#work  activity directed toward making or doing something; "she checked several points needing further work"
  supertype:  activity  any specific activity or pursuit; "they avoided all recreational activity"
  subtype:  lavation__wash__washing  the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
     subtype:  ablution__washup__bathing  the act of washing yourself (or another person)
        subtype:  shower_bath__shower  washing yourself in a shower; you stand upright under water sprayed from a nozzle; "he took a shower after the game"
        subtype:  bath  you soak your body in a bathtub; "he has a good bath every morning"
           subtype:  bubble_bath  a bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water
           subtype:  mud_bath__mudbath  a bath in warm mud (as for treating rheumatism)
        subtype:  sponge_bath  you wash your body with a sponge or washcloth instead of in a bathtub
        subtype:  steam_bath__steambath__Turkish_bath__vapor_bath__vaporbath__vapour_bath  you sweat in a steam room before getting a rubdown and cold shower
     subtype:  dishwashing  the act of washing dishes
     subtype:  washing-up__washingup  the washing of dishes etc after a meal
     subtype:  window-washing  the activity of washing windows
     subtype:  rinse  washing lightly without soap
     subtype:  soak__soaking  washing something by allowing it to soak
     subtype:  laundering  washing clothes and bed linens
  subtype:  job.work  a damaging piece of work: "dry rot did the job of destroying the barn"; "the barber did a real job on my hair"
  subtype:  job  the performance of a piece of work; "she did an outstanding job as Ophelia"; "he gave it up as a bad job"
  subtype:  operation.work__procedure  a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work: "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"
  subtype:  service  work done by one person or group that benefits another; "budget separately for goods and services"
     subtype:  facility.service  a service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you; "a cell phone with internet facility"
     subtype:  utility  the service provided by a utility company; "the cost of utilities never decreases"
  subtype:  shining__polishing  the work of making something shine by polishing it; "the shining of shoes provided a meager living"
     subtype:  shoeshine  the act of shining shoes; "he charged a dollar for a shoeshine"
  subtype:  heavy_lifting__heavylifting  (informal) difficult work; "the boss hoped the plan would succeed but he wasn't willing to do the heavy lifting"
  subtype:  housewifery  the work of a housewife
  subtype:  housework__housekeeping  the work of cleaning and running a house
  subtype:  ironing  the work of ironing washed clothes
  subtype:  busywork__make-work  active work of little value; "while he was waiting he filled the days with busywork"
  subtype:  logging  the work of cutting down trees for timber
  subtype:  loose_end__looseend__unfinished_business  work that is left incomplete
  subtype:  nightwork  work to be done at night
  subtype:  paperwork  work that involves handling papers: forms or letters or reports etc.
  subtype:  welfare_work__welfarework__social_service  an organized activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society
     subtype:  social_work  any of various services designed to aid the poor and aged and to increase the welfare of children
     subtype:  casework  close sociological study of a maladjusted person or family for diagnosis and treatment
  subtype:  toil__labor__labour  productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
     subtype:  roping  capturing cattle or horses with a lasso
        subtype:  calf_roping  capturing a calf with a lasso and binding its feet
        subtype:  steer_roping__steerroping  capturing a steer with a lasso
     subtype:  corvee  unpaid labor (as for the maintenance of roads) required by a lord of his vassals in lieu of taxes
     subtype:  drudgery__plodding__grind__donkeywork  hard monotonous routine work
     subtype:  elbow_grease__elbowgrease__effort__exertion__travail__sweat  use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion"
        subtype:  struggle  strenuous effort; "the struggle to get through the crowd exhausted her"
           subtype:  wrestle__wrestling__grapple__grappling__hand-to-hand_struggle  the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; "they had a fierce wrestle"; "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"
        subtype:  trouble.elbow_grease  an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
        subtype:  least_effort__leasteffort__leastresistance  the least effortful way to do something
        subtype:  straining__strain  an intense or violent exertion
        subtype:  physical_exercise__exercise__exercising__physical_exertion__workout  the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit"
           subtype:  kick_up  raising the feet backward with the hands on the ground; a first movement in doing a handstand
           subtype:  conditioner  exercise that conditions the body; "farmwork can be a good conditioner"
           subtype:  exercise_set__set  several exercises intended to be done in series; "he did four sets of the incline bench press"
           subtype:  aerobics__aerobic_exercise__aerobicexercise  exercise that increases the need for oxygen
           subtype:  bodybuilding__anaerobic_exercise__anaerobicexercise__musclebuilding  exercise that builds muscles through tension
              subtype:  weightlifting  exercise by lifting weights
                 subtype:  bench_press__benchpres  a weightlifting exercise in which you lie on your back on a bench and press weights upward
                    subtype:  incline_bench_press__inclinebenchpres  a bench press performed on an inclined bench
                 subtype:  clean_and_jerk__cleanandjerk__clean  a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
                 subtype:  military_press__press__pres  a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
                 subtype:  snatch  a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted overhead in one rapid motion
              subtype:  weight_gaining  bodybuilding that increases muscle mass and body weight
           subtype:  calisthenics__callisthenics__callisthenic__calisthenic_exercise__calisthenicexercise__callisthenic_exercise  light exercise designed to promote general fitness
           subtype:  isometrics__isometric_exercise__isometricexercise  muscle-building exercises involving muscular contractions against resistance without movement (the length of the muscle does not change)
           subtype:  isotonic_exercise  exercise in which opposing muscles contract and there is controlled movement (the length of the muscles changes)
           subtype:  jogging  running at a jog trot as a form of exercise
           subtype:  Kegel_exercises__pubococcygeus_exercises__pubococcygeusexercise  exercises for women designed to improve the ability to hold urine
           subtype:  stretch.physical_exercise__stretching  exercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent
              subtype:  pandiculation  yawning and stretching (as when first waking up)
           subtype:  arm_exercise__armexercise  exercise designed to strengthen the arm muscles
              subtype:  pushup__press-up__pressup  an arm exercise performed lying face to the floor and pushing the body up and down with the arms
                 subtype:  widegrip_pushup  a pushup with the arms widely separated
              subtype:  chin-up  an arm exercise performed by pulling yourself up on a horizontal bar until your chin is level with the bar
           subtype:  back_exercise  exercise designed to strengthen the back muscles
           subtype:  leg_exercise__legexercise  exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles
              subtype:  squat__squatting  exercising by repeatedly assuming a squatting position; strengthens the leg muscles
              subtype:  leg_curl__legcurl__leg_curling__legcurling  an exercise designed to strength the flexor muscles of the leg
              subtype:  leg_extensor__legextensor  an exercise designed to strengthen the extensor muscles of the leg
           subtype:  neck_exercise  exercise designed to strengthen the neck muscles
           subtype:  stomach_exercise__stomachexercise  exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles
           subtype:  yoga  a course of related exercises and postures intended to promote control of the body and mind and to attain physical and spiritual wellbeing
        subtype:  pull  a sustained effort; "it was a long pull but we made it"
        subtype:  application.elbow_grease__diligence  a diligent effort; "it is a job requiring serious application"
        subtype:  overkill  any effort that seems to go farther than would be necessary to achieve its goal
        subtype:  supererogation  an effort above and beyond the call of duty
        subtype:  overexertion  the exertion of so much effort that discomfort or injury results
        subtype:  detrition__friction__rubbing  effort expended in rubbing one object against another
           subtype:  attrition  the act of rubbing together; wearing something down by friction
     subtype:  hunting__hunt  the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts
        subtype:  still_hunt__stillhunt__stalk__stalking  a hunt for game carried on by stalking or waiting in ambush
           subtype:  deerstalking  stalking deer
        subtype:  birdnesting  hunting for birds' nests to get the eggs
        subtype:  predation  the act of preying by a predator who kills and eats the prey
     subtype:  hackwork  professional work done according to formula
     subtype:  haymaking  cutting grass and curing it to make hay
     subtype:  manual_labor__manual_labour  labor done with the hands
        subtype:  application__coating__covering  the work of applying something; "the doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine"; "a complete bleach requires several applications"; "the surface was ready for a coating of paint";
           subtype:  anointing__anointment  the act of applying oil or an oily liquid
              subtype:  inunction__unction  anointing as part of a religious ceremony or healing ritual
           subtype:  fumigation  the application of a gas or smoke to something for the purpose of disinfecting it
           subtype:  lubrication  an application of a lubricant to something
           subtype:  paving__pavage  the act of applying paving materials to an area
           subtype:  painting  the act of applying paint to a surface; "you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush"
              subtype:  spray_painting__spraypainting  applying paint with a sprayer
              subtype:  spatter__spattering__splash__splashing__splattering  the act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface
              subtype:  finger_painting  painting by using the fingers to spread the paint
           subtype:  spraying  the application of a liquid in the form of small particles ejected from a sprayer
              subtype:  spray_painting__spraypainting  applying paint with a sprayer
           subtype:  tin-plating__tinplating__tinning  the application of a protective layer of tin
           subtype:  tinning  the application of a thin layer of soft solder to the ends of wires before soldering them; "careful tinning of the ends of wires results in a better joint when you solder them"
           subtype:  papering__paperhanging  the application of wallpaper
           subtype:  plastering__daubing  the application of plaster
              subtype:  pargeting__pargetting  ornamental plastering
           subtype:  plating  the application of a thin coat of metal (as by electrolysis)
           subtype:  scumble  the application of very thin coat of color over the surface of a picture
           subtype:  tiling  the application of tiles to cover a surface
           subtype:  waxing  the application of wax to a surface
           subtype:  lining.application__facing  providing something with a surface of a different material
              subtype:  babbitting  lining a surface or bearing with babbitt metal
        subtype:  bodywork  the work of making or repairing vehicle bodies
        subtype:  handling  manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something
           subtype:  materials_handling__materialshandling  act of loading and unloading and moving goods within e.g. a factory especially using mechanical devices
           subtype:  loading  the labor of loading something; "the loading took 2 hours"
           subtype:  unloading  the labor of unloading something
        subtype:  picking  the act of picking (crops or fruit or hops etc.)
        subtype:  planking  the work of covering an area with planks
        subtype:  wiring  the work of installing the wires for an electrical system or device
     subtype:  overwork__overworking  the act working too much or too long; "he became ill from overwork"
     subtype:  slavery.toil  work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay
  subtype:  subbing  working as a substitute for someone who is ill or on leave of absence
  subtype:  investigating__investigation  the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically
     subtype:  research  systematic investigation to establish facts
        subtype:  operations_research  research designed to determine most efficient way to do something
        subtype:  field_work__fieldwork  an investigation carried out in the field rather than in a laboratory or headquarters
        subtype:  marketing_research__marketingresearch__market_research  research that gathers and analyzes information about the moving of good or services from producer to consumer
           subtype:  market_analysis  marketing research that yields information about the marketplace
           subtype:  product_research__productresearch  marketing research that yields information about desired characteristics of the product or service
           subtype:  consumer_research  marketing research that yields information about the motives and needs of different classes of consumers
        subtype:  microscopy  research with the use of microscopes
           subtype:  electron_microscopy  microscopy with the use of electron microscopes
           subtype:  dark_ground_illumination__dark_field_illumination  a form of microscopic examination of living material by scattered light; specimens appear luminous against a dark background
           subtype:  fluorescence_microscopy  light microscopy in which the specimen is irradiated at wavelengths that excite fluorochromes
              subtype:  indirect_immunofluorescence  a method of using fluorescence microscopy to detect the presence of an antigen indirectly
        subtype:  probe  an investigation conducted using a probe instrument
        subtype:  scientific_research__research_project  research into questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses
           subtype:  big_science__bigscience  scientific research that requires massive capital investment but is expected to yield very significant results
           subtype:  experiment.scientific_research__experimentation  the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation
              subtype:  testing  the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works; "they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons"
              subtype:  trial_and_error__trialanderror  experimenting until a solution is found
              subtype:  Michelson-Morey_experiment  a celebrated experiment conducted by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley; their failure to detect any influence of the earth's motion on the velocity of light was the starting point for Einstein's theory of relativity
              subtype:  control_experiment__controlexperiment  an experiment designed to control for variables affecting the results of another experiment
           subtype:  Human_Genome_Project  an international study of the entire human genetic material
     subtype:  examination__testing  the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned
        subtype:  eleven-plus__11-plus  (formerly in England) an examination taken by 11 and 12 year old students to select suitable candidates for grammar school
     subtype:  search.investigating  an investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing" or "the outcome justified the search"
     subtype:  inquiry__enquiry  a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest
        subtype:  means_test__meanstest  an inquiry into the financial position of someone applying for financial aid
        subtype:  inquest  an inquiry into the cause of an unexpected death
     subtype:  examination.investigating__inspection__scrutiny  the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)
        subtype:  autopsy__necropsy__postmortem__PM__postmortem_examination  an examination and dissection of a dead body to determine cause of death or the changes produced by disease
        subtype:  check-out_procedure__checkoutprocedure__check__checkout  the act of inspecting or verifying; "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure"
        subtype:  medical_checkup__medicalcheckup__checkup__medical_examination__medicalexamination__medical_exam__medicalexam__medical__health_check  a thorough physical examination; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person
        subtype:  comparing__comparison  examining resemblances or differences
           subtype:  likening  the act of comparing similarities
           subtype:  analogy  drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect; "the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain"; "the models show by analogy how matter is built up"
           subtype:  collation  careful examination and comparison to note points of disagreement
           subtype:  contrast  the act of distinguishing by comparing differences
        subtype:  fine-toothed_comb  a method of examining in minute detail; "he went over the contract with a fine-toothed comb looking for loopholes"
        subtype:  follow-up__reexamination__review  a second (or subsequent) examination
        subtype:  going-over__goingover  a careful and thorough inspection
        subtype:  once-over__look-over  a swift cursory examination or inspection; "I gave him the once-over"
        subtype:  palpation__tactual_exploration__tactualexploration  a method of examination in which the examiner feels the size or shape or firmness or location of something (of body parts when the examiner is a health professional)
           subtype:  ballottement  a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body (especially for determining the position of a fetus by feeling the rebound of the fetus after a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus)
        subtype:  endoscopy  visual examination of the interior of a hollow body organ by use of an endoscope
           subtype:  celioscopy  endoscopic examination of the abdomen through the abdominal wall
           subtype:  colonoscopy  visual examination of the colon (with a colonoscope) from the cecum to the rectum; requires sedation
           subtype:  culdoscopy  endoscopic examination of a woman's pelvic organs by the insertion of a culdoscope through the vagina
           subtype:  gastroscopy  visual examination of the stomach by means of a gastroscope inserted through the esophagus
           subtype:  hysteroscopy  visual examination of the uterus and uterine lining using an endoscope inserted through the vagina
           subtype:  proctoscopy  visual examination of the rectum and the end of the colon by means of a proctoscope
           subtype:  flexible_sigmoidoscopy__sigmoidoscopy  visual examination (with a sigmoidoscope) of the lower third of the colon in a search for polyps
        subtype:  keratoscopy  examination of the cornea with a keratoscope to detect irregularities in its anterior surface
        subtype:  rhinoscopy  examination of the nasal passages (either through the anterior nares or with a rhinoscope through the nasopharynx)
        subtype:  scan  the act of scanning; systematic examination of a prescribed region; "he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars"
        subtype:  search.examination  boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas; "right of search"
        subtype:  survey__study  a detailed critical inspection
           subtype:  resurvey  a new survey or study
        subtype:  testing.examination  an examination of the characteristics of something; "there are laboratories for commercial testing"; "it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox"
           subtype:  screening  testing objects or persons in order to identify those with particular characteristics
              subtype:  genetic_screening__geneticscreening  analyzing a group of people to determine genetic susceptibility to a particular disease; "genetic screening of infants for phenylketonuria"
        subtype:  time-and-motion_study__time-motion_study__motion_study__time_study__work_study  an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort
        subtype:  inspection__review  a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood ready for inspection"
        subtype:  bank_examination  an examination of the affairs and records of a bank by a state or federal bank examiner
     subtype:  analysis  an investigation of the component parts of a whole
        subtype:  anatomy  a detailed analysis; "he studied the anatomy of crimes"
        subtype:  case_study  a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
        subtype:  chemical_analysis__qualitative_analysis  the act of decomposing a substance into its constituent elements
           subtype:  urinalysis__uranalysis  the chemical analysis of urine (for medical diagnosis)
           subtype:  scatology  the chemical analysis of excrement (for medical diagnosis or for paleontological purposes)
           subtype:  polarography  an electrochemical method of chemical analysis
           subtype:  quantitative_analysis__quantitative_chemical_analysis  chemical analysis to determine the amounts of each element in the substance
              subtype:  colorimetry__colorimetric_analysis  quantitative chemical analysis by color using a colorimeter
              subtype:  volumetric_analysis  quantitative analysis by the use of definite volumes of standard solutions or reagents
                 subtype:  acidimetry  volumetric analysis using standard solutions of acids to measure the amount of a base present
                 subtype:  alkalimetry  volumetric analysis using standard solutions of alkali to measure the amount of acid present
                 subtype:  titration  a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration is added to a known volume of a second solution until the reaction between them is just complete; the concentration of the unknown solution (the titer) can them be calculated
              subtype:  volumetric_analysis.quantitative_analysis__volumetricanalysi  determination of the volume of gases (or changes in their volume) during combination
              subtype:  gravimetric_analysis  quantitative analysis by weight
           subtype:  spectroscopy__spectrometry__spectroscopic_analysis__spectrum_analysis__spectrographic_analysis  the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra
              subtype:  mass_spectroscopy  the use of spectroscopy to determine the masses of small electrically charged particles
              subtype:  microwave_spectroscopy__microwavespectroscopy  the use of spectroscopy to study atomic or molecular resonances in the microwave spectrum
                 subtype:  electron_spin_resonance__ESR__electron_paramagnetic_resonance  microwave spectroscopy in which there is resonant absorption of radiation by a paramagnet
           subtype:  dialysis  separation of substances in solution my means of their unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
              subtype:  apheresis__apheresi__pheresis  a procedure in which blood is drawn and separated into its components by dialysis; some are retained and the rest are returned to the donor by transfusion
                 subtype:  plasmapheresis  plasma is separated from whole blood and the rest is returned to the donor
                 subtype:  plateletpheresis  platelets are separated from whole blood and the rest is returned to the donor
              subtype:  hemodialysis__haemodialysis__haemodialysi  dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream; used in the case of kidney failure
           subtype:  dating  use of chemical analysis to estimate the age of geological specimens
              subtype:  radiocarbon_dating__radiocarbondating__carbon_dating__carbon-14_dating  a chemical analysis used to determine the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioisotope carbon-14; believed to be reliable up to 40,000 years
              subtype:  rubidium-strontium_dating  a method of dating based on the decay of rubidium-87 into the stable isotope strontium-87; rubidium-87 has a half-life of 47,000,000,000 years
        subtype:  cost_analysis  breaking down the costs of some operation and reporting on each factor separately
        subtype:  dissection.analysis  detailed part-by-part critical analysis or examination as of a literary work
     subtype:  counting__count__numeration__enumeration__reckoning__tally  the act of counting; "the counting continued for several hours"
        subtype:  blood_count__bloodcount  the act of estimating the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
           subtype:  complete_blood_count__CBC__blood_profile__bloodprofile  counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of blood
           subtype:  differential_blood_count  counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in 1 cubic millimeter of blood; may be included as part of a complete blood count
        subtype:  census__nosecount  a period count of the population
        subtype:  countdown  counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle)
        subtype:  miscount  an inaccurate count
        subtype:  poll  the counting of votes (as in an election)
        subtype:  recount  an additional (usually a second) count; especially of the votes in a close election
        subtype:  sperm_count__spermcount  the act of estimating the number of spermatozoa in an ejaculate
     subtype:  tabulation  the act of putting into tabular form; "the tabulation of the results"
     subtype:  detecting__detection__detective_work__detectivework__police_investigation__sleuthing  the investigation of criminal activities to determine the perpetrator; "detection is hard on the feet"
     subtype:  wiretap  the act of tapping a telephone or telegraph line to get information
     subtype:  surveillance  close observation of a person or group
        subtype:  electronic_surveillance  surveillance by electronic means (e.g. television)
        subtype:  watch__vigil  a purposeful surveillance to guard or observe
           subtype:  listening_watch__listeningwatch__continuous_receiver_watch  a watch established for the reception of traffic of interest to the unit maintaining the watch
           subtype:  spying  keeping a secret or furtive watch
        subtype:  stakeout  surveillance of some place or some person by the police (as in anticipation of a crime)
     subtype:  calibration__standardization__standardisation  the act of checking or adjusting (by comparison with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring instrument; "the thermometer needed calibration"
        subtype:  tuning  calibrating something (a musical instrument or electronic circuit) to a standard frequency
        subtype:  registration__adjustment__readjustment  the act of adjusting something to match a standard
           subtype:  voicing  the act of adjusting an organ pipe (or wind instrument) so that it conforms to the standards of tone and pitch and color
           subtype:  collimation  the accurate adjustment of the line of sight of a telescope
           subtype:  tune-up  adjustments made to an engine to improve its performance
           subtype:  synchronising__synchronization__synchronisation__synchronizing  an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison
           subtype:  alignment  the act of adjusting or aligning the parts of a device in relation to each other
              subtype:  camber  the alignment of the wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the bottom than at the top
              subtype:  toe-in__toein  the alignment of the front wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the front than at the back
  subtype:  tending__attention__aid  the work of caring for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needed constant attention"
     subtype:  hair_care__hairdressing  care for the hair: the activity of washing or cutting or curling or arranging the hair
        subtype:  brush__brushing  the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush"
        subtype:  combing  the act of drawing a comb through hair; "his hair needed a comb"
           subtype:  comb-out.combing__combout__teasing  the act of removing tangles from you hair with a comb
        subtype:  shampoo  the act of washing your hair with shampoo
     subtype:  babysitting  the work of a baby sitter; caring for children when their parents are not home
     subtype:  dental_care  care for the teeth
        subtype:  brushing__brush  the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
     subtype:  first_aid__firstaid  emergency care given before regular medical aid can be obtained
     subtype:  treatment  care by procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury
        subtype:  medical_care__medicalcare__medical_aid__medicalaid  professional treatment for illness or injury
           subtype:  aftercare  care and treatment of a convalescent patient
           subtype:  hospitalization__hospitalisation__hospital_care  medical care in a hospital
           subtype:  therapy  (medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.); "the quarterback is undergoing treatment for a knee injury"; "he tried every treatment the doctors suggested"; "heat therapy gave the best relief"
              subtype:  chemotherapy  the use of chemical agents to treat or control disease (or mental illness)
                 subtype:  chrysotherapy  the use of chemicals containing gold for treating diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis)
              subtype:  correction  treatment of a specific defect; "the correction of his vision with eye glasses"
                 subtype:  spinal_fusion__fusion  correction of an unstable part of the spine by joining two or more vertebrae; usually done surgically but sometimes done by traction or immobilization
              subtype:  electric_healing__galvanism__electricalhealing  the therapeutic application of electricity to the body
              subtype:  heliotherapy__insolation  therapeutic exposure to sunlight
              subtype:  hormone_replacement_therapy__hormonereplacementtherapy__hormone-replacement_therapy__hormonereplacementtherapy__HRT  hormones (estrogen and progestin) are given to postmenopausal women; believed to protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis
              subtype:  infrared_therapy  the use of infrared radiation (as by infrared lamps or heating pads or hot water bottles) to relieve pain and increase circulation to a particular area of the body
              subtype:  inflation_therapy__inflationtherapy  therapy in which water or oxygen or a drug is introduced into the respiratory tract with inhaled air
              subtype:  medication  the act of treating with medicines or remedies
                 subtype:  giving_medication__administration  the act of administering medication
                    subtype:  drip_feed  the administration of a solution (blood or saline or plasma etc.) one drop at a time
                    subtype:  drugging__sedation  the administration of a sedative agent or drug
                 subtype:  irrigation  (medicine) cleaning a wound or body organ by flushing or washing out with water or a medicated solution
                    subtype:  douche  irrigation with a jet of water or medicated solution into or around a body part (especially the vagina) to treat infections or cleanse from odorous contents
                    subtype:  enema__clyster  injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes
                       subtype:  barium_enema  contrast medium is injected into the rectum and x-rays are taken to search for lesions
                    subtype:  lavage  washing out a hollow organ (especially the stomach) by flushing with water
                       subtype:  gastric_lavage__gastriclavage  washing out the stomach with sterile water or a salt-water solution; removes blood or poisons; "when the doctor ordered a gastric lavage the hospital pumped out my stomach"
              subtype:  megavitamin_therapy__megavitamintherapy  therapy based on a theory that taking very large doses of vitamins will prevent or cure physical or psychological disorders
              subtype:  surgical_operation__operation__surgery__surgical_procedure__surgical_process  a therapeutic procedure with instruments to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"
                 subtype:  cutting_out__cuttingout__ablation__extirpation__excision  surgical removal of a body part or tissue
                    subtype:  adenoidectomy  surgical removal of the adenoids; commonly performed along with tonsillectomy
                    subtype:  adrenalectomy__suprarenalectomy  surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands
                    subtype:  appendectomy__appendicectomy  surgical removal of the vermiform appendix
                    subtype:  cholecystectomy  surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain)
                       subtype:  laparoscopic_cholecystectomy__lap_choly__lapcholy  removal of the gall bladder through small punctures in the abdomen to permit the insertion of a laparoscope and surgical instruments
                    subtype:  embolectomy  surgical removal of an embolus (usually from an artery)
                    subtype:  ennervation  surgical removal of a nerve
                    subtype:  hypophysectomy  surgical removal of the pituitary gland
                    subtype:  hysterectomy  surgical removal of the uterus
                       subtype:  radical_hysterectomy__radicalhysterectomy__panhysterectomy  surgical removal of the uterus and the ovaries and oviducts and cervix and related lymph nodes
                       subtype:  total_hysterectomy__totalhysterectomy  surgical removal of the uterus and cervix
                    subtype:  laminectomy  surgical removal of the bony arches on one or more vertebrae
                    subtype:  laryngectomy  surgical removal of part or all of the larynx (usually to treat cancer of the larynx)
                    subtype:  lithotomy  surgical removal of a stone (calculus)
                       subtype:  cholelithotomy  removal of gallstone through an incision in the gallbladder
                    subtype:  lobectomy  surgical removal of a lobe from any organ of the body (as the lung or brain)
                    subtype:  lumpectomy  surgical removal of a tumor without removing much of the surrounding tissue or lymph nodes; performed in some cases of breast cancer
                    subtype:  mastectomy  surgical removal of a breast to remove a malignant tumor
                       subtype:  modified_radical_mastectomy  removal of a breast and the pectoralis minor and some lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit
                       subtype:  radical_mastectomy__radicalmastectomy  removal of a breast and the underlying muscles (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor) and lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit
                       subtype:  simple_mastectomy  removal of a breast leaving the underlying muscles and the lymph nodes intact
                    subtype:  mastoidectomy  surgical removal of the mastoid process
                    subtype:  meniscectomy  surgical removal of the meniscus of the knee
                    subtype:  nephrectomy  surgical removal of a kidney
                    subtype:  neurectomy  surgical removal of all or part of a nerve
                    subtype:  oophorectomy__ovariectomy  surgical removal of one of both ovaries
                    subtype:  oophorosalpingectomy  surgical removal of one or both ovaries and the corresponding Fallopian tubes
                    subtype:  ophthalmectomy  surgical removal of an eye
                    subtype:  orchidectomy__orchiectomy  surgical removal of one or both testicles
                    subtype:  pancreatectomy  surgical removal of part or all of the pancreas
                    subtype:  pneumonectomy  surgical removal of a lung (usually to treat lung cancer)
                    subtype:  prostatectomy  surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland
                    subtype:  salpingectomy  surgical removal of one or both Fallopian tubes
                    subtype:  sigmoidectomy  surgical removal of part or all of the sigmoid colon (usually to remove a malignant tumor)
                    subtype:  splenectomy  surgical removal of the spleen
                    subtype:  stapedectomy  surgical removal of the stapes of the middle ear
                    subtype:  sympathectomy  surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system
                    subtype:  thrombectomy  surgical removal of a blood clot (thrombus) from a blood vessel
                    subtype:  thyroidectomy  surgical removal of the thyroid gland
                    subtype:  tonsillectomy  surgical removal of the palatine tonsils; commonly performed along with adenoidectomy
                    subtype:  vasectomy  surgical procedure that removes all or part of the vas deferens (usually as a means of sterilization); is sometimes reversible
                    subtype:  vulvectomy  surgical removal of part or all of the vulva
                 subtype:  amputation  a surgical removal of all or part of a limb
                 subtype:  angioplasty  an operation to repair a damaged blood vessel or unblock a coronary artery
                 subtype:  arthroplasty  surgical reconstruction or replacement of a malformed or degenerated joint
                 subtype:  arthroscopy  a minimally invasive operation to repair a damaged joint; the surgeon examines the joint with an arthroscope while making repairs through a small incision
                 subtype:  autoplasty  surgical repair by using tissue from another part of the patient's own body
                 subtype:  brain_surgery__brainsurgery  any surgical procedure involving the brain
                    subtype:  psychosurgery  brain surgery on human patients intended to relieve severe and otherwise intractable mental or behavioral problems
                       subtype:  amygdalotomy  psychosurgery in which amygdaloid fibers that mediate limbic system activity are severed (in cases of extreme uncontrollable violence)
                       subtype:  callosotomy  severing the corpus callosum so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted (in cases of severe intractable epilepsy)
                       subtype:  prefrontal_lobotomy__lobotomy__leukotomy__leucotomy__prefrontalleukotomy__prefrontal_leucotomy  surgical interruption of nerve tracts to and from the frontal lobe of the brain; often results in marked cognitive and personality changes
                          subtype:  transorbital_lobotomy  a method of performing prefrontal lobotomy in which the surgical knife is inserted above the eyeball and moved to cut brain fibers
                    subtype:  split-brain_technique__splitbraintechnique  brain surgery on animals in which the corpus callosum (and sometimes the optic chiasm) is severed so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted
                 subtype:  castration  surgical removal of the testes or ovaries (usually to inhibit hormone secretion in cases of breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men); "bilateral castration results in sterilization"
                 subtype:  cauterization__cautery__cauterisation  the act of coagulating blood and destroying tissue with a hot iron or caustic agent or by freezing
                    subtype:  cryocautery  application of a substance that destroys tissue by freezing it
                    subtype:  thermocautery  cautery (destruction of tissue) by heat
                       subtype:  electrocautery  application of a needle heated by an electric current to destroy tissue (as to remove warts)
                 subtype:  chemosurgery  use of chemical to destroy diseased or malignant tissue; used in treatment of skin cancer
                 subtype:  craniotomy  a surgical opening through the skull
                 subtype:  cryosurgery  the use of extreme cold (usually liquid nitrogen) to destroy unwanted tissue (warts or cataracts or skin cancers)
                 subtype:  curettage__curettement  surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the uterus) by scraping with a curette
                    subtype:  suction_curettage__suctioncurettage__vacuum_aspiration  a method of induced abortion; prior to the 14th week of gestation the embryo and placenta are removed by applying suction to the dilated cervix
                 subtype:  debridement  surgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and promote healing
                 subtype:  decortication  surgical removal of the cortex of an organ or part
                 subtype:  dilation_and_curettage__dilatation_and_curettage__D_and_C  a surgical procedure usually performed under local anesthesia in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrial lining of the uterus is scraped with a curet; performed to obtain tissue samples or to stop prolonged bleeding or to remove small tumors or to remove fragments of placenta after childbirth or as a method of abortion
                 subtype:  electrosurgery  surgery performed with electrical devices (as in electrocautery)
                 subtype:  enterostomy  surgical operation that creates a permanent opening through the abdominal wall into the intestine
                 subtype:  enucleation  surgical removal of something without cutting into it; "the enucleation of the tumor"
                 subtype:  evisceration  surgical removal of an organ (or the contents of an organ) from a patient
                 subtype:  exenteration  surgical removal of the organs within a body cavity (as those of the pelvis)
                 subtype:  fenestration  surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis
                 subtype:  gastrectomy  surgical removal of all or part of the stomach
                 subtype:  gastroenterostomy  surgical creation of an opening between the stomach wall and the small intestines; performed when the normal opening has been eliminated
                 subtype:  gastrostomy  surgical creation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach (as for gastrogavage)
                 subtype:  heart_surgery__heartsurgery  any surgical procedure involving the heart
                    subtype:  closed-heart_surgery  heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)
                       subtype:  port-access_coronary_bypass_surgery  heart surgery in which a coronary bypass is performed by the use of small instruments and tiny cameras threaded through small incisions while the heart is stopped and blood is pumped through a heart-lung machine
                       subtype:  minimally_invasive_coronary_bypass_surgery  heart surgery in which a coronary bypass is performed on the beating heart by the use of small instruments and cameras threaded through small incisions
                    subtype:  open-heart_surgery  heart surgery in which the rib cage is spread open and surgery to fix a heart valve or repair a coronary artery is performed while the heart is stopped and blood is detoured through a heart-lung machine
                       subtype:  coronary_bypass_surgery__coronary_bypass__coronary_artery_bypass_graft__CABG  open-heart surgery in which the rib cage is opened and a section of a blood vessel is grafted from the aorta to the coronary artery to bypass the blocked section of the coronary artery and improve the blood supply to the heart
                 subtype:  hemorrhoidectomy__haemorrhoidectomy  surgical procedure for tying hemorrhoids and excising them
                 subtype:  hysterotomy  surgical incision into the uterus (as in cesarean section)
                 subtype:  iridectomy  surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye
                 subtype:  iridotomy  a surgical procedure that makes an incision in the iris of the eye in order to enlarge the pupil or to treat glaucoma
                 subtype:  intestinal_bypass  surgical operation that shortens the small intestine; used in treating obesity
                 subtype:  jejunostomy  surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the anterior abdominal wall; will allow artificial feeding
                 subtype:  major_surgery__majorsurgery  any surgical procedure that involves anesthesia or respiratory assistance
                 subtype:  microsurgery  surgery using operating microscopes and miniaturized precision instruments to perform intricate procedures on very small structures
                    subtype:  robotic_telesurgery__robotictelesurgery  microsurgery in which the surgeon performs surgery by manipulating the hands of a robot
                 subtype:  minor_surgery__minorsurgery  any surgical procedure that does not involve anesthesia or respiratory assistance
                 subtype:  myotomy  surgical incision or division of a muscle
                 subtype:  myringectomy  surgical removal of the eardrum
                 subtype:  myringoplasty  surgical repair of a perforated eardrum with a tissue graft
                 subtype:  myringotomy  surgical incision into the eardrum (to relieve pressure or release pus from the middle ear)
                 subtype:  neurosurgery  any surgery that involves the nervous system (brain or spinal cord or peripheral nerves)
                 subtype:  nose_job__rhinoplasty  cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose
                 subtype:  orchiopexy  operation to bring an undescended testicle into the scrotum
                 subtype:  osteotomy  surgical sectioning of bone
                 subtype:  ostomy  surgical procedure that creates an artificial opening for the elimination of bodily wastes
                    subtype:  colostomy  a surgical operation that creates an opening from the colon to the surface of the body to function as an anus
                    subtype:  ileostomy  surgical procedure that creates an opening from the ileum through the abdominal wall to function as an anus; performed in cases of cancer of the colon or ulcerative colitis
                 subtype:  phalloplasty  reconstructive surgery on the penis to repair congenital abnormality or injury
                 subtype:  phlebectomy  surgical removal or all or part of a vein; sometimes done in cases of severe varicose veins
                 subtype:  photocoagulation  surgical procedure that uses an intense laser beam to destroy diseased retinal tissue or to make a scar that will hold the retina in cases of detached retina
                 subtype:  plastic_surgery__plasticsurgery__cosmetic_surgery__anaplasty  surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue
                    subtype:  rhytidectomy__face_lift__face_lifting__rhytidoplasty  plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised
                    subtype:  keratoplasty__corneal_gaft__cornealgaft  a surgical procedure in which part or all of the cornea is replaced by healthy corneal tissue from a donor
                       subtype:  epikeratophakia  using a piece of donated corneal tissue to repair the eye of someone who has had a cataract removed; "epikeratophakia gave her a living contact lens"
                 subtype:  polypectomy  surgical removal of a polyp
                 subtype:  resection  surgical removal of part of a structure or organ
                    subtype:  transurethral_resection_of_the_prostate__TURP  removal of significant amounts of prostate tissue (as in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia)
                 subtype:  rhinotomy  surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the nose to drain accumulated pus
                 subtype:  rhizotomy  surgical procedure in which spinal nerve roots are cut; done (anterior roots) to relieve intractable pain or (posterior roots) to stop severe muscle spasms
                 subtype:  Shirodkar's_operation__purse-string_operation  a surgical procedure in which a suture is used to close the cervix in a pregnant woman; is performed when the cervix has failed to retain previous pregnancies
                 subtype:  sterilisation__sterilization  the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce)
                    subtype:  neutering__fixing__altering  the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering"
                       subtype:  castration.neutering__emasculation  neutering a male animal by removing the testicles
                       subtype:  spaying  neutering a female by removing the ovaries
                    subtype:  surgical_contraception  contraception by surgical sterilization
                       subtype:  tubal_ligation__tuballigation  a sterilization procedure with women; both Fallopian tubes are tied in two places and the tubes removed in between the ligations
                       subtype:  vasectomy  surgical procedure that removes all or part of the vas deferens (usually as a means of sterilization); is sometimes reversible
                 subtype:  strabotomy  the surgical operation of cutting a muscle or tendon of the eye in order to correct strabismus
                 subtype:  taxis__taxi  the surgical procedure of manually restoring a displaced body part
                 subtype:  tracheostomy__tracheotomy  a surgical operation that creates an opening into the trachea with a tube inserted to provide a passage for air; performed when the pharynx is obstructed by edema or cancer or other causes
                 subtype:  organ_transplant__organtransplant__transplant__transplantation  an operation moving an organ from one person (the donor) to another (the recipient)
                    subtype:  corneal_transplant__cornealtransplant__corneal_graft__cornealgraft  the act of replacing a damaged or diseased cornea with another cornea taken from a donor (usually a donor who has recently died)
                 subtype:  trephination  a operation that removes a circular section of bone from the skull
                 subtype:  tympanoplasty  surgical correction or repair of defects or injuries in the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear
                 subtype:  uranoplasty  surgical correction of a defect of the palate
                 subtype:  vasovasostomy  a surgical procedure that attempts to restore the function of the vas deferens after a vasectomy
                 subtype:  vivisection  the act of operating on living animals (especially in scientific research)
              subtype:  physical_therapy__physiotherapy__physiatrics__physiatric  therapy that uses physical agents: exercise and massage and other modalities
                 subtype:  occupational_therapy  physical therapy involving the therapeutic use of crafts and hobbies for the rehabilitation of handicapped or convalescing patients (especially for emotionally disturbed patients)
              subtype:  phytotherapy__herbal_therapy__botanical_medicine__botanicalmedicine  the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
              subtype:  psychotherapy  the treatment of mental or emotional problems by psychological means
                 subtype:  behavior_therapy__behavior_modification  psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior
                    subtype:  assertiveness_training__assertivenesstraining  a method of psychotherapy that reinforces you for stating negative and positive feelings directly
                    subtype:  aversion_therapy  any technique of behavior modification that uses unpleasant stimuli in a controlled fashion to alter behavior in a therapeutic way; primarily used for alcoholism or drug abuse (but with little success)
                    subtype:  desensitization_technique__desensitizationtechnique__desensitization_procedure__desensitizationprocedure__systematic_desinsitization  a technique used in behavior therapy to treat phobias and other behavior problems involving anxiety; client is exposed to the threatening situation under relaxed conditions until the anxiety reaction is extinguished
                    subtype:  implosion_therapy__implosiontherapy__flooding  a technique used in behavior therapy; client is flooded with experiences of a particular kind until becoming either averse to them or numbed to them
                    subtype:  reciprocal_inhibition__reciprocal-inhibition_therapy  a method of behavior therapy based on the inhibition of one response by the occurrence of another response that is mutually incompatible with it; a relaxation response might be conditioned to a stimulus that previously evoked anxiety
                    subtype:  token_economy__tokeneconomy  a form of behavior therapy that has been used in some mental institutions; patients are rewarded with tokens for appropriate behavior and the tokens may be cashed in for valued rewards
                 subtype:  client-centered_therapy  a method of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers in which the client determines the focus and pace of each session
                 subtype:  crisis_intervention  psychotherapy that focuses on acute critical situations (depressive episodes or attempted suicides or drug overdoses) with the aim of restoring the person to the level of functioning before the crisis
                 subtype:  group_therapy__grouptherapy  psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist; interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
                    subtype:  family_therapy  any of several therapeutic approaches in which a family is treated as a whole
                 subtype:  hypnotherapy  the use of hypnosis in psychotherapy
                 subtype:  play_therapy  form of psychotherapy for children that uses play situations for diagnosis or treatment
                 subtype:  psychoanalysis__analysis__depth_psychology__depthpsychology  a set of techniques for exploring underlying motives and a method of treating various mental disorders; "his physician recommended psychoanalysis"
                    subtype:  hypnoanalysis__hypnoanalysi  the use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalysis
                 subtype:  self-analysis  the application of psychotherapeutic principles to the analysis of your own personality
              subtype:  radiotherapy__radiation_therapy__radiationtherapy__actinotherapy__irradiation  the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to radiation from a radioactive substance
                 subtype:  phototherapy  the use of strong light to treat acne or hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn
                 subtype:  radium_therapy__Curietherapy  the use of radium in radiation therapy
                 subtype:  X-ray_therapy  the therapeutic use of X rays
              subtype:  shock_therapy__shocktherapy__shock_treatment__shocktreatment  treatment of certain psychotic states by the administration of shocks that are followed by convulsions
                 subtype:  electroconvulsive_therapy__electroconvulsivetherapy__electroshock__electroshock_therapy__ECT  the administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma
                 subtype:  insulin_shock_treatment__insulinshocktreatment__insulin_shock__insulinshock__insulin_shock_therapy__insulinshocktherapy  the administration of sufficient insulin to induce convulsions and coma
                 subtype:  metrazol_shock_treatment__metrazol_shock__metrazol_shock_therapy  the administration of sufficient Metrazol to induce convulsions and coma
              subtype:  speech_therapy  any therapy intended to correct a disorder of speech
              subtype:  thermotherapy  the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pads or hot compresses or hot-water bottles are used to promote circulation in peripheral vascular disease or to relax tense muscles
              subtype:  thrombolytic_therapy  therapy consisting of the administration of a pharmacological agent to cause thrombolysis of an abnormal blood clot
           subtype:  nursing_care__nursingcare  care by a skilled nurse
           subtype:  bandaging__dressing__binding  the act of applying a bandage
           subtype:  holistic_medicine  medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors
           subtype:  hospice  a program of medical and emotional care for the terminally ill
           subtype:  injection.medical_care__shot  the act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe; "the nurse gave him a flu shot"
              subtype:  intradermal_injection__intradermalinjection  an injection into the skin
              subtype:  intramuscular_injection__intramuscularinjection  an injection into a muscle
              subtype:  intravenous_injection__intravenousinjection  an injection into a vein
                 subtype:  fix.intravenous_injection  (informal) an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug
              subtype:  subcutaneous_injection  an injection under the skin
           subtype:  bloodletting  formerly used as a treatment to reduce excess blood (one of the four humors of medieval medicine)
              subtype:  venesection__phlebotomy  surgical incision into a vein; used to treat hemochromatosis
              subtype:  cupping  a treatment in which evacuated cups are applied to the skin to draw blood through the surface
           subtype:  defibrillation  treatment by stopping fibrillation of heart muscles (usually by electric shock delivered by a defibrillator)
           subtype:  detoxification  treatment for poisoning by neutralizing the toxic properties (normally a function of the liver)
           subtype:  disinfection  treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms
              subtype:  chlorination  disinfection of water by the addition of small amounts of chlorine or a chlorine compound
           subtype:  digitalization__digitalisation  the administration of digitalis for the treatment of certain heart disorders
           subtype:  anticoagulation  the administration of an anticoagulant drug to retard coagulation of the blood
           subtype:  allopathy  the usual method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects differing from those produced by the disease itself
           subtype:  homeopathy__homoeopathy  a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated
           subtype:  intensive_care__intensivecare  close monitoring and constant medical care of patients with life-threatening conditions
        subtype:  modality  a method of therapy that involves physical treatment
           subtype:  massage  kneading and rubbing parts of the body to increase circulation and promote relaxation
              subtype:  cardiac_massage__cardiacmassage__heart_massage__heartmassage  an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or (during surgery) directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest
              subtype:  effleurage  a rhythmic stroking; "effleurage of the abdomen is used in the Lamaze method of childbirth"
              subtype:  petrissage  massage of the skin which is gently lifted and squeezed
              subtype:  Swedish_massage  massage combined with a system of active and passive exercises for the muscles and joints
              subtype:  tapotement  massage in which the body is tapped rhythmically with the fingers or with short rapid movements of the sides of the hand; used to loosen mucus on the chest walls of patients with bronchitis
           subtype:  diathermy  a method of physical therapy that involves generating local heat in body tissues by high-frequency electromagnetic currents
        subtype:  detoxification.treatment  a treatment for addiction to drugs or alcohol intended to remove the physiological effects of the addictive substances
        subtype:  chiropractic  a method of treatment that manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve low back pain or even headache or high blood pressure
        subtype:  fomentation  application of warm wet coverings to a part of the body to relieve pain and inflammation
        subtype:  naturopathy  a method of treating disease using food and exercise and heat to assist the natural healing process
        subtype:  naprapathy  a drugless method of treatment based on the belief that disease symptoms arise from problems with ligaments and connective tissues
        subtype:  orthodontic_treatment__orthodontictreatment  dental treatment that corrects irregularities of the teeth or of the relation of the teeth to surrounding anatomy; treatment is usually by braces or mechanical aids; "orthodontic treatment of facial abnormalities"
        subtype:  orthoptics  treatment of defects of binocular vision (such as strabismus and amblyopia) by nonsurgical measures (especially by exercises to strengthen the eye muscles)
        subtype:  osteopathy  therapy based on the assumption that restoring health is best accomplished by manipulating the skeleton and muscles
        subtype:  osteoclasis__osteoclasi  treatment of a skeletal deformity by intentionally fracturing a bone
        subtype:  acupuncture__stylostixi  (Chinese) treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin
        subtype:  acupressure__G-Jo__shiatsu  (Chinese and Japanese) treatment of symptoms by applying pressure with the fingers to specific pressure points on the body
        subtype:  autogenic_therapy__autogenictherapy__autogenic_training__autogenictraining__autogenics  training patients in self-induced relaxation
        subtype:  hydropathy__hydrotherapy  the internal and external use of water in the treatment of disease
        subtype:  rest-cure  rest as a medical treatment for stress or anxiety etc.
     subtype:  incubation  maintaining something at the most favorable temperature for its development
     subtype:  livery  the care (feeding and stabling) of horses for pay
     subtype:  manicure  professional care for the hands and fingernails
     subtype:  pedicure  professional care for the feet and toenails
     subtype:  nourishment  the act of nourishing; "her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives"
     subtype:  nursing  the work of caring for the sick or injured or infirm
     subtype:  tender_loving_care__TLC  considerate and solicitous care; "young children need lots of TLC"
     subtype:  nurturance  physical and emotional care and nourishment
     subtype:  personal_care  care for someone who is disabled or is otherwise unable to care for themselves; can including bathing and cooking and managing bodily functions
     subtype:  skin_care  care for the skin
        subtype:  facial  care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the application of cosmetic creams
     subtype:  faith_healing__faithhealing__faith_cure__faithcure  care provided through prayer and faith in God
        subtype:  laying_on_of_hands.faith_healing__layingonofhand  the application of a faith healer's hands to the patient's body
     subtype:  tree_surgery  treatment of damaged or decaying trees
  subtype:  duty  work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons: "the duties of the job"
     subtype:  chore__job__task  a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee: "estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"; "the job of repairing the engine took several hours"; "the endless task of classifying the samples"; "the farmer's morning chores"
        subtype:  stint  an individuals prescribed share of work: "her stint as a lifeguard exhausted her"
        subtype:  disagreeable_task__disagreeable_chore  a chore that causes discomfort
           subtype:  scut_work__shitwork  trivial unrewarding tedious dirty and disagreeable chores; "the hospital hired him to do scut work"
     subtype:  function__office__part__role  the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group: "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
        subtype:  capacity.function  a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"
        subtype:  hat  an informal term for a person's role; "he took off his politician's hat and talked frankly"
        subtype:  portfolio  the role of the head of a government department; "he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs"
        subtype:  stead__position__place__lieu  the function or position properly or customarily occupied or served by another: "can you go in my stead?"; "took his place"; "in lieu of"
           subtype:  behalf  as the agent of or on someone's part; usually expressed as "on behalf of" rather than "in behalf of": "the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child"; "this letter is written on behalf of my client"
        subtype:  second_fiddle  a secondary role or function; "he hated to play second fiddle to anyone"
     subtype:  duty_assignment__assignment  as duty that you are assigned to perform especially in the armed forces: "hazardous duty"
        subtype:  guard_duty__guardduty__guard__sentry_duty__sentry_go  the duty of serving as a sentry; "he was on guard that night"
        subtype:  fatigue_duty__fatigueduty__fatigue  labor of a nonmilitary kind done by soldiers (cleaning or digging or draining or so on); "the soldiers were put on fatigue to teach them a lesson"; "they were assigned to kitchen fatigues"
        subtype:  mission__charge__commission  a task that has been assigned to a person or group; "a confidential mission to London"; "his charge was deliver a message"
           subtype:  fool's_errand  a fruitless mission
           subtype:  mission_impossible__missionimpossible  an extremely dangerous or difficult mission
        subtype:  reassignment  assignment to a different duty
           subtype:  secondment  the detachment of a person from their regular organization for temporary assignment elsewhere
        subtype:  sea-duty__seaduty__service_abroad__serviceabroad__shipboard_duty__shipboardduty  naval service aboard a ship at sea
        subtype:  shore_duty__shoreduty  naval service at land bases
  subtype:  missionary_work__mission  the organized work of a religious missionary
  subtype:  spadework  dull or routine preliminary work preparing for an undertaking
  subtype:  timework  work paid for at a rate per unit of time
  subtype:  task__undertaking__labor  any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"
     subtype:  adventure__escapade__risky_venture__riskyventure__dangerous_undertaking__dangerousundertaking  a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful)
     subtype:  assignment  an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)
        subtype:  school_assignment  a school task performed by a student to satisfy the teacher
           subtype:  classroom_project__classroomproject__project  a school task requiring considerable effort
           subtype:  homework__prep__preparation  preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home)
           subtype:  lesson.school_assignment  a task assigned for individual study; "he did the lesson for today"
              subtype:  exercise.lesson__example  a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding; "you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook"
              subtype:  reading_assignment__readingassignment  the reading of a passage assigned by the teacher
              subtype:  recitation  an instance of a student reciting a lesson that has been learned
              subtype:  history_lesson__historylesson  a less in the facts of history
        subtype:  written_assignment__writtenassignment__writing_assignment__writingassignment  an assignment to write something
     subtype:  baby  a project of personal concern to someone; "this project is his baby"
     subtype:  breeze  a task that is easy to do
     subtype:  endeavor__enterprise__endeavour  a purposeful or industrious undertaking (especially one that requires effort or boldness); "he had doubts about the whole enterprise"
        subtype:  fraudulent_scheme__racket__illegitimate_enterprise  an illegal enterprise (such as extortion or fraud or drug peddling or prostitution) carried on for profit
        subtype:  forlorn_hope__forlornhope  a hopeless or desperate enterprise
        subtype:  business_activity__commercial_activity  activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
           subtype:  operation.business_activity  a business especially one run on a large scale: "a large-scale farming operation"; "a multinational operation"; they paid taxes on every stage of the operation"; "they had to consolidate their operations"
           subtype:  business  the volume of business activity: "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today"
              subtype:  trade.business__patronage  the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers: "even before noon there was a considerable patronage"
                 subtype:  custom  habitual patronage
              subtype:  land-office_business  very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
           subtype:  wash  (informal) any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out
     subtype:  labor_of_love__labour_of_love  productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation
     subtype:  endurance_contest__endurancecontest__marathon  any long and arduous undertaking
     subtype:  no-brainer  (informal) anything that requires little thought
     subtype:  tall_order__large_order__largeorder  a formidable task or requirement; "finishing in time was a tall order but we did it"
     subtype:  venture  any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcome
        subtype:  joint_venture__jointventure  a venture by a partnership or conglomerate designed to share risk or expertise: "a joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows"
        subtype:  experiment  a venture at something new or different; "as an experiment he decided to grow a beard"
        subtype:  campaign__cause__crusade__drive__movement__effort  a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end; "he supported populist campaigns"; "they worked in the cause of world peace"; "the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant"; "the movement to end slavery"; "contributed to the war effort"
           subtype:  advertising_campaign__advertisingcampaign__ad_campaign__ad_blitz  an organized program of advertisements
              subtype:  sales_campaign__salescampaign  an advertising campaign intended to promote sales
              subtype:  public-relations_campaign  an advertising campaign intended to improve public relations
           subtype:  anti-war_movement  a campaign against entering or continuing a war
           subtype:  consumerism  a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers
           subtype:  campaigning__candidacy__candidature__electioneering__political_campaign__politicalcampaign  the campaign of a candidate to be elected
              subtype:  hustings  the activities involved in political campaigning (especially speech making)
              subtype:  whispering_campaign  the organized dissemination of derogatory rumors designed to discredit a candidate
              subtype:  stumping  campaigning for something by making political speeches (stump speeches)
           subtype:  ecumenical_movement  a movement among Protestant groups aimed at universal Christian unity
           subtype:  fund-raising_campaign__fund-raising_drive__fund-raising_effort  a campaign to raise money for some cause
           subtype:  feminist_movement__feminism__women's_liberation_movement__women's_lib__women'slib  the movement aimed at equal rights for women
           subtype:  gay_liberation_movement__gay_lib__gaylib  the movement aimed at liberating homosexuals from legal or social or economic oppression
           subtype:  lost_cause  a defeated cause or a cause for which defeat is inevitable
           subtype:  reform.campaign  a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices; "the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians"
           subtype:  war  a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious; "the war on poverty"; "the war against crime"
           subtype:  youth_movement__youthmovement__youth_crusade__youthcrusade  political or religious or social reform movement or agitation consisting chiefly of young people
        subtype:  sallying_forth__sally  a venture off the beaten path; "a sally into the wide world beyond his home"
        subtype:  risk__peril__danger  a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing"
           subtype:  chance  a risk involving danger; "you take a chance when you let her drive"
           subtype:  gamble  a risky act or venture
              subtype:  long_shot  a venture that involves great risk but promises great rewards
              subtype:  raise  increasing the size of a bet (as in poker); "I'll see your raise and double it"
                 subtype:  doubling.raise__double  raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of 2; "I decided his double was a bluff"

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