#shaper__maker  a person who makes things
  supertype:  #creator  a person who grows or makes or invents things
  subtype:  #basketweaver__basketmaker  someone skilled in weaving baskets
  subtype:  #belt_maker  a maker of belts
  subtype:  #bookmaker  a maker of books; someone who edits or publishes or binds books
  subtype:  #beer_maker__brewer  someone who brews beer or ale from malt and hops and water
  subtype:  #chandler  a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and paints
     subtype:  #candlemaker  a person who makes or sells candles
     subtype:  #wax-chandler__waxchandler  one who deals in wax candles
  subtype:  #shoemaker__cobbler  a person who makes or repairs shoes
     subtype:  #bootmaker__boot_maker  a maker of boots
  subtype:  #confectioner__candymaker  someone who makes candies and other sweets
     instance:  #Milton_Snavely_Hershey__Hershey
  subtype:  #author__generator__source  someone who originates or causes or initiates something; "he was the generator of several complaints"
     subtype:  #coiner  someone who is a source of new words or new expressions
  subtype:  #glassmaker  some who makes glass
  subtype:  #hatmaker__hatter__milliner__modiste  someone who makes and sells hats
  subtype:  #ironworker  a person who makes articles of iron
     subtype:  #puddler  a worker who turns pig iron into wrought iron by puddling
  subtype:  #jewelry_maker__jewelrymaker__jeweler__jeweller  someone who makes jewelry
     subtype:  #goldsmith__goldworker  an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold
        instance:  #Peter_Carl_Faberge__Faberge
     subtype:  #silversmith__silverworker  someone who makes or repairs articles of silver
        instance:  #Paul_Revere__Revere
  subtype:  #maltster__maltman  a maker of malt
  subtype:  #manufacturer__producer  someone who manufactures something
     subtype:  #arms_manufacturer  someone who manufactures arms and munitions
        instance:  #Alfred_Krupp__Krupp  #Peter_Paul_Mauser__Mauser__von_Mauser__P._P._von_Mauser
     subtype:  #brewer  the owner or manager of a brewery
     subtype:  #distiller  someone who distills alcoholic liquors
     subtype:  #food_manufacturer  a person who manufactures food products
        instance:  #W._K._Kellogg__Kellogg__Will_Keith_Kellog
     subtype:  #sericulturist  a producer of raw silk
     instance:  #Cyrus_Hall_McCormick__McCormick__Cyrus_McCormick  #John_Mercer__Mercer  #Isaac_Merrit_Singer__Singer__Isaac_M._Singer  #Eli_Whitney__Whitney
  subtype:  #needleworker  someone who does work (as sewing or embroidery) with a needle
     subtype:  #edger.needleworker  a person who puts finishing edges on a garment
     subtype:  #embroiderer  someone who ornaments with needlework
        subtype:  #embroideress  a woman embroiderer
     subtype:  #garmentmaker__garmentworker__garment_worker__garmentworker  a person who makes garments
        subtype:  #cloakmaker__furrier  someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur garments
        subtype:  #dressmaker__modiste__needlewoman__seamstress__sempstress  someone who makes or mends dresses
           instance:  #Betsy_Griscom_Ross__Ross__Betsy_Ross
        subtype:  #outfitter  someone who provides outfits
        subtype:  #stitcher  a garmentmaker who performs the finishing steps
        subtype:  #tailor__seamster__sartor  a person whose occupation is making and altering garments
           subtype:  #fitter  someone who fits a garment to a particular person
     subtype:  #knitter  someone who makes garments (or fabrics) by intertwining yarn or thread
     subtype:  #sewer  someone who sews; "a sewer of fine gowns"
        subtype:  #baster.sewer__tacker  a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches
        subtype:  #sewing-machine_operator  someone who sews by operating a sewing machine
        subtype:  #tucker.sewer  a sewer who tucks
  subtype:  #patternmaker  someone who makes patterns (as for sewing or carpentry or metalworking)
  subtype:  #perfumer  a person who makes (and sells) perfumes
  subtype:  #piano_maker__pianomaker  a person who makes pianos
     instance:  #Heinrich_Engelhard_Steinway__Steinway__Henry_Steinway__Henry_Engelhard_Steinway
  subtype:  #saddler  a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses
  subtype:  #sailmaker  a maker of sails
  subtype:  #shirtmaker  a maker of shirts
  subtype:  #thread_maker__spinner__spinster  someone who spins (who twists fibers into threads)
  subtype:  #steelmaker__steelworker__steelman  a worker engaged in making steel
  subtype:  #tentmaker  someone who makes or repairs tents
  subtype:  #toolmaker  someone skilled in making or repairing tools
  subtype:  #winemaker__vintner__wine_maker  someone who makes wine
  subtype:  #violin_maker  someone who makes violins
     instance:  #Nicolo_Amati__Amati__Nicola_Amati  #Andrea_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  #Guiseppe_Guarneri__Guarneri__Guarnieri__Guarnerius  #Antonio_Stradivari__Stradivari__Stradivarius__Antonius_Stradivarius
  subtype:  #watchmaker__horologist__horologer  someone who makes or repairs watches
  subtype:  #wigmaker  someone who makes and sells wigs

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