#representation.activity  an activity that stands as an equivalent of something or results in an equivalent
  supertype:  #activity  any specific activity or pursuit; "they avoided all recreational activity"
  subtype:  #modelling__model__modeling  a representation of something (usually on a smaller scale)
     subtype:  #simulation  the act of simulating
        subtype:  #war_game__wargame  a simulated battle for training military commanders
  subtype:  #dramatization__dramatisation  a dramatic representation
     subtype:  #guerrilla_theater__guerrillatheater__street_theater  dramatization of a social issue; enacted outside in a park or on the street
     subtype:  #puppetry  a stilted dramatic performance (as if by puppets)
  subtype:  #pageant__pageantry  an elaborate representation of scenes from history etc; usually involves a parade with rich costumes
  subtype:  #figuration.representation  representing figuratively as by emblem or allegory
     subtype:  #symbolizing__symbolising  the act of representing something with a symbol
  subtype:  #schematization__schematisation__diagramming  providing a chart or outline of a system
  subtype:  #pictorial_representation__pictorialrepresentation__picturing  visual representation as by photography or painting
     subtype:  #depiction__delineation__portrayal  representation by drawing or painting etc
        subtype:  #portraiture  the activity of making portraits
     subtype:  #tomography__imaging  (medicine) obtaining pictures of the interior of the body
        subtype:  #X-raying__X-radiation  obtaining images by the use of X rays
           subtype:  #computed_tomography__CT__computerized_axial_tomography__computed_axial_tomography__CAT  a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct an image
        subtype:  #sonography__ultrasonography  using the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram); commonly used to observe fetal growth
        subtype:  #positron_emission_tomography__PET  using a computerized radiographic technique to examine the metabolic activity in various tissues (especially in the brain)
        subtype:  #magnetic_resonance_imaging__MRI  the use of nuclear magnetic resonance of protons to produce proton density images
           subtype:  #functional_magnetic_resonance_imaging__fMRI  a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain
        subtype:  #radioscopy__radiology  examination of the inner structure of opaque objects using X rays or other penetrating radiation
           subtype:  #fluoroscopy  examination of body structures using a fluoroscope
     subtype:  #picture_taking__picturetaking__photography  the act of taking and printing photographs
        subtype:  #radiography  photography that uses other kinds of radiation than visible light
           subtype:  #roentgenography__xrayphotography  radiography that uses X-rays to produce a roentgenogram
              subtype:  #angiography  roentgenographic examination of blood vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces an angiogram
              subtype:  #arthrography  roentgenographic examination of a joint after injection of radiopaque contrast medium; produces an arthrogram
                 subtype:  #arteriography  roentgenographic examination of arteries
                 subtype:  #venography  roentgenographic examination of veins
              subtype:  #cholangiography  roentgenographic examination of the bile ducts after a contrast medium has been injected
              subtype:  #encephalography  roentgenography of the brain after spinal fluid has been replaced by a gas (usually oxygen); produces an encephalogram
              subtype:  #myelography  roentgenography of the spinal cord to detect possible lesions (usually after injection of a contrast medium into the subarachnoid space)
              subtype:  #pyelography  roentgenography of the kidney and ureters (usually after injection with a radiopaque dye)
                 subtype:  #intravenous_pyelography__intravenouspyelography__IVP  performing pyelography with intravenous injection of a contrast medium
           subtype:  #xeroradiography  radiography using X-rays and xerographic (rather than roentgenographic) techniques
        subtype:  #xerography  forming an image by the action of light on a specially coated charged plate; the latent image is developed with powders that adhere only to electrically charged areas; "edge enhancement is intrinsic in xerography"
        subtype:  #telephotography  photography using a telephoto lens
        subtype:  #exposure.picture_taking  the act of exposing film to light
           subtype:  #overexposure  the act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time
           subtype:  #underexposure  the act of exposing film to too little light or for too short a time
           subtype:  #time_exposure  exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second)
        subtype:  #filming__cinematography__motion-picture_photography  the act of making a film
           subtype:  #take  the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
              subtype:  #retake  a shot or scene that is photographed again
           subtype:  #animation  the making of animated cartoons

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