#theater__house  a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented; "the house was full"
  supertype:  pm#cultural_attraction (pm)  #edifice
  instance:  http://sunshinecoast.citysearch.com.au/profile?id=45118770
  part:  #ticket_office  #dress_circle  #dressing_room  #greenroom  #orchestra.seating_room  #orchestra_pit  #parquet  #parquet_circle  #stage  #standing_room  #theater_stage  #tiered_seats
  subtype:  #arena_theater__arenatheater__theater_in_the_round  a theater arranged with seats around at least three sides of the stage
  subtype:  #movie_theater__movietheater__cinema__movie_theatre__movietheatre__movie_house__moviehouse__picture_palace__picturepalace  a theater where films are shown
     subtype:  #bioscope.movie_theater  a South African movie theater
     subtype:  #fleapit  (British) an old shabby movie theater
  subtype:  #little_theater__little_theatre  a small theater for experimental drama or collegiate or community groups
  subtype:  #music_hall__musichall__vaudevilletheater__vaudeville_theatre  a theater in which vaudeville is staged
  subtype:  #opera_house__operahouse__opera  theater where opera is performed

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