#unfortunate_person__unfortunateperson__unfortunate  a person who suffers misfortune
  supertype:  person__individual__someone__somebody__mortal__human__human_being__humanbeing__soul  a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
  subtype:  abandoned_person__abandonedperson  someone for whom hope has been abandoned
     subtype:  castaway__shipwreck_survivor__shipwrecksurvivor  a shipwrecked person
  subtype:  amputee  someone who has had a limb removed by amputation
  subtype:  choker  an unfortunate person who is unable to perform effectively because of nervous tension or agitation; "he could win if he wasn't a choker"
  subtype:  cripple  someone whose legs are disabled
     subtype:  humpback__hunchback__crookback  a person whose back is hunched because of abnormal curvature of the upper spine
  subtype:  desperate  a person who is frightened and in need of help; "they prey on the hopes of the desperate"
     subtype:  goner  a person in desperate straits; someone doomed
  subtype:  homeless_person__homeless  someone with no housing; "the homeless became a problem in the large cities"
     subtype:  bag_lady__baglady  a homeless woman who carries all her possessions with her in shopping bags
  subtype:  Job.unfortunate_person__job  any long-suffering person who withstands affliction without despairing
  subtype:  jonah__jinx  a person believed to bring bad luck to those around him
  subtype:  languisher  a person who languishes
  subtype:  unsuccessful_person__failure__loser__nonstarter  a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently
     subtype:  bankrupt__insolvent  someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts
     subtype:  washout__flop__dud  (informal) someone who is unsuccessful
     subtype:  underdog  one at a disadvantage and expected to lose
  subtype:  mourner__griever__sorrower__lamenter  a person who is feeling grief (as grieving over someone who has died)
     subtype:  pallbearer__bearer  one of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral
     subtype:  wailer  a mourner who utters long loud high-pitched cries
     subtype:  weeper  a hired mourner
  subtype:  nympholept  a person seized by nympholepsy
  subtype:  outcast__castaway__pariah__Ishmael  a person who is rejected (from society or home)
     subtype:  misbeliever__heretic__religious_outcast__religiousoutcast  a person who holds religious beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church
     subtype:  leper  a pariah who is avoided by others
     subtype:  untouchable__Harijan  belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India
  subtype:  poor_person__have-not  a person with few or no possessions
     subtype:  down-and-out  a person who is destitute; "he tried to help the down-and-out"
     subtype:  pauper__poor_man  a person who is very poor
        subtype:  beggar__mendicant  a pauper who lives by begging
           subtype:  beggarman  a man who is a beggar
           subtype:  beggarwoman  a woman who is a beggar
           subtype:  Lazarus  the diseased beggar in Jesus' parable of the rich man and the beggar
           subtype:  moocher__cadger__scrounger  someone who mooches or cadges (tries to get something free)
           subtype:  panhandler  a beggar who approaches strangers asking for money
        subtype:  derelict  a person unable to support himself
        subtype:  starveling  someone who is starving (or being starved)
     subtype:  vagrant__drifter__floater  a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support
        subtype:  beachcomber  a vagrant living on a beach
        subtype:  sundowner.vagrant  (Australia) a tramp who habitually arrives at sundown
        subtype:  hobo__tramp__bum  a disreputable vagrant
           subtype:  dosser__street_person  someone who sleeps in any convenient place
  subtype:  prisoner__captive  a person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war
     subtype:  jailbird__convict__con__inmate__gaolbird  a person serving a prison sentence
        subtype:  lifer  a prisoner serving a term of life imprisonment
     subtype:  political_detainee__politicaldetainee__detainee  some held in custody
     subtype:  hostage__surety  a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms
     subtype:  internee  a person who is interned; "the internees were enemy aliens and suspected terrorists"
     subtype:  political_prisoner__politicalprisoner  someone who is imprisoned because of their political views
     subtype:  prisoner_of_war__POW  a person who surrenders to (or is taken by) the enemy in time of war
  subtype:  sick_person__diseased_person__diseasedperson__sufferer  a person suffering from an illness
     subtype:  anorexic__anorectic  a person suffering from anorexia nervosa
     subtype:  bulimic  a person suffering from bulimia
     subtype:  consumptive__lunger  a person with pulmonary tuberculosis
     subtype:  convalescent  a person who is recovering from illness
     subtype:  depressive  someone suffering psychological depression
        subtype:  melancholic__melancholiac  someone subject to melancholia
     subtype:  diabetic  someone who has diabetes
     subtype:  dyspeptic  a person suffering from indigestion
     subtype:  epileptic  a person who has epilepsy
     subtype:  hemophiliac__bleeder__haemophile  someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding
     subtype:  incurable  a person whose disease is incurable
     subtype:  insomniac__sleepless_person__sleeplessperson  someone who cannot sleep
     subtype:  invalid__shut-in  someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury
     subtype:  lazar__leper  a person afflicted with leprosy
     subtype:  lunatic__madman__maniac  an insane person
        subtype:  crazy__loony__looney__weirdo  someone deranged and possibly dangerous
        subtype:  bedlamite  an archaic term for a lunatic
        subtype:  pyromaniac  a person with a mania for setting things on fire
        subtype:  madwoman  a woman lunatic
     subtype:  manic-depressive__manicdepressive  a person afflicted with manic-depressive illness
     subtype:  monomaniac  a person suffering from monomania
     subtype:  narcoleptic.sick_person  a person who has narcolepsy
     subtype:  neurasthenic  a person suffering a nervous breakdown
     subtype:  neurotic__psychoneurotic__mental_case  a person suffering from neurosis
        subtype:  hysteric  a person suffering from hysteria
        subtype:  sociopath__psychopath  someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder (`psychopath' was once widely used but has now been superseded by `sociopath')
     subtype:  patient  a person who requires medical care; "the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly"
        subtype:  alexic  a person with alexia
        subtype:  analysand  a person undergoing psychoanalysis
        subtype:  hypochondriac  a patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments
        subtype:  inpatient__inmate  a patient who is residing in the hospital where he is being treated
        subtype:  outpatient  a patient who does not reside in the hospital where he is being treated
        subtype:  vaccinee  a patient who has been vaccinated
     subtype:  psychotic_person__psychoticperson__psychotic__psycho  a person afflicted with psychosis
        subtype:  cataleptic  a person suffering from catalepsy
        subtype:  paranoid__paranoiac  a person afflicted with paranoia
        subtype:  schizophrenic  someone who is afflicted with schizophrenia
     subtype:  rheumatic  a person suffering with rheumatism
     subtype:  syphilitic  a person suffering from syphilis
     subtype:  valetudinarian  weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
     subtype:  vomiter__spewer  a person who vomits
  subtype:  subsister__survivor  one who lives through affliction; "the survivors of the fire were taken to a hospital"
  subtype:  victim  an unfortunate person who suffers from some adverse circumstance
     subtype:  injured_party__injuredparty__casualty  someone injured or killed in an accident
     subtype:  casualty.victim  someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement
     subtype:  hunted_person  a person who is hunted
        subtype:  pursued__chased  a person who is being chased; "the film jumped back and forth from the pursuer to the pursued"
     subtype:  sufferer__martyr  one who suffers for the sake of principle
        instance:  William_Tyndale__Tyndale__Tindale__William_Tindale__Tindal__William_Tindal
     subtype:  martyr  one who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty for refusing to renounce their religion
        instance:  Saint_Thomas_a_Becket__Becket__Thomas_a_Becket__St_Thomas_a_Becket  Saint_George__George__St_George  Jeanne_d'Arc__Joan_of_Arc__Saint_Joan  Saint_Lawrence__Lawrence__St_Lawrence__Laurentius  St_Vitus__Vitus
     subtype:  muggee  a victim of a mugging; "the law seems to give more protection to the mugger than to the muggee"
     subtype:  murderee  a victim who is murdered
     subtype:  poor_devil__wretch  someone you feel sorry for
     subtype:  fair_game__prey__quarry__target  a person who is the victim of ridicule or exploitation by some hostile person or influence; "he fell prey to muggers"; "everyone was fair game"
     subtype:  scapegoat__whipping_boy  someone punished for the errors of others
  subtype:  weeper.unfortunate_person__crier  a person who weeps
     subtype:  bawler  a loud weeper; "their new baby is a real bawler"

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