Language \. p{ Non-formal_language (Formal_language \. p{ Non-purely_declarative_language (Purely_declarative_language = Purely_descriptive_language, \. ne{ (Purely_descriptive_assertion_language \. p{ (Knowledge_representation_language = Semantic_representation_language, \. FL FE JSON-LD ) (Data_structuration_language = Data-structure_representation_language, \. (HTML \. e{ (HTML5 = HTML5_model/HTML5_notation) (XHTML = XHTML_model/XML) //subtype+restriction of XML + HTML } ) (XML \. XHTML ) JSON } ) Purely-descriptive_query-language Transformation_specification_language //e.g. XSLT Presentation_specification_language //e.g. CSS } ) //no exclusion: e.g., an hyperlink is a query and a structural-relation assertion } ) }.
Légende, explications et intérêts :
Language has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of ` Non-formal_language along with `Formal_language which has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of ` Non-purely_declarative_language along with `Purely_declarative_language which is the same as Purely_descriptive_language and has for `incomplete non-exclusive subtype set´ the list composed of ` `Purely_descriptive_assertion_language which has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of ` `Knowledge_representation_language which is the same as Semantic_representation_language and has for subtype FL as well as FE as well as JSON-LD´ along with `Data_representation_language which is the same as Data-structure_representation_language and has for subtype `HTML which has for `incomplete non-exclusive subtype set´ the list composed of ` `HTML5 which is the same as HTML5_model/HTML5_notation´ along with `XHTML which is the same as XHTML_model/XML´ ´ as well as `XML which has for subtype XHTML´ as well as JSON ´ ´ along with Purely-descriptive_query-language along with Transformation_specification_language (e.g. XSLT) along with Presentation_specification_language (e.g. CSS) ´ (no exclusion: e.g., an hyperlink is a query and a structural-relation assertion) ´ ´ ´
Language has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of Non-formal_language along with Formal_language. Formal_languague has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of Non-purely_declarative_language along with Purely_declarative_language. Purely_declarative_language is the same as Purely_descriptive_language and has for `incomplete non-exclusive subtype set´ the list composed of Purely_descriptive_assertion_language along with Purely-descriptive_query-language along with Transformation_specification_language (e.g. XSLT) along with Presentation_specification_language (e.g. CSS) (no exclusion: e.g., an hyperlink is a query and a structural-relation assertion). Purely_descriptive_assertion_language has for `subtype partition´ the list composed of Knowledge_representation_language along with Data_representation_language. Knowledge_representation_language is the same as Semantic_representation_language and has for subtype JSON-LD along with FE along with FL. Data_representation_language is the same as Data-structure_representation_language and has for subtype HTML as well as XML as well as JSON. HTML has for `incomplete non-exclusive subtype set´ the list composed of HTML5 along with XHTML along with JSON. HTML5 is the same as HTML5_model/HTML5_notation. XHTML is the same as XHTML_model/XML. XML has for subtype XHTML.
Language △ {complete, disjoint} _________|________ | | Non-formal_language Formal_language △ {complete, disjoint} ____________________|____________ | | Non-purely_declarative_language Purely_declarative_language = Purely_descriptive_language △ ________________________________|__________________________________________________ | | | | Purely_descriptive_assertion_language | | | △ {complete, disjoint} Purely-descriptive_query-language | | ______|_____________________________ Transformation_specification_language | | | Presentation_specification_language Knowledge_representation_language Data_structuration_language = Semantic_representation_language = Data-structure_representation_language △ △ ____|______ ___|________ | | | | | | FL FE JSON-LD HTML XML JSON △ △ ___|___ | | | | HTML5 XHML