#physiological_state__physiologicalstate__physiological_condition__physiologicalcondition  the condition of the body or bodily functions
  supertype:  condition.state__status  a condition or state at a particular time: "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
  subtype:  wakefulness__wakefulnes  a periodic state during which you are conscious and aware of the world
     subtype:  arousal.wakefulness  awakening from sleep
     subtype:  vigil  a period of sleeplessness
  subtype:  incompatibility.physiological_state  (immunology) the degree to which the body's immune system will try to reject foreign material (as transfused blood or transplanted tissue)
     subtype:  histoincompatibility  incompatibility in which one person's tissue cannot be transplanted to another person
     subtype:  Rh_incompatibility  incompatibility of Rh blood types; a transfusion of Rh-positive blood given to a Rh-negative person (or vice versa) can result in hemolysis and anemia
  subtype:  acathexia  an inability to retain bodily secretions
  subtype:  angiotelectasia  dilation and enlargement of arterioles
  subtype:  torpor__torpidity  a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility; "he fell into a deep torpor"
     subtype:  hibernation.torpor  the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter
     subtype:  sluggishness__lethargy__lassitude  a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness)
        subtype:  hebetude  mental lethargy or dullness
  subtype:  agalactia__agalactosis__agalactosi  a condition in which milk is not secreted in the mother's breasts after her child has been delivered
  subtype:  anesthesia__anaesthesia  loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
     subtype:  cryoanesthesia__cryoanaesthesia  insensibility resulting from cold
     subtype:  general_anesthesia__generalanesthesia__general_anaesthesia__generalanaesthesia  a state of total unconsciousness resulting from anesthetic drugs (as for a major surgical operation)
        subtype:  inhalation_anesthesia  general anesthesia achieved by administration of an inhalation anesthetic
        subtype:  twilight_sleep  a state of general anesthesia in which the person retains a slight degree of consciousness; can be induced by injection of scopolamine or morphine
     subtype:  local_anesthesia__localanesthesia__local_anaesthesia__localanaesthesia  loss of sensation in a small area of the body (as when a local anesthetic is injected for a tooth extraction)
     subtype:  conduction_anesthesia__conduction_anaesthesia__nerve_block_anesthesia__nerveblockanesthesia__nerve_block_anaesthesia__nerveblockanaesthesia__block_anesthesia__blockanesthesia__block_anaesthesia__blockanaesthesia  anesthesia of an area supplied by a nerve; produced by an anesthetic agent applied to the nerve
     subtype:  regional_anesthesia__regional_anaesthesia  loss of sensation in a region of the body produced by application of an anesthetic agent to all the nerves supplying that region (as when an epidural anesthetic is administered to the pelvic region during childbirth)
        subtype:  acroanesthesia__acroanaesthesia  loss of sensation in the extremities
        subtype:  caudal_anesthesia__caudal_anaesthesia__caudal_block  regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the caudal end of the spinal canal; now largely replaced by epidural anesthesia
        subtype:  epidural_anesthesia__epidural_anaesthesia__epidural  regional anesthesia resulting from injection of an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal cord; sensation is lost in the abdominal and genital and pelvic areas; used in childbirth and gynecological surgery
        subtype:  paracervical_block  regional anesthesia resulting from the injection of a local anesthetic on each side of the cervix; used during labor and childbirth
        subtype:  pudendal_block  regional anesthesia resulting from the use of a local anesthetic to deaden the pudendal nerves in the region of the vulva and labia majora; used to ease discomfort during childbirth
        subtype:  spinal_anesthesia__spinal_anaesthesia__spinal  anesthesia of the lower half of the body; caused by injury to the spinal cord or by injecting an anesthetic beneath the arachnoid membrane that surrounds the spinal cord
           subtype:  saddle_block_anesthesia__saddle_block_anaesthesia  the parts of a patient's body that would touch a saddle if the patient were sitting in one are anesthetized by injecting a local anesthetic into the spinal cord
     subtype:  topical_anesthesia__topicalanesthesia__topical_anaesthesia__topicalanaesthesia  loss of sensation confined to the skin or mucous surfaces (as when benzocaine or lidocaine is applied to the surface)
  subtype:  anhidrosis__anhydrosis  failure of the sweat glands
  subtype:  arousal  a state of heightened physiological activity
     subtype:  alertness__alertnes  a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG"
     subtype:  emotional_arousal__emotionalarousal  the arousal of strong emotions and emotional behavior
        subtype:  angriness__angrines  the state of being angry
           subtype:  rage  a state of extreme anger; "she fell into a rage and refused to answer"
        subtype:  excitement  the state of being excited; "his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled"
     subtype:  excitation.arousal__innervation  the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
     subtype:  sexual_arousal  the arousal of sexual desires in preparation for sexual behavior
        subtype:  eroticism__erotism  a state of anticipation of sexuality
        subtype:  horniness__hornines__hotnes__hotpant  (informal) a state of sexual arousal
        subtype:  hard-on__erection  an erect penis
     subtype:  desire.arousal  something that is desired
        subtype:  rage.desire__passion  something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"
        subtype:  materialism__philistinism  a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in ethical or spiritual matters
  subtype:  sleep.physiological_state__slumber  a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"
     subtype:  sleeping.sleep  the state of being asleep
     subtype:  orthodox_sleep__nonrapid_eye_movement_sleep__NREM_sleep__nonrapid_eye_movement__NREM  a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur; accounts for about 75% of normal sleep time
     subtype:  paradoxical_sleep__paradoxicalsleep__rapid_eye_movement_sleep__REM_sleep__rapid_eye_movement__rapideyemovement__REM  a recurring sleep state during which dreaming occurs; a state of Rapid Eye Movements during sleep
     subtype:  shuteye  informal term for sleep
  subtype:  sleep  a torpid state resembling sleep
  subtype:  drive.physiological_state  a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
     subtype:  hungriness__hunger  a physiological need for food
        subtype:  bulimia  pathologically insatiable hunger (especially when caused by brain lesions)
        subtype:  emptiness.hungriness__emptines  having an empty stomach
        subtype:  edacity__esurience__ravenousnes__voracity__voraciousness__voraciousnes  excessive desire to eat
        subtype:  starvation__famishment  a state of extreme hunger resulting from lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period
        subtype:  undernourishment__malnourishment  not having enough food to develop or function formally
     subtype:  thirst  a physiological need to drink
        subtype:  dehydration  depletion of bodily fluids
        subtype:  polydipsia  excessive thirst (as in cases of diabetes or kidney dysfunction)
     subtype:  sex_drive__sexdrive  a physiological need for sexual activity; "testosterone is responsible for the male sex drive"
     subtype:  hypoxia  a very strong drive resulting from a deficiency of available oxygen in the blood and bodily tissues (short of anoxia)
        subtype:  anemic_hypoxia  hypoxia resulting from a decreased concentration of hemoglobin
        subtype:  hypoxic_hypoxia__hypoxichypoxia  hypoxia resulting from defective oxygenation of the blood in the lungs
        subtype:  ischemic_hypoxia__stagnant_hypoxia  hypoxia resulting from slow peripheral circulation (such as follows congestive cardiac failure)
        subtype:  altitude_sickness  effects (as nosebleed or nausea) of oxygen deficiency in the blood and tissues at high altitudes
           subtype:  mountain_sickness  nausea and shortness of breath experienced by mountain climbers above ten thousand feet
        subtype:  anoxia  severe hypoxia; absence of oxygen in inspired gases or in arterial blood or in the tissues
           subtype:  anemic_anoxia  anoxia resulting from a decreased concentration of hemoglobin
           subtype:  anoxic_anoxia  anoxia resulting from defective oxygenation of the blood in the lungs
           subtype:  ischemic_anoxia__stagnant_anoxia  anoxia resulting from slow peripheral circulation (such as follows congestive cardiac failure)
  subtype:  elastosis__elastosi  breakdown of elastic tissue (as the loss of elasticity in the skin of elderly people that results from degeneration of connective tissue)
  subtype:  flatulence__flatulency__gas  a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal
  subtype:  estrus__oestrus__oestru__heat__rut  applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
  subtype:  anestrus__anestrum__anoestrus__anoestru__anoestrum  applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or interval of sexual inactivity between two periods of estrus
     subtype:  diestrus__diestrum  (of animals having several estrous cycles in one breeding season) a state or interval of sexual inactivity or quiescence between periods of activity
  subtype:  hypercapnia__hypercarbia  the presence of an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the circulating blood
  subtype:  hypocapnia__acapnia  a state in which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal; can result from deep or rapid breathing
  subtype:  asphyxia  a condition in which insufficient or no oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged on a ventilatory basis; caused by choking or drowning or electric shock or poison gas
  subtype:  oxygen_debt  a cumulative deficit of oxygen resulting from intense exercise; the deficit must be made up when the body returns to rest
  subtype:  hyperthermia__hyperthermy  abnormally high body temperature; sometimes induced (as in treating some forms of cancer)
     subtype:  hyperpyrexia  extremely high fever (especially in children)
  subtype:  normothermia  normal body temperature
  subtype:  hypothermia  subnormal body temperature
  subtype:  myasthenia  any muscular weakness
  subtype:  sterility__infertility  the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate
     subtype:  impotence__impotency  an inability (usually of a male) to copulate
        subtype:  erectile_dysfunction__male_erecticle_dysfunction__ED  impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis
     subtype:  barrenness  the state (usually of a woman) of having no children or being unable to have children
     subtype:  cacogenesis  inability to produce hybrids that are both viable and fertile
     subtype:  dysgenesis  infertility between hybrids
  subtype:  false_pregnancy__falsepregnancy__pseudocyesis  physiological state in which a woman exhibits symptoms of pregnancy but is not pregnant
  subtype:  pregnancy__gestation  the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus
     subtype:  trouble.pregnancy  an unwanted pregnancy; "he got several girls in trouble"
     subtype:  gravidity__gravidness  a technical term for pregnancy
     subtype:  gravida.pregnancy  the number of the pregnancy that a woman is in; "in her third pregnancy a woman is said to be gravida three"
     subtype:  parity.pregnancy__para  (obstetrics) the number of live-born children a woman has delivered; "the parity of the mother must be considered"; "a bipara is a woman who has given birth to two children"
     subtype:  ectopic_pregnancy__ectopicpregnancy__extrauterine_pregnancy__ectopic_gestation__ectopicgestation__extrauterine_gestation__eccyesis__metacyesis  pregnancy resulting from gestation elsewhere than in the uterus
        subtype:  abdominal_pregnancy__abdominalpregnancy  ectopic pregnancy in the abdominal cavity
        subtype:  ovarian_pregnancy__ovarianpregnancy  ectopic pregnancy in the ovary
        subtype:  tubal_pregnancy__tubalpregnancy  ectopic pregnancy in a Fallopian tube
     subtype:  entopic_pregnancy__entopicpregnancy  pregnancy resulting from normal gestation in the uterus
     subtype:  placenta_previa  pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus (instead of the upper part); can cause bleeding late in pregnancy; delivery by cesarean section may be necessary
  subtype:  rigor_mortis.physiological_state__rigormorti  temporary stiffness of joints and muscular rigidity occurring after death
  subtype:  good_health__goodhealth__healthiness__healthines  the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease
     subtype:  haleness__wholeness__wholenes  a state of robust good health
     subtype:  vitality__energy__vim  a healthy capacity for vigorous activity; "jogging works off my excess energy"; "he seemed full of vim and vigor"
     subtype:  rosiness__bloom__blush__flush  a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health
     subtype:  freshness.good_health__freshnes  an alert and refreshed state
     subtype:  radiance  an attractive combination of good health and happiness; "the radiance of her countenance"
     subtype:  condition.good_health__shape  the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases "in condition" or "in shape" or "out of condition" or "out of shape")
        subtype:  physical_fitness__fitness__fitnes__goodshape__goodcondition  good physical condition; being in shape or in condition
           subtype:  fettle  a state of fitness and good health; "in fine fettle"
  subtype:  fertility__fecundity  the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring
  subtype:  potency  the state of being potent; a male's capacity to have sexual intercourse
  subtype:  ill_health__illhealth__unhealthiness__unhealthines__healthproblem  a state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain
     subtype:  dyscrasia  an abnormal or physiologically unbalanced state of the body
        subtype:  blood_dyscrasia  any abnormal condition of the blood
           subtype:  blood_disease__blooddisease__blood_disorder__blooddisorder  a disease or disorder of the blood
              subtype:  cytopenia  a deficiency of some cellular element of the blood
                 subtype:  hematocytopenia  an abnormally low number of red blood cells in the blood
                 subtype:  pancytopenia  an abnormal deficiency in all blood cells (red blood cells and white blood cells and platelets); usually associated with bone marrow tumor or with aplastic anemia
              subtype:  acidemia  a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale)
              subtype:  alkalemia  a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale)
              subtype:  acanthocytosis  the presence of acanthocytes in the blood stream (as in abetalipoproteinemia)
              subtype:  agranulocytosis__agranulocytosi__agranulosis__agranulosi__granulocytopenia  an acute blood disorder (often caused by radiation or drug therapy) characterized by severe reduction in granulocytes
              subtype:  analbuminemia  an abnormally low level of albumin in the blood serum
              subtype:  Banti's_disease__Banti's_syndrome  a disease characterized by congestion and enlargement of the spleen; accompanied by anemia or cirrhosis
              subtype:  parasitemia__parasitaemia  a condition in which parasites are present in the blood
              subtype:  hemophilia__haemophilia__bleeder's_disease__bleeder'sdisease  congenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding; usually affects males and is transmitted from mother to son
                 subtype:  hemophilia_A__haemophilia_A__classical_hemophilia__classicalhemophilia__classical_haemophilia__classicalhaemophilia  hemophilia caused by a congenital deficiency of factor VIII; occurs almost exclusively in men
                 subtype:  hemophilia_B__haemophilia_B__Christmas_disease  a clotting disorder similar to hemophilia A but caused by a congenital deficiency of factor IX
                 subtype:  von_Willebrand's_disease__angiohemophilia__vascularhemophilia  a form of hemophilia discovered by Erik von Willebrand; a genetic disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait; characterized by a deficiency of the coagulation factor and by mucosal bleeding
              subtype:  afibrinogenemia  the absence of fibrinogen in the plasma leading to prolonged bleeding
                 subtype:  congenital_afibrinogenemia  a rare congenital disorder of blood coagulation in which no fibrinogen is found in the blood plasma
              subtype:  blood_poisoning__bloodpoisoning__septicemia__septicaemia  invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection
                 subtype:  puerperal_fever__puerperalfever__childbed_fever  serious form of septicemia contracted by a woman during childbirth or abortion (usually attributable to unsanitary conditions); formerly widespread but now uncommon
                 subtype:  pyemia__pyaemia  septicemia caused by pus-forming bacteria released from an abscess
                 subtype:  toxemia__toxaemia  blood poisoning caused by bacterial toxic substances in the blood
                 subtype:  fowl_cholera  an acute diarrheal disease (especially of chickens) caused by the microorganism that causes hemorrhagic septicemia
                 subtype:  shipping_fever__shipping_pneumonia  a deadly form of septicemia in cattle and sheep; involves high fever and pneumonia; contracted under conditions of exposure or exhaustion (as often happens when the animals are shipped to market)
              subtype:  hemoglobinopathy__haemoglobinopathy  a blood disease characterized by the presence of abnormal hemoglobins in the blood
              subtype:  histiocytosis  a blood disease characterized by an abnormal multiplication of macrophages
                 subtype:  Hand-Schuller-Christian_disease__Schuller-Christian_disease  inflammatory histiocytosis associated with disturbance of cholesterol metabolism; occurs chiefly in young children and is characterized by cystic defects of the skull and diabetes insipidus
              subtype:  hydremia  blood disorder in which there is excess fluid volume compared with the cell volume of the blood
              subtype:  hypothrombinemia  a low level of prothrombin (factor II) in the circulating blood; results in long clotting time and poor clot formation and sometimes excessive bleeding; can result from vitamin K deficiency
              subtype:  hypervolemia__hypervolaemia  a blood disorder consisting of an increase in the volume of circulating blood
              subtype:  hypovolemia  a blood disorder consisting of a decrease in the volume of circulating blood
              subtype:  anemia__anaemia  a deficiency of red blood cells
                 subtype:  aplastic_anemia__aplastic_anaemia  anemia characterized by pancytopenia resulting from failure of the bone marrow; can be caused by neoplasm or by toxic exposure
                 subtype:  erythroblastosis_fetalis  severe anemia in newborn babies; the result of Rh incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood; typically occurs when the child of an Rh-negative mother inherits Rh-positive blood from the father; can be diagnosed before birth by amniocentesis
                 subtype:  Fanconi's_anemia__Fanconi's_anaemia__congenital_pancytopenia  a rare congenital anemia characterized by pancytopenia and hypoplasia of the bone marrow
                 subtype:  favism  anemia resulting from eating fava beans; victims have an inherited blood abnormality and enzyme deficiency
                 subtype:  hemolytic_anemia__hemolyticanemia__haemolytic_anaemia  anemia resulting from destruction of erythrocytes
                 subtype:  hyperchromic_anemia__hyperchromic_anaemia  anemia characterized by an increase in the concentration of corpuscular hemoglobin
                 subtype:  hypochromic_anemia__hypochromicanemia__hypochromic_anaemia__hypochromicanaemia  anemia characterized by a decrease in the concentration of corpuscular hemoglobin
                    subtype:  thalassemia__thalassaemia__Mediterranean_anemia__Mediterranean_anaemia  an inherited form of anemia caused by faulty synthesis of hemoglobin
                       subtype:  Cooley's_anemia__Cooley's_anaemia__thalassemia_major__thalassemiamajor__thalassaemia_major  a fatal form of homozygous thalassemia (inherited from both parents) in which there is no hemoglobin; skeletal deformations; heart and spleen and liver enlarged
                 subtype:  hypoplastic_anemia__hypoplasticanemia__hypoplastic_anaemia__hypoplasticanaemia  anemia resulting from inadequately functioning bone marrow; can develop into aplastic anemia
                 subtype:  iron_deficiency_anemia__iron_deficiency_anaemia  a form of anemia due to lack of iron in the diet or to iron loss as a result of chronic bleeding
                    subtype:  chlorosis__chlorosi__greensickness__greensicknes  iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized by weakness and menstrual disturbances and a green color to the skin
                 subtype:  ischemia__ischaemia  local anemia in a given body part sometimes resulting from vasoconstriction or thrombosis or embolism
                    subtype:  ischemic_stroke__ischaemic_stroke__ischaemicstroke  the most common kind of stroke; caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain (as from a clot blocking a blood vessel)
                    subtype:  transient_ischemic_attack__TIA  brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage
                 subtype:  macrocytic_anemia__macrocytic_anaemia  anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is larger than normal
                 subtype:  microcytic_anemia__microcytic_anaemia  anemia in which the average size of erythrocytes is smaller than normal
                 subtype:  pernicious_anemia__pernicious_anaemia__malignant_anemia__malignantanemia__malignantanaemia  a chronic progressive anemia of older adults; thought to result from a lack of intrinsic factor (a substance secreted by the stomach that is responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12)
                    subtype:  megaloblastic_anemia__megaloblasticanemia__megaloblasticanaemia  anemia characterized by many large immature and dysfunctional red blood cells (megaloblasts) in the bone marrow; associated with pernicious anemia
                    subtype:  metaplastic_anemia__metaplasticanemia__metaplastic_anaemia__metaplasticanaemia  pernicious anemia in which the various formed elements in the blood are changed
                 subtype:  refractory_anemia__refractory_anaemia  any of various anemic conditions that are not successfully treated by any means other than blood transfusions (and that are not associated with another primary disease)
                    subtype:  sideroblastic_anemia__sideroblasticanemia__sideroblastic_anaemia__sideroblasticanaemia__siderochrestic_anemia__siderochrestic_anaemia  refractory anemia characterized by sideroblasts in the bone marrow
                 subtype:  sickle-cell_anemia__sickle-cell_anaemia__sickle-cell_disease__crescent-cell_anemia__crescent-cell_anaemia__drepanocytic_anemia__drepanocytic_anaemia  a congenital form of anemia occurring mostly in blacks; characterized by abnormal blood cells having a crescent shape
              subtype:  leukocytosis__leucocytosis  an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells in the blood as a result of infection (as in leukemia)
              subtype:  leukopenia__leucopenia  an abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count
                 subtype:  neutropenia  leukopenia in which the decrease is primarily in number of neutrophils (the chief phagocytic leukocyte)
                    subtype:  cyclic_neutropenia  neutropenia that occurs periodically
              subtype:  lymphocytopenia__lymphopenia  an abnormally small number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood
              subtype:  lymphocytosis__lymphocytosi  an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the circulating blood
              subtype:  microcytosis  a blood disorder characterized by the presence of microcytes (abnormally small red blood cells) in the blood; often associated with anemia
              subtype:  polycythemia  a disorder characterized by an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood
              subtype:  purpura__peliosis  any of several blood diseases causing subcutaneous bleeding
                 subtype:  nonthrombocytopenic_purpura__nonthrombocytopenicpurpura  purpura resulting from a defect in the capillaries caused by bacteria or drugs
                 subtype:  idiopathic_thrombocytopenic_purpura__thrombocytopenic_purpura__purpura_hemorrhagica__purpurahemorrhagica__Werlhof's_disease  purpura associated with a reduction in circulating blood platelets which can result from a variety of factors
              subtype:  thrombocytopenia__thrombopenia  a blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood
                 subtype:  essential_thrombocytopenia__essentialthrombocytopenia  the primary form of thrombocytopenia (rather than a shortage of platelets caused by with other conditions such as tuberculosis or chemical suppression of bone marrow etc.)
              subtype:  uratemia  presence of abnormal amounts of uric acid salts in the blood; symptom of gout
              subtype:  uricaciduria  presence of abnormal amounts of uric acid in the urine; symptom of gout
     subtype:  illness__illnes__sickness  impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
        subtype:  ague  a fit of shivering
        subtype:  amyloidosis__amyloidosi  a disorder characterized by deposit of amyloid in organs or tissues; often secondary to chronic rheumatoid arthritis or tuberculosis or multiple myeloma
        subtype:  anuresis__anuria  inability to urinate
        subtype:  catastrophic_illness  severe illness requiring prolonged hospitalization or recovery; usually involves high costs for hospitals and doctors and medicines
        subtype:  collapse  an abrupt failure of function or health
           subtype:  crack-up__crackup__breakdown  a mental or physical breakdown
              subtype:  nervous_breakdown__nervousbreakdown  a severe or incapacitating emotional disorder
                 subtype:  nervous_exhaustion__nervousexhaustion__nervous_prostration__nervousprostration  an emotional disorder that leaves you exhausted and unable to work
                 subtype:  neurasthenia  nervous breakdown (not in technical use)
           subtype:  shock  (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor
              subtype:  cardiogenic_shock__cardiogenicshock  shock caused by cardiac arrest
              subtype:  hypovolemic_shock__hypovolemicshock  shock caused by severe blood or fluid loss
              subtype:  obstructive_shock__obstructiveshock  shock caused by obstruction of blood flow
              subtype:  distributive_shock  shock caused by poor distribution of the blood flow
              subtype:  insulin_shock__insulinshock__insulin_reaction__insulinreaction  hypoglycemia produced by excessive insulin in the system causing coma
        subtype:  decompression_sickness__aeroembolism__air_embolism__airembolism__gas_embolism__gasembolism__caisson_disease__caissondisease__bends__bend  pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
        subtype:  food_poisoning__gastrointestinal_disorder  illness caused by poisonous or contaminated food
           subtype:  botulism  food poisoning from ingesting botulin; affects the CNS; can be fatal if not treated promptly
           subtype:  mushroom_poisoning  toxic condition caused by eating certain species of mushrooms (especially Amanita species)
           subtype:  ptomaine_poisoning__ptomaine  a term for food poisoning that is no longer in scientific use; food poisoning was once thought to be caused by ingesting ptomaines
           subtype:  salmonellosis__salmonellosi  a kind of food poisoning caused by eating foods contaminated with Salmonella typhimurium
        subtype:  lead_poisoning__plumbism__saturnism  toxic condition produced by the absorption of excessive lead into the system
        subtype:  disease  an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
           subtype:  aspergillosis__aspergillosi  disease especially in agricultural workers caused by inhalation of Aspergillus spores causing lumps in skin and ears and respiratory organs
           subtype:  blackwater  any of several human or animal diseases characterized by dark urine resulting from rapid breakdown of red blood cells
           subtype:  cat_scratch_disease__catscratchdisease  a disease thought to be transmitted to humans by a scratch from a cat
           subtype:  complication.disease  any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or because of) another disease; "bed sores are a common complication in cases of paralysis"
           subtype:  endemic_disease__endemicdisease__endemic  a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location
           subtype:  enteropathy  a disease of the intestinal tract
              subtype:  intestinal_obstruction__ileus__ileu  blockage of the intestine (especially the ileum) that prevents the contents of the intestine from passing to the lower bowel
           subtype:  incompetence  inability of a part or organ to function properly
              subtype:  hypogonadism  incompetence of the gonads (especially in the male with low testosterone)
              subtype:  valvular_incompetence  inability of a bodily valve to close completely
           subtype:  Kawasaki_disease__mucocutaneous_lymph_node_syndrome  an acute disease of young children characterized by a rash and swollen lymph nodes and fever; of unknown cause
           subtype:  pycnosis__pyknosis  a degenerative state of the cell nucleus
           subtype:  Marseilles_fever__Kenya_fever__Indian_tick_fever__boutonneuse_fever__boutonneusefever  a disease (common in India and around the Mediterranean area) caused by a rickettsia that is transmitted to humans by a reddish brown tick (ixodid) that lives on dogs and other mammals
           subtype:  Meniere's_disease  a disease of the inner ear characterized by episodes of dizziness and tinnitus and progressive hearing loss (usually unilateral)
           subtype:  milk_sickness  caused by consuming milk from cattle suffering from trembles
           subtype:  mimesis.disease  any disease that shows symptoms characteristic of another disease
           subtype:  myasthenia_gravis__myasthenia  a chronic progressive disease characterized by chronic fatigue and muscular weakness (especially in the face and neck); caused by a deficiency of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junctions
           subtype:  occupational_disease__industrial_disease  disease or disability resulting from conditions of employment (usually from long exposure to a noxious substance or from continuous repetition of certain acts)
           subtype:  onychosis__onychosi  any disease or disorder of the nails
              subtype:  onycholysis__onycholysi  separation of a nail from its normal attachment to the nail bed
           subtype:  rheumatism  any painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues
           subtype:  periarteritis_nodosa__periarteritisnodosa__polyarteritis_nodosa__polyarteritisnodosa  a progressive disease of connective tissue that is characterized by nodules along arteries; nodules may block the artery and result in inadequate circulation to the particular area
           subtype:  periodontal_disease__periodontaldisease__periodontitis__periodontiti  a disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth
              subtype:  pyorrhea_alveolaris__pyorrhea__pyorrhoea__Riggs'_disease  chronic periodontitis; purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets
                 subtype:  pericementoclasia  pus pocket formation around a tooth
              subtype:  alveolar_resorption  wasting of the bony socket
              subtype:  gingivitis  inflammation of the gums
              subtype:  ulatrophia  recession of the gums
           subtype:  liver_disease__liverdisease  a disease affecting the liver
              subtype:  cirrhosis_of_the_liver__cirrhosis__cirrhosi  a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver; the major cause is chronic alcoholism
              subtype:  fatty_liver__fattyliver  yellow discoloration as a result of the accumulation of certain fats (triglycerides) in the liver; can be caused by alcoholic cirrhosis or pregnancy or exposure to certain toxins
              subtype:  hepatitis__hepatiti  inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
                 subtype:  viral_hepatitis__viralhepatiti  hepatitis caused by a virus
                    subtype:  hepatitis_A__infectious_hepatitis  an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is usually transmitted by ingesting food or drink that is contaiminated with fecal matter
                    subtype:  hepatitis_B__serum_hepatitis  an acute (sometimes fatal) form of viral hepatitis caused by a DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted by sexual contact or by transfusion or by ingestion of contaminated blood or other bodily fluids
                    subtype:  hepatitis_C  a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but caused by a single-stranded RNA virus; usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug or blood transfusion or exposure to blood or blood products)
                 subtype:  hepatitis_delta__hepatitisdelta__delta_hepatitis__deltahepatiti  a severe form of hepatitis
              subtype:  liver_cancer__livercancer__cancer_of_the_liver  malignant neoplastic disease of the liver usually occurring as a metastasis from another cancer; symptoms include loss of appetite and weakness and bloating and jaundice and upper abdominal discomfort
           subtype:  communicable_disease  a disease that can be communicated from one person to another
              subtype:  contagious_disease__contagion  any disease easily transmitted by contact
                 subtype:  influenza__flu__grippe  an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
                    subtype:  Asiatic_flu  influenza caused by the Asian virus that was first isolated in 1957
                 subtype:  measles__rubeola  an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash; occurs primarily in children
                    subtype:  German_measles__rubella__threedaymeasle__epidemic_roseola  a contagious viral disease that is a milder form of measles lasting three or four days; can be damaging to a fetus during the first trimester
                 subtype:  diphtheria  acute contagious bacterial infection marked by the formation of a false membrane in the throat and other air passages causing difficulty in breathing
                 subtype:  scarlet_fever__scarletfever__scarlatina  an acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized by fever and a red rash
                 subtype:  pox  a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks
                    subtype:  smallpox__variola  a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars
                    subtype:  chickenpox__varicella  an acute contagious disease caused by herpes varicella zoster virus; causes a rash of vesicles on the face and body
                 subtype:  Vincent's_angina__Vincent's_infection__trench_mouth  an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
                 subtype:  venereal_disease__VD__social_disease__Cupid's_itch__Cupid's_disease__Venus's_curse__sexually_transmitted_disease  a communicable disease transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
                    subtype:  genital_herpes__herpes_genitalis  an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital area
                    subtype:  gonorrhea__gonorrhoea__clap  a common venereal disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae; symptoms are painful urination and pain around the urethra
                    subtype:  granuloma_inguinale__granulomainguinale__granuloma_venereum__granulomavenereum  a venereal disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Calymmatobacterium; characterized by a pimply rash of the skin in the genital and groin region
                    subtype:  syphilis__syph__pox  a common venereal disease caused by the Treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)
                       subtype:  primary_syphilis  the first stage; characterized by a chancre at the site of infection
                       subtype:  secondary_syphilis  the second stage; characterized by eruptions of the skin and mucous membrane
                       subtype:  tertiary_syphilis  the third stage; characterized by involvement of internal organs especially the brain and spinal cord as well as the heart and liver
                       subtype:  neurosyphilis__neurosyphili  syphilis of the central nervous system
                          subtype:  tabes_dorsalis__locomotor_ataxia__locomotorataxia  syphilis of the spinal cord characterized by degeneration of sensory neurons and stabbing pains in the trunk and legs and unsteady gait and incontinence and impotence
              subtype:  infectious_disease  a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
                 subtype:  AIDS__acquired_immune_deficiency_syndrome  a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
                 subtype:  undulant_fever__brucellosis__Malta_fever__Gibraltar_fever__Rock_fever__Mediterranean_fever  infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headache
                 subtype:  epidemic_cholera__cholera__Asiatic_cholera__Indian_cholera  an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
                 subtype:  dengue_fever__dengue__dandy_fever__dandyfever__breakbone_fever  an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by rash and aching head and joints
                 subtype:  dysentery  an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea
                    subtype:  amebic_dysentery__amoebic_dysentery__amoebicdysentery  inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrhea
                    subtype:  shigellosis__bacillary_dysentery__bacillarydysentery  an acute infection of the intestine by Shigella bacteria; characterized by diarrhea and fever and abdominal pains
                 subtype:  epidemic_disease  any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
                    subtype:  plague.epidemic_disease__pestilence  any epidemic disease with a high death rate
                    subtype:  plague  a serious (sometimes fatal) infection transmitted by the bite of an infected rat flea (especially bubonic plague)
                       subtype:  bubonic_plague__bubonicplague  plague characterized by delirium and the formation of buboes
                          subtype:  Black_Death__black_plague__blackplague  the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe
                       subtype:  pneumonic_plague__pneumonicplague  characterized by lung involvement
                       subtype:  septicemic_plague  an especially dangerous form in which infecting organisms invade the bloodstream
                    subtype:  epidemic_pleurodynia__epidemic_myalgia__myosis__diaphragmatic_pleurisy__diaphragmaticpleurisy__Bornholm_disease  an acute infectious disease occurring in epidemic form and featuring paroxysms of pain (usually in the chest)
                 subtype:  hepatitis__hepatiti  inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
                 subtype:  herpes  viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
                    subtype:  herpes_simplex  an infection caused by the herpes simples virus; affects the skin and nervous system; produces small temporary (but sometimes painful) blisters on the skin and mucous membranes
                       subtype:  oral_herpes__herpes_labialis__cold_sore__fever_blister__feverblister  caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
                       subtype:  genital_herpes__herpes_genitalis  an infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contact; marked by recurrent attacks of painful eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital area
                    subtype:  herpes_zoster__zoster__shingles  eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia
                 subtype:  infectious_mononucleosis__mononucleosis__mononucleosi__mono__glandular_fever__glandularfever__kissing_disease__kissingdisease  an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
                 subtype:  Lassa_fever  a serious contagious viral disease of central western Africa; characterized by fever and inflammation and muscular pains and difficulty swallowing
                 subtype:  leprosy__hansen'sdisease  chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae
                    subtype:  tuberculoid_leprosy  leprosy characterized by tumors in the skin and cutaneous nerves
                    subtype:  lepromatous_leprosy  a very serious form of leprosy characterized by lesions that spread over much of the body and affecting many systems of the body
                 subtype:  listeriosis__listeriosi  an infectious disease common to many animals and occasionally transmitted to humans (especially to newborn or immunosuppressed persons)
                 subtype:  lymphogranuloma_venereum__lymphogranulomavenereum__LGV__lymphopathia_venereum  infectious disease caused by a species of chlamydia bacterium; transmitted by sexual contact; characterized by genital lesions and swelling of lymph nodes in the groin
                 subtype:  meningitis  infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea
                    subtype:  cerebrospinal_meningitis__epidemic_meningitis__brain_fever__brainfever__cerebrospinal_fever__cerebrospinalfever  meningitis caused by bacteria and often fatal
                    subtype:  leptomeningitis  inflammation of the leptomeninges
                 subtype:  mumps__mump__epidemic_parotitis  an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands
                 subtype:  paratyphoid_fever__paratyphoidfever__paratyphoid  any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases resembling typhoid fever
                 subtype:  acute_anterior_poliomyelitis__poliomyelitis__poliomyeliti__polio__infantileparalysi  an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord
                 subtype:  ratbite_fever__ratbitefever  either of two infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bite of a rat or mouse; characterized by fever and headache and nausea and skin eruptions
                    subtype:  Haverhill_fever  the form of ratbite fever occurring in the United States
                    subtype:  sodoku__spirillum_fever  the form of ratbite fever occurring in the Far East
                 subtype:  rickettsial_disease__rickettsialdisease__rickettsiosis__rickettsiosi  infectious disease caused by ticks or mites or body lice infected with rickettsial bacteria
                    subtype:  typhus_fever__typhus  rickettsial disease transmitted by body lice and characterized by skin rash and high fever
                       subtype:  murine_typhus__rat_typhus__urban_typhus__endemic_typhus  acute infection caused by rickettsia and transmitted by the bite of an infected flea; characterized by fever and chills and muscle aches and a rash
                    subtype:  spotted_fever__spottedfever  any of several severe febrile diseases characterized by skin rashes or spots on the skin
                       subtype:  Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever__mountain_fever__tick_fever  caused by rickettsial bacteria and transmitted by wood ticks
                    subtype:  Q_fever  an acute disease resembling influenza
                    subtype:  ricketsialpox  mild infectious rickettsial disease caused by a bacterium of the genus Rickettsia transmitted to humans by the bite a mite that lives on rodents; characterized by chills and fever and headache and skin lesions that resemble chickenpox
                    subtype:  trench_fever  marked by pain in muscles and joints and transmitted by lice
                    subtype:  tsutsugamushi_disease__tsutsugamushidisease__scrub_typhus  transmitted by larval mites and widespread in Asia
                 subtype:  relapsing_fever__recurrent_fever  marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months
                 subtype:  rheumatic_fever  a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful inflammation of the joints and frequently damage to the heart valves
                 subtype:  miliary_fever__miliaryfever__sweating_sickness  epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortality
                 subtype:  tuberculosis__TB__T.B.  infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages)
                    subtype:  Pott's_disease  TB of the spine with destruction of vertebrae resulting in curvature of the spine
                    subtype:  miliary_tuberculosis  acute tuberculosis characterized by the appearance of tiny tubercles on one or more organs of the body (presumably resulting from tubercle bacilli being spread in the bloodstream)
                    subtype:  pulmonary_tuberculosis__consumption__phthisi__wasting_disease__wastingdisease__white_plague__whiteplague  involving the lungs with progressive wasting of the body
                    subtype:  scrofula__struma__king's_evil  a form of tuberculosis characterized by swellings of the lymphatic glands
                    subtype:  lupus_vulgaris  tuberculosis of the skin; appears first on the face and heals slowly leaving deep scars
                 subtype:  typhoid_fever__typhoidfever__typhoid__enteric_fever__entericfever  serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water
                 subtype:  whooping_cough__pertussis__pertussi  a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane
                 subtype:  yaws__frambesia__framboesia  an infectious tropical disease resembling syphilis in its early stages; marked by red skin eruptions and ulcerating lesions
                 subtype:  yellow_fever__yellow_jack__black_vomit__blackvomit  caused by a virus transmitted by a mosquito
              subtype:  common_cold__cold  a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
                 subtype:  head_cold  a common cold affecting the nasal passages and resulting in congestion and sneezing and headache
           subtype:  exanthema_subitum__exanthemasubitum__roseola_infantum__roseolainfantum__roseola_infantilis__pseudorubella  a viral disease of infants and young children; characterized by abrupt high fever and mild sore throat; a few days later there is a faint pinkish rash that lasts for a few hours to a few days
           subtype:  respiratory_disease__respiratorydisease__respiratory_disorder__respiratorydisorder  a disease affecting the respiratory system
              subtype:  influenza__flu__grippe  an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
              subtype:  whooping_cough__pertussis__pertussi  a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane
              subtype:  common_cold__cold  a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
              subtype:  bronchial_asthma__bronchialasthma__asthma__asthma_attack  respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin
                 subtype:  status_asthmaticus  a prolonged and severe asthma attack that does not respond to standard treatment
              subtype:  bronchitis  inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchial tubes
                 subtype:  bronchiolitis__bronchioliti  inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles
                 subtype:  chronic_bronchitis  a form of bronchitis characterized by excess production of sputum leading to a chronic cough and obstruction of air flow
                    subtype:  chronic_obstructive_pulmonary_disease__chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease  a nonreversible lung disease that is a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis; usually patients have been heavy cigarette smokers
              subtype:  pulmonary_emphysema__pulmonaryemphysema__emphysema  an abnormal condition of the lungs marked by decreased respiratory function; associated with smoking or chronic bronchitis or old age
                 subtype:  chronic_obstructive_pulmonary_disease__chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease  a nonreversible lung disease that is a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis; usually patients have been heavy cigarette smokers
              subtype:  pneumonia  respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants
                 subtype:  bronchopneumonia__bronchial_pneumonia  pneumonia characterized by acute inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles
                    subtype:  aspiration_pneumonia  bronchopneumonia resulting from foreign material (usually vomit or food particles) entering the bronchi
                 subtype:  lobar_pneumonia  pneumonia affecting one or more lobes of the lung; commonly due to streptococcal infection
                    subtype:  double_pneumonia  lobar pneumonia involving both lungs
                    subtype:  Legionnaire's_disease  acute (sometimes fatal) lobar pneumonia caused by bacteria of a kind first recognized after an outbreak of the disease at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976; characterized by fever and muscle and chest pain and headache and chills and a dry cough
                 subtype:  pneumococcal_pneumonia  pneumonia caused by bacteria of the genus pneumococcus
                 subtype:  pneumocytosis__pneumocytosi__pneumocystis_pneumonia__pneumocystis_carinii_pneumonia__interstitial_plasma_cell_pneumonia  pneumonia occurring in infants or in persons with impaired immune systems (as AIDS victims)
                 subtype:  pleuropneumonia  pleurisy and pneumonia
                 subtype:  viral_pneumonia__viralpneumonia  pneumonia caused by a virus
              subtype:  primary_atypical_pneumonia__atypical_pneumonia__mycoplasmal_pneumonia__mycoplasmalpneumonia  an acute respiratory disease marked by high fever and coughing; caused by mycoplasma; primarily affecting children and young adults
                 subtype:  parrot_fever__psittacosis__psittacosi__ornithosis  an atypical pneumonia caused by a rickettsia microorganism and transmitted to humans from infected birds
              subtype:  interstitial_pneumonia  chronic lung disease affecting the interstitial tissue of the lungs
              subtype:  pneumoconiosis__pneumonoconiosis  chronic respiratory disease caused by inhaling metallic or mineral particles
                 subtype:  anthracosis__anthracosi__black_lung__blacklung__blacklungdisease__coal_miner's_lung  lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
                 subtype:  asbestosis  lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos particles
                 subtype:  siderosis__siderosi  fibrosis of the lung caused by iron dust; occurs among welders and other metal workers
                 subtype:  silicosis__silicosi  a lung disease caused by inhaling particles of silica or quartz or slate
              subtype:  respiratory_distress_syndrome_of_the_newborn__respiratory_distress_syndrome__hyaline_membrane_disease  an acute lung disease of the newborn (especially the premature newborn); lungs cannot expand because of a wetting agent is lacking; characterized by rapid shallow breathing and cyanosis and the formation of a glassy hyaline membrane over the alveoli
           subtype:  genetic_disease__geneticdisease__genetic_disorder__geneticdisorder__genetic_abnormality__geneticabnormality__genetic_defect__geneticdefect__congenital_disease__inherited_disease__inheriteddisease__inherited_disorder__inheriteddisorder__hereditary_disease__hereditary_condition  a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically
              subtype:  achondroplasia__achondroplasty__osteosclerosis_congenita__chondrodystrophy  an inherited skeletal disorder beginning before birth; cartilage is converted to bone resulting in dwarfism
              subtype:  abetalipoproteinemia  a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism; characterized by severe deficiency of beta-lipoproteins and abnormal red blood cells (acanthocytes) and abnormally low cholesterol levels
              subtype:  cystic_fibrosis__fibrocystic_disease_of_the_pancreas__pancreatic_fibrosis__mucoviscidosis  a congenital disease in which the pancreas and lungs and intestines become clogged with mucus
              subtype:  inborn_error_of_metabolism  any of a number of diseases in which an inherited defect (usually a missing or inadequate enzyme) results in an abnormality of metabolism
                 subtype:  galactosemia  a genetic disease (autosomal recessive) in which an enzyme needed to metabolize galactose is deficient or absent; typically develops shortly after birth
                 subtype:  lysinemia  an inborn error of metabolism in which the lack of certain enzymes leads to an inability to metabolize the amino acid lysine; characterized by muscular weakness and mental retardation
                 subtype:  Niemann-Pick_disease  a disorder of lipid metabolism that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait
                 subtype:  Tay-Sachs_disease__Tay-Sachs__Sachs_disease__infantile_amaurotic_idiocy__infantileamauroticidiocy  a hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism occuring most frequently in individuals of E European Jewish descent; accumulation of lipids in nervous tissue results in death in early childhood
                 subtype:  phenylketonuria__PKU  a genetic disorder of metabolism; lack of the enzyme needed to turn phenylalanine into tyrosine results in an accumulation of phenylalanine in the body fluids which causes various degrees of mental deficiency
              subtype:  Hirschsprung's_disease__congenital_megacolon  congenital condition in which the colon does not have the normal network of nerves; there is little urge to defecate so the feces accumulate and cause megacolon
              subtype:  mucopolysaccharidosis__mucopolysaccharidosi  any of a group of genetic disorders involving a defect in the metabolism of mucopolysaccharides resulting in greater than normal levels of mucopolysaccharides in tissues
                 subtype:  Hurler's_syndrome__Hurler's_disease__gargoylism__dysostosis_multiplex__lipochondrodystrophy  hereditary disease (autosomal recessive) consisting of an error is mucopolysaccharide metabolism; characterized by severe abnormalities in development of skeletal cartilage and bone and mental retardation
              subtype:  hyperbetalipoproteinemia  a genetic disorder characterized by high levels of beta-lipoproteins and cholesterol; can lead to atherosclerosis at an early age
              subtype:  ichthyosis  any of several congenital diseases in which the skin is fishlike (dry and scaly)
              subtype:  maple_syrup_urine_disease__maplesyrupurinedisease__branched_chain_ketoaciduria  an inherited disorder of metabolism in which the urine has a odor characteristic of maple syrup; if untreated it can lead to mental retardation and death in early childhood
              subtype:  McArdle's_disease  an inherited disease in which abnormal amounts of glycogen accumulate in skeletal muscle; results in weakness and cramping
              subtype:  muscular_dystrophy__dystrophy  any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system characterized by weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles
                 subtype:  Duchenne's_muscular_dystrophy__pseudohypertrophic_dystrophy  the most common form of muscular dystrophy; X-linked recessive (affecting only males)
                 subtype:  limb-girdle_muscular_dystrophy  an autosomal recessive form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive muscular weakness beginning either in the shoulder or pelvic girdle
                 subtype:  myotonic_muscular_dystrophy__myotonia_atrophica__Steinert's_disease  a severe form of muscular dystrophy marked by facial weakness and drooping eyelids and difficult speech and difficulty with the hands that spreads to the arms and shoulders and legs and hips
              subtype:  oligodactyly  congenital condition in which some fingers or toes are missing
              subtype:  oligodontia  congenital condition in which some of the teeth are missing
              subtype:  otosclerosis  hereditary disorder in which ossification of the labyrinth of the inner ear causes tinnitus and eventual deafness
              subtype:  autosomal_dominant_disease__autosomal_dominant_disorder  a disease caused by a dominant mutant gene on an autosome
                 subtype:  Huntington's_chorea__Huntington's_disease  hereditary; develops in adulthood and ends in dementia
                 subtype:  malignant_hyperthermia__malignanthyperthermia  hereditary condition in which certain anesthetics (e.g., halothane) cause high body temperatures and muscle rigidity
                 subtype:  Marfan's_syndrome  an autosomal dominant disease characterized by elongated bones (especially of limbs and digits) and abnormalities of the eyes and circulatory system
                 subtype:  neurofibromatosis__neurofibromatosi__von_Recklinghausen's_disease  autosomal dominant disease characterized by numerous neurofibromas and by spots on the skin and often by developmental abnormalities
                 subtype:  osteogenesis_imperfecta  autosomal dominant disorder of connective tissue characterized by brittle bones that fracture easily
              subtype:  autosomal_recessive_disease__autosomalrecessivedisease__autosomal_recessive_defect__autosomalrecessivedefect  a disease caused by the presence of two recessive mutant genes on an autosome
                 subtype:  limb-girdle_muscular_dystrophy  an autosomal recessive form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive muscular weakness beginning either in the shoulder or pelvic girdle
                 subtype:  Niemann-Pick_disease  a disorder of lipid metabolism that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait
                 subtype:  Tay-Sachs_disease__Tay-Sachs__Sachs_disease__infantile_amaurotic_idiocy__infantileamauroticidiocy  a hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism occuring most frequently in individuals of E European Jewish descent; accumulation of lipids in nervous tissue results in death in early childhood
                 subtype:  thrombasthenia  a rare autosomal recessive disease in which the platelets do not produce clots in the normal way and hemorrhage results
                 subtype:  tyrosinemia  autosomal recessive defect in tyrosine metabolism resulting in liver and kidney disturbances and mental retardation
                 subtype:  Werdnig-Hoffman_disease  autosomal recessive disease in which the degeneration of spinal nerve cells and brain nerve cells leads to atrophy of skeletal muscles and flaccid paralysis; death usually occurs in early childhood
              subtype:  Fanconi's_anemia__Fanconi's_anaemia__congenital_pancytopenia  a rare congenital anemia characterized by pancytopenia and hypoplasia of the bone marrow
              subtype:  sickle-cell_anemia__sickle-cell_anaemia__sickle-cell_disease__crescent-cell_anemia__crescent-cell_anaemia__drepanocytic_anemia__drepanocytic_anaemia  a congenital form of anemia occurring mostly in blacks; characterized by abnormal blood cells having a crescent shape
              subtype:  Spielmeyer-Vogt_disease__juvenile_amaurotic_idiocy  a congenital progressive disorder of lipid metabolism having an onset at age 5 and characterized by blindness and dementia and early death
              subtype:  congenital_afibrinogenemia  a rare congenital disorder of blood coagulation in which no fibrinogen is found in the blood plasma
              subtype:  osteopetrosis__Albers-Schonberg_disease__marble_bones_disease  an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated
              subtype:  nevoid_elephantiasis__pachyderma  thickening of the skin (usually unilateral on an extremity) caused by congenital enlargement of lymph vessel and lymph vessel obstruction
              subtype:  dwarfism__nanism  a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature
                 subtype:  pycnodysostosis__pycnodysostosi  a form of dwarfism accompanied by fragile bones and bad teeth
              subtype:  lactose_intolerance__lactoseintolerance__lactase_deficiency__lactasedeficiency__milk_intolerance  congenital disorder consisting of an inability to digest milk and milk products; absence or deficiency of lactase results in an inability to hydrolyze lactose
              subtype:  porphyria  a genetic abnormality of metabolism causing abdominal pains and mental confusion
              subtype:  hepatolenticular_degeneration__Wilson's_disease  a rare inherited disorder of copper metabolism; copper accumulates in the liver and then in the red blood cells and brain
           subtype:  inflammatory_disease  a disease characterized by inflammation
              subtype:  necrotizing_enterocolitis__necrotizingenterocoliti__nec  an acute inflammatory disease occurring in the intestines of premature infants; necrosis of intestinal tissue may follow
              subtype:  gastroenteritis__stomach_flu__intestinal_flu  inflammation of the stomach and intestines; can be caused by Salmonella enteritidis
                 subtype:  cholera_infantum__cholerainfantum  often fatal form of gastroenteritis occurring in children; not true cholera but having similar symptoms
              subtype:  pelvic_inflammatory_disease__PID  inflammation of the female pelvic organs (especially the Fallopian tubes) caused by infection by any of several microorganisms (chiefly gonococci and chlamydia); symptoms are abdominal pain and fever and foul-smelling vaginal discharge
              subtype:  empyema  a collection of pus in a body cavity (especially in the lung cavity)
                 subtype:  purulent_pleurisy  a collection of pus in the lung cavity
              subtype:  pleurisy  inflammation of the pleura of the lungs (especially the parietal layer)
                 subtype:  purulent_pleurisy  a collection of pus in the lung cavity
                 subtype:  pleuropneumonia  pleurisy and pneumonia
              subtype:  sore_throat__pharyngitis__raw_throat__rawthroat  inflammation of the fauces and pharynx
                 subtype:  streptococcal_sore_throat__strep_throat__strepthroat__streptococcustonsiliti__septic_sore_throat__throat_infection  an infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus
              subtype:  angina  any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain
                 subtype:  Vincent's_angina__Vincent's_infection__trench_mouth  an acute communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth marked by ulceration of the mucous membrane
                 subtype:  quinsy__peritonsillar_abscess__peritonsillarabsces  a painful pus-filled inflammation of the tonsils and surrounding tissues; usually a complication of tonsillitis
                 subtype:  croup__spasmodic_laryngitis  a disease of infants and young children; harsh coughing and hoarseness and fever and difficult breathing
              subtype:  arthritis__arthriti  inflammation of a joint or joints
                 subtype:  rheumatoid_arthritis__atrophic_arthritis__rheumatism  a chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation of the joints and marked deformities; something (possibly a virus) triggers an attack on the synovium by the immune system, which releases cytokines that stimulate an inflammatory reaction that can lead to the destruction of all components of the joint
                    subtype:  psoriatic_arthritis  a form of rheumatoid arthritis usually affecting fingers and toes and associated with psoriasis
                    subtype:  Still's_disease__juvenile_rheumatoid_arthritis  a form of rheumatoid arthritis that affects children; large joints become inflamed and bone growth may be retarded
                 subtype:  osteoarthritis__degenerative_arthritis__degenerative_joint_disease  chronic breakdown of cartilage in the joints; the most common form of arthritis occurring usually after middle age
                 subtype:  gout__gouty_arthritis__goutyarthriti__urarthritis__urarthriti  a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
                 subtype:  spondylarthritis  arthritis that affects one or more of the intervertebral joints in the spine
              subtype:  acne  an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones
                 subtype:  acne_rosacea__rosacea  a skin disease of adults (more often women) in which blood vessels of the face enlarge resulting in a flushed appearance
                 subtype:  acne_vulgaris  the most common form of acne; usually affects people from puberty to young adulthood
              subtype:  aspiration_penumonia  inflammation of the lungs caused by inhaling or choking on vomitus; may occur during unconsciousness (anesthesia or drunkenness or seizure or cardiac arrest)
              subtype:  urinary_tract_infection__urinarytractinfection  any infection of any of the organs of the urinary tract
                 subtype:  cystitis  inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters
                 subtype:  pyelonephritis  inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection
                    subtype:  acute_pyelonephritis  pyelonephritis resulting from the spread of a bladder infection
                    subtype:  chronic_pyelonephritis  pyelonephritis that develops slowly and can lead to renal failure if untreated; often associated with a kidney stone or with narrowing of the urinary passageways
                 subtype:  urethritis  inflammation of the urethra; results in painful urination
                    subtype:  nongonococcal_urethritis__NGU  sexually transmitted urethritis (usually caused by chlamydia)
                    subtype:  nonspecific_urethritis__NSU  inflammation of the urethra of unknown cause
           subtype:  autoimmune_disease__autoimmune_disorder  any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues
              subtype:  Type_I_diabetes__insulin-dependent_diabetes_mellitus__IDDM__juvenile-onset_diabetes__juvenile_diabetes__growth-onset_diabetes__ketosis-prone_diabetes__ketoacidosis-prone_diabetes__autoimmune_diabetes  severe diabetes mellitus with an early onset; characterized by polyuria and excessive thirst and increased appetite and weight loss and episodic ketoacidosis; diet and insulin injections are required to control the disease
              subtype:  rheumatoid_arthritis__atrophic_arthritis__rheumatism  a chronic autoimmune disease with inflammation of the joints and marked deformities; something (possibly a virus) triggers an attack on the synovium by the immune system, which releases cytokines that stimulate an inflammatory reaction that can lead to the destruction of all components of the joint
              subtype:  ankylosing_spondylitis__Marie-Strumpell_disease__rheumatoid_spondylitis  a chronic form of spondylitis primarily in males and marked by impaired mobility of the spine; sometimes leads to ankylosis
              subtype:  discoid_lupus_erythematosus__DLE  a chronic skin disease occurring primarily in women between the ages of 20 and 40; characterized by an eruption of red lesions over the cheeks and bridge of the nose
              subtype:  Hashimoto's_disease  autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland; most common in middle-aged women
              subtype:  lupus_erythematosus__lupuserythematosu__LE  a chronic inflammatory collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints)
              subtype:  scleroderma__dermatosclerosis  an autoimmune disease that affects the blood vessels and connective tissue; fibrous connective tissue is deposited in the skin
                 subtype:  morphea  localized scleroderma
              subtype:  idiopathic_thrombocytopenic_purpura__thrombocytopenic_purpura__purpura_hemorrhagica__purpurahemorrhagica__Werlhof's_disease  purpura associated with a reduction in circulating blood platelets which can result from a variety of factors
           subtype:  deficiency_disease  any disease caused by a lack of an essential nutrient (as a vitamin or mineral)
              subtype:  malnutrition  a state of poor nutrition; can result from insufficient or excessive or unbalanced diet or from inability to absorb foods
                 subtype:  avitaminosis__hypovitaminosis__hypovitaminosi  any of several diseases caused by deficiency of one or more vitamins
                    subtype:  beriberi  avitaminosis caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin B1)
                       subtype:  kakke_disease  the endemic form of beriberi
                    subtype:  pellagra__Alpine_scurvy__mal_de_la_rosa__mal_rosso__malrosso__maidism__Saint_Ignatius'_itch  a disease caused by deficiency of niacin or tryptophan (or by a defect in the metabolic conversion of tryptophan to niacin); characterized by gastrointestinal disturbances and erythema and nervous or mental disorders; may be caused by malnutrition or alcoholism or other nutritional impairments
                    subtype:  rickets__rachitis  childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
                    subtype:  scurvy  a condition caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
                    subtype:  nyctalopia__night_blindness__nightblindnes__moon_blindness  inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder
                 subtype:  kwashiorkor  severe malnutrition in children resulting from a diet excessively high in carbohydrates and low in protein
                 subtype:  marasmus  extreme malnutrition and emaciation (especially in children); can result from inadequate intake of food or from malabsorption or metabolic disorders
              subtype:  zinc_deficiency  a deficiency caused by inadequate zinc in the diet or by liver disease or cystic fibrosis or other diseases
           subtype:  fibrocystic_breast_disease__fibrocystic_disease_of_the_breast__cystic_breast_disease__cystic_mastitis  the presence of one or more cysts in a breast
           subtype:  goiter__goitre__struma__thyromegaly  abnormally enlarged thyroid gland; can result from under-production or over-production of hormone or from a deficiency of iodine in the diet
           subtype:  sandfly_fever__sandflyfever__pappataci_fever__phlebotomus  a mild viral disease transmitted by the bite of the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasii
           subtype:  skin_disease__disease_of_the_skin__skin_disorder__skin_problem__skin_condition  a disease affecting the skin
              subtype:  acantholysis  a breakdown of a cell layer in the epidermis (as in pemphigus)
              subtype:  acanthosis  an abnormal but benign thickening of the prickle-cell layer of the skin (as in psoriasis)
              subtype:  acanthosis_nigricans__keratosis_nigricans__keratosisnigrican  a skin disease characterized by dark wart-like patches in the body folds; can be benign or malignant
              subtype:  acne  an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones
              subtype:  dermatosis  disorder involving lesions or eruptions of the skin (in which there is usually no inflammation)
                 subtype:  pityriasis  any of several skin disorders characterized by shedding dry flakes of skin
                    subtype:  dandruff.pityriasis  a condition in which white scales of dead skin are shed by the scalp
                    subtype:  pityriasis_alba  common form of pityriasis (usually in children or young adults) characterized by round patches of depigmentation
                    subtype:  pityriasis_rosea  pityriasis in which an itchy rash develops over the trunk and extremities
              subtype:  eczema  generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin; particularly with vesiculation in the acute stages
                 subtype:  dermatitis  inflammation of the skin; skin becomes itchy and may develop blisters
                    subtype:  actinic_dermatitis  dermatitis caused exposure to sunlight
                    subtype:  atopic_dermatitis__atopic_eczema  dermatitis characterized by atopy
                    subtype:  contact_dermatitis  a delayed type of allergic reaction of the skin resulting from skin contact with a specific allergen (such as poison ivy)
                       subtype:  bubble_gum_dermatitis  an allergic contact dermatitis developed around the lips of children who chew bubble gum
                       subtype:  Rhus_dermatitis  contact dermatitis resulting from contact with plants of the genus Toxicodendron
                          subtype:  poison_ivy  dermatitis resulting from contact with the poison ivy plant
                          subtype:  poison_oak  dermatitis resulting from contact with a poison oak plant
                          subtype:  poison_sumac  dermatitis resulting from contact with a poison sumac plant
                    subtype:  cradle_cap  a dermatitis of the scalp that is common in infants
                    subtype:  diaper_rash__diaper_dermatitis  dermatitis of the thighs and buttocks of infants; supposedly caused by ammonia in the urine in the child's diapers
                    subtype:  hypericism  a severe dermatitis of herbivorous domestic animals attributable to photosensitivity from eating Saint John's wort
                    subtype:  neurodermatitis__neurodermatiti  dermatitis in which localized areas (especially the forearms or back of the neck or outer part of the ankle) itch persistently; cause is unknown
                    subtype:  schistosome_dermatitis__swimmer's_itch__swimmer'sitch  a sensitization reaction to repeated invasion of the skin by cercariae of schistosomes (human or animal)
                    subtype:  seborrheic_dermatitis__seborrheic_eczema  a chronic skin disease associated with seborrhea and greasy scales on the scalp or eyelids or other parts of the skin
                 subtype:  allergic_eczema  eczema caused by an allergic reaction
                    subtype:  baker's_eczema__baker'seczema  allergic eczema caused by flour or other ingredients handled by bakers
                 subtype:  eczema_herpeticum  eczema characterized by a feverish condition and widespread eruption of vesicles; most common in children
                 subtype:  lichtenoid_eczema__chronic_eczema__chroniceczema__eczema_hypertrophicum  eczema characterized by thickening of the skin with accentuated skin lines
              subtype:  erythroderma  any skin disorder involving abnormal redness
                 subtype:  erythema  abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
                    subtype:  erythema_multiforme  a red rash caused by hypersensitivity to a drug or disease or other allergen
                    subtype:  erythema_nodosum  skin condition characterized by tender red nodules on the shins and legs
                       subtype:  erythema_nodosum_leprosum__ENL  an inflammatory complication of leprosy that results in painful skin lesions on the arms and legs and face
                    subtype:  hickey__love_bite  a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing or sucking by their lover
                    subtype:  erythema_solare__sunburn  redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun
                    subtype:  windburn  redness and irritation of the skin caused by exposure to high-velocity wind
                 subtype:  flare.erythroderma  reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation
              subtype:  furunculosis  acute skin disease characterized by the presence of many furuncles
              subtype:  impetigo  a very contagious infection of the skin; common in children; localized redness develops into small blisters that gradually crust and erode
              subtype:  jungle_rot  skin disorder induced by a tropical climate
              subtype:  keratoderma  any skin disorder consisting of a growth that appears horny
              subtype:  keratonosis  any abnormal condition of the outer skin (epidermis)
              subtype:  keratosis__keratosi  a skin condition marked by an overgrowth of layers of horny skin
                 subtype:  actinic_keratosis__actinickeratosi  an overgrowth of skin layers resulting from extended exposure to the sun
                 subtype:  keratosis_blennorrhagica__keratosisblennorrhagica__keratoderma_blennorrhagica__keratodermablennorrhagica  skin disease characterized by a scaly rash on the palms and soles; associated with Reiter's syndrome
                 subtype:  keratosis_follicularis__Darier's_disease  a rare hereditary condition marked by dark crusted patches (sometimes containing pus)
                 subtype:  keratosis_pilaris__keratosispilari  keratosis characterized by hard conical elevations in the openings of sebaceous glands (especially of arms and thighs)
                 subtype:  seborrheic_keratosis  a skin condition characterized by circumscribed wartlike lesions that can be itchy and covered with a greasy crust
              subtype:  leukoderma  a congenital skin condition characterized by spots or bands of unpigmented skin
              subtype:  lichen.skin_disease  any of several eruptive skin diseases characterized by hard thick lesions grouped together and resembling lichens growing on rocks
                 subtype:  lichen_planus__lichen_ruber_planus  an eruption of shiny flat-topped purplish (usually itchy) papules on the wrist and forearms and thighs
              subtype:  livedo  skin disorder characterized by patchy bluish discolorations on the skin
              subtype:  lupus__lupu  any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease
                 subtype:  lupus_vulgaris  tuberculosis of the skin; appears first on the face and heals slowly leaving deep scars
                 subtype:  discoid_lupus_erythematosus__DLE  a chronic skin disease occurring primarily in women between the ages of 20 and 40; characterized by an eruption of red lesions over the cheeks and bridge of the nose
                 subtype:  lupus_erythematosus__lupuserythematosu__LE  a chronic inflammatory collagen disease affecting connective tissue (skin or joints)
                 subtype:  systemic_lupus_erythematosus__SLE__disseminated_lupus_erythematosus  an inflammatory disease of connective tissue with variable features including fever and weakness and fatigability and joint pains and skin lesions on the face or neck or arms
              subtype:  melanosis__melanosi__melanism  a condition characterized by abnormal deposits of melanin (especially in the skin)
              subtype:  molluscum  any skin disease characterized by soft pulpy nodules
                 subtype:  molluscum_contagiosum__molluscumcontagiosum  a virus disease of the skin marked by round white swellings; transmitted from person to person (most often in children or in adults with impaired immune function)
              subtype:  necrobiosis_lipoidica_diabeticorum__necrobiosislipoidicadiabeticorum__necrobiosis_lipoidica__necrobiosislipoidica  skin disease marked by thin shiny patches (especially on the legs); often associated with diabetes mellitus
              subtype:  pemphigus__pemphigu  a skin disease characterized by large thin-walled blisters (bullae) arising from normal skin or mucous membrane
              subtype:  prurigo  chronic inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by blister capped papules and intense itching
              subtype:  psoriasis__psoriasi  a chronic skin disease characterized by dry red patches covered with scales; occurs especially on the scalp and ears and genitalia and the skin over bony prominences
              subtype:  rhagades  cracks or fissures in the skin (especially around the mouth or anus)
              subtype:  Saint_Anthony's_fire  any of several inflammatory or gangrenous skin conditions
                 subtype:  erysipelas  an acute streptococcal infection characterized by deep-red inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes
              subtype:  seborrhea  a condition in which overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily
              subtype:  vitiligo  an acquired skin disease characterized by patches of unpigmented skin (often surrounded by a heavily pigmented border)
              subtype:  xanthoma  a skin problem marked by the development (on the eyelids and neck and back) of irregular yellow nodules; sometimes attributable to disturbances of cholesterol metabolism
                 subtype:  xanthelasma  xanthoma of the eyelids; occurs chiefly in the elderly
                 subtype:  xanthoma_disseminatum  rare chronic xanthoma of adults n which orange or brownish papules develop on many surfaces of the body
                 subtype:  xanthomatosis__xanthomatosi__xanthoma_multiplex__cholesterosis_cutis__cholesterosiscuti__lipid_granulomatosis__lipoid_granulomatosis  widespread xanthomas (especially on elbows and knees); often associated with a disorder of lipid metabolism
              subtype:  xanthosis__xanthosi  an abnormal yellow discoloration of the skin
           subtype:  malignancy__malignance  (medical) a malignant state; progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death
              subtype:  malignant_tumor__malignanttumor__malignant_neoplasm__malignantneoplasm__metastatic_tumor  a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts of the body
                 subtype:  carcinosarcoma  a malignant neoplasm composed of carcinoma and sarcoma extensively intermixed
                 subtype:  cancer__malignant_neoplastic_disease  any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream
                    subtype:  lymphoma  a neoplasm of lymph tissue that is usually malignant; one of the four major types of cancer
                       subtype:  Hodgkin's_disease  a malignant disorder in which there is progressive (but painless) enlargement of lymph tissue followed by enlargement of the spleen and liver
                    subtype:  carcinoma  any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer
                       subtype:  liver_cancer__livercancer__cancer_of_the_liver  malignant neoplastic disease of the liver usually occurring as a metastasis from another cancer; symptoms include loss of appetite and weakness and bloating and jaundice and upper abdominal discomfort
                       subtype:  adenocarcinoma__glandular_cancer__glandularcancer__glandular_carcinoma__glandularcarcinoma  malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium
                          subtype:  prostate_cancer__prostatic_adenocarcinoma__prostaticadenocarcinoma  cancer of the prostate gland
                       subtype:  breast_cancer  cancer of the breast; one of the most common malignancies in women in the US
                       subtype:  carcinoma_in_situ__preinvasive_cancer__preinvasivecancer  a cluster of malignant cells that has not yet invaded the deeper epithelial tissue or spread to other parts of the body
                       subtype:  colon_cancer__coloncancer  a malignant tumor of the colon; early symptom is bloody stools
                       subtype:  embryonal_carcinoma  malignant neoplasm of the testis
                       subtype:  endometrial_carcinoma__endometrialcarcinoma__endometrial_cancer__endometrialcancer  cancer of the uterine lining
                       subtype:  malignant_hepatoma__malignanthepatoma__hepatoma__hepatocarcinoma__hepatocellular_carcinoma  carcinoma of the liver
                       subtype:  lung_cancer  carcinoma of the lungs; one of the commonest forms of cancer
                       subtype:  mesothelioma  a rare form of carcinoma of the mesothelium lining lungs or abdomen or heart; usually associated with exposure to asbestos dust
                       subtype:  oat_cell_carcinoma__small_cell_carcinoma  highly malignant carcinoma composed of small round or egg-shaped cells with little cytoplasm; lung cancers are frequently oat cell carcinomas
                       subtype:  oral_cancer  malignant neoplasm of the lips of mouth; most common in men over the age of 60
                       subtype:  pancreatic_cancer  cancer of the pancreas
                       subtype:  seminoma__testicular_cancer  malignant tumor of the testis; usually occurring in older men
                       subtype:  skin_cancer  a malignant neoplasm of the skin
                          subtype:  cancroid__squamous_cell_carcinoma  the most common form of skin cancer
                          subtype:  epithelioma  a malignant tumor of the epithelial tissue
                          subtype:  malignant_melanoma__malignantmelanoma__melanoma  any of several malignant neoplasms (usually of the skin) consisting of melanocytes
                       subtype:  trophoblastic_cancer__trophoblasticcancer  malignant neoplasm of the uterus derived from the epithelium of the chorion
                    subtype:  leukemia__leukaemia__cancer_of_the_blood  malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer
                       subtype:  acute_leukemia__acuteleukemia  rapidly progressing leukemia
                          subtype:  acute_lymphocytic_leukemia__acutelymphocyticleukemia__acute_lymphoblastic_leukemia__acutelymphoblasticleukemia  acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children
                          subtype:  acute_myelocytic_leukemia__acute_myeloid_leukemia__acutemyeloidleukemia  acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults
                       subtype:  chronic_leukemia__chronicleukemia  slowly progressing leukemia
                          subtype:  chronic_lymphocytic_leukemia__chroniclymphocyticleukemia  chronic leukemia characterized by lymphoblast-like cells; more common in older men
                          subtype:  chronic_myelocytic_leukemia__myeloid_leukemia__myeloidleukemia  chronic leukemia characterized by granular leukocytes; more common in older people
                       subtype:  lymphocytic_leukemia__lymphocyticleukemia  leukemia characterized by enlargement of lymphoid tissues and lymphocytic cells in the circulating blood
                          subtype:  lymphoblastic_leukemia__lymphoblasticleukemia  a form of lymphocytic leukemia in which the abnormal cells in the circulating blood are almost totally lymphoblasts
                       subtype:  monocytic_leukemia__monocyticleukemia__monocytic_lukaemia__monocyticlukaemia__monoblastic_leukemia__monoblasticleukemia__monoblstic_leukaemia__histiocytic_leukemia__histiocyticleukemia__histiocytic_leukaemia__histiocyticleukaemia  leukemia characterized by the proliferation of monocytes and monoblasts in the blood
                       subtype:  myeloblastic_leukemia  a malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; characterized by numerous myeloblasts in the blood stream
                       subtype:  myelocytic_leukemia__granulocytic_leukemia  a malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues; marked by proliferation of myelocytes and their presence in the blood
                          subtype:  acute_myelocytic_leukemia__acute_myeloid_leukemia__acutemyeloidleukemia  acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of granular leukocytes; most common in adolescents and young adults
                          subtype:  chronic_myelocytic_leukemia__myeloid_leukemia__myeloidleukemia  chronic leukemia characterized by granular leukocytes; more common in older people
                    subtype:  sarcoma  a usually malignant tumor arising from connective tissue (bone or muscle etc.); one of the four major types of cancer
                       subtype:  chondrosarcoma  a malignant neoplasm of cartilage cells
                       subtype:  Ewing's_sarcoma__Ewing's_tumor__Ewing's_tumour__endothelial_myeloma__endothelialmyeloma  malignant tumor in bone marrow (usually in the pelvis or in long bones)
                       subtype:  Kaposi's_sarcoma  a sarcoma that starts with purplish spots on the feet and legs and spreads from the skin to lymph nodes and internal organs; a common manifestation of AIDS; "until 1980 Kaposi's sarcoma occurred almost exclusively with Jewish or Italian or black men"
                       subtype:  leiomyosarcoma  sarcoma of smooth muscle; occurs most often digestive tract or uterus or bladder or prostate
                       subtype:  liposarcoma  sarcoma of fat cells
                       subtype:  myosarcoma  sarcoma of muscle tissue
                       subtype:  neurosarcoma__malignant_neuroma__malignantneuroma  a malignant neoplasm of nerve tissue and fibrous tissue and connective tissue
                       subtype:  osteosarcoma__osteogenic_sarcoma  malignant bone tumor; most common in children and young adults where it tends to affect the femur
                       subtype:  rhabdomyosarcoma__rhabdosrcoma  a highly malignant neoplasm derived from striated muscle
                          subtype:  embryonal_rhabdomyosarcoma__embryonalrhabdomyosarcoma__embryonal_rhabdosarcoma__embryonalrhabdosarcoma  form of rhabdomyosarcoma occurring mainly in infants and children
                          subtype:  alveolar_rhabdomyosarcoma__alveolar_rhabdosarcoma  form of rhabdomyosarcoma occuring mainly in adolescents and young adults
                          subtype:  pleomorphic_rhabdomyosarcoma__pleomorphicrhabdomyosarcoma__pleomorphic_rhabdosarcoma  form of rhabdomyosarcoma that affects limb muscles of older adults
                       subtype:  Wilms'_tumor__Wilms_tumour__adenomyosarcoma__nephroblastoma__embryoma_of_the_kidney  malignant renal tumor of young children characterized by hypertension and blood in the urine and the presence of a palpable mass
                 subtype:  retinoblastoma  malignant ocular tumor of retinal cells; usually occurs before the third year of life; composed of primitive small round retinal cells
           subtype:  eye_disease__eyedisease  any disease of the eye
              subtype:  glaucoma  increased pressure in the eyeball due to obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor; damages the optic disc and impairs vision (sometimes progressing to blindness)
                 subtype:  acute_glaucoma__acuteglaucoma__angle-closure_glaucoma__angleclosureglaucoma  glaucoma in which the iris blocks the outflow of aqueous humor
                 subtype:  chronic_glaucoma__chronicglaucoma__open-angle_glaucoma  glaucoma caused by blockage of the canal of Schlemm; produces gradual loss of peripheral vision
              subtype:  keratonosus__keratonosu  any disease of the cornea
              subtype:  trachoma  a chronic contagious viral disease marked by inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye and the formation of scar tissue
              subtype:  leukoma  eye disease consisting of an opaque white spot on the cornea
              subtype:  cataract  clouding of the natural lens of the eye
           subtype:  animal_disease  a disease that typically does not affect human beings
              subtype:  warble  a lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly
              subtype:  anaplasmosis  a disease of cattle that is transmitted by cattle ticks; similar to Texas fever
              subtype:  brooder_pneumonia__brooderpneumonia__aspergillosis__aspergillosi  severe respiratory disease of birds that takes the form of an acute rapidly fatal pneumonia in young chickens and turkeys
              subtype:  bighead  any of various diseases of animals characterized by edema of the head and neck
              subtype:  bull_nose  a disease of pigs resulting in swelling of the snout
              subtype:  canine_chorea__chorea  chorea in dogs
              subtype:  costiasis__costiasi  a fatal disease of fresh-water fish caused by a flagellated protozoan invading the skin
              subtype:  cowpox__vaccinia  a viral disease of cattle causing a mild skin disease affecting the udder; formerly used to inoculate humans against smallpox
              subtype:  creeps.animal_disease  a disease of cattle and sheep attributed to a dietary deficiency; characterized by anemia and softening of the bones and a slow stiff gait
              subtype:  hemorrhagic_septicemia__hemorrhagicsepticemia__pasteurellosis  an acute infectious disease characterized by pneumonia and blood infection
              subtype:  fowl_cholera  an acute diarrheal disease (especially of chickens) caused by the microorganism that causes hemorrhagic septicemia
              subtype:  fowl_pest  an acute viral disease of domestic fowl; characterized by refusal to each and high temperature and discoloration of the comb
              subtype:  hog_cholera  highly infectious virus disease of swine
              subtype:  distemper  any of various infectious diseases of animals
                 subtype:  canine_distemper  a viral disease of young dogs characterized by high fever and respiratory inflammation
                 subtype:  equine_distemper__strangles__strangle  an acute bacterial disease of horses characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes
              subtype:  enterotoxemia  a disease of cattle and sheep that is attributed to toxins absorbed from the intestines
              subtype:  foot-and-mouth_disease__hoof-and-mouth_disease  acute contagious disease of cloven-footed animals marked by ulcers in the mouth and around the hoofs
              subtype:  foot_rot  contagious degenerative infection of the feet of hoofed animals (especially cattle and sheep)
              subtype:  black_disease__blackdisease__sheep_rot__sheeprot__liver_rot__liverrot__distomatosis  a disease of the liver (especially in sheep and cattle) caused by liver flukes and their by-products
              subtype:  heaves__broken_wind  a chronic emphysema of the horse that causes difficult expiration and heaving of the flanks
              subtype:  red_water__redwater  a disease of cattle; characterized by hematuria
              subtype:  rhinotracheitis__rhinotracheiti  an respiratory infection of the nose and throat in cattle
              subtype:  rinderpest__cattle_plague  an acute infectious viral disease of cattle (usually fatal); characterized by fever and diarrhea and inflammation of mucous membranes
              subtype:  scours  diarrhea in livestock
              subtype:  bovine_spongiform_encephalitis__BSE__mad_cow_disease__madcowdisease  a fatal disease of cattle that affects the central nervous system; causes staggering and agitation
              subtype:  scrapie  a fatal disease of sheep characterized by chronic itching and loss of muscular control and progressive degeneration of the central nervous system
              subtype:  shipping_fever__shipping_pneumonia  a deadly form of septicemia in cattle and sheep; involves high fever and pneumonia; contracted under conditions of exposure or exhaustion (as often happens when the animals are shipped to market)
              subtype:  spavin  a swelling of the hock joint of a horse; resulting in lameness
                 subtype:  blood_spavin__bloodspavin  spavin caused by distension of the veins
                 subtype:  bog_spavin__bogspavin  spavin caused by collection of fluids
                 subtype:  bone_spavin  spavin caused by a bony growth
              subtype:  loco_disease__locoism  a disease of livestock caused by locoweed poisoning; characterized by weakness and lack of coordination and trembling and partial paralysis
              subtype:  mange  an persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair; affects domestic animals (and sometimes people)
              subtype:  moon_blindness__mooneye  recurrent eye inflammation in horses; sometimes resulting in blindness
              subtype:  murrain  any plaguelike disease of domestic animals
              subtype:  myxomatosis__myxomatosi  a viral disease (usually fatal) of rabbits
              subtype:  Newcastle_disease  disease of domestic fowl and other birds
              subtype:  pip.animal_disease  a disease of poultry
              subtype:  psittacosis__psittacosi__parrot_disease  infectious disease of birds
              subtype:  pullorum_disease__bacillary_white_diarrhea__bacillarywhitediarrhea__bacillary_white_diarrhoea__bacillarywhitediarrhoea  a serious bacterial disease of young chickens
              subtype:  saddle_sore.animal_disease__saddlesore__gall  an open sore on the back of a horse caused by ill-fitting or badly adjusted saddle
              subtype:  sand_crack  a fissure in the wall of a horse's hoof often causing lameness
                 subtype:  toe_crack__toecrack  a crack on the forepart of a horse's hindfoot
                 subtype:  quarter_crack__quartercrack  a crack on the inside of a horse's forefoot
              subtype:  sweating_sickness  a disease of cattle (especially calves)
              subtype:  Texas_fever  an infectious disease of cattle transmitted by the cattle tick
              subtype:  trembles__milk_sickness  disease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of snakeroot
              subtype:  zoonosis  an animal disease that can be transmitted to humans
                 subtype:  actinomycosis__actinomycosi  disease of cattle that can be transmitted to humans; results from infection with actinomycetes; characterized by hard swellings that exude pus through long sinuses
                    subtype:  cervicofacial_actinomycosis__cervicofacialactinomycosi__lumpy_jaw__lumpyjaw  the commonest and least severe form of actinomycosis; affects the face and neck regions
                    subtype:  thoracic_actinomycosis  a serious form of actinomycosis that affects the chest
                    subtype:  abdominal_actinomycosis__abdominalactinomycosi  a serious form of actinomycosis that affects the abdomen
                 subtype:  anthrax__splenic_fever__splenicfever  a highly infectious animal disease (especially cattle and sheep); it can be transmitted to people
                 subtype:  brucellosis__contagious_abortion__Bang's_disease  an infectious disease of domestic animals often resulting in spontaneous abortion; transmittable to human beings
                 subtype:  glanders  a destructive and contagious bacterial disease of horses that can be transmitted to humans
                 subtype:  Lyme_disease__Lyme_arthritis  an acute inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swelling and fever; caused by bacteria carried by the bite of a deer tick
                 subtype:  Marburg_disease__Marburg-ebola_disease__green_monkey_disease  a viral disease of green monkeys; when transmitted to humans it causes serious or fatal illness
                 subtype:  rabies__hydrophobia__madness  an acute viral disease of the nervous system of warm-blooded animals (usually transmitted by the bite of a rabid animal); rabies is fatal if the virus reaches the brain
                 subtype:  swamp_fever__swampfever__leptospirosis__leptospirosi  an infectious disease cause by leptospira and transmitted to humans from domestic animals; characterized by jaundice and fever
                    subtype:  canicola_fever  an acute feverish disease in people and in dogs marked by gastroenteritis and mild jaundice
                    subtype:  Weil's_disease  a severe form of leptospirosis in human beings
                 subtype:  tularemia__tularaemia__rabbit_fever__deer_fly_fever__yatobyo  disease of rodents (especially rabbits and squirrels) and sometimes transmitted to humans by ticks or flies or by handling infected animals
           subtype:  plant_disease__plantdisease  a disease that affects plants
              subtype:  blight  any plant disease resulting in withering without rotting
                 subtype:  alder_blight__alderblight  a disease of alders caused by the woolly alder aphid (a plant louse)
                 subtype:  apple_blight__appleblight__apple_canker__applecanker  a disease of apple trees
                 subtype:  beet_blight  a disease of beet plants
                 subtype:  blister_blight__blisterblight  a disease of tea plants
                 subtype:  blister_blight.blight__blisterblight  a disease of Scotch pines
                 subtype:  cane_blight  a disease affecting the canes of various bush fruits (e.g., raspberries or currants)
                 subtype:  chestnut_blight__chestnut_canker__chestnut-bark_disease  a disease of American chestnut trees
                 subtype:  coffee_blight  a blight affecting the coffee plant
                 subtype:  collar_blight  a disease affecting the trunks of pear and apple trees
                 subtype:  halo_spot__halo_blight__bean_blight  a blight of bean plants
                 subtype:  halo_blight  a blight affecting the leaves of oats and other grasses
                 subtype:  head_blight  a blight of the heads of cereals
                    subtype:  wheat_scab__wheatscab  a disease of the heads of wheat plants
                 subtype:  late_blight  blight in which symptoms appear late in the growing season especially a disease of solanaceous plants caused by the fungus Phytophthora infestans
                    subtype:  celery_blight  a fungous leaf spot disease of the celery plant
                 subtype:  leaf_blight  any blight causing a browning and falling of the leaves of a plant
                    subtype:  fire_blight__pear_blight  a disease blackening the leaves of pear and apple trees
                       subtype:  blight_canker  a phase of fire blight in which cankers appear
                    subtype:  needle_blight__needle_cast__leaf_cast  a disease of conifers causing the needles to fall
                 subtype:  peach_blight__peachblight  a disease of trees bearing drupes
                 subtype:  potato_blight__potato_mold__potato_disease__potato_mildew__potato_murrain  a blight of potatoes
                 subtype:  rim_blight__rimblight  a disease of tea plants
                 subtype:  spinach_blight__spinachblight  a disease of spinach plants
                 subtype:  spur_blight  a disease of raspberries
                 subtype:  stem_blight  a fungous blight attacking the stems of plants
                 subtype:  stripe_blight  a disease of oats
                 subtype:  thread_blight  a disease of tropical woody plants(cocoa or tea or citrus)
                 subtype:  tomato_blight__tomato_yellows  a disease of tomato plants
                 subtype:  twig_blight  a disease of the ends of twigs of woody plants
                 subtype:  walnut_blight  a disease of English walnut trees
              subtype:  rust  a reddish-brown discoloration of leaves and stems caused by a rust fungus
                 subtype:  white_pine_blister_rust__whitepineblisterrust__blister_rust__blisterrust__white-pine_rust__whitepinerust  any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally
              subtype:  blackheart  any of various diseases in which the central tissues blacken
              subtype:  black_knot__blackknot  disease of plum and cherry trees characterized by black excrescences on the branches
              subtype:  black_rot__blackrot  a fungous disease causing darkening and decay of the leaves of fruits and vegetables
              subtype:  black_spot__blackspot  any of several fungous diseases of plants that produce small black spots on the plant
              subtype:  bottom_rot  fungous disease of lettuce that first rots lower leaves and spreads upward
              subtype:  brown_rot__brownrot  any of certain fungous diseases of plants characterized by browning and decay of tissues
                 subtype:  brown_rot_gummosis__gummosis  disease of citrus trees caused by the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora
                 subtype:  ring_rot__ring_disease__tobacco_wilt__tobaccowilt  disease of tomatoes and potatoes and tobacco etc caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas solanacearum
              subtype:  gummosis  pathological production of gummy exudates in citrus and various stone-fruit trees
              subtype:  cotton_ball  a fungus disease of cranberries
              subtype:  crown_gall__crowngall  a bacterial disease of plants (especially pome and stone fruits and grapes and roses) which forms excrescences on the stem near the ground
                 subtype:  hairy_root__hairyroot  a phase of crown gall (especially in apples) during which there is abnormal development of fine fibrous roots
              subtype:  crown_wart__crownwart  a fungous disease of alfalfa which forms white excrescences at the base of the stem
              subtype:  damping_off__dampingoff  a plant disease caused by a fungus; diseased condition of seedlings in excessive moisture
              subtype:  dieback  a disease of plants characterized by the gradual dying of the young shoots starting at the tips and progressing to the larger branches
              subtype:  dry_rot.plant_disease__dryrot  a crumbling and drying of timber or bulbs or potatoes or fruit caused by a fungus
              subtype:  heartrot  any plant disease in which the central part of a plant rots (especially in trees)
              subtype:  mosaic.plant_disease  viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes; potatoes; tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves
                 subtype:  potato_mosaic  a disease of the leaves of potato plants
                 subtype:  tobacco_mosaic__tobaccomosaic  a plant disease causing discoloration of the leaves of tobacco plants
              subtype:  rhizoctinia_disease__rhizoctiniadisease  disease caused by rhizoctinia or fungi of Pellicularia and Corticium
                 subtype:  little_potato__rosette__russet_scab__stem_canker  rhizoctinia disease of potatoes
              subtype:  pink_disease  serious bark disease of many tropical crop trees (coffee; citrus; rubber); branches have a covering of pink hyphae
              subtype:  potato_wart  fungous disease causing dark warty spongy excrescences in the eyes of potato tubers
              subtype:  root_rot  disease characterized by root decay; caused by various fungi
              subtype:  sweet-potato_ring_rot  disease of sweet potatoes in which roots are girdled by rings of dry rot
              subtype:  sclerotium_disease__sclerotium_rot  plant disease cause by fungi of the genus Sclerotium; also one in which sclerotia are formed
              subtype:  Dutch_elm_disease  disease of elms caused by a fungus
              subtype:  ergot  a plant disease caused by the ergot fungus
              subtype:  foot_rot.plant_disease__footrot  plant disease in which the stem or trunk rots at the base
              subtype:  pinkroot  a fungal disease of onions
              subtype:  wilt_disease__wilt  any plant disease characterized by drooping and shriveling; usually caused by parasites attacking the roots
                 subtype:  granville_wilt__granvillewilt  a bacterial wilt of tobacco plants
                 subtype:  fusarium_wilt  caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium
                 subtype:  verticilliosis  caused by soil-borne fungi of the genus Verticillium
              subtype:  smut  destructive diseases of plants (especially cereal grasses) caused by fungi that produce black powdery masses of spores
                 subtype:  loose_smut.smut__loosesmut  disease of grains; the entire head is a dusty mass of spores
                 subtype:  stinking_smut__bunt  disease of wheat characterized by replacement of the grains with greasy masses of smelly smut spores
                 subtype:  flag_smut  smut affecting leaves and stems of cereals and other grasses
                 subtype:  green_smut__greensmut__false_smut__falsesmut  disease of rice; grains covered by a green powder consisting of conidia
              subtype:  soft_rot  mushy or slimy decay of plants caused by bacteria or fungi
                 subtype:  leak.soft_rot  soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi
              subtype:  yellow_dwarf  any of several virus diseases of plants characterized by stunting and yellowing of the leaves
                 subtype:  yellow_dwarf_of_potato__potato_yellow_dwarf  the yellow dwarf disease of potato plants
                 subtype:  onion_yellow_dwarf  the yellow dwarf disease of onion plants
              subtype:  yellow_spot  any of several fungous or viral diseases characterized by yellow spotting on the leaves
                 subtype:  tomato_streak  disease of a wide range of plants (tomatoes; potatoes; peas) resulting from a mixed infection of potato and tomato mosaic
           subtype:  ozena__ozaena  a chronic disease of the nose characterized by a foul-smelling nasal discharge and atrophy of nasal structures
           subtype:  filariasis  a disease caused by nematodes in the blood or tissues of the body causing blockage of lymphatic vessels
        subtype:  hypermotility  excessive movement; especially excessive motility of the gastrointestinal tract
        subtype:  indisposition  a slight illness
        subtype:  ozone_sickness  illness that can occur to persons exposed to ozone in high-altitude aircraft; characterized by sleepiness and headache and chest pains and itchiness
        subtype:  toxemia_of_pregnancy__toxaemia_of_pregnancy__toxemia__toxaemia  an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and edema and protein in the urine
           subtype:  eclampsia  a toxic condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy
           subtype:  preeclampsia__pre-eclampsia__preeclampsia  abnormal state of pregnancy characterized by hypertension and fluid retention and albuminuria; can lead to eclampsia if untreated
        subtype:  growth.illness  (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)
           subtype:  exostosis__exostosi  a benign outgrowth from a bone (usually covered with cartilage)
           subtype:  polypus__polyp  a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane
              subtype:  adenomatous_polyp__adenomatouspolyp  a polyp that consists of benign neoplastic tissue derived from glandular epithelium; "adenomatous polyps are visible protrusions that can develop on the mucosal surface of the colon or rectum"
              subtype:  sessile_polyp__sessilepolyp  a relatively flat polyp
              subtype:  pedunculated_polyp  a polyp with a stalk or peduncle
           subtype:  peduncle.growth  the thin process of tissue that attaches a polyp to the body
           subtype:  tumor__tumour__neoplasm  an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose
              subtype:  acanthoma__skin_tumor  a neoplasm originating in the epidermis
                 subtype:  keratoacanthoma  skin tumor that grows rapidly (especially in older people) and resembles a carcinoma but does not spread; it usually disappears spontaneously, often leaving a scar
              subtype:  adenoma  a benign epithelial tumor of glandular origin
                 subtype:  fibroadenoma  benign and movable and firm and not tender tumor of the breast; common in young women and caused by high levels of estrogen
              subtype:  angioma  a tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels
                 subtype:  hemangioma__haemangioma  benign angioma consisting of a mass of blood vessels; some appear as birthmarks
                    subtype:  strawberry_hemangioma__strawberry_haemangioma  a congenital bright red superficial vascular tumor resembling a strawberry; tends to decrease in size during childhood
                 subtype:  lymphangioma  benign angioma consisting of a mass of lymphatic vessels
                 subtype:  spider_angioma__spider_nevus__vascular_spider  a dilation of superficial capillaries with a central red dot from which blood vessels radiate
              subtype:  benign_tumor__benign_tumour__nonmalignant_tumor__nonmalignant_tumout__nonmalignant_neoplasm  a tumor that is not cancerous
                 subtype:  chondroma  a common benign tumor of cartilage cells
                 subtype:  myxoma  a benign tumor of connective tissue containing jellylike material
                 subtype:  osteoblastoma  benign tumor of bone and fibrous tissue; occurs in the vertebrae or femur or tibia or arm bones (especially in young adults)
                 subtype:  osteochondroma  benign tumor containing both bone and cartilage; usually occurs near the end of a long bone
              subtype:  blastoma__blastocytoma__embryonal_carcinosarcoma__embryonalcarcinosarcoma  a tumor composed of immature undifferentiated cells
              subtype:  brain_tumor__braintumor__brain_tumour__braintumour  a tumor in the brain
                 subtype:  glioblastoma__spongioblastoma  a fast-growing malignant brain tumor composed of spongioblasts; nearly always fatal
                 subtype:  glioma  a tumor of the brain consisting of neuroglia
              subtype:  carcinoid  a small tumor (benign or malignant) arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; usually associated with excessive secretion of serotonin
              subtype:  celioma  an abdominal tumor
              subtype:  enchondroma  benign slow-growing tumor of cartilaginous cells at the ends of tubular bones (especially in the hands and feet)
              subtype:  fibroma  nonmalignant tumor of connective tissue
                 subtype:  fibroid_tumor__fibroidtumor  benign tumor containing fibrous tissue (especially in the uterus)
              subtype:  granuloma  a tumor composed of granulation tissue resulting from injury or inflammation or infection
                 subtype:  gumma  a small rubbery granuloma that is characteristic of an advanced stage of syphilis
              subtype:  lipoma__adipose_tumor__adiposetumor  a tumor consisting of fatty tissue
              subtype:  malignant_tumor__malignanttumor__malignant_neoplasm__malignantneoplasm__metastatic_tumor  a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts of the body
              subtype:  meningioma  a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant
              subtype:  myeloma  a tumor of the bone marrow (usually malignant) composed of cells normally found in bone marrow
                 subtype:  multiple_myeloma  myeloma that develops in several places at the same time
              subtype:  myoma  a benign tumor composed of muscle tissue
                 subtype:  leiomyoma  benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestive tract)
                 subtype:  rhabdomyoma  benign rumor of striated muscle
              subtype:  neurinoma  tumor (usually benign) of the sheath surrounding a nerve
              subtype:  neuroblastoma  malignant tumor containing embryonic nerve cells; usually metastasizes quickly
              subtype:  neuroepithelioma  malignant tumor of the neuroepithelium
              subtype:  neurofibroma__neurilemoma  tumor of the fibrous covering of a peripheral nerve
              subtype:  neuroma  any tumor derived from cells of the nervous system
              subtype:  osteoma  a tumor of bone tissue
              subtype:  papilloma__villoma__papillary_tumor__papillarytumor__papillary_tumour__papillarytumour  a benign epithelial tumor forming a rounded mass
              subtype:  pheochromocytoma__phaeochromocytoma  a vascular tumor of the adrenal gland; hypersecretion of epinephrine results in intermittent or sustained hypertension
              subtype:  pinealoma  tumor of the pineal gland
              subtype:  plasmacytoma  neoplasm of plasma cells (usually in bone marrow)
              subtype:  psammoma__sand_tumor  a tumor derived from fibrous tissue of the meninges or choroid plexus or certain other structures associated with the brain; characterized by sand-like particles
              subtype:  teratoma  a tumor consisting of a mixture of tissues not normally found at that site
           subtype:  hamartoma  a focal growth that resembles a neoplasm but results from faulty development in an organ
     subtype:  invalidism  chronic ill health
     subtype:  biliousness  gastric distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gall bladder
     subtype:  infection  invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms causing inflammation
        subtype:  enterobiasis  an infestation with or a resulting infection caused by the pinworm Enterobius vermicularis; occurs especially in children
        subtype:  felon__whitlow  a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail
        subtype:  focal_infection__focalinfection  bacterial infection limited to a specific organ or region especially one causing symptoms elsewhere
        subtype:  fungal_infection__mycosis__mycosi  an inflammatory condition caused by a fungus
           subtype:  blastomycosis__blastomycosi  any of several infections of the skin or mucous membrane caused by Blastomyces
              subtype:  chromoblastomycosis__chromoblastomycosi  a fungal infection characterized by itchy warty nodules on the skin
           subtype:  tinea__ringworm__roundworm  infections of the skin or nails caused by fungi and appearing as itching circular patches
              subtype:  dhobi_itch__dhobiitch  fungal infection attacking moist parts of the body
              subtype:  kerion  ringworm infection of the hair follicles of the scalp and beard that is usually results in a pustule-covered swelling that oozes fluid
              subtype:  tinea_pedis__tineapedi__athlete's_foot__athlete'sfoot  fungal infection of the feet
              subtype:  tinea_barbae__tineabarbae__barber's_itch  fungal infection of the face and neck
              subtype:  tinea_capitis__tineacapiti  fungal infection of the scalp characterized by bald patches
              subtype:  tinea_corporis  fungal infection of nonhairy parts of the skin
              subtype:  tinea_cruris__jock_itch__eczema_marginatum  fungal infection of the groin (most common in men)
              subtype:  tinea_unguium__tineaunguium  fungal infection of the nails (especially toenails)
           subtype:  coccidioidomycosis__coccidiomycosis__valley_fever__desert_rheumatism  an infection of the lungs and skin characterized by excessive sputum and nodules
           subtype:  cryptococcosis  a fungal infection characterized by nodular lesions--first in the lungs and spreading to the nervous system
           subtype:  candidiasis__candidiasi__moniliasis__monilia_disease__moniliadisease  an infection caused by fungi of the genus Monilia or Candida (especially Candida albicans)
              subtype:  thrush.candidiasis  candidiasis of the oral cavity; seen mostly in infants or debilitated adults
           subtype:  dermatomycosis__dermatophytosis__dermatophytosi  fungal infection of the skin (especially of moist parts covered by clothing)
           subtype:  favus__favu  a contagious fungal infection of the scalp; occurs mainly in Africa and the Middle East
           subtype:  keratomycosis__keratomycosi  fungal infection of the cornea
           subtype:  phycomycosis  any fungal infection caused by fungi of the Phycomycetes group
           subtype:  sporotrichosis  a chronic fungal infection of the skin and lymph nodes
           subtype:  rhinosporidiosis  fungal infection of the nose; often acquired while swimming
        subtype:  opportunistic_infection__opportunisticinfection  any infection caused by a microorganism that does not normally cause disease in humans; occurs in persons with abnormally functioning immune systems (as AIDS patients or transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs)
           subtype:  aspergillosis.opportunistic_infection__aspergillosi  an opportunistic infection by a fungus of the genus Aspergillus; characterized by inflammation and lesions of the ear and other organs
        subtype:  paronychia  infection in the tissues adjacent to a nail on a finger or toe
        subtype:  protozoal_infection__protozoalinfection  any infection caused by a protozoan
           subtype:  malaria  an infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito; marked by paroxysms of chills and fever
              subtype:  blackwater_fever  severe and often fatal malaria characterized by kidney damage resulting in dark urine
              subtype:  jungle_fever  severe form of malaria occurring in tropical regions
           subtype:  amebiasis__amebiasi__amoebiasis__amebiosis__amebiosi__amoebiosis  infection by a disease-causing ameba
              subtype:  amebic_dysentery__amoebic_dysentery__amoebicdysentery  inflammation of the intestines caused by Endamoeba histolytica; usually acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with feces; characterized by severe diarrhea
           subtype:  giardiasis  infection of the intestines with protozoa found in contaminated food and water; characterized by diarrhea and nausea and flatulence and abdominal discomfort
           subtype:  leishmaniasis__leishmaniasi__leishmaniosis__leishmaniosi  sores resulting from a tropical infection by protozoa of the genus Leishmania
              subtype:  visceral_leishmaniasis__kala-azar__Assam_fever__dumdum_fever  leishmaniasis of the viscera
              subtype:  cutaneous_leishmaniasis__Old_World_leishmaniasis__oriental_sore__tropical_sore__Delhi_boil__Aleppo_boil  leishmaniasis of the skin; characterized by ulcerative skin lesions
              subtype:  mucocutaneous_leishmaniasis__mucocutaneousleishmaniasi__New_World_leishmaniasis__newworldleishmaniasi__American_leishmaniasis__leishmaniasis_americana__leishmaniasisamericana__nasopharyngeal_leishmaniasis  a form of leishmaniasis endemic in Mexico and Central American and South America; sores are limited to the skin and mucosa
           subtype:  trichomoniasis  infection of the vagina
        subtype:  respiratory_tract_infection__respiratorytractinfection__respiratory_infection__respiratoryinfection  any infection of the respiratory tract
           subtype:  lower_respiratory_infection__lowerrespiratoryinfection  infection of the lower respiratory tract
           subtype:  upper_respiratory_infection__upperrespiratoryinfection  infection of the upper respiratory tract
        subtype:  scabies__itch  a contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite; characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation; "he has a bad case of the itch"
        subtype:  schistosomiasis__schistosomiasi__bilharzia__bilharziasis  an infestation with or a resulting infection caused by a parasite of the genus Schistosoma; common in the tropics and Far East; symptoms depend on the part of the body infected
        subtype:  sepsis  the presence of pus-forming bacteria or their toxins in the blood or tissues
           subtype:  blood_poisoning__bloodpoisoning__septicemia__septicaemia  invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection
           subtype:  sapremia__sapraemia  blood poisoning caused by putrefactive bacteria; results from eating putrified matter
        subtype:  sore  an open skin infection
           subtype:  blain  an inflammatory swelling or sore
              subtype:  chilblain__chilblains__pernio  inflammation of the hands and feet caused by exposure to cold and moisture
                 subtype:  kibe  ulcerated chilblain on the heel
           subtype:  chancre  a small hard painless nodule at the site of entry of a pathogen (as syphilis)
           subtype:  fester__suppurating_sore__suppuratingsore  a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus
           subtype:  gall.sore  a skin sore caused by chafing
              subtype:  saddle_sore  sore on a horseback rider chafed by a saddle
        subtype:  staphylococcal_infection  an infection with Staphylococcus bacteria; usually marked by abscess formation
           subtype:  furuncle__boil  a painful sore with a hard pus-filled core
              subtype:  gumboil  a boil or abscess on the gums
           subtype:  carbuncle  an infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus
        subtype:  streptococcal_sore_throat__strep_throat__strepthroat__streptococcustonsiliti__septic_sore_throat__throat_infection  an infection of the oral pharynx and tonsils by streptococcus
        subtype:  sty__stye__hordeolum__eye_infection__eyeinfection  an infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid
        subtype:  superinfection  infection that occurs while you are being treated for another infection
        subtype:  suprainfection  secondary infection caused by an opportunistic infection
        subtype:  tapeworm_infection  intestinal infection by a species of parasitic tapeworm; usually the result of eating inadequately cooked meat or fish
        subtype:  lockjaw__tetanus__tetanu  an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages
        subtype:  toxoplasmosis__toxoplasmosi  infection caused by parasites transmitted to humans from infected cats; if contracted by a pregnant woman it can result in serious damage to the fetus
        subtype:  viral_infection__viralinfection__virus_infection__virusinfection  infection by a virus that is pathogenic to humans
           subtype:  hemorrhagic_fever__hemorrhagicfever__haemorrhagic_fever  a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area); fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage
           subtype:  herpangia  a viral infection (usually in children) marked by sore throat and fever and papules in the mouth and throat and headache and abdominal pain; usually subsides in a short time
           subtype:  Rift_Valley_fever  a viral infection common in Africa; transmitted by mosquitoes or by handling infected animals
           subtype:  viral_pneumonia__viralpneumonia  pneumonia caused by a virus
     subtype:  heatstroke__heat_hyperpyrexia  collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat
        subtype:  heat_exhaustion__heat_prostration__prostration  a condition marked by dizziness and nausea and weakness caused by depletion of body fluids and electrolytes
        subtype:  sunstroke__insolation__thermic_fever__thermicfever__siriasis  sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat
     subtype:  pathology  any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
        subtype:  acidosis  abnormally high acidity (excess hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
           subtype:  ketoacidosis__diabetic_acidosis  acidosis with an accumulation of ketone bodies; occurs primarily in diabetes mellitus
           subtype:  metabolic_acidosis  acidosis and bicarbonate concentration in the body fluids resulting either from the accumulation of acids or the abnormal loss of bases from the body (as in diarrhea or renal disease)
           subtype:  respiratory_acidosis__carbon_dioxide_acidosis  acidosis resulting from reduced gas exchange in the lungs (as in emphysema or pneumonia); excess carbon dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid which increases the acidity of the blood
           subtype:  starvation_acidosis  acidosis in which the acidity results from lack of food which leads to fat catabolism which in turn releases acidic ketone bodies
        subtype:  alkalosis__alkalosi  abnormally high alkalinity (low hydrogen-ion concentration) of the blood and other body tissues
           subtype:  metabolic_alkalosis__metabolicalkalosi  alkalosis resulting from hydrogen-ion loss or excessive intake of alkaline substances
           subtype:  respiratory_alkalosis__respiratoryalkalosi  alkalosis resulting from increased gas exchange in the lungs (as in hyperventilation associated with extreme anxiety or aspirin intoxication or metabolic acidosis)
        subtype:  ankylosis__ankylosi__anchylosis  abnormal adhesion and rigidity of the bones of a joint
        subtype:  arteriectasis__arteriectasi__arteriectasia  an abnormal distension of an artery
        subtype:  asynergy__asynergia  absence of coordination of organs or body parts that usually work together harmoniously
        subtype:  asystole__cardiac_arrest__cardiacarrest__cardiopulmonary_arrest__cardiopulmonaryarrest  absence of systole; failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract (usually caused by ventricular fibrillation) with consequent absence of the heart beat leading to oxygen lack and eventually to death
        subtype:  diverticulosis  presence of diverticula in the walls of the colon
        subtype:  flux.pathology  excessive discharge of liquid from a cavity or organ (as in watery diarrhea)
        subtype:  fluorosis__fluorosi  a pathological condition resulting for an excessive intake of fluorine (usually from drinking water)
        subtype:  gammopathy  a disturbance in the synthesis of immunoglobulins; proteins having antibody activity increase greatly in the blood
        subtype:  glossolalia  repetitive nonsense speech
        subtype:  angiopathy  any disease of the blood vessels or lymph ducts
           subtype:  angioma  a tumor consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels
           subtype:  angiitis  inflammation of a blood vessel or lymph duct
        subtype:  idiopathic_disease__idiopathy  any disease of unknown cause
        subtype:  aphagia  loss of the ability to swallow
        subtype:  stenosis__stricture  abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway
           subtype:  aortic_stenosis  abnormal narrowing of the aortic valve
           subtype:  enterostenosis  abnormal narrowing of the intestine
           subtype:  Laryngostenosis  abnormal narrowing of the larynx
           subtype:  pulmonary_stenosis  abnormal narrowing of the opening into the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle
           subtype:  pyloric_stenosis  narrowing of the pyloric sphincter that blocks the passage of food from the stomach into the duodenum
           subtype:  rhinostenosis__rhinostenosi  narrowing of the passages in the nasal cavities
           subtype:  mitral_stenosis__mitral_valve_stenosis  obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
           subtype:  ureterostenosis__ureterostenosi  stenosis of the ureter
        subtype:  atherogenesis__atherogenesi  the formation of atheromas on the walls of the arteries as in atherosclerosis
        subtype:  ascites__ascite  accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity
        subtype:  azymia  absence of an enzyme
        subtype:  bacteremia__bacteriemia__bacteriaemia  transient presence of bacteria (or other microorganisms) in the blood
        subtype:  sclerosis__sclerosi__induration  any pathological hardening or thickening of tissue
           subtype:  disseminated_multiple_sclerosis__multiple_sclerosis__MS__disseminated_sclerosis  a chronic progressive nervous disorder involving loss of myelin sheath around certain nerve fibers
           subtype:  amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis__amyotrophiclateralsclerosi__ALS__Lou_Gehrig's_disease  thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
           subtype:  arteriolosclerosis  sclerosis of the arterioles
           subtype:  arteriosclerosis__arterial_sclerosis__hardening_of_the_arteries__induration_of_the_arteries__coronary-artery_disease  sclerosis of the arterial walls
              subtype:  atherosclerosis__atherosclerosi__coronary_artery_disease  a stage of arteriosclerosis involving fatty deposits (atheromas) inside the arterial walls
              subtype:  arteriosclerosis_obliterans  a stage of arteriosclerosis involving closure of blood vessels
           subtype:  osteosclerosis  abnormal hardening or eburnation of bone
        subtype:  lipomatosis__lipomatosi  pathology in which fat accumulates in lipomas in the body
        subtype:  lithiasis__lithiasi  the formation of stones (calculi) in an internal organ
           subtype:  cholelithiasis  the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
           subtype:  enterolithiasis__enterolithiasi  the presence of calculi in the intestines
           subtype:  nephrolithiasis__renal_lithiasis  the presence of kidney stones (calculi) in the kidney
              subtype:  nephrocalcinosis  renal lithiasis in which calcium deposits form in the renal parenchyma and result in reduced kidney function and blood in the urine
        subtype:  cartilaginification  abnormal formation of cartilage from other tissues; observed in some Orientals
        subtype:  cyst  a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure
           subtype:  dermoid_cyst__dermoidcyst  a cystic tumor (usually benign) with an epithelium-lined wall and a cavity containing other material
           subtype:  galactocele  a cystic tumor containing milk or a milky substance (especially in the mammary glands)
           subtype:  hemorrhagic_cyst__hemorrhagiccyst__blood_cyst__bloodcyst__hematocyst  a cyst containing blood
              subtype:  cephalhematoma__cephalohematoma  a collection of blood under the scalp of a newborn; caused by pressure during birth
           subtype:  hydatid  cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm larvae (as in echinococcosis)
           subtype:  nabothian_cyst__nabothiancyst__nabothian_follicle__nabothianfollicle  a cyst that forms in the nabothian glands of the uterine cervix
           subtype:  ovarian_cyst__ovariancyst  a cystic tumor (usually benign) of the ovary
           subtype:  ranula  a cyst on the underside of the tongue
           subtype:  sebaceous_cyst__sebaceouscyst__pilar_cyst__pilarcyst__wen__steatocystoma  a common cyst of the skin; filled with fatty matter (sebum) that is secreted by a sebaceous gland that has been blocked
              subtype:  chalazion__Meibomian_cyst  a small sebaceous cyst of the eyelid resulting when a Meibomian gland is blocked
        subtype:  endometriosis__endometriosi__adenomyosis__adenomyosi  the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus; causes premenstrual pain and dysmenorrhea
        subtype:  adhesion  abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen
           subtype:  symphysis.adhesion__symphysi  an abnormal adhesion of two or more structures
           subtype:  synechia  adhesions between the iris and the lens or cornea resulting from trauma or eye surgery of as a complication of glaucoma or cataract; can lead to blindness
              subtype:  anterior_synechia  adhesion between the iris and the cornea
              subtype:  posterior_synechia__posteriorsynechia  adhesion between the iris and the lens
        subtype:  hemochromatosis__hemochromatosi__iron-storage_disease__iron_overload__bronzed_diabetes  pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues; characterized by bronzed skin and enlarged liver and diabetes mellitus and abnormalities of the pancreas and the joints
           subtype:  classic_hemochromatosis__classichemochromatosi__idiopathichemochromatosi  inherited form of hemochromatosis
           subtype:  acquired_hemochromatosis  hemochromatosis resulting from repeated transfusions or from excessive intake of foods containing iron
        subtype:  infarct__infarction  localized necrosis resulting from obstruction of the blood supply
           subtype:  myocardial_infarction__myocardial_infarct__MI  destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle
        subtype:  macrocytosis  the presence of macrocytes in the blood
        subtype:  fibrosis  development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ
           subtype:  cystic_fibrosis__fibrocystic_disease_of_the_pancreas__pancreatic_fibrosis__mucoviscidosis  a congenital disease in which the pancreas and lungs and intestines become clogged with mucus
           subtype:  myelofibrosis__myelofibrosi  fibrosis of the bone marrow
        subtype:  malacia  a state of abnormal softening of tissue
           subtype:  osteomalacia  abnormal softening of bones caused by deficiencies of phosphorus or calcium or vitamin D
        subtype:  neuropathy  any pathology of the peripheral nerves
           subtype:  mononeuropathy  any neuropathy of a single nerve trunk
           subtype:  multiple_mononeuropathy  pathology of several individual nerve trunks
        subtype:  myopathy  any pathology of the muscles that is not attributable to nerve dysfunction
        subtype:  osteoporosis  abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones attributable to a lack of calcium; most common in postmenopausal women
        subtype:  priapism  condition in which the penis is continually erect; usually painful and seldom with sexual arousal
        subtype:  demineralization__demineralisation  abnormal loss of mineral salts (especially from bone)
        subtype:  pyorrhea__pyorrhoea  discharge of pus
        subtype:  uremia__uraemia__azotemia__azotaemia  accumulation in the blood of nitrogen-bearing waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine
        subtype:  azoturia  excess of urea in the urine
        subtype:  lesion  any visible abnormal structural change in a bodily part
           subtype:  tubercle  a swelling that is the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis
           subtype:  ulcer__ulceration  a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue
              subtype:  aphthous_ulcer  a blister on the mucous membranes of the lips or mouth or gastrointestinal tract
              subtype:  bedsore__pressure_sore__decubitus_ulcer__decubitusulcer  a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients)
              subtype:  chancroid  infectious venereal ulcer
              subtype:  peptic_ulcer__peptic_ulceration  an ulcer of the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary tract
                 subtype:  duodenal_ulcer  a peptic ulcer of the duodenum
                 subtype:  gastric_ulcer__gastriculcer  a peptic ulcer of the stomach
              subtype:  canker  an ulceration (especially of the lips or living of the mouth)
              subtype:  noli-me-tangere  a cancerous ulcer of soft tissue and bone
              subtype:  noma  acute ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals; often seen in undernourished children
        subtype:  gangrene__sphacelus__slough  necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
        subtype:  hyperbilirubinemia  abnormally high amounts of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
           subtype:  hyperbilirubinemia_of_the_newborn__neonatal_hyperbilirubinemia  a common disorder that is usually due to immaturity of the liver; usually subsides spontaneously
        subtype:  palilalia  a pathological condition in which a word is rapidly and involuntarily repeated
        subtype:  reflux  an abnormal backward flow of body fluids
           subtype:  gastroesophageal_reflux__esophageal_reflux__oesophageal_reflux__oesophagealreflux  reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
           subtype:  hepatojugular_reflux__hepatojugularreflux  a venous reflux occurring in congestive heart failure
           subtype:  ureterorenal_reflux  a backflow of urine from the ureter into the renal pelvis
           subtype:  vesicoureteral_reflux  a backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter
        subtype:  otorrhea  discharge from the external ear
        subtype:  rhinopathy  any disease or malformation of the nose
           subtype:  rhinostenosis__rhinostenosi  narrowing of the passages in the nasal cavities
           subtype:  rhinophyma__hypertrophic_rosacea__toper's_nose__toper'snose__brandy_nose__rum_nose__rumnose__rum-blossom__rumblossom__potato_nose__hammer_nose__copper_nose  enlargement of the nose with dilation of follicles and redness and prominent vascularity of the skin; often associated with excessive consumption of alcohol
           subtype:  rhinosporidiosis  fungal infection of the nose; often acquired while swimming
        subtype:  hydronephrosis  accumulation of urine in the kidney because of an obstruction in the ureter
        subtype:  atelectasis  collapse of an expanded lung (especially in infants); also failure of pulmonary alveoli to expand at birth
        subtype:  anoxemia  abnormally low oxygen content in arterial blood
        subtype:  coprolalia  an uncontrollable use of obscene language; often accompanied by mental disorders
        subtype:  autoimmunity  production of antibodies against the tissues of your own body; produces autoimmune disease or hypersensitivity reactions
        subtype:  dysfunction  (medical) any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part
           subtype:  erectile_dysfunction__male_erecticle_dysfunction__ED  impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis
           subtype:  paralysis__paralysi__palsy  loss of the ability to move a body part
              subtype:  akinesis__akinesia  motionlessness attributable to a temporary paralysis
              subtype:  alalia  paralysis of the vocal cords resulting in an inability to speak
              subtype:  cystoplegia__cystoparalysis  paralysis of the urinary bladder
              subtype:  diplegia  paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body
              subtype:  Erb's_palsy__Erb-Duchenne_paralysis  paralysis of the arm resulting from injury to the brachial plexus (usually during childbirth)
              subtype:  monoplegia  paralysis of a single limb
              subtype:  ophthalmoplegia  paralysis of the motor nerves of the eye
              subtype:  paresis__paresi  a slight or partial paralysis
                 subtype:  paraparesis__paraparesi  a slight paralysis or weakness of both legs
              subtype:  paraplegia  paralysis of the lower half of the body (most often as a result of trauma)
              subtype:  hemiplegia__unilateral_paralysis  paralysis of one side of the body
              subtype:  quadriplegia  paralysis of both arms and both legs
        subtype:  sarcoidosis__sarcoidosi  a chronic disease of unknown cause marked by the formation of nodules in the lungs and liver and lymph glands and salivary glands
        subtype:  carotenemia  excess carotene in the blood stream; can cause the skin to turn a pale yellow-red color
        subtype:  stasis.pathology  an abnormal state in which the normal flow of a liquid (such as blood) is slowed or stopped
        subtype:  uropathy  any pathology of the urinary tract
           subtype:  kidney_disease__renal_disorder__renaldisorder__nephropathy__nephrosis  a disease affecting the kidneys
              subtype:  nephritis__Bright's_disease  an inflammation of the kidney
                 subtype:  glomerulonephritis  nephritis marked by inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney; characterized by decreased production of urine and by the presence of blood and protein in the urine and by edema
              subtype:  nephrosclerosis__nephrosclerosi__nephroangiosclerosis  kidney disease that is usually associated with hypertension; sclerosis of the renal arterioles reduces blood flow that can lead to kidney failure and heart failure
              subtype:  polycystic_kidney_disease__PKD  kidney disease characterized by enlarged kidneys containing many cysts; often leads to kidney failure
              subtype:  polyuria  renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine; often associated with diabetes
              subtype:  renal_failure__renalfailure__kidney_failure  inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance
                 subtype:  acute_renal_failure__acuterenalfailure__acute_kidney_failure  renal failure associated with burns or other trauma or with acute infection or obstruction of the urinary tract
                 subtype:  chronic_renal_failure__chronicrenalfailure__chronic_kidney_failure  renal failure that can result from a variety of systemic disorders
              subtype:  renal_insufficiency__renalinsufficiency  insufficient excretion of wastes by the kidneys
        subtype:  varicosis__varicosi  pathological condition of being varicose or having varicose veins
        subtype:  viremia__viraemia  the presence of a virus in the blood stream; "viremia spread the smallpox virus to the internal organs"
        subtype:  volvulus  abnormal twisting of the intestines (usually in the are of the ileum or sigmoid colon) resulting in intestinal obstruction
     subtype:  affliction.ill_health  a condition of suffering or distress due to ill health
        subtype:  deformity__malformation__misshapenness__misshapennes  an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed
           subtype:  Arnold-Chiari_deformity  deformity in which part of the brain protrudes through the skull
           subtype:  clawfoot__pes_cavus__pescavu  a deformity of the foot characterized by an abnormally high arch and hyperextension of the toes which gives the foot the appearance of a claw
           subtype:  cleft_foot__cleftfoot  a deformity in which the space between the third and fourth toes extends up into the foot
           subtype:  clubfoot__talipes__talipe  congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes
              subtype:  talipes_valgus  deformity of the foot in which the foot is twisted outward
              subtype:  talipes_equinus__talipesequinu  talipes in which the toes are pointed downward
              subtype:  talipes_calcaneus__talipescalcaneu  talipes in which the toes are pointed upward and the person walks on the heel of the foot
           subtype:  pigeon_breast__chicken_breast__chickenbreast  abnormal protrusion of the breastbone caused by rickets
           subtype:  plagiocephaly  congenital malformation of the skull in which the main axis of the skull is oblique
           subtype:  scaphocephaly  congenital malformation of the skull which is long and narrow; frequently accompanied by mental retardation
     subtype:  harm__injury__hurt__trauma  any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
        subtype:  bleeding__hemorrhage__haemorrhage  flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessels
           subtype:  hemorrhagic_stroke__hemorrhagicstroke__haemorrhagic_stroke  stroke caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain
           subtype:  cerebral_hemorrhage  bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain
           subtype:  blood_extravasation__bloodextravasation  the leakage of blood from a vessel into tissues surrounding it; can occur in injuries or burns or allergic reactions
           subtype:  hyphema  bleeding into the interior chamber of the eye
           subtype:  metrorrhagia  bleeding from the uterus that is not due to menstruation; usually indicative of disease (as cervical cancer)
           subtype:  nosebleed__epistaxis__epistaxi  bleeding from the nose
           subtype:  ulemorrhagia  bleeding of the gums
        subtype:  bruise__contusion  an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration
           subtype:  ecchymosis.bruise  the purple or black-and-blue area resulting from a bruise
           subtype:  petechia  a minute red or purple spot on the surface of the skin as the result of tiny hemorrhages of blood vessels in the skin (as in typhoid fever)
           subtype:  black_eye__blackeye__shiner  a bruise caused by a blow to the eye
        subtype:  bump  a lump on the body caused by a blow
        subtype:  burn.harm  an injury cause by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
           subtype:  electric_burn  a burn caused by heat produced by an electric current
           subtype:  singe__scorch  a surface burn
           subtype:  scald.burn  a burn cause by hot liquid or steam
           subtype:  first-degree_burn  burn causing redness of the skin surface
              subtype:  erythema_solare__sunburn  redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun
           subtype:  second-degree_burn  burn causing blisters on the skin and superficial destruction of the dermis
           subtype:  third-degree_burn  burn characterized by destruction of both epidermis and dermis
        subtype:  dislocation  a displacement of a part (especially a bone) from its normal position (as in the shoulder or the vertebral column)
           subtype:  abarticulation  dislocation of a joint
           subtype:  diastasis  separation of an epiphysis from the long bone to which it is normally attached without fracture of the bone
           subtype:  spondylolisthesis__spondylolisthesi  a forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one beneath it producing pressure on spinal nerves
        subtype:  electric_shock.harm__electricshock  trauma caused by the passage of electric current through the body (as from contact with high voltage lines or being struck by lightning); usually involves burns and abnormal heart rhythm and unconsciousness
        subtype:  fracture__break  breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall"
           subtype:  comminuted_fracture  fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed
           subtype:  complete_fracture  break involving the entire width of the bone
           subtype:  compound_fracture__open_fracture  bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound
           subtype:  compression_fracture__compressionfracture  fracture in which the bone collapses (especially in short bones such as vertebrae)
           subtype:  depressed_fracture__depressedfracture  fracture of the skull where the bone is pushed in
           subtype:  displaced_fracture__displacedfracture  fracture in which the two ends of the broken bone are separated from one another
           subtype:  fatigue_fracture__fatiguefracture__stress_fracture  fracture resulting from excessive activity rather than a specific injury
           subtype:  incomplete_fracture  fracture that does not go across the entire width of the bone
              subtype:  greenstick_fracture  a partial fracture of a bone (usually in children); the bone is bent but broken on only one side
           subtype:  impacted_fracture  fracture in which one broken end is wedged into the other broken end
           subtype:  simple_fracture__closed_fracture  an uncomplicated fracture in which the broken bones to not pierce the skin
        subtype:  frostbite__cryopathy  destruction of tissue by freezing and characterized by tingling, blistering and possibly gangrene
           subtype:  trenchfoot__immersion_foot__immersionfoot  resembling frostbite but without freezing; resulting from exposure to cold and wet
        subtype:  intravasation  entry of foreign matter into a blood vessel
        subtype:  pinch  an injury resulting from getting some body part squeezed
        subtype:  rupture.harm  state of being torn or burst open
           subtype:  hernia__herniation  rupture in smooth muscle tissue through which a bodily structure protrudes
              subtype:  colpocele__vaginocele  hernia projecting into the vagina
                 subtype:  cystocele__colpocystocele  hernia in which the urinary bladder protrudes through the wall of the vagina; sometimes occurs after childbirth
                 subtype:  rectocele__proctocele  protrusion or herniation of the rectum into the vagina; can occur if pelvic muscles are weakened by childbirth
              subtype:  diverticulum  a herniation through the muscular wall of a tubular organ (especially the colon)
                 subtype:  Meckel's_diverticulum  a congenital diverticulum in the ileum resulting from incomplete closure of the yolk sac
              subtype:  eventration  protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall
              subtype:  exomphalos  an umbilical hernia at birth in which some abdominal organs push into the umbilical cord
              subtype:  hiatus_hernia__hiatal_hernia__diaphragmatic_hernia__diaphragmatichernia  hernia resulting from the protrusion of part of the stomach through the diaphragm
              subtype:  inguinal_hernia  hernia in which a loop of intestine enters the inguinal canal; the most common type of hernia in males
              subtype:  keratocele  hernia of the cornea
              subtype:  laparocele  hernia through the abdomen
              subtype:  umbilical_hernia__umbilicalhernia__omphalocele  protrusion of the intestine and omentum through a hernia in the abdominal wall near the navel; usually self correcting after birth
           subtype:  herniated_disc__herniateddisc__ruptured_intervertebral_disc__slipped_disc__slippeddisc  a painful rupture of the fibrocartilage of the disc between spinal vertebrae; occurs most often in the lumbar region
        subtype:  insect_bite__sting__bite  a painful wound caused by the thrust of a stinger into skin
           subtype:  bee_sting__beesting  a sting inflicted by a bee
           subtype:  flea_bite.insect_bite__fleabite  sting inflicted by a flea
           subtype:  mosquito_bite  a sting inflicted by a mosquito
        subtype:  strain.harm  injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain
        subtype:  whiplash_injury__whiplash  an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)
        subtype:  wale__welt__weal__wheal  a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions
        subtype:  wound__lesion  any break in the skin or an organ caused by violence or surgical incision
           subtype:  raw_wound__rawwound  a wound that exposes subcutaneous tissue
           subtype:  stigmata  marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ
           subtype:  scratch__scrape__excoriation  an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
              subtype:  graze  a superficial abrasion
              subtype:  rope_burn  abrasion (usually on the hands) caused by friction from a rope
           subtype:  cut.wound__gash__slash__slice  a wound made by cutting; "he put a bandage over the cut"
           subtype:  laceration.wound  a torn ragged wound
           subtype:  bite  a wound resulting from biting
              subtype:  dog_bite__dogbite  a bite inflicted by a dog
              subtype:  snakebite  a bite inflicted by a (venomous) snake
        subtype:  wrench__twist__pull  a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments; "the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell"; "he was sidelined with a hamstring pull"
           subtype:  sprain  a painful injury to a joint caused by a sudden wrenching of its ligaments
     subtype:  poor_shape__unfitness__unfitnes__badcondition  poor physical condition; being out of shape or out of condition
        subtype:  infirmity__frailty__debility__feebleness__frailness__frailnes  the state of being weak in health or body (especially from old age)
           subtype:  asthenia__astheny  an abnormal loss of strength
           subtype:  cachexia__cachexy__wasting  any general reduction in vitality and strength of body and mind resulting from a debilitating chronic disease
        subtype:  disability__disablement__handicap__impairment  the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness; "reading disability"; "hearing impairment"
           subtype:  bowleg__genu_varum__tibia_vara__tibiavara  a leg bowed outward at the knee (or below the knee)
           subtype:  anorgasmia  absence of an orgasm in sexual relations
           subtype:  disability_of_walking  a disability that interferes with or prevents walking
              subtype:  abasia  inability to walk
                 subtype:  abasia_trepidans  abasia due to trembling of the legs
                 subtype:  atactic_abasia__atacticabasia__ataxic_abasia  abasia due to ataxia of the legs
                 subtype:  choreic_abasia__choreicabasia  abasia related to abnormal movements of the legs
                 subtype:  paralytic_abasia__paralyticabasia  abasia related to paralysis of the leg muscles
                 subtype:  paroxysmal_trepidant_abasia  abasia related to spasticity of the legs
                 subtype:  spastic_abasia__spasticabasia  abasia due to spastic contractions of the leg muscles
              subtype:  lameness__limping__gimp__gimpiness__gimpines__gamenes__claudication  disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
                 subtype:  intermittent_claudication  lameness due to pain in leg muscles because the blood supply is inadequate; pain subsides with rest
           subtype:  astasia  inability to stand due to muscular incoordination
           subtype:  amputation.disability  a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs
           subtype:  hearing_impairment__hearingimpairment__hearing_loss  impairment of the sense of hearing
              subtype:  deafness  partial or complete loss of hearing
                 subtype:  tone_deafness  an inability to distinguish differences in pitch
                 subtype:  deaf-mutism__deaf-muteness  congenital deafness that results in inability to speak
              subtype:  conductive_hearing_loss__conduction_deafness__middle-ear_deafness  hearing loss due to problems with the bones of the middle ear
              subtype:  sensorineural_hearing_loss__nerve_deafness  hearing loss due to failure of the auditory nerve
           subtype:  dysomia  impairment of the sense of smell
              subtype:  anosmia  absence of the sense of smell (as by damage to olfactory nasal tissue or the olfactory nerve or by obstruction of the nasal passages)
              subtype:  hyposmia  lessened sensitivity to odors
           subtype:  visual_impairment__visual_defect__vision_defect__visual_disorder  impairment of the sense of sight
              subtype:  amaurosis__amaurosi  partial or total loss of sight without pathology of the eye; caused by disease of optic nerve or retina or brain
              subtype:  amblyopia  visual impairment without apparent organic pathology
              subtype:  ametropia  (ophthalmology) faulty refraction of light rays in the eye as in astigmatism or myopia
                 subtype:  myopia__nearsightedness__nearsightednes__shortsightednes  (ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability; distant objects appear blurred
                 subtype:  astigmia__astigmatism  (ophthalmology) impaired eyesight resulting usually from irregular conformation of the cornea
                    subtype:  keratectasia  abnormal bulging of the cornea of the eye
                    subtype:  keratoconus__keratoconu  abnormal cone-shaped protrusion of the cornea of the eye; can be treated by epikeratophakia
                 subtype:  hyperopia__hypermetropia__hypermetropy__farsightedness__longsightedness__longsightednes  abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near objects
                    subtype:  presbyopia  farsightedness resulting from a reduced ability to focus caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with age
              subtype:  aniseikonia  visual defect in which the shape and size of an ocular image differ in the two eyes
              subtype:  anorthopia  distorted vision in which straight lines appear curved
              subtype:  aphakia  absence of the natural lens of the eye (usually resulting from the removal of cataracts)
              subtype:  blindness__blindnes__sightlessnes  lack of sight
                 subtype:  anopia  sightlessness (especially because of a structural defect in or the absence of an eye)
                 subtype:  snowblindness__snowblindnes  temporary blindness caused by exposure to sunlight reflected from snow or ice
                 subtype:  eyelessness__eyelessnes  blindness due to loss of the eyes
                 subtype:  figural_blindness__figuralblindnes  inability to see shapes and contours
              subtype:  color_blindness__colorblindnes__colour_blindness__color_vision_deficiency__colour_vision_deficiency  genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue
                 subtype:  dichromacy__dichromatism__dichromatopsia__dichromia__dichromasy  a deficiency of color vision in which the person can match any given hue by mixing only two other wavelengths of light (as opposed to the three wavelengths needed by people with normal color vision)
                    subtype:  red-green_dichromacy__redgreendichromacy__red-gree_color_blindness  confusion of red and green
                       subtype:  deuteranopia__Daltonism__green-blindness  dichromacy characterized by a lowered sensitivity to green light resulting in an inability to distinguish green and purplish-red
                       subtype:  protanopia__red-blindness__redblindnes  dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to long wavelengths of light resulting in an inability to distinguish red and purplish blue
                    subtype:  yellow-blue_dichromacy__yellow-blue_color_blindness  confusion of yellow and blue
                       subtype:  tetartanopia__yellow-blindness  a form of dichromacy characterized by lowered sensitivity to yellow light; so rare that its existence has been questioned
                       subtype:  tritanopia__blue-blindness  rare form of dichromacy characterized by a lowered sensitivity to blue light resulting in an inability to distinguish blue and yellow
                 subtype:  monochromacy__monochromatism__monochromatic_vision__monochromaticvision__monochromia__monochromasy  complete color blindness; colors can be differentiated only on the basis of brightness
              subtype:  diplopia__double_vision  visual impairment in which an object is seen as two objects; "diplopia often disappears when one eye is covered"
              subtype:  hemeralopia__dayblindnes  inability to see clearly in bright light
              subtype:  hemianopia__hemianopsia  blindness in one half of the visual field of one or both eyes
              subtype:  quadrantanopia  blindness in one fourth of the visual field
              subtype:  metamorphopsia  a defect of vision in which objects appear to be distorted; usually due to a defect in the retina
              subtype:  nyctalopia__night_blindness__nightblindnes__moon_blindness  inability to see clearly in dim light; due to a deficiency of vitamin A or to a retinal disorder
              subtype:  photoretinitis  damage to the retina resulting from exposure of the eye to the sun without adequate protection
              subtype:  retinal_detachment__retinaldetachment__detachment_of_the_retina__detached_retina  visual impairment resulting from the retina becoming separated from the choroid in the back of the eye; treated by photocoagulation
              subtype:  tunnel_vision  visual impairment involving a loss of peripheral vision
              subtype:  xanthopsia  visual defect in which objects appear to have a yellowish hue; sometimes occurs in cases of jaundice
           subtype:  prolapse__prolapsus__prolapsu__descensus__descensu  the slipping or falling out of place of an organ (as the uterus)
              subtype:  enteroptosis  an abnormally downward position of the intestines in the abdominal cavity
              subtype:  glossoptosis  abnormal downward or back placement of the tongue
              subtype:  metroptosis__descensus_uteri  prolapse of the uterus
              subtype:  nephroptosis__nephroptosia  prolapse of the kidney
              subtype:  ptosis  drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle paralysis and weakness
              subtype:  ureterocele  prolapse of the end of the ureter into the bladder; may obstruct urine flow
              subtype:  urethrocele  prolapse of the urethra into the vagina
           subtype:  hypoesthesia__hypesthesia  impairment of tactile sensitivity; decrease of sensitivity
           subtype:  knock-knee__knockknee__genu_valgum__tibia_valga__tibiavalga  by inward slant of the thigh
           subtype:  pigeon_toes  disability in which the toes are turned inward; often associated with knock-knee
           subtype:  bow_leg__bowleg__bow_legs__bandy_legs  outward curvature of the legs
  subtype:  cellularity  the state of having cells
     subtype:  hypercellularity  the state of having abnormally many cells
     subtype:  hypocellularity  the state of having abnormally few cells
  subtype:  dependence__addiction__dependency  being abnormally dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)
     subtype:  drug_addiction__white_plague__whiteplague  an addiction to a drug (especially a narcotic drug)
        subtype:  alcoholism__alcohol_addiction__alcoholaddiction__drunkenness__drunkennes  prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms
        subtype:  cocaine_addiction__cocaineaddiction  an addiction to cocaine
        subtype:  heroin_addiction  an addiction to heroin
        subtype:  caffein_addiction__caffeinaddiction  an addiction to caffein
        subtype:  nicotine_addiction  an addiction to nicotine
  subtype:  suspended_animation__suspendedanimation  a temporary cessation of vital functions with loss of consciousness resembling death; usually resulting from asphyxia
     subtype:  anabiosis__anabiosi  suspended animation in organisms during periods of extreme drought from which they revive when moisture returns
  subtype:  cryptobiosis  a state in which an animal's metabolic activities come to a reversible standstill
  subtype:  dilatation__distension  the state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
     subtype:  ectasia__ectasis__ectasi  dilatation or distension of a hollow organ
        subtype:  lymphangiectasia__lymphangiectasis  dilatation of a lymph vessel
        subtype:  alveolar_ectasia  abnormal enlargement of the air sacs in the lungs
     subtype:  varicocele  dilatation of the veins associated with the spermatic cord in the testes
  subtype:  emmetropia  (ophthalmology) the normal refractive condition of the eye in which there is clear focus of light on the retina
  subtype:  sedation  a state of reduced excitement or anxiety that is induced by the administrative of a sedative agent
  subtype:  hyperpigmentation  unusual darkening of the skin
     subtype:  suntan__tan__sunburn__burn  a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun
  subtype:  hypopigmentation  unusual lack of skin color
     subtype:  albinism  the congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes and skin and hair
  subtype:  amyxia  a condition in which no mucus in produced
  subtype:  cold_sweat  concurrent perspiration and chill; associated with fear
  subtype:  obstruction.physiological_state__blockage  the state or condition of being obstructed
     subtype:  intestinal_obstruction__ileus__ileu  blockage of the intestine (especially the ileum) that prevents the contents of the intestine from passing to the lower bowel
     subtype:  tamponade__tamponage  blockage or closure (as of a wound or body cavity) by (or as if by) a tampon (especially to stop bleeding)
        subtype:  cardiac_tamponade__cardiactamponade  mechanical compression of the heart resulting from large amounts of fluid collecting in the pericardial space and limiting the heart's normal range of motion
  subtype:  toxic_condition__toxiccondition__poisoning  the physiological state produced by a poison or a toxic substance
     subtype:  alkali_poisoning  poisoning resulting from the ingestion of an alkali compound (as lye or ammonia)
     subtype:  caffeinism__caffiene_intoxication  poisoning resulting from excessive intake of caffeine containing products
     subtype:  carbon_monoxide_poisoning  a toxic condition that results from inhaling and absorbing carbon monoxide gas; "carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin and displaces oxygen in the blood"
     subtype:  cyanide_poisoning__cyanidepoisoning  poisoning due to ingesting or inhaling cyanide; common in smoke from fires and in industrial chemicals
     subtype:  ergotism  poisoning by ingestion of ergot-infected grain products; characterized by thirst and diarrhea and nausea and craming and vomiting and abnormal cardiac rhythms; in severe cases it can cause seizures and gangrene of the limbs
     subtype:  mercury_poisoning__mercurypoisoning  a toxic condition caused by ingesting or inhaling mercury; acute mercury poisoning causes a metallic taste and vomiting and diarrhea and kidney problems that may lead to death
        subtype:  Minamata_disease  a form of mercury poisoning among people who ate fish from mercury-contaminated waters of Minamata Bay off Japan in the 1950s; characterized by severe neurological degeneration
     subtype:  naphthalene_poisoning__naphthalenepoisoning  toxic condition resulting from inhaling or ingesting naphthalene
     subtype:  nicotine_poisoning  toxic condition caused by the ingestion or inhalation of large amounts of nicotine
     subtype:  ophidism  poisoning by snake venom
     subtype:  paraquat_poisoning  poisoning caused by ingestion of paraquat; characterized by progressive damage to the esophagus and liver and kidneys
     subtype:  pesticide_poisoning  toxic condition resulting from ingesting or inhaling a pesticide
        subtype:  malathion_poisoning__malathionpoisoning  a toxic condition caused by inhaling or ingesting the insecticide Malathion
        subtype:  parathion_poisoning__parathionpoisoning  a toxic condition resulting from inhalation or ingestion of the insecticide parathion; characterized by nausea and abdominal pains and headache and convulsions and sweating
     subtype:  salicylate_poisoning  poisoning caused by the excessive ingestion of salicylates (usually aspirin)
  subtype:  analgesia  absence of the sense of pain without loss of consciousness
  subtype:  oligospermia  insufficient spermatozoa in the semen

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