W3C libwww Internals

Structured Stream Modules

The SGML stream generates a structured stream that is sub class of a generic stream. The Library defines a structured stream class in the HTStruct module, but almost all stream modules define their own sub class definition of the stream object.

A structured stream uses a DTD definition expressed in a C data structure - no, it doesn't not understand a real DTD (yet). The definition of the HTML DTD is placed in the HTMLPDTD module.

HTML Presentation
The HTMLPresent stream presents a HTML object to the user using the "HText API" as explained in the section on HTML Presentation.
HTML Generation
The HTMLGenerator stream generates a HTML object which for example can be written to a file.
HTML to C conversion
The HTMLToC stream converts an HTML object into a C compliant text object. This is for example used by the Line Mode Browser in order to generate C like include files from the HTML files that you have been reading throughout this document.
HTML to LaTeX Conversion
The HTMLToTeX stream is a very simple HTML to LaTeX converter. It is not error free but a start.
HTML to Plain Text Converter
The HTMLToPlain stream takes a HTML object and converts it into plain text using the styles in the "HText API"

Henrik Frystyk, libwww@w3.org, @(#) $Id: StrucStreams.html,v 1.12 1996/12/09 03:21:52 jigsaw Exp $