Example of structured summary of the lecture notes for the modules 1 to 3

The following summary is a direct/straightforward summary of the lecture notes for the modules 1 to 3 (this means that it involved a lot of copy-pasting from these lecture notes). Note (i) the use of suffixes or prefixes (such as "WSF_") to make the concept names explicit, (ii) the use of nominal forms or "-ing" forms to make the use of the concept names or strings meaningful, (iii) the focus on the processes, and (iv) which section the concepts from the lecture notes have been catalogued. "pmL123" is for "Philippe Martin (source: lecture notes 1, 2 and 3)". There is no redundance between my summary for the chapters 1-3 of the book and this one (and I did this one soon after the other one). I will soon merge these two summaries.

Process / Description of process

   purpose: communicating (pmL123);

   purpose: "identifying what and how to improve an enterprise process"(pmL123),
   part: identification_of_system_components (pmL123)  resource_identification (pmL123)
         applying_the_CSF_method (pmL123)  process_evaluation (pmL123)  BPR (pmL123);

     specialization: WSF_application (pmL123);

       purpose: "pleasing the customers"(pmL123) 
                "performing the work efficiently"(pmL123)
                "serving the participants"(pmL123)
                "creating value from information"(pmL123)
                "minimising effort consumed by technology"(pmL123)
                "deploying infrastructure as a genuine resource"(pmL123)
                "minimising unintended conflicts and risks"(pmL123),
       parameter: WSF(pmL123),
       object: work_system (pmL123);

     parameter: process_characteristic (pmL123)
                process_performance_variable (pmL123); 
                //"for each process and each performance variable, the value for the
                // current system and each solution should be given"(pmL123)

     informal_definition: "reengineering of a process to reduce cost, increase 
                           the value of the product or service to the client and 
                           reduce the time to market or the time for delivery"(pmL123),
     requirement: "ensuring management commitment"(pmL123)
                  "limiting the scope of change"(pmL123)
                  "ensuring continuity and consistency"(pmL123)
                  "measuring performance before & after the redesign"(pmL123)
                  "getting the right teams for BPR projects"(pmL123)
                  "using appropriate tools and methods"(pmL123)
                  "borrowing the best ideas you can find"(pmL123)
                  "questioning the value of every part of the business process"(pmL123)
                  "keeping employees informed"(pmL123)
                  "using IT as an enabler NOT as the driving force"(pmL123)
                  "getting early success wherever possible"(pmL123)
                  "freezing the process redesign before starting implementation"(pmL123)
                  "conducting pilot operations before full implementation"(pmL123)
                  "maintaining product/service quality"(pmL123)
                  "always keeping the customer in mind"(pmL123)
                  "not starting with the solution in mind"(pmL123)
                  "being open to new ideas"(pmL123),
     part: process_diagnosis (pmL123)  process_redesign (pmL123) 
           process_reconstruction (pmL123)  process_evaluation (pmL123);

Agent / Description of agent

Tool (software, methodology) / Tool description

   informal_definition: "evolving as the connecting mechanism (or 'bridge')
                         between work and computer applications"(pmL123),
   purpose: "separation of processes, resources and applications"(pmL123)
            "focus on the logistics of work processes, not on the contents of
             individual tasks"(pmL123)
            "be better process aware than GroupWare (e.g., Lotus Notes)"(pmL123);

   synonym: CSF_method (pmL123),
   informal_definition: "approach for identifying factors critical to a
                         business operation's success"(pmL123),
   agent: executive (pmL123),
   object: CSF (pmL123),
   parameter of: applying_the_CSF_method (pmL123), 
   part: "identifying the organisation's primary mission and the objectives 
          that define satisfactory overall performance"(pmL123)
         "identifying CSF"(pmL123)
         "identifying pertinent indicators or measures of performance for
          each CSF"(pmL123)
         "deciding which measures are most important and then make sure that
          IS plans provide means for collecting and using this information"(pmL123);


   synonym: critical_success_factor (pmL123),
   informal_definition: "quantifiable (i.e., measurable) factors critical to the
                         success of a business or a business process"(pmL123);

   informal_definition: "collection of interactive components (subsystems) that
                         work together to achieve a defined outcome"(pmL123);

   synonym: WSF (pmL123),
   informal_definition: "set of elements useful to decompose a work system
                         and possibly its IS support"(pmL123),
   part: WSF_element (pmL123);

   specialisation: WSF_system_purpose (pmL123)  WSF_involved_processes (pmL123)
                   WSF_involved_people (pmL123)  WSF_involved_product/service (pmL123)
                   WSF_involved_process (pmL123)  WSF_involved_information (pmL123)
                   WSF_involved_technology (pmL123)  WSF_context (pmL123)
                   WSF_infrastructure (pmL123);

     informal_definition: "activities performed within the work system"(pmL123);

     specialisation: WSF_involved_customer (pmL123)  WSF_involved_participant (pmL123);

     informal_definition: "information used by the participants or the system"(pmL123);

     informal_definition: "environmental factors that could impact on the system;
                           e.g., competitive, technical, regulatory"(pmL123);

     informal_definition: "human and technical resources outside the control of
                           the work system and that it utilises or that can impact
                           on it, e.g. shared databases, networks, staff training,

   specialization: process_level_of_integration_on_common_culture (pmL123)
                   process_level_of_integration_on_common_standards (pmL123)
                   process_level_of_integration_on_information sharing (pmL123)
                   process_level_of_integration_on_coordination (pmL123)
                   process_level_of_integration_on_collaboration (pmL123);

   specialization: process_degree_of_structure (pmL123) 
                   process_range_of_involvement (pmL123)
                   process_level_of_integration (pmL123) 
                   process_rhythm/predicability (pmL123)
                   process_complexity (pmL123)  process_reliance on machines (pmL123)
                   process_prominence_of_planning_and_control (pmL123)
                   process_attention_to_errors_and_exceptions (pmL123);

   specialization: process_activity_rate (pmL123)  process_output_rate (pmL123)
                   process_consistency (pmL123)  process_productivity (pmL123)
                   process_cycle_time (pmL123)  process_downtime (pmL123)
                   process_security (pmL123);