#sound.happening  the sudden occurrence of an audible event; "the sound awakened them"
  supertype:  #happening__occurrence__natural_event__naturalevent  an event that happens
  subtype:  #beat.sound  the sound of stroke or blow; "he heard the beat of a drum"
  subtype:  #beep__bleep  a short high tone produced as a signal or warning
  subtype:  #bell.sound  the sound of a bell: "saved by the bell"
     subtype:  #knell  the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something
     subtype:  #angelus_bell__angelusbell__angelus__angelu  the sound of a bell rung in Roman Catholic churches to announce the time when the Angelus should be recited
  subtype:  #bombilation__bombination  sound of rapid vibration: "the buzz of a bumble bee"
  subtype:  #click__chink__clink  a short light metallic sound
  subtype:  #chirp  a sharp sound made by small birds or insects
     subtype:  #tweet  a week chirping sound as of a small bird
  subtype:  #chirrup__twitter  a series of chirps
  subtype:  #chorus  any utterance produced simultaneously by a group; "a chorus of boos"
  subtype:  #click-clack__clickclack  a succession of clicks
     subtype:  #clickety-clack__clickety-click  a fast and rhythmic click-clack; "the clickety-clack of the typewriters"
  subtype:  #cry  the characteristic utterance of an animal; "animal cries filled the night"
     subtype:  #baa  the cry made by sheep
     subtype:  #bark.cry  the sound made by a dog
        subtype:  #bow-wow__bowwow  the bark of a dog
     subtype:  #bay.cry  the sound of a hound on the scent
     subtype:  #bleat  the sound of sheep or goats (or any sound resembling this)
     subtype:  #bray  the cry of an ass
     subtype:  #cackle.cry  the sound made by a hen after laying an egg
     subtype:  #caterwaul  the yowling sound made by a cat in heat
     subtype:  #caw  the sound made by corvine birds
     subtype:  #cheep__peep  the short weak cry of a young bird
     subtype:  #cluck  the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)
     subtype:  #coo  the sound made by a pigeon
     subtype:  #crow.cry  the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it)
        subtype:  #cock-a-doodle-doo  an imitation of the crow of a cock
     subtype:  #gobble  the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock
     subtype:  #growl__growling  the sound of growling (as made by animals)
     subtype:  #honk  the cry of a goose (or any sound resembling this)
     subtype:  #howl.cry  the long plaintive cry of a hound or a wolf
     subtype:  #meow__mew__miaow  the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this)
     subtype:  #moo  the sound made by a cow or bull
     subtype:  #neigh__nicker__whicker  the sound made by a horse
     subtype:  #roar  the sound made by a lion
     subtype:  #yelp__yelping  a sharp high-pitched cry (especially by a dog)
  subtype:  #drum  the sound of a drum; "he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes"
  subtype:  #footfall__footstep__step  the sound of a step of someone walking; "he heard footsteps on the porch"
     subtype:  #tramp  a heavy footfall; "the tramp of military boots"
  subtype:  #gargle  the sound produced while gargling
  subtype:  #gurgle  the bubbling sound of water flowing from a bottle with a narrow neck
  subtype:  #jingle__jangle  a metallic sound; "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs"
  subtype:  #knocking__knock  the sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing); "the knocking grew louder"
  subtype:  #mutter__muttering__murmur__murmuring__murmuration__mussitation  a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
  subtype:  #noise  sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound); "he enjoyed the street noises"; "they heard indistinct noises of people talking"
     subtype:  #blowup__bang__clap__eruption__blast__loud_noise  a sudden very loud noise
        subtype:  #water_hammer__waterhammer  the banging sound of steam in pipes
     subtype:  #banging  a continuing very loud noise
     subtype:  #bark.noise  a noise resembling the bark of a dog
     subtype:  #blare__blaring__cacophony__clamor__din  a loud harsh or strident noise
     subtype:  #roaring__boom__roar__thunder  a deep prolonged loud noise
     subtype:  #chatter  the high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys)
     subtype:  #chattering__chatter  the rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine
     subtype:  #chug  the dull explosive noise made by an engine
     subtype:  #clack__clap  a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeated
     subtype:  #clang__clangor__clangour__clangoring__clank__clash__crash  a loud resonant repeating noise; "he could hear the clang of distant bells"
     subtype:  #clatter  a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement); "the shutters clattered against the house"; "the clatter of iron wheels on cobblestones"
     subtype:  #crack.noise__cracking  a sudden sharp noise; "the crack of a whip"; "he heard the cracking of the ice"
     subtype:  #crackle__crackling__crepitation  the sharp sound of snapping noises
        subtype:  #decrepitation  the crackling or breaking up of certain crystals when they are heated
     subtype:  #creak__creaking  a squeaking sound; "the creak of the floorboards gave him away"
     subtype:  #crunch  the sound of something crunching; "he heard the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path"
     subtype:  #ding-dong  the noise made by a bell
     subtype:  #grate  a harsh rasping sound made by scraping something
     subtype:  #grinding  a harsh and strident sound (as of the grinding of gears)
     subtype:  #grunt.noise  the short low gruff noise of the kind made by pigs
     subtype:  #hiss__hissing__sibilation  a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience"
     subtype:  #howl  a loud sustained noise resembling the cry of a hound; "the howl of the wind made him restless"
        subtype:  #squeal  a high-pitched howl
     subtype:  #hubbub__uproar__brouhaha__katzenjammer  loud confused noise from many sources
     subtype:  #hum__humming  a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic"
     subtype:  #pant  the noise made by a short puff of steam (as from an engine)
     subtype:  #plonk  the noise of something dropping (as into liquid)
     subtype:  #plop  the noise of a rounded object dropping into a liquid without a splash
     subtype:  #plump  the sound of a sudden heavy fall
     subtype:  #racket  a loud and disturbing noise
     subtype:  #rat-a-tat-tat__ratatattat__rat-tat__rattat  a series of short sharp noises (as made by strokes on a drum or knocks on a door)
     subtype:  #rattling__rattle__rale  a rapid series of short loud sounds (as might be heard with a stethoscope in some types of respiratory disorders); "the death rattle"
        subtype:  #crepitation_rale__crepitationrale  the crackling sound heard on auscultation when patients with respiratory diseases inhale; associated with tuberculosis and pneumonia and congestive heart failure
     subtype:  #report.noise  a sharp explosive sound (especially the sound of a gun firing); "they heard a violent report followed by silence"
     subtype:  #rhonchus  a sound like whistling or snoring that is heard with a stethoscope during expiration as air passes through obstructed channels
     subtype:  #rumbling__rumble__grumble__grumbling  a loud low dull continuous noise; "they heard the rumbling of thunder"
     subtype:  #rustle__rustling__whisper__whispering  the light noise like the noise of silk clothing or leaves blowing in the wind
     subtype:  #scratching__scrape__scraping__scratch  a harsh noise made by scraping; "the scrape of violin bows distracted her"
     subtype:  #screech__screeching__shriek__shrieking__scream__screaming  a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry; "he ducked at the screechings of shells"; "he heard the scream of the brakes"
     subtype:  #scrunch  a crunching noise
     subtype:  #shrilling  a continuing shrill noise; "the clash of swords and the shrilling of trumpets"--P. J. Searles
     subtype:  #snore  the rattling noise produced when snoring
     subtype:  #sputtering__spatter__spattering__splatter__splattering__sputter__splutter  the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively; "he heard a spatter of gunfire"
     subtype:  #plash__splash  the sound like water splashing
        subtype:  #splat.plash  a single splash; "he heard a splat as it hit the floor"
     subtype:  #squawk  the noise of squawking; "the squawk of car horns"
     subtype:  #squeak  a short high-pitched noise; "the squeak of of shoes on powdery snow"
     subtype:  #stridulation  a shrill grating or chirping noise made by some insects by rubbing body parts together
     subtype:  #thunder  a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning
        subtype:  #thunderclap  a single sharp crash of thunder
  subtype:  #paradiddle__roll__drum_roll  the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
  subtype:  #pat__rap__tap  the sound made by a gentle blow
     subtype:  #pitter-patter  a series of rapid tapping sounds; "she missed the pitter-patter of little feet around the house"
  subtype:  #patter  a quick succession of light rapid sounds; "the patter of mice"; "the patter of tiny feet"
  subtype:  #peal__pealing__rolling  a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
  subtype:  #ping  a sharp high-pitched metallic sound
  subtype:  #plunk  a hollow twanging sound
  subtype:  #pop  a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork
  subtype:  #purr  a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat
  subtype:  #quack.sound  the harsh sound of a duck
  subtype:  #quaver  a tremulous sound
  subtype:  #tintinnabulation__ring__ringing  the sound of a bell ringing; "the distinctive ring of the church bell"; "the ringing of the telephone"; "the tintinnabulation that so volumnously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells"--E. A. Poe
     subtype:  #bell_ringing  the sound of someone playing a set of bells
  subtype:  #rub-a-dub__rubadub__drumbeat  the sound made by beating a drum
  subtype:  #sigh.sound  a sound like a person sighing; "she heard the sigh of the wind in the trees"
  subtype:  #skirl  the sound of (the chanter of) a bagpipe
  subtype:  #song.sound  a distinctive or characteristic sound; "the song of bullets was in the air"; "the song of the wind"; "the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead"
  subtype:  #strum  sound of strumming: "the strum of a guitar"
  subtype:  #susurration  the indistinct sound of people whispering
  subtype:  #swish  a brushing or rustling sound
  subtype:  #tapping  the sound of light blow or knock; "he heard the tapping of the man's cane"
  subtype:  #throbbing  a sound with a strong rhythmic beat; "the throbbing of the engines"
  subtype:  #thumping__thump__clump__clunk__thud  a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
  subtype:  #thrum  a thrumming sound; "he could hear the thrum of a banjo"
  subtype:  #thunk  a dull hollow sound; "the basketball made a thunk as it hit the rim"
  subtype:  #tick.sound__ticking  a metallic tapping sound; "he counted the ticks of the clock"
     subtype:  #ticktock__tocktact__tictac  steady recurrent ticking sound as made by a clock
  subtype:  #ting__tinkle  a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell
  subtype:  #toot  a blast of a horn
  subtype:  #tootle  sound of tooting softly and repeatedly as on a flute
  subtype:  #trample__trampling  the sound of heavy treading or stomping; "he heard the trample of many feet"
  subtype:  #twang  a sharp vibrating sound (as of a plucked string)
  subtype:  #vibrato  (music) a pulsating effect in an instrumental or vocal tone produced by slight and rapid variations in pitch
     subtype:  #tremolo  vocal vibrato especially an excessive or poorly controlled one
  subtype:  #voice.sound  a sound suggestive of a vocal utterance; "the noisy voice of the waterfall"; "the incessant voices of the artillery"
  subtype:  #whir__whirr__whirring__birr  sound of something in rapid motion: "whir of a bird's wings"; "the whir of the propellers"
  subtype:  #whistle.sound__whistling  the sound made by something moving rapidly or by steam coming out of a small aperture
  subtype:  #whiz  a buzzing or hissing sound as of something traveling rapidly through the air; "he heard the whiz of bullets near his head"
  subtype:  #zing  a brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound: "the zing of the passing bullet"

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