#plant_organ__plantorgan  a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
  supertype:  plant_part__plantpart  any part of a plant or fungus
  subtype:  reproductive_structure  the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
     subtype:  spore  small usually single-celled reproductive body produced especially by certain bacteria and algae and fungi and nonflowering plants
        subtype:  basidiospore  a sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium
        subtype:  endospore  a small asexual spore that develops inside the cell of some bacteria and algae
        subtype:  carpospore  a nonmotile spore of red algae
        subtype:  chlamydospore  thick-walled asexual resting spore of certain fungi and algae
           subtype:  teliospore  a chlamydospore that develops in the last stage of the life cycle of the rust fungus
        subtype:  conidium__conidiospore  an asexually produced fungal spore formed on a conidiophore
        subtype:  oospore  a thick-walled sexual spore that develops from a fertilized oosphere in some algae and fungi
        subtype:  tetraspore  one of the four asexual spores produced within a sporangium
        subtype:  zoospore  an asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella
        subtype:  fern_seed  the asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the possessor invisible
        subtype:  microspore  smaller of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in the pollen sac into a male gametophyte
        subtype:  megaspore  larger of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in ovule into a female gametophyte
        subtype:  aeciospore  spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium
        subtype:  ascospore  sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus
        subtype:  zygospore  a plant spore formed by two similar sexual cells
     subtype:  gleba  fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a puffball or stinkhorn
     subtype:  hymenium  spore-bearing layer of cells in certain fungi containing asci or basidia
     subtype:  sporocarp__spore_case__sporecase  specialized leaf branch in certain aquatic ferns that encloses the sori or clusters of sporangia
     subtype:  bloom__flower__blossom  reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
        subtype:  floret  a diminutive flower (especially one that is part of a composite flower)
        subtype:  apetalous_flower__apetalousflower  flower having no petals
        subtype:  inflorescence  the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk
           subtype:  flower_head  a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower as in clover or members of the family Compositae
           subtype:  catkin__ament  a cylindrical spikelike inflorescence
           subtype:  umbel  flat-topped or rounded inflorescence characteristic of the family Umbelliferae in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point; youngest flowers are at the center
           subtype:  corymb  flat-topped or convex inflorescence in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points on the main stem to approximately the same height; outer flowers open first
           subtype:  raceme  usually elongate cluster of flowers along the main stem in which the flowers at the base open first
              subtype:  panicle  compound raceme or branched cluster of flowers
           subtype:  cyme  more or less flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the central or terminal flower opens first
              subtype:  scorpioid_cyme__scorpioidcyme  a cyme with flowers or branches alternating in opposite ranks
           subtype:  spike.inflorescence  (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis
              subtype:  spikelet  a small spike (as the inflorescence on grasses and sedges)
        subtype:  ray_flower__rayflower__ray_floret__rayfloret  small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
        subtype:  bud  a partially opened flower
           subtype:  rosebud  the bud of a rose
        subtype:  chrysanthemum.bloom  the flower of a chrysanthemum plant
     subtype:  stamen  the male reproductive organ of a flower
     subtype:  anther  the part of the stamen that contains pollen; usually borne on a stalk
     subtype:  pistil__gynoecium  the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma
        subtype:  simple_pistil  consists of one carpel
        subtype:  compound_pistil  consists of two or more fused carpels
        subtype:  carpel  a simple pistil or one element of a compound pistil
     subtype:  style.reproductive_structure  the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma
     subtype:  stigma.reproductive_structure  the apical end of the style where pollen is deposited
     subtype:  ovary.reproductive_structure  the organ that bears the ovules of a flower
     subtype:  ovule  a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization
        subtype:  amphitropous_ovule  a partly inverted ovule turned back 90 degrees on its stalk
        subtype:  anatropous_ovule  a completely inverted ovule turned back 180 degrees on its stalk
        subtype:  campylotropous_ovule  a curved ovule with the micropyle almost touching the funiculus
        subtype:  orthotropous_ovule  a completely straight ovule with the micropyle at the apex
        subtype:  seed.ovule  a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa
     subtype:  placenta.reproductive_structure  that part of the ovary of a flowering plant where the ovules form
     subtype:  placentation  arrangement of the ovules in the placenta and of the placentas in the ovary
        subtype:  apical_placentation  where one or few ovules develop at the top of a simple or compound ovary
        subtype:  axile_placentation__axileplacentation  ovules are borne at or around the center of a compound ovary on an axis formed from joined septa
        subtype:  basal_placentation__basalplacentation  where one or few ovules develop at the base of a simple or compound ovary
        subtype:  free_central_placentation  where ovules develop on a central column in a compound ovary lacking septa or with septa at base only
        subtype:  lamellate_placentation__lamellateplacentation  with ovules on thin extensions of the placentae into a compound ovary
        subtype:  marginal_placentation__ventral_placentation__ventralplacentation  with ovules borne on the wall along the ventral suture of a simple ovary
        subtype:  parietal_placentation  where ovules develop on the wall or slight outgrowths of the wall forming broken partitions within a compound ovary
     subtype:  testa__seed_coat  protective outer layer of seeds of flowering plants
     subtype:  endosperm  nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants
     subtype:  gemma  small asexual reproductive structure in e.g. liverworts and mosses that detaches from the parent and develops into a new individual
     subtype:  strobilus__cone__strobile  cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
        subtype:  fir_cone__fircone  the seed-producing cone of a fir tree
        subtype:  galbulus  the seed-producing cone of a cypress tree
        subtype:  pinecone  the seed-producing cone of a pine tree
     subtype:  basidium  a small club-shaped structure typically bearing four basidiospores at the ends of minute projections; unique to basidiomycetes
        subtype:  promycelium  the basidium of various fungi
     subtype:  antheridium  the male sex organ of spore-producing plants; produces antherozoids; equivalent to the anther in flowers
     subtype:  sporangium__spore_case__sporecase__spore_sac__sporesac  organ containing or producing spores
        subtype:  eusporangium  a sporangium that arises from a group of epidermal cells
        subtype:  leptosporangium  a sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell; characteristic of the Filicales or of almost all modern ferns
        subtype:  tetrasporangium  a sporangium containing four asexual spores
     subtype:  ascus__ascu  saclike structure in which ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes
     subtype:  sporophore  a spore-bearing branch or organ: the part of the thallus of a sporophyte that develops spores; in ferns and mosses and liverworts is practically equivalent to the sporophyte
     subtype:  gametangium  cell or organ in which gametes develop
     subtype:  gametophore  a modified branch bearing gametangia as in the thalloid liverworts
        subtype:  antheridiophore  gametophore bearing antheridia as in certain mosses and liverworts
     subtype:  sorus__soru  cluster of sporangia usually on underside of a fern frond
     subtype:  sorus.reproductive_structure__soru  a spore-producing structure in certain lichens and fungi
     subtype:  fruit  the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
        subtype:  edible_fruit  edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh
           subtype:  freestone  fruit (especially peach) whose flesh does not adhere to the pit
           subtype:  cling__clingstone  fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
           subtype:  windfall  fruit that has fallen from the tree
           subtype:  apple  fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
              subtype:  crab_apple__crabapple  small sour apple; suitable for preserving; "crabapples make a tangy jelly"
              subtype:  eating_apple__dessert_apple__dessertapple  an apple used primarily for eating raw without cooking
                 subtype:  Baldwin  an American eating apple with red or yellow and red skin
                 subtype:  Cortland  large red-skinned apple
                 subtype:  Delicious  variety of sweet eating apples
                    subtype:  Golden_Delicious__Yellow_Delicious  a sweet eating apple with yellow skin
                    subtype:  Red_Delicious  a sweet eating apple with bright red skin; most widely grown apple worldwide
                 subtype:  Empire  an eating apple that somewhat resembles a McIntosh; used as both an eating and a cooking apple
                 subtype:  Grimes'_golden  yellow apple that ripens in late autumn; eaten raw
                 subtype:  Jonathan  red late-ripening apple; primarily eaten raw
                 subtype:  McIntosh  early-ripening apple popular in the northeastern United States; primarily eaten raw but suitable for applesauce
                    subtype:  Macoun  similar to McIntosh; juicy and late-ripening
                 subtype:  Northern_Spy  large late-ripening apple with skin striped with yellow and red
                 subtype:  Pearmain  any of several varieties of red-skinned apple
                 subtype:  Pippin  any of numerous superior eating apples with yellow or greenish yellow skin flushed with red
                    subtype:  Cox's_Orange_Pippin  a yellow Pippin with distinctive flavor
                 subtype:  Prima  used primarily as eating apples
                 subtype:  Stayman  apple grown chiefly in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley
                 subtype:  Winesap  crisp apple with dark red skin
                 subtype:  Stayman_Winesap  crisp tart apple; good for eating raw and suitable for cooking
              subtype:  cooking_apple__cookingapple  an apple used primarily in cooking for pies and applesauce etc
                 subtype:  Bramley's_Seedling  very large cooking apple
                 subtype:  Granny_Smith  hard and tart; used primarily in cooking
                 subtype:  Lane's_Prince_Albert  used primarily in cooking
                 subtype:  Newtown_Wonder  used primarily in cooking
                 subtype:  Rome_Beauty  large red apple used primarily for baking
           subtype:  berry  any of numerous small edible pulpy fruits either simple (grape; blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry; raspberry)
              subtype:  European_blueberry__bilberry__whortleberry  blue-black berries similar to American blueberries
              subtype:  huckleberry.berry  blue-black berry similar to blueberries and bilberries of the eastern United States
              subtype:  blueberry  sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants
              subtype:  boxberry__wintergreen__checkerberry__teaberry__spiceberry  spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil
              subtype:  cranberry.berry  very tart red berry used for sauce or juice
              subtype:  lowbush_cranberry__lowbushcranberry__lingonberry__mountaincranberry__cowberry  tart red berries similar to American cranberries but smaller
              subtype:  currant  any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams
                 subtype:  gooseberry  currant-like berry used primarily in jams and jellies
                 subtype:  black_currant__blackcurrant  small black berries used in jams and jellies
                 subtype:  red_currant  small red berries used primarily in jams and jellies
              subtype:  blackberry  large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
              subtype:  boysenberry  large raspberry-flavored fruit; cross between blackberries and raspberries
              subtype:  dewberry  blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes
              subtype:  loganberry  large red variety of the dewberry
              subtype:  raspberry  red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
              subtype:  saskatoon__shadberry__juneberry  edible purple or red berries
              subtype:  strawberry.berry  sweet fleshy red fruit
              subtype:  sugarberry__hackberry  small edible dark purple to black berry with large pits; southern United States
              subtype:  persimmon  orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe
              subtype:  surinam_cherry__surinamcherry__acerola__barbados_cherry__West_Indian_cherry  acid red or yellow cherry-like fruit of a tropical American shrub very rich in vitamin C
              subtype:  mulberry  sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus
           subtype:  lanseh__lansa__lansat__lanset  East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit
           subtype:  carambola__star_fruit  deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert
           subtype:  ceriman  tropical cylindrical fruit resembling a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor
           subtype:  carissa_plum__carissaplum__natal_plum__natalplum  edible scarlet plum-like fruit of a South African plant
           subtype:  citrus_fruit__citrus  any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm regions
              subtype:  orange_fruit__orange  round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees
                 subtype:  temple_orange  large sweet easily-peeled Florida fruit with deep orange rind
                 subtype:  bitter_orange__Seville_orange__sour_orange  highly acidic orange used especially in marmalade
                 subtype:  sweet_orange__sweetorange  orange with sweet juicy pulp; often thin-skinned
                    subtype:  Jaffa_orange  sweet almost seedless orange of Israel
                    subtype:  navel_orange__navelorange  seedless orange enclosing a small secondary fruit at the apex
                    subtype:  Valencia_orange  variety of sweet orange cultivated extensively in Florida and California
              subtype:  mandarin_orange__mandarin  a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose-skinned citrus of China
                 subtype:  satsuma  medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin smooth skin
                 subtype:  tangerine  any of various deep orange mandarins grown in the United States and southern Africa
              subtype:  kumquat  small oval citrus fruit with thin sweet rind and very acid pulp
              subtype:  lemon  yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh
              subtype:  lime  the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees
                 subtype:  key_lime__keylime  small yellow-green limes of southern Florida
              subtype:  grapefruit  large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half
              subtype:  pomelo__shaddock  large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp
              subtype:  citrange  more aromatic and acid tasting than oranges; used in beverages and marmalade
              subtype:  citron  large lemonlike fruit with thick aromatic rind; usually preserved
           subtype:  tangelo__ugli_fruit  large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin
           subtype:  apricot  downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach
           subtype:  peach  downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh
           subtype:  nectarine  smooth-skinned variety or mutation of the peach
           subtype:  pitahaya  highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach
           subtype:  plum  any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single pit
              subtype:  damson__damson_plum  sweet dark purple plum
              subtype:  greengage_plum__greengageplum__greengage  sweet green or greenish-yellow variety of plum
              subtype:  beach_plum__beachplum  small dark purple fruit used especially in jams and pies
              subtype:  sloe  small sour dark purple fruit of especially the Allegheny plum bush
           subtype:  dried_fruit__driedfruit  fruit preserved by drying
              subtype:  dried_apricot__driedapricot  apricots preserved by drying
              subtype:  prune  dried plum
              subtype:  raisin  dried grape
                 subtype:  seedless_raisin__sultana  dried seedless grape
                 subtype:  seeded_raisin  seeded grape that has been dried
                 subtype:  currant.raisin  small dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking
           subtype:  fig  fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried
           subtype:  pineapple__ananas  large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated
           subtype:  anchovy_pear__anchovypear__river_pear__riverpear  West Indian fruit resembling the mango; often pickled
           subtype:  banana  elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh
           subtype:  passion_fruit__passionfruit  egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines; used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks
              subtype:  granadilla  the egg-shaped edible fruit of tropical American vines related to passionflowers
              subtype:  sweet_calabash__sweetcalabash  apple-sized passion fruit of the West Indies
              subtype:  bell_apple__sweet_cup__sweetcup__water_lemon__waterlemon__yellow_granadilla  the edible yellow fruit of the Jamaica honeysuckle
           subtype:  breadfruit  round seedless or seeded fruit with a bread-like texture; eaten boiled or baked or roasted or ground into flour; roasted seeds resemble chestnuts; of Pacific Islands
           subtype:  jackfruit__jak__jack  immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit of; its seeds are commonly roasted
           subtype:  canistel__eggfruit  ovoid orange-yellow mealy sweet fruit of Florida and West Indies
           subtype:  melon  any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh
              subtype:  melon_ball__melonball  a bite of melon cut as a sphere
              subtype:  muskmelon__sweetmelon  the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers
                 subtype:  cantaloup__cantaloupe  the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh
                 subtype:  winter_melon  the fruit of the winter melon vine; a green melon with pale green to orange flesh that keeps well
                    subtype:  honeydew_melon__honeydew  the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large smooth-skinned greenish-white melon with pale green flesh
                    subtype:  Persian_melon  the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large green melon with orange flesh
                    subtype:  casaba_melon__casaba  melon having yellowish rind and whitish flesh
                 subtype:  net_melon__netmelon__netted_melon__nutmeg_melon  the fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine; a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh
              subtype:  watermelon  large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp
           subtype:  cherry  fruit with a single hard stone
              subtype:  black_cherry__blackcherry__sweetcherry  any of several fruits of cultivated cherry trees that have sweet flesh
                 subtype:  bing_cherry  dark red or blackish sweet cherry
                 subtype:  heart_cherry__heartcherry__oxheart_cherry__oxheartcherry  large heart-shaped sweet cherry with soft flesh
                    subtype:  blackheart_cherry__blackheart  heart cherry with dark flesh and skin cherry
              subtype:  capulin__Mexican_black_cherry  Mexican black cherry
              subtype:  sour_cherry  acid cherries used for pies and preserves
                 subtype:  amarelle  pale red sour cherry with colorless or nearly colorless juice
                 subtype:  morello  cultivated sour cherry with dark-colored skin and juice
           subtype:  cocoa_plum__cocoaplum__coco_plum__icaco  plum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American
           subtype:  grape  any of various juicy purple- or green-skinned fruit of the genus Vitis; grow in clusters
              subtype:  slip-skin_grape__fox_grape__foxgrape  purplish-black wild grape of the eastern United States with tough skins that slip easily from the flesh; cultivated in many varieties
                 subtype:  Concord_grape  slip-skin purple table grape of the northeastern United States
                 subtype:  Catawba.slip-skin_grape__catawba  slip-skin reddish American table grape
              subtype:  bullace_grape__bullacegrape__muscadine  dull-purple grape of southern United States
                 subtype:  scuppernong  amber-green muscadine grape of southeastern United States
              subtype:  vinifera_grape  grape from a cultivated variety of the common grape vine of Europe
                 subtype:  emperor  red table grape of California
                 subtype:  muscat_grape__muscat__muscatel  sweet aromatic grape used for raisins and wine
                 subtype:  ribier  dark reddish-purple table grape of California
                 subtype:  sultana  pale yellow seedless grape used for raisins and wine
                 subtype:  Tokay  variety of wine grape originally grown in Hungary; the prototype of vinifera grapes
                    subtype:  flame_tokay__flametokay  purplish-red table grape
                 subtype:  Thompson_Seedless  seedless green table grape of California
           subtype:  custard_apple__custardapple  the fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp
              subtype:  cherimoya__cherimolla  large tropical fruit with leathery skin and soft pulp; related to custard apples
              subtype:  soursop  large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples
              subtype:  bullock's_heart__Jamaica_apple  large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp
              subtype:  sweetsop__anon__sugar_apple__sugarapple  sweet pulpy tropical fruit with thick scaly rind and shiny black seeds
              subtype:  ilama  whitish tropical fruit with a pinkish tinge related to custard apples; grown in the southern United States
              subtype:  pond_apple  ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh; related to custard apples
           subtype:  papaw__pawpaw  fruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples
           subtype:  papaya  large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh
           subtype:  kai_apple__kaiapple  S African fruit smelling and tasting like apricots; used for pickles and preserves
           subtype:  ketembilla__kitembilla__kitambilla  maroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves
           subtype:  ackee__akee  red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe
           subtype:  durian  huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts
           subtype:  feijoa__pineapple_guava__pineappleguava  dark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used chiefly for jellies and preserves
           subtype:  genip__Spanish_lime  round one-inch Caribbean fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp; eaten like grapes
           subtype:  genipap__genipap_fruit__genipapfruit  a succulent orange-sized tropical fruit with a thick rind
           subtype:  kiwi_fruit__kiwi__Chinese_gooseberry  fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
           subtype:  loquat__Japanese_plum  yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh; used for jellies
           subtype:  mangosteen  two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples
           subtype:  mango  large oval smooth-skinned tropical fruit with juicy aromatic pulp and a large hairy seed
           subtype:  sapodilla_plum__sapodillaplum__sapodilla__sapota  tropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp
           subtype:  sapote__mammee__marmalade_plum__marmaladeplum  brown oval fruit flesh makes excellent sherbet
           subtype:  tamarind__tamarindo  large tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and fish or preserved for curries and chutneys
           subtype:  alligator_pear__alligatorpear__avocado__avocado_pear__avocadopear  pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed
           subtype:  date.edible_fruit  sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
           subtype:  elderberry  berrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies
           subtype:  guava  tropical fruit having yellow skin and pink pulp; eaten fresh or used for e.g. jellies
           subtype:  mombin  purplish tropical fruit
           subtype:  hog_plum__hogplum__yellow_mombin  yellow oval tropical fruit
           subtype:  wild_plum__hog_plum__hogplum  wild plum of southern United States
           subtype:  jaboticaba  tough-skinned purple grape-like tropical fruit grown in Brazil
           subtype:  Chinese_jujube__jujube__Chinese_date  dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
           subtype:  litchi_nut__litchi__litchee__lichi__leechee__lichee__lychee  Chinese fruit having a thin brittle shell enclosing a sweet jellylike pulp and a single seed; often dried
           subtype:  longanberry__dragon'seye  Asian fruit similar to litchi
           subtype:  mamey__mammee_apple  globular or ovoid tropical fruit with thick russet leathery rind and juicy yellow or reddish flesh
           subtype:  marang  tropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp
           subtype:  medlar  crabapple-like fruit used for preserves
           subtype:  medlar.edible_fruit  South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet-acid pithy flesh
           subtype:  pear  sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties
              subtype:  bosc  greenish-yellow pear
              subtype:  anjou  green-skinned pear with firm flesh
              subtype:  bartlett_pear__bartlett  juicy yellow pear
              subtype:  seckel_pear__seckel  small yellowish- to reddish-brown pear
           subtype:  plumcot  hybrid between plum and apricot
           subtype:  pomegranate  large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind
           subtype:  prickly_pear__pricklypear  round or pear-shaped spiny fruit of any of various prickly pear cacti
           subtype:  garambulla  small berrylike fruit
           subtype:  blade_apple__bladeapple__Barbados_gooseberry  small yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jellies
           subtype:  quandang__quandong__quantong__native_peach  red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jam
           subtype:  quince  aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves
           subtype:  rambutan__rambotan  pleasantly acid bright red oval Malayan fruit covered with soft spines
           subtype:  pulasan__pulassan  fruit of an East Indian tree similar to the rambutan but sweeter
           subtype:  rose_apple  fragrant oval yellowish tropical fruit used in jellies and confections
           subtype:  sorb__sorb_apple  acid gritty-textured fruit
           subtype:  sour_gourd  acid-tasting Australian gourd-like fruit with a woody rind and large seeds
           subtype:  monkey_bread__sour_gourd  African gourd-like fruit with edible pulp
        subtype:  juniper_berry__juniperberry  berrylike fruit of a plant of the genus Juniperus especially the berrylike cone of the common juniper
        subtype:  May_apple  edible but insipid fruit of the May apple plant
        subtype:  achene  small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
           subtype:  samara__key_fruit__keyfruit  a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
        subtype:  gourd  any of numerous inedible fruits with hard rinds
           subtype:  calabash  round gourd of the calabash tree
        subtype:  prairie_gourd__prairiegourd  small hard green-and-white inedible fruit of the prairie gourd plant
        subtype:  quandong__blue_fig  the fruit of the Brisbane quandong tree
        subtype:  acorn  fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base
        subtype:  olive.fruit  small ovoid fruit of the European olive tree; important food and source of oil
        subtype:  wild_cherry  the fruit of the wild cherry tree
        subtype:  marasca  small bitter fruit of the marasca cherry tree from whose juice maraschino liqueur is made
        subtype:  hagberry  small cherry much liked by birds
        subtype:  chokecherry  the fruit of the chokecherry tree
        subtype:  rowanberry  decorative red berrylike fruit of a rowan tree
        subtype:  buffalo_nut__elk_nut__elknut__oil_nut__oilnut  oily drupaceous fruit of rabbitwood
        subtype:  ear.fruit__capitulum  fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn
           subtype:  mealie  (South African) an ear of corn
        subtype:  fruitlet  a diminutive fruit, especially one that is part of a multiple fruit
        subtype:  seed  a small hard fruit
           subtype:  edible_seed  many are used as seasoning
              subtype:  pumpkin_seed__pumpkinseed  the edible seed of a pumpkin
              subtype:  betel_nut__betelnut__areca_nut__arecanut  seed of betel palm; chewed with leaves of the betel pepper and lime as a digestive stimulant and narcotic in southeastern Asia
              subtype:  water_chinquapin__waterchinquapin  edible nutlike seeds of an American lotus having the flavor of a chinquapin
              subtype:  dika_nut  edible oil-rich seed of wild mango
              subtype:  sunflower_seed__sunflowerseed  edible seed of sunflowers; used as food and poultry feed and as a source of oil
              subtype:  cumin_seed__cuminseed__cumin  aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family
           subtype:  coffee_bean__coffee_berry__coffee  a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee
           subtype:  bonduc_nut__nicker_nut__nicker_seed  hard shiny gray seed of a bonduc tree; used for making e.g. jewelry
           subtype:  Job's_tears  hard pearly seeds of an Asiatic grass; often used as beads
           subtype:  oilseed  any of several seeds that yield oil
              subtype:  castor_bean  seed of castor-oil plant; source of castor oil
              subtype:  cottonseed  seed of cotton plants; source of cottonseed oil
              subtype:  candlenut  seed of candlenut tree; source of soil used in varnishes
              subtype:  rapeseed  seed of rape plants; source of an edible oil
              subtype:  linseed__flaxseed  the seed of flax used as a source of oil
           subtype:  safflower_seed__safflowerseed  seed of the safflower
           subtype:  caryopsis__caryopsi__grain  dry seedlike fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn
              subtype:  amaranth.caryopsis  seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South America
              subtype:  barleycorn  a grain of barley
              subtype:  wheat_berry  a grain of wheat
              subtype:  kernel  a single whole grain of a cereal: "a kernel of corn"
                 subtype:  corn  the dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal
              subtype:  rye  the seed of the cereal grass
           subtype:  ash-key__ashkey  winged seed of the ash tree
           subtype:  coquilla_nut  nut having a hard hazel-brown shell used like vegetable ivory
           subtype:  babassu_nut  hard-shelled nut of the babassu palm
           subtype:  cohune_nut  nut of the cohune palm having hard white shells like those of ivory nuts
           subtype:  ivory_nut__ivorynut__vegetable_ivory__vegetableivory__apple_nut  nutlike seed of a South American palm; the hard white shell takes a high polish and is used for e.g. buttons
           subtype:  neem_seed  seed of neem trees; source of pesticides and fertilizer and medicinal products
           subtype:  buckeye__horse_chestnut__horsechestnut__conker  the inedible nutlike seed of the horse chestnut
           subtype:  Mexican_jumping_bean__jumping_bean__jumpingbean__jumping_seed__jumpingseed  seed of Mexican shrubs of the genus Sebastiana containing the larva of a moth whose movements cause the bean to jerk or tumble
           subtype:  bean  any of various seeds or fruits suggestive of beans
              subtype:  tonka_bean__tonkabean__coumara_nut  fragrant black nutlike seeds of the tonka bean tree; used in perfumes and medicines and as a substitute for vanilla
              subtype:  algarroba__algarrobilla__algarobilla  mesquite pod used in tanning and dying
              subtype:  calabar_bean__calabarbean__ordeal_bean  dark brown highly poisonous seed of the calabar-bean vine; source of physostigmine and used in native witchcraft
              subtype:  divi-divi  twisted seed pods of the divi-divi tree; source of tannin
           subtype:  nut  usually large hard-shelled seed
              subtype:  edible_nut  a hard-shelled seed consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell
                 subtype:  bunya_bunya__bunyabunya  nut tasting like roasted chestnuts; a staple food of Australian aborigines
                 subtype:  goober__peanut__earthnut__goober_pea__groundnut__monkey_nut  pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms
                 subtype:  almond  oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree
                    subtype:  Jordan_almond  an almond covered with a sugar coating that is hard and flavored and colored
                 subtype:  quandong_nut  edible nutlike seed of the quandong fruit
                 subtype:  beechnut  small sweet triangular nut of any of various beech trees
                 subtype:  walnut  nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell
                    subtype:  black_walnut__blackwalnut  American walnut having a very hard and thick woody shell
                    subtype:  English_walnut  nut with a wrinkled two-lobed seed and hard but relatively thin shell; widely used in cooking
                 subtype:  brazil__brazil_nut  three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell
                 subtype:  butternut  oily egg-shaped nut of an American tree of the walnut family
                 subtype:  souari_nut  a large nutlike seed of a South American tree
                 subtype:  cashew_nut__cashew  kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted
                 subtype:  chestnut.edible_nut  edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea
                 subtype:  chincapin__chinkapin__chinquapin  small nut of either of two small chestnut trees of the southern United States; resembles a hazelnut
                 subtype:  hazelnut__filbert__cobnut__cob  nut of any of several trees of the genus Corylus
                 subtype:  coconut__cocoanut  large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk
                 subtype:  grugru_nut  nut of Brazilian or West Indian palms
                 subtype:  hickory_nut__hickorynut  small hard-shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories
                 subtype:  macadamia_nut__macadamianut  nutlike seed with sweet and crisp white meat
                 subtype:  pecan  smooth brown oval nut of south central United States
                 subtype:  pine_nut__pignolia__pinon_nut__pinonnut  edible seed of any of several nut pines especially some pinons of southwestern North America
                 subtype:  pistachio_nut__pistachionut__pistachio  nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel
              subtype:  cembra_nut__cedar_nut  the seed of the Swiss pine
              subtype:  kola_nut__cola_nut  bitter brown seed containing caffein; source of cola extract
              subtype:  mast.nut  nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground; used especially as food for swine
              subtype:  palm_nut__palm_kernel  see o any oil palm
              subtype:  nutlet  a small nut
        subtype:  berry.fruit  a pulpy and usually edible small fruit having any of various structures: e.g. strawberry or raspberry or blueberry
           subtype:  cranberry.berry  very tart red berry used for sauce or juice
           subtype:  baneberry  a poisonous berry of a plant of the genus Actaea
           subtype:  simple_fruit__bacca  an indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp: e.g. grape; tomato; cranberry
        subtype:  aggregate_fruit__aggregatefruit__multiple_fruit__syncarp  fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple
           subtype:  syconium  the fleshy multiple fruit of the fig consisting of an enlarged hollow receptacle containing numerous fruitlets
        subtype:  drupe__stone_fruit__stonefruit  fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond; peach; plum; cherry; elderberry; olive; jujube
           subtype:  almond  oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree
           subtype:  peach  downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh
           subtype:  plum  any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single pit
           subtype:  cherry  fruit with a single hard stone
           subtype:  elderberry  berrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies
           subtype:  Chinese_jujube__jujube__Chinese_date  dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
           subtype:  olive.relish  one-seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish
              subtype:  black_olive__ripe_olive  olives picked ripe and cured in brine then dried or pickled or preserved canned or in oil
              subtype:  green_olive  olives picked green and pickled in brine; infrequently stuffed with e.g. pimento
           subtype:  drupelet  a small part of an aggregate fruit that resembles a drupe
              subtype:  blackberry  large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
              subtype:  raspberry  red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
              subtype:  acinus.drupelet__acinu  one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry
        subtype:  pome__false_fruit__falsefruit  a fleshy fruit (apple or pear or related fruits) having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part
           subtype:  apple  fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
           subtype:  pear  sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties
           subtype:  quince  aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves
        subtype:  seedpod__pod  a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant
           subtype:  legume.seedpod  the fruit or seed of any of various bean or pea plants consisting of a two-valved case that splits along both sides when ripe and having the seeds attached to one edge of the valves
              subtype:  garbanzo__chickpea  the seed of the chickpea plant
              subtype:  lentil.legume  the fruit or seed of a lentil plant
              subtype:  pea.legume  the fruit or seed of a pea plant
                 subtype:  garden_pea  the flattened to cylindric inflated multi-seeded fruit of the common pea plant
              subtype:  field_pea.legume__fieldpea  seed of the field pea plant
              subtype:  cowpea__black-eyed_pea  fruit or seed of the cowpea plant
           subtype:  peanut  underground pod of of the peanut vine
           subtype:  screw_bean__screwbean  spirally twisted sweet pod of screwbean mesquite that is used for fodder or ground into meal for feed
           subtype:  okra  long green edible beaked pods of the okra plant
           subtype:  cowage  pods of the cowage plant or the stinging hairs covering them; used as a vermifuge when mixed with e.g. honey
           subtype:  loment  pods constricted between seeds and breaking apart when ripe into one-seed segments
        subtype:  pyxidium__pyxis__pyxi  fruit of such plants as the plantain; a capsule whose upper part falls off when the seeds are released
        subtype:  accessory_fruit__accessoryfruit__pseudocarp  fruit containing much fleshy tissue besides that of the ripened ovary; as apple or strawberry
        subtype:  buckthorn_berry__buckthornberry__yellow_berry  fruit of various buckthorns yielding dyes or pigments
        subtype:  cubeb  spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
  subtype:  septum.plant_organ  a partition or wall especially in an ovary
  subtype:  nectary__honey_gland__honeygland  a gland (often a protuberance or depression) that secretes nectar
  subtype:  archegonium  a female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms
  subtype:  mescal_button__sacred_mushroom  the button-shaped top of the mescal cactus
  subtype:  cup.plant_organ  cup-shaped plant organ
     subtype:  acorn_cup__acorncup__cupule  cup-shaped structure of hardened bracts at the base of an acorn
  subtype:  hypobasidium  special cell constituting the base of the basidium in various fungi especially of the order Tremellales
  subtype:  gill.plant_organ__lamella  any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus
  subtype:  fruiting_body  an organ specialized for producing spores
     subtype:  ascocarp  mature fruiting body of an ascomycetous fungus
        subtype:  ascoma  an ascocarp having the spore-bearing layer of cells (the hymenium) on a broad disklike receptacle
        subtype:  apothecium  a cuplike ascocarp in many lichens and ascomycetous fungi
           subtype:  elf_cup__elfcup  apothecium of a fungus of the family Pezizaceae
        subtype:  cleistothecium__cleistocarp  closed spore-bearing structure of some fungi (especially Aspergillaceae and Erysiphaceae) from which spores are released only by decay or disintegration
        subtype:  perithecium  flask-shaped ascocarp
     subtype:  acervulus__acervulu  small asexual fruiting body resembling a cushion or blister consisting of a mat of hyphae that is produced on a host by some fungi
     subtype:  basidiocarp  the fruiting body of a basidiomycete which bears its spores on special cells
     subtype:  aecium  fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores
  subtype:  root  the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground
     subtype:  calamus  the aromatic root of the sweet flag used medicinally
     subtype:  taro__cocoyam__eddo  edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants
     subtype:  ginseng  aromatic root of ginseng plants
     subtype:  horseradish_root__horseradishroot__horseradish  the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
     subtype:  radish.root  pungent edible root of any of various cultivated radish plants
     subtype:  chicory__chicoryroot  the dried root of the chicory plant: used as a coffee substitute
     subtype:  oyster_plant__salsify  edible root of the salsify plant
     subtype:  Hottentot_bread__Hottentot's_bread  thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
     subtype:  briarroot  hard woody root of the briar Erica arborea
     subtype:  orrisroot__orris__orri  fragrant rootstock of various irises especially Florentine iris; used in perfumes and medicines
     subtype:  sarsaparilla_root  dried root of any of various plants of the genus Smilax used as a flavoring agent
     subtype:  licorice_root  root of licorice used in flavoring e.g. candy and liqueurs and medicines
     subtype:  senega  dried root of two plants of the genus Polygala containing an irritating saponin
     subtype:  mandrake_root__mandrake  the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
     subtype:  cassava  cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca
     subtype:  carrot.root  deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant
     subtype:  parsnip.root  the whitish root of cultivated parsnip
     subtype:  taproot  main root of a plant growing straight downward from the stem
     subtype:  adventitious_root  root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem
     subtype:  rootlet  small root or division of a root
     subtype:  prop_root  a root that grows from and supports the stem above the ground in plants such as mangroves
  subtype:  root_cap  thimble-shaped mass of cells covering and protecting the growing tip of a root
  subtype:  root_hair  thin hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell just behind the tip; absorbs nutrients from the soil
  subtype:  stolon__runner__offset  a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
  subtype:  stalk__stem  a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
     subtype:  filament.stalk  the stalk of a stamen
     subtype:  funicle__funiculus__funiculu  the stalk of a plant ovule or seed
     subtype:  cane.stalk  a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane
        subtype:  sugarcane__sugar_cane__sugarcane  juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice
        subtype:  rattan_cane__rattan  the stem of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera used to make wickerwork and furniture and canes
        subtype:  malacca  stem of the rattan palm used for making canes and umbrella handles
     subtype:  sporangiophore  stalk bearing one or more sporangia
     subtype:  cutting.stalk__slip  a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
        subtype:  quickset  cuttings of plants set in the ground to grow as hawthorn for hedges or vines: "a quickset of a vine planted in a vineyard"
     subtype:  tuber  a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
        subtype:  water_chestnut__waterchestnut  edible bulbous tuber of a Chinese marsh plant
        subtype:  potato_bean__groundnut__wild_bean  nutlike tuber; important food of Native Americans
        subtype:  Jerusalem_artichoke  edible tuber of the Jerusalem artichoke
        subtype:  yam.tuber  edible tuber of any of several yams
        subtype:  sweet_potato.tuber__sweetpotato  the fleshy root of the sweet potato vine
     subtype:  rhizome__rootstock  a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure
     subtype:  axis.stalk  the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
        subtype:  rachis  axis of a compound leaf or compound inflorescence
        subtype:  spadix  the fleshy axis of a spike often surrounded by a spathe
     subtype:  caudex  woody stem of palms and tree ferns
     subtype:  beanstalk  stem of a bean plant
     subtype:  cladode__cladophyll__phylloclad__phylloclade  a flattened stem resembling and functioning as a leaf
     subtype:  stock.stalk__caudex  persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant
     subtype:  stipe  supporting stalk or stemlike structure especially of a pistil or fern frond or supporting a mushroom cap
     subtype:  scape__flowerstalk  erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip
        subtype:  peduncle.scape  stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower
           subtype:  pedicel__pedicle  a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence; an ultimate division of a common peduncle
              subtype:  ray.pedicel  a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
     subtype:  petiole__leafstalk  the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf
        subtype:  phyllode  an expanded petiole taking on the function of a leaf blade
     subtype:  bulb  a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure
        subtype:  onion.bulb  edible bulb of an onion plant
        subtype:  shallot.bulb  aggregated bulb of the multiplier onion
        subtype:  squill  bulb of the sea squill, which is sliced, dried, and used as an expectorant
        subtype:  bulbil__bulblet  small bulb or bulb-shaped growth arising from the leaf axil or in the place of flowers
     subtype:  corm  solid swollen underground bulb-shaped stem or stem base and serving as a reproductive structure
     subtype:  branch  a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
        subtype:  tree_branch__limb  any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree
           subtype:  stick.tree_branch  a small thin branch of a tree
           subtype:  bough  any of the larger branches of a tree
        subtype:  branchlet__twig__sprig  small branch or division of a branch; usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year
           subtype:  brier  a thorny stem or twig
           subtype:  withy__withe  strong flexible twig
              subtype:  osier.withy  flexible twig of a willow tree
     subtype:  culm  stem of plants of the Gramineae
     subtype:  haulm__halm  stems of beans and peas and potatoes and grasses collectively as used for thatching and bedding
     subtype:  tree_trunk__trunk__bole  the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber
  subtype:  capitulum__head  a dense clusters of flowers or foliage: "a head of cauliflower"; "a head of lettuce"
  subtype:  leafage__leaf__foliage  the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
     subtype:  cotyledon__seed_leaf  embryonic leaf in seed-bearing plants
     subtype:  floral_leaf  a modified leaf that is part of a flower
        subtype:  flower_petal__petal  part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored
           subtype:  corolla  the petals of a flower collectively forming an inner floral envelope or layer of the perianth
        subtype:  sepal  one of the green parts that form the calyx of a flower
           subtype:  calyx  the sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope or layer of the perianth enclosing a developing bud; usually green
              subtype:  hull.calyx  persistent enlarged calyx at base of e.g. a strawberry or raspberry
              subtype:  pappus  calyx composed of scales or bristles or featherlike hairs in plants of the Compositae such as thistles and dandelions
                 subtype:  thistledown  pappus of a thistle consisting of silky featherlike hairs attached to the seedlike fruit of a thistle
     subtype:  dandelion_green.leafage__dandeliongreen  the foliage of the dandelion plant
     subtype:  sporophyll__sporophyl  leaf in ferns and mosses that bears the sporangia
     subtype:  leaf_blade__blade  especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole
     subtype:  amplexicaul_leaf__amplexicaulleaf  a leaf with its base clasping the stem
     subtype:  greenery__verdure  green foliage
     subtype:  leaflet  part of a compound leaf
        subtype:  pinna__pinnule  division of a usually pinnately divided leaf
     subtype:  frond  compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad
     subtype:  lily_pad  floating leaves of a water lily
     subtype:  scale_leaf__scaleleaf__scale  a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
        subtype:  squamule  a minute scale (on a plant or fungus)
     subtype:  fig_leaf.leafage__figleaf  a leaf from a fig tree
     subtype:  simple_leaf  not divided into parts
        subtype:  acerate_leaf__acerateleaf__needle  as of a conifer
        subtype:  acuminate_leaf__acuminateleaf  narrowing to a slender point
        subtype:  cordate_leaf__cordateleaf  a heart-shaped leaf
        subtype:  cuneate_leaf__cuneateleaf  a wedge-shaped leaf having the acute angle at the base
        subtype:  deltoid_leaf__deltoidleaf  shaped like a capital delta
        subtype:  elliptic_leaf  shaped like an ellipse
        subtype:  ensiform_leaf  a sword-shaped leaf; as of iris
        subtype:  hastate_leaf__hastateleaf  shaped like a spearhead with flaring pointed lobes at the base
        subtype:  lanceolate_leaf  shaped like a lance head; tapering to a point at each end
        subtype:  linear_leaf__elongate_leaf  a long slender leaf
        subtype:  lyrate_leaf  having curvature suggestive of a lyre
        subtype:  obtuse_leaf  having a rounded or blunt tip
        subtype:  oblanceolate_leaf  having a rounded apex and tapering base
        subtype:  oblong_leaf  rounded at each end with parallel sides
        subtype:  obovate_leaf__obovateleaf  egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base
        subtype:  ovate_leaf__ovateleaf  egg-shaped with the broader end at the base
        subtype:  orbiculate_leaf  circular or nearly circular
        subtype:  pandurate_leaf__pandurateleaf__panduriform_leaf__panduriformleaf  fiddle-shaped
        subtype:  peltate_leaf__peltateleaf  shield-shaped; as a nasturtium leaf
        subtype:  perfoliate_leaf  a leaf with the base united around--and apparently pierced by--the stem
        subtype:  reniform_leaf  kidney-shaped
        subtype:  sagittate-leaf__sagittateleaf__sagittiform_leaf__sagittiformleaf  shaped like an arrow head
        subtype:  spatulate_leaf__spatulateleaf  spatula-shaped; having a broad rounded apex and narrow base
     subtype:  compound_leaf  composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk
        subtype:  trifoliolate_leaf  having three leaflets
        subtype:  quinquefoliate_leaf  having five leaflets
        subtype:  palmate_leaf__palmateleaf  a leaf resembling an open hand; having lobes radiating from a common point
           subtype:  pedate_leaf  having the radiating lobes each deeply cleft or divided
        subtype:  pinnate_leaf__pinnateleaf  a leaf resembling a feather; having the leaflets on each side of a common axis
           subtype:  bijugate_leaf__bijugous_leaf  a pinnate leaf having two pairs of leaflets
           subtype:  bipinnate_leaf__bipinnateleaf  having pinnate leaflets; as ferns
           subtype:  even-pinnate_leaf__abruptly-pinnate_leaf  pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex
           subtype:  odd-pinnate_leaf__oddpinnateleaf  pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex
        subtype:  decompound_leaf  having divisions that are themselves compound
     subtype:  entire_leaf  a leaf having a smooth margin without notches or indentations
     subtype:  crenate_leaf__crenateleaf  a leaf having a scalloped margin
     subtype:  serrate_leaf__serrateleaf  a leaf having a margin notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex
     subtype:  dentate_leaf__dentateleaf  a leaf having a toothed margin
        subtype:  denticulate_leaf__denticulateleaf  a leaf having a finely toothed margin; minutely dentate
     subtype:  emarginate_leaf  a leaf having a notch at the apex
     subtype:  erose_leaf__eroseleaf  a leaf having a jagged margin as though gnawed
     subtype:  runcinate_leaf__runcinateleaf  a leaf having incised margins with the lobes or teeth curved toward the base; as a dandelion leaf
     subtype:  lobed_leaf__lobedleaf  a leaf having deeply indented margins
     subtype:  parted_leaf  a leaf having margins incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
     subtype:  rosette.leafage  a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground)
  subtype:  sprout.plant_organ  any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud
     subtype:  shoot.sprout  a new branch
        subtype:  sucker.shoot  a shoot arising from a plant's roots
        subtype:  tiller.shoot  a shoot that sprouts from the base of a grass
     subtype:  bud.sprout  a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
        subtype:  leaf_bud  a bud from which leaves but not flowers develop
        subtype:  flower_bud  a bud from which only a flower or flowers develop
           subtype:  clove.flower_bud  aromatic flower bud of a clove tree; yields a spice
        subtype:  mixed_bud__mixedbud  a bud yielding both leaves and flowers

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