#sense_organ__sensory_receptor__sensoryreceptor  an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation
  exclusion:  #effector
  supertype:  #organ  a fully differentiated structural and functional unit in an animal that is specialized for some particular function
  subtype:  #lateral_line_organ  #interoceptor  #exteroceptor  #third_eye  #baroreceptor  #chemoreceptor  #thermoreceptor {#eye #ear} (menu)  #organ_of_hearing  #inner_ear  #semicircular_canal  #stretch_receptor
  part of:  #sensory_system
  part:  #papilla.outgrowth  a small nipple-shaped protuberance concerned with taste, touch, or smell; "the papillae of the tongue"

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