#story  a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events; "he writes stories for the magazines"
  supertype:  #fiction  a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact
  part:  #culmination  #anticlimax.close
  subtype:  #adventure_story__adventurestory__heroic_tale  a story of an adventure
     subtype:  #thriller  a suspenseful adventure story
     subtype:  #saga  an narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a family; originally (12th to 14th centuries) a story of the families that settled Iceland and their descendants but now any prose narrative that resembles such an account
  subtype:  #mystery_story__mysterystory__mystery__whodunit  a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie
     subtype:  #detective_story  a narrative about someone who investigates crimes and obtains evidence leading to their resolution
     subtype:  #murder_mystery  a narrative about a murder and how the murderer is discovered
  subtype:  #love_story__romance  a story dealing with love
  subtype:  #legend__fable  a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events
     subtype:  #Arthurian_legend  the legend of King Arthur and his court at Camelot
  subtype:  #short_story  a prose narrative shorter than a novel
  subtype:  #apologue__fable__parable  a short moral story (often with animal characters)
     subtype:  #Aesop's_fables  a collection of fables believed to have been written the Greek storyteller Aesop
  subtype:  #myth  a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people
     instance:  #Gotterdammerung__Ragnarok__Twilight_of_the_Gods
  subtype:  #parable  (New Testament) any of the stories told by Jesus to convey his religious message; "the parable of the prodigal son"
  subtype:  #plot  the story that is told in a novel or play or movie etc.; "the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal"
     subtype:  #action.plot  the series of events that form a plot; "his novels always have a lot of action"
     subtype:  #storyline__plot_line  the plot of a book or play or film

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