#profession  an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)
  supertype:  #line_of_work__occupation__business__job__line  the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of business"
  subtype:  #learned_profession__learnedprofession  one of the three professions traditionally believed to require advanced learning and high principles
     subtype:  #practice_of_law__law  the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"
     subtype:  #practice_of_medicine__medicine  the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries; "he studied medicine at Harvard"
        subtype:  #preventive_medicine  the branch of medicine concerned with preventing disease; "the medical establishment doesn't profit from preventive medicine"
        subtype:  #alternative_medicine__alternativemedicine__complementarymedicine  the practice of medicine without the use of drugs; may involve self-awareness
     subtype:  #theology  the learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion (usually taught at a college or seminary); "he studied theology at Oxford"
  subtype:  #literature.profession  the profession or art of a writer; "her place in literature is secure"
  subtype:  #architecture  the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect
  subtype:  #education  the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
     subtype:  #pedagogy__teaching__instruction  the profession of a teacher; "he prepared for teaching while still in college"; "pedagogy is recognized as an important profession"
        subtype:  #catechesis  oral religious instruction (as before baptism or confirmation)
        subtype:  #catechetical_instruction  teaching religious principles by questions and answers
        subtype:  #language_teaching  teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
        subtype:  #teaching_reading  teaching beginners to read
           subtype:  #phonics__phonic  teaching reading by training beginners to associate letters with their sound values
           subtype:  #whole-word_method  teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words
        subtype:  #schooling  the act of teaching at school
        subtype:  #indoctrination  teaching someone to accept doctrines uncritically
           subtype:  #brainwashing  forcible indoctrination into a new set of attitudes and beliefs
           subtype:  #inculcation__ingraining__instilling  teaching or impressing upon the mind by frequent instruction or repetition
        subtype:  #tutorship__tutelage__tuition  teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)
        subtype:  #lesson  a unit of instruction; "he took driving lessons"
           subtype:  #language_lesson  a period of instruction learning a language
              subtype:  #French_lesson  instruction in the French language
              subtype:  #German_lesson  instruction in the German language
              subtype:  #Hebrew_lesson  instruction in the Hebrew language
           subtype:  #dance_lesson__dancelesson  a lesson in dancing
           subtype:  #music_lesson__musiclesson  a lesson in performing music
              subtype:  #piano_lesson__pianolesson  a lesson in playing the piano
              subtype:  #violin_lesson  a less in playing the violin
           subtype:  #tennis_lesson  a lesson in playing tennis
           subtype:  #golf_lesson  a lesson in playing gold
        subtype:  #sleep-learning__sleeplearning__hypnopedia  teaching during sleep (as by suing recordings to teach a foreign language to someone who is asleep)
        subtype:  #spoonfeeding  teaching in an overly simplified way that discourages independent thought
        subtype:  #lecturing__lecture  teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class)
           subtype:  #talk  a act of giving a talk to an audience; "I attended an interesting talk on local history"
              subtype:  #chalk_talk__chalktalk  a talk that uses a blackboard and chalk
  subtype:  #journalism  the profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media
     subtype:  #newspapering  journalism practiced for the newspapers
  subtype:  #politics  the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs
  subtype:  #technology__engineering  the practical application of science to commerce or industry
     subtype:  #aeronautical_engineering  the activity of designing and constructing aircraft
     subtype:  #automotive_technology__automotive_engineering  the activity of designing and constructing automobiles
     subtype:  #chemical_engineering  the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems
     subtype:  #communications_technology  the activity of designing and constructing and maintaining communication systems
        subtype:  #digital_communications_technology  the design and construction of communications technology that transmits information in digital form
     subtype:  #computer_technology  the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers
     subtype:  #rail_technology__railroading  the activity of designing and constructing and operating railroads
        subtype:  #magnetic_levitation  high-speed rail technology; train is suspended on a magnetic cushion above a magnetized track and so travels free of friction

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