#plant_disease__plantdisease  a disease that affects plants
  supertype:  #disease  an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
  subtype:  #blight  any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting
     subtype:  #alder_blight__alderblight  a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse)
     subtype:  #apple_blight__appleblight__apple_canker__applecanker  a disease of apple trees
     subtype:  #beet_blight  a disease of beet plants
     subtype:  #blister_blight__blisterblight  a disease of tea plants
     subtype:  #blister_blight.blight__blisterblight  a disease of Scotch pines
     subtype:  #cane_blight  a disease affecting the canes of various bush fruits (e.g., raspberries or currants)
     subtype:  #chestnut_blight__chestnut_canker__chestnut-bark_disease  a disease of American chestnut trees
     subtype:  #coffee_blight  a blight affecting the coffee plant
     subtype:  #collar_blight  a disease affecting the trunks of pear and apple trees
     subtype:  #halo_spot__halo_blight__bean_blight  a blight of bean plants
     subtype:  #halo_blight  a blight affecting the leaves of oats and other grasses
     subtype:  #head_blight  a blight of the heads of cereals
        subtype:  #wheat_scab__wheatscab  a disease of the heads of wheat plants
     subtype:  #late_blight  blight in which symptoms appear late in the growing season especially a disease of solanaceous plants caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans
        subtype:  #celery_blight  a fungous leaf spot disease of the celery plant
     subtype:  #leaf_blight  any blight causing a browning and falling of the leaves of a plant
        subtype:  #fire_blight__pear_blight  a disease blackening the leaves of pear and apple trees
           subtype:  #blight_canker  a phase of fire blight in which cankers appear
        subtype:  #needle_blight__needle_cast__leaf_cast  a disease of conifers causing the needles to fall
     subtype:  #peach_blight__peachblight  a disease of trees bearing drupes
     subtype:  #potato_blight__potato_mold__potato_disease__potato_mildew__potato_murrain  a blight of potatoes
     subtype:  #rim_blight__rimblight  a disease of tea plants
     subtype:  #spinach_blight__spinachblight  a disease of spinach plants
     subtype:  #spur_blight  a disease of raspberries
     subtype:  #stem_blight  a fungous blight attacking the stems of plants
     subtype:  #stripe_blight  a disease of oats
     subtype:  #thread_blight  a disease of tropical woody plants(cocoa or tea or citrus)
     subtype:  #tomato_blight__tomato_yellows  a disease of tomato plants
     subtype:  #twig_blight  a disease of the ends of twigs of woody plants
     subtype:  #walnut_blight  a disease of English walnut trees
  subtype:  #rust  a reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems caused by a rust fungus
     subtype:  #white_pine_blister_rust__whitepineblisterrust__blister_rust__blisterrust__white-pine_rust__whitepinerust  any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally
  subtype:  #blackheart  any of various diseases in which the central tissues blacken
  subtype:  #black_knot__blackknot  disease of plum and cherry trees characterized by black excrescences on the branches
  subtype:  #black_rot__blackrot  a fungous disease causing darkening and decay of the leaves of fruits and vegetables
  subtype:  #black_spot__blackspot  any of several fungous diseases of plants that produce small black spots on the plant
  subtype:  #bottom_rot  fungous disease of lettuce that first rots lower leaves and spreads upward
  subtype:  #brown_rot__brownrot  any of certain fungous diseases of plants characterized by browning and decay of tissues
     subtype:  #brown_rot_gummosis__gummosis  disease of citrus trees caused by the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora
     subtype:  #ring_rot__ring_disease__tobacco_wilt__tobaccowilt  disease of tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum
  subtype:  #gummosis  pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees
  subtype:  #cotton_ball  a fungus disease of cranberries
  subtype:  #crown_gall__crowngall  a bacterial disease of plants (especially pome and stone fruits and grapes and roses) which forms excrescences on the stem near the ground
     subtype:  #hairy_root__hairyroot  a phase of crown gall (especially in apples) during which there is abnormal development of fine fibrous roots
  subtype:  #crown_wart__crownwart  a fungous disease of alfalfa which forms white excrescences at the base of the stem
  subtype:  #damping_off__dampingoff  a plant disease caused by a fungus; diseased condition of seedlings in excessive moisture
  subtype:  #dieback  a disease of plants characterized by the gradual dying of the young shoots starting at the tips and progressing to the larger branches
  subtype:  #dry_rot.plant_disease__dryrot  a crumbling and drying of timber or bulbs or potatoes or fruit caused by a fungus
  subtype:  #heartrot  any plant disease in which the central part of a plant rots (especially in trees)
  subtype:  #mosaic.plant_disease  viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes; potatoes; tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves
     subtype:  #potato_mosaic  a disease of the leaves of potato plants
     subtype:  #tobacco_mosaic__tobaccomosaic  a plant disease causing discoloration of the leaves of tobacco plants
  subtype:  #rhizoctinia_disease__rhizoctiniadisease  disease caused by rhizoctinia or fungi of Pellicularia and Corticium
     subtype:  #little_potato__rosette__russet_scab__stem_canker  rhizoctinia disease of potatoes
  subtype:  #pink_disease  serious bark disease of many tropical crop trees (coffee; citrus; rubber); branches have a covering of pink hyphae
  subtype:  #potato_wart  fungous disease causing dark warty spongy excrescences in the eyes of potato tubers
  subtype:  #root_rot  disease characterized by root decay; caused by various fungi
  subtype:  #sweet-potato_ring_rot  disease of sweet potatoes in which roots are girdled by rings of dry rot
  subtype:  #sclerotium_disease__sclerotium_rot  plant disease cause by fungi of the genus Sclerotium; also one in which sclerotia are formed
  subtype:  #Dutch_elm_disease  disease of elms caused by a fungus
  subtype:  #ergot  a plant disease caused by the ergot fungus
  subtype:  #foot_rot.plant_disease__footrot  plant disease in which the stem or trunk rots at the base
  subtype:  #pinkroot  a fungal disease of onions
  subtype:  #wilt_disease__wilt  any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling; usually caused by parasites attacking the roots
     subtype:  #granville_wilt__granvillewilt  a bacterial wilt of tobacco plants
     subtype:  #fusarium_wilt  caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium
     subtype:  #verticilliosis  caused by soil-borne fungi of the genus Verticillium
  subtype:  #smut  destructive diseases of plants (especially cereal grasses) caused by fungi that produce black powdery masses of spores
     subtype:  #loose_smut.smut__loosesmut  disease of grains; the entire head is a dusty mass of spores
     subtype:  #stinking_smut__bunt  disease of wheat characterized by replacement of the grains with greasy masses of smelly smut spores
     subtype:  #flag_smut  smut affecting leaves and stems of cereals and other grasses
     subtype:  #green_smut__greensmut__false_smut__falsesmut  disease of rice; grains covered by a green powder consisting of conidia
  subtype:  #soft_rot  mushy or slimy decay of plants caused by bacteria or fungi
     subtype:  #leak.soft_rot  soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi
  subtype:  #yellow_dwarf  any of several virus diseases of plants characterized by stunting and yellowing of the leaves
     subtype:  #yellow_dwarf_of_potato__potato_yellow_dwarf  the yellow dwarf disease of potato plants
     subtype:  #onion_yellow_dwarf  the yellow dwarf disease of onion plants
  subtype:  #yellow_spot  any of several fungous or viral diseases characterized by yellow spotting on the leaves
     subtype:  #tomato_streak  disease of a wide range of plants (tomatoes; potatoes; peas) resulting from a mixed infection of potato and tomato mosaic

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