W3C libwww LibGuide

Core Objects

The core objects are the structures that are a part of the core entity. Each of the core modules as explained in section "Control and Data Flow"are relying on one or more of the core objects. This section describes the relationship between the core objects

Anchor Objects

All anchor management is handled by the HTAnchor module. You should normally not have to look directly into the HTAnchor structure, but use the methods provided by the anchor manager.

Request Objects

The HTRequest object contains all information neccessary in order to handle a request.

Stream Objects

Almost each stream module has its specific implementation of the stream structure, but the generic one is defined in the HTStream Module. The structured stream definition is placed in the HTStruct module. None of these modules have any code directly associated with - this is left to the specific stream modules, for example the HTFWrite stream.

Henrik Frystyk, libwww@w3.org, @(#) $Id: Central.html,v 1.14 1996/12/09 03:21:26 jigsaw Exp $