#unemotionality__emotionlessness__emotionlessnes  absence of emotion
  exclusion:  #emotionality
  supertype:  #trait  a distinguishing feature of one's personal nature
  subtype:  #blandness__blandnes  the trait of exhibiting no personal embarrassment or concern; "the blandness of his confession enraged the judge"
  subtype:  #coolness__coldness__frigidity  a lack of affection or enthusiasm
     subtype:  #stone.coolness  a lack of feeling or expression or movement; "he must have a heart of stone"; "her face was as hard as stone"
     subtype:  #tepidness__tepidnes__lukewarmnes  lack of passion, force or animation
  subtype:  #dispassion__dispassionateness__dispassionatenes  objectivity and detachment
  subtype:  #stoicism__stolidity__stolidness  an indifference to pleasure or pain

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