#visual_communication  communication that relies on vision
  supertype:  communication  something that is communicated between people or groups
  part:  visual_signal
  subtype:  video.visual_communication__picture  the visible part of a television transmission; "they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone"
  subtype:  gesticulation__gesture__motion  the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals
     subtype:  sign.gesticulation  a gesture that is part of a sign language
     subtype:  beck  a beckoning gesture
     subtype:  facial_gesture__facial_expression  a gesture executed with the facial muscles
        subtype:  gape.facial_gesture  an expression of open-mouthed astonishment
           subtype:  rictus  a gaping grimace
        subtype:  grimace__face  a contorted facial expression; "she made a grimace at the prospect"
           subtype:  pout__moue__wry_face__wryface  a disdainful pouting grimace
        subtype:  frown__scowl  a facial expression of dislike or displeasure
        subtype:  smile__smiling__grin__grinning  a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement
           subtype:  smirk  a smile expressing smugness or scorn instead of pleasure
        subtype:  laugh  a facial expression characteristic of a person laughing; "his face wrinkled in a silent laugh of derision"
        subtype:  snarl  an angry vicious expression
        subtype:  straight_face  a serious facial expression giving no evidence of interest or amusement
        subtype:  wink  closing one eye quickly as a signal
        subtype:  wince  the facial expression of sudden pain
     subtype:  flourish  a showy gesture; "she entered with a great flourish"
     subtype:  high-five  a gesture of greeting or elation; one person's upraised palm slaps the upraised palm of another person
     subtype:  previous_question  a motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly
     subtype:  shrug  a gesture involving the shoulders
     subtype:  waving__wave__wafture  the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
        subtype:  brandish__flourish  the act of waving
     subtype:  V_sign  a sign (for victory); making a V with the index and middle fingers
     subtype:  nod.gesticulation  a sign of assent or salutation or command
     subtype:  obeisance__bow__bowing  bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame
        subtype:  curtsy__curtsey  bending at the knees; a gesture of respect made by women
        subtype:  genuflection__genuflexion  the act of bending the knees in worship or reverence
        subtype:  kowtow__kotow  a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission
        subtype:  scrape__scraping  a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him"
        subtype:  salaam  a deep bow; a Muslim form of salutation
     subtype:  sign_of_the_cross  a gesture with the right hand moving to form a cross; used by Catholics as a profession of faith
  subtype:  body_language  communication via the movements or attitudes of the body
  subtype:  demo__demonstration  a visual presentation showing how something works; "the lecture was accompanied by dramatic demonstrations"
     subtype:  display.demo__show  something intended to communicate a particular impression; "made a display of strength"; "a show of impatience"; "a good show of looking interested"
        subtype:  gaudery  cheap or pretentious display
     subtype:  reflexion__expression__manifestation__reflection  expression without words; "tears are an expression of grief"; "the pulse is a reflection of the heart's condition"
        subtype:  act.reflexion  a manifestation of insincerity; "he put on quite an act for her benefit"
        subtype:  outburst__effusion__gush  an unrestrained expression of emotion
           subtype:  cry.outburst  a fit of weeping; "had a good cry"
           subtype:  acting_out.outburst__actingout  a (usually irritating) impulsive and uncontrollable outburst by a problem child or a neurotic adult
     subtype:  exemplification__illustration  showing by example
  subtype:  projection.visual_communication  the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
  subtype:  display.visual_communication  exhibiting openly in public view; "a display of courage"
     subtype:  acting_out  (psychiatry) the display of previously inhibited emotions (often in actions rather than words); considered to be healthy and therapeutic
     subtype:  array.display  an impressive display; "it was a bewildering array of books"; "his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall"
     subtype:  viewing__screening__showing  the display of motion picture
        subtype:  preview  a screening for a select audience in advance of release for the general public
           subtype:  sneak_preview__sneakpreview  a preview to test audience reactions
     subtype:  sight.display  anything that is seen; "he was a familiar sight on the television" or "they went to Paris to see the sights"
        subtype:  spectacle.sight  something or someone seen (especially a notable or unusual sight); "the tragic spectacle of cripples trying to escape"
     subtype:  ostentation.display__fanfare  a showy outward display
        subtype:  bravado  a swaggering show of courage
        subtype:  exhibitionism  extravagant and conspicuous behavior intended to attract attention to yourself
        subtype:  ritz  ostentatious display of elegance; "they put on the ritz"
        subtype:  splurge  an ostentatious display (of effort or extravagance etc.)
        subtype:  pedantry  a ostentatious and inappropriate display of learning
     subtype:  flaunt  the act of displaying something ostentatiously; "his behavior was an outrageous flaunt"
     subtype:  presentation.display  the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it; "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"
        subtype:  unveiling  putting on display for the first time; "he attended the unveiling of the statue"
        subtype:  production.presentation  a presentation for the stage or screen or radio or television; "have you seen the new production of Hamlet?"
           subtype:  theatrical_production__staging  the production of a drama on the stage
              subtype:  coup_de_theatre  a highly successful theatrical production
  subtype:  artwork__art__graphics__nontextual_matter  photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication; "the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book"
     subtype:  illustration  artwork that helps make something clear or attractive
        subtype:  picture__pictorial_matter__pictorialmatter  illustrations used to decorate or explain a text; "the dictionary had many pictures"
        subtype:  figure__fig  a diagram or picture illustrating textual material; "the area covered can be seen from Figure 2"
        subtype:  chart  a visual display of information
           subtype:  plot.chart  a chart or map showing the movements or progress of an object
           subtype:  organization_chart  a chart showing the lines of responsibility between departments of a large organization
           subtype:  color_chart__colorchart  a chart displaying colors
              subtype:  color_circle__colorcircle__color_wheel__colorwheel  a chart in which complementary colors (or their names) are arranged on opposite sides of a circle
           subtype:  bar_chart__barchart__bar_graph__bargraph  a chart with bars whose lengths are proportional to quantities
              subtype:  histogram  a bar chart representing a frequency distribution; heights of the bars represent observed frequencies
           subtype:  eye_chart__eyechart  a chart that is read from a fixed distance; used as a test of vision
           subtype:  flip_chart  a chart with several sheets hinged at the top; sheets can be flipped over to present information sequentially
           subtype:  pie_chart__piechart  a circular chart divided into triangular areas proportional to the percentages of the whole
           subtype:  star_chart  a chart showing the relative positions of the stars in a particular part of the sky
           subtype:  profile  a graph representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics
              subtype:  population_profile  a chart showing the number of people as a function of their ages
        subtype:  graph__graphical_record__graphicalrecord  a drawing illustrating the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes
           subtype:  characteristic_curve__characterisic_function__characterisicfunction  (electronics) graph showing how a particular characteristic of a device varies with other parameters
              subtype:  frequency-response_curve__frequency-response_characteristic__frequency_response__frequencyresponse  (electronics) a graph of frequency response with signal amplitude or gain plotted against frequency
           subtype:  ballistocardiogram  a graphical recording made by a ballistocardiograph
           subtype:  electrocardiogram__cardiogram__EKG__ECG  a graphical recording of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph
           subtype:  electroencephalogram__encephalogram__EEG  a graphical record of electrical activity of the brain; produced by an electroencephalograph
           subtype:  electroretinogram  a graphical recording of the electrical activity of the retina that results when light is flashed into the eye
           subtype:  Laffer_curve  a graph purporting to show the relation between tax rates and government income; income increases as tax rates increase up to an optimum beyond which income declines
           subtype:  myogram  a graphical recording of muscle activity
              subtype:  electromyogram__EMG  a graphical record of electric currents associated with muscle contractions
           subtype:  radiation_pattern__radiationpattern__radiation_diagram__radiationdiagram__pattern  graphical representation (in polar or cartesian coordinates) of the spatial distribution of radiation from an antenna as a function of angle
           subtype:  tachogram  a graphical record of speed and distance produced by a tachograph
           subtype:  exponential_curve__exponentialcurve  a graph of an exponential function
     subtype:  drawing.artwork  an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book or magazine; "it is shown by the drawing in Fig. 7"

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