The default KB of WebKB-2

This is the file that loads the default KB of WebKB-2.

//$ email "toUser" "arg1" "arg2" arg3 ;

/* if (false)   //"false" does not work;  "0": "link name" error
{ echo "111111111";
  include theKB_categs.html; 
  echo "loading theKB_categs.html took "; duration; //to see how long the parsing of the previous file (10.6Mb) takes: ~8 s
  echo "loading dbpedia ...";
  load html/kb/it/o_KR/o_KB/o_upperOntology/dbpedia/categSkos.ft ;
else { echo "222222222222"; 
include top/theKB_categs.html; 
//include html/kb/it/o_KR/o_KB/o_upperOntology/theKB_categs.html
//include html/kb/it/o_KR/o_KB/o_upperOntology/d_upperOntology.html
echo "About to load theKB_categs.html took "; duration; //to see how long the parsing of the previous file (10.6Mb) takes: ~8 s

areNamesAllowed:= true;  //ex: use names;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_domain/d_field_of_study.html";
               load html/kb/it/o_domain/d_field_of_study.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/nit/d_comms.html";   load html/kb/nit/d_comms.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_KR/o_logic/d_logic.html";
               load html/kb/it/o_KR/o_logic/d_logic.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/d_IS.html";       load html/kb/it/d_IS.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_KR/d_KM.html";  load html/kb/it/o_KR/d_KM.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_KR/o_KRL/o_CG/d_CG.html";
               load html/kb/it/o_KR/o_KRL/o_CG/d_CG.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_KR/p_kModelling/FCA/d_FCA.html"; 
               load html/kb/it/o_KR/p_kModelling/FCA/d_FCA.html;
no user; 
//default creator: pm wn;//2023-01-12: out since areNamesAllowed but why no warning?
echo "About to load html/kb/top/schemas.html"; load html/kb/top/schemas.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_person.html";
               load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_person.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/nit/physEntity/object/d_car.html";
               load html/kb/nit/physEntity/object/d_car.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/learning.html";    load html/kb/it/p_teaching/learning.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/nit/qantas.html";      load html/kb/nit/qantas.html;
//uploadable:  echo "About to load html/kb/nit/d_adfp9.html"; load html/kb/nit/d_adfp9.html; //load html/kb/nit/d_cadm.html;

echo "About to load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_higgins_top_level.html";
               load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_higgins_top_level.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_higgins_person.html";
               load html/kb/nit/physEntity/animate/d_higgins_person.html;

echo "About to load html/kb/it/p_securing/d_P3P.html"; load html/kb/it/p_securing/d_P3P.html;  //no ':= '

echo "About to load html/kb/usersAdditions.html"; load html/kb/usersAdditions.html;  //no ':= '
echo "About to load html/kb/it/p_securing/d_secure_rfid_management.html";            //no ':= '
      load html/kb/it/p_securing/d_secure_rfid_management.html;

//---- the following modules use "user someuser" so everything that do not use
//     a user should be before these modules
echo "About to load html/SC/accom.html ..."; user wotif; load html/SC/accom.html;    //no ':= '
echo "About to load html/SC/attractions.html ..."; load html/SC/attractions.html;    //no ':= '
echo "About to load html/SC/meal_shop.html ..."; load html/SC/meal_shop.html;        //no ':= '

//echo "About to load tapMediaObject ..."; user tap; load html/kb/general/tapMediaObject.html;
echo "About to load LIS (html/kb/top/lis.html) ..."; load html/kb/top/lis.html;
echo "About to load NSM (html/kb/top/nsm.html) ..."; load html/kb/top/nsm.html;      //no ':= '
echo "About to load multimedia_course ...";
     load html/kb/it/o_interface/o_multimedia/d_multimedia.html;
echo "About to load Lingo ..."; 
     load html/kb/it/o_interface/o_multimedia/d_multimedia_Lingo.html;
echo "About to load Layout guidelines ..."; 
     load html/kb/it/o_interface/o_multimedia/d_multimedia_layout_guidelines.html;
echo "About to load wordProcessors ..."; load html/kb/it/o_software/d_wordProcessors.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_software/d_systemAnalysisAndDesign.html ...";
     load html/kb/it/o_software/d_systemAnalysisAndDesign.html;
echo "About to load html/kb/it/o_workflow/d_workflowManagement.html ...";
     load html/kb/it/o_workflow/d_workflowManagement.html;

//akt#Research-Interest < #field_of_study;   //WordNet category   //>   //befNewCmds
echo "About to load acm ..."; load html/kb/it/o_domain/d_ACM_classification.html;
//echo "About to load aktp ..."; load html/kb/it/p_teaching/akt-portal.fs;
echo "About to load aktp ..."; load html/kb/it/p_teaching/d_AKTportal.html;
echo "About to load ReSIST ..."; load html/kb/it/p_securing/d_resist.html;

//pm#thing > pm#catt;
/* } */

Philippe A. MARTIN