Semantic Classification of Fields of Study


This file explains why and how the classification of fields of study in WordNet has been adapted, then adds general fields of study to it. More specialized files introduce other more precise fields of study, e.g. the 'Semantic Classification of Information Science Resources' which itself is specialized by the 'Semantic Classification of Knowledge Management Resources' (and so on). Currently, all these files are parsed during the creation of the default KB.

Table of contents

Representation choice

Fields of study (or disciplines) are often organized by specialization links or some partOf links. In WordNet, hyponymy (a specializalion relation that does not distinguish between types and individuals) and sometimes meronymy (a partOf relation) are used; fields of study are all direct or indirect specializations of the synset {discipline, subject, subject area, subject field, field, field of study, study, bailiwick, branch of knowledge}, and their annotations most often begin by "the discipline ..." or "the branch of ..." although some very general fields of studies have annotations begining by "any of the branches of ...".

For the default ontology of WebKB-2 I have re-used (the noun-related part of) WordNet by transforming it into a genuine lexical ontology, correcting it and extending it. This implied interpreting synsets as categories (types or individuals) and the hyponym links as subtype links or instance links. At first, I interpreted hyponym links between fields of study as subtype links, and hence the connected categories as types (with possibly only one instance). However, I could not find an interpretation for these types that was semantically satisfying. Interpreting them as types of "collection of theories" (a theory being a particular information, hence one or several "propositions" in John Sowa's terminology) did not agree with their subtype relationships. Another idea to respect these relationships was to define fields of study as in the following two examples, but seemed too complex (if only from a computational viewpoint) and defining types with only one instance seemed artificial, and hence was not explored further:
1) an instance of pm#knowledge_representation_domain is a (actually the) set of all sets of propositions that use at least one of the following types or specializations of them: pm#ontology, pm#knowledge, pm#knowledge_representation or a type directly linked to one of these last 3 types in the ontology;
2) an instance of pm#ontology_domain is a (actually the) set of all sets of propositions that use at least one of the following types or specializations of them: pm#ontology or a type directly linked to pm#ontology.

When studying how to represent and relate document subjects/topics Welty & Jenkins (1999) concluded that representing them as types was not semantically adequate but that mereotopological relations between individuals were appropriate. Although their goals were oriented toward document classification, their analysis covered fields of study and is both valid here and complementary to the previous paragraph since they explored other interpretations for fields of study.
Before inventing a new relation between individuals to replace the subtype relation of the previous paragraph, I checked that interpreting fields of study as large "propositions" composed of many sub-propositions was not a way to re-use the specialization relation between conceptual graphs. Since that last idea did not work, I invented a new transitive relation which for genericity issues I named ">part" (instead of "subdomain") since it is a particular "part" relation and is also similar to the specialization relation that exists between individuals such as "Madrid", "Madrid_in_the_sixties" and "Madrid_in_1965" (these individuals can be defined and hence specialization links between them can be derived but they refer to the same city in an eternalist ontology whereas they refer to different objects in a 4D ontology).

The name of ">part" also makes clear that this relation can be seen as a refinement of the hyponym relation of WordNet (along with the relations "subtype" and "instance") and hence permits to refine WordNet without contradicting it (in my integration of WordNet, I "corrected" it only when encountering inconsistencies that refinements could not remove). The very general fields of studies with annotations begining by "any of the branches of ..." have been represented as types, their direct subdomains (with annotations begining by "the discipline ...") have been represented as their instances, and from these instances the other categories for fields of studies (with annotations begining by "the branch of ...") are reachable via ">part" links. The next section shows all these categories from WordNet. The following example shows the direct links (not just coming from WordNet, some are from the generic user "is") attached to the individual representing Information Sciences. (Reminder: category identifiers have the form sourceId#the-key-name__may_be_another-name__may-be-yet-another-name and the prefix "wn" (for WordNet 1.7) can be omited).

#computer_science__computational_science  (^the branch of engineering science that studies computable processes and structures^)
   >part:    #artificial_intelligence
   >part:    is#software_engineering_science (is) //"(is)" means that this link was created by "it"
   >part:    is#database_management_science (is)
   >part of: #engineering_science__engineering__applied_science__technology  (^the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"^)
   part:     #information_theory   //this link comes from WordNet: "(wn)" is implicit
   part of:  #information_science

I have categorized wn#field_of_study the most general WordNet category for fields of study as (indirect) subtype of pm#description_content__information, and so is pm#theory: both are interpreted as types for "one or several propositions". There is no subtype link between these two types but they may have common subtypes (e.g. see the file on "Semantic Classification of Resources about Logic" for details on how theories/systems/fields-of-studies in logic have been categorized). Thus, for such common subtypes, the represented field of study is (only) the theory (it does not refer to the theory, it is the theory).

I have not yet introduced mereotopological relations such as "overlap_with" to represent overlaps between fields of study (e.g. between mathematics, logics and philosophy) but some of these overlaps are indirectly represented by the fact that fields of study have common descendants via the ">part" relation.
Currently, if someone wanted to relate "botany" and "botany_in_the_sixties", I'd suggest to define this last one with respect to the first and hence use a specialization link (as between "Madrid" and "Madrid_in_the_sixties") but this is of course debatable: other relations (or even ">part") may be more appropriate.

Here are concept/relation types related to the representations of fields of study.

pm#domain_user (^$(not in top-level ontology)$ for grouping users of a domain^) < pm#thing_needed_for_some_process;
pm#Domain_object (^$(not in top-level ontology)$ for grouping objects of a domain^) < pm#thing_needed_for_some_process;

/* already declared: 
pm#domain___field_of_study  < pm#collection,
  > #field_of_study
  =  aktp#Generic-Area-Of-Interest ;
  / pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain___object; 

pm#domain_related_relation___domain-related-thing (?,?)  ^ pm#virtual_relation_type,
  < pm#relation_playing_a_special_role,
  > {(pm#relation_from_a_domain  pm#relation_from_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain)}
    {(pm#relation_to_a_domain  pm#relation_to_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain)};

    pm#relation_from_a_domain___thing_in_domain (pm#domain, ?)  ^ pm#virtual_relation_type,
      > pm#subdomain  pm#domain_object;

        pm#subdomain___true-subdomain (pm#domain, pm#domain)
          (^in WebKB-2, ">part" is an abbreviation of this relation since it is not  
            a part relation nor a specialization relation but a mix of both; 
            for details, see^);

        /* already declared:
        pm#domain_object (pm#domain, pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain) 
        //< pm#member  pm#object_relation,  //already declared
          > pm#core_domain_object;
            pm#core_domain_object___central_object_of_domain (pm#domain,  pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain);

    pm#relation_from_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain___thing_in_domain_of_object (pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain, ?)
      ^ pm#virtual_relation_type,
      > pm#object_subdomain  pm#object_in_domain_of_object;

        pm#object_subdomain___subdomain_of_object (pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain, pm#domain)
         - pm#core_domain_object;
        pm#object_in_domain_of_object (pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain, pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain)
          (^all relations non exclusive with this one are subtypes of this one; this is stated via:
              pm#relation subtype: {(pm#object_in_domain_of_object  pm#relation_from_a_domain pm#object_subdomain)};^)
          ^ pm#virtual_relation_type;

    pm#relation_to_a_domain___sub-domain_or_object-subdomain (?, pm#domain)  ^ pm#virtual_relation_type,
      > pm#subdomain  pm#subdomain_of_object;

     pm#relation_to_a_thing_that_is_not_a_domain___domain-related-object (?, pm#thing_that_is_not_a_domain)
      ^ pm#virtual_relation_type,
      > pm#domain_object  pm#object_in_domain;

Fields of study from WordNet

Reminder: '>' means "has for subtype" and ':' means "has for instance".

#field_of_study__discipline__subject_area__subject__subject_field__field__study__bailiwick__branch_of_knowledge  (^a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"^)
 = aktp#Research-Interest  aktp#Research-Area  pm#domain,
 <  #knowledge_domain__knowledge_base  (^the content of a particular domain or field of knowledge^)
 :  #allometry  #bibliotics
 :  #architecture.field_of_study  (^the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings; "architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use"^)
    >part:  #landscape_architecture  (^the branch of architecture dealing with the arrangement of land and buildings for human use and enjoyment^)
    >part:  #urban_planning  (^the branch of architecture dealing with the design and organization of urban space and activities^)
    >part:  #interior_design  (^the branch of architecture dealing with the selection and organization of furnishings for an architectural interior^)
 :  #engineering_science__engineering__applied_science__technology  (^the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems; "he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"^)
    >part:  #aeronautical_engineering.engineering_science  (^the branch of engineering science concerned with the design and construction of aircraft^)
    >part:  #bionics  (^application of biological principals to the study and design of engineering systems (especially electronic systems)^)
    >part:  #bioengineering__biotechnology__ergonomics  (^the branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments^)
    >part:  #chemical_engineering.engineering_science  (^the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes^)
    >part:  #civil_engineering  (^the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges^)
       >part:  #hydraulic_engineering  (^the branch of civil engineering dealing with the use and control of water in motion^)
    >part:  #electrical_engineering__EE  (^the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication^)
       >part:  #telecommunication_domain__telecommunication  (^(often plural) the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the technology of electronic communication at a distance^)
    >part:  #computer_science__computational_science  (^the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures^)
       >part:  #artificial_intelligence__AI  (^the branch of computer science that deal with writing computer programs that can solve problems creatively; "workers in AI hope to imitate or duplicate intelligence in computers and robots"^)
          >part:  #machine_translation__MT  (^the use of computers to translate from one language to another^)
          >part:  #robotics  (^the area of AI concerned with the practical use of robots^)
             >part:  #animatronics  (^the construction of robots to look like animals (developed for Disneyland)^)
             >part:  #telerobotics  (^the area of robotics that is concerned with the control of robots from a distance^)
    >part:  #architectural_engineering  (^the branch of engineering that deals with the construction of buildings (as distinguished from architecture as a design art)^)
    >part:  #industrial_engineering__industrial_management  (^the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways^)
    >part:  #mechanical_engineering  (^the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of machinery^)
       >part:  #tribology  (^the branch of engineering that deals with the interaction of surfaces in relative motion (as in bearings or gears): their design and friction and wear and lubrication^)
    >part:  #nanotechnology  (^the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers (especially with the manipulation of individual molecules)^)
    >part:  #nuclear_engineering  (^the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors^)
    >part:  #naval_engineering  (^the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of ships^)
    >part:  #rocketry  (^the branch of engineering science that studies rocket design and operation^)
 :  #theology.field_of_study__divinity  (^the rational and systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truth^)
    >part:  #apologetics  (^the branch of theology that is concerned with the defense of Christian doctrines^)
    >part:  #eschatology  (^the branch of theology that is concerned with such final things as death and judgment; heaven and hell; the end of the world^)
    >part:  #hermeneutics  (^the branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis^)
    >part:  #homiletics.theology  (^the branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies^)
    >part:  #liturgics__liturgiology  (^the study of liturgies^)
    >part:  #theodicy  (^the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil^)
 :  #military_science  (^the discipline dealing with the principles of warfare^)
    >part:  #tactics  (^the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy^)
    >part:  #strategy  (^the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war^)
 :  #numerology
 >  #major.field_of_study  (^the principal field of study of a student at a university; "her major is linguistics"^)
 >  #frontier.field_of_study  (^an undeveloped field of study; a topic inviting research and development; "he worked at the frontier of brain science"^)
 >  #ology  (^an informal word (abstracted from words with this ending) for some unidentified branch of knowledge^)
 >  #scientific_discipline__science  (^a particular branch of scientific knowledge; "the science of genetics"^)
    >  #natural_science  (^the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena^)
       >  #life_science  (^any of the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of living organisms^)
          :  #biological_science__biology  (^the science that studies living organisms^)
             >part:  #biogeography  (^dealing with the geographical distribution of animals and plants^)
             >part:  #botany__phytology  (^the branch of biology that studies plants^)
                >part:  #mycology  (^the branch of botany that studies fungi and fungus-caused diseases^)
                >part:  #pomology  (^the branch of botany that studies and cultivates fruits^)
                >part:  #paleobotany__palaeobotany  (^the study of fossil plants^)
                   >part:  #paleodendrology__palaeodendrology  (^the branch of paleobotany that studies fossil trees^)
             >part:  #cytology  (^the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells^)
             >part:  #bionomics__ecology__environmental_science  (^the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment^)
                >part:  #paleoecology__palaeoecology  (^the branch of ecology that studies ancient ecology^)
             >part:  #embryology  (^the branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms^)
                >part:  #teratology  (^the branch of biology concerned with the development of malformations or serious deviations from the normal type of organism^)
             >part:  #exobiology__space_biology__astrobiology  (^the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life^)
             >part:  #forestry  (^the science of planting and caring for forests and the management of growing timber^)
                >part:  #silviculture  (^the branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests^)
             >part:  #genetics__genetic_science  (^the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms^)
                >part:  #genomics  (^the branch of genetics that studies organisms in terms of their genomes (their full DNA sequences)^)
                >part:  #molecular_genetics  (^the branch of genetics concerned with the structure and activity of genetic material at the molecular level^)
             >part:  #microbiology  (^the branch of biology that studies microorganisms and their effects on humans^)
             >part:  #molecular_biology  (^the branch of biology that studies the structure and activity of macromolecules essential to life (and especially with their genetic role)^)
                >part:  #biotechnology  (^the branch of molecular biology that studies the use of microorganisms to perform specific industrial processes; "biotechnology produced genetically altered bacteria that solved the problem"^)
                   >part:  #bioremediation  (^the branch of biotechnology that uses biological process to overcome environmental problems^)
                   >part:  #genetic_engineering__gene-splicing__recombinant_DNA_technology  (^the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism^)
             >part:  #morphology  (^the branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants^)
                >part:  #anatomy.morphology  (^the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals^)
                   >part:  #comparative_anatomy  (^the study of anatomical features of animals of different species^)
                   >part:  #gross_anatomy  (^the study of the structure of the body and its parts without the use of a microscope^)
                   >part:  #microscopic_anatomy  (^the study of microscopic structures of tissues and organs^)
                      >part:  #cytology  (^the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells^)
                      >part:  #histology  (^the branch of biology that studies the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues^)
                   >part:  #neuroanatomy  (^the anatomy of the nervous system^)
             >part:  #neurobiology  (^the branch of biology that deals with the anatomy and physiology and pathology of the nervous system^)
                >part:  #neuroscience  (^the scientific study of the nervous system^)
                   >part:  #neurophysiology  (^the branch of neuroscience that studies the physiology of the nervous system^)
                   >part:  #brain_science  (^the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain^)
             >part:  #paleobiology__palaeobiology  (^a branch of paleontology that deals with the origin and growth and structure of fossil animals and plants as living organisms^)
                >part:  #paleobotany__palaeobotany  (^the study of fossil plants^)
                >part:  #paleozoology__palaeozoology  (^the study of fossil animals^)
                   >part:  #paleomammalogy  (^the paleobiology of ancient mammals^)
                   >part:  #paleornithology__palaeornithology  (^the paleobiology of birds^)
             >part:  #physiology  (^the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms^)
                >part:  #kinesiology  (^the branch of physiology that studies the mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement^)
                >part:  #myology  (^the branch of physiology that studies muscles^)
             >part:  #radiobiology  (^the branch of biology that studies the effects of radiation on living organisms^)
             >part:  #sociobiology  (^the branch of biology that conducts comparative studies of the social organization of animals (including human beings) with regard to its evolutionary history^)
             >part:  #zoology__zoological_science  (^the branch of biology that studies animals^)
                >part:  #entomology  (^the branch of zoology that studies insects^)
                >part:  #ethology  (^the branch of zoology that studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats^)
                >part:  #herpetology  (^the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians^)
                >part:  #ichthyology  (^the branch of zoology that studies fishes^)
                >part:  #mammalogy  (^the branch of zoology that studies mammals^)
                   >part:  #primatology  (^the branch of zoology that studies primates^)
                >part:  #ornithology  (^the branch of zoology that studies birds^)
                >part:  #protozoology  (^the branch of zoology that studies protozoans^)
                >part:  #paleozoology__palaeozoology  (^the study of fossil animals^)
          :  #biomedical_science  #dermatoglyphics
          :  #dietetics  (^the scientific study of food preparation and intake^)
             >part:  #macrobiotics  (^the theory of promoting health and longevity by means of diet (especially whole beans and grains)^)
          :  #eugenics  #dysgenics__cacogenics
          :  #medical_science  (^the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease^)
             >part:  #medical_specialty__medicine  (^the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques^)
                >part:  #allergology  (^the branch of medical science that studies the causes and treatment of allergies^)
                >part:  #anesthesiology  (^the branch of medical science that studies and applies anesthetics^)
                >part:  #angiology  (^the branch of medical science that studies the blood and lymph vessels and their disorders^)
                >part:  #bacteriology  (^the branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease^)
                >part:  #biomedicine.medical_specialty  (^the branch of medical science that studies the ability of organisms to withstand environmental stress (as in space travel)^)
                   >part:  #aeromedicine__aerospace_medicine__aviation_medicine  (^the study and treatment of disorders associated with flight (especially with space flight)^)
                >part:  #biomedicine  (^the branch of medical science that applies biological and physiological principles to clinical practice^)
                >part:  #cardiology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases^)
                >part:  #dentistry__dental_medicine__odontology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the anatomy and development and diseases of the teeth^)
                   >part:  #cosmetic_dentistry  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with the appearance of the teeth^)
                   >part:  #dental_surgery  (^the branch of dentistry involving surgical procedures^)
                      >part:  #exodontics__exodontia  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with extraction of teeth^)
                   >part:  #endodontics__endodontia  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the dental pulp^)
                   >part:  #orthodontics__orthodontia__orthodonture__dental_orthopedics__dental_orthopaedics  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with the prevention or correction of irregularities of the teeth^)
                   >part:  #periodontics__periodontia  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the gums and other structures around the teeth^)
                   >part:  #prosthodontics__prosthodontia  (^the branch of dentistry dealing with the replacement of teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by artificial devices^)
                >part:  #prosthetics  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the production and use of artificial body parts^)
                >part:  #dermatology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases^)
                >part:  #emergency_medicine  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the prompt diagnosis and treatment of injuries or trauma or sudden illness^)
                >part:  #endocrinology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the endocrine glands and their secretions^)
                >part:  #epidemiology  (^the branch of medical science dealing with the transmission and control of disease^)
                >part:  #forensic_medicine__forensic_pathology  (^the branch of medical science that uses medical knowledge for legal purposes; "forensic pathology provided the evidence that convicted the murderer"^)
                >part:  #gastroenterology  (^the branch of medicine that studies the gastrointestinal tract and its diseases^)
                >part:  #geriatrics__gerontology  (^the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and problems specific to old people^)
                >part:  #gynecology__gynaecology  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and hygiene of women^)
                >part:  #hematology__haematology  (^the branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs^)
                >part:  #hygienics__hygiene  (^the science concerned with the prevention of illness and maintenance of health^)
                >part:  #immunology  (^the branch of medical science that studies the body's immune system^)
                   >part:  #immunochemistry__chemoimmunology  (^the field of chemistry concerned with chemical processes in immunology (such as chemical studies of antigens and antibodies)^)
                   >part:  #immunopathology  (^the branch of immunology that deals with pathologies of the immune system^)
                >part:  #internal_medicine__general_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and (nonsurgical) treatment of diseases of the internal organs (especially in adults)^)
                >part:  #nephrology  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the kidney - its development and anatomy and physiology and disorders^)
                >part:  #nuclear_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells^)
                >part:  #clinical_neurology__neurology  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the nervous system and its disorders^)
                >part:  #neuropsychiatry  (^the branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders attributable to diseases of the nervous system^)
                >part:  #nosology__diagnostics  (^the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of disease^)
                >part:  #obstetrics__OB__tocology__midwifery  (^the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of the mother^)
                   >part:  #fetology__foetology  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the fetus in the uterus^)
                   >part:  #perinatology  (^the branch of obstetrics concerned with the anatomy and physiology and diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the mother and the fetus or newborn baby during late pregnancy and childbirth and the puerperium^)
                >part:  #oncology  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of tumors^)
                >part:  #ophthalmology  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the eye and its diseases^)
                >part:  #otology__otolaryngology  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the ear^)
                   >part:  #audiology__audiometry  (^the measurement of hearing^)
                >part:  #pharmacology__pharmacological_medicine__materia_medica  (^the science or study of drugs: their preparation and properties and uses and effects^)
                   >part:  #pharmacokinetics  (^the study of the action of drugs in the body: method and rate of excretion; duration of effect; etc.^)
                   >part:  #posology  (^the pharmacological determination of appropriate doses of drugs and medicines^)
                   >part:  #psychopharmacology  (^the study of drugs that affect the mind^)
                   >part:  #toxicology  (^the branch of pharmacology that deals with the nature and effects and treatments of poisons^)
                >part:  #pharmacy__pharmaceutics  (^the art and science of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines,^)
                >part:  #psychiatry__psychopathology__psychological_medicine  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders^)
                   >part:  #psychotherapeutics__psychotherapy__mental_hygiene  (^the branch of psychiatry concerned with psychological methods^)
                      >part:  #clinical_psychology  (^the branch of psychology that studies abnormal mentation and behavior^)
                >part:  #pediatrics__paediatrics__pediatric_medicine  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of infants and children^)
                   >part:  #neonatology  (^that branch of pediatric medicine concerned with the newborn; the diagnosis and treatment of neonates^)
                >part:  #podiatry__chiropody  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the feet^)
                >part:  #proctology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the colon or rectum or anus^)
                >part:  #rheumatology  (^the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of pathologies of the muscles or tendons or joints^)
                >part:  #space_medicine  (^the branch of medicine concerned with the effects of space flight on human beings^)
                >part:  #therapeutics  (^branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease^)
                >part:  #thoracic_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest^)
                >part:  #traumatology__accident_surgery  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the surgical repair of injuries and wounds arising from accidents^)
                >part:  #tropical_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are found most often in tropical regions^)
                >part:  #urology__urogenital_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the urinary tract or urogenital system^)
                >part:  #veterinary_medicine  (^the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals (especially domestic animals)^)
                >part:  #virology  (^the branch of medical science that studies viruses and viral diseases^)
             >part:  #pathology.medical_science  (^the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases^)
                >part:  #paleopathology__palaeopathology  (^the study of disease of former times (as inferred from fossil evidence)^)
             >part:  #radiology  (^the branch of medical science dealing with the medical use of X-rays or other penetrating radiation^)
             >part:  #serology  (^the branch of medical science that deals with serums; especially with blood serums and disease^)
             >part:  #surgery.medical_science  (^the branch of medical science that treats disease or injury by operative procedures; "he is professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical School"^)
                >part:  #orthopedics__orthopaedics  (^the branch of surgery concerned with disorders or deformities of the spine and joints^)
             >part:  #neurology  (^the branch of medical science that deals with the nervous system and its disorders^)
          :  #phrenology
       :  #chemistry__chemical_science  (^the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions^)
          >part:  #immunochemistry__chemoimmunology  (^the field of chemistry concerned with chemical processes in immunology (such as chemical studies of antigens and antibodies)^)
          >part:  #organic_chemistry  (^the chemistry of compounds containing carbon (originally defined as the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms but now extended to substances synthesized artificially)^)
             >part:  #biochemistry  (^the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occuring in organisms^)
                >part:  #enzymology  (^the branch of biochemistry dealing with the chemical nature and biological activity of enzymes^)
                >part:  #zymurgy  (^the branch of chemistry concerned with fermentation (as in making wine or brewing or distilling)^)
          >part:  #inorganic_chemistry  (^the chemistry of compounds that do not contain hydrocarbon radicals^)
          >part:  #physical_chemistry  (^the branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances^)
          >part:  #electrochemistry  (^branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions^)
          >part:  #geochemistry  (^the chemistry of the earth's crust^)
          >part:  #photochemistry  (^branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of light^)
          >part:  #radiochemistry__nuclear_chemistry  (^the chemistry of radioactive substances^)
       :  #physics__physical_science__natural_philosophy  (^the science of matter and energy and their interactions^)
          >part:  #acoustics  (^the study of the physical properties of sound^)
             >part:  #harmonics  (^the study of musical sound^)
             >part:  #phonetics  (^the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysis^)
          >part:  #astronomy__uranology  (^the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole^)
             >part:  #astrodynamics  (^the branch of astronomy that studies the motion of natural and artificial bodies in space^)
             >part:  #astrometry  (^the branch of astronomy that deals with the measurement of the position and motion of celestial bodies^)
             >part:  #radio_astronomy  (^the branch of astronomy that detects and studies the radio waves emitted by celestial bodies^)
             >part:  #celestial_mechanics  (^the branch of astronomy concerned with the application of Newton's laws of motion to the motions of heavenly bodies^)
             >part:  #astrophysics  (^the branch of astronomy concerned with the physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies^)
                >part:  #cosmogony__cosmology  (^the branch of astrophysics that studies the origins and structure of the universe^)
             >part:  #solar_physics  (^the branch of astronomy that deals with the sun^)
          >part:  #aeronautics__astronautics  (^the theory and practice of navigation through air or space^)
             >part:  #avionics  (^science and technology of electronic systems and devices for aeronautics and astronautics: "avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program"^)
          >part:  #biophysics  (^physics as applied to biological problems^)
          >part:  #cryogenics__cryogeny  (^the branch of physics that studies the phenomena that occur at very low temperatures^)
          >part:  #crystallography  (^the branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystals^)
          >part:  #electromagnetics__electromagnetism  (^the branch of physics concerned with electromagnetic phenomena^)
          >part:  #electronics  (^the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices^)
             >part:  #electron_optics  (^the branch of electronics that deals with beams of electrons and their focusing and deflection by magnetic fields^)
             >part:  #microelectronics  (^the branch of electronics that deals with miniature components^)
             >part:  #thermionics  (^the branch of electronics dealing with thermionic phenomena (especially thermionic vacuum tubes)^)
          >part:  #electrostatics  (^the branch of physics that deals with static electricity^)
          >part:  #mechanics  (^the branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies in a frame of reference^)
             >part:  #classical_mechanics__Newtonian_mechanics  (^the branch of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion^)
             >part:  #fluid_mechanics__hydraulics  (^study of the mechanics of fluids^)
                >part:  #hydrostatics  (^study of the mechanical properties of fluids that are not in motion^)
                >part:  #hydrodynamics__hydrokinetics  (^study of fluids in motion^)
                   >part:  #magnetohydrodynamics  (^the study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting fluids (as plasma or molten metal)^)
             >part:  #pneumatics  (^the branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases^)
             >part:  #statics  (^the branch of mechanics concerned with forces in equilibrium^)
             >part:  #dynamics__kinetics  (^the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies^)
                >part:  #ballistics  (^the science of flight dynamics^)
             >part:  #kinematics  (^the branch of mechanics concerned with motion without reference to force or mass^)
             >part:  #aeromechanics__aerodynamics  (^the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases (especially air) and their effects on bodies in the flow^)
          >part:  #nuclear_physics__atomic_physics__nucleonics  (^the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei^)
          >part:  #optics  (^the branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light^)
             >part:  #catoptrics  (^branch of optics dealing with formation of images by mirrors^)
             >part:  #holography  (^the branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent light from a laser in order to make a hologram that can then be used to create a three-dimensional image^)
          >part:  #particle_physics__high-energy_physics  (^the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions^)
          >part:  #plasma_physics  (^the branch of physics concerned with matter in its plasma phase^)
          >part:  #quantum_physics  (^the branch of physics based on quantum theory^)
             >part:  #quantum_mechanics  (^the branch of quantum physics that accounts for matter at the atomic level; an extension of statistical mechanics based on quantum theory (especially the Pauli exclusion principle)^)
                >part:  #wave_mechanics  (^the modern form of quantum theory; an extension of of quantum mechanics based on Schrodinger's equation; atomic events are explained as interactions between particle waves^)
             >part:  #quantum_field_theory  (^the branch of quantum physics that is concerned with the theory of fields; it was motivated by the question of how an atom radiates light as its electrons jump from excited states^)
                >part:  #quantum_electrodynamics__QED  (^a relativistic quantum theory of the electromagnetic interactions of photons and electrons and muons^)
                >part:  #quantum_chromodynamics__QCD  (^a theory of strong interactions between elementary particles (including the interaction that binds protons and neutrons in the nucleus); it assumes that strongly interacting particles (hadrons) are made of quarks and that gluons bind the quarks together^)
          >part:  #rheology  (^the branch of physics that studies the deformation and flow of matter^)
          >part:  #solid-state_physics  (^the branch of physics that studies the properties of materials in the solid state: electrical conduction in crystals of semiconductors and metals; superconductivity; photoconductivity^)
          >part:  #statistical_mechanics  (^the branch of physics that makes theoretical predictions about the behavior of macroscopic systems on the basis of statistical laws governing its component particles^)
          >part:  #thermodynamics  (^the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy^)
             >part:  #thermostatics__thermodynamics_of_equilibrium  (^the aspect of thermodynamics concerned with thermal equilibrium^)
       :  #earth_science  (^any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts^)
          >part:  #geology  (^a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks^)
             >part:  #hypsography  (^the scientific study of the earth's configuration above sea level (emphasizing the measurement of land altitudes relative to sea level)^)
             >part:  #paleogeology__palaeogeology  (^the study of geologic features once at the surface of the earth but now buried beneath rocks^)
             >part:  #geophysics__geophysical_science  (^geology that uses physical principles to study properties of the earth^)
                >part:  #geomorphology__morphology  (^the branch of geology that studies the characteristics and configuration and evolution of rocks and land forms^)
                   >part:  #plate_tectonics__tectonics  (^the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust^)
                   >part:  #petrology  (^the branch of geology that studies rocks: their origin and formation and composition^)
                >part:  #meteorology  (^science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere; especially weather processes and weather forecasting^)
                   >part:  #climatology  (^meteorology of climates and their phenomena^)
                      >part:  #bioclimatology  (^the study of effects of climate on living organisms^)
                   >part:  #aerology  (^meteorology of the total extent of the atmosphere; especially the upper layers^)
                >part:  #hydrology  (^the branch of geology that studies water on the earth and in the atmosphere: its distribution and uses and conservation^)
                >part:  #seismology  (^the branch of geology that studies earthquakes^)
                >part:  #volcanology__vulcanology  (^the branch of geology that studies volcanoes^)
                >part:  #magnetics__magnetism  (^the branch of science that studies magnetism^)
                >part:  #geodesy  (^the branch of geology that studies the shape of the earth and the determination of the exact position of geographical points^)
             >part:  #orology__orography  (^the science of mountains^)
             >part:  #mineralogy  (^the branch of geology that studies minerals: their structure and properties and the ways of distinguishing them^)
             >part:  #spelaeology__speleology  (^the scientific study of caves^)
             >part:  #economic_geology  (^the branch of geology that deals with economically valuable geological materials^)
                >part:  #petroleum_geology  (^the branch of economic geology that deals with the occurrence and exploitation of oil and gas fields^)
                >part:  #mining_geology  (^the branch of economic geology that deals with the applications of geology to mining^)
          >part:  #oceanography  (^the branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans^)
             >part:  #hydrography  (^the science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation^)
          >part:  #limnology  (^the scientific study of bodies of fresh water for their biological and physical and geological properties^)
          >part:  #geography__geographics  (^study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation^)
             >part:  #physical_geography__physiography  (^the study of physical features of the earth's surface^)
             >part:  #topography.geography  (^precise detailed study of the surface features of a region^)
             >part:  #economic_geography  (^the branch of geography concerned with the production and distribution of commodities^)
       :  #cosmography.natural_science
    :  #mathematics__math__maths  (^a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement^)
       >part:  #pure_mathematics  (^the branches of mathematics that study and develop the principles of mathematics for their own sake rather than for their immediate usefulness^)
          >part:  #arithmetic  (^the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations^)
             >part:  #algorism  (^computation with Arabic figures^)
          >part:  #geometry  (^the pure mathematics of points and lines and curves and surfaces^)
             >part:  #elementary_geometry__parabolic_geometry__Euclidean_geometry  (^geometry based on Euclid's axioms: e.g., only one line can be drawn through a point parallel to another line^)
             >part:  #non-Euclidean_geometry  (^geometry based on axioms different from Euclid's^)
                >part:  #hyperbolic_geometry  (^a non-Euclidean geometry in which it is assumed that through any point there are two or more parallel lines that do not intersect a given line in the plane^)
                >part:  #elliptic_geometry__Riemannian_geometry  (^a non-Euclidean geometry that regards space is like a sphere and a line is a great circle^)
             >part:  #spherical_geometry  (^the geometry of figures on the surface of a sphere^)
             >part:  #analytic_geometry__analytical_geometry__coordinate_geometry  (^the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system^)
             >part:  #plane_geometry  (^the geometry of 2-dimensional figures^)
             >part:  #solid_geometry  (^the geometry of 3-dimensional space^)
             >part:  #projective_geometry__descriptive_geometry  (^the geometry of properties that remain invariant under projection^)
          >part:  #trigonometry__trig  (^the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions^)
             >part:  #spherical_trigonometry  (^the trigonometry of spherical triangles^)
             >part:  #triangulation.trigonometry  (^a trigonometric method of determining the position of a fixed point from the angles to it from two fixed points a known distance apart; useful in navigation^)
          >part:  #algebra  (^the mathematics of generalized arithmetical operations^)
             >part:  #quadratics  (^a branch of algebra dealing with quadratic equations^)
             >part:  #linear_algebra  (^the part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation^)
             >part:  #vector_algebra  (^the part of algebra that deals with the theory of vectors and vector spaces^)
                >part:  #vector_decomposition__decomposition  (^the analysis of a vector field^)
             >part:  #matrix_algebra  (^the part of algebra that deals with the theory of matrices^)
          >part:  #infinitesimal_calculus__calculus__the_calculus  (^the branch of mathematics that is concerned with limits and with the differentiation and integration of functions^)
             >part:  #analysis.infinitesimal_calculus  (^a branch of mathematics involving calculus and the theory of limits; sequences and series and integration and differentiation^)
                >part:  #Fourier_analysis__harmonic_analysis  (^analysis of a periodic function into a sum of simple sinusoidal components^)
             >part:  #differential_calculus__method_of_fluxions  (^the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential^)
             >part:  #integral_calculus  (^the part of calculus that deals with integration and its application in the solution of differential equations and in determining areas or volumes etc.^)
             >part:  #calculus_of_variations  (^the calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals^)
          >part:  #set_theory  (^the branch of pure mathematics that deals with the nature and relations of sets^)
          >part:  #group_theory  (^the branch of mathematics dealing with groups^)
             >part:  #Galois_theory  (^group theory applied to the solution of algebraic equations^)
          >part:  #topology__analysis_situs  (^the branch of pure mathematics that deals only with the properties of a figure X that hold for every figure into which X can be transformed with a one-to-one correspondence^)
          >part:  #metamathematics  (^the logical analysis of mathematical reasoning^)
       >part:  #applied_mathematics__applied_math  (^the branches of mathematics that are involved in the study of of the physical or biological or sociological world^)
          >part:  #linear_programming  (^a mathematical technique used in economics; finds the maximum or minimum of linear functions in many variables subject to constraints^)
          >part:  #statistics  (^a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters^)
             >part:  #nonparametric_statistics  (^the branch of statistics dealing with variables without making assumptions about the parameters of their distribution^)
          >part:  #probability_theory  (^the branch of applied mathematics that deals with probabilities^)
    :  #agronomy__scientific_agriculture  #agrobiology  #agrology  #architectonics__tectonics
    :  #metallurgy  (^the science and technology of metals^)
       >part:  #powder_metallurgy  (^the metallurgy of powdered metals; how to produce solid metal objects from powdered metal by compaction and sintering^)
    :  #metrology  #nutrition
    :  #psychology__psychological_science  (^the science of mental life^)
       >part:  #associationism  (^theory that association is the basic principle of mental activity^)
       >part:  #differential_psychology  (^the branch of psychology that studies measurable differences between individuals^)
       >part:  #experimental_psychology__psychonomics  (^the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues^)
          >part:  #psychophysics  (^the branch of psychology concerned with quantitative relations between physical stimuli and their psychological effects^)
       >part:  #behaviorism__behaviourism__behavioristic_psychology__behaviouristic_psychology  (^an approach to psychology that emphasizes observable measurable behavior^)
       >part:  #functionalism.psychology  (^a psychology based on the assumption that all mental process are useful to an organism in adapting to the environment^)
       >part:  #cognitive_psychology  (^an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal mental processes^)
          >part:  #memory.cognitive_psychology  (^the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes; "he taught a graduate course on learning and memory"^)
          >part:  #problem_solving.cognitive_psychology  (^the area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems^)
          >part:  #psycholinguistics  (^the branch of cognitive psychology that studies the psychological basis of linguistic competence and performance^)
       >part:  #applied_psychology__industrial_psychology  (^any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education or industry or marketing etc.^)
       >part:  #psychometry__psychometrics__psychometrika  (^any branch of psychology concerned with psychological measurements^)
       >part:  #developmental_psychology__genetic_psychology__child_psychology  (^the branch of psychology that studies the social and mental development of children^)
       >part:  #comparative_psychology__animal_psychology  (^the branch of psychology concerned with the behavior of animals^)
       >part:  #physiological_psychology__neuropsychology__psychophysiology  (^the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes^)
       >part:  #Gestalt_psychology__configurationism  (^an approach to psychology that emphasizes the importance of configurational properties^)
       >part:  #social_psychology  (^the branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole^)
          >part:  #group_dynamics  (^the branch of social psychology that studies the dynamics of interaction in social groups^)
    :  #information_science__information_technology__informatics__information_processing__IS__IT__IP  (^the sciences concerned with gathering and manipulating and storing and retrieving and classifying recorded information^)
       >part:  #natural_language_processing__NLP__human_language_technology  (^the branch of information science that deals with natural language information^)
       >part:  #cybernetics  (^the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems)^)
    :  #cognitive_science
    :  #social_science  (^the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society^)
       >part:  #civics  (^the social science of municipal affairs^)
       >part:  #anthropology  (^the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings^)
          >part:  #archeology__archaeology  (^the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures^)
             >part:  #paleontology__palaeontology__fossilology  (^the branch of archeology that studies fossil organisms and related remains^)
                >part:  #paleobiology__palaeobiology  (^a branch of paleontology that deals with the origin and growth and structure of fossil animals and plants as living organisms^)
                >part:  #micropaleontology  (^the paleontology of microfossils^)
                >part:  #vertebrate_paleontology  (^the paleontology of vertebrates^)
                   >part:  #paleoanthropology__palaeoanthropology__human_paleontology__human_palaeontology  (^the scientific study of human fossils^)
             >part:  #Assyriology  (^archeology of the ancient Assyrians^)
             >part:  #Egyptology  (^archeology of ancient Egyptian artifacts^)
             >part:  #Sumerology  (^the archeology of ancient Sumerians^)
             >part:  #marine_archeology__marine_archaeology__underwater_archeology__underwater_archaeology  (^the archeology of underwater sites^)
             >part:  #paleoclimatology__palaeoclimatology  (^the study of the climate of past ages^)
             >part:  #paleogeography__palaeogeography  (^the study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs^)
             >part:  #paleography  (^the study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them)^)
                >part:  #epigraphy  (^the study of ancient inscriptions^)
             >part:  #paleopathology__palaeopathology  (^the study of disease of former times (as inferred from fossil evidence)^)
             >part:  #paletiology__palaetiology  (^the explanation of past events in terms of scientific causes (as geological causes)^)
             >part:  #paleology__palaeology  (^the study of (especially prehistoric) antiquities^)
             >part:  #protohistory__protoanthropology  (^the study humans prior to the invention of writing^)
                >part:  #protoarcheology__protoarchaeology  (^the study of prehistoric human artifacts and human fossils^)
             >part:  #paleoethnography__palaeoethnography  (^the ethnography of paleolithic humans^)
          >part:  #ethnography__descriptive_anthropology  (^the branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies^)
          >part:  #ethnology  (^the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics^)
          >part:  #physical_anthropology  (^the branch of anthropology dealing with the genesis and variation of human beings^)
             >part:  #craniometry  (^the branch of physical anthropology dealing with the study and measurement of dry skulls after removal of its soft parts^)
          >part:  #social_anthropology__cultural_anthropology  (^the branch of anthropology that deals with human culture and society^)
             >part:  #garbology  (^the study of a society by analyzing its garbage^)
             >part:  #mythology.social_anthropology  (^the study of myths^)
             >part:  #ritualism.social_anthropology  (^the study of religious or magical rites and ceremonies^)
       >part:  #political_science__politics__government  (^the study of government of states and other political units^)
          >part:  #geopolitics  (^the study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of the state^)
          >part:  #realpolitik__practical_politics  (^politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations^)
       >part:  #home_economics__domestic_science__household_arts  (^theory and practice of homemaking^)
       >part:  #economics__economic_science__political_economy  (^the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management^)
          >part:  #econometrics  (^the application of mathematics and statistics to the study of economic and financial data^)
          >part:  #finance.economics  (^the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets^)
          >part:  #macroeconomics  (^the branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy^)
          >part:  #microeconomics  (^the branch of economics that studies the economy of consumers or households or individual firms^)
          >part:  #supply-side_economics  (^the school of economic theory that stresses the costs of production as a means of stimulating the economy; advocates policies that raise capital and labor output by increasing the incentive to produce^)
       >part:  #proxemics  (^the study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations^)
       >part:  #sociology  (^the study and classification of human societies^)
          >part:  #criminology  (^the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior and law enforcement^)
             >part:  #penology__poenology  (^the branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prisoner rehabilitation^)
          >part:  #demography__human_ecology  (^the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations^)
          >part:  #psephology  (^the branch of sociology that studies election trends (as by opinion polls)^)
          >part:  #sociometry  (^the quantitative study of social relationships^)
    :  #strategics
    :  #systematics  (^the science of systematic classification^)
       >part:  #biosystematics__biosystematy  (^use of data (e.g. cytogenetic or biochemical) to assess taxonomic relations especially within an evolutionary framework^)
       >part:  #taxonomy.systematics  (^(biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification^)
          >part:  #cladistics  (^a system of biological taxonomy based on the quantitative analysis of comparative data and used to reconstruct trees summarizing the (assumed) phylogenetic relations and evolutionary history of groups of organisms^)
    :  #thanatology  #cryptanalysis__cryptanalytics__cryptography__cryptology
    :  #linguistics  (^the scientific study of language^)
       >part:  #computational_linguistics  (^the use of computers for linguistic research and applications^)
          >part:  #machine_translation__MT  (^the use of computers to translate from one language to another^)
       >part:  #dialect_geography__linguistic_geography  (^the study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features^)
       >part:  #etymology.studies  (^the study of the sources and development of words^)
          >part:  #lexicostatistics  (^a statistical technique used in glottochronology; used to estimate how long ago different languages evolved from a common source language^)
       >part:  #historical_linguistics  (^the study of linguistic change^)
       >part:  #lexicology  (^the branch of linguistics that studies the lexical component of language^)
          >part:  #onomastics  (^the branch of lexicology that studies the origins and history of proper names^)
       >part:  #pragmatics  (^the study of language use^)
       >part:  #semantics  (^the study of language meaning^)
          >part:  #deixis  (^the function of pointing or specifying from the perspective of a participant in an act of speech or writing; aspects of a communication whose interpretation depends on knowledge of the context in which the communication occurs^)
       >part:  #sociolinguistics  (^the study of language in relation to its sociocultural context^)
       >part:  #structuralism__structural_linguistics  (^linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse^)
       >part:  #synchronic_linguistics__descriptive_linguistics  (^an explanation of a person's mastery of their native language^)
          >part:  #grammar.studies  (^studies of the formation of basic linguistic units^)
             >part:  #syntax.studies  (^studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences^)
             >part:  #morphology.grammar.studies  (^studies of the rules for forming admissible words^)
                >part:  #inflectional_morphology__accidence  (^the part of grammar that deals with the inflections of words^)
                >part:  #derivational_morphology  (^the part of grammar that deals with the derivations of words^)
                >part:  #compound_morphology  (^the part of grammar that deals with combinations of simple words into compound words^)
          >part:  #phonology__phonemics  (^the study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes^)
          >part:  #morphophonemics  (^the study of the phonological realization of the allomorphs of the morphemes of a language^)
 >  #humanistic_discipline__humanities__liberal_arts__arts  (^studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills); "the college of arts and sciences"^)
    :  #classicism  (^a movement in literature and art during the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe that favored rationality and restraint and strict forms; "classicism often derived its models from the ancient Greeks and Romans"^)
       >part:  #neoclassicism  (^classicism revived; a revival of the classical style in art or literature^)
    :  #romanticism.artistic_style  #English  #history.humanistic_discipline
    :  #chronology  (^the determination of the actual temporal sequence of past events^)
       >part:  #glottochronology  (^the determination of how long ago different languages evolved from a common source language; "he mapped the glottochronology of the Romance languages"^)
    :  #fine_arts__beaux_arts
    :  #philosophy  (^the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics^)
       >part:  #ethics__moral_philosophy  (^the philosophical study of moral values and rules^)
          >part:  #casuistry  (^moral philosophy based on the application of general ethical principles to resolve moral dilemmas^)
             >part:  #probabilism.casuistry  (^a Roman Catholic system of casuistry that when expert opinions differ an actor can follow any solidly probable opinion that he wishes even though some different opinion might be more probable^)
          >part:  #eudemonism__endaemonism  (^an ethical system that evaluates actions by reference to personal well-being through a life based on reason^)
          >part:  #hedonism.ethics  (^an ethical system that evaluates the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good^)
       >part:  #etiology__aetiology  (^the philosophical study of causation^)
       >part:  #aesthetics__esthetics  (^the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art); "traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value"^)
       >part:  #axiology  (^the study of values and value judgments^)
       >part:  #legal_philosophy__jurisprudence__law  (^the branch of philosophy concerned with the law^)
       >part:  #metaphysics  (^the philosophical study of being and knowing^)
          >part:  #ontology  (^the metaphysical study of the nature of being and existence^)
          >part:  #cosmology  (^the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe^)
       >part:  #dialectic  (^any formal system of reasoning that arrives at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments^)
       >part:  #logic.philosophy  (^the branch of philosophy that analyzes inference^)
          >part:  #modal_logic.logic  (^the logical study of necessity and possibility^)
       >part:  #epistemology  (^the philosophical theory of knowledge^)
          >part:  #methodological_analysis__methodology  (^the branch of philosophy that analyzes the principles and procedures of inquiry in a particular discipline^)
       >part:  #transcendentalism__transcendental_philosophy  (^any system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material^)
    :  #literary_study  (^the humanistic study of literature^)
       >part:  #literature.literary_study  (^the humanistic study of a body of literature; "he took a course in French literature"^)
       >part:  #comparative_literature  (^study of literary works from different cultures (often in translation)^)
       >part:  #literary_criticism  (^the informed analysis and evaluation of literature^)
       >part:  #poetics  (^study of poetic works^)
          >part:  #prosody  (^the study of poetic meter and the art of versification^)
       >part:  #classics  (^study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome^)
       >part:  #rhetoric  (^study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking)^)
    :  #library_science  #philology__linguistics  #musicology  #Sinology

Some additions

Several fields of study are declared in other files, e.g. the 'Semantic Classification of Information Science Resources' and its specializing files. Here, I put other fields taken from Wikipedia and for which I do not yet want to create special files.


#linguistics //(^the scientific study of language^)
 >part: is#theoretical_linguistics  is#applied_linguistics is#cognitive_linguistics,
   //already subtypes in WordNet: #sociolinguistics  #historical_linguistics,

    >part: #phonetics  #phonology  #morphology.grammar.studies  #syntax.studies
           #semantics  is#stylistics #pragmatics,

      #semantics  >part: is#lexical_semantics,  url:;

      is#stylistics  >part: is#prescription,  url:;

     >part: #etymology.studies,


is#mathematical_systems_theory  >part of: #applied_mathematics,
  >part: is#automata_theory;