#subdivision_Basidiomycota__Basidiomycota__Basidiomycotina__subdivision_Basidiomycotina  comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium: Gasteromycetes (puffballs); Tiliomycetes (comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts)); Hymenomycetes (mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi); in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi
  supertype:  division.phylum  (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
  member of:  division_Eumycota
  member:  class_Basidiomycetes__Basidiomycetes  large class of higher fungi coextensive with subdivision Basidiomycota
     member:  subclass_Homobasidiomycetes__Homobasidiomycetes  category used in some classification systems for various basidiomycetous fungi including e.g. mushrooms and puffballs which are usually placed in the classes Gasteromycetes and Hymenomycetes
     member:  subclass_Heterobasidiomycetes__Heterobasidiomycetes  category used in some classification systems for various basidiomycetous fungi including rusts and smuts
     member:  basidiomycete__basidiomycetous_fungi__basidiomycetousfungi  any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota
     member:  order_Tremellales__Tremellales  fungi varying from gelatinous to waxy or even horny in texture; most are saprophytic
        member:  family_Tremellaceae__Tremellaceae  a family of basidiomycetous fungi of the order Tremellales that have the basidium divided longitudinally
           member:  genus_Tremella__Tremella  fungi with yellowish gelatinous sporophores having convolutions resembling those of the brain
              member:  snow_mushroom__Tremella_fuciformis  popular in China and Japan and Taiwan; gelatinous mushrooms; most are dried
              member:  witches'_butter__Tremella_lutescens  a yellow jelly fungus
              member:  Tremella_foliacea  a jelly fungus with a fruiting body 5-15 cm broad and gelatinous in consistency; resembles a bunch of leaf lettuce; mostly water and brownish in color
              member:  Tremella_reticulata  a jelly fungus with an erect whitish fruiting body and a highly variable shape (sometimes resembling coral fungi)
        member:  family_Auriculariaceae__Auriculariaceae  fungi having gelatinous sporophores
           member:  genus_Auricularia__Auricularia  type genus of the Auriculariaceae
              member:  Jew's-ear__Jew's-ears__ear_fungus__Auricularia_auricula  widely distributed edible fungus shaped like a human ear and growing on decaying wood
        member:  family_Dacrymycetaceae__Dacrymycetaceae  a family of basidiomycetous fungi belonging to the order Tremellales having a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa
           member:  genus_Dacrymyces__Dacrymyces  type genus of the Dacrymycetaceae: fungi with a bifurcate basidium that lacks septa
     member:  order_Auriculariales__Auriculariales  coextensive with the family Auriculariaceae; sometimes included in the order Tremellales
     member:  order_Uredinales__Uredinales  rust fungi: parasitic fungi causing rust in plants; sometimes placed in
        member:  rust_fungus__rust  any of various fungi causing rust disease in plants
        member:  family_Melampsoraceae__Melampsoraceae  rust fungi
           member:  genus_Melampsora__Melampsora  rusts having sessile one-celled teliospores in a single layer
              member:  flax_rust_fungus__flax_rust__Melampsora_lini  fungus causing flax rust
           member:  genus_Cronartium__Cronartium  rust fungi having aecia produced in raised or swollen sori and teliospores borne in waxy columns
              member:  blister_rust__blisterrust__Cronartium_ribicola  fungus causing white pine blister rust and having a complex life cycle requiring a plant of genus Ribes as alternate host
        member:  family_Pucciniaceae__Pucciniaceae  large important family of rust fungi
           member:  genus_Puccinia__Puccinia  type genus of the Pucciniaceae; a large genus of parasitic fungi including many that are destructive to various economic plants
              member:  wheat_rust__wheatrust__Puccinia_graminis  rust fungus that attacks wheat
           member:  genus_Gymnosporangium__Gymnosporangium__gymnosporangium  genus of fungi that produce galls on cedars and other conifers of genera Juniperus and Libocedrus and causes rust spots on apples and pears and other plants of family Rosaceae
              member:  cedar-apple_rust__cedarapplerust__apple_rust__applerust__Gymnosporangium_juniperi-virginianae  rust fungus causing rust spots on apples and pears etc
  member:  class_Hymenomycetes__Hymenomycetes  used in some classifications; usually coextensive with order Agaricales: mushrooms; toadstools; agarics; bracket fungi
  member:  order_Agaricales__Agaricales  typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
     member:  family_Clavariaceae__Clavariaceae  fleshy fungi: coral fungi
        member:  coral_fungus  any of numerous fungi of the family Clavariaceae often brightly colored that grow in often intricately branched clusters like coral
     member:  family_Hydnaceae__Hydnaceae  tooth fungi
        member:  tooth_fungus  a fungus of the family Hydnaceae
        member:  genus_Hydnum__Hydnum  type genus of Hydnaceae
     member:  agaric  a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside
     member:  family_Agaricaceae__Agaricaceae  large family including many familiar mushrooms
        member:  genus_Agaricus__Agaricus  type genus of Agaricaceae; gill fungi having brown spores and including several edible species
           member:  horse_mushroom__horsemushroom__Agaricus_arvensis  coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and abroad white cap
           member:  meadow_mushroom__field_mushroom__fieldmushroom__Agaricus_campestris  common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom of commerce
        member:  genus_Amanita__Amanita  genus of widely distributed agarics that have white spores and are poisonous with few exceptions
           member:  royal_agaric__royalagaric__Caesar's_agaric__Amanita_caesarea  widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric
           member:  false_deathcap__falsedeathcap__Amanita_mappa  agaric often confused with the death cup
           member:  fly_agaric__flyagaric__Amanita_muscaria  poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills
           member:  death_cap__deathcap__death_cup__death_angel__destroying_angel__Amanita_phalloides  extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from edible Agaricus only in its white gills
           member:  blushing_mushroom__blusher__amanitarubescen  yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched
           member:  destroying_angel__Amanita_verna  fungus similar to Amanita phalloides
        member:  genus_Cantharellus__Cantharellus  a well-known genus of fungus; has funnel-shaped fruiting body; includes the chanterelles
           member:  chanterelle__chantarelle__Cantharellus_cibarius  widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma
           member:  floccose_chanterelle__Cantharellus_floccosus  a mildly poisonous fungus with a fruiting body shaped like a hollow trumpet
           member:  pig's_ears__Cantharellus_clavatus  an edible agaric with a brown fruiting body that is often compound
           member:  cinnabar_chanterelle__Cantharellus_cinnabarinus  mushroom with a distinctive pink to vermillion fruiting body
        member:  genus_Coprinus__Coprinus  genus of black-spotted agarics in which the cap breaks down at maturity into an inky fluid; sometimes placed in its own family Coprinaceae
           member:  inky_cap__inky-cap_mushroom__Coprinus_atramentarius  having a cap that melts into an inky fluid after spores have matured
           member:  shaggymane_mushroom__shaggymane__shaggycap__Coprinus_comatus  common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores
        member:  genus_Lactarius__Lactarius  large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous species
           member:  milkcap__Lactarius_delicioso  edible mushroom
        member:  genus_Marasmius__Marasmius  chiefly small mushrooms with white spores
           member:  fairy-ring_mushroom__Marasmius_oreades  mushroom that grows in a fairy ring
        member:  genus_Pleurotus__Pleurotus  agarics with white spores and caps having an eccentric stem; an important mushroom of Japan
           member:  oyster_mushroom__oyster_fungus__oyster_agaric__Pleurotus_ostreatus  edible agaric with a soft grayish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood
           member:  olive-tree_agaric__Pleurotus_phosphoreus  red luminescent mushroom of Europe
        member:  genus_Russula__Russula  large genus of fungi with stout stems and white spores and neither annulus nor volva; brittle caps of red or purple or yellow or green or blue; differs from genus Lactarius in lacking milky juice
     member:  family_Coprinaceae__Coprinaceae  used in some classifications for the genus Coprinus
     member:  family_Russulaceae__Russulaceae  used in some classification systems for the genus Russula
     member:  family_Strophariaceae__Strophariaceae  sometimes included in family Agaricaceae
        member:  genus_Pholiota__Pholiota  genus of gilled agarics of Europe and North America having brown spores and an annulus; grows on open ground or decaying wood
           member:  Pholiota_astragalina  a fungus with a smooth orange cap and yellow gills and pale yellow stalk
           member:  Pholiota_aurea__golden_pholiota  a beautiful yellow gilled fungus found from Alaska south along the coast
           member:  Pholiota_destruens  a large fungus with whitish scales on the cap and remnants of the veil hanging from the cap; the stalk is thick and hard
           member:  Pholiota_flammans  a fungus with a yellow cap covered with fine scales as is the stalk
           member:  Pholiota_flavida  a fungus that grows in clusters on the ground; cap is brownish orange with a surface that is smooth and slightly sticky; whitish gills and a cylindrical brown stalk
           member:  Pholiota_nameko__nameko__viscid_mushroom  one of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan
           member:  Pholiota_squarrosa-adiposa  a gilled fungus having yellow slimy caps with conspicuous tawny scales on the caps and stalks
           member:  Pholiota_squarrosa__scaly_pholiota__scalypholiota  a gilled fungus with a cap and stalk that are conspicuously scaly with upright scales; gills develop a greenish tinge with age
           member:  Pholiota_squarrosoides  a pale buff fungus with tawny scales
        member:  genus_Stropharia__Stropharia__ring-stalked_fungus  genus of gill fungi with brown spores that is closely related to Agaricus; here placed in its own family Strophariaceae
           member:  Stropharia_ambigua  a gilled fungus with a long stalk and a yellow slimy cap from which fragments of the broken veil hang; gills are initially white but become dark brown as spores are released
           member:  Stropharia_hornemannii  a gilled fungus with a large slimy purple or olive cap; gills become purple with age; the stalk is long and richly decorated with pieces of the white sheath that extends up to a ring
           member:  Stropharia_rugoso-annulata  a large gilled fungus with a broad cap and a long stalk; the cap is dark brown; the white gills turn dark purplish brown with age; edible and choice
     member:  family_Entolomataceae__Entolomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
        member:  genus_Entoloma__Entoloma  agarics with pink spores but lacking both volva and annulus (includes some that are poisonous)
           member:  Entoloma_lividum__Entoloma_sinuatum  a deadly poisonous agaric; a large cap that is first white (livid or lead-colored) and then turns yellowish or tan
           member:  Entoloma_aprile  an agaric with a dark brown conical cap; fruits in early spring
     member:  family_Lepiotaceae__Lepiotaceae  a family of fungi having free gills and a cap that is cleanly separable from the stalk
        member:  genus_Chlorophyllum  a genus of fungus belonging to the family Lepiotaceae
        member:  genus_Lepiota  agarics with white spores that includes several edible and poisonous mushrooms: parasol mushrooms
           member:  lepiota  any fungus of the genus Lepiota
           member:  parasol_mushroom__parasolmushroom__Lepiota_procera  edible long-stalked mushroom with white flesh and gills and spores; found in open woodlands in autumn
           member:  poisonous_parasol__poisonousparasol__Lepiota_morgani  an agaric regarded as poisonous
           member:  Lepiota_naucina  an agaric with grayish white fruiting body and gills that change from pink to dingy red
           member:  Lepiota_rhacodes  an agaric with a large cap with brown scales and a thick stalk
           member:  American_parasol__Lepiota_americana  an agaric with a pallid cap and a stalk that is enlarged near the base
           member:  Lepiota_rubrotincta  an agaric with a relatively small pink to red cap and white gills and stalk
           member:  Lepiota_clypeolaria  an agaric with a ragged stalk and a soft floccose cap
           member:  onion_stem__onionstem__Lepiota_cepaestipes  a white agaric that tends to cluster and has a club-shaped base
     member:  family_Thelephoraceae__Thelephoraceae  fungi having leathery or membranous sporophores
        member:  genus_Corticium__Corticium  genus of fungi having simple smooth-surfaced sporophores; some are parasitic on wood or economic crops; some species formerly placed in form genus Rhizoctinia
           member:  pink_disease_fungus__Corticium_salmonicolor  fungus causing pink disease in citrus and coffee and rubber trees etc
           member:  bottom_rot_fungus__Corticium_solani  fungus causing bottom rot in lettuce
        member:  genus_Pellicularia__Pellicularia  genus of fungi having the hymenium in the form of a crust; some species formerly placed in the form genus Rhizoctinia
           member:  potato_fungus__Pellicularia_filamentosa__Rhizoctinia_solani  fungus causing a disease in potatoes characterized by black scurfy spots on the tubers
           member:  coffee_fungus__Pellicularia_koleroga  fungus causing a disease in coffee and some other tropical plants
     member:  family_Tricholomataceae__Tricholomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
        member:  genus_Lentinus__Lentinus  a genus of fungus belonging to the family Tricholomataceae
           member:  shiitake_mushroom__shiitake__Chinese_black_mushroom__golden_oak_mushroom__Oriental_black_mushroom__Lentinus_edodes  edible east Asian mushroom having a golden or dark brown to blackish cap and an inedible stipe
           member:  scaly_lentinus__Lentinus_lepideus  a fungus with a scaly cap and white flesh and a ring on the stalk (with scales below the ring); odor reminiscent of licorice
        member:  genus_Omphalotus__Omphalotus  a genus of mushrooms with a depressed disc in the cap
           member:  jack-o-lantern_fungus__jack-o-lantern__jack-a-lantern__Omphalotus_illudens  a large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the gills are luminescent
        member:  genus_Tricholoma__Tricholoma  agarics with white spores and a fleshy stalk and notched gills; of various colors both edible and inedible
           member:  sandy_mushroom__sandymushroom__Tricholoma_populinum  an edible agaric that fruits in great clusters (especially in sandy soil under cottonwood trees)
           member:  Tricholoma_pessundatum  a mildly poisonous agaric with a viscid reddish brown cap and white gills and stalk
           member:  Tricholoma_sejunctum  an agaric with a cap that is coated with dark fibrils in the center and has yellowish margins
           member:  man-on-a-horse__Tricholoma_flavovirens  an edible agaric with yellow gills and a viscid yellow cap that has a brownish center
           member:  Tricholoma_venenata  a poisonous white agaric
           member:  Tricholoma_pardinum  a poisonous agaric having a pale cap with fine gray fibrils
           member:  Tricholoma_vaccinum  an agaric with a cap that is densely covered with reddish fibrils and pale gills an stalk
           member:  Tricholoma_aurantium  an orange tan agaric whose gills become brown by maturity; has a strong odor and taste
        member:  genus_Clitocybe__Clitocybe  a genus of agarics with white to pale yellow spore deposits and fleshy stalks centrally attached to the cap and closely attached gills
           member:  Clitocybe_clavipes  an agaric with a flat cap that is grayish or yellowish brown with pallid gills and a stalk that bulges toward the base
           member:  Clitocybe_dealbata  a small poisonous agaric; has a dry white cap with crowded gills and a short stalk
           member:  Clitocybe_inornata  a fungus with a cap that is creamy gray when young and turns brown with age and a whitish stalk that stains yellow when handled
           member:  Clitocybe_robusta__Clytocybe_alba  a large white agaric; edible but not palatable
           member:  Clitocybe_irina__Tricholoma_irinum__Lepista_irina  an edible agaric with large silky white caps and thick stalks
           member:  Clitocybe_subconnexa  an edible white agaric that fruits in dense clusters; the gills are narrow and crowded and the stalk in fleshy and unpolished
        member:  genus_Flammulina__Flammulina  a genus of agarics
           member:  winter_mushroom__Flammulina_velutipes  an edible agaric that is available in early spring or late fall when few other mushrooms are; has a viscid smooth orange to brown cap and a velvety stalk that turns black in maturity and pallid gills; often occur in clusters
        member:  genus_Armillaria__Armillaria  genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot
           member:  shoestring_fungus  any of several fungi of the genus Armillaria that form brown stringy rhizomorphs and cause destructive rot of the roots of some trees such as apples or maples
           member:  Armillaria_caligata__booted_armillaria  fungus with a brown cap and white gills and a membranous ring halfway up the stalk
        member:  genus_Armillariella__Armillariella  a honey-colored diminutive form of genus Armillaria; grows in clusters; edible (when cooked) but most attention has been on how to get rid of it
           member:  honey_mushroom__honeymushroom__honey_fungus__Armillariella_mellea  a honey-colored edible mushroom commonly associated with the roots of trees in late summer and fall; do not eat raw
     member:  family_Volvariaceae__Volvariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
        member:  genus_Volvaria__Volvaria  agarics having pink spores and a distinct volva
           member:  Volvaria_bombycina  a parasite on various trees
     member:  family_Pluteaceae__Pluteaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
        member:  genus_Pluteus__Pluteus__roof_mushroom  a large genus of fungi belonging to the family Pluteaceae; the shape of the cap resembles a roof; often abundant early in the summer
           member:  Pluteus_aurantiorugosus  an agaric with a brilliant scarlet cap and a slender stalk
           member:  Pluteus_magnus__swadust_mushroom__swadustmushroom  an edible agaric found in piles of hardwood sawdust; the caps are black and coarsely wrinkled
           member:  deer_mushroom__Pluteus_cervinus  a small edible agaric with a slender stalk; usually found on rotting hardwoods
        member:  genus_Volvariella__Volvariella  an important genus of mushrooms in the Orient
           member:  straw_mushroom__strawmushroom__Chinese_mushroom__Volvariella_volvacea  small tropical and subtropical edible mushroom having a white cap and long stem; an expensive delicacy in China and other Asian countries where it is grown commercially
           member:  Volvariella_bombycina  a mushroom with a dry yellowish to white fibrillose cap
     member:  family_Boletaceae__Boletaceae  family of pore-bearing fleshy fungi having the spores easily separating from the cup and often from each other
        member:  bolete  any fungus of the family Boletaceae
        member:  genus_Boletus__Boletus  type genus of Boletaceae; genus of soft early-decaying pore fungi; some poisonous and some edible
           member:  Boletus_chrysenteron  a fungus convex cap and a dingy yellow under surface and a dry stalk
           member:  Boletus_edulis  a edible and choice fungus; has a convex cap that is slightly viscid when fresh and moist but soon dries and a thick bulbous tan stalk
           member:  Frost's_bolete__Boletus_frostii  a fungus with a red cap and a red coarsely reticulate stalk
           member:  Boletus_luridus  a poisonous fungus with a dingy yellow cap and orange red undersurface and a cylindrical reticulate stalk
           member:  Boletus_mirabilis  a fungus that is edible when young and fresh; has a dark brown convex cap with a yellow to greenish under surface and reddish stalk
           member:  Boletus_pallidus  a fungus that has an off-white cap when it is young but later becomes dingy brown and a stalk of the same color; the under surface of the cap (the tubes) a pale greenish yellow
           member:  Boletus_pulcherrimus  a beautiful but poisonous bolete; has a brown cap with a scarlet pore surface and a thick reticulate stalk
           member:  Boletus_pulverulentus  an edible fungus with a broadly convex blackish brown cap and a pore surface that is yellow when young and darkens with age; stalk is thick and enlarges toward the base
           member:  Boletus_roxanae  a fungus with a rusty red cap and a white pore surface that becomes yellow with age and a pale yellow stalk
           member:  Boletus_subvelutipes  a fungus with a velvety stalk and usually a dingy brown cap; injured areas turn blue instantly
           member:  Boletus_variipes  an edible (but not choice) fungus found on soil under hardwoods; has a dry convex cap with whitish under surface and a reticulate stalk
           member:  Boletus_zelleri  an edible and choice fungus that has a brown cap with greenish yellow under surface and a stalk that become dull red with age
        member:  genus_Fuscoboletinus__Fuscoboletinus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
           member:  Fuscoboletinus_paluster  an edible fungus with a pinkish purple cap and stalk and a pore surface that is yellow with large angular pores that become like gills in maturity
           member:  Fuscoboletinus_serotinus  an edible fungus with a broadly convex brown cap and a whitish pore surface and stalk
        member:  genus_Leccinum__Leccinum  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
           member:  Leccinum_fibrillosum  an edible fungus with a dark reddish brown cap and a wide light tan stalk that expands toward the base
        member:  genus_Phylloporus__Phylloporus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
           member:  Phylloporus_boletinoides  a fungus with a broadly convex brown cap and pores that extend part way down the stalk
        member:  genus_Suillus__Suillus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
           member:  Suillus_albivelatus__suillusalbivelatu  a short squat edible fungus with a reddish brown cap and white stalk; fruits under pines in the spring
        member:  genus_Strobilomyces__Strobilomyces  fungi similar to Boletus but with a shaggy scaly cap
           member:  old-man-of-the-woods__Strobilomyces_floccopus  edible mild-tasting mushroom found in coniferous woodlands of eastern North America
        member:  genus_Boletellus__Boletellus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Boletaceae
           member:  Boletellus_russellii  a fungus with a long coarsely shaggy reticulate stalk and a rimose areolate cap surface
     member:  family_Hygrophoraceae__Hygrophoraceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales; the gills of these fungi have a clean waxy appearance
        member:  waxycap  any fungus of the family Hygrophoraceae having gills that are more or less waxy in appearance
        member:  genus_Hygrocybe__Hygrocybe  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
           member:  Hygrocybe_acutoconica__conic_waxycap__conicwaxycap  a fungus having an acutely conic cap and dry stalks
        member:  genus_Hygrophorus__Hygrophorus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
           member:  Hygrophorus_borealis  a fungus with a white convex cap and arcuate white gills and a stalk that tapers toward the base
           member:  Hygrophorus_caeruleus  a fungus with a broadly convex cap that is cream color with a tint of blue over the margin; waxy gills are bluish green to blue-gray; a short stalk tapers abruptly at the base
           member:  Hygrophorus_inocybiformis  a fungus with a drab squamulose cap and gray-brown squamules over the white background of the stalk and waxy gray-white gills
           member:  Hygrophorus_kauffmanii  a fungus with a slightly viscid cap; cap and gills are reddish brown nd the stalk is gray
           member:  Hygrophorus_marzuolus  a gray fungus frequently found near melting snow banks
           member:  Hygrophorus_purpurascens  a fungus with a viscid purplish red cap and stalk; found under spruce and other conifers
           member:  Hygrophorus_russula  an edible fungus with a reddish cap and close pale gills and dry stalk; found under hardwoods
           member:  Hygrophorus_sordidus  an edible fungus with a large white cap and a cry stalk and white gills
           member:  Hygrophorus_tennesseensis  a fungus having a brownish sticky cap with a white margin and white gills and an odor of raw potatoes
           member:  Hygrophorus_turundus  a small fungus with orange cap and yellow gills found in sphagnum bogs
        member:  genus_Hygrotrama__Hygrotrama  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
           member:  Hygrotrama_foetens  a small gray-brown fungus with an unpleasant odor of mothballs
        member:  genus_Neohygrophorus__Neohygrophorus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
           member:  Neohygrophorus_angelesianus  a fungus with a small brown convex cap with a depressed disc; waxy wine-colored gills and a brown stalk; fruits in or near melting snow banks in the western mountains of North America
     member:  family_Cortinariaceae__Cortinariaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Agaricales
        member:  genus_Cortinarius__Cortinarius  the largest genus in th Agaricales; agarics having rusty spores and prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils)
           member:  Cortinarius_atkinsonianus  an edible fungus with a slimy viscid cap that is initially yellow but turns olive and then tawny; flesh is lavender
           member:  Cortinarius_corrugatus  a fungus with a viscid wrinkled tawny cap; the stalk has a basal bulb that diminishes as the stalk elongates; the gills are dark violet at first but soon turn brown
           member:  Cortinarius_gentilis  a poisonous fungus with a bright yellow brown cap and a long cinnamon colored stalk
           member:  Cortinarius_mutabilis__purple-staining_Cortinarius  a fungus with a reddish purple cap having a smooth slimy surface; close violet gills; all parts stain dark purple when bruised
           member:  Cortinarius_semisanguineus  a fungus with a dry brown cap and rusty red gills and a yellowish stalk
           member:  Cortinarius_subfoetidus  a fungus with a sticky lavender cap and stalk that whitish above and covered with a silky lavender sheath
           member:  Cortinarius_violaceus  a fungus that is violet over-all with a squamulose cap
        member:  genus_Gymnopilus__Gymnopilus  a genus of fungus characterized by the orange color of the spore deposit
           member:  Gymnopilus_spectabilis  a fungus with a brownish orange fruiting body and a ring near the top of the stalk; the taste is bitter and the flesh contains psilocybin and psilocin
           member:  Gymnopilus_validipes  a poisonous fungus with a dry cap and a cortina that does not leave much of a ring on the robust stalk
           member:  Gymnopilus_ventricosus  a giant fungus of the Pacific Northwest; has a very thick stalk and the cortina leaves a ring high up on the stalk
  member:  class_Gasteromycetes__Gasteromycetes__Gastromycetes__class_Gastromycetes  fungi in which the hymenium is enclosed until after spores have matured: puffballs; earth stars; stinkhorn fungi
     member:  order_Sclerodermatales__Sclerodermatales  an order of fungi having a peridium surrounding a gleba (sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes)
        member:  family_Sclerodermataceae__Sclerodermataceae  a family of fungi or order Sclerodermatales with a single-layered peridium; includes earthballs
           member:  genus_Scleroderma__Scleroderma  genus of poisonous fungi having hard-skinned fruiting bodies: false truffles
              member:  earthball__false_truffle__falsetruffle__puffball__hard-skinned_puffball  any of various fungi of the genus Scleroderma having hard-skinned subterranean fruiting bodies resembling truffles
              member:  Scleroderma_citrinum__Scleroderma_aurantium  an earthball fungus that is a dingy brownish yellow and a dark purplish interior; the peridium is covered with a pattern of small warts
              member:  Scleroderma_flavidium__star_earthball  an earthball with a smooth upper surface that is at first buried in sand; the top of the fruiting body opens up to form segments like the ray of an umbel
              member:  Scleroderma_bovista__smooth_earthball  an earthball with a peridium that is firm dry and smooth when young but developing cracks when mature; pale orange-yellow when young and reddish brown at maturity
        member:  family_Tulostomaceae__Tulostomaceae__Tulostomataceae__family_Tulostomataceae  stalked puffballs
           member:  genus_Tulostoma__Tulostoma__Tulestoma__genus_Tulestoma  type genus of the Tulostomaceae
              member:  stalked_puffball.fungus__stalkedpuffball  mushroom of the genus Tulostoma that resembles a puffball
     member:  order_Hymenogastrales__Hymenogastrales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes; has a distinct basidiocarp with a fleshy or waxy gleba (sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes)
        member:  family_Rhizopogonaceae__Rhizopogonaceae  a family of fungi of order Hymenogastrales having round subterranean sporophores
           member:  false_truffle__falsetruffle  any of various fungi of the family Rhizopogonaceae having subterranean fruiting bodies similar to the truffle
           member:  genus_Rhizopogon__Rhizopogon  a genus of fungi having subterranean sporophores resembling tubers
              member:  Rhizopogon_idahoensis  a large whitish Rhizopogon that becomes grayish brown in maturity
           member:  genus_Truncocolumella__Truncocolumella  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Rhizopogonaceae
              member:  Truncocolumella_citrina  a fungus with a round yellow to orange fruiting body that is found on the surface of the ground or partially buried; has a distinctive sterile column extending into the spore-bearing tissue
     member:  gasteromycete  any fungus of the class Gasteromycetes
     member:  order_Phallales__Phallales  order of fungi comprising the stinkhorns and related forms whose mature hymenium is slimy and fetid; sometimes placed in subclass Homobasidiomycetes
        member:  family_Phallaceae__Phallaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Phallales and comprising the true stinkhorns
           member:  genus_Phallus__Phallus  genus of fungi having the cap or pileus hanging free around the stem
              member:  common_stinkhorn__Phallus_impudicus  a common fungus formerly used in preparing a salve for rheumatism
              member:  Phallus_ravenelii  this stinkhorn has a cap with a granulose surface at the apex and smells like decaying flesh
           member:  genus_Dictyophera__Dictyophera  closely related to genus Phallus distinguished by an indusium hanging like a skirt from below the pileus
           member:  genus_Mutinus__Mutinus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Phallaceae
        member:  stinkhorn__carrion_fungus  any of various ill-smelling brown-capped fungi of the order Phallales; "the foul smell of the stinkhorn attracts insects that carry the spores away on their feet"
        member:  dog_stinkhorn__dogstinkhorn__Mutinus_caninus  a stinkhorn having a stalk without a cap; the slimy gleba is simply plastered on its surface near the apex where winged insects can find it
        member:  family_Clathraceae__Clathraceae  family of fleshy fungi resembling stinkhorns
           member:  genus_Clathrus__Clathrus  type genus of the Clathraceae
           member:  genus_Pseudocolus__Pseudocolus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Clathraceae
              member:  stinky_squid__Pseudocolus_fusiformis  a stinkhorn of genus Pseudocolus; the fruiting body first resembles a small puffball that soon splits open to form a stalk with tapering arms that arch and taper to a common point
     member:  order_Tulostomatales__Tulostomatales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes
        member:  family_Calostomataceae__Calostomataceae  a family of fungi belonging to the order Tulostomatales
           member:  Calostoma_lutescens  a gasteromycete with a leathery stalk and a fruiting body that is globose and has a pale yellow spore case
           member:  Calostoma_cinnabarina  a gasteromycete with a leathery stalk and a fruiting body this globose and has a red spore case
           member:  Calostoma_ravenelii  a gasteromycete with a leathery stalk and a fruiting body with a thin gelatinous spore case and elliptical spores
     member:  order_Lycoperdales__Lycoperdales  small order of basidiomycetous fungi having fleshy often globose fruiting bodies; includes puffballs and earthstars
        member:  family_Lycoperdaceae__Lycoperdaceae  a fungus family belonging to the order Lycoperdales; includes puffballs
           member:  genus_Lycoperdon__Lycoperdon  genus of fungi whose fruiting body tapers toward a base consisting of spongy mycelium
           member:  true_puffball__puffball  any of various fungi of the family Lycoperdaceae whose round fruiting body discharges a cloud of spores when mature
           member:  genus_Calvatia__Calvatia  genus of puffballs having outer casings whose upper parts break at maturity into angular pieces to expose the spores
              member:  giant_puffball__giantpuffball__Calvatia_gigantea  huge edible puffball up to 2 feet diameter and 25 pounds in weight
        member:  family_Geastraceae__Geastraceae  a family of earthstar fungi belonging to the order Lycoperdales
           member:  earthstar  any fungus of the family Geastraceae; in form suggesting a puffball whose outer peridium splits into the shape of a star
           member:  genus_Geastrum__Geastrum  type genus of Geastraceae; fungi whose outer peridium when dry splits into starlike segments
           member:  genus_Radiigera__Radiigera  a genus of fungus belonging to the family Geastraceae
              member:  Radiigera_fuscogleba  a fungus similar to an earthstar except that it does not open up; the spore mass is brown at maturity with a column of sterile tissue extending up into it
           member:  genus_Astreus__Astreus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Geastraceae
     member:  order_Nidulariales__Nidulariales  small order of basidiomycetous fungi comprising families Nidulariaceae and Sphaerobolaceae
        member:  family_Nidulariaceae__Nidulariaceae  bird's-nest fungi
           member:  bird's-nest_fungus  any of various fungi of the family Nidulariaceae having a cup-shaped body containing several egg-shaped structure enclosing the spores
           member:  genus_Nidularia__Nidularia  type genus of the Nidulariaceae
        member:  family_Sphaerobolaceae__Sphaerobolaceae  monotypic family of fungi in which the more or less spherical gleba is forcibly ejected at maturity
     member:  order_Secotiales__Secotiales  an order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes
        member:  family_Secotiaceae__Secotiaceae  a family of fungi that have a stalk and cap and a wrinkled mass of tissue (the gleba) where spores are produced; are often dismissed as misshapen forms of other fungi
           member:  genus_Gastrocybe__Gastrocybe  a genus of fungi of the family Secotiaceae
              member:  Gastrocybe_lateritia  a species of Gastrocybe fungus that has a conic cap and a thin stalk; at first the stalk is upright but as it matures the stalk bends over and then downward; the cap then gelatinizes and a slimy mass containing the spores falls to the ground as the stalk collapses
           member:  genus_Macowanites__Macowanites  a stout-stemmed genus of fungus belonging to the family Secotiaceae having fruiting bodies that never expand completely
              member:  Macowanites_americanus  a small fungus with a fragile cap that cracks to expose the white context and a white stalk that is practically enclosed by the cap
           member:  genus_Gastroboletus__Gastroboletus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Secotiaceae; they resemble boletes but the spores are not discharged from the basidium
              member:  Gastroboletus_scabrosus  a dingy yellow brown fungus with a rough stalk that superficially resembles a bolete
              member:  Gastroboletus_turbinatus  a fungus with a cap that can vary from red to dark brown; superficially resembles a bolete
  member:  order_Aphyllophorales__Aphyllophorales  includes chiefly saprophytic fungi typically with shelflike bodies; sometimes placed in class Hymenomycetes or included in Agaricales
     member:  family_Polyporaceae__Polyporaceae  fungi that become corky or woody with age, often forming shelflike growths on trees
        member:  genus_Albatrellus__Albatrellus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae
        member:  Albatrellus_dispansus  a rare fungus having a large (up to 14 inches wide) yellow fruiting body with multiple individual caps and a broad central stalk and a fragrant odor
        member:  Albatrellus_ovinus__sheep_polypore__sheeppolypore  a fungus with a whitish often circular cap and a white pore surface and small pores and a white central stalk; found under conifers; edible but not popular
        member:  genus_Neolentinus__Neolentinus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae
        member:  Neolentinus_ponderosus  a gilled polypore with a large cap (up to 15 inches in diameter) and a broad stalk; edible when young and tender
        member:  genus_Nigroporus__Nigroporus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae
        member:  Nigroporus_vinosus  a woody pore fungus with a dark brown to red brown cap and spore surface and small pores
        member:  genus_Oligoporus__Oligoporus  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Polyporaceae
        member:  Oligoporus_leucospongia  a pore fungus with a whitish cottony soft cap found on conifer logs in forests at high elevation in the western United States and adjacent Canada
        member:  genus_Polyporus__Polyporus  type genus of the Polyporaceae; includes important pathogens of e.g. birches and conifers
           member:  Polyporus_tenuiculus  a fungus with a whitish kidney-shaped cap and elongated pores; causes white rot in dead hardwoods
           member:  hen-of-the-woods__hen_of_the_woods__Polyporus_frondosus__Grifola_frondosa  large grayish-brown edible fungus forming a mass of overlapping caps that somewhat resembles a hen at the base of trees
           member:  Polyporus_squamosus__scaly_polypore__scalypolypore  a fungus with a lateral stalk (when there is a stalk) and a scaly cap that becomes nearly black in maturity; widely distributed in the northern hemisphere
        member:  genus_Fomes__Fomes  genus of bracket fungi forming corky or woody perennial shelflike sporophores often of large size; includes some that cause destructive heartrot in trees
           member:  Fomes_igniarius__agaric  fungus used in the preparation of punk for fuses
     member:  family_Fistulinaceae__Fistulinaceae  a family of fungi closely related to the family Polyporaceae except that the tubes on the undersurface of the cap are separate from each other
        member:  genus_Fistulina__Fistulina  fungi having each pore separate though crowded
           member:  beefsteak_fungus__Fistulina_hepatica  a popular edible fungus with a cap the color of liver or raw meat; abundant in southeastern United States
  member:  class_Tiliomycetes__Tiliomycetes  category used in some systems to comprise the two orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts)
  member:  order_Ustilaginales__Ustilaginales  parasitic fungi causing smuts; sometimes placed in class Tiliomycetes
     member:  smut_fungus__smut  any fungus of the order Ustilaginales
     member:  family_Ustilaginaceae__Ustilaginaceae  a fungus family of loose smuts
        member:  cornsmut__corn_smut  a smut fungus attacking Indian corn
        member:  genus_Sphacelotheca__Sphacelotheca  genus of smut fungus
           member:  head_smut__Sphacelotheca_reiliana  smut fungus attacking heads of corn or sorghum and causing a covered smut
     member:  family_Tilletiaceae__Tilletiaceae  a family of smut fungi having a simple promycelium bearing the spores in an apical cluster
        member:  genus_Tilletia__Tilletia  a genus of fungi belonging to the family Tilletiaceae
           member:  Tilletia_caries__bunt  fungus that destroys kernels of wheat by replacing them with greasy masses of smelly spores
           member:  Tilletia_foetida__bunt__stinking_smut  similar to Tilletia caries
        member:  genus_Urocystis__Urocystis  a genus of smut fungi belonging to the family Tilletiaceae
           member:  flag_smut_fungus  a smut fungus causing a smut in cereals and other grasses that chiefly affects leaves and stems and is characterized chains of sori within the plant tissue that later rupture releasing black masses of spores
  member:  family_Septobasidiaceae__Septobasidiaceae  a family of fungi belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
     member:  genus_Septobasidium__Septobasidium  type genus of Septobasidiaceae: smooth shelf fungi usually having a well-developed sometimes thick-walled hypobasidium
        member:  felt_fungus__Septobasidium_pseudopedicellatum  fungus that frequently encircles twigs and branches of various trees especially citrus trees in southern United States

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