "selfile" exists */
    HT_DIR_OK				/* Directory reading always OK */
} HTDirAccess;

#define DEFAULT_DIR_FILE	".www_browsable"    /* If exists, can browse */

extern HTDirAccess  HTFile_dirAccess	(void);
extern BOOL HTFile_setDirAccess		(HTDirAccess mode);

Readme Files

You can specify the module to look for a README file and to put into a directory listing. These are the possibilities:
typedef enum _HTDirReadme {
} HTDirReadme;


extern HTDirReadme  HTFile_dirReadme	(void);
extern BOOL HTFile_setDirReadme		(HTDirReadme mode);
#endif /* HTFILE_H */

@(#) $Id: HTFile.html,v 2.38 1997/02/16 18:42:16 frystyk Exp $