#wilding.plant  a wild uncultivated plant (especially a wild apple or crab-apple tree)
  supertype:  plant__flora__plant_life__plantlife  a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
  subtype:  wildflower__wild_flower  wild or uncultivated flowering plant
     subtype:  sagebrush_buttercup__sagebrushbuttercup__Ranunculus_glaberrimus  small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America
     subtype:  pasqueflower__pasque_flower  any plant of the genus Pulsatilla; sometimes included in genus Anemone
        subtype:  American_pasqueflower__Eastern_pasque_flower__wild_crocus__lion's_beard__prairie_anemone__prairieanemone__blue_tulip__American_pulsatilla__Pulsatilla_patens__Anemone_ludoviciana  short hairy perennial with early spring blue-violet or lilac flowers; North America and Siberia
        subtype:  Western_pasqueflower__Pulsatilla_occidentalis__Anemone_occidentalis  of western North America
        subtype:  European_pasqueflower__Pulsatilla_vulgaris__Anemone_pulsatilla  European perennial having usually violet or white spring flowers
     subtype:  meadow_rue  any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum; sometimes rhizomatous or tuberous perennials found in damp shady places and meadows or stream banks; have lacy foliage and clouds of small purple or yellow flowers
     subtype:  sand_verbena  any of various plants of the genus Abronia of western North America and Mexico having flowers resembling verbena
        subtype:  sweet_sand_verbena__snowball__Abronia_elliptica  plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regions
        subtype:  Abronia_fragrans__sweet_sand_verbena  taller than Abronia elliptica and having night-blooming flowers
        subtype:  yellow_sand_verbena__Abronia_latifolia  plant having hemispherical heads of yellow trumpet-shaped flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to British Columbia
        subtype:  beach_pancake__beachpancake__Abronia_maritima  plant having hemispherical heads of wine-red flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to Mexico
        subtype:  beach_sand_verbena__pink_sand_verbena__Abronia_umbellata  prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California
        subtype:  desert_sand_verbena__Abronia_villosa  soft-haired sticky plant with heads of bright pink trumpet-shaped flowers; found in sandy desert soil; after ample rains may carpet miles of desert with pink from the southwestern United States to northern Mexico
     subtype:  trailing_four_o'clock__trailing_windmills__Allionia_incarnata  trailing plant having crowded clusters of 3 brilliant deep pink flowers resembling a single flower blooming near the ground; found in dry gravelly or sandy soil; southwestern United States and Mexico
     subtype:  red_maids__redmaid__redmaid__calandriniaciliata  succulent carpet-forming plant having small brilliant reddish-pink flowers; southwestern United States
     subtype:  siskiyou_lewisia__Lewisia_cotyledon  evergreen perennial having a dense basal rosette of long spatula-shaped leaves and panicles of pink or white-and-red-striped or pink-purple flowers; found on cliffs and in rock crevices in mountains of southwestern Oregon and northern California
     subtype:  bitterroot__Lewisia_rediviva  showy succulent ground-hugging plant of Rocky Mountains regions having deep to pale pink flowers and fleshy farinaceous roots; the Montana state flower
     subtype:  pussy-paw__pussypaw__pussy-paws__pussy's-paw__pussy'spaw__Spraguea_umbellatum__Calyptridium_umbellatum  pink clusters of densely packed flowers on prostrate stems resemble upturned pads of cats' feet; grow in coniferous forests of western North America
     subtype:  flame_flower__flameflower__talinumaurantiacum  plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and one reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil; southwestern United States; Indians once cooked the fleshy roots
        subtype:  narrow-leaved_flame_flower__Talinum_augustissimum  similar to Talinum aurantiacum but with narrower leaves and yellow-orange flowers; southwestern United States
        subtype:  pigmy_talinum__pigmytalinum__Talinum_brevifolium  low plant with crowded narrow succulent leaves and fairly large deep pink axillary flowers that seem to sit on the ground; southwestern United States
        subtype:  rock_pink__Talinum_calycinum  pink-flowered perennial of rocky regions of western United States
        subtype:  jewels-of-opar__Talinum_paniculatum  erect plant with tuberous roots and terminal panicles of red to yellow flowers; southwestern North America to Central America; widely introduced elsewhere
        subtype:  spiny_talinum__spinytalinum__Talinum_spinescens  low cushion-forming plant with rose to crimson-magenta flowers and leaf midribs that persist as spines when the leaves die; southwestern United States
     subtype:  woolly_daisy__dwarf_daisy__dwarfdaisy__Antheropeas_wallacei__Eriophyllum_wallacei  tiny gray woolly tufted annual with small golden-yellow flower heads; southeastern California to northwestern Arizona and southwestern Utah; sometimes placed in genus Eriophyllum
     subtype:  heartleaf_arnica__heartleafarnica__Arnica_cordifolia  wildflower with heart-shaped leaves and broad yellow flower heads; of alpine areas west of the Rockies from Alaska to southern California
     subtype:  Arnica_montana  herb of pasture and open woodland throughout most of Europe and western Asia having orange-yellow daisylike flower heads that when dried are used as a stimulant and to treat bruises and swellings
     subtype:  false_chamomile__falsechamomile  any of various autumn-flowering perennials having white or pink to purple flowers that resemble asters; wild in moist soils from New Jersey to Florida and Texas
     subtype:  oxeye.wildflower  Eurasian perennial herbs having daisylike flowers with yellow rays and dark centers
        subtype:  woodland_oxeye__Buphthalmum_salicifolium  hairy Eurasian perennial having deep yellow daisies on lax willowy stems; found in the wild in open woodland and on rocky slopes
     subtype:  golden_aster  any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters; throughout much of United States and into Canada
        subtype:  Maryland_golden_aster__Chrysopsis_mariana  perennial golden aster of southeastern United States
        subtype:  grass-leaved_golden_aster  a variety of golden aster
        subtype:  sickleweed_golden_aster  a variety of golden aster
     subtype:  hawk's-beard__hawk's-beards  any of various plants of the genus Crepis having loose heads of yellow flowers on top of a long branched leafy stem; northern hemisphere
     subtype:  brittlebush__brittle_bush__brittlebush__incienso__Encelia_farinosa  fragrant rounded shrub of southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico having brittle stems and small crowded blue-green leaves and yellow flowers; produces a resin used in incense and varnish and in folk medicine
     subtype:  sunray__Enceliopsis_nudicaulis  herb having a basal cluster of gray-green leaves and leafless stalks each with a solitary broad yellow flower head; desert areas Idaho to Arizona
     subtype:  engelmannia  common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having flowers that resemble sunflowers
     subtype:  fleabane  any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; formerly believed to repel fleas
        subtype:  blue_fleabane__Erigeron_acer  widespread weed with pale purple-blue flowers
        subtype:  daisy_fleabane__daisyfleabane__Erigeron_annuus  widely naturalized white-flowered North American herb
        subtype:  orange_daisy__orange_fleabane__Erigeron_aurantiacus  mat-forming herb of Turkestan with nearly double orange-yellow flowers
        subtype:  spreading_fleabane__spreadingfleabane__Erigeron_divergens  well-branched plant with hairy leaves and stems each with a solitary flower head with narrow white or pink or lavender rays; western North America
        subtype:  seaside_daisy__seasidedaisy__beach_aster__beachaster__Erigeron_glaucous  slightly succulent perennial with basal leaves and hairy sticky stems each bearing a solitary flower head with narrow pink or lavender rays; coastal bluffs Oregon to southern California
        subtype:  Philadelphia_fleabane__Erigeron_philadelphicus  especially pretty plant having a delicate fringe of threadlike rays around flower heads having very slender white or pink rays; United States and Canada
        subtype:  robin's_plantain__robin'splantain__Erigeron_pulchellus  common perennial of eastern North America having flowers with usually violet-purple rays
        subtype:  showy_daisy__showydaisy__Erigeron_speciosus  plant having branching leafy stems each branch with an especially showy solitary flower head with many narrow pink or lavender or white rays; northwestern United States mountains
     subtype:  woolly_sunflower  any plant of the genus Eriophyllum
        subtype:  golden_yarrow__Eriophyllum_lanatum  grayish woolly leafy perennial with branched stems ending in leafless stalks bearing golden-yellow flower heads; dry areas western North America
     subtype:  gaillardia  any plant of western America of the genus Gaillardia having hairy leaves and long-stalked flowers in hot vibrant colors from golden yellow and copper to rich burgundy
        subtype:  blanket_flower__blanketflower__Indian_blanket__firewheel__gaillardiapulchella  annual of central United States having showy long-stalked yellow flower heads marked with scarlet or purple in the center
     subtype:  desert_sunflower__Gerea_canescens  slender hairy plant with few leaves and golden-yellow flower heads; sandy desert areas of southeastern California to southwestern Utah and western Arizona and northwestern Mexico
     subtype:  goldenbush.wildflower  a plant of the genus Haplopappus
        subtype:  camphor_daisy__camphordaisy__Haplopappus_phyllocephalus  annual of southern United States and Mexico having bristly leaves and pale yellow flowers
        subtype:  yellow_spiny_daisy__Haplopappus_spinulosus  slender perennial of western North America having weakly bristly leaves and yellow flower heads
     subtype:  heliopsis__heliopsi__oxeye  any North American shrubby perennial herb of the genus Heliopsis having large yellow daisylike flowers
     subtype:  hairy_golden_aster__prairie_golden_aster__Heterotheca_villosa__Chrysopsis_villosa  hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters; found almost everywhere in dry places from Canada to west central and western United States; sometimes placed in genus Chrysopsis
     subtype:  alpine_gold__alpine_hulsea__Hulsea_algida  low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays; northwestern United States
     subtype:  dwarf_hulsea__dwarfhulsea__Hulsea_nana  similar to but smaller than alpine hulsea
     subtype:  goldfields__Lasthenia_chrysostoma  small slender woolly annual with very narrow opposite leaves and branches bearing solitary golden-yellow flower heads; southwestern Oregon to Baja California and Arizona; often cultivated
     subtype:  hawkbit  any of various common wildflowers of the genus Leontodon; of temperate Eurasia to Mediterranean regions
        subtype:  fall_dandelion__arnica_bud__Leontodon_autumnalis  fall-blooming European herb with a yellow flower; naturalized in the United States
     subtype:  edelweiss__edelweis__leontopodiumalpinum  alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads held in stars of glistening whitish bracts
     subtype:  north_island_edelweiss__Leucogenes_leontopodium  perennial herb closely resembling European edelweiss; New Zealand
     subtype:  blazing_star__blazingstar__buttonsnakeroot__snakeroot  any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads
        subtype:  dotted_gayfeather__Liatris_punctata  herb with many stems bearing narrow slender wands of crowded rose-lavender flowers; central United States and Canada to Texas and northern Mexico
        subtype:  dense_blazing_star__denseblazingstar__Liatris_pycnostachya  perennial of southeastern and central United States having very dense spikes of purple flowers; often cultivated for cut flowers
     subtype:  tahoka_daisy__tansy_leaf_aster__Machaeranthera_tanacetifolia  wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays; Alberta to Texas and Mexico
     subtype:  sticky_aster__Machaeranthera_bigelovii  wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to Arizona
     subtype:  Mojave_aster__Machaeranthera_tortifoloia  wild aster having grayish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rayes; of rocky desert slopes California to Arizona and Utah
     subtype:  common_madia__common_tarweed__Madia_elegans  California annual having red-brown spots near the base of its yellow flower rays
     subtype:  blackfoot_daisy__Melampodium_leucanthum  bushy subshrub having flower heads that resemble asters with broad white rays; found in desert areas of Arizona east to Kansas and south to Mexico
     subtype:  Mexican_hat__Ratibida_columnaris  coneflower with flower heads resembling a Mexican hat with a tall red-brown disk and drooping yellow or yellow and red-brown rays; great plains along base of Rocky Mountains
     subtype:  long-head_coneflower__prairie_coneflower__prairieconeflower__Ratibida_columnifera  plant similar to the Mexican hat coneflower; from British Columbia to New Mexico
     subtype:  prairie_coneflower__prairieconeflower__Ratibida_tagetes  coneflower of central to southwestern United States
     subtype:  nodding_groundsel__noddinggroundsel__Senecio_bigelovii  plant with erect leafy stems bearing clusters of rayless yellow flower heads on bent individual stalks; moist regions of southwestern United States
     subtype:  ragwort__butterweed__Senecio_glabellus  American ragwort with yellow flowers
     subtype:  arrowleaf_groundsel__arrowleafgroundsel__Senecio_triangularis  perennial with sharply toothed triangular leaves on leafy stems bearing a cluster of yellow flower heads; moist places in mountains of western North America
     subtype:  goldenrod  any of numerous chiefly summer-blooming and fall-blooming North American plants especially of the genus Solidago
        subtype:  silverrod__solidagobicolor  plant of eastern North America having creamy white flowers
        subtype:  meadow_goldenrod__Canadian_goldenrod__Solidago_canadensis  large North American goldenrod having showy clusters of yellow flowers on arching branches; often a weed
        subtype:  Missouri_goldenrod__Solidago_missouriensis  similar to meadow goldenrod but usually smaller
        subtype:  alpine_goldenrod__Solidago_multiradiata  goldenrod similar to narrow goldenrod but having bristly hairs on edges of leaf stalks; mountainous regions of western America
        subtype:  gray_goldenrod__Solidago_nemoralis  a dyer's weed of Canada and the eastern United States having yellow flowers sometimes used in dyeing
        subtype:  Blue_Mountain_tea__sweet_goldenrod__sweetgoldenrod__Solidago_odora  goldenrod of eastern America (especially Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania) having aromatic leaves from which a medicinal tea is made
        subtype:  dyer's_weed__Solidago_rugosa  eastern North American herb whose yellow flowers are (or were) used in dyeing
        subtype:  seaside_goldenrod__seasidegoldenrod__beach_goldenrod__beachgoldenrod__Solidago_sempervirens  vigorous showy goldenrod common along eastern and Gulf coasts of North America
        subtype:  narrow_goldenrod__Solidago_spathulata  western American goldenrod with long narrow clusters of small yellow flowers
        subtype:  Boott's_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  Elliott's_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  Ohio_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  rough-stemmed_goldenrod__roughstemmedgoldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  showy_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  tall_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
        subtype:  zigzag_goldenrod__broad_leaved_goldenrod  a variety of goldenrod
     subtype:  stemless_golden_weed__Stenotus_acaulis__Haplopappus_acaulis  dark green erect herb of northwestern United States and southwestern Canada having stiff leaves in dense tufts and yellow flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Haplopappus
     subtype:  northern_dune_tansy__Tanacetum_douglasii  lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers; sand dunes of Pacific coast of North America
     subtype:  stemless_hymenoxys__Tetraneuris_acaulis__Hymenoxys_acaulis  perennial having tufted basal leaves and short leafless stalks each bearing a solitary yellow flower head; dry hillsides and plains of west central North America
     subtype:  old_man_of_the_mountain__alpine_sunflower__Tetraneuris_grandiflora__Hymenoxys_grandiflora  whitish hairy plant with featherlike leaves and a few stout stems each bearing an especially handsome solitary large yellow flower head; mountainous regions north central United States
     subtype:  yellow_salsify__Tragopogon_dubius  European perennial naturalized throughout United States having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower
     subtype:  meadow_salsify__goatsbeard__shepherd's_clock__Tragopogon_pratensis  weedy European annual with yellow flowers; naturalized in United States
     subtype:  mule's_ears__Wyethia_amplexicaulis  balsamic-resinous herb with clumps of lanceolate leaves and stout leafy stems ending in large deep yellow flowers on long stalks; northwestern United States
     subtype:  white-rayed_mule's_ears__Wyethia_helianthoides  herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream rays; northwestern United States
     subtype:  Indian_pipe__waxflower__Monotropa_uniflora  small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower; turns black with age
     subtype:  pinesap__false_beachdrops__Monotropa_hypopithys  fleshy tawny or reddish saprophytic herb resembling the Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America; in some classifications placed in a separate genus Hypopitys
     subtype:  snow_plant__Sarcodes_sanguinea  a fleshy bright red saprophytic plant of the mountains of western North America that appears in early spring while snow is on the ground
     subtype:  prairie_gentian__prairiegentian__tulip_gentian__tulipgentian__bluebell__Eustoma_grandiflorum  one of the most handsome prairie wildflowers laving large erect bell-shaped bluish flowers; of moist places in prairies and fields from eastern Colorado and Nebraska south to New Mexico and Texas
     subtype:  coast_boykinia__coastboykinia__Boykinia_elata__Boykinia_occidentalis  plant with leaves mostly at the base and openly branched clusters of small white flowers; western North America
     subtype:  leatherleaf_saxifrage__leatherleafsaxifrage__Leptarrhena_pyrolifolia  plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers; moist places of northwestern North America to Oregon and Idaho
     subtype:  prairie_star__prairiestar__Lithophragma_parviflorum  plant with mostly basal leaves and slender open racemes of white or pale pink flowers; prairies and open forest of northwestern United States to British Columbia and Alberta
     subtype:  fringed_grass_of_Parnassus__Parnassia_fimbriata  bog plant with broadly heart-shaped basal leaves and cream or white saucer-shaped flowers with fringed petals; west of Rocky Mountains from Alaska to New Mexico
     subtype:  false_alumroot__falsealumroot__fringecup__Tellima_grandiflora  plant growing in clumps with mostly basal leaves and cream or pale pink fringed flowers in several long racemes; Alaska to coastal central California and east to Idaho
     subtype:  false_miterwort__falsemiterwort__false_mitrewort__falsemitrewort__Tiarella_unifoliata  plant with tiny white flowers hanging in loose clusters on leafy stems; moist woods from Alaska to central California and east to Montana
     subtype:  kitten-tails  a plant of the genus Besseya having fluffy spikes of flowers
        subtype:  Alpine_besseya__Besseya_alpina  small pale plant with dense spikes of pale bluish-violet flowers; of high cold meadows from Wyoming and Utah to New Mexico
     subtype:  Indian_paintbrush__painted_cup  any of various plants of the genus Castilleja having dense spikes of hooded flowers with brightly colored bracts
        subtype:  desert_paintbrush__Castilleja_chromosa  most common paintbrush of western United States dry lands; having erect stems ending in dense spikes of bright orange to red flowers
        subtype:  giant_red_paintbrush__giantredpaintbrush__Castilleja_miniata  wildflower of western North America having ragged clusters of crimson or scarlet flowers
        subtype:  great_plains_paintbrush__Castilleja_sessiliflora  hairy plant with pinkish flowers; Great Plains to northern Mexico
        subtype:  sulfur_paintbrush__Castilleja_sulphurea  plant of moist highland meadows having ragged clusters of pale yellow flowers
     subtype:  purple_chinese_houses__innocense__Collinsia_bicolor__Collinsia_heterophylla  white and lavender to pale-blue flowers grow in perfect rings of widely spaced bands around the stems forming a kind of pagoda; California
     subtype:  maiden_blue-eyed_Mary__Collinsia_parviflora  small widely branching Western plant with tiny blue-and-white flowers; British Columbia to Ontario and south to California and Colorado
     subtype:  blue-eyed_Mary__Collinsia_verna  Eastern United States plant with whorls of blue-and-white flowers
     subtype:  golden-beard_penstemon__Penstemon_barbatus  plant of southwestern United States having long open clusters of scarlet flowers with yellow hairs on lower lip
     subtype:  scarlet_bugler__scarletbugler__Penstemon_centranthifolius  plant with bright red tubular flowers in long narrow clusters near tips of erect stems; coastal ranges from central California southward
     subtype:  Platte_River_penstemon__Penstemon_cyananthus  erect plant with blue-violet flowers in rings near tips of stems; Idaho to Utah and Wyoming
     subtype:  Davidson's_penstemon__Penstemon_davidsonii  mat-forming plant with blue-lavender flowers clustered on short erect stems; British Columbia to northern California
     subtype:  hot-rock_penstemon__Penstemon_deustus  stems in clumps with cream-colored flowers; Washington State to Wyoming and south to California and Utah
     subtype:  Jones'_penstemon__Penstemon_dolius  low plant with light blue and violet flowers in short clusters near tips of stems; Nevada to Utah
     subtype:  shrubby_penstemon__shrubbypenstemon__lowbush_penstemon__lowbushpenstemon__Penstemon_fruticosus  low bushy plant with large showy pale lavender or blue-violet flowers in narrow clusters at ends of stems
     subtype:  narrow-leaf_penstemon__Penstemon_linarioides  plant having small narrow leaves and blue-violet flowers in long open clusters; Utah and Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona
     subtype:  mountain_pride__Penstemon_newberryi  mat-forming plant with deep pink flowers on short erect leafy stems; rocky places at high elevations from Oregon to California
     subtype:  balloon_flower__balloonflower__scented_penstemon__scentedpenstemon__Penstemon_palmeri  fragrant puffed-up white to reddish-pink flowers in long narrow clusters on erect stems; Arizona to New Mexico and Utah
     subtype:  Parry's_penstemon__Penstemon_parryi  erect stems with pinkish-lavender flowers in long interrupted clusters; Arizona
     subtype:  rock_penstemon__cliff_penstemon__cliffpenstemon__Penstemon_rupicola  one of the West's most beautiful wildflowers; large brilliant pink or rose flowers in many racemes above thick mats of stems and leaves; ledges and cliffs from Washington to California
     subtype:  Rydberg's_penstemon__Penstemon_rydbergii  plant with whorls of small dark blue-violet flowers; Washington to Wyoming and south to California and Colorado
     subtype:  cascade_penstemon__cascadepenstemon__Penstemon_serrulatus  whorls of deep blue to dark purple flowers at tips of erect leafy stems; moist places from British Columbia to Oregon
     subtype:  Whipple's_penstemon__Penstemon_whippleanus  wine-lavender to black-purple flowers in several clusters on the upper half of leafy stems; Montana south through the Rocky Mountain regions to Arizona and New Mexico
     subtype:  wild_carrot__Queen_Anne's_lace__Daucus_carota  a widely naturalized Eurasian herb with finely cut foliage and white compound umbels of small white or yellowish flowers and thin yellowish roots

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