#temporary_state__temporarystate a state that continues for a limited time supertype: #state the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state" subtype: #state_of_mind__frame_of_mind a temporary psychological state subtype: #case.state_of_mind a specific state of mind that is temporary; "a case of the jitters" subtype: #thinking_cap a state in which one thinks subtype: #weariness__wearines__tiredness__tirednes temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work subtype: #eyestrain__asthenopia a tiredness of the eyes caused by prolonged close work by a person with an uncorrected vision problem subtype: #jet_lag__jetlag fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel subtype: #exhaustion.weariness extreme fatigue subtype: #inanition exhaustion resulting from lack of food subtype: #frazzle (informal) a state of extreme exhaustion; "he was worn to a frazzle" subtype: #mental_exhaustion__brain-fag__brainfag exhaustion that affects mental keenness subtype: #grogginess a groggy state resulting from weariness subtype: #loginess__logginess__loggines a dull and listless state resulting from weariness subtype: #depletion.temporary_state the state of being depleted subtype: #salt_depletion loss of salt from the body without replacement (loss by vomiting or profuse perspiration or urination or diarrhea) thus upsetting the electrolyte balance subtype: #inebriation__drunkenness__drunkennes__intoxication__tipsiness a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol subtype: #grogginess.inebriation a dazed and staggering state caused by alcohol subtype: #sottishness.inebriation__sottishnes stupefaction from drink subtype: #soberness__sobriety the state of being sober subtype: #sleeplessness__sleeplessnes__wakefulnes a temporary state in which you are unable (or unwilling) to sleep subtype: #sleepiness__drowsiness__somnolence a very sleepy state; "sleepiness causes many driving accidents" subtype: #emergency a state in which martial law applies; "the governor declared a state of emergency" subtype: #clutch a tense critical situation; "he is a good man in the clutch"
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