User Guide - The Library Core

W3C libwww Using

The Library Core

As mentioned earlier in this guide, the Core of the W3C Sample Code Library is the set of modules that must be included in every application. However, the core does not contain any functionality for neither requesting a HTML document using HTTP, not to parse it or present it to the user. All this functionality is dynamically registered in the core using an open set of application modules which we will describe later.

The Core is basically a set of registration mechanisms that glue together the application modules, and in the following chapter we will look how to configure the core to contain exactly the functionality we want for our application. If you are interested in a more detailed description of the architecture of the core to see how the glue is designed then please read the chapter on the model behind the Core of the Library in the Architecture document. In this section we will concentrate on the APIs defined by the WWWCore.h include file and how to use the Core in a real application.

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,,

@(#) $Id: Core.html,v 1.10 1997/02/16 18:41:42 frystyk Exp $