W3C libwww Using

Application modules

Until now we have described the Library core and the utilities. You might think: "This is all OK, but how can I get the Library to do something, for example accessing a remote HTTP server?". In the Library distribution file, you will find many modules that actually can do this and much more. However, they are not part of the core but of the application. The application can register the set of modules that provides the desired functionality which is basically what we have seen in the description of the core. This section discusses the application modules and what functionality they provide. The Library provides a special include file called WWWApp.h which includes all the modules mentioned in this section. This include file may be included in an application but is not required.

OK, let's continue and get an overview of the functionality provided by the application modules.

Henrik Frystyk, libwww@w3.org, @(#) $Id: Application.html,v 1.7 1996/12/09 03:23:34 jigsaw Exp $