#supernaturalism  a belief in forces beyond ordinary human understanding
  supertype:  #belief  any cognitive content held as true
  subtype:  #magic  any art that invokes supernatural powers
     subtype:  #juju  the power associated with a juju
     subtype:  #mojo  a magic power or magic spell
     subtype:  #conjuring__conjury  invoking a spirit or devil
        subtype:  #summoning__evocation  calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
     subtype:  #sorcery__black_magic__blackmagic__black_art__blackart  the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
        subtype:  #witchcraft__witchery  the art of sorcery
        subtype:  #bewitchment__enchantment  a magical spell
        subtype:  #diabolism__demonism__Satanism  the worship of devils (especially Satan)
        subtype:  #obiism  belief in a kind of sorcery that originated in Africa and is practiced in the West Indies
     subtype:  #theurgy  magic performed with the help of beneficent spirits
  subtype:  #exorcism__dispossession  freeing from evil spirits

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