W3C libwww Platforms

List of Platforms for libwww

This list gives an overview of the platforms where the W3C Sample Code Library is known (or belived) to compile. Thanks a lot to the big group of creative contributors for the long list of hints, patches and additions to the make files and system dependent code! If you have any problems or questions then send a mail to libwww@w3.org or to the www-lib@w3.org mailing list. We also keep an archive of the mailing list so that more easily can get up to speed.

Platform Specific Notes
Platform OS Version Note
Unix Tried on Solaris, Linux and Digital Unix


Build the library using GNU Autoconf's configure script.
: You must use GNU make in order to do this
Windows Tried on Windows NT


See the special notes for building on Windows

Disclaimer: Libwww has been designed to be both portable and flexible based on ANSI C and the POSIX standard. However, there are still platforms that do not conform to any of these standards. Even though autoconf is often capable of getting around such problems it may not always be the case. In this situation we are happy to accept patches but do not intend to actively maintain such platforms.

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, libwww@w3.org
@(#) $Id: Overview.html,v 1.33 1998/01/26 01:56:05 frystyk Exp $