#skilled_worker__skilledworker__trained_worker__trainedworker  a worker who has acquired special skills
  supertype:  #worker  a person who works at a specific job; "he is a good worker"
  subtype:  #aquanaut__oceanaut  a skilled worker who can live in underwater installations and participate in scientific research
  subtype:  #aviator__aeronaut__airman__flier__flyer  someone who operates an aircraft
     subtype:  #aviatrix__airwoman__aviatress__aviatres  a woman aviator
     subtype:  #airplane_pilot__pilot  someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
        subtype:  #stunt_flier__stuntflier__barnstormer__stunt_pilot__stuntpilot  a pilot who travels around the country giving exhibits of stunt flying and parachuting
        subtype:  #senior_pilot__captain  the pilot ins charge of an airship
           subtype:  #group_captain__groupcaptain  a commissioned officer (especially one in the Royal Air Force) equivalent in rank to a colonel in the army
        subtype:  #combat_pilot  airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces
           subtype:  #fighter_pilot__fighterpilot  a military or naval pilot of fighter planes
              subtype:  #dogfighter  a fighter pilot who engages in an aerial dogfights
           instance:  #Edward_Vernon_Rickenbacker__Rickenbacker__Eddie_Rickenbacker
        subtype:  #copilot  a relief pilot on an airplane
        subtype:  #test_pilot  a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through maneuvers designed to test them
        subtype:  #wingman  the pilot who positions his aircraft outside and behind (on the wing of) the leader of a flying formation
     instance:  #Floyd_Bennett__Bennett  #Louis_Bleriot__Bleriot  #Jacqueline_Cochran__Cochran  #James_Harold_Doolittle__Doolittle__Jimmy_Doolittle  #Amelia_Earhart__Earhart  #Howard_Robard_Hughes__Hughes__Howard_Hughes  #Charles_Augustus_Lindbergh__Lindbergh__Charles_Lindbergh__Charles_A._Lindbergh__Lucky_Lindy  #William_Mitchell__Mitchell__Billy_Mitchell
  subtype:  #bread_maker__breadmaker__baker  someone who bakes bread or cake
  subtype:  #balloonist  someone who flies a balloon
     instance:  #Josef_Michel_Montgolfier__Montgolfier  #Jacques_Etienne_Montgolfier__Montgolfier
  subtype:  #slaughterer__butcher  a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market
     subtype:  #knacker  someone who buys up old horses for slaughter
  subtype:  #calligrapher__calligraphist  someone skilled in penmanship
  subtype:  #minter__coiner__moneyer  a skilled worker who coins or stamps money
  subtype:  #cook  someone who cooks food
     subtype:  #chef  a professional cook
        subtype:  #cordon_bleu  a chef famous for his great skill
        subtype:  #pastry_cook  a chef who specializes in pastry
     subtype:  #cookie__cooky  the cook on a ranch or at a camp
     subtype:  #fry_cook__frycook  a cook who specializes in fried foods
     subtype:  #preserver.cook  a cook who preserves fruits or meat
        subtype:  #salter  someone who uses salt to preserve meat or fish of other foods
     subtype:  #roaster.cook  a cook who roasts food
        subtype:  #baster.roaster  a cook who bastes roasting meat with melted fat or gravy
     subtype:  #seasoner  a cook who uses seasonings; "the cook is a light seasoner"
     instance:  #Fannie_Merritt_Farmer__Farmer__Fannie_Farmer
  subtype:  #artisan__craftsman__journeyman__artificer  a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
     subtype:  #beautician__cosmetician  someone who works in a beauty parlor
        subtype:  #manicurist  a beautician who cleans and trims and polishes the fingernails
           subtype:  #parer  a manicurist who trims the fingernails
     subtype:  #bookbinder  a worker whose trade is binding books
     subtype:  #bricklayer  a craftsman skilled in building with bricks
     subtype:  #clocksmith__clockmaker  someone whose occupation is making or repairing clocks and watches
        instance:  #Seth_Thomas__Thomas
     subtype:  #coachbuilder  a craftsman who makes the bodies of motor vehicles
     subtype:  #construction_worker__hard_hat  a worker skilled in building offices or dwellings etc.
     subtype:  #cooper__barrel_maker  a craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs
     subtype:  #coppersmith  someone who makes articles from copper
     subtype:  #currier  a craftsman who curries leather for use
     subtype:  #diemaker__diesinker  someone who makes dies
     subtype:  #glassblower  someone skilled in blowing bottles from molten glass
     subtype:  #glassworker__glasscutter__glazier__glazer  someone who cuts flat glass to size
     subtype:  #goldbeater  an artisan who beats gold into gold leaf
     subtype:  #hairdresser__hairstylist__stylist__styler  someone who cuts or beautifies hair
        subtype:  #barber  a hairdresser who cuts hair and shaves beards as a trade
        subtype:  #coiffeur  a man hairdresser
        subtype:  #coiffeuse  a woman hairdresser
        subtype:  #tinter  a hairdresser who tints hair
     subtype:  #luthier  a craftsman who makes stringed instruments (as lutes or guitars or violins)
     subtype:  #machinist__mechanic__shop_mechanic  a craftsman skilled in operating machine tools
     subtype:  #mason__stonemason  a craftsman who works with stone or brick
     subtype:  #miller  someone who works in a mill (especially a grain mill)
     subtype:  #paperer__paperhanger  one whose occupation is decorating walls with wallpaper
     subtype:  #plumber__pipe_fitter  a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances
     subtype:  #potter__thrower__ceramist  a craftsman who shapes pottery on a potter's wheel and bakes them it a kiln
        instance:  #Josiah_Spode__Spode  #Josiah_Wedgwood__Wedgwood
     subtype:  #rigger  someone who rigs; "he is an oil rigger"
     subtype:  #roofer  a craftsman who lays or repairs roofs
        subtype:  #thatcher  someone skilled in making a roof from plant stalks or foliage
     subtype:  #ropemaker__rope-maker__roper  a craftsman who makes ropes
     subtype:  #steamfitter  a craftsman who installs and maintains equipment for ventilating or heating or refrigerating
     subtype:  #steeplejack  someone who builds or maintains very tall structures
     subtype:  #tanner  a craftsman who tans skins and hides
     subtype:  #taxidermist__animal_stuffer__stuffer  a craftsman who stuffs and mounts the skins of animals for display
     subtype:  #upholsterer  a craftsman who upholsters furniture
     subtype:  #weaver  a craftsman who weaves cloth
     subtype:  #welder  joins pieces of metal by welding them together
     subtype:  #window_dresser__window_trimmer  someone who decorates shop windows
     subtype:  #woodworker__woodsman__woodman  makes things out of wood
        subtype:  #cabinetmaker__furniture_maker__furnituremaker  a woodworker who specializes in making furniture
           instance:  #Thomas_Chippendale__Chippendale
        subtype:  #carpenter  a woodworker who makes or repairs wooden objects
           instance:  #Joseph.carpenter__joseph
        subtype:  #joiner  a woodworker whose work involves making things by joining pieces of wood
        subtype:  #splicer.woodworker  a woodworker who joins pieces of wood with a splice
        subtype:  #woodcarver__carver  makes decorative wooden panels
     subtype:  #wright  someone who makes or repairs something (usually used in combination)
        subtype:  #cartwright  a workman who makes and repairs carts and wagons
        subtype:  #millwright  a workman who designs or erects mills and milling machinery
        subtype:  #plowwright__ploughwright  a workman who makes and repairs plows
        subtype:  #shipwright__ship_builder  a carpenter who helps build and launch wooden vessels
        subtype:  #wagonwright__waggonwright__wainwright  a wagon maker
        subtype:  #wheelwright__wheeler  someone who makes and repairs wooden wheels
     instance:  #William_Morris__Morris
  subtype:  #crew_member__crewman  a member of a flight crew
     subtype:  #aircrewman  a member of an aircrew
        subtype:  #bombardier  the member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the target
        subtype:  #flight_engineer  the flight crewman responsible for mechanical operation while in flight
        subtype:  #navigator.aircrewman  the member of an aircrew who is responsible for the aircraft's course
           subtype:  #astrogator  the navigator of a spacecraft
     subtype:  #privateersman__privateer  an officer or crew member of a privateer
        instance:  #Sir_John_Hawkins__Hawkins__Hawkyns__Sir_John_Hawkyns
  subtype:  #cutter  someone whose work is cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments)
     subtype:  #garment_cutter__garmentcutter  someone who cuts cloth etc. to measure in making garments
     subtype:  #gem_cutter__gemcutter  one who cuts and shapes precious stones
     subtype:  #glasscutter  someone who cuts or grinds designs on glass
  subtype:  #dental_hygienist  someone trained to provide preventive dental service (cleaning teeth or taking x-rays)
  subtype:  #draughtsman__draftsman__draftsperson  a skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines
  subtype:  #dyer  someone whose job is to dye cloth
  subtype:  #editor  a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication
     subtype:  #anthologist  an editor who makes selections for an anthology
     subtype:  #art_editor__arteditor  a editor who is responsible for illustrations and layouts in printed matter
     subtype:  #copy_editor__copyreader__text_editor  an editor who prepares text for publication
     subtype:  #subeditor  an assistant editor
     subtype:  #managing_editor  the editor in charge of all editorial activities of a newspaper or magazine
     subtype:  #newspaper_editor__newspapereditor  the editor of a newspaper
        subtype:  #business_editor  the newspaper editor responsible for business news
        subtype:  #city_editor  the newspaper editor in charge of editing local news
        subtype:  #sports_editor  the newspaper editor responsible for sports news
     subtype:  #redact__redactor__reviser__rewriter__rewrite_man__rewriteman  someone who puts text into appropriate form for publication
        subtype:  #abridger__abbreviator  one who shortens or abridges or condenses a written work
     instance:  #Thomas_Bowdler__Bowdler
  subtype:  #electrician__linesman  a person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines
     subtype:  #gaffer  an electrician responsible for lighting on a movie or tv set
  subtype:  #engraver  a skilled worker who can inscribe designs or writing onto a surface by carving or etching
     subtype:  #lapidist__lapidary  a skilled worker who cuts and engraves precious stones
     instance:  #Albrecht_Durer__Durer  #William_Hogarth__Hogarth  #Holbein_the_Younger__Holbein__Hans_Holbein  #Andrea_Mantegna__Mantegna
  subtype:  #fisherman__fisher  someone whose occupation is catching fish
     subtype:  #troller  a fisherman who uses a hook and line
     subtype:  #trawler  a fisherman who use a trawl net
  subtype:  #founder  a worker who makes metal castings
     subtype:  #bell_founder  a person who casts metal bells
  subtype:  #framer.skilled_worker  someone who makes frames (as for pictures)
  subtype:  #galvanizer  a skilled worker who coats iron or steel with zinc
  subtype:  #gilder  someone whose occupation is apply an overlay of gold or gilt
  subtype:  #grip  worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made
  subtype:  #harpooner__harpooneer  someone who launches harpoons
  subtype:  #huntsman__hunter  someone who hunts game
     subtype:  #deer_hunter  hunter of deer
     subtype:  #duck_hunter  hunter of ducks
     subtype:  #falconer__hawker  a person who breeds and trains hawks and who follows the sport of falconry
     subtype:  #fowler  someone who hunts wild birds for food
     subtype:  #huntress  a woman hunter
     subtype:  #lion-hunter  someone who hunts lions
     subtype:  #pothunter  someone who hunts for food (not for sport)
     subtype:  #snarer  someone who sets snares for birds or small animals
     subtype:  #stalker  someone who stalks game
     subtype:  #tracker  someone who tracks down game
     subtype:  #trapper  someone who sets traps for animals (usually to obtain their furs)
        subtype:  #coureur_de_bois  a French Canadian trapper
     instance:  #Nimrod
  subtype:  #indexer  someone who provides an index
  subtype:  #laminator  a person who makes laminates (especially plastic laminates)
  subtype:  #lobsterman  a person whose occupation is catching lobsters
  subtype:  #lockmaster__lockman__lockkeeper  a worker in charge of a lock (on a canal)
  subtype:  #mortician__undertaker__funeral_undertaker__funeralundertaker__funeral_director__funeraldirector  one whose business is the management of funerals
     subtype:  #embalmer  a mortician who treats corpses with preservatives
  subtype:  #mounter  a skilled worker who mounts pictures or jewels etc.
  subtype:  #functionary__official  a worker who holds or is invested with an office
     subtype:  #appointee  an official who is appointed
        subtype:  #placeman__placeseeker  (British) a disparaging term for an appointee
     subtype:  #bailiff  an officer of the court who is employed to execute writs and processes and make arrests etc.
     subtype:  #beadle  a minor parish official who serves as an usher and preserves order at services
     subtype:  #bureaucrat__administrative_official  an official of a bureaucracy
        subtype:  #procurator  (ancient Rome) someone employed by the Roman emperor to manage finance and taxes
        subtype:  #tax_assessor__taxassessor  an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it
           subtype:  #lister  assessor who makes out the tax lists
        subtype:  #tax_collector__taxcollector__taxman__exciseman__collector_of_internal_revenue__internal_revenue_agent  someone who collects taxes for the government
        subtype:  #taxer  a bureaucrat who levies taxes
     subtype:  #caretaker.functionary  an official who performs the duties of an office temporarily; "he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected"
     subtype:  #censor  a person who is authorized to read publications or correspondence or to watch theatrical performances and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable
     subtype:  #census_taker__enumerator  someone who collects census data by visiting individual homes
     subtype:  #church_officer  a church official
        subtype:  #churchwarden  an officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters
        subtype:  #Protestant_deacon__deacon  a Protestant layman who assists the minister
           subtype:  #deaconess__deacones  a woman deacon
        subtype:  #elder  any of various church officers
           subtype:  #presbyter  an elder in the Presbyterian Church
        subtype:  #sexton__sacristan  an officer of the church who is in charge of sacred objects
        subtype:  #verger  a church officer who takes care of the interior of the building and acts as an attendant (carries the verge) during ceremonies
        subtype:  #vestryman  a man who is a member of a church vestry
        subtype:  #vestrywoman  a woman who is a member of a church vestry
     subtype:  #city_father  an important municipal official
     subtype:  #civil_servant__civilservant  a public official who is a member of the civil service
     subtype:  #political_commissar__politicalcommissar__commissar  an official of the Communist Party who was assigned to teach party principles to a military unit
     subtype:  #Comptroller_General  a United States federal official who supervises expenditures and settles claims against the government
     subtype:  #Comptroller_of_the_Currency.functionary__comptrollerofthecurrency  a United States federal official who regulates the national banks
     subtype:  #diplomatist  an official engaged in international negotiations
        subtype:  #embassador__ambassador  a diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another
           subtype:  #ambassadress  a woman ambassador
           instance:  #Andrei_Andreyevich_Gromyko__Gromyko__gromyko__Andrei_Gromyko
        subtype:  #charge_d'affaires  the official temporarily in charge of a diplomatic mission in the absence of the ambassador
        subtype:  #consul  a diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country
        subtype:  #envoy_extraordinary__envoyextraordinary__envoy__minister_plenipotentiary  a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador
        subtype:  #high_commissioner  a senior diplomat from one country to another who is assigned ambassadorial rank
        subtype:  #internuncio  (Roman Catholic) a diplomatic representative of the Pope ranking below a nuncio
        subtype:  #diplomatic_minister__minister  a diplomat representing one government to another; ranks below ambassador
        subtype:  #nuncio  (Roman Catholic) a diplomatic representative of the Pope having ambassadorial status
        subtype:  #persona_grata__personagrata  a diplomat who is acceptable to the government to which he is sent
        subtype:  #persona_non_grata  a diplomat who is unacceptable to the government to which he is sent
        subtype:  #plenipotentiary  a diplomat who is fully authorized to represent his or her government
        instance:  #Ralph_Johnson_Bunche__Bunche__Ralph_Bunche  #John_Foster_Dulles__Dulles  #John_Kenneth_Galbraith__Galbraith__John_Galbraith  #Edmund_Charles_Edouard_Genet__Genet__Citizen_Genet  #Dag_Hjalmar_Agne_Carl_Hammarskjold__Hammarskjold__Dag_Hammarskjold  #William_Averell_Harriman__Harriman__Averell_Harriman  #Townsend_Harris__Harris  #Cordell_Hull__Hull  #John_Jay__Jay  #Henry_Alfred_Kissinger__Kissinger__Henry_Kissinger  #Le_Duc_Tho  #Vicomte_Ferdinand_Marie_de_Lesseps__Lesseps__Ferdinand_de_Lesseps  #Trygve_Halvden_Lie__Lie__Trygve_Lie  #Sir_Harold_George_Nicolson__Nicolson__Harold_Nicolson  #Thomas_Nelson_Page__Page  #Anna_Eleanor_Roosevelt__Roosevelt__Eleanor_Roosevelt  #Adlai_Ewing_Stevenson__Stevenson__Adlai_Stevenson  #Kurt_Waldheim__Waldheim
     subtype:  #elected_official__electedofficial  official who won the office in a free election
        subtype:  #lame_duck  an elected official still in office but not slated to continue
        subtype:  #lieutenant_governor  an elected official serving as deputy to the governor of a state of the US
        subtype:  #selectman  an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns
        subtype:  #selectwoman  an elected member of a board of officials who run New England towns
     subtype:  #equerry.functionary  an official charged with the care of the horses of princes or nobles
     subtype:  #fire_marshall  an official who is responsible for the prevention and investigation of fires
     subtype:  #fire_warden__forest_fire_fighter__ranger  an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest
     subtype:  #hearing_examiner__hearingexaminer__hearing_officer__hearingofficer  an official appointed by a government agency to conduct an investigation or administrative hearing so that the agency can exercise its statutory powers
     subtype:  #holdover__hangover  an official who remains in office after his term
     subtype:  #incumbent__officeholder  the official who holds an office
        subtype:  #office-bearer  (British) the person who holds an office
     subtype:  #Inquisitor  an official of the ecclesiastical court of the Inquisition
        subtype:  #Grand_Inquisitor  director of the court of Inquisition (especially in Spain and Portugal)
           instance:  #Francisco_Jimenez_de_Cisneros__Jimenez_de_Cisneros  #Tomas_de_Torquemada__Torquemada
     subtype:  #invalidator__voider__nullifier  an official who can invalidate or nullify; "my bank check was voided and I wanted to know who the invalidator was"
     subtype:  #judge__justice__jurist__magistrate  a public official authorized to decide questions bought before a court of justice
        subtype:  #chief_justice__chiefjustice  the judge who presides over a supreme court
           instance:  #John_Marshall__Marshall  #Roger_Brooke_Taney__Taney__Roger_Taney
        subtype:  #Daniel  a wise and upright judge; "a Daniel come to judgment" -- Shakespeare
        subtype:  #doge  formerly the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa
        subtype:  #justice_of_the_peace  a local magistrate with limited powers
        subtype:  #justiciar__justiciary  (British) formerly a high judicial officer
        subtype:  #ordinary.judge  a judge of a probate court
        subtype:  #praetor__pretor  an annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic
        subtype:  #recorder  (British) a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs
        subtype:  #stipendiary_magistrate__stipendiarymagistrate__stipendiary  (British) paid magistrate (appointed by the Home Secretary) dealing with police cases
        subtype:  #trial_judge__trialjudge  a judge in a trial court
        subtype:  #trier  one (as a judge) who examines and settles a case
        instance:  #Samson
     subtype:  #licenser  a official who can issue a license or give authoritative permission (especially one who licenses publications)
     subtype:  #macebearer__mace__macer  an official who carries a mace of office
     subtype:  #mandarin.functionary  any high government official or bureaucrat
     subtype:  #notary_public__notary  someone legally empowered to witness signatures and certify a document's validity and to take depositions
     subtype:  #noticer  someone who give formal notice
     subtype:  #officeholder__officer  someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"
        subtype:  #probation_officer__probationofficer  the officer of the court who supervises probationers
        subtype:  #sergeant_at_arms__serjeant-at-arms  an officer (as of a legislature or court) who maintains order and executes commands
     subtype:  #federal_agent__federalagent__agent  any agent or representative of a federal agency or bureau
        subtype:  #Indian_agent  a representative of the federal government to American Indian tribes (especially on Indian reservations)
        subtype:  #Federal__Fed__federal_official__federalofficial  any federal law-enforcement officer
        subtype:  #trustbuster  a federal agent who engages in trust busting
     subtype:  #postmaster_general  the official in charge of the national postal service
     subtype:  #proconsul.functionary  an official in a modern colony who has considerable administrative power
     subtype:  #quaestor  any of several public officials of ancient Rome (usually in charge of finance and administration)
     subtype:  #recruiter  an official who enlists personnel for military service
        subtype:  #recruiting-sergeant  a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits
     subtype:  #record-keeper__registrar__recorder  someone responsible for keeping records
     subtype:  #regulator.functionary  a official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest
     subtype:  #sealer  an official who affixes a seal to a document
     subtype:  #searcher  a customs official whose job is to search baggage or goods or vehicles for contraband or dutiable items
     subtype:  #teller__vote_counter  an official appointed to count the votes (especially in legislative assembly)
        subtype:  #convasser  a person who takes or counts votes
     subtype:  #town_clerk  the official who keeps a town's records
     subtype:  #doorkeeper__usher  an official doorkeeper as in a courtroom or legislative chamber
     subtype:  #vizier  a high official in a Moslem government (especially in the Ottoman Empire)
     subtype:  #weigher  an official who weighs and records the weight
  subtype:  #oilman  a worker who produces or sells petroleum
  subtype:  #optician__lens_maker  a worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision
  subtype:  #painter.skilled_worker  a worker who is employed to cover objects with paint
     subtype:  #finisher.painter  a painter who applies a finishing coat
        subtype:  #varnisher  someone who applies a finishing coat of varnish
     subtype:  #house_painter__housepainter  a painter of houses a similar buildings
     subtype:  #letterer  a painter of letters
     subtype:  #scene_painter__scenepainter  a painter of theatrical scenery
     subtype:  #sign_painter  someone who paints signs and billboards etc.
     subtype:  #stippler  a painter who stipples (creates a stippled effect)
  subtype:  #perfecter  a skilled worker who perfects somethings; "although not the inventor he must be recognized as the perfecter of this technique"
  subtype:  #plasterer  a worker skilled in applying plaster
  subtype:  #plater  a skilled worker who coats articles with a film of metal (usually silver or gold)
     subtype:  #electroplater  a plater who uses electrolysis
  subtype:  #power_worker__powerworker__power-station_worker__powerstationworker  a worker at a power station
  subtype:  #pressman__printer  someone whose occupation is printing
     subtype:  #compositor__typesetter__setter__typographer  one who sets written material into type
     subtype:  #proofreader__reader  someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corrections
     instance:  #Gianbattista_Bodoni__Bodoni  #William_Bradford__Bradford  #Benjamin_Franklin__Franklin  #Johannes_Gutenberg__Gutenberg__Johann_Gutenberg
  subtype:  #projectionist  the person who operates the projector in a movie house
  subtype:  #refiner  one whose work is to refine a specific thing; "he was a sugar refiner"
  subtype:  #refinisher__renovator__restorer__preserver  a skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish buildings or antique furniture
  subtype:  #repairman__repairer__maintenance_man__maintenanceman__service_man__serviceman  a worker whose job is to repair things
     subtype:  #automobile_mechanic__auto-mechanic__car-mechanic__carmechanic__mechanic__grease_monkey  someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles
     subtype:  #handyman__jack_of_all_trades__odd-job_man__oddjobman  a man skilled in various odd jobs and other small tasks
     subtype:  #mender__tinker  someone who is employed to repair broken things
     subtype:  #troubleshooter__trouble_shooter__troubleshooter  a worker whose job is to locate and fix sources of trouble (especially in mechanical devices)
  subtype:  #riveter__rivetter  a worker who inserts and hammers rivets
  subtype:  #router.skilled_worker  a worker who routes shipments for distribution and delivery
  subtype:  #sailor__crewman  any member of a ship's crew
     subtype:  #hand.sailor  a member of the crew of a ship; "all hands on deck"
     subtype:  #lascar  an East Indian sailor
     subtype:  #mariner__seaman__tar__jacktar__oldsalt__gob__sea_dog__seadog  a man who serves as a sailor
        subtype:  #able_seaman__able-bodied_seaman  a seaman in the merchant navy; trained in special skills
        subtype:  #boatswain__bos'n__bo's'n__bosun__bo'sun  a petty officer on a merchant ship who controls the work of other seamen
        subtype:  #deckhand__roustabout  a member of a ship's crew who performs manual labor
        subtype:  #helmsman__steersman__steerer  the person who steers a ship
           subtype:  #coxswain__cox  the helmsman of a ship's boat or a racing crew
        subtype:  #lighterman__bargeman__bargee  someone who operates a barge
        subtype:  #ship's_officer__officer  a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines"
           subtype:  #sea_captain__seacaptain__master__captain  an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
              instance:  #William_Kidd__Kidd__Captain_Kidd
           subtype:  #first_mate__firstmate__mate  the officer below the master on a commercial ship
           subtype:  #privateersman__privateer  an officer or crew member of a privateer
           subtype:  #purser  an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' welfare
           subtype:  #sailing_master__sailingmaster__navigator  the ship's officer in charge of navigation
           subtype:  #steward.ship's_officer  the ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements
           subtype:  #supercargo  an officer on a merchant ship in charge of the cargo and its sale and purchase
        subtype:  #pilot  a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
        subtype:  #sea_lawyer__sealawyer  an argumentative and contentious seaman
        subtype:  #whaler  a seaman who works on a ship that hunts whales
     subtype:  #water_dog.sailor__waterdog__water_rat__waterrat  a person who enjoys being in or on the water
     subtype:  #yachtsman__yachtswoman  sails a yacht
     instance:  #Alexander_Selkirk__Selkirk__Selcraig__Alexander_Selcraig
  subtype:  #serviceman__military_man__man__military_personnel  someone who serves in the armed forces; "two men stood sentry duty"
     subtype:  #air_force_officer__airforceofficer__commander  an officer in the airforce
     subtype:  #artilleryman__cannoneer__gunner__machine_gunner__machinegunner  a serviceman in the artillery
     subtype:  #bluejacket__navy_man__sailor__sailor_boy  a serviceman in the navy
        subtype:  #coastguardsman  a member of a coastguard
        subtype:  #striker.bluejacket  someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating
        subtype:  #submariner  a member of the crew of a submarine
     subtype:  #ranger__commando  a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids
     subtype:  #draftee__conscript  a serviceman who is drafted
     subtype:  #enlisted_person  a serviceman who ranks below a commissioned officer
        subtype:  #enlisted_man  a male enlisted person in the armed forces
           subtype:  #artificer__armorer  an enlisted man responsible for the upkeep of small arms and machine guns etc.
           subtype:  #charge_of_quarters  an enlisted man who handles his unit's administrative matters after hours
           subtype:  #buck_private__private__common_soldier  an enlisted man of the lowest rank; "our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value"
           subtype:  #recruit  a recently enlisted soldier
              subtype:  #Black_and_Tan  an English recruit serving in the Royal Irish Constabulary to combat Sinn Fein in 1921
              subtype:  #raw_recruit__rawrecruit  an inexperienced and untrained recruit
        subtype:  #enlisted_woman  a female enlisted person in the armed forces
     subtype:  #Marine__devil_dog__devildog__leatherneck__shipboard_soldier__shipboardsoldier  a member of the United States Marine Corps
     subtype:  #military_officer__officer  any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"
        subtype:  #adjutant__aide__aide-de-camp  an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
           subtype:  #adjutant_general  a general's adjutant; chief administrative officer
        subtype:  #army_officer  an officer in the armed forces; "he's a retired army officer"
           subtype:  #quartermaster  an army officer who provides clothing and subsistence for troops
           instance:  #Alfred_Dreyfus__Dreyfus__dreyfu
        subtype:  #brass_hat__brasshat  a high-ranking military officer
        subtype:  #chief_of_staff  the senior officer of a service of the armed forces
        subtype:  #commanding_officer__commandant__commander  an officer in command of a military unit
           subtype:  #commander_in_chief__generalissimo  the officer who holds the supreme command; "in the U.S. the president is the commander in chief"
           subtype:  #wing_commander  (RAF rank) one who is next below a Group Captain
        subtype:  #commissioned_officer  a military officer holding a commission
           subtype:  #commissioned_military_officer  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corp
              subtype:  #captain  an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant
              subtype:  #colonel  a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general
                 subtype:  #lieutenant_colonel__light_colonel__lightcolonel  a commissioned officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines holding a rank above major and below colonel
              subtype:  #field-grade_officer__fieldgradeofficer__field_officer__fieldofficer  an officer holding the rank of major or lieutenant colonel or colonel
              subtype:  #general_officer__generalofficer  officers in the army or air force or marines above the rank of colonel
                 subtype:  #brigadier_general__brigadiergeneral__brigadier  a general officer ranking below a major general
                 subtype:  #full_general__general  a general officer of the highest rank
                    instance:  #Gnaeus_Julius_Agricola__Agricola  #Alcibiades  #Antigonus_Cyclops__Antigonus__Monophthalmos  #Mark_Antony__Antony__Anthony__Mark_Anthony__Antonius__Marcus_Antonius  #Benedict_Arnold__Arnold  #Belisarius  #Belshazzar  #Simon_Bolivar__Bolivar__bolivar__ellibertador  #Omar_Nelson_Bradley__Bradley__Omar_Bradley  #Braxton_Bragg__Bragg  #John_Burgoyne__Burgoyne__Gentleman_Johnny  #Gaius_Julius_Caesar__Caesar__Julius_Caesar  #Chiang_Kai-shek__Chiang_Chung-cheng  #John_Churchill__Churchill__Duke_of_Marlborough__First_Duke_of_Marlborough  #Mark_Wayne_Clark__Clark__Mark_Clark  #Karl_von_Clausewitz__Clausewitz  #Lucius_DuBignon_Clay__Clay__Lucius_Clay  #Baron_Clive_of_Plassey__Clive__Robert_Clive__Baron_Clive  #First_Marquess_Cornwallis__Cornwallis__Charles_Cornwallis  #Oliver_Cromwell__Cromwell__Ironsides  #Duke_of_Cumberland__Cumberland__William_Augustus__Butcher_Cumberland  #George_Armstrong_Custer__Custer  #Moshe_Dayan__Dayan  #Charles_Andre_Joseph_Marie_de_Gaulle__de_Gaulle__Charles_de_Gaulle  #Demetrius_Poliorcetes__Demetrius__Demetrius_I  #James_Harold_Doolittle__Doolittle__Jimmy_Doolittle  #Baron_Hugh_Caswall_Tremenheere_Dowding__Dowding__Hugh_Dowding__Dowdy  #Dwight_David_Eisenhower__Eisenhower__Dwight_Eisenhower__Dwight_D._Eisenhower__Ike__President_Eisenhower  #Prince_Eugene_of_Savoy__Eugene  #Flaminius__Gaius_Falminius  #Francisco_Franco__Franco__El_Caudillo  #Giuseppe_Garibaldi__Garibaldi  #Ulysses_Simpson_Grant__Grant__Ulysses_Grant__Ulysses_S._Grant__Hiram_Ulysses_Grant__President_Grant  #Leslie_Richard_Groves__Groves  #Hannibal.full_general__hannibal  #Sir_Arthur_Travers_Harris__Harris__Bomber_Harris  #Hasdrubal  #Paul_Ludwig_von_Beneckendorff_und_von_Hindenburg__Hindenburg__Paul_von_Hindenburg  #Holofernes  #Fighting_Joe_Hooker__Hooker__Joseph_Hooker  #Samuel_Houston__Houston__Sam_Houston  #Andrew_Jackson__Jackson__Old_Hickory  #Thomas_Jonathan_Jackson__Jackson__Thomas_Jackson__Thomas_J._Jackson__Stonewall_Jackson  #Joseph_Eggleston_Johnston__Johnston__J._E._Johnston  #Flavius_Josephus__Josephus__Joseph_ben_Matthias  #Robert_Edward_Lee__Lee__Robert_E_Lee  #Lucius_Licinius_Luculus__Luculus  #Lysander  #Lysimachus  #Douglas_MacArthur__MacArthur  #George_Catlett_Marshall__Marshall__George_Marshall  #George_Gordon_Meade__Meade  #Miltiades  #William_Mitchell__Mitchell__Billy_Mitchell  #1st_Viscount_Montgomery_of_Alamein__Montgomery__Bernard_Law_Montgomery__Sir_Bernard_Law_Montgomery  #Napoleon_Bonaparte__Napoleon__Napoleon_I__Bonaparte__the_Little_Corporal  #Michel_Ney__Ney__Duc_d'Elchingen  #John_Joseph_Pershing__Pershing__Black_Jack_Pershing  #George_Edward_Pickett__Pickett__pickett  #Pompey_the_Great__Pompey__Gnaeus_Pompeius_Magnus  #Comte_de_Rochambeau__Rochambeau__Jean_Baptiste_Donatien_de_Vimeur  #Antonio_Lopez_de_Santa_Anna__Santa_Anna__Santa_Ana__Antonio_Lopez_de_Santa_Ana  #Hermann_Maurice_Saxe__Saxe__comte_de_Saxe  #Publius_Cornelius_Scipio_Africanus_Major__Scipio__Scipio_Africanus__Scipio_Africanus_Major__Publius_Cornelius_Scipio__Scipio_the_Elder  #Winfield_Scott__Scott  #Seleucus_I_Nicator__Seleucus__Seleucus_I  #William_Tecumseh_Sherman__Sherman  #Siraj-ud-daula  #Joseph_Warren_Stilwell__Stilwell__Vinegar_Joe_Stilwell__Uncle_Joe  #Lucius_Cornelius_Sulla_Felix__Sulla  #Albrecht_Eusebius_Wenzel_von_Wallenstein__Wallenstein  #President_Washington__Washington__George_Washington  #Archibald_Percival_Wavell__Wavell__First_Earl_Wavell  #Mad_Anthony_Wayne__Wayne__Anthony_Wayne  #First_Duke_of_Wellington__Wellington__Duke_of_Wellington__Arthur_Wellesley__the_Iron_Duke  #Xenophon  #Georgi_Konstantinovich_Zhukov__Zhukov
                 subtype:  #lieutenant_general  a general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general
                 subtype:  #major-general__majorgeneral  a general officer ranking above a brigadier general and below a lieutenant general
              subtype:  #lieutenant  a commissioned military officer
                 subtype:  #first_lieutenant__firstlieutenant  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marines ranking above a 2nd lieutenant and below a captain
                 subtype:  #second_lieutenant  a commissioned officer in the army or air force or marine corps holding the lowest rank
                 subtype:  #sublieutenant  (British) an officer ranking next below a lieutenant
              subtype:  #major  a commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines; below lieutenant colonel and above captain
              subtype:  #marshall__marshal  (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank
                 subtype:  #field_marshal__fieldmarshal  an officer holding the highest rank in the army
                    instance:  #Paul_Ludwig_von_Beneckendorff_und_von_Hindenburg__Hindenburg__Paul_von_Hindenburg  #Joseph_Jacques_Cesaire_Joffre__Joffre  #First_Earl_Kitchener_of_Khartoum__Kitchener__Herbert_Kitchener__Horatio_Herbert_Kitchener  #Mikhail_Ilarionovich_Kutuzov__Kutuzov__Prince_of_Smolensk  #Erwin_Rommel__Rommel__Desert_Fox  #Karl_Rudolf_Gerd_von_Rundstedt__Rundstedt__von_Rundstedt  #Archibald_Percival_Wavell__Wavell__First_Earl_Wavell
                 instance:  #Baron_Hugh_Caswall_Tremenheere_Dowding__Dowding__Hugh_Dowding__Dowdy  #Sir_Arthur_Travers_Harris__Harris__Bomber_Harris  #Michel_Ney__Ney__Duc_d'Elchingen  #Hermann_Maurice_Saxe__Saxe__comte_de_Saxe
              subtype:  #subaltern  a British commissioned army officer below the rank of captain
           subtype:  #commissioned_naval_officer  a commissioned officer in the navy
              subtype:  #ensign.commissioned_naval_officer  a person who holds a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant junior grade
              subtype:  #captain.commissioned_naval_officer__skipper  the naval officer in command of a military ship
                 subtype:  #flag_captain  the captain of a flagship
              subtype:  #commander.commissioned_naval_officer  a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
              subtype:  #commodore  a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral
                 instance:  #Oliver_Hazard_Perry__Perry__Commodore_Perry
              subtype:  #flag_officer  a senior naval officer above the rank of captain
                 subtype:  #full_admiral__admiral  the supreme commander of a fleet; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral
                    instance:  #William_Bligh__Bligh__Captain_Bligh  #Sir_Francis_Drake__Drake__Francis_Drake  #David_Glasgow_Farragut__Farragut  #Viscount_Nelson__Nelson__Horatio_Nelson  #Chester_William_Nimitz__Nimitz__Chester_Nimitz  #Matthew_Calbraith_Perry__Perry  #Hyman_George_Rickover__Rickover__Hyman_Rickover  #Isoroku_Yamamoto__Yamamoto
                 subtype:  #fleet_admiral__fleetadmiral  an admiral of the highest rank; five-star admiral
                 subtype:  #rear_admiral  an admiral junior to a vice admiral
                 subtype:  #vice_admiral  an admiral ranking below a full admiral and above a rear admiral
              subtype:  #lieutenant.commissioned_naval_officer  an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant commander and above lieutenant junior grade
              subtype:  #lieutenant_commander  a commissioned officer in the navy ranking above a lieutenant and below a commander
              subtype:  #lieutenant_junior_grade__lieutenant_JG  an officer holding a commissioned rank in the United States navy or Coast Guard; below lieutenant and above ensign
           subtype:  #judge_advocate.commissioned_officer__judgeadvocate  an officer assigned to the judge advocate general
           subtype:  #judge_advocate_general  the senior legal advisor to a branch of the military
           subtype:  #line_officer  a commissioned officer with combat units (not a staff officer or a supply officer)
           subtype:  #ranker.commissioned_officer  (British) a commissioned officer who has been promoted from enlisted status
           subtype:  #staff_officer__staffofficer  a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
              subtype:  #judge_advocate__judgeadvocate  a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
              subtype:  #quartermaster_general__quartermastergeneral  a staff officer in charge of supplies for a whole army
           subtype:  #supply_officer  a commissioned officer responsible for logistics
        subtype:  #desk_officer  a military officer who is not assigned to active duty
        subtype:  #executive_officer__executiveofficer  the officer second in command
        subtype:  #inspector_general__inspectorgeneral  a military officer responsible for investigations
        subtype:  #naval_officer__navalofficer  an officer in the navy
           subtype:  #naval_commander__navalcommander  naval officer in command of a fleet of warships
              instance:  #John_Paul_Jones__johnpauljone__Jones
           instance:  #Isaac_Hull__Hull  #Alfred_Thayer_Mahan__Mahan
        subtype:  #noncommissioned_officer__noncommissionedofficer__noncom  a military officer appointed from enlisted personnel
           subtype:  #aircraftsman__aircraftman  a noncommissioned officer in the British Royal Air Force
           subtype:  #bombardier.noncommissioned_officer  a noncommissioned officer in the British artillery
           subtype:  #chief_petty_officer__chiefpettyofficer  a person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank
           subtype:  #corporal  a noncommissioned officer in the army or airforce or marines
           subtype:  #drill_master__drillmaster__drill_instructor__drillinstructor  a noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline
           subtype:  #lance_corporal__lancecorporal  an enlisted man in the marine corps ranking above a private first class and below a corporal
           subtype:  #petty_officer__PO__P.O.  a noncommissioned officer in the navy with a rank comparable to sergeant in the army
              subtype:  #master-at-arms  the senior petty officer; responsible for discipline aboard ship
           subtype:  #sergeant  any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the army or air force or marines ranking above a corporal
              subtype:  #color_sergeant__colorsergeant  a sergeant in a color guard who carries one of the colors
              subtype:  #first_sergeant__firstsergeant__sergeantfirstclas  a sergeant in the army above the rank of staff sergeant and below master sergeant
                 subtype:  #orderly_sergeant__orderlysergeant  the first sergeant of a company; duties formerly included the conveyance of orders
              subtype:  #gunnery_sergeant__gunnerysergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines
              subtype:  #master_sergeant  a senior noncommissioned officer in the army or air force or marines
              subtype:  #recruiting-sergeant  a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits
              subtype:  #staff_sergeant__staffsergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force
              subtype:  #technical_sergeant__technicalsergeant  a noncommissioned officer ranking below a master sergeant in the air force or marines
        subtype:  #warrant_officer__warrantofficer  holds rank by virtue of a warrant
     subtype:  #noncombatant  a member of the armed forces who does not participate in combat (e.g. a chaplain or surgeon)
     subtype:  #soldier  an enlisted man or woman who serves in an army; "the soldiers stood at attention"
        subtype:  #cannon_fodder__fresh_fish__freshfish  soldiers who a regarded as expendable in the face of artillery fire
        subtype:  #cavalryman__trooper  a soldier mounted on horseback; "a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount"
           subtype:  #cuirassier  a cavalryman equipped with a cuirass
           subtype:  #dragoon  a member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen
           subtype:  #hussar  a member of a European light cavalry unit; renowned for elegant dress
           subtype:  #lancer  (formerly) a cavalryman armed with a lance
           subtype:  #Rough_Rider  a member of the volunteer cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War (1898)
        subtype:  #cavalryman.soldier__trooper  a soldier in a motorized army unit
        subtype:  #color_bearer__colorbearer__standard-bearer  the soldier who carries the standard of the unit in military parades or in battle
        subtype:  #Confederate_soldier  a soldier in the Army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War
           subtype:  #bushwhacker  a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War
           subtype:  #Rebel__Reb__Johnny_Reb__Johnny__grayback  (informal) `johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `grayback' derived from their gray Confederate uniforms
        subtype:  #redcoat__lobsterback  British soldier; so-called because of his red coat, esp. during the Revolutionary War
        subtype:  #flanker  a soldier who is a member of a detachment assigned to guard the flanks of a military formation
        subtype:  #goldbrick.soldier  a soldier who performs his duties without proper care or effort
        subtype:  #Green_Beret  a soldier who is a member of the United States Army Special Forces
        subtype:  #guardsman  a soldier who is a member of a unit called `the guard' or `guards'
        subtype:  #Highlander  a soldier in a Scottish Highland regiment
        subtype:  #infantryman__marcher__footsoldier__footslogger  fights on foot with small arms
           subtype:  #fusilier  (formerly) a British infantryman armed with a light flintlock musket
           subtype:  #grenadier__grenade_thrower__grenadethrower  an infantryman equipped with grenades
           subtype:  #musketeer  a foot soldier armed with a musket
        subtype:  #Janissary  a Turkish soldier
        subtype:  #legionnaire__legionary  a soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion)
        subtype:  #man-at-arms  a heavily armed and mounted soldier in medieval times
        subtype:  #militiaman  a member of the militia; serves only during emergencies
           subtype:  #Minuteman  an American militiaman prior to the Revolutionary War
        subtype:  #orderly  a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer; "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"
        subtype:  #paratrooper__para  a soldier in the paratroops
        subtype:  #peacekeeper.soldier  a member of a military force that is assigned (often with international sanction) to preserve peace in a trouble area
        subtype:  #pistoleer  someone armed with a pistol (especially a soldier so armed)
        subtype:  #point_man__pointman  a soldier who goes ahead of a patrol
        subtype:  #ranker  (British) an enlisted soldier who serves in the ranks of the armed forces
        subtype:  #regular.soldier  a soldier in the regular army
        subtype:  #reservist  a member of a military reserve
        subtype:  #rifleman.soldier  a soldier whose weapon is a rifle
           subtype:  #carabineer__carabinier  a soldier whose rifle is a carbine
        subtype:  #Section_Eight.soldier__sectioneight  a soldier who received a Section Eight discharge as unfit for military service
        subtype:  #tanker__tank_driver  a soldier who drives a tank
        subtype:  #territorial  nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit
        subtype:  #Unknown_Soldier  an unidentified soldier whose body is honored as a memorial
        instance:  #Ethan_Allen__Allen  #Chevalier_de_Bayard__Bayard__Seigneur_de_Bayard__Pierre_Terrail__Pierre_de_Terrail  #Cesare_Borgia__Borgia  #Thomas_Wentworth_Storrow_Higginson__Higginson__Thomas_Higginson  #Thaddeus_Kosciusko__Kosciusko__Kosciuszko__Tadeusz_Andrzej_Bonawentura_Kosciuszko  #Marquis_de_Lafayette__Lafayette__La_Fayette__Marie_Joseph_Paul_Yves_Roch_Gilbert_du_Motier  #Thomas_Edward_Lawrence__Lawrence__T._E._Lawrence__Lawrence_of_Arabia  #Lighthorse_Harry_Lee__Lee__Henry_Lee  #Mohammed_Ali__Mehemet_Ali__Muhammad_Ali  #Daniel_Morgan__Morgan  #Sir_Henry_Percy__Percy__Hotspur__Harry_Hotspur  #Juan_Domingo_Peron__Peron  #Jan_Christian_Smuts__Smuts  #Tancred
     subtype:  #striper  a serviceman who wears stripes on the uniform to indicate rank or years of service; "he's a four-striper"
     subtype:  #veteran__vet__exserviceman  a person who has served in the armed forces
     subtype:  #veteran_soldier__veteransoldier__veteran  a serviceman who has seen considerable active service; "the veterans laughed at the new recruits"
     subtype:  #military_volunteer__volunteer__voluntary  a person who freely enlist for military service
  subtype:  #shearer  a skilled worker who shears the wool off of sheep or other animals
  subtype:  #skinner  a person who prepares or deals in animal skins
  subtype:  #metalworker__smith  someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable)
     subtype:  #blacksmith  a smith who forges and shapes iron with a hammer and anvil
        subtype:  #farrier__horseshoer  a person who shoes horses
     subtype:  #forger  someone who operates a forge
  subtype:  #smith  someone who works at something specified
     subtype:  #arrowsmith  a maker of arrows
     subtype:  #gunsmith  someone who makes or repairs guns
     subtype:  #locksmith  someone who makes or repairs locks
     subtype:  #tinsmith__tinner  someone who makes or repairs tinware
  subtype:  #technician  someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process
     subtype:  #animator  the technician who produces animated cartoons
     subtype:  #dental_technician__denturist  someone who makes dental appliances (bridges and dentures)
     subtype:  #soundman  a technician in charge of amplifying sound or producing sound effects (as for a TV or radio broadcast)
     subtype:  #techie__tekki  a technician who is highly proficient and enthusiastic about some technical field (especially computing)
  subtype:  #piano_tuner__pianotuner__tuner  someone who tunes pianos
  subtype:  #turner  a lathe operator
  subtype:  #turtler  someone whose occupation is hunting turtles
  subtype:  #voicer.skilled_worker  someone who regulates the tone of organ pipes
  subtype:  #vulcanizer__vulcaniser  someone who vulcanizes rubber to improve its strength and resiliency
  subtype:  #wallpaperer  a worker who papers walls
  subtype:  #wireman  a worker who installs and repairs electric wiring

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