#religious_ceremony__religiousceremony__religious_ritual__religiousritual  a ceremony having religious meaning
  supertype:  #ceremony.activity  the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion; "an inaugural ceremony"
  subtype:  #agape__love_feast  a religious meal shared as a sign of love and fellowship
  subtype:  #religious_rite__religiousrite__rite  an established ceremony prescribed by a religion; "the rite of baptism"
     subtype:  #vigil.religious_rite__watch  a devotional watch (especially on the eve of a religious festival)
        subtype:  #wake__viewing  a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial; "there's no weeping at an Irish wake"
        subtype:  #agrypnia  a vigil before certain feasts (as e.g. Easter)
     subtype:  #last_rites  rites performed in connection with a death or burial
     subtype:  #circumcision.religious_rite  a Jewish and Muslim religious rite performed on a male 8 days after birth;
        subtype:  #Berith__Berit__Brith__Bris__Briss  the Jewish rite of circumcision performed on a male child on the eighth day of his life
     subtype:  #liturgy  a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship
        subtype:  #Christian_liturgy  the Christian worship services
     subtype:  #office  a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities; "the offices of the mass"
        subtype:  #Divine_Office  canonical prayers recited daily by priests (e.g. the breviary of the Roman Catholic Church)
        subtype:  #Little_Office  a Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary; similar to but shorter than the Divine Office
     instance:  #orgy
  subtype:  #religious_service__religiousservice__service__divine_service  the act of public worship following prescribed rules; "the Sunday service"
     subtype:  #church_service__church  a service conducted in a church; "don't be late for church"
     subtype:  #prayer_meeting__prayer_service  a service at which people sing hymns and pray together
     subtype:  #chapel_service__chapel  a service conducted in a chapel; "he was late for chapel"
     subtype:  #committal_service__committalservice  service committing a body to the grave; "the committal service will be held next Monday"
     subtype:  #vesper  a late afternoon or evening worship service
        subtype:  #placebo  Roman Catholic Church: vespers of the office for the dead
     subtype:  #watch_night__watchnight  a devotional service (especially on New Year's Eve)
  subtype:  #sacrament  a formal religious act conferring a specific grace on those who receive it
     subtype:  #sacrament_of_the_Eucharist__Eucharist__Holy_Sacrament__Liturgy__Eucharistic_liturgy__Lord's_Supper  a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine
     subtype:  #matrimony  the ceremony or sacrament of marriage
     subtype:  #baptism  a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth; "most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism"
        subtype:  #affusion__pouring  the act of baptizing someone by pouring water on their head
        subtype:  #sprinkling__aspersion  the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
        subtype:  #immersion  a form of baptism in which part or all of a person's body is submerged
        subtype:  #christening  giving a Christian name at baptism
     subtype:  #confirmation.sacrament  a sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church
     subtype:  #penance  a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and satisfaction and absolution
        subtype:  #confession  (Roman Catholic Church) the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution
           subtype:  #shrift  the act of being shriven
     subtype:  #anointing_of_the_sick__extreme_unction__extremeunction__last_rites  a Catholic sacrament; a priest anoints a dying person with oil and prays for salvation
     subtype:  #holy_orders  the sacrament of ordination
  subtype:  #confirmation.religious_ceremony  a ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at Pentecost) to admit as adult members of the Jewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in Judaism
  subtype:  #sanctification  a religious ceremony in which something is made holy
     subtype:  #beatification  (Roman Catholic Church) the act of declaring that a deceased person lived a holy life and is worthy of public veneration; a first step toward canonization
     subtype:  #canonization__canonisation  (Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church) the act of admitting a deceased person into the canon of saints
     subtype:  #consecration  the act of consecrating; "the Cardinal attended the consecration of the church"
  subtype:  #Oblation__religious_offering__religiousoffering  the act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist
     subtype:  #Offertory  the part of the Eucharist when bread and wine are offered to God
  subtype:  #inunction__unction  anointing as part of a religious ceremony or healing ritual
  subtype:  #libation  the act of pouring a liquid offering (especially wine) as a religious ceremony
  subtype:  #Mass  the celebration of the Eucharist (in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant Churches)
     subtype:  #High_Mass  a solemn and elaborate Mass with music
     subtype:  #Low_Mass  a Mass recited without music
     subtype:  #Requiem  a Mass celebrated for the dead

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