#tennis_stroke__tennis_shot  the act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket
  supertype:  #stroke__shot  (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "a good shot require good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot"
  subtype:  #return  a tennis stroke that returns the ball to the other player; "he won the point on a cross-court return"
     subtype:  #forehand_stroke__forehand__forehand_shot  a return made with the palm of the hand facing the direction of the stroke (as in tennis or badminton or squash)
     subtype:  #backhand_stroke__backhand__backhand_shot  a return made with the back of the hand facing the direction of the stroke
        subtype:  #two-handed_backhand  a backhand shot made holding the racquet in both hands
     subtype:  #chop_shot__chop  a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball
     subtype:  #drive.return  a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash)
        subtype:  #forehand_drive  hard straight return made on the forehand side (as in tennis or badminton or squash)
        subtype:  #backhand_drive  a hard straight return made on the backhand side
     subtype:  #volley  a tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces
     subtype:  #ground_stroke  a tennis return made by hitting the ball after it has bounced once
     subtype:  #half_volley  a tennis return made by hitting the ball immediately after it bounces
     subtype:  #lob.return  an easy return of a tennis ball in a high arc
     subtype:  #overhead.return__smash  a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head
     subtype:  #drop_shot__dink  a soft return so that the tennis ball drops abruptly after crossing the net
     subtype:  #passing_shot__passingshot  a tennis return that passes an opponent who has approached the net
  subtype:  #serve__service  a stroke (in tennis or badminton or squash) that puts the ball in play; "his powerful serves won the game"
     subtype:  #ace  a serve that the receiver is unable to reach
     subtype:  #fault.serve  (tennis or badminton or squash) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area); "he served too many double faults"
        subtype:  #double_fault  (tennis) two successive faults in serving resulting in the loss of the point
        subtype:  #footfault  a fault that occurs when the server in tennis fails to keep both feet behind the baseline
     subtype:  #let__netball  a serve that strikes the net before falling into the receiver's court; the ball must be served again

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