#timbre__timber__quality__tone  the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"; "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet"
  supertype:  #sound_property_or_value__sound_property__soundproperty  an attribute of sound
  subtype:  #resonance.timbre  the quality imparted to voiced speech sounds by the action of the resonating chambers of the throat and mouth and nasal cavities
  subtype:  #color.timbre__colour  the timbre of a musical sound; "the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music"
  subtype:  #harshness__harshnes__roughnes  harsh or rough to the ear
     subtype:  #gruffness__gruffnes__hoarsenes__huskiness__huskines  a throaty harshness
  subtype:  #mellowness__fullness__richness  the property of a sound that has a rich and pleasing timbre
  subtype:  #nasality  a quality of the voice that is produced by nasal resonators
     subtype:  #nasal_twang__nasaltwang__twang  exaggerated nasality in speech (as in some regional dialects)
  subtype:  #plangency__reverberance__ringing__sonorousnes__vibrancy  having the character of a loud deep sound; the quality of being resonant
  subtype:  #shrillness__stridence__stridency  having the timbre of a loud high-pitched sound
  subtype:  #register  the timbre characteristic of a certain range and manner of production of the human voice
     subtype:  #head_register__head_voice__head_tone  the higher ranges of the voice in speaking or singing; the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head
        subtype:  #falsetto  a male singing voice with artificially high tones in an upper register
     subtype:  #chest_register__chestregister__chest_voice__chestvoice__chest_tone__chesttone  the lower ranges of the voice in speaking or singing

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