/* The C-like comments, such as this one, are my (Philippe MARTIN's) comments.
Below, I use them to suggest a correction/replacement for a relation.
Despite these comments, this is a good second structured learning journal. */
analysing_workflows part: qualitative_analysis (cm) quantitative_analysis (cm); qualitative_analysis part: reachability_analysis (cm) structural_analysis (cm), purpose: "focusing on the logical correctness of the defined process" (cm), example: "search for possible deadlocks" (cm) "search if it is possible to successfully handle a specific case" (cm) "search if will all cases terminate eventually" (cm) "search if it possible to execute two tasks in any order" (cm); reachability_analysis purpose: "ensure that all places in the net are reached correctly" (cm), //"based on firing from the starting place" (cm) tool: reachability_graph (cm); structural_analysis part: assessing_the_accuracy_of_a_defined_process (cm) defining_the_soundness_of_a_process (cm); assessing_the_accuracy_of_a_defined_process part: identifying_tasks_without_input_or_output_conditions (cm) assessing_dead_tasks (cm) identifying_deadlocks (cm) reviewing_livelocks (cm) analysing_activities_in_place_after_end_condition_is_reached (cm) assessing_tokens_in_the_process_after_the_case_is_completed (cm); defining_the_soundness_of_a_process object: soundness (cm), /* object: soundness_of_a_process */ tool: reachability_graph (cm) additional_transition_t* (cm) library_method_for_defining_the_soundness_of_a_process (cm); quantitative_analysis part: performance_analysis (cm) capacity_planning (cm), purpose: "concentrating on the performance of the defined process" (cm), example: "search how many cases can be handled in one hour" (cm) "search what is the average throughput time" (cm) "search how many extra resources are required" (cm) "search how many cases are handled within two days" (cm); performance_analysis purpose: improving_the_routing_path (cm) minimising_process_time (cm) optimising_resource_time (cm), specialisation: simulation (cm) queuing_theory (cm) markovian_analysis (cm), part: sequential_analysis (cm) parallel_analysis (cm) composition_analysis (cm) flexibilisation_analysis (cm) triage_analysis (cm) prioritisation_analysis (cm); triage_analysis object: triage (cm); /* object: process_resource_triage */ capacity_planning purpose: "to calculate what capacity is required to handle a given number of cases" (cm), part: calculating_capacity_per_task (cm) calculating_requirement_per_resource_class (cm) taking_variability_into_account (cm); calculating_capacity_per_task requirement: "average number of cases per day per task" (cm) "average processing time per task" (cm) "average number of minutes per task" (cm); changing_the_workflow_system perspective: process_perspective (cm) resource_perspective (cm) control_perspective (cm) task_perspective (cm) system_perspective (cm), part: extending_the_process_definition (cm) replacing_a_task (cm) reordering_a_task_in_a_process (cm);
workflow_management_coalition synonym: WFMC (cm), purpose: "to produce standardisation to workflow and its management" (cm); workflow_designer purpose: "working on the structure of the workflow" (cm), object: process_definition_tool (cm); /* tool: process_definition (actually, a process should be used here) */ administrator agent of: operational_management_tool (cm), part: managing_user_authorization (cm) implementing_processes (cm) solving_a_problem (cm); process_analyst agent of: recording_and_reporting_tool (cm), part: inform_management_on_performance_of_the_process (cm); user specialization of: resource (cm), purpose: "execute the work" (cm); programmer purpose: "(re)structuring the workflow" (cm); Identitech specialisation of: business_process_management_company (cm), url: http://www.identitech.com/documents/BPM_Selection.pdf (cm); Avoka_Technologies specialisation of: business_process_management_company (cm), url: http://www.avoka.com/bpm/bpm_home.shtml (cm); TIBCO specialisation of: WFMS_selling_company (cm), url: http://www.tibco.com (cm);
petri_net part: place (cm) transition (cm) token (cm), extension: colour_extension (cm) time_extension (cm) hierarchy_extension (cm), specialisation: workflow_net (cm); colour_extension part: coupling_an_object's_characteristics_with_a_corresponding_token (cm), attribute of: token (cm); time_extension part: displaying_information_about_the_timing_of_the_process (cm); hierarchy_extension tool of: defining_the_sub_processes (cm), describtion of: sub_process (cm), method of: top_down_design (cm) bottom_up_design (cm); token object: case (cm); /* "object" should only be used from a process to its object (input/output/parameter/...) when more precise relations (e.g. "input" or "parameter" cannot be used */ transition part of: task (cm); place part of: condition (cm); workflow_net informal_definition: "each transition or place lies on a directed path from start to end" (cm), requirement: "each token eventually reaches the end" (cm) "all places are empty when a token is in the end place" (cm) "there are no dead tasks" (cm); reachability_graph part: node (cm) directed_arrow (cm) predetermined_choice (cm) non_deterministic_choice (cm) end_state (cm); additional_transition_t* part: input_point_at_end_place (cm) output_point_at_start_place (cm), object: liveness (cm) boundedness (cm); /* tool of: analysing_liveness analysing_boundedness */ library_method_for_defining_the_soundness_of_a_process object: soundness (cm) safeness (cm), /* same comment as above */ technique: "using safe and sound nets as building blocks to develop a more complex process" (cm); workflow_reference_model agent: workflow_management_coalition (cm), part: workflow_enactment_service (cm) process_definition_tool (cm) workflow_client_application (cm) invoked_application (cm) administration_and_monitoring_tool (cm), infrastructure: hardware (cm) operating_system (cm) network_software (cm) database_management_system (cm) application (cm) workflow_management_system (cm); workflow_enactment_service part: workflow_engine (cm) workflow_application_programming_interface (cm), purpose: "provides the run-time environment and the interaction of necessary resources and workflow components" (cm); workflow_engine purpose: "provides facilities for the logistical completion of cases" (cm), part: management_of_a_case_and_its_properties (cm) recording_historical_workflow_data (cm) monitoring_workflow (cm) activating_application_software (cm) generation_of_a_work_item (cm); process_definition_tool_set part: process_definition_tool (cm) resource_classification_tool (cm) analysis_tool (cm); process_definition_tool agent: process_designer (cm), object: process (cm), part: establishing_a_process_definition (cm) modelling_routing (cm) version_management_of_the_process (cm) defining_the_case_attributes (cm) specifying_a_task (cm), requirement: task_information (cm) routing_characteristics (cm) instructions_for_a_workflow_engine (cm) decision_rules (cm); resource_classification_tool object: resource (cm), part: defining_a_resource_class (cm) establishing_a_role_and_organisational_unit (cm) identifying_a_relationship_between_resource_classes (cm); analysis_tool part: checking_the_semantic_accuracy_of_a_process (cm) performing_a_simulation (cm); workflow_client_application purpose: "provides contact of the workflow system for execution employees" (cm), //"where a 'execution employee' is an employee only involved in the actual execution of a process" (cm) object: worklist_handler (cm); worklist_handler synonym: standard_worklist_handler (cm), purpose: "to form a link between the work and the employee" (cm), part: batch_processing (cm) chained_processing (cm), specialisation: COSA (cm), extension: integrated_worklist_handler (cm), requirement: displaying_a_work_item (cm) provision_of_a_work_items_properties (cm) ability_to_report_the_completion_of_an_activity (cm) provision_of_state_information (cm); integrated_worklist_handler part: worklist_handler (cm) business_specific_work_item (cm); invoked_application purpose: "actual processing of the data content of a case" (cm), part: interactive_application (cm) fully_automatic_application (cm); interactive_application specialisation: word_processor (cm), part: user_interaction (cm); fully_automatic_application part: no_user_interaction (cm); administration_and_monitoring_tool part: operational_management_tool (cm) recording_and_reporting_tool (cm); operational_management_tool agent: administrator (cm), part: case_related_management (cm) resource_related_management (cm); case_related_management part: analysing_the_logistical_state_of_a_case (cm) manipulation_of_the_logistical_state_of_a_case (cm); resource_related_management part: managing_the_inventory_of_staff (cm) revising_employee_details (cm); recording_and_reporting_tool agent: process_analyst (cm), part: assessing_a_performance_indicator (cm) producing_a_predefined_report (cm) producing_a_user_defined_report (cm); Staffware specialisation of: workflow_management_system (cm), url: http://www.staffware.com (cm); COSA specialisation of: workflow_management_system (cm), url: http://www.transflow.com/english (cm); ActionWorkflow specialisation of: workflow_management_system (cm), url: http://www.actiontech.com/ (cm); Woflan specialisation of: analysis_tool (cm), url: http://www.tm.tue.nl/it/it/woflan (cm); ExSpect specialisation of: analysis_tool (cm), url: http://www.exspect.com (cm); Protos specialisation of: business_process_reengineering_tool (cm), url: http://www.pallas-athena.com (cm);
workflow_definition part: process_definition (cm) resource_classification (cm) resource_management_rules (cm); workflow_model part: case (cm) task (cm) process (cm) routing (cm) enactment (cm), tool: petri_net (cm); case synonym: process_instance (cm) job (cm) project (cm); task instance of: work_item (cm) activity (cm); process synonym: routing_definition (cm) procedure (cm) workflow_script (cm), part: task (cm) condition (cm) sub_process (cm); condition synonym: state (cm) phase (cm) requirement (cm), part: determining_the_enabling_of_a_task (cm); soundness informal_definition: "a process that contains no unnecessary tasks" (cm) "a process which it's cases are completed in full with no remaining tokens" (cm), generalization: fairness (cm); fairness informal_definition: "no dead tasks" (cm); liveness informal_definition: "when it is possible to reach a state in which any transition is enabled" (cm); boundedness informal_definition: "when it is not possible for the number of tokens to increase without limit if the process is started in the initial state" (cm); safeness informal_definition: "number of tokens used will never be larger than one" (cm); triage informal_definition: "splitting case flows in order of defined principle" (cm); workflow_data part: process_definition_data (cm) resource_classification_data (cm) analysis_data (cm) operational_management_data (cm) historical_data (cm) application_data (cm) internal_data (cm) logistical_management_data (cm); process_definition_data tool: process_definition_tool (cm), description of: process (cm) task (cm), agent: workflow_designer (cm); resource_classification_data tool: resource_classification_tool (cm), description of: resource (cm); analysis_data tool: analysis_tool (cm); operational_management_data tool: operational_management_tool (cm), agent: administrator (cm); application_data agent: programmer (cm); information_system requirement: clearly_reflect_the_business_process_structure (cm) integrate_non_computerized_tasks (cm) support_easy_modification_of_the_business_structure (cm) track_the_performance_of_the_process (cm) perform_workload_allocation_and_management (cm); workflow_application_programming_interface synonym: WAPI (cm), part: process_definition_tools_interface (cm) workflow_client_application_interface (cm) invoked_applications_interface (cm) administration_and_monitoring_tools_interface (cm), agent: workflow_management_coalition (cm); workflow_trend part: modelling_trend (cm) analysis_trend (cm) planning_trend (cm) transaction_management_trend (cm) interoperability_trend (cm) internet_trend (cm) logistical_management_trend (cm); modelling_trend specialisation: expressive_power_of_modelling_functions (cm) handling_ad_hoc_workflows (cm) flexibility_of_process_change (cm); analysis_trend specialisation: simulation_of_a_process (cm); planning_trend specialisation: improvement_on_resource_management (cm); transaction_management_trend specialisation: movement_of_ebusiness (cm) standardisation_of_messaging (cm); interoperability_trend specialisation: enhancement_of_application_programming_interface (cm); internet_trend specialisation: flexibility_of_the_web (cm) acceptance_of_an_introduced_standard (cm) load_factor_of_the_internet (cm); logistical_management_trend specialisation: development_of_a_bill_of_materials (cm);