This function is part of the file handyFcts.c
/* GET/POST parameters to CGI script -> paramList */ ErrMess initListParamWithCGIparam (initP HTAssocList *paramList) { int c,c1,c2, i, allocSize; char *s, *name, *value; if (!paramList) return "Internal error: no parameter list to initialize"; if (strEqual(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"GET")) /* no CONTENT_LENGTH */ { char *query = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); /* *queryBeginning=query */ if (!query || !*query) return "No query information to process."; allocSize=ALLOC_SIZE; s=(char*) my_calloc(1,sizeof(char)*(allocSize+1)); if (!s) return "Server memory problem: cannot store the parameters"; for (i=0, name=s, value=""; ((c = *query)); i++, query++) { if (i==allocSize) { allocSize+=ALLOC_SIZE; s[i]='\0'; s=(char*)my_realloc(s,sizeof(char)*(allocSize+1)); } if (c=='+') s[i]=' '; else if (c=='%') { c1= *(++query); c2= *(++query); s[i]=unescapeURLchar(c1,c2); } else if (c=='=') { s[i]='\0'; value= &s[i+1]; } else if (c=='&') { s[i]='\0'; /* pr("name:%s\n",name); pr("value:%s\n",value); */ if (HTAssocList_addObject(paramList,name,value)==NO) return "Internal error in storing the parameters"; i=-1; name=s; value=""; } else s[i]=c; } if (i>0) /* && s[i-1]!='&' */ { s[i]='\0'; /* pr("name2:%s\n",name); pr("value:%s\n",value); */ if (HTAssocList_addObject(paramList,name,value)==NO) return "Internal error in storing the parameters"; } } else if (strEqual(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"),"POST")) { int l=atoi(getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")); if (l==0) return "Server internal error: CONTENT_LENGTH==0."; else if (l>ALLOC_SIZE) allocSize=ALLOC_SIZE; else allocSize=l; s= (char*) my_calloc(1,sizeof(char)*(allocSize+1)); if (!s) return "Server memory problem: cannot store the parameters"; for (i=0, name=s, value=""; (c=getc(stdin))!=EOF && (l>0); i++,l--) { if (i==allocSize) { allocSize+=ALLOC_SIZE; s[i]='\0'; s=(char*)my_realloc(s,sizeof(char)*(allocSize+1)); } if (c=='+') s[i]=' '; else if (c=='%') { c1=getc(stdin); s[i]=unescapeURLchar(c1,getc(stdin)); l-=2; } else if (c=='=') { s[i]='\0'; value= &s[i+1]; } else if (c=='&') { s[i]='\0'; if (HTAssocList_addObject(paramList,name,value)==NO) { MY_FREE(s); return "Internal error in storing the parameters."; } i= -1; name=s; value=""; } else s[i]=c; } if (i>0) /* => s[i-1]!='&' */ { s[i]='\0'; if (HTAssocList_addObject(paramList,name,value)==NO) { MY_FREE(s); return "Internal error in storing the parameters"; } } } else return "This script should be referenced with a METHOD of GET or POST.\n" "If you don't understand this, see this forms overview"; MY_FREE(s); return NULL; }