#root  the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground
  supertype:  #plant_organ__plantorgan  a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
  substance:  #parenchyma.plant_tissue
  part:  #root_cap  #root_hair  #bark
  part of:  #root_system
  subtype:  #calamus  the aromatic root of the sweet flag used medicinally
  subtype:  #taro__cocoyam__eddo  edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants
  subtype:  #ginseng  aromatic root of ginseng plants
  subtype:  #horseradish_root__horseradishroot__horseradish  the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
  subtype:  #radish.root  pungent edible root of any of various cultivated radish plants
  subtype:  #chicory__chicoryroot  the dried root of the chicory plant: used as a coffee substitute
  subtype:  #oyster_plant__salsify  edible root of the salsify plant
  subtype:  #Hottentot_bread__Hottentot's_bread  thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
  subtype:  #briarroot  hard woody root of the briar Erica arborea
  subtype:  #orrisroot__orris__orri  fragrant rootstock of various irises especially Florentine iris; used in perfumes and medicines
  subtype:  #sarsaparilla_root  dried root of any of various plants of the genus Smilax used as a flavoring agent
  subtype:  #licorice_root  root of licorice used in flavoring e.g. candy and liqueurs and medicines
  subtype:  #senega  dried root of two plants of the genus Polygala containing an irritating saponin
  subtype:  #mandrake_root__mandrake  the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
  subtype:  #cassava  cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca
  subtype:  #carrot.root  deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant
  subtype:  #parsnip.root  the whitish root of cultivated parsnip
  subtype:  #taproot  main root of a plant growing straight downward from the stem
  subtype:  #adventitious_root  root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem
  subtype:  #rootlet  small root or division of a root
  subtype:  #prop_root  a root that grows from and supports the stem above the ground in plants such as mangroves

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