#physical_object__object  a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow; "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects"
  name:   objet (pm)  chose (pm)
  supertype:  non-agentive_physical_object__NAPO (dl)  e.g., a bottle
  subtype:  natural_object__naturalobject  an object occurring naturally; not made by man
     subtype:  cocoon  silky envelope spun by the larvae of many insects to protect pupas and by spiders to protect eggs
     subtype:  body__organic_structure__organicstructure__physical_structure  the entire physical structure of an organism (especially an animal or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"
        subtype:  life_form  the characteristic bodily form of a mature organism
        subtype:  human_body__humanbody__physical_body__material_body__soma__build__figure__physique__anatomy__shape__bod__chassis__frame__form__flesh  alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
           subtype:  person_body  a person's body (usually including their clothing); "a weapon was hidden on his person"
           subtype:  juvenile_body  the body of a young person
              subtype:  child's_body__child'sbody  the body of a human child
           subtype:  adult_body__adultbody  the body of an adult human being
              subtype:  woman's_body__woman'sbody__adult_female_body  the body of an adult woman
              subtype:  man's_body__man'sbody__adultmalebody  the body of an adult man
           subtype:  male_body  the body of a male human being
              subtype:  man's_body__man'sbody__adultmalebody  the body of an adult man
           subtype:  female_body  the body of a female human being
              subtype:  woman's_body__woman'sbody__adult_female_body  the body of an adult woman
        subtype:  dead_body__body  body of a dead animal or person; "they found the body in the lake"
           subtype:  carcase__carcass__carcas  the dead body of an animal especially one slaughtered and dressed for food
           subtype:  carrion  the dead and rotting body of an animal
           subtype:  cadaver__stiff__clay__remains__remain  the dead body of a human being
              subtype:  cremains  the remains of a dead body after cremation
           subtype:  mummy  a body embalmed and dried and wrapped for burial (as in ancient Egypt)
        subtype:  live_body  a living body of an animal or person
           subtype:  system.live_body  the living body considered as made up of interdependent components forming a unified whole; "exercise helped him get the alcohol out of his system"
     subtype:  asterism  (astronomy) a cluster of stars (or a small constellation)
        instance:  Big_Dipper__Dipper__Plough__Charles's_Wain__Wain__Wagon  Little_Dipper__Dipper
     subtype:  black_body__blackbody__blackbody__full_radiator  a hypothetical object capable of absorbing all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it; "a black body maintained at a constant temperature is a full radiator at that temperature because the radiation reaching and leaving it must be in equilibrium"
     subtype:  body.natural_object  an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects; "heavenly body"
        subtype:  chromosome  a threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
           subtype:  sex_chromosome__sexchromosome  a chromosome that determines the sex of an individual; "mammals normally have two sex chromosomes"
              subtype:  X_chromosome  the sex chromosome that is present in both sexes: singly in males and doubly in females; "human females normally have two X chromosomes"
              subtype:  XX  (genetics) normal complement of sex chromosomes in a female
              subtype:  XXX  (genetics) abnormal complement of three X chromosomes in a female
              subtype:  XXY  (genetics) abnormal complement of sex hormones in a male resulting in Klinefelter's syndrome
              subtype:  XY  (genetics) normal complement of sex hormones in a male
              subtype:  XYY  (genetics) abnormal complement of sex hormones in a male who has two Y chromosomes
              subtype:  Y_chromosome  the sex chromosome that is carried by men; "human males normally have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome"
           subtype:  autosome__somatic_chromosome__somaticchromosome  any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells but as single chromosomes in spermatozoa
           subtype:  acentric_chromosome  a chromosome lacking a centromere
           subtype:  acrocentric_chromosome__acrocentricchromosome  a chromosome with the centromere near one end so that one chromosomal arm is short and one is long
           subtype:  metacentric_chromosome__metacentricchromosome  a chromosome having two equal arms because the centromere is in median position
           subtype:  telocentric_chromosome__telocentricchromosome  a chromosome like a straight rod with the centromere in terminal position
        subtype:  inclusion_body__inclusionbody__cellular_inclusion__inclusion  any small intracellular body found within another (characteristic of certain diseases); "an inclusion in the cytoplasm of the cell"
           subtype:  plasmid  a small cellular inclusion consisting of a ring of DNA that is not in a chromosome but is capable of autonomous replication
           subtype:  Russell's_body__cancer_body  an inclusion body found in plasma cells in cases of cancer
        subtype:  mass.body  a body of matter without definite shape; "a huge ice mass"
           subtype:  coprolith__fecalith__faecalith__stercolith  a hard mass of dried feces
           subtype:  pulp  any soft or soggy mass; "he pounded it to a pulp"
        subtype:  particle  a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions
           subtype:  virion  a complete viral particle; nucleic acid and capsid (and a lipid envelope in some viruses)
           subtype:  alpha_particle__alphaparticle  a positively charged particle that is the nucleus of the helium atom; emitted from natural or radioactive isotopes
           subtype:  beta_particle  a high-speed electron or positron emitted in the decay of a radioactive isotope
           subtype:  boson  any particle that obeys Bose-Einstein statistics but not the Pauli exclusion principle; all nuclei with an even mass number are bosons
              subtype:  gauge_boson__gaugeboson  a particle that mediates the interaction of two elementary particles
                 subtype:  gluon  a gauge boson that mediates strong interaction among quarks
                 subtype:  gravitons__graviton  a gauge boson that mediates the (extremely weak) gravitational interactions between particles
                 subtype:  intermediate_vector_bosons  a gauge boson that mediates weak interactions between particles
                 subtype:  photon  a quantum of electromagnetic radiation; an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle
              subtype:  meson__mesotron  an elementary particle responsible for the forces in the atomic nucleus; a hadron with a baryon number of 0
                 subtype:  b-meson__bmeson  exceedingly short-lived meson
                 subtype:  J_particle__psi_particle__psiparticle  a neutral meson with a large mass
                 subtype:  kaon__kappa-meson__kappameson__k-meson__kmeson__K_particle  an unstable meson produced as the result of a high-energy particle collision
                 subtype:  pion__pi-meson  a meson produced as the result of high-energy particle collision
           subtype:  deuteron  the nucleus of deuterium; consists of one proton and one neutron; used as a bombarding particle in accelerators
           subtype:  elementary_particle__fundamental_particle__fundamentalparticle__subatomicparticle  a particle that is less complex than an atom; regarded as constituents of all matter
              subtype:  antilepton  the antiparticle of a lepton
                 subtype:  antimuon__positive_muon  the antiparticle of a muon; decays to positron and neutrino and antineutrino
                 subtype:  antineutrino  the antiparticle of a neutrino
                 subtype:  antitauon__tau-plus_particle  an antilepton of very great mass
                 subtype:  positron__antielectron  an elementary particle with positive charge; interaction of a positron and an electron results in annihilation
              subtype:  antiparticle  a particle that has the same mass as another particle but has opposite values for its other properties; interaction of a particle and its antiparticle results in annihilation and the production of radiant energy
              subtype:  antiquark  the antiparticle of a quark
              subtype:  hadron  any elementary particle that interacts strongly with other particles
                 subtype:  antibaryon  the antiparticle of a baryon; a hadron with a baryon number of -1
                 subtype:  antimeson  the antiparticle of a meson
                 subtype:  baryon__heavy_particle__heavyparticle  any of the elementary particles having a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton and that participate in strong interactions; a hadron with a baryon number of +1
                    subtype:  hyperon  any baryon that is not a nucleon; unstable particle with mass greater than a neutron
                       subtype:  lambda_particle__lambda_hyperon  an electrically neutral baryon with isotopic spin 1
                    subtype:  nucleon  a constituent (proton or neutron) of an atomic nucleus
                       subtype:  antineutron  the antiparticle of a neutron
                       subtype:  antiproton  an unstable negatively charged proton; the antiparticle of a proton
                       subtype:  neutron  an elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton; enters into the structure of the atomic nucleus
                       subtype:  proton  a stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron
                          subtype:  hydrogen_ion  a positively charged atom of hydrogen; that is to say, a normal hydrogen atomic nucleus
                 subtype:  meson__mesotron  an elementary particle responsible for the forces in the atomic nucleus; a hadron with a baryon number of 0
              subtype:  lepton  an elementary particle that participates in weak interactions; has a baryon number of 0
                 subtype:  electron__negatron  an elementary particle with negative charge
                    subtype:  delta_ray__deltaray  an electron ejected from matter by ionizing radiation
                    subtype:  free_electron  electron that is not attached to an atom or ion or molecule but is free to move under the influence of an electric field
                    subtype:  photoelectron  an electron that is emitted from an atom or molecule by an incident photon
                    subtype:  valence_electron__valenceelectron  an electron in the outer shell of an atom which can combine with other atoms to form molecules
                 subtype:  negative_muon__muon__mu-meson  an elementary particle with a negative charge and a half-life of 2 microsecond; decays to electron and neutrino and antineutrino
                 subtype:  neutrino  an elementary particle with zero charge and zero mass
                 subtype:  tauon__tau-minus_particle__tauminusparticle  a lepton of very great mass
              subtype:  quark  hypothetical truly fundamental particle in mesons and baryons; there are supposed to be six flavors of quarks (and their antiquarks), which come in pairs; each has an electric charge of +2/3 or -1/3
                 subtype:  bottom_quark__beauty_quark  a quark with a charge of -1/3 and a mass about 10,000 times that of an electron
                 subtype:  charm_quark  a quark with an electric charge of +2/3 and a mass 2900 times that of an electron and a charm of +1
                 subtype:  down_quark  a stable quark with an electric charge of -1/3 and a mass 607 times that of an electron
                 subtype:  strange_quark__strangequark__squark  a quark with an electric charge of -1/3 and a mass 988 times that of an electron and a strangeness of -1
                 subtype:  top_quark__topquark__truth_quark__truthquark  a hypothetical quark with a charge of +2/3 and a mass more than 100,000 times that of an electron
                 subtype:  up_quark  a stable quark with an electric charge of +2/3 and a mass 607 times that of an electron
              subtype:  strange_particle__strangeparticle  an elementary particle with non-zero strangeness
           subtype:  fermion  any particle that obeys Fermi-Dirac statistics and is subject to the Pauli exclusion principle
              subtype:  baryon__heavy_particle__heavyparticle  any of the elementary particles having a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton and that participate in strong interactions; a hadron with a baryon number of +1
              subtype:  lepton  an elementary particle that participates in weak interactions; has a baryon number of 0
           subtype:  magnetic_monopole  a hypothetical particle with a single magnetic pole instead of the usual two
           subtype:  micelle  an electrically charged particle built up from polymeric molecules or ions and occurring in certain colloidal electrolytic solutions like soaps and detergents
           subtype:  prion  (microbiology) an infectious protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid; thought to be the agent responsible for scrapie and other degenerative diseases of the nervous system
           subtype:  virino  (microbiology) a hypothetical infectious particle thought to be the cause of scrapie and other degenerative diseases of the central nervous system; consists of nucleic acid in a protective coat of host cell proteins
           subtype:  scintilla  a sparkling glittering particles
           subtype:  superstring  a hypothetical particle that is the elementary particle in a theory of space-time
           subtype:  thermion  an electrically charged particle (electron or ion) emitted by a substance at a high temperature
     subtype:  celestial_body__celestialbody__heavenly_body  natural objects visible in the sky
        subtype:  planet  any of the celestial bodies (other than comets or satellites) that revolve around the sun in the solar system
           subtype:  asteroid__minor_planet__minorplanet__planetoid  any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter)
              subtype:  Pallas  a large asteroid; the second asteroid to be discovered
              instance:  Apollo_asteroid  Ceres  Vesta
           subtype:  evening_star__eveningstar__Hesperus__Vesper  a planet (usually Venus) seen at sunset in the western sky
           subtype:  morning_star__morningstar__daystar__phosphoru  a planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern sky
           subtype:  superior_planet  any of the planets whose orbit lies outside the earth's orbit
              subtype:  Jovian_planet__gas_giant__gasgiant  any of the four outermost planets in the solar system; much larger than Earth and gaseous in nature (like Jupiter)
                 instance:  Jupiter  Neptune.Jovian_planet__neptune  Saturn  Uranus
              instance:  Red_Planet__Mars  Pluto
           subtype:  terrestrial_planet__terrestrialplanet  a planet having a compact rocky surface like the Earth's; the four innermost planets in the solar system
              subtype:  inferior_planet  any of the planets whose orbit lies inside the earth's orbit
                 instance:  Mercury  Venus
              instance:  Earth.terrestrial_planet__earth__globe  Red_Planet__Mars
        subtype:  planetesimal  one of many small solid celestial bodies thought to have existed at an early stage in the development of the solar system
        subtype:  quasar__quasi-stellar_radio_source__quasistellarradiosource  a starlike object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy; large red shifts imply enormous recession velocities
        subtype:  satellite  any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
           subtype:  Deimos  the smaller of the two satellites of Mars
           subtype:  Galilean_satellite__Galilean  one of the four satellites of Jupiter that were discovered by Galileo
              instance:  Callisto  Europa  Ganymede  Io
           subtype:  moon.satellite  any natural satellite of a planet; "Jupiter has sixteen moons"
           subtype:  moon  the natural satellite of the Earth; "the average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers"; "men first stepped on the moon in 1969"
           subtype:  Phobos  the larger of the two satellites of Mars
           instance:  Titan.satellite__titan
        subtype:  star  (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
           subtype:  binary_star__binary__double_star  a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation
              subtype:  Altair  double star 15.7 light years from Earth; the brightest star in the Aquila constellation
              subtype:  Sirius__Dog_Star__Canicula__Sothis  the brightest star in the sky; in Canis Major
              instance:  Aldebaran  Algol  Alpha_Centauri__Rigil_Kent__Rigil  Antares  Epsilon_Aurigae  Procyon  Rigel__Beta_Orionis  Vega
           subtype:  Deneb  the brightest star in Cygnus
           subtype:  Denebola  a star in Leo approximately 43 light years from Earth
           subtype:  fixed_star__fixedstar  any star in the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion
           subtype:  giant_star__giantstar__giant  a very bright star of large diameter and low density (relative to the Sun)
              instance:  Arcturus  Capella
           subtype:  loadstar__lodestar  guiding star; a star that is used as a reference point in navigation of astronomy
              instance:  Polaris__North_Star__polar_star__polarstar__polestar
           subtype:  multiple_star  a system of three or more stars associated by gravity
              instance:  Castor__Alpha_Geminorum  the_Trapezium__Trapezium
           subtype:  neutron_star__neutronstar  a star that has collapsed under its own gravity; it is composed of neutrons
              subtype:  pulsar  a degenerate neutron star; small and extremely dense; rotates very fast and emits regular pulses of polarized radiation
           subtype:  nova  a star that ejects some of its material in the form of a cloud and become more luminous in the process
           subtype:  red_dwarf_star__reddwarfstar__red_dwarf__reddwarf  a small cool star; approximately 100 times the mass of Jupiter
              subtype:  flare_star__flarestar  a red dwarf star in which luminosity can change several magnitudes in a few minutes
                 instance:  Proxima_Centauri__Proxima
           subtype:  red_giant_star__redgiantstar__red_giant__redgiant  a large cool star; has a relatively low surface temperature and a diameter large relative to the sun
           subtype:  sun  a typical star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system; "the sun contains 99.85% of the mass in the solar system"
           subtype:  sun.star  any star around which a planetary system evolves
           subtype:  supergiant  an extremely bright star of very large diameter and low density
              subtype:  Canopus  supergiant star 650 light years from Earth; second brightest star in the sky
              instance:  Betelgeuse__Alpha_Orionis
           subtype:  supernova  a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process
              instance:  Crab_Nebula
           subtype:  variable_star__variable  a star that varies noticeably in brightness
              instance:  Polaris__North_Star__polar_star__polarstar__polestar
           subtype:  white_dwarf_star__whitedwarfstar__white_dwarf__whitedwarf  a faint star of enormous density
           instance:  Alpha_Crucis  Beta_Centauri  Beta_Crucis  Pollux  Regulus  Spica  Sterope__Asterope
        subtype:  star.celestial_body  any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
     subtype:  constellation  a configuration of stars as seen from the earth
        subtype:  Antlia  a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Hydra and Vela
        subtype:  Apus  a constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Octans
        subtype:  Aquarius  a zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Capricornus and Pisces
        subtype:  Aquila  a constellation in the Milky Way near Cygnus; contains the star Altair
        subtype:  Ara  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Norma
        subtype:  Argo  formerly a large constellation in the southern hemisphere between Canis Major and the Southern Cross; now divided into Carina and Pyxis and Puppis and Vela
        subtype:  Aries  a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Pisces and Taurus
        subtype:  Caelum  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Columba and Eridanus
        subtype:  Cancer  a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Leo and Gemini
        subtype:  Carina  a keel-shaped constellation in the southern hemisphere; contains the start Canopus
        subtype:  Cetus  a large constellation on the equator near Pisces and Aquarius
        subtype:  Chamaeleon__Chameleon  a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and Mensa
        subtype:  Circinus  a small faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum Australe
        subtype:  Columba__Dove  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum
        subtype:  Delphinus  a constellation in the northern hemisphere near Pegasus and Aquila
        subtype:  Dorado  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Reticulum and Pictor; contains most of the Large Magellanic Cloud
        subtype:  Dragon__Draco  a faint constellation twisting around the north celestial pole and lying between Ursa Major and Cepheus
        subtype:  Eridanus  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Fornax and Cetus
        subtype:  Fornax  a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Cetus and Phoenix
        subtype:  Gemini  a zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere between Taurus and Cancer on the ecliptic
        subtype:  Grus__the_Crane  a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix
        subtype:  Indus  a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Telescopium and Tucana
        subtype:  Leo  a zodiacal constellation in northern hemisphere between Cancer and Virgo
        subtype:  Lepus  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Orion and Columba
        subtype:  Libra  a small faint zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Virgo and Scorpius
        subtype:  Mensa  a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere and containing part of the Large Magellanic Cloud
        subtype:  Microscopium  a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Sagittarius and Capricornus
        subtype:  Musca  a small constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near the Southern Cross and Chamaeleon
        subtype:  Norma  a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Lupus and Ara in the Milky Way
        subtype:  Octans  the constellation that includes the southern celestial pole
        subtype:  Ophiuchus  a large constellation in the equatorial region between Hercules and Scorpius
        subtype:  Pavo  a small constellation near the South Pole between Tucana and Ara
        subtype:  Perseus  a conspicuous constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Auriga and Cassiopeia and crossed by the Milky Way
        subtype:  Phoenix.constellation__phoenix  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor
        subtype:  Pictor  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Dorado and Columba
        subtype:  Pisces.constellation__pisce  a large faint zodiacal constellation; between Aquarius and Aries
        subtype:  Puppis  a stern-shaped constellation in the southern hemisphere between Vela and Canis Major
        subtype:  Pyxis  a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Antlia
        subtype:  Reticulum  a small constellation in the southern hemisphere near Dorado and Hydrus
        subtype:  Sagitta  a small constellation in the northern hemisphere between Cygnus and Aquila and crossed by the Milky Way
        subtype:  Sagittarius  a large zodiacal constellation in the southern hemisphere; between Scorpius and Capricornus
        subtype:  Sculptor  a faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near Phoenix and Cetus
        subtype:  Serpens  a constellation in the equatorial region of the northern hemisphere near Ophiuchus and Corona Borealis
        subtype:  Virgo  a large zodiacal constellation on the equator; between Leo and Libra
        instance:  Andromeda  Auriga__Charioteer  Bootes  Canis_Major__Great_Dog  Canis_Minor__Little_Dog  Capricornus__Capricorn  Cassiopeia  Centaurus__Centaur__The_Centaur  Cepheus  Coma_Berenices  Corona_Borealis__coronaboreali  Corvus__Crow  Crater  Cygnus  Great_Bear__Ursa_Major  Hercules  Snake__Hydra  Hydrus  Little_Bear__Ursa_Minor  Lupus  Lyra  Orion.constellation__orion__thehunter  Pegasus.constellation__pegasu  Scorpius__Scorpio  Southern_Cross__Crux__Crux_Australis  Taurus  Telescopium  Triangulum__the_Triangle  Triangulum_Australe__Southern_Triangle  Tucana  Vela  Volans  Vulpecula
     subtype:  natural_covering__naturalcovering__covering__cover  a natural object that covers or envelops; "the fox was flushed from its cover"
        subtype:  scale.natural_covering  a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
           subtype:  fish_scale  scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish
           subtype:  squama  a protective structure resembling a scale
              subtype:  alula__calypter  scale-like structure between the base of the wing and the halter of a two-winged fly
        subtype:  mollusc_shell__molluscshell__shell  the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc
           subtype:  scallop_shell__scallopshell  a shell of a scallop
           subtype:  oyster_shell  a shell of an oyster
           subtype:  phragmocone__phragmacone  the thin conical chambered internal shell (either straight or curved) of a belemnite
           subtype:  seashell  the shell of a marine organism
           subtype:  clamshell  the shell of a clam
        subtype:  test.natural_covering  a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
        subtype:  body_covering  any covering for the body or a body part
           subtype:  pelt__hide__skin  body covering of a living animal
           subtype:  feather__plume__plumage  the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
              subtype:  down_feather__down  soft fine feathers
                 subtype:  duck_down  down of the duck
                    subtype:  eiderdown  down of the eider duck
                 subtype:  goose_down__goosedown  down of the goose
                 subtype:  swan's_down  down of the swan
                 subtype:  plumule  down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
              subtype:  aftershaft  a supplementary feather (usually small) on the underside of the base of the shaft of some feathers in some birds
              subtype:  contour_feather__contourfeather  feathers covering the body of an adult bird and determining its shape
              subtype:  bastard_wing__bastardwing__alula__spurious_wing  tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing
              subtype:  marabou  downy feathers of marabou storks used for trimming garments
              subtype:  hackle  long slender feather on the necks of e.g. turkeys and pheasants
                 subtype:  saddle_hackle__saddle_feather  a long narrow feather on the back (saddle) of a domestic fowl
              subtype:  flight_feather__pinion__quill__quill_feather__quillfeather  any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird
                 subtype:  primary_feather__primaryfeather__primary__primaryquill  one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing
                 subtype:  tail_feather  feather growing from the tail (uropygium) of a bird
                    subtype:  sickle_feather  one of the long curved tail feathers of a rooster
              subtype:  scapular  a feather covering the shoulder of a bird
           subtype:  protective_covering  tough natural covering of some organisms
              subtype:  armour__armor  tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant
              subtype:  scute  large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle
              subtype:  sclerite  hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods
              subtype:  clypeus  a shield-like plate on the front of an insect's head
           subtype:  tegument__skin__cutis__cuti  a natural protective covering of the body; site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body"
              subtype:  investment  outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
                 subtype:  pellicle  thin protective membrane in some protozoa
              subtype:  thick_skin__thickskin  skin that is very thick (as an elephant or rhinoceros)
              subtype:  skin_graft  a piece of skin taken from a donor area and surgically grafted at the site of an injury or burn
              subtype:  buff  bare skin; "swimming in the buff"
              subtype:  dewlap  a hanging fold of loose skin on an elderly person's neck
              subtype:  prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis
              subtype:  foreskin__prepuce  a fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris
              subtype:  scalp  the skin that covers the top of the head; "they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy"
              subtype:  hangnail__agnail  a loose narrow strip of skin near the base of a fingernail; tearing it produces a painful sore that is easily infected
           subtype:  exuviae  cast-off skins or coverings of various organisms during ecdysis
           subtype:  hair  dense growth of hairs covering the body or parts of it (as on the human head); helps prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"
              subtype:  pelage__coat  growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
                 subtype:  fur.pelage  dense coat of fine silky hairs on an mammals e.g. cat or seal or weasel
                    subtype:  underfur__undercoat  thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard hair
                 subtype:  wool.pelage__fleece  outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
              subtype:  guard_hair__guardhair  coarse hairs that form the outer fur and protect the underfur of certain mammals
              subtype:  mane  long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck
                 subtype:  encolure  the mane of a horse
              subtype:  forelock.hair__foretop  a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
              subtype:  beard  hairy growth on or near the face of certain mammals
              subtype:  body_hair  short hair growing over a person's body
              subtype:  lanugo  the fine downy hair covering a human fetus; normally shed during the ninth month of gestation
              subtype:  head_of_hair__mane  growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being
              subtype:  cowlick  a tuft of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and usually will not lie flat
              subtype:  hairdo__hair_style__coiffure  the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
                 subtype:  beehive.hairdo  a hairdo resembling a beehive
                 subtype:  haircut.hairdo  the style in which hair haw been cut
                    subtype:  brush_cut__brushcut  a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brush
                    subtype:  crew_cut__flattop  a closely cropped haircut; usually for men
                    subtype:  Mohican_haircut__Mohican  haircut in which the head is shaved except for a band of hair down the middle of the scalp
                 subtype:  Afro  a rounded thickly curled hairdo
                 subtype:  bang  a fringe of banged hair (cut short squarely across the forehead)
                 subtype:  bob.hairdo  a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
                 subtype:  wave.hairdo  a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
                    subtype:  finger_wave  a wave made with the fingers
                    subtype:  permanent_wave__permanentwave__permanent__perm  a series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
                 subtype:  braid__plait__tress__tres  a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
                    subtype:  queue  a braid of hair at the back of the head
                    subtype:  pigtail  a braid of hair on either side of the face
                 subtype:  chignon  a roll of hair worn at the nape of the neck
                 subtype:  pageboy  a smooth hair style with the ends of the hair curled inward
                 subtype:  pompadour  a hair style in which the front hair is swept up from the forehead
                 subtype:  ponytail  a hair style that draws the hair back so that it hangs down in back of the head like a pony's tail
                 subtype:  scalp_lock__scalplock  a long tuft of hair left on top of the shaven head
                 subtype:  thatch  hair resembling thatched roofing material
              subtype:  curl__lock__ringlet__whorl  a strand or cluster of hair
                 subtype:  sausage_curl__sausagecurl  a fat sausage-shaped curl
                 subtype:  forelock  a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
                    subtype:  quiff  a prominent forelock (especially one brushed upward from the forehead)
                 subtype:  crimp  a lock of hair that has been artificially waved or curled
                    subtype:  pin_curl__pincurl  a curl of hair made by dampening a strand of hair and curling it and holding the curl with a clip or bobby pin
                    subtype:  spit_curl__kiss_curl  a spiral curl plastered on the forehead or cheek
                 subtype:  dreadlock  one of many long thin braids of hair radiating from the scalp; popularized by Rastafarians
              subtype:  face_fungus__beard__whiskers  the hair growing on the lower part of a man's face
                 subtype:  fuzz  the first beard of an adolescent boy
                 subtype:  Imperial_beard__imperial  a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
                 subtype:  beaver.face_fungus  a full beard
                 subtype:  sideburn__burnside__mutton_chop__side-whiskers  beard grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
                 subtype:  goatee  a small chin beard trimmed into a point; named for its resemblance to a goat's beard
              subtype:  mustache__moustache  an unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip; "he looked younger after he shaved off his mustache"
                 subtype:  soup-strainer__toothbrush  (informal) slang terms for a mustache
                 subtype:  mustachio__moustachio__handle-bars  a large bushy moustache (with hair growing sometimes down the sides of the mouth)
                 subtype:  walrus_mustache__walrusmustache  a bushy droopy mustache
              subtype:  pubic_hair__pubichair__bush__crotch_hair  hair growing in the pubic area
                 subtype:  minge  vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals
              subtype:  eyebrow__brow__supercilium  the arch of hair above each eye
              subtype:  eyelash__lash__cilium  any of the short curved hairs that grow from the edges of the eyelids
           subtype:  headful  a covering over the surface of your head; "a headful of tight curls"; "a headful of lice"
           subtype:  epicranium  the muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium
           subtype:  exoskeleton  the exterior protective or supporting structure or shell of many animals (especially invertebrates) including bony or horny parts such as nails or scales or hoofs
              subtype:  carapace__shell__cuticle  hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
                 subtype:  cuticula  the outer body wall of an insect
        subtype:  sheath.natural_covering__case  an enveloping structure or covering enclosing an animal or plant organ or part
           subtype:  theca  outer sheath of the pupa of certain insects
           subtype:  lorica  a hard protective sheath as secreted by certain protoctists e.g.
           subtype:  medullary_sheath__medullarysheath__myelin_sheath  a layer of myelin encasing (and insulating) the axons of medullated nerve fibers
           subtype:  neurolemma__neurilemma  thin membranous sheath around a nerve fiber
           subtype:  husk  outer membranous covering of some fruits or seeds
              subtype:  cornhusk  the husk of an ear of corn
              subtype:  hull.husk  dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut
                 subtype:  shell.hull  the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts
                    subtype:  nutshell  the shell around the kernel of a nut
              subtype:  seedcase__pod__cod  the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)
                 subtype:  pea_pod__peapod__peasecod  husk of a pea; edible in some garden peas
              subtype:  bract  a modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence
                 subtype:  epicalyx__false_calyx__calycle__calyculu  a group of bracts simulating a calyx as in a carnation or hibiscus
                 subtype:  bracteole  a small bract
                 subtype:  spathe  a conspicuous bract surrounding or subtending a spadix or other inflorescence
                 subtype:  involucre  a highly conspicuous bract or bract pair or ring of bracts at the base of an inflorescence
                 subtype:  glume  small dry membranous bract found in inflorescences of Gramineae and Cyperaceae
                    subtype:  flowering_glume__floweringglume__lemma  the lower and stouter of the two glumes immediately enclosing the floret in most Gramineae
        subtype:  integument  an outer protective covering such as the skin of an animal or a cuticle or seed coat or rind or shell
        subtype:  blanket.natural_covering__mantle  anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
        subtype:  incrustation__crust__encrustation  a hard outer layer that covers something
           subtype:  tartar__calculus  an incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums
        subtype:  envelope.natural_covering  a natural covering (as by a fluid); "the spacecraft detected an envelope of gas around the comet"
        subtype:  object_shell__shell  a rigid covering that envelops an object; "the satellite is covered with a smooth shell of ice"
        subtype:  eggshell__shell  the exterior covering of a bird's egg
        subtype:  slough  any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
        subtype:  peridium  outer layer of the spore-bearing organ in many fungi
        subtype:  pericarp__seed_vessel  the ripened and variously modified walls of a plant ovary
           subtype:  epicarp__exocarp  outermost layer of the pericarp of fruits as the skin of a peach or grape
           subtype:  endocarp__stone__pit  the hard inner (usually woody) layer of the pericarp of some fruits (as peaches or plums or cherries or olives) that contains the seed
              subtype:  peach_pit__peachpit  the stone seed of a peach
              subtype:  cherry_stone  the stone seed of a cherry
           subtype:  capsule.pericarp  a dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses
              subtype:  bilocular_capsule__bilocularcapsule  a capsule divided into two cells or compartments
              subtype:  boll  the rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plant
              subtype:  silique__siliqua  narrow elongated seed capsule peculiar to the family Cruciferae
                 subtype:  silicle  short broad silique occurring in some cruciferous plants
           subtype:  bur.pericarp__burr  seed vessel having hooks or prickles
              subtype:  spanish_needles__spanishneedle__beggar-ticks  the seed of bur marigolds
        subtype:  perianth__floral_envelope  collective term for the outer parts of a flower consisting of the calyx and corolla and enclosing the stamen and carpel
        subtype:  theca.natural_covering__sac  a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule
        subtype:  indusium  a membrane enclosing and protecting the developing spores especially that covering the sori of a fern
        subtype:  bark  tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
           subtype:  cinnamon_bark.bark__cinnamonbark__cinnamon  aromatic bark used as a spice
           subtype:  cassia_bark__Chinese_cinnamon  aromatic bark of the cassia-bark tree; less desirable as a spice than Ceylon cinnamon bark
           subtype:  cinnamon_bark  aromatic bark of Saigon cinnamon used medicinally as a carminative
           subtype:  magnolia.bark  dried bark of various magnolias; used in folk medicine
           subtype:  tanbark  bark rich in tannin; bruised and cut in pieces to use for tanning; spent tanbark used as a ground covering
           subtype:  mezereum  the dried bark of the shrub mezereon
           subtype:  canella_bark__canellabark__canella__white_cinnamon__whitecinnamon  highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic
           subtype:  cinchona_bark__Peruvian_bark__Jesuit's_bark  medicinal bark of cinchona trees; source of quinine and quinidine
           subtype:  cascarilla_bark__eleuthra_bark__sweetwood_bark__sweetwoodbark  aromatic bark of cascarilla; used as a tonic and for making incense
           subtype:  cascara_sagrada__cascarasagrada__cascara__chittam_bark__chittambark__chittem_bark__chittembark  dried bark of the cascara buckthorn used as a laxative
           subtype:  winter's_bark  aromatic bark having tonic and stimulant properties
           subtype:  tappa__tapa  thin fibrous bark of the paper mulberry and Pipturus albidus
           subtype:  angostura_bark__angosturabark__angostura  the bitter bark of a South American tree; used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters
           subtype:  cork  outer bark of the cork oak; used for stoppers for bottles etc.
           subtype:  phellem  (botany) outer tissue of bark; a protective layer of dead cells
     subtype:  extraterrestrial_object__estraterrestrial_body  a natural object existing outside the earth and outside the earth's atmosphere
        subtype:  comet  (astronomy) a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
        subtype:  meteoroid  (astronomy) any of the small solid extraterrestrial bodies that hits the earth's atmosphere
           subtype:  meteorite  stony or metallic object that is the remains of a meteoroid that has reached the earth's surface
              subtype:  aerolite  a stony meteorite consisting of silicate minerals
              subtype:  micrometeorite  a meteorite so small that it drifts down to earth without becoming intensely heated in the atmosphere
              subtype:  pallasite  a meteorite composed principally of olivine and metallic iron
              subtype:  siderite  a meteorite consisting principally of nickel and iron
           subtype:  meteor_swarm  a group of meteoroids with similar paths
     subtype:  geological_formation__geology  the geological features of the earth
        subtype:  aquifer  underground bed or layer yielding ground water for wells and springs etc
        subtype:  beach  an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
           subtype:  plage  the beach at a seaside resort
        subtype:  cliff__drop-off  a steep high face of rock
           subtype:  crag  a steep rugged rock or cliff
           subtype:  precipice  a very steep cliff
        subtype:  delta  a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water
        subtype:  folium  a thin layer or stratum of (especially metamorphic) rock
        subtype:  foreshore  the part of the seashore between the high-water and and low-water marks
        subtype:  ice_mass  a large mass of ice
           subtype:  glacier  a slowly moving mass of ice
              subtype:  Alpine_glacier__Alpine_type_of_glacier  a glacier that moves down from a high valley
              subtype:  continental_glacier__continentalglacier  a glacier that spreads out from a central mass of ice
                 subtype:  polar_glacier__polarglacier  a glacier near the Arctic or Antarctic poles
              subtype:  Piedmont_glacier__Piedmont_type_of_glacier  a type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska; large valley glaciers meet to form an almost stagnant sheet of ice
                 subtype:  Great_Mendenhall_Glacier__Mendenhall_Glacier  a glacier of the Piedmont type near Juneau in Alaska
           subtype:  iceberg__berg  a large mass of ice floating at sea; usually broken off of a polar glacier
              subtype:  growler  a small iceberg or ice floe just large enough to be hazardous for shipping
           subtype:  icecap__ice_cap__icecap  a mass of ice and snow that permanently covers a large area of land (e.g., the polar regions or a mountain peak)
           subtype:  ice_field__icefield  a large flat mass of ice (larger than an ice floe) floating at sea
           subtype:  ice_floe__icefloe__floe  a flat mass of ice (smaller than an ice field) floating at sea
        subtype:  lakefront  land bordering a lake
        subtype:  massif  a block of the earth's crust bounded by faults and shifted to form peaks of a mountain range
        subtype:  mouth.geological_formation  the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water; "New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"
        subtype:  natural_depression__naturaldepression__depression  a sunken or depressed geological formation
           subtype:  basin.natural_depression  a natural depression in the surface of the land often with a lake at the bottom of it; "the basin of the Great Salt Lake"
              subtype:  cirque__corrie__cwm  a steep-walled semicircular basin in a mountain; may contain a lake
              subtype:  saltpan  a shallow basin in a desert region; contains salt and gypsum that was deposited by an evaporated salt lake
              subtype:  tidal_basin__tidalbasin  a basin that is full of water at high tide
           subtype:  bed.natural_depression__bottom  a depression forming the ground under a body of water; "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed"
              subtype:  lake_bed__lake_bottom  the bottom of a lake
              subtype:  ocean_floor__oceanfloor__ocean_bottom__oceanbottom__seabed__sea_bottom__seabottom__Davy_Jones's_locker__Davy_Jones  the bottom of a sea or ocean
                 subtype:  abyssal_zone__abyssalzone  the deep sea (2000 meters or more) where there is no light
                 subtype:  continental_shelf__continentalshelf  the relatively shallow (up to 200 meters) seabed surrounding a continent
                 subtype:  continental_slope__continentalslope__bathyal_zone__bathyalzone__bathyal_district__bathyaldistrict  the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone
              subtype:  riverbed__river_bottom__riverbottom  a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river
              subtype:  streambed__creek_bed__creekbed  a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a stream
                 subtype:  dry_wash__drywash__wash  (western United States) the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)
           subtype:  crater  a bowl-shaped depression formed by the impact of a meteorite or bomb
              subtype:  collector  a crater that has collected cosmic material hitting the earth
              subtype:  lunar_crater__lunarcrater  a crater on the Earth's moon
                 subtype:  Aristarchus  a bright crater on the moon
                 subtype:  Copernicus  a conspicuous crater on the moon
           subtype:  hole.natural_depression__hollow  a depression hollowed out of solid matter
              subtype:  burrow__tunnel  a hole in the ground made by an animal for shelter
                 subtype:  rabbit_warren.burrow__rabbitwarren__warren  a series of connected underground tunnels occupied by rabbits
              subtype:  gopher_hole  a hole in the ground made by gophers
              subtype:  cavity__pit  a sizeable hole (usually in the ground); "they dug a pit to bury the body"
                 subtype:  barbecue_pit  a pit where wood or charcoal is burned to make a bed of hot coals suitable for barbecuing meat
                 subtype:  borrow_pit  a pit created to provide earth that can be used as fill at another site
                 subtype:  divot.cavity  (golf) the cavity left when a piece of turf is cut from the ground by the club head in making a stroke; "it was a good drive but the ball ended up in a divot"
                 subtype:  fire_pit  a pit whose floor is incandescent lava; "the fire pit of the crater"
                 subtype:  quicksand  a pit filled with loose wet sand into which heavy objects sink
                 subtype:  sandpit  a large pit in sandy ground from which sand is dug
                 subtype:  sawpit  a pit over which lumber is positioned to be sawed by two men with a long two-handled saw
                 subtype:  tar_pit__tarpit  a natural accumulation of bitumens at the surface of the earth; often acts as a trap for animals whose bones are thus preserved
              subtype:  pothole__chuckhole  a pit or hole produced by wear or weathering (especially in a road surface)
              subtype:  rabbit_burrow__rabbit_hole  a hole in the ground as a nest made by wild rabbits
              subtype:  wormhole  hole made by a burrowing worm
           subtype:  lowland  low level country
              subtype:  landfill  a low area that has been filled in
                 subtype:  sanitary_landfill  a low area where waste is buried between layers of earth
           subtype:  sinkhole__swallow_hole__swallowhole  a depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof
           subtype:  oceanic_abyss__oceanicabys__trench__deep  a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
              subtype:  Atacama_Trench  a depression the floor of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile
              subtype:  Bougainville_Trench  a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
              subtype:  Japan_Trench  a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean northeast of Japan that reaches depths of 30,000 feet
              subtype:  Nares_Deep  a depression in the floor of the Atlantic Ocean north of Haiti and Puerto Rico
           subtype:  trough  a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
           subtype:  valley__vale  a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a river
              subtype:  dale  (British) an open river valley (in a hilly area)
              subtype:  glen  (Scottish) a narrow secluded valley (in the mountains)
              subtype:  gully  deep ditch cut by running water (especially after a prolonged downpour)
                 subtype:  arroyo  (southwestern United States) a stream or brook
                 subtype:  draw  a gully that is shallower than a ravine
                 subtype:  wadi  gully or streambed in North Africa and the Middle East that remains dry except during rainy season
              subtype:  holler__hollow  a small valley between mountains; "he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians"
                 subtype:  dell__dingle  a small wooded hollow
              subtype:  nullah  a ravine or gully in southern Asia
              subtype:  ravine  a deep narrow steep-sided valley (especially one formed by running water)
                 subtype:  canyon__canon  (North America) a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall
                 subtype:  gorge  a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it)
                    subtype:  gulch__flume  a narrow gorge with a stream running through it
                    instance:  Grand_Canyon  Olduvai_Gorge
              subtype:  rift_valley  a valley with steep sides; formed by a rift in the earth's crust
              instance:  San_Joaquin_Valley  Shenandoah_Valley
        subtype:  natural_elevation__naturalelevation__elevation  a raised or elevated geological formation
           subtype:  highland__upland  elevated (e.g., mountainous) land
              subtype:  down.highland  (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
              subtype:  tableland__plateau  a relatively flat highland
                 subtype:  Colorado_Plateau  a large plateau south and west of the Rocky Mountains; abuts mountains on the north and east and ends in an escarpment overlooking lowlands to the south and west; the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is carved out of the southwestern corner
                 subtype:  Llano_Estacado  a large semiarid plateau forming the southern part of the Great Plains
                 subtype:  mesa__table  flat tableland with steep edges; "the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water"
                 subtype:  terrace__bench  a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)
                 instance:  Ardennes
              instance:  Highlands
           subtype:  hill  a local and well-defined elevation of the land
              subtype:  foothill  a relatively low hill on the lower slope of a mountain
              subtype:  knoll__mound__hillock__hummock  a small natural hill
                 subtype:  anthill__formicary  a mound of earth made by ants as they dig their nest
                 subtype:  kopje__koppie  (South Africa) a small hill rising up from the African veld
                 subtype:  molehill  a mound of earth made by moles while burrowing
              subtype:  tor  a high rocky hill
              instance:  Calvary__Golgotha  Zion__Sion  Palatine  Capitol_Hill__the_Hill
           subtype:  hills__hill  hilly land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"; "the Black Hills"
              subtype:  foothills__foothill  hilly land on the lower slopes of mountains
              instance:  Cotswolds__Cotswold_Hills  Nilgiri_Hills  Black_Hills
           subtype:  mountain__mount  a land mass that projects well above its surroundings; higher than a hill
              subtype:  alp  any high mountain
              subtype:  ben  (in Scotland or Ireland) a mountain or tall hill; "they were climbing the ben"
              subtype:  seamount  an underwater mountain rising above the ocean floor
                 subtype:  guyot  a seamount of volcanic origin (especially in the Pacific Ocean)
              subtype:  volcano  a mountain formed by volcanic material
                 instance:  Cameroon  Citlaltepetl__Mount_Orizaba__Mt_Orizaba__Pico_de_Orizaba  Nevado_de_Colima__Colima__Volcan_de_Colima  Cotacachi  Cotopaxi  Demavend  El_Misti  Mount_Etna__Etna__Mt_Etna  Fuego  Fuji-san__Fuji__Fujiyama  Galeras__Pasto  Guallatiri  Huainaputina  Klyuchevskaya  Krakatau__Krakatao__Krakatoa  Lascar  Mauna_Kea  Mauna_Loa  Purace  Sangay  Tupungatito  Mount_Saint_Helens__Mount_St._Helens__Mt._St._Helens  Mount_Vesuvius__Vesuvius__Mt._Vesuvius
              instance:  Mount_Olympus__Olympus__Mt._Olympus__Olimbos
           subtype:  promontory__headland__foreland  a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)
              subtype:  Cape_Canaveral__Cape_Kennedy  a sandy promontory (formerly Cape Kennedy) extending into the Atlantic Ocean from a barrier island off the eastern coast of Florida; the site of a NASA center for spaceflight
              subtype:  Cape_Sable  a promontory on the far southern part of Nova Scotia
              subtype:  Jebel_Musa__Abila__Abyla  a promontory in northern Morocco opposite the Rock of Gibraltar; one of the Pillars of Hercules
              subtype:  mull  a term used in Scottish names of promontories; "the Mull of Kintyre"
              subtype:  point.promontory  a promontory extending out into a large body of water; "they sailed south around the point"
              instance:  Cape_Horn  Gibraltar__Rock_of_Gibraltar__Calpe  Cape_Hatteras
           subtype:  ridge  a long narrow natural elevation or striation
              subtype:  bank.ridge  a long ridge or pile; "a huge bank of earth"
                 subtype:  bluff  a high steep bank (usually formed by river erosion)
                 subtype:  sandbank  a submerged bank of sand near a shore or in a river; can be exposed at low tide
                    subtype:  shoal  a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide
              subtype:  bar.ridge  a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore
                 subtype:  sandbar__sand_bar  a bar of sand
              subtype:  sand_dune__dune  a ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes and oceans
              subtype:  ledge__shelf  a projecting ridge on a mountain or submerged under water
              subtype:  reef  a submerged ridge of rock or coral near the surface of the water
                 subtype:  coral_reef__coralreef  a reef consisting of coral consolidated into limestone
                    subtype:  atoll  an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a lagoon
                       instance:  Kwajalein  Eniwetok.atoll__eniwetok  Kwajalein.atoll__kwajalein  Midway_Islands
                    subtype:  barrier_reef__barrierreef  a long coral reef near and parallel to the shore
                    subtype:  Florida_keys__key__cay  a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida
              subtype:  ripple_mark  one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind
           subtype:  swell  a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)
        subtype:  oceanfront  land bordering an ocean
        subtype:  Pillars_of_Hercules  the two promontories at the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar; according to legend they were formed by Hercules
        subtype:  range_of_mountains__range__mountain_range__chain__mountain_chain__chain_of_mountains  a series of hills or mountains; "the valley was between two ranges of hills"; "the plains lay just beyond the mountain range"
           subtype:  Admiralty_Range  mountains in Antarctica north of Victoria Land
           subtype:  Balkans__Balkan_Mountains__Balkan_Mountain_Range  the major mountain range of Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula
           subtype:  Black_Hills.range_of_mountains__blackhill  mountains in southwestern South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming; sacred to the Sioux (whites settling in the Black Hills led to the Battle of Little Bighorn); site of Mount Rushmore
           subtype:  Cantabrian_Mountains  a range of mountains in northern Spain along the coast of the Bay of Biscay
           subtype:  Caucasus_Mountains__Caucasus  the mountain range in Caucasia between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea that forms part of the traditional border between Europe and Asia
           subtype:  Dolomite_Alps  an eastern range of the Alps in northeastern Italy famous for their dolomitic limestone
           subtype:  Guadalupe_Mountains  a mountain range in southern New Mexico and western Texas; the southern extension of the Sacramento Mountains
           subtype:  Mesabi_Range  a range of hills in northeastern Minnesota where rich iron ore deposits were discovered in 1887
           subtype:  Nan_Ling  a mountain range in southeastern China running generally east to west
           subtype:  Sacramento_Mountains  mountain range in New Mexico east of the Rio Grande
           subtype:  sierra  a range of mountains (usually with jagged peaks and irregular outline)
           instance:  Adirondacks__Adirondack_Mountains  Alaska_Range  Alleghenies__Allegheny_Mountains  the_Alps__Alps  Andes  Apennines  Appalachians__Appalachian_Mountains  Berkshires__Berkshire_Hills  Blue_Ridge_Mountains__Blue_Ridge  Cascades__Cascade_Range  Catskills__Catskill_Mountains  Coast_Range__Coast_Mountains  Cumberland_Mountains__Cumberland_Plateau  Great_Smoky_Mountains  Himalayas__Himalaya_Mountains__the_Himalaya  Hindu_Kush_Mountains__Hindu_Kush  Karakoram_Range__Karakoram__Karakorum_Range__Mustagh__Mustagh_Range  Kunlun_Mountains__Kunlun__Kuenlun__Kuenlun_Mountains  Ozarks__Ozark_Mountains__Ozark_Plateau  Pyrenees  Rockies__Rocky_Mountains  Sierra_Madre_Occidental  Sierra_Madre_Oriental  Sierra_Nevada_Mountains__Sierra_Nevada__High_Sierra  Sierra_Nevada  St._Elias_Range__St._Elias_Mountains  Teton_Range  Tien_Shan__Tyan_Shan  Urals__Ural_Mountains
        subtype:  relict  geological feature that is a remnant of a pre-existing formation after other parts have disappeared
        subtype:  ridge.geological_formation  a long narrow range of hills
           subtype:  arete  a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains
        subtype:  shore  the land along the edge of a body of water (a lake or ocean or river)
           subtype:  lakeside__lakeshore  the shore of a lake
           subtype:  seashore__coast__seacoast__sea-coast__seacoast  the shore of a sea or ocean
              subtype:  littoral_zone__littoral__litoral__sands__sand  the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean
              subtype:  Atlantic_Coast  a coast of the Atlantic Ocean
              subtype:  landfall.seashore  the seacoast first sighted on a voyage (or flight over water)
              subtype:  Pacific_Coast  a coast of the Pacific Ocean
              subtype:  seaside  the shore of a sea or ocean regarded as a resort
              instance:  Barbary_Coast.North_Africa__barbarycoast  Aeolis__Aeolia
           subtype:  strand.shore  a poetic term for a shore (as the area periodically covered and uncovered by the tides)
        subtype:  incline__side  an elevated geological formation; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was built on the side of the mountain"
           subtype:  acclivity__ascent__rise__raise__climb__upgrade  an upward slope or grade (as in a road); "the car couldn't make the grade"
              subtype:  uphill  the upward slope of a hill
           subtype:  bank  sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water); "they pulled the canoe up on the bank"; "he sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents"
              subtype:  riverbank__riverside  the bank of a river
              subtype:  waterside  land bordering a body of water
           subtype:  cant__bank__camber  a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
           subtype:  canyonside  the steeply sloping side of a canyon
           subtype:  declivity__descent__fall__decline__downslope  a downward slope
              subtype:  downhill.declivity  the downward slope of a hill
              subtype:  steep  a steep place (as on a hill)
           subtype:  escarpment__scarp  a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion
           subtype:  hillside  the side or slope of a hill
              subtype:  brae  (Scotland) a slope or hillside
           subtype:  mountainside__versant  the side or slope of a mountain; "conifer forests cover the eastern versant"
        subtype:  natural_spring__naturalspring__spring__fountain__outflow__outpouring  a natural flow of ground water
           subtype:  geyser  a spring that discharges hot water and steam
              subtype:  Old_Faithful  a geyser in Yellowstone National Park that erupts for about 4 minutes about every 65 minutes
           subtype:  hot_spring__hotspring__thermal_spring__thermalspring  a natural spring of water at a temperature of 70 F or above
           instance:  Fountain_of_Youth
        subtype:  talus__talu__scree  a sloping mass of rocks at the base of a cliff
        subtype:  mineral_vein__mineralvein__vein  a layer of ore between layers of rock
           subtype:  bonanza  an especially rich vein of precious ore
        subtype:  wall.geological_formation  a vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)
        subtype:  water_table__water_level__groundwater_level__groundwaterlevel  underground surface below which the ground is wholly saturated with water: "spring rains had raised the water table"
     subtype:  mechanism.natural_object  a natural object resembling a machine in structure and function; "the mechanism of the ear"
        subtype:  barrier.mechanism  anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access
           subtype:  bar.ridge  a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore
           subtype:  blood-brain_barrier  a mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood; serves to protect the central nervous system; "the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier"
           subtype:  curtain  any barrier to communication or vision; "a curtain of secrecy"; "a curtain of trees"
        subtype:  biological_clock  an innate mechanism in living organisms that controls the periodicity of many physiological functions
     subtype:  nest  a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young
        subtype:  beehive.nest__hive  a structure that provides a natural habitation for bees; as in a hollow tree
        subtype:  bird's_nest  nest where birds lay their eggs and hatch their young
           subtype:  aery__aerie__eyrie__eyry  the lofty nest of a bird of prey (such as a hawk or eagle)
        subtype:  drey  the nest of a squirrel
        subtype:  mouse_nest__mousenest__mouse's_nest__mouse'snest  where mice bear and raise their young
        subtype:  nidus__nidu  a nest in which spiders or insects deposit their eggs
           subtype:  wasp's_nest__hornet's_nest  habitation for wasps or hornets
     subtype:  radiator  any object that radiates energy
        subtype:  radio_source__radiosource  an object that radiates radio waves
     subtype:  rock.natural_object__stone  a lump of hard consolidated mineral matter; "he threw a rock at me"
        subtype:  achondrite  a stony meteor lacking chondrules
        subtype:  bedrock  solid unweathered rock lying beneath surface deposits of soil
        subtype:  boulder__bowlder  a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin
           subtype:  glacial_boulder__glacialboulder  a boulder that has been carried by a glacier to a place far distant from its place of origin
           subtype:  river_boulder__riverboulder  a boulder that has been carried by a river to a place remote from its place of origin
           subtype:  shore_boulder__shoreboulder  a boulder found on a shore remote from its place of origin
           instance:  Plymouth_Rock.boulder__plymouthrock
        subtype:  calculus__stone__concretion  a hard lump produced by the concretion of mineral salts; found in hollow organs or ducts of the body
           subtype:  bladder_stone__bladderstone__cystolith  a calculus formed in the bladder
           subtype:  enterolith  a calculus occurring in the intestines
           subtype:  gallstone__bilestone  a calculus formed in the gall bladder or its ducts
           subtype:  kidney_stone__urinary_calculus__nephrolith__renal_calculus  a calculus formed in the kidney
           subtype:  ptyalith  calculus in a salivary gland
           subtype:  sialolith__salivary_calculus  a stone formed in the salivary gland
           subtype:  urolith  a urinary stone
        subtype:  chondrite  a rock of meteoric origin containing chondrules
        subtype:  crystal.rock  a rock formed by the solidification of a substance; has regularly repeating internal structure; external plane faces
           subtype:  crystallite  any of numerous minute rudimentary crystalline bodies of unknown composition found in glassy igneous rock
        subtype:  rock_outcrop__outcrop__outcropping  the part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land
           subtype:  belay  something to which a mountain climber's rope can be secured
           subtype:  outthrust  an outcropping of rock that extends outward
        subtype:  pebble  a small smooth rounded rock
        subtype:  petrifaction  a rock created by petrifaction; an organic object infiltrated with mineral matter and preserved in its original form
        subtype:  sill.rock  (geology) a flat (usually horizontal) mass of igneous rock between two layers of older sedimentary rock
        subtype:  stepping_stone.rock__steppingstone  a stone in a marsh or shallow water that can be stepped on in crossing
        subtype:  tor.rock  a prominent rock or pile of rocks on a hill
        subtype:  wall_rock  a rock immediately adjacent to a vein or fault
     subtype:  sample.natural_object  all or part of a natural object that is collected and preserved as an example of its class
        subtype:  specimen.sample  a bit of tissue or blood or urine that is taken for diagnostic purposes; "they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis"
           subtype:  cytologic_specimen__cytologicspecimen  a specimen used for cytologic examination and diagnosis
              subtype:  cytologic_smear__cytologicsmear__smear__cytosmear  a thin tissue or blood sample spread on a glass slide and stained for cytologic examination and diagnosis under a microscope
                 subtype:  alimentary_tract_smear  any of several cytologic smears obtained from different parts of the alimentary tract; obtained by specialized lavage techniques and used mainly to diagnose cancer in those parts
                    subtype:  esophageal_smear  alimentary tract smear of material obtained from the esophagus
                    subtype:  gastric_smear__gastricsmear  alimentary tract smear of material obtained from the stomach
                    subtype:  oral_smear  alimentary tract smear of material obtained from the mouth
                    subtype:  paraduodenal_smear__duodenal_smear  alimentary tract smear of material obtained from the duodenum
                 subtype:  cervical_smear__Pap_smear__Papanicolaou_smear  a sample of secretions and superficial cells of the uterine cervix and uterus; examined with a microscope to detect any abnormal cells
                 subtype:  lower_respiratory_tract_smear__lowerrespiratorytractsmear__bronchoscopic_smear__bronchoscopicsmear__sputum_smear  any of several cytologic smears obtained from different parts of the lower respiratory tract; used for cytologic study of cancer and other diseases of the lungs
                 subtype:  vaginal_smear__vaginalsmear  smear taken from the vaginal mucosa for cytological analysis
        subtype:  core.sample  a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill
     subtype:  tangle  a twisted and tangled mass that is highly interwoven; "they carved their way through the tangle of vines"
        subtype:  hairball__hair_ball__trichobezoar  a compact mass of hair that forms in the alimentary canal (especially in the stomach of animals as a result of licking fur)
        subtype:  shag.tangle  a matted tangle of hair or fiber; "the dog's woolly shag"
     subtype:  existence__universe__creation__world__cosmos__macrocosm  everything that exists anywhere; "they study the evolution of the universe"; "the biggest tree in existence"
        subtype:  natural_order__naturalorder  the physical universe considered as an orderly system subject to natural (not human or supernatural) laws
        subtype:  nature.existence  the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.; "they tried to preserve nature as they found it"
     subtype:  cloud  any collection of particles ($('<' #physical_phenomenon replaced by #natural_object because #cloud.atmospheric_phenomenon already exists and a clous a color, a mass, ... like all natural objects)$ e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
        subtype:  coma  (astronomy) the luminous cloud of particles surrounding the frozen nucleus of a comet; forms as the comet approaches the sun and is warmed
        subtype:  nebula.cloud  an immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space
           subtype:  diffuse_nebula__diffusenebula__gaseous_nebula__gaseousnebula  a cluster of stars within an intricate cloud of gas and dust
              instance:  Orion.constellation__orion__thehunter
           subtype:  planetary_nebula__planetarynebula  a nebula that was once thought to be a star with its planets but is now thought to be a very hot star surrounded by an expanding envelope of ionized gases that emit a fluorescent glow because of intense radiation from the star
        subtype:  aerosol  a cloud of solid or liquid particles in a gas
           subtype:  fog  droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
              subtype:  fogbank  a large mass of fog on the sea (as seen from a distance)
              subtype:  ice_fog__icefog__pogonip  a dense winter fog containing ice particles
              subtype:  mist  a thin fog with condensation near the ground
              subtype:  pea-souper__peasouper__pea_soup__peasoup  a heavy thick yellow fog
           subtype:  haze  atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility
           subtype:  fume__smoke  a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas
              subtype:  gun_smoke__gunsmoke  smoke created by the firing of guns
              subtype:  smother  a stifling cloud of smoke
        subtype:  cosmic_dust  clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space
        subtype:  dust_cloud  a could of dust in the air
        subtype:  mushroom-shaped_cloud__mushroom__mushroom_cloud  a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)
     subtype:  plant_part__plantpart  any part of a plant or fungus
        subtype:  stub  a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost
        subtype:  button.plant_part  any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
        subtype:  thallus__thallu  a plant body without true stems or roots or leaves or vascular system; characteristic of the thallophytes
           subtype:  crustose_thallus  thin crusty lichen thallus; adheres closely to or is embedded in the surface on which it grows
        subtype:  pileus__cap  a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom
        subtype:  calyptra  the hood or cap covering the calyx of certain plants: e.g., the California poppy
        subtype:  volva  cuplike structure around the base of the stalk of certain fungi
        subtype:  pycnidium  flask-shaped asexual structure containing conidia
        subtype:  chalaza.plant_part  basal part of a plant ovule opposite the micropyle; where integument and nucellus are joined
        subtype:  nucellus  central part of a plant ovule; contains the embryo sac
        subtype:  pollen_tube  slender tubular outgrown from a pollen grain that penetrates the ovule and releases male gametes
        subtype:  mentum.plant_part  a projection like a chin formed by the sepals and base of the column in some orchids
        subtype:  mycelium  the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae
           subtype:  sclerotium  compact usually dark-colored mass of hardened mycelium constituting a vegetative food-storage body in various true fungi; detaches when mature and can give rise to new growth
        subtype:  plant_organ__plantorgan  a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
           subtype:  reproductive_structure  the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
              subtype:  spore  small usually single-celled reproductive body produced especially by certain bacteria and algae and fungi and nonflowering plants
                 subtype:  basidiospore  a sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium
                 subtype:  endospore  a small asexual spore that develops inside the cell of some bacteria and algae
                 subtype:  carpospore  a nonmotile spore of red algae
                 subtype:  chlamydospore  thick-walled asexual resting spore of certain fungi and algae
                    subtype:  teliospore  a chlamydospore that develops in the last stage of the life cycle of the rust fungus
                 subtype:  conidium__conidiospore  an asexually produced fungal spore formed on a conidiophore
                 subtype:  oospore  a thick-walled sexual spore that develops from a fertilized oosphere in some algae and fungi
                 subtype:  tetraspore  one of the four asexual spores produced within a sporangium
                 subtype:  zoospore  an asexual spore of some algae and fungi that moves by means of flagella
                 subtype:  fern_seed  the asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the possessor invisible
                 subtype:  microspore  smaller of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in the pollen sac into a male gametophyte
                 subtype:  megaspore  larger of the two types of spore produced in heterosporous plants; develops in ovule into a female gametophyte
                 subtype:  aeciospore  spore of a rust fungus formed in an aecium
                 subtype:  ascospore  sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus
                 subtype:  zygospore  a plant spore formed by two similar sexual cells
              subtype:  gleba  fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a puffball or stinkhorn
              subtype:  hymenium  spore-bearing layer of cells in certain fungi containing asci or basidia
              subtype:  sporocarp__spore_case__sporecase  specialized leaf branch in certain aquatic ferns that encloses the sori or clusters of sporangia
              subtype:  bloom__flower__blossom  reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
                 subtype:  floret  a diminutive flower (especially one that is part of a composite flower)
                 subtype:  apetalous_flower__apetalousflower  flower having no petals
                 subtype:  inflorescence  the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a stalk
                    subtype:  flower_head  a shortened compact cluster of flowers so arranged that the whole gives the effect of a single flower as in clover or members of the family Compositae
                    subtype:  catkin__ament  a cylindrical spikelike inflorescence
                    subtype:  umbel  flat-topped or rounded inflorescence characteristic of the family Umbelliferae in which the individual flower stalks arise from about the same point; youngest flowers are at the center
                    subtype:  corymb  flat-topped or convex inflorescence in which the individual flower stalks grow upward from various points on the main stem to approximately the same height; outer flowers open first
                    subtype:  raceme  usually elongate cluster of flowers along the main stem in which the flowers at the base open first
                       subtype:  panicle  compound raceme or branched cluster of flowers
                    subtype:  cyme  more or less flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the central or terminal flower opens first
                       subtype:  scorpioid_cyme__scorpioidcyme  a cyme with flowers or branches alternating in opposite ranks
                    subtype:  spike.inflorescence  (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis
                       subtype:  spikelet  a small spike (as the inflorescence on grasses and sedges)
                 subtype:  ray_flower__rayflower__ray_floret__rayfloret  small flower with a flat strap-shaped corolla usually occupying the peripheral rings of a composite flower
                 subtype:  bud  a partially opened flower
                    subtype:  rosebud  the bud of a rose
                 subtype:  chrysanthemum.bloom  the flower of a chrysanthemum plant
              subtype:  stamen  the male reproductive organ of a flower
              subtype:  anther  the part of the stamen that contains pollen; usually borne on a stalk
              subtype:  pistil__gynoecium  the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma
                 subtype:  simple_pistil  consists of one carpel
                 subtype:  compound_pistil  consists of two or more fused carpels
                 subtype:  carpel  a simple pistil or one element of a compound pistil
              subtype:  style.reproductive_structure  the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma
              subtype:  stigma.reproductive_structure  the apical end of the style where pollen is deposited
              subtype:  ovary.reproductive_structure  the organ that bears the ovules of a flower
              subtype:  ovule  a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization
                 subtype:  amphitropous_ovule  a partly inverted ovule turned back 90 degrees on its stalk
                 subtype:  anatropous_ovule  a completely inverted ovule turned back 180 degrees on its stalk
                 subtype:  campylotropous_ovule  a curved ovule with the micropyle almost touching the funiculus
                 subtype:  orthotropous_ovule  a completely straight ovule with the micropyle at the apex
                 subtype:  seed.ovule  a mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa
              subtype:  placenta.reproductive_structure  that part of the ovary of a flowering plant where the ovules form
              subtype:  placentation  arrangement of the ovules in the placenta and of the placentas in the ovary
                 subtype:  apical_placentation  where one or few ovules develop at the top of a simple or compound ovary
                 subtype:  axile_placentation__axileplacentation  ovules are borne at or around the center of a compound ovary on an axis formed from joined septa
                 subtype:  basal_placentation__basalplacentation  where one or few ovules develop at the base of a simple or compound ovary
                 subtype:  free_central_placentation  where ovules develop on a central column in a compound ovary lacking septa or with septa at base only
                 subtype:  lamellate_placentation__lamellateplacentation  with ovules on thin extensions of the placentae into a compound ovary
                 subtype:  marginal_placentation__ventral_placentation__ventralplacentation  with ovules borne on the wall along the ventral suture of a simple ovary
                 subtype:  parietal_placentation  where ovules develop on the wall or slight outgrowths of the wall forming broken partitions within a compound ovary
              subtype:  testa__seed_coat  protective outer layer of seeds of flowering plants
              subtype:  endosperm  nutritive tissue surrounding the embryo within seeds of flowering plants
              subtype:  gemma  small asexual reproductive structure in e.g. liverworts and mosses that detaches from the parent and develops into a new individual
              subtype:  strobilus__cone__strobile  cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts
                 subtype:  fir_cone__fircone  the seed-producing cone of a fir tree
                 subtype:  galbulus  the seed-producing cone of a cypress tree
                 subtype:  pinecone  the seed-producing cone of a pine tree
              subtype:  basidium  a small club-shaped structure typically bearing four basidiospores at the ends of minute projections; unique to basidiomycetes
                 subtype:  promycelium  the basidium of various fungi
              subtype:  antheridium  the male sex organ of spore-producing plants; produces antherozoids; equivalent to the anther in flowers
              subtype:  sporangium__spore_case__sporecase__spore_sac__sporesac  organ containing or producing spores
                 subtype:  eusporangium  a sporangium that arises from a group of epidermal cells
                 subtype:  leptosporangium  a sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell; characteristic of the Filicales or of almost all modern ferns
                 subtype:  tetrasporangium  a sporangium containing four asexual spores
              subtype:  ascus__ascu  saclike structure in which ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes
              subtype:  sporophore  a spore-bearing branch or organ: the part of the thallus of a sporophyte that develops spores; in ferns and mosses and liverworts is practically equivalent to the sporophyte
              subtype:  gametangium  cell or organ in which gametes develop
              subtype:  gametophore  a modified branch bearing gametangia as in the thalloid liverworts
                 subtype:  antheridiophore  gametophore bearing antheridia as in certain mosses and liverworts
              subtype:  sorus__soru  cluster of sporangia usually on underside of a fern frond
              subtype:  sorus.reproductive_structure__soru  a spore-producing structure in certain lichens and fungi
              subtype:  fruit  the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
                 subtype:  edible_fruit  edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh
                    subtype:  freestone  fruit (especially peach) whose flesh does not adhere to the pit
                    subtype:  cling__clingstone  fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
                    subtype:  windfall  fruit that has fallen from the tree
                    subtype:  apple  fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
                       subtype:  crab_apple__crabapple  small sour apple; suitable for preserving; "crabapples make a tangy jelly"
                       subtype:  eating_apple__dessert_apple__dessertapple  an apple used primarily for eating raw without cooking
                          subtype:  Baldwin  an American eating apple with red or yellow and red skin
                          subtype:  Cortland  large red-skinned apple
                          subtype:  Delicious  variety of sweet eating apples
                             subtype:  Golden_Delicious__Yellow_Delicious  a sweet eating apple with yellow skin
                             subtype:  Red_Delicious  a sweet eating apple with bright red skin; most widely grown apple worldwide
                          subtype:  Empire  an eating apple that somewhat resembles a McIntosh; used as both an eating and a cooking apple
                          subtype:  Grimes'_golden  yellow apple that ripens in late autumn; eaten raw
                          subtype:  Jonathan  red late-ripening apple; primarily eaten raw
                          subtype:  McIntosh  early-ripening apple popular in the northeastern United States; primarily eaten raw but suitable for applesauce
                             subtype:  Macoun  similar to McIntosh; juicy and late-ripening
                          subtype:  Northern_Spy  large late-ripening apple with skin striped with yellow and red
                          subtype:  Pearmain  any of several varieties of red-skinned apple
                          subtype:  Pippin  any of numerous superior eating apples with yellow or greenish yellow skin flushed with red
                             subtype:  Cox's_Orange_Pippin  a yellow Pippin with distinctive flavor
                          subtype:  Prima  used primarily as eating apples
                          subtype:  Stayman  apple grown chiefly in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley
                          subtype:  Winesap  crisp apple with dark red skin
                          subtype:  Stayman_Winesap  crisp tart apple; good for eating raw and suitable for cooking
                       subtype:  cooking_apple__cookingapple  an apple used primarily in cooking for pies and applesauce etc
                          subtype:  Bramley's_Seedling  very large cooking apple
                          subtype:  Granny_Smith  hard and tart; used primarily in cooking
                          subtype:  Lane's_Prince_Albert  used primarily in cooking
                          subtype:  Newtown_Wonder  used primarily in cooking
                          subtype:  Rome_Beauty  large red apple used primarily for baking
                    subtype:  berry  any of numerous small edible pulpy fruits either simple (grape; blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry; raspberry)
                       subtype:  European_blueberry__bilberry__whortleberry  blue-black berries similar to American blueberries
                       subtype:  huckleberry.berry  blue-black berry similar to blueberries and bilberries of the eastern United States
                       subtype:  blueberry  sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants
                       subtype:  boxberry__wintergreen__checkerberry__teaberry__spiceberry  spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil
                       subtype:  cranberry.berry  very tart red berry used for sauce or juice
                       subtype:  lowbush_cranberry__lowbushcranberry__lingonberry__mountaincranberry__cowberry  tart red berries similar to American cranberries but smaller
                       subtype:  currant  any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams
                          subtype:  gooseberry  currant-like berry used primarily in jams and jellies
                          subtype:  black_currant__blackcurrant  small black berries used in jams and jellies
                          subtype:  red_currant  small red berries used primarily in jams and jellies
                       subtype:  blackberry  large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
                       subtype:  boysenberry  large raspberry-flavored fruit; cross between blackberries and raspberries
                       subtype:  dewberry  blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes
                       subtype:  loganberry  large red variety of the dewberry
                       subtype:  raspberry  red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
                       subtype:  saskatoon__shadberry__juneberry  edible purple or red berries
                       subtype:  strawberry.berry  sweet fleshy red fruit
                       subtype:  sugarberry__hackberry  small edible dark purple to black berry with large pits; southern United States
                       subtype:  persimmon  orange fruit resembling a plum; edible when fully ripe
                       subtype:  surinam_cherry__surinamcherry__acerola__barbados_cherry__West_Indian_cherry  acid red or yellow cherry-like fruit of a tropical American shrub very rich in vitamin C
                       subtype:  mulberry  sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus
                    subtype:  lanseh__lansa__lansat__lanset  East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit
                    subtype:  carambola__star_fruit  deeply ridged yellow-brown tropical fruit; used raw as a vegetable or in salad or when fully ripe as a dessert
                    subtype:  ceriman  tropical cylindrical fruit resembling a pinecone with pineapple-banana flavor
                    subtype:  carissa_plum__carissaplum__natal_plum__natalplum  edible scarlet plum-like fruit of a South African plant
                    subtype:  citrus_fruit__citrus  any of numerous fruits of the genus Citrus having thick rind and juicy pulp; grown in warm regions
                       subtype:  orange_fruit__orange  round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees
                          subtype:  temple_orange  large sweet easily-peeled Florida fruit with deep orange rind
                          subtype:  bitter_orange__Seville_orange__sour_orange  highly acidic orange used especially in marmalade
                          subtype:  sweet_orange__sweetorange  orange with sweet juicy pulp; often thin-skinned
                             subtype:  Jaffa_orange  sweet almost seedless orange of Israel
                             subtype:  navel_orange__navelorange  seedless orange enclosing a small secondary fruit at the apex
                             subtype:  Valencia_orange  variety of sweet orange cultivated extensively in Florida and California
                       subtype:  mandarin_orange__mandarin  a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose-skinned citrus of China
                          subtype:  satsuma  medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin smooth skin
                          subtype:  tangerine  any of various deep orange mandarins grown in the United States and southern Africa
                       subtype:  kumquat  small oval citrus fruit with thin sweet rind and very acid pulp
                       subtype:  lemon  yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh
                       subtype:  lime  the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees
                          subtype:  key_lime__keylime  small yellow-green limes of southern Florida
                       subtype:  grapefruit  large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half
                       subtype:  pomelo__shaddock  large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp
                       subtype:  citrange  more aromatic and acid tasting than oranges; used in beverages and marmalade
                       subtype:  citron  large lemonlike fruit with thick aromatic rind; usually preserved
                    subtype:  tangelo__ugli_fruit  large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin
                    subtype:  apricot  downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach
                    subtype:  peach  downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh
                    subtype:  nectarine  smooth-skinned variety or mutation of the peach
                    subtype:  pitahaya  highly colored edible fruit of pitahaya cactus having bright red juice; often as large as a peach
                    subtype:  plum  any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single pit
                       subtype:  damson__damson_plum  sweet dark purple plum
                       subtype:  greengage_plum__greengageplum__greengage  sweet green or greenish-yellow variety of plum
                       subtype:  beach_plum__beachplum  small dark purple fruit used especially in jams and pies
                       subtype:  sloe  small sour dark purple fruit of especially the Allegheny plum bush
                    subtype:  dried_fruit__driedfruit  fruit preserved by drying
                       subtype:  dried_apricot__driedapricot  apricots preserved by drying
                       subtype:  prune  dried plum
                       subtype:  raisin  dried grape
                          subtype:  seedless_raisin__sultana  dried seedless grape
                          subtype:  seeded_raisin  seeded grape that has been dried
                          subtype:  currant.raisin  small dried seedless raisin grown in the Mediterranean region and California; used in cooking
                    subtype:  fig  fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried
                    subtype:  pineapple__ananas  large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated
                    subtype:  anchovy_pear__anchovypear__river_pear__riverpear  West Indian fruit resembling the mango; often pickled
                    subtype:  banana  elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh
                    subtype:  passion_fruit__passionfruit  egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines; used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks
                       subtype:  granadilla  the egg-shaped edible fruit of tropical American vines related to passionflowers
                       subtype:  sweet_calabash__sweetcalabash  apple-sized passion fruit of the West Indies
                       subtype:  bell_apple__sweet_cup__sweetcup__water_lemon__waterlemon__yellow_granadilla  the edible yellow fruit of the Jamaica honeysuckle
                    subtype:  breadfruit  round seedless or seeded fruit with a bread-like texture; eaten boiled or baked or roasted or ground into flour; roasted seeds resemble chestnuts; of Pacific Islands
                    subtype:  jackfruit__jak__jack  immense East Indian fruit resembling breadfruit of; its seeds are commonly roasted
                    subtype:  canistel__eggfruit  ovoid orange-yellow mealy sweet fruit of Florida and West Indies
                    subtype:  melon  any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh
                       subtype:  melon_ball__melonball  a bite of melon cut as a sphere
                       subtype:  muskmelon__sweetmelon  the fruit of a muskmelon vine; any of several sweet melons related to cucumbers
                          subtype:  cantaloup__cantaloupe  the fruit of a cantaloup vine; small to medium-sized melon with yellowish flesh
                          subtype:  winter_melon  the fruit of the winter melon vine; a green melon with pale green to orange flesh that keeps well
                             subtype:  honeydew_melon__honeydew  the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large smooth-skinned greenish-white melon with pale green flesh
                             subtype:  Persian_melon  the fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large green melon with orange flesh
                             subtype:  casaba_melon__casaba  melon having yellowish rind and whitish flesh
                          subtype:  net_melon__netmelon__netted_melon__nutmeg_melon  the fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine; a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh
                       subtype:  watermelon  large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp
                    subtype:  cherry  fruit with a single hard stone
                       subtype:  black_cherry__blackcherry__sweetcherry  any of several fruits of cultivated cherry trees that have sweet flesh
                          subtype:  bing_cherry  dark red or blackish sweet cherry
                          subtype:  heart_cherry__heartcherry__oxheart_cherry__oxheartcherry  large heart-shaped sweet cherry with soft flesh
                             subtype:  blackheart_cherry__blackheart  heart cherry with dark flesh and skin cherry
                       subtype:  capulin__Mexican_black_cherry  Mexican black cherry
                       subtype:  sour_cherry  acid cherries used for pies and preserves
                          subtype:  amarelle  pale red sour cherry with colorless or nearly colorless juice
                          subtype:  morello  cultivated sour cherry with dark-colored skin and juice
                    subtype:  cocoa_plum__cocoaplum__coco_plum__icaco  plum-shaped whitish to almost black fruit used for preserves; tropical American
                    subtype:  grape  any of various juicy purple- or green-skinned fruit of the genus Vitis; grow in clusters
                       subtype:  slip-skin_grape__fox_grape__foxgrape  purplish-black wild grape of the eastern United States with tough skins that slip easily from the flesh; cultivated in many varieties
                          subtype:  Concord_grape  slip-skin purple table grape of the northeastern United States
                          subtype:  Catawba.slip-skin_grape__catawba  slip-skin reddish American table grape
                       subtype:  bullace_grape__bullacegrape__muscadine  dull-purple grape of southern United States
                          subtype:  scuppernong  amber-green muscadine grape of southeastern United States
                       subtype:  vinifera_grape  grape from a cultivated variety of the common grape vine of Europe
                          subtype:  emperor  red table grape of California
                          subtype:  muscat_grape__muscat__muscatel  sweet aromatic grape used for raisins and wine
                          subtype:  ribier  dark reddish-purple table grape of California
                          subtype:  sultana  pale yellow seedless grape used for raisins and wine
                          subtype:  Tokay  variety of wine grape originally grown in Hungary; the prototype of vinifera grapes
                             subtype:  flame_tokay__flametokay  purplish-red table grape
                          subtype:  Thompson_Seedless  seedless green table grape of California
                    subtype:  custard_apple__custardapple  the fruit of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona having soft edible pulp
                       subtype:  cherimoya__cherimolla  large tropical fruit with leathery skin and soft pulp; related to custard apples
                       subtype:  soursop  large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples
                       subtype:  bullock's_heart__Jamaica_apple  large heart-shaped tropical fruit with soft acid pulp
                       subtype:  sweetsop__anon__sugar_apple__sugarapple  sweet pulpy tropical fruit with thick scaly rind and shiny black seeds
                       subtype:  ilama  whitish tropical fruit with a pinkish tinge related to custard apples; grown in the southern United States
                       subtype:  pond_apple  ovoid yellow fruit with very fragrant peach-colored flesh; related to custard apples
                    subtype:  papaw__pawpaw  fruit with yellow flesh; related to custard apples
                    subtype:  papaya  large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh
                    subtype:  kai_apple__kaiapple  S African fruit smelling and tasting like apricots; used for pickles and preserves
                    subtype:  ketembilla__kitembilla__kitambilla  maroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves
                    subtype:  ackee__akee  red pear-shaped tropical fruit with poisonous seeds; flesh is poisonous when unripe or overripe
                    subtype:  durian  huge fruit native to southeastern Asia `smelling like Hell and tasting like Heaven'; seeds are roasted and eaten like nuts
                    subtype:  feijoa__pineapple_guava__pineappleguava  dark-green kiwi-sized tropical fruit with white flesh; used chiefly for jellies and preserves
                    subtype:  genip__Spanish_lime  round one-inch Caribbean fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp; eaten like grapes
                    subtype:  genipap__genipap_fruit__genipapfruit  a succulent orange-sized tropical fruit with a thick rind
                    subtype:  kiwi_fruit__kiwi__Chinese_gooseberry  fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
                    subtype:  loquat__Japanese_plum  yellow olive-sized semitropical fruit with a large free stone and relatively little flesh; used for jellies
                    subtype:  mangosteen  two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples
                    subtype:  mango  large oval smooth-skinned tropical fruit with juicy aromatic pulp and a large hairy seed
                    subtype:  sapodilla_plum__sapodillaplum__sapodilla__sapota  tropical fruit with a rough brownish skin and very sweet brownish pulp
                    subtype:  sapote__mammee__marmalade_plum__marmaladeplum  brown oval fruit flesh makes excellent sherbet
                    subtype:  tamarind__tamarindo  large tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and fish or preserved for curries and chutneys
                    subtype:  alligator_pear__alligatorpear__avocado__avocado_pear__avocadopear  pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed
                    subtype:  date.edible_fruit  sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed
                    subtype:  elderberry  berrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies
                    subtype:  guava  tropical fruit having yellow skin and pink pulp; eaten fresh or used for e.g. jellies
                    subtype:  mombin  purplish tropical fruit
                    subtype:  hog_plum__hogplum__yellow_mombin  yellow oval tropical fruit
                    subtype:  wild_plum__hog_plum__hogplum  wild plum of southern United States
                    subtype:  jaboticaba  tough-skinned purple grape-like tropical fruit grown in Brazil
                    subtype:  Chinese_jujube__jujube__Chinese_date  dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
                    subtype:  litchi_nut__litchi__litchee__lichi__leechee__lichee__lychee  Chinese fruit having a thin brittle shell enclosing a sweet jellylike pulp and a single seed; often dried
                    subtype:  longanberry__dragon'seye  Asian fruit similar to litchi
                    subtype:  mamey__mammee_apple  globular or ovoid tropical fruit with thick russet leathery rind and juicy yellow or reddish flesh
                    subtype:  marang  tropical fruit from the Philippines having a mass of small seeds embedded in sweetish white pulp
                    subtype:  medlar  crabapple-like fruit used for preserves
                    subtype:  medlar.edible_fruit  South African globular fruit with brown leathery skin and sweet-acid pithy flesh
                    subtype:  pear  sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties
                       subtype:  bosc  greenish-yellow pear
                       subtype:  anjou  green-skinned pear with firm flesh
                       subtype:  bartlett_pear__bartlett  juicy yellow pear
                       subtype:  seckel_pear__seckel  small yellowish- to reddish-brown pear
                    subtype:  plumcot  hybrid between plum and apricot
                    subtype:  pomegranate  large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind
                    subtype:  prickly_pear__pricklypear  round or pear-shaped spiny fruit of any of various prickly pear cacti
                    subtype:  garambulla  small berrylike fruit
                    subtype:  blade_apple__bladeapple__Barbados_gooseberry  small yellow to orange fruit of the Barbados gooseberry cactus used in desserts and preserves and jellies
                    subtype:  quandang__quandong__quantong__native_peach  red Australian fruit; used for dessert or in jam
                    subtype:  quince  aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves
                    subtype:  rambutan__rambotan  pleasantly acid bright red oval Malayan fruit covered with soft spines
                    subtype:  pulasan__pulassan  fruit of an East Indian tree similar to the rambutan but sweeter
                    subtype:  rose_apple  fragrant oval yellowish tropical fruit used in jellies and confections
                    subtype:  sorb__sorb_apple  acid gritty-textured fruit
                    subtype:  sour_gourd  acid-tasting Australian gourd-like fruit with a woody rind and large seeds
                    subtype:  monkey_bread__sour_gourd  African gourd-like fruit with edible pulp
                 subtype:  juniper_berry__juniperberry  berrylike fruit of a plant of the genus Juniperus especially the berrylike cone of the common juniper
                 subtype:  May_apple  edible but insipid fruit of the May apple plant
                 subtype:  achene  small dry indehiscent fruit with the seed distinct from the fruit wall
                    subtype:  samara__key_fruit__keyfruit  a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
                 subtype:  gourd  any of numerous inedible fruits with hard rinds
                    subtype:  calabash  round gourd of the calabash tree
                 subtype:  prairie_gourd__prairiegourd  small hard green-and-white inedible fruit of the prairie gourd plant
                 subtype:  quandong__blue_fig  the fruit of the Brisbane quandong tree
                 subtype:  acorn  fruit of the oak tree: a smooth thin-walled nut in a woody cup-shaped base
                 subtype:  olive.fruit  small ovoid fruit of the European olive tree; important food and source of oil
                 subtype:  wild_cherry  the fruit of the wild cherry tree
                 subtype:  marasca  small bitter fruit of the marasca cherry tree from whose juice maraschino liqueur is made
                 subtype:  hagberry  small cherry much liked by birds
                 subtype:  chokecherry  the fruit of the chokecherry tree
                 subtype:  rowanberry  decorative red berrylike fruit of a rowan tree
                 subtype:  buffalo_nut__elk_nut__elknut__oil_nut__oilnut  oily drupaceous fruit of rabbitwood
                 subtype:  ear.fruit__capitulum  fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn
                    subtype:  mealie  (South African) an ear of corn
                 subtype:  fruitlet  a diminutive fruit, especially one that is part of a multiple fruit
                 subtype:  seed  a small hard fruit
                    subtype:  edible_seed  many are used as seasoning
                       subtype:  pumpkin_seed__pumpkinseed  the edible seed of a pumpkin
                       subtype:  betel_nut__betelnut__areca_nut__arecanut  seed of betel palm; chewed with leaves of the betel pepper and lime as a digestive stimulant and narcotic in southeastern Asia
                       subtype:  water_chinquapin__waterchinquapin  edible nutlike seeds of an American lotus having the flavor of a chinquapin
                       subtype:  dika_nut  edible oil-rich seed of wild mango
                       subtype:  sunflower_seed__sunflowerseed  edible seed of sunflowers; used as food and poultry feed and as a source of oil
                       subtype:  cumin_seed__cuminseed__cumin  aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family
                    subtype:  coffee_bean__coffee_berry__coffee  a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee
                    subtype:  bonduc_nut__nicker_nut__nicker_seed  hard shiny gray seed of a bonduc tree; used for making e.g. jewelry
                    subtype:  Job's_tears  hard pearly seeds of an Asiatic grass; often used as beads
                    subtype:  oilseed  any of several seeds that yield oil
                       subtype:  castor_bean  seed of castor-oil plant; source of castor oil
                       subtype:  cottonseed  seed of cotton plants; source of cottonseed oil
                       subtype:  candlenut  seed of candlenut tree; source of soil used in varnishes
                       subtype:  rapeseed  seed of rape plants; source of an edible oil
                       subtype:  linseed__flaxseed  the seed of flax used as a source of oil
                    subtype:  safflower_seed__safflowerseed  seed of the safflower
                    subtype:  caryopsis__caryopsi__grain  dry seedlike fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn
                       subtype:  amaranth.caryopsis  seed of amaranth plants used as a native cereal in Central and South America
                       subtype:  barleycorn  a grain of barley
                       subtype:  wheat_berry  a grain of wheat
                       subtype:  kernel  a single whole grain of a cereal: "a kernel of corn"
                          subtype:  corn  the dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal
                       subtype:  rye  the seed of the cereal grass
                    subtype:  ash-key__ashkey  winged seed of the ash tree
                    subtype:  coquilla_nut  nut having a hard hazel-brown shell used like vegetable ivory
                    subtype:  babassu_nut  hard-shelled nut of the babassu palm
                    subtype:  cohune_nut  nut of the cohune palm having hard white shells like those of ivory nuts
                    subtype:  ivory_nut__ivorynut__vegetable_ivory__vegetableivory__apple_nut  nutlike seed of a South American palm; the hard white shell takes a high polish and is used for e.g. buttons
                    subtype:  neem_seed  seed of neem trees; source of pesticides and fertilizer and medicinal products
                    subtype:  buckeye__horse_chestnut__horsechestnut__conker  the inedible nutlike seed of the horse chestnut
                    subtype:  Mexican_jumping_bean__jumping_bean__jumpingbean__jumping_seed__jumpingseed  seed of Mexican shrubs of the genus Sebastiana containing the larva of a moth whose movements cause the bean to jerk or tumble
                    subtype:  bean  any of various seeds or fruits suggestive of beans
                       subtype:  tonka_bean__tonkabean__coumara_nut  fragrant black nutlike seeds of the tonka bean tree; used in perfumes and medicines and as a substitute for vanilla
                       subtype:  algarroba__algarrobilla__algarobilla  mesquite pod used in tanning and dying
                       subtype:  calabar_bean__calabarbean__ordeal_bean  dark brown highly poisonous seed of the calabar-bean vine; source of physostigmine and used in native witchcraft
                       subtype:  divi-divi  twisted seed pods of the divi-divi tree; source of tannin
                    subtype:  nut  usually large hard-shelled seed
                       subtype:  edible_nut  a hard-shelled seed consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell
                          subtype:  bunya_bunya__bunyabunya  nut tasting like roasted chestnuts; a staple food of Australian aborigines
                          subtype:  goober__peanut__earthnut__goober_pea__groundnut__monkey_nut  pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms
                          subtype:  almond  oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree
                             subtype:  Jordan_almond  an almond covered with a sugar coating that is hard and flavored and colored
                          subtype:  quandong_nut  edible nutlike seed of the quandong fruit
                          subtype:  beechnut  small sweet triangular nut of any of various beech trees
                          subtype:  walnut  nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell
                             subtype:  black_walnut__blackwalnut  American walnut having a very hard and thick woody shell
                             subtype:  English_walnut  nut with a wrinkled two-lobed seed and hard but relatively thin shell; widely used in cooking
                          subtype:  brazil__brazil_nut  three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell
                          subtype:  butternut  oily egg-shaped nut of an American tree of the walnut family
                          subtype:  souari_nut  a large nutlike seed of a South American tree
                          subtype:  cashew_nut__cashew  kidney-shaped nut edible only when roasted
                          subtype:  chestnut.edible_nut  edible nut of any of various chestnut trees of the genus Castanea
                          subtype:  chincapin__chinkapin__chinquapin  small nut of either of two small chestnut trees of the southern United States; resembles a hazelnut
                          subtype:  hazelnut__filbert__cobnut__cob  nut of any of several trees of the genus Corylus
                          subtype:  coconut__cocoanut  large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk
                          subtype:  grugru_nut  nut of Brazilian or West Indian palms
                          subtype:  hickory_nut__hickorynut  small hard-shelled nut of North American hickory trees especially the shagbark hickories
                          subtype:  macadamia_nut__macadamianut  nutlike seed with sweet and crisp white meat
                          subtype:  pecan  smooth brown oval nut of south central United States
                          subtype:  pine_nut__pignolia__pinon_nut__pinonnut  edible seed of any of several nut pines especially some pinons of southwestern North America
                          subtype:  pistachio_nut__pistachionut__pistachio  nut of Mediterranean trees having an edible green kernel
                       subtype:  cembra_nut__cedar_nut  the seed of the Swiss pine
                       subtype:  kola_nut__cola_nut  bitter brown seed containing caffein; source of cola extract
                       subtype:  mast.nut  nuts of forest trees (as beechnuts and acorns) accumulated on the ground; used especially as food for swine
                       subtype:  palm_nut__palm_kernel  see o any oil palm
                       subtype:  nutlet  a small nut
                 subtype:  berry.fruit  a pulpy and usually edible small fruit having any of various structures: e.g. strawberry or raspberry or blueberry
                    subtype:  cranberry.berry  very tart red berry used for sauce or juice
                    subtype:  baneberry  a poisonous berry of a plant of the genus Actaea
                    subtype:  simple_fruit__bacca  an indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within a fleshy wall or pericarp: e.g. grape; tomato; cranberry
                 subtype:  aggregate_fruit__aggregatefruit__multiple_fruit__syncarp  fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple
                    subtype:  syconium  the fleshy multiple fruit of the fig consisting of an enlarged hollow receptacle containing numerous fruitlets
                 subtype:  drupe__stone_fruit__stonefruit  fleshy indehiscent fruit with a single seed: e.g. almond; peach; plum; cherry; elderberry; olive; jujube
                    subtype:  almond  oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree
                    subtype:  peach  downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh
                    subtype:  plum  any of numerous varieties of small to medium-sized round or oval smooth-skinned fruit with a single pit
                    subtype:  cherry  fruit with a single hard stone
                    subtype:  elderberry  berrylike fruit of an elder used for e.g. wines and jellies
                    subtype:  Chinese_jujube__jujube__Chinese_date  dark red plum-like fruit of Old World buckthorn trees
                    subtype:  olive.relish  one-seeded fruit of the European olive tree usually pickled and used as a relish
                       subtype:  black_olive__ripe_olive  olives picked ripe and cured in brine then dried or pickled or preserved canned or in oil
                       subtype:  green_olive  olives picked green and pickled in brine; infrequently stuffed with e.g. pimento
                    subtype:  drupelet  a small part of an aggregate fruit that resembles a drupe
                       subtype:  blackberry  large sweet black or very dark purple edible aggregate fruit of any of various bushes of the genus Rubus
                       subtype:  raspberry  red or black edible aggregate berries usually smaller than the related blackberries
                       subtype:  acinus.drupelet__acinu  one of the small drupes making up an aggregate or multiple fruit like a blackberry
                 subtype:  pome__false_fruit__falsefruit  a fleshy fruit (apple or pear or related fruits) having seed chambers and an outer fleshy part
                    subtype:  apple  fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
                    subtype:  pear  sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit available in many varieties
                    subtype:  quince  aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves
                 subtype:  seedpod__pod  a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant
                    subtype:  legume.seedpod  the fruit or seed of any of various bean or pea plants consisting of a two-valved case that splits along both sides when ripe and having the seeds attached to one edge of the valves
                       subtype:  garbanzo__chickpea  the seed of the chickpea plant
                       subtype:  lentil.legume  the fruit or seed of a lentil plant
                       subtype:  pea.legume  the fruit or seed of a pea plant
                          subtype:  garden_pea  the flattened to cylindric inflated multi-seeded fruit of the common pea plant
                       subtype:  field_pea.legume__fieldpea  seed of the field pea plant
                       subtype:  cowpea__black-eyed_pea  fruit or seed of the cowpea plant
                    subtype:  peanut  underground pod of of the peanut vine
                    subtype:  screw_bean__screwbean  spirally twisted sweet pod of screwbean mesquite that is used for fodder or ground into meal for feed
                    subtype:  okra  long green edible beaked pods of the okra plant
                    subtype:  cowage  pods of the cowage plant or the stinging hairs covering them; used as a vermifuge when mixed with e.g. honey
                    subtype:  loment  pods constricted between seeds and breaking apart when ripe into one-seed segments
                 subtype:  pyxidium__pyxis__pyxi  fruit of such plants as the plantain; a capsule whose upper part falls off when the seeds are released
                 subtype:  accessory_fruit__accessoryfruit__pseudocarp  fruit containing much fleshy tissue besides that of the ripened ovary; as apple or strawberry
                 subtype:  buckthorn_berry__buckthornberry__yellow_berry  fruit of various buckthorns yielding dyes or pigments
                 subtype:  cubeb  spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
           subtype:  septum.plant_organ  a partition or wall especially in an ovary
           subtype:  nectary__honey_gland__honeygland  a gland (often a protuberance or depression) that secretes nectar
           subtype:  archegonium  a female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms
           subtype:  mescal_button__sacred_mushroom  the button-shaped top of the mescal cactus
           subtype:  cup.plant_organ  cup-shaped plant organ
              subtype:  acorn_cup__acorncup__cupule  cup-shaped structure of hardened bracts at the base of an acorn
           subtype:  hypobasidium  special cell constituting the base of the basidium in various fungi especially of the order Tremellales
           subtype:  gill.plant_organ__lamella  any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus
           subtype:  fruiting_body  an organ specialized for producing spores
              subtype:  ascocarp  mature fruiting body of an ascomycetous fungus
                 subtype:  ascoma  an ascocarp having the spore-bearing layer of cells (the hymenium) on a broad disklike receptacle
                 subtype:  apothecium  a cuplike ascocarp in many lichens and ascomycetous fungi
                    subtype:  elf_cup__elfcup  apothecium of a fungus of the family Pezizaceae
                 subtype:  cleistothecium__cleistocarp  closed spore-bearing structure of some fungi (especially Aspergillaceae and Erysiphaceae) from which spores are released only by decay or disintegration
                 subtype:  perithecium  flask-shaped ascocarp
              subtype:  acervulus__acervulu  small asexual fruiting body resembling a cushion or blister consisting of a mat of hyphae that is produced on a host by some fungi
              subtype:  basidiocarp  the fruiting body of a basidiomycete which bears its spores on special cells
              subtype:  aecium  fruiting body of some rust fungi bearing chains of aeciospores
           subtype:  root  the usually underground organ that lacks buds or leaves or nodes; absorbs water and mineral salts; usually it anchors the plant to the ground
              subtype:  calamus  the aromatic root of the sweet flag used medicinally
              subtype:  taro__cocoyam__eddo  edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants
              subtype:  ginseng  aromatic root of ginseng plants
              subtype:  horseradish_root__horseradishroot__horseradish  the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
              subtype:  radish.root  pungent edible root of any of various cultivated radish plants
              subtype:  chicory__chicoryroot  the dried root of the chicory plant: used as a coffee substitute
              subtype:  oyster_plant__salsify  edible root of the salsify plant
              subtype:  Hottentot_bread__Hottentot's_bread  thick edible rootstock of elephant's-foot
              subtype:  briarroot  hard woody root of the briar Erica arborea
              subtype:  orrisroot__orris__orri  fragrant rootstock of various irises especially Florentine iris; used in perfumes and medicines
              subtype:  sarsaparilla_root  dried root of any of various plants of the genus Smilax used as a flavoring agent
              subtype:  licorice_root  root of licorice used in flavoring e.g. candy and liqueurs and medicines
              subtype:  senega  dried root of two plants of the genus Polygala containing an irritating saponin
              subtype:  mandrake_root__mandrake  the root of the mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic
              subtype:  cassava  cassava root eaten as a staple food after drying and leaching; source of tapioca
              subtype:  carrot.root  deep orange edible root of the cultivated carrot plant
              subtype:  parsnip.root  the whitish root of cultivated parsnip
              subtype:  taproot  main root of a plant growing straight downward from the stem
              subtype:  adventitious_root  root growing in an unusual location e.g. from a stem
              subtype:  rootlet  small root or division of a root
              subtype:  prop_root  a root that grows from and supports the stem above the ground in plants such as mangroves
           subtype:  root_cap  thimble-shaped mass of cells covering and protecting the growing tip of a root
           subtype:  root_hair  thin hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell just behind the tip; absorbs nutrients from the soil
           subtype:  stolon__runner__offset  a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
           subtype:  stalk__stem  a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
              subtype:  filament.stalk  the stalk of a stamen
              subtype:  funicle__funiculus__funiculu  the stalk of a plant ovule or seed
              subtype:  cane.stalk  a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane
                 subtype:  sugarcane__sugar_cane__sugarcane  juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice
                 subtype:  rattan_cane__rattan  the stem of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera used to make wickerwork and furniture and canes
                 subtype:  malacca  stem of the rattan palm used for making canes and umbrella handles
              subtype:  sporangiophore  stalk bearing one or more sporangia
              subtype:  cutting.stalk__slip  a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
                 subtype:  quickset  cuttings of plants set in the ground to grow as hawthorn for hedges or vines: "a quickset of a vine planted in a vineyard"
              subtype:  tuber  a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
                 subtype:  water_chestnut__waterchestnut  edible bulbous tuber of a Chinese marsh plant
                 subtype:  potato_bean__groundnut__wild_bean  nutlike tuber; important food of Native Americans
                 subtype:  Jerusalem_artichoke  edible tuber of the Jerusalem artichoke
                 subtype:  yam.tuber  edible tuber of any of several yams
                 subtype:  sweet_potato.tuber__sweetpotato  the fleshy root of the sweet potato vine
              subtype:  rhizome__rootstock  a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure
              subtype:  axis.stalk  the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
                 subtype:  rachis  axis of a compound leaf or compound inflorescence
                 subtype:  spadix  the fleshy axis of a spike often surrounded by a spathe
              subtype:  caudex  woody stem of palms and tree ferns
              subtype:  beanstalk  stem of a bean plant
              subtype:  cladode__cladophyll__phylloclad__phylloclade  a flattened stem resembling and functioning as a leaf
              subtype:  stock.stalk__caudex  persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant
              subtype:  stipe  supporting stalk or stemlike structure especially of a pistil or fern frond or supporting a mushroom cap
              subtype:  scape__flowerstalk  erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip
                 subtype:  peduncle.scape  stalk bearing an inflorescence or solitary flower
                    subtype:  pedicel__pedicle  a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence; an ultimate division of a common peduncle
                       subtype:  ray.pedicel  a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
              subtype:  petiole__leafstalk  the slender stem that supports the blade of a leaf
                 subtype:  phyllode  an expanded petiole taking on the function of a leaf blade
              subtype:  bulb  a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure
                 subtype:  onion.bulb  edible bulb of an onion plant
                 subtype:  shallot.bulb  aggregated bulb of the multiplier onion
                 subtype:  squill  bulb of the sea squill, which is sliced, dried, and used as an expectorant
                 subtype:  bulbil__bulblet  small bulb or bulb-shaped growth arising from the leaf axil or in the place of flowers
              subtype:  corm  solid swollen underground bulb-shaped stem or stem base and serving as a reproductive structure
              subtype:  branch  a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
                 subtype:  tree_branch__limb  any of the main branches arising from the trunk or a bough of a tree
                    subtype:  stick.tree_branch  a small thin branch of a tree
                    subtype:  bough  any of the larger branches of a tree
                 subtype:  branchlet__twig__sprig  small branch or division of a branch; usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year
                    subtype:  brier  a thorny stem or twig
                    subtype:  withy__withe  strong flexible twig
                       subtype:  osier.withy  flexible twig of a willow tree
              subtype:  culm  stem of plants of the Gramineae
              subtype:  haulm__halm  stems of beans and peas and potatoes and grasses collectively as used for thatching and bedding
              subtype:  tree_trunk__trunk__bole  the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber
           subtype:  capitulum__head  a dense clusters of flowers or foliage: "a head of cauliflower"; "a head of lettuce"
           subtype:  leafage__leaf__foliage  the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
              subtype:  cotyledon__seed_leaf  embryonic leaf in seed-bearing plants
              subtype:  floral_leaf  a modified leaf that is part of a flower
                 subtype:  flower_petal__petal  part of the perianth that is usually brightly colored
                    subtype:  corolla  the petals of a flower collectively forming an inner floral envelope or layer of the perianth
                 subtype:  sepal  one of the green parts that form the calyx of a flower
                    subtype:  calyx  the sepals of a flower collectively forming the outer floral envelope or layer of the perianth enclosing a developing bud; usually green
                       subtype:  hull.calyx  persistent enlarged calyx at base of e.g. a strawberry or raspberry
                       subtype:  pappus  calyx composed of scales or bristles or featherlike hairs in plants of the Compositae such as thistles and dandelions
                          subtype:  thistledown  pappus of a thistle consisting of silky featherlike hairs attached to the seedlike fruit of a thistle
              subtype:  dandelion_green.leafage__dandeliongreen  the foliage of the dandelion plant
              subtype:  sporophyll__sporophyl  leaf in ferns and mosses that bears the sporangia
              subtype:  leaf_blade__blade  especially a leaf of grass or the broad portion of a leaf as distinct from the petiole
              subtype:  amplexicaul_leaf__amplexicaulleaf  a leaf with its base clasping the stem
              subtype:  greenery__verdure  green foliage
              subtype:  leaflet  part of a compound leaf
                 subtype:  pinna__pinnule  division of a usually pinnately divided leaf
              subtype:  frond  compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad
              subtype:  lily_pad  floating leaves of a water lily
              subtype:  scale_leaf__scaleleaf__scale  a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
                 subtype:  squamule  a minute scale (on a plant or fungus)
              subtype:  fig_leaf.leafage__figleaf  a leaf from a fig tree
              subtype:  simple_leaf  not divided into parts
                 subtype:  acerate_leaf__acerateleaf__needle  as of a conifer
                 subtype:  acuminate_leaf__acuminateleaf  narrowing to a slender point
                 subtype:  cordate_leaf__cordateleaf  a heart-shaped leaf
                 subtype:  cuneate_leaf__cuneateleaf  a wedge-shaped leaf having the acute angle at the base
                 subtype:  deltoid_leaf__deltoidleaf  shaped like a capital delta
                 subtype:  elliptic_leaf  shaped like an ellipse
                 subtype:  ensiform_leaf  a sword-shaped leaf; as of iris
                 subtype:  hastate_leaf__hastateleaf  shaped like a spearhead with flaring pointed lobes at the base
                 subtype:  lanceolate_leaf  shaped like a lance head; tapering to a point at each end
                 subtype:  linear_leaf__elongate_leaf  a long slender leaf
                 subtype:  lyrate_leaf  having curvature suggestive of a lyre
                 subtype:  obtuse_leaf  having a rounded or blunt tip
                 subtype:  oblanceolate_leaf  having a rounded apex and tapering base
                 subtype:  oblong_leaf  rounded at each end with parallel sides
                 subtype:  obovate_leaf__obovateleaf  egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base
                 subtype:  ovate_leaf__ovateleaf  egg-shaped with the broader end at the base
                 subtype:  orbiculate_leaf  circular or nearly circular
                 subtype:  pandurate_leaf__pandurateleaf__panduriform_leaf__panduriformleaf  fiddle-shaped
                 subtype:  peltate_leaf__peltateleaf  shield-shaped; as a nasturtium leaf
                 subtype:  perfoliate_leaf  a leaf with the base united around--and apparently pierced by--the stem
                 subtype:  reniform_leaf  kidney-shaped
                 subtype:  sagittate-leaf__sagittateleaf__sagittiform_leaf__sagittiformleaf  shaped like an arrow head
                 subtype:  spatulate_leaf__spatulateleaf  spatula-shaped; having a broad rounded apex and narrow base
              subtype:  compound_leaf  composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk
                 subtype:  trifoliolate_leaf  having three leaflets
                 subtype:  quinquefoliate_leaf  having five leaflets
                 subtype:  palmate_leaf__palmateleaf  a leaf resembling an open hand; having lobes radiating from a common point
                    subtype:  pedate_leaf  having the radiating lobes each deeply cleft or divided
                 subtype:  pinnate_leaf__pinnateleaf  a leaf resembling a feather; having the leaflets on each side of a common axis
                    subtype:  bijugate_leaf__bijugous_leaf  a pinnate leaf having two pairs of leaflets
                    subtype:  bipinnate_leaf__bipinnateleaf  having pinnate leaflets; as ferns
                    subtype:  even-pinnate_leaf__abruptly-pinnate_leaf  pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex
                    subtype:  odd-pinnate_leaf__oddpinnateleaf  pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex
                 subtype:  decompound_leaf  having divisions that are themselves compound
              subtype:  entire_leaf  a leaf having a smooth margin without notches or indentations
              subtype:  crenate_leaf__crenateleaf  a leaf having a scalloped margin
              subtype:  serrate_leaf__serrateleaf  a leaf having a margin notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex
              subtype:  dentate_leaf__dentateleaf  a leaf having a toothed margin
                 subtype:  denticulate_leaf__denticulateleaf  a leaf having a finely toothed margin; minutely dentate
              subtype:  emarginate_leaf  a leaf having a notch at the apex
              subtype:  erose_leaf__eroseleaf  a leaf having a jagged margin as though gnawed
              subtype:  runcinate_leaf__runcinateleaf  a leaf having incised margins with the lobes or teeth curved toward the base; as a dandelion leaf
              subtype:  lobed_leaf__lobedleaf  a leaf having deeply indented margins
              subtype:  parted_leaf  a leaf having margins incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
              subtype:  rosette.leafage  a cluster of leaves growing in crowded circles from a common center or crown (usually at or close to the ground)
           subtype:  sprout.plant_organ  any new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud
              subtype:  shoot.sprout  a new branch
                 subtype:  sucker.shoot  a shoot arising from a plant's roots
                 subtype:  tiller.shoot  a shoot that sprouts from the base of a grass
              subtype:  bud.sprout  a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
                 subtype:  leaf_bud  a bud from which leaves but not flowers develop
                 subtype:  flower_bud  a bud from which only a flower or flowers develop
                    subtype:  clove.flower_bud  aromatic flower bud of a clove tree; yields a spice
                 subtype:  mixed_bud__mixedbud  a bud yielding both leaves and flowers
        subtype:  aril  fleshy and usually brightly colored cover of some seeds that develops from the ovule stalk and partially or entirely envelopes the seed
        subtype:  duct.plant_part  a continuous tube formed by a row of elongated cells lacking intervening end walls
        subtype:  universal_veil__universalveil__velum  membrane initially completely investing the young sporophore of various mushrooms that is ruptured by growth; represented in the mature mushroom by a volva around lower part of stem and scales on upper surface of the cap
        subtype:  partial_veil__partialveil__velum  membrane of the young sporophore of various mushrooms extending from the margin of the cap to the stem and is ruptured by growth; represented in mature mushroom by an annulus around the stem and sometimes a cortina on the margin of the cap
           subtype:  cortina  a cobwebby partial veil consisting of silky fibrils
        subtype:  annulus__annulu  (fungi) remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the lower part of the stem
        subtype:  tendril  slender stemlike structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object for support
           subtype:  cirrhus__cirrhu__cirrus  usually coiled
        subtype:  tree_stump__stump  the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled
        subtype:  stock.plant_part  a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plants
           subtype:  rootstock  root or part of a root used for plant propagation; especially that part of a grafted plant that supplies the roots
        subtype:  receptacle.plant_part  enlarged tip of a stem that bears the floral parts
        subtype:  kernel.plant_part__meat  the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone: "black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell"
  subtype:  artifact__artefact  a man-made object taken as a whole
     subtype:  article.artifact  one of a class of artifacts; "an article of clothing"
        subtype:  article_of_commerce  an article that is offered for sale
           subtype:  tinware  articles of commerce made of tin plate
        subtype:  breakable  an article that is fragile and easily broken; "pack the breakables separately"
        subtype:  ware  articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: silverware; software
           subtype:  article_of_commerce  an article that is offered for sale
           subtype:  tableware  articles for use at the table (dishes and silverware and glassware)
              subtype:  chopstick__chopsticks  oriental tableware consisting of a pair of sticks used to eat food with
              subtype:  crockery__dishware  tableware (eating and serving dishes) collectively
                 subtype:  chinaware__china  dishware made of china
                    subtype:  willowware__willow-pattern  chinaware decorated with a blue Chinese design on a white background depicting a willow tree and often a river
                 subtype:  cup  a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle; "he put the cup back in the saucer"; "the handle of the cup was missing"
                    subtype:  beaker  a cup (usually without a handle)
                    subtype:  chalice__goblet  a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup
                       subtype:  grail__Holy_Grail__Sangraal  (legend) chalice used by Christ at the last supper
                    subtype:  coffee_cup  a cup from which coffee is drunk
                       subtype:  demitasse  small coffee cup; for serving black coffee
                    subtype:  Dixie_cup__paper_cup__papercup__drinking_cup  a paper cup for holding drinks
                    subtype:  grace_cup__gracecup  cup to be passed around for the final toast after a meal
                    subtype:  kylix__cylix  a shallow drinking cup with two handles; used in ancient Greece
                    subtype:  measuring_cup__measuringcup  graduated cup used for measuring ingredients
                    subtype:  mustache_cup__moustache_cup__moustachecup  a drinking cup with a bar inside the rim to keep a man's mustache out of the drink
                    subtype:  scyphus__scyphu  an ancient Greek drinking cup; two handles and footed base
                    subtype:  teacup  a cup from which tea is drunk
                 subtype:  dish.crockery  a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food; "we gave them a set of dishes for a wedding present"
                    subtype:  bowl  a dish that is round and open at the top for serving foods
                       subtype:  cereal_bowl  a bowl for holding breakfast cereal
                       subtype:  finger_bowl  small bowl for rinsing the fingers at table
                       subtype:  mixing_bowl  bowl used with an electric mixer
                       subtype:  porringer  a shallow metal bowl (usually with a handle) from which children eat
                       subtype:  punch_bowl__punchbowl  a large bowl for serving beverages; usually with a ladle
                       subtype:  salad_bowl__saladbowl  a large bowl for mixing and serving a salad
                       subtype:  slop_basin__slop_bowl  (British) a bowl into which the dregs of teacups and coffee cups are emptied at table
                       subtype:  soup_bowl  a bowl for serving soup
                    subtype:  butter_dish  a small dish (often with a cover) for holding butter at the table
                    subtype:  casserole  large deep dish in which food can be cooked and served
                    subtype:  coquille  a dish in the form of a scallop shell
                    subtype:  gravy_boat__gravyboat__sauceboat__boat  a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce
                    subtype:  Petri_dish  a shallow dish used to culture bacteria
                    subtype:  plate.dish  dish on which food is served or from which food is eaten
                       subtype:  dessert_plate__dessertplate  a small plate on which dessert can be served
                       subtype:  dinner_plate  a plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal
                       subtype:  salad_plate__saladplate__salad_bowl__saladbowl  a plate or bowl for individual servings of salad
                       subtype:  soup_plate  a deep plate with a wide rim
                       subtype:  steel_plate__steelplate  a plate of steel
                    subtype:  platter  a large shallow dish used for serving food
                    subtype:  ramekin__ramequin  a small fireproof dish used for baking and serving individual portions
                    subtype:  saucer  a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table
                    subtype:  serving_dish__servingdish  a dish used for serving food
                       subtype:  tureen  large deep serving dish with a cover; for serving soups and stews
                    subtype:  sugar_bowl__sugarbowl  a dish in which sugar is served
                    subtype:  watch_glass  laboratory glassware; a shallow glass dish used as an evaporating surface or to cover a beaker
                 subtype:  eggcup__egg_cup__eggcup  dishware consisting of a small cup for serving a boiled egg
                 subtype:  ovenware  heat-resistant dishware in which food can be cooked as well as served
              subtype:  cutlery  tableware implements for cutting and eating food
                 subtype:  fork  cutlery used for serving and eating food
                    subtype:  carving_fork__carvingfork  a large fork used in carving cooked meat
                    subtype:  salad_fork__saladfork  a fork intended for eating salads
                    subtype:  tablefork  a fork for eating at a dining table
                    subtype:  toasting_fork  long-handled fork for cooking or toasting frankfurters or bread etc. (especially over an open fire)
                 subtype:  spoon  a piece of cutlery with a shallow bowl-shaped container and a handle; used to stir or serve or take up food
                    subtype:  dessert_spoon__dessertspoon  a spoon larger than a teaspoon and smaller than a tablespoon
                    subtype:  runcible_spoon  a fork-like spoon with a cutting edge; coined by Edward Lear
                    subtype:  soupspoon__soup_spoon  a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup
                    subtype:  sugar_spoon__sugarspoon__sugar_shell__sugarshell  a spoon for serving sugar; often made in the shape of a seashell
                    subtype:  tablespoon  a spoon larger than a dessert spoon; used for serving
                    subtype:  tea_maker__teamaker  a covered spoon with perforations
                    subtype:  teaspoon  a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram
                       subtype:  iced-tea_spoon  a teaspoon with a long handle
                    subtype:  wooden_spoon  a spoon made of wood
                 subtype:  table_knife__tableknife  a knife used for eating at dining table
                    subtype:  butter_knife  a small knife with a dull blade; for cutting or spreading butter
                    subtype:  case_knife  a metal blade with a handle; used as cutlery
                    subtype:  fish_knife  a small table knife with a spatula blade used for eating fish
                    subtype:  steak_knife__steakknife  a sharp table knife used in eating steak
              subtype:  dinnerware  the tableware (plates and platters and serving bowls etc.) used in serving a meal
              subtype:  glassware__glasswork  an article of tableware made of glass
                 subtype:  crystal.glassware  glassware made of quartz
                 subtype:  cut_glass__cutglas  glass decorated by cutting or grinding facets
                 subtype:  glass.glassware__glas  glassware collectively; "She collected old glass"
                 subtype:  Venetian_glass  fine glassware made near Venice
              subtype:  gold_plate.tableware__goldplate  tableware that is plated with gold
              subtype:  table_service__tableservice__service  tableware consisting of a complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table
                 subtype:  dinner_service__dinner_set  a service for serving dinner
                 subtype:  place_setting__placesetting__setting  a table service for one person; "a place setting of sterling flatware"
              subtype:  silver_plate.tableware__silverplate  tableware that is plated with silver
              subtype:  silverware  tableware made of silver or silver plate or pewter or stainless steel
                 subtype:  flatware__silver  silverware eating utensils
                 subtype:  hollowware__holloware  silverware serving dishes
              subtype:  tea_service__teaservice__tea_set__teaset  a set of china or silverware for serving tea
           subtype:  woodenware  ware for domestic use made of wood
              subtype:  wooden_spoon  a spoon made of wood
     subtype:  Americana  any artifact (such as books or furniture or art) that is distinctive of America
     subtype:  anachronism  an artifact that belongs to another time
     subtype:  antiquity  an artifact surviving from the past
        subtype:  antique  any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity
        subtype:  relic  antiquity that as survived from the distant past
           subtype:  archeological_remains__archeologicalremain  a relic that has been excavated from the soil
        subtype:  Roman_building  a building constructed by the ancient Romans
           subtype:  basilica  a Roman building used for public administration
        subtype:  stela__stele  an ancient upright stone slab bearing markings
     subtype:  block  a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); "the pyramids were built with large stone blocks"
        subtype:  anvil  a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
        subtype:  briquette__briquet  a block made from charcoal or coal dust and burned as fuel
        subtype:  cake.block__bar  a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax); "a bar of chocolate"
        subtype:  chock__wedge  a block of wood used to prevent the sliding or rolling of a heavy object
           subtype:  sprag  a chock or bar wedged under a wheel or between the spokes to prevent a vehicle from rolling down an incline
        subtype:  chopping_block  a steady wooden block on which food can be cut or diced or wood can be split
        subtype:  crosshead  metal block that connects to a piston; it slides on parallel guides and moves a connecting rod back and forth
        subtype:  square_block__cube  a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube
           subtype:  dice__die  small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the faces; used to generate random numbers
              subtype:  five-spot  a playing card or a domino or a die whose upward face shows five pips
              subtype:  four-spot  a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips
              subtype:  six-spot__sixspot  a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows six pips
           subtype:  ice_cube__icecube  a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks
        subtype:  domino  a small rectangular block used in playing the game of dominoes; the face of each block has two equal areas that can bear 0 to 6 dots
           subtype:  five-spot  a playing card or a domino or a die whose upward face shows five pips
           subtype:  four-spot  a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips
           subtype:  six-spot__sixspot  a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows six pips
        subtype:  ingot__metal_bar__metalbar__block_of_metal  a block of metal that is cast in a particular shape for convenient handling
           subtype:  bullion  gold or silver in bars or ingots
           subtype:  pig.ingot  a crude block of metal (lead or iron) poured from a smelting furnace
        subtype:  nog  a wooden block built into a masonry wall so that joinery structure can be nailed to it
        subtype:  nut.block  a small square or hexagonal metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt
           subtype:  hex_nut__hexnut  a nut with a hexagonal shape
           subtype:  locknut__safetynut  supplementary nut that is screwed down on a primary nut to prevent it from loosening
           subtype:  square_nut  nut with a square shape
           subtype:  stuffing_nut__packing_nut__packingnut  a nut used to tighten a stuffing box
           subtype:  wing_nut__wing_screw__thumbnut  nut with winglike projections for thumb and forefinger leverage in turning
        subtype:  inking_pad__pad__stamp_pad__stamppad  a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp
        subtype:  slab  block consisting of a thick piece of something
           subtype:  butcher_board__butcherboard__butcher_block__butcherblock  a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood
           subtype:  tablet  a slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription
              subtype:  abacus.tablet  a tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave
              subtype:  slate  (formerly) a writing tablet made of slate
           subtype:  tile  a flat thin rectangular slab (as of fired clay or rubber or linoleum) used to cover surfaces
              subtype:  tessera  a small square tile of stone or glass used in making mosaics
                 subtype:  tessella  a small tessera
        subtype:  starting_block  block providing bracing for a runner's feet at start of a race
        subtype:  swage_block__swageblock  an iron block cut with holes and grooves to assist in cold working metal
        subtype:  type.block  a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end; produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper; "he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up"
           subtype:  quad__space  (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words
     subtype:  commodity__trade_goods__tradegood__goods__good  articles of commerce
        subtype:  basic__staple  (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
        subtype:  consumer_goods  goods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
           subtype:  article_of_clothing__clothing__clothes__clothe__apparel__wearing_apparel__wearingapparel__wear  covering designed to be worn on a person's body
              subtype:  accoutrement__accessory__accouterment  clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
                 subtype:  belt  a band to tie or buckle around the body (usually at the waist)
                    subtype:  baldric__baldrick  a wide (ornamented) belt worn over the right shoulder to support a sword or bugle by the left hip
                    subtype:  cartridge_belt__cartridgebelt  a broad belt with loops or pockets for holding ammunition
                       subtype:  bandoleer__bandolier  a broad cartridge belt worn over the shoulder by soldiers
                    subtype:  money_belt__moneybelt  belt with a concealed section for holding money
                    subtype:  safety_belt__life_belt__safety_harness  belt attaching you to some object as a restraint in order to prevent you from getting hurt
                       subtype:  seat_belt  a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident
                    subtype:  Sam_Browne_belt__sambrownebelt  leather belt supported by a strap over the right shoulder
                 subtype:  trappings__trapping__furnishings  accessory wearing apparel
              subtype:  finery__array__raiment  especially fine or decorative clothing
                 subtype:  war_paint__warpaint  (informal) full ceremonial regalia
              subtype:  attire__garb__dress__dres  clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
                 subtype:  costume  the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball; "he won the prize for best costume"
                    subtype:  fancy_dress__masquerade__masquerade_costume  a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party
                 subtype:  characteristic_costume__costume  the attire characteristic of a country or a time or a social class; "he wore his national costume"
                    subtype:  academic_costume  a costume worn on formal occasions by the faculty or students of a university or college
                    subtype:  rigout  a person's costume (especially if bizarre); "What a queer rigout!"
                 subtype:  uncharacteristic_costume__costume  unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place; "in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume"
                 subtype:  costume.attire  the prevalent fashion of dress (including accessories and hair style as well as garments)
                 subtype:  disguise.attire  any attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity
                    subtype:  fancy_dress__masquerade__masquerade_costume  a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party
                    subtype:  hairpiece__false_hair__falsehair__postiche  a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment
                       subtype:  afro-wig  a wig that gives the appearance of an afro hairdo
                       subtype:  switch.hairpiece  hairpiece consisting of a tress of false hair; used by women to give shape to a coiffure
                       subtype:  toupee__toupe  a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness
                       subtype:  wig  hairpiece covering the head and made of human or synthetic hair
                          subtype:  grizzle  a grey wig
                          subtype:  periwig__peruke  wig for men fashionable in 17th-18th centuries
                    subtype:  mask.covering  a covering to disguise or conceal the face
                       subtype:  half_mask__domino__eye_mask__eyemask  a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
                       subtype:  false_face__falseface  a mask worn as part of a masquerade costume
                 subtype:  ecclesiastical_attire__ecclesiastical_robe  attire that is appropriate to wear in a church
                 subtype:  formalwear__eveningwear__eveningdres__eveningclothe  attire to wear on formal occasions in the evening
                    subtype:  balldress__balldres  (in England) a suit or dress for formal occasions
                    subtype:  dinner_dress__dinner_gown__evening_gown__eveninggown__tea_gown__teagown  a formal gown for evening wear
                    subtype:  dinner_jacket__tux__tuxedo__black_tie__blacktie  semiformal evening dress for men
                    subtype:  dress_suit__dresssuit__full_dress__tailcoat__tail_coat__tails__white_tie__whitetie__white_tie_and_tails  formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
                 subtype:  habit  a distinctive attire (as the costume of a religious order)
                    subtype:  monastic_habit  habit worn by monks in a monastery
                    subtype:  riding_habit  habit for riding horses
                 subtype:  morning_dress.attire__morningdres  formal attire for men during the daytime
                 subtype:  getup__outfit__rig  a set of clothing (with accessories)
                    subtype:  bib-and-tucker__bibandtucker  (informal) an attractive outfit; "she wore her best bib-and-tucker"
                    subtype:  ensemble.getup  a coordinated outfit (set of clothing)
                       subtype:  sailor_suit  a boy's ensemble; copied from a sailor's uniform
                    subtype:  playsuit  a sports outfit for women or children; usually consists of shorts and a blouse
                    subtype:  trousseau  the personal outfit of a bride; clothes and accessories and linens
                 subtype:  Sunday_best  (colloquial) the best attire you have which is worn to church on Sunday
              subtype:  beachwear  clothing to be worn at a beach
              subtype:  black_clothing__blackclothing  black clothing (worn as a sign of mourning); "the widow wore black"
              subtype:  blue_clothing  blue clothing; "she was wearing blue"
              subtype:  suspender__brace__gallus  elastic straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural)
              subtype:  change.article_of_clothing  a different or fresh set of clothes; "she brought a change in her overnight bag"
              subtype:  civilian_clothing__civilian_dress__civilian_garb__plain_clothes__plainclothe  ordinary clothing as distinguished from uniforms, work clothes, clerical garb, etc.
                 subtype:  civies__civvies__civvie  civilian garb as opposed to a military uniform
                 subtype:  mufti  civilian dress worn by a person who is entitled to wear a military uniform
              subtype:  footwear  clothing worn on a person's feet
                 subtype:  hosiery__hose  socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear as hosiery)
                    subtype:  sock  hosiery consisting of a cloth covering for the foot; worn inside the shoe; reaches to between the ankle and the knee
                       subtype:  anklets__anklet__anklet__bobbysock__bobbysocks  a sock that reaches just above the ankle
                       subtype:  argyle__argyles__argyle  a sock knitted or woven with a diamond-shaped pattern
                       subtype:  athletic_sock__sweat_sock__sweatsock__varsity_sock__varsitysock  a sock worn for athletic events
                       subtype:  tabi__tabis__tabi  a sock with a separation for the big toe; worn with thong sandals by the Japanese
                    subtype:  stocking.hosiery  close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural)
                       subtype:  boothose  protective stockings worn with or in place of boots
                       subtype:  Christmas_stocking  a stocking that is filled with small Christmas presents
                       subtype:  nylons__nylon_stocking__nylonstocking__rayons__rayon_stocking__rayonstocking__silk_stocking  women's stockings made from a sheer material (nylon or rayon or silk)
                       subtype:  support_hose__supporthose__support_stocking__supportstocking  elasticized stocking intended to reduce pressure on the veins of the leg (as in case of varicose veins)
                    subtype:  tights__leotards  skintight knit hose covering the body from the waist to the feet worn by acrobats and dancers and as stockings by women and girls
                       subtype:  maillot  tights for dancers or gymnasts
                       subtype:  pantyhose  a woman's tights consisting of underpants and stockings
              subtype:  garment  an article of clothing; "garments of the finest silk"
                 subtype:  breechcloth__breechclout__loincloth__G-string  a garment that provides covering for the loins
                    subtype:  dhoti  a long loincloth worn by Hindu men
                 subtype:  camlet.garment  a garment made of camlet fabric
                 subtype:  nappy__diaper__napkin  garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist; worn by infants to catch excrement
                 subtype:  dress__dres  a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice
                    subtype:  kaftan__caftan  a woman's dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East
                    subtype:  chemise__sack__shift  a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist
                    subtype:  coatdress__coatdres  a dress that is tailored like a coat and buttons up the front
                    subtype:  cocktail_dress__sheath  a dress suitable for formal occasions
                    subtype:  dirndl  a dress with a tight bodice and full skirt
                    subtype:  gown  long, usually formal, woman's dress
                       subtype:  ball_gown  the most formal gown; worn to a ball
                       subtype:  bridal_gown__wedding_gown__weddinggown__wedding_dress__weddingdres  a gown worn by the bride at a wedding
                       subtype:  dinner_dress__dinner_gown__evening_gown__eveninggown__tea_gown__teagown  a formal gown for evening wear
                       subtype:  mantua  loose gown of the 17th and 18th centuries
                    subtype:  pinafore__jumper__pinny  a sleeveless dress resembling an apron; worn over other clothing
                    subtype:  kirtle  a long dress worn by women
                    subtype:  morning_dress__morningdres  a woman's informal dress for housework
                    subtype:  Mother_Hubbard__muumuu  a woman's loose unbelted dress
                    subtype:  polonaise  a woman's dress with a tight bodice and an overskirt drawn back to reveal a colorful underskirt
                    subtype:  sari__saree  a dress worn primarily by Hindu women; consists of several yards of light material that is draped around the body
                    subtype:  shirtdress  a dress that is tailored like a shirt and has buttons all the way down the front
                 subtype:  fur.garment  a garment made of fur
                 subtype:  surgical_gown__gown__scrubs  protective garment worn by surgeons during operations
                 subtype:  hand-me-down  outgrown garment passed down from one person to another
                 subtype:  head_covering__veil  a garment that covers the head and face
                    subtype:  chador__chadar__chaddar__chuddar  a cloth used as a head covering (and veil and shawl) by Muslim and Hindu women
                    subtype:  yashmak__yashmac  the face veil worn by Muslim women
                 subtype:  hose__tights  man's garment of the 16th and 17th centuries; worn with a doublet
                 subtype:  ironing.garment  garments (clothes or linens) that are to be (or have been) ironed; "there was a basketful of ironing to do"
                    subtype:  flatwork__flat_wash  ironing that can be done mechanically
                 subtype:  jumpsuit__jump_suit  one-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform
                 subtype:  kanzu  (Swahili) a long garment (usually white) with long sleeves; worn by men in E Africa
                 subtype:  washing__laundry__wash__washables__washable  garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
                 subtype:  legging__legin__leg_covering__legcovering  a garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)
                    subtype:  chap  (usually in the plural) leather leggings without a seat; joined by a belt; often have flared outer flaps; worn over trousers by cowboys to protect their legs
                    subtype:  gaiter  legging consisting of a cloth or leather covering for the leg from the knee to the ankle
                    subtype:  puttee__puttees__puttee  a strip of cloth wound around the leg to form legging; used by soldiers in World War I
                    subtype:  spats__spat__spat__gaiter  a cloth covering (a legging) that provides covering for the instep and ankles
                 subtype:  leotard__unitard  a tight-fitting garment that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles); worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance
                 subtype:  mending  garments that must be repaired
                 subtype:  motley.garment  a garment made of motley (especially a court jester's costume)
                 subtype:  neckwear  articles of clothing worn about the neck
                    subtype:  cravat  neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping vertically in front
                       subtype:  ascot  a cravat with wide square ends; secured with an ornamental pin
                       subtype:  neckcloth__stock  an ornamental white cravat
                    subtype:  necktie__tie  neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front; "he stood in front of the mirror tightening his necktie"; "he wore a vest and tie"
                       subtype:  bolo_tie__bolo__bola_tie__bola  a cord fastened around the neck with an ornamental clasp and worn as a necktie
                       subtype:  bow_tie__bowtie  a man's tie; ties in a bow
                          subtype:  black_tie__blacktie  a black bow tie worn with a dinner jacket
                          subtype:  white_tie__whitetie  bow tie worn as part of a man's formal evening dress
                       subtype:  four-in-hand  a long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other
                       subtype:  old_school_tie  necktie indicating the school the wearer attended
                       subtype:  string_tie  a very narrow necktie usually tied in a bow
                       subtype:  Windsor_tie  a wide necktie worn in a loose bow
                 subtype:  overgarment__outer_garment__outergarment  a garment worn over other garments
                    subtype:  aba.overgarment  a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth; worn by Arabs
                    subtype:  cloak  a loose outer garment
                       subtype:  burnous__burnou__burnoose__burnouse  a long hooded cloak woven of wool in one piece; worn by Arabs and Moors
                       subtype:  caftan__kaftan  a (cotton or silk) cloak with full sleeves and sash reaching down to the ankles; worn by men in the Levant
                       subtype:  cape__mantle  a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter
                          subtype:  chlamys__chlamy  a short mantle or cape fastened at the shoulder; worn by men in ancient Greece
                          subtype:  mantelet__mantilla  short cape worn by women
                          subtype:  pelisse  a sleeveless cape that is lined or trimmed with fur
                          subtype:  tippet  a woman's fur shoulder cape with hanging ends; often consisting of the whole fur of a fox or marten
                       subtype:  hooded_cloak__capote  a long hooded cloak
                       subtype:  capuchin  a hooded cloak for women
                       subtype:  dolman  a woman's cloak with dolman sleeves
                       subtype:  domino.cloak  a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume
                       subtype:  jellaba  a loose cloak with a hood; worn in the Middle East and northern Africa
                       subtype:  opera_cloak__operacloak__opera_hood__operahood  a large cloak worn over evening clothes
                       subtype:  pallium  cloak or mantle worn by men in ancient Rome
                       subtype:  poncho  a blanket-like cloak with a hole in the center for the head
                       subtype:  shawl  cloak consisting of an oblong piece of cloth used to cover the head and shoulders
                          subtype:  prayer_shawl__tallith__tallis  (Judaism) a shawl with a ritually knotted fringe at each corner; worn by Jews at morning prayer
                          subtype:  serape__sarape  a long brightly colored shawl; worn mainly by Mexican men
                       subtype:  toga  a one-piece cloak worn by men in ancient Rome
                          subtype:  toga_virilis  (ancient Rome) a toga worn by a youth as a symbol of manhood and citizenship
                       subtype:  tunic  any of a variety of loose fitting cloaks extending to the hips or knees
                          subtype:  chiton  a woolen tunic worn by men and women in ancient Greece
                          subtype:  gymslip  (British) a sleeveless tunic worn by English girls as part of a school uniform
                          subtype:  kirtle.tunic  a garment resembling a tunic that was worn by men in the Middle Ages
                          subtype:  surcoat  a tunic worn over a knight's armor
                          subtype:  tabard  a short sleeveless outer tunic emblazoned with a coat of arms; worn by a knight over his armor or by a herald
                       subtype:  wrap__wrapper  cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person
                    subtype:  coat  an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors
                       subtype:  box_coat__boxcoat  a short coat that hangs loosely from the shoulders
                       subtype:  coatee  a short close-fitting coat
                       subtype:  cutaway  a man's coat cut diagonally from the waist to the back of the knees
                       subtype:  duffel_coat__duffle_coat  a warm coat made of duffel; usually has a hood and fastens with toggles
                       subtype:  frock_coat__frockcoat  a man's coat having knee-length skirts front and back; worn in the 19th century
                          subtype:  Prince_Albert  a man's double-breasted frock coat
                       subtype:  fur_coat__furcoat  a coat made of fur
                          subtype:  mink_coat  fur coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks
                          subtype:  sable_coat__sablecoat  a fur coat made of sable furs
                       subtype:  greatcoat__overcoat__surcoat  a heavy coat
                          subtype:  capote__hooded_coat  a long hooded overcoat
                          subtype:  chesterfield  a fitted overcoat with a velvet collar
                          subtype:  ulster  loose long overcoat of heavy fabric; usually belted
                       subtype:  jacket  a short coat
                          subtype:  banyan__banian  a loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India
                          subtype:  bed_jacket__bedjacket  a lightweight jacket worn over bedclothes (as when sitting in bed)
                          subtype:  blazer__sport_jacket__sportjacket__sportcoat__sportsjacket__sports_coat  lightweight single-breasted jacket; often striped in the colors of a club or school
                          subtype:  bolero.jacket  a short jacket; worn mostly by women
                          subtype:  bomber_jacket  a jacket gathered into a band at the waist
                          subtype:  bush_jacket  a loose fitting jacket; resembles a shirt with four patch pockets and a belt
                          subtype:  dolman_jacket__dolman  a hussar's jacket worn over the shoulders
                          subtype:  donkey_jacket  a short thick jacket; often worn by workmen
                          subtype:  double-breasted_jacket  a jacket having overlapping fronts that give a double thickness of cloth
                          subtype:  doublet  a man's close-fitting jacket; worn during the Renaissance
                          subtype:  dressing_sack__dressing_sacque  a woman's loose jacket; worn while dressing
                          subtype:  Eton_jacket  a jacket hanging to the waist and cut square at the bottom
                          subtype:  hug-me-tight  a woman's fitted jacket
                          subtype:  jerkin  a tight sleeveless and collarless jacket (often made of leather) worn by men in former times
                          subtype:  jumper  a loose jacket or blouse worn by workmen
                          subtype:  lounging_jacket__smoking_jacket__smokingjacket  a man's soft jacket usually with a tie belt; worn at home
                          subtype:  Mao_jacket  a light weight jacket with a high collar; worn by Mao Zedong and the Chinese people during his regime
                          subtype:  mess_jacket__monkey_jacket__shell_jacket__shelljacket  waist-length jacket tapering to a point at the back; worn by officers in the mess for formal dinners
                          subtype:  Norfolk_jacket  loose-fitting single-breasted jacket
                          subtype:  parka__windbreaker__anorak  a kind of heavy jacket (`windcheater' is a British term)
                             subtype:  cagoule  lightweight parka; waterproof
                             subtype:  ski_parka__skiparka__ski_jacket__skijacket  a parka to be worn while skiing
                          subtype:  pea_jacket__peajacket__peacoat  a sailor's heavy woolen double-breasted jacket
                          subtype:  sacque__sack  a woman's full loose hiplength jacket
                          subtype:  single-breasted_jacket  a jacket having fronts that overlap only enough for fastenings
                          subtype:  swallow-tailed_coat__swallowtail__morningcoat  a man's full-dress jacket with two long tapering tails at the back
                       subtype:  lab_coat__labcoat__laboratory_coat  a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory
                       subtype:  Mackinaw_coat__mackinaw  a short plaid coat made of made of thick woolen material
                       subtype:  newmarket  a long close-fitting coat worn for riding in the 19th century
                       subtype:  raincoat__waterproof  a water-resistant coat
                          subtype:  Burberry  a light gabardine raincoat of the type made by Burberry's of London
                          subtype:  mac__macintosh__mackintosh__mack  (British) a waterproof raincoat made of rubberized fabric
                             subtype:  oilskin__slicker  a macintosh made from cotton fabric treated with oil and pigment to make it waterproof
                          subtype:  trench_coat  a military style raincoat; belted with deep pockets
                       subtype:  sack_coat  man's hiplength coat with a straight back; the jacket of a suit
                       subtype:  sheepskin_coat__sheepskincoat__afghan  a coat made of sheepskin
                       subtype:  topper  a woman's short coat
                    subtype:  snowsuit  a child's overgarment for cold weather
                 subtype:  peplos__peplus__peplum  a garment worn by women in ancient Greece; cloth caught at the shoulders and draped in folds to the waist
                 subtype:  raglan  a garment (coat or sweater) that has raglan sleeves
                 subtype:  reversible  a garment (especially a coat) that can be worn inside out (with either side of the cloth showing)
                 subtype:  robe  any loose flowing garment
                    subtype:  bathrobe  a loose-fitting robe of towelling; worn after a bath or swim
                    subtype:  dressing_gown__robe-de-chambre__lounging_robe  a robe worn before dressing or while lounging
                       subtype:  negligee__neglige__peignoir__wrapper__housecoat  a loose dressing gown for women
                          subtype:  brunch_coat  a woman's short housecoat or wrapper
                          subtype:  camisole  a short negligee
                    subtype:  kimono  a loose robe; imitated from robes originally worn by Japanese
                 subtype:  rompers__romper__romper_suit  a one-piece garment for children to wear at play; the lower part is shaped like bloomers
                 subtype:  sackcloth.garment  a garment made of coarse sacking; formerly worn as an indication of remorse
                 subtype:  scapulary__scapular  garment consisting of a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head; part of a monastic habit
                 subtype:  scarf  a garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
                    subtype:  feather_boa__featherboa__boa  a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur
                    subtype:  fichu  a lightweight triangular scarf worn by a woman
                    subtype:  kerchief  a square scarf that is folded into a triangle and worn over the head or about the neck
                       subtype:  headscarf  a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin
                          subtype:  babushka  a woman's headscarf folded into a triangle and tied under the chine; worn by Russian peasant women
                       subtype:  neckerchief  a kerchief worn around the neck
                    subtype:  lambrequin.scarf  a scarf that covers a knight's helmet
                    subtype:  mantilla  a woman's silk or lace scarf
                    subtype:  muffler  a scarf worn around the neck
                    subtype:  sable  a scarf (or trimming) made of sable
                    subtype:  stole  a wide scarf worn about their shoulders by women
                 subtype:  sealskin_garment  a garment (as a jacket or coat or robe) made of sealskin
                 subtype:  separate  a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments
                 subtype:  shirt  a garment worn on the upper half of the body
                    subtype:  camise  a loose shirt or tunic; originally worn in the Middle Ages
                    subtype:  dress_shirt__dressshirt__evening_shirt__eveningshirt  a man's white shirt (with a starch front) for evening wear (usually with a tuxedo)
                    subtype:  hair_shirt  an uncomfortable shirt made of coarse animal hair; worn next to the skin as a penance
                    subtype:  T-shirt__jersey__tee_shirt__teeshirt  a close-fitting pullover shirt
                       subtype:  turtleneck__polo-neck  a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar
                    subtype:  polo_shirt__sport_shirt__sportshirt  a shirt with short sleeves designed for comfort and casual wear
                    subtype:  tank_top  a tight-fitting sleeveless shirt with wide shoulder straps and low neck and no front opening; often worn over a shirt or blouse
                 subtype:  silks__silk  the brightly colored garments of a jockey; emblematic of the stable
                 subtype:  skirt  a garment hanging from the waist; worn mainly by girls and women
                    subtype:  ballet_skirt__tutu  very short skirt worn by ballerinas
                    subtype:  culotte__culottes  a divided skirt
                    subtype:  full_skirt  a long skirt gathered at the waist
                    subtype:  gathered_skirt  a skirt whose fabric is drawn together around the waist
                       subtype:  dirndl.gathered_skirt  a full skirt with a gathered waistband
                    subtype:  grass_skirt__grassskirt  a skirt made of long blades of grass
                    subtype:  hobble_skirt  a long skirt very narrow below the knees, worn between 1910 and 1914
                    subtype:  hoopskirt__crinoline  a skirt stiffened with hoops
                    subtype:  kilt  a knee-length pleated tartan skirt; worn by men in Scottish Highlands
                    subtype:  lavalava  a skirt consisting of a rectangle of calico or printed cotton; worm by Polynesians (especially Samoans)
                    subtype:  overskirt  an outer skirt worn over another skirt
                    subtype:  sarong  a loose skirt consisting of brightly colored fabric wrapped around the body; worn by both women and men in the South Pacific
                 subtype:  stomacher  garment consisting of a V-shaped panel of stiff material worn over the chest and stomach in the 16th century
                 subtype:  straitjacket__straightjacket  a jacket-like garment used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a means of restraining a violent person
                 subtype:  suit_of_clothes__suit  a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color; "they buried him in his best suit"
                    subtype:  business_suit  a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
                       subtype:  three-piece_suit__threepiecesuit  a business suit consisting of a jacket and vest and trousers
                       subtype:  two-piece_suit__twopiecesuit__two-piece__twopiece__lounge_suit  a business suit consisting of a matching jacket and skirt or trousers
                    subtype:  double-breasted_suit  a suit with a double-breasted jacket
                    subtype:  single-breasted_suit  a suit having a single-breasted jacket
                    subtype:  slack_suit__slacksuit  casual dress consisting of slacks and matching jacket
                       subtype:  pants_suit__pantssuit  a slack suit for women
                    subtype:  zoot_suit  a flashy suit of extreme cut
                 subtype:  sunsuit  a child's garment consisting of a brief top and shorts
                 subtype:  swaddling_bands__swaddlingband__swaddling_clothes__swaddlingclothe  a garment (a gown or narrow strips of cloth) for an infant
                 subtype:  sweater  a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body
                    subtype:  cardigan  knitted jacket that is fastened up the front with buttons or a zipper
                    subtype:  pullover__slipover  a sweater that is put on by pulling it over the head
                       subtype:  sweatshirt  cotton knit pullover with long sleeves worn during athletic activity
                    subtype:  turtleneck__polo-neck  a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar
                 subtype:  sweat_suit__sweatsuit__sweatsuit__sweats__workout_suit__workoutsuit  garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt
                 subtype:  swimsuit__bathing_suit__bathingsuit__swimming_costume__bathing_costume__bathingcostume  tight fitting garment worn for swimming
                    subtype:  bikini__two-piece__twopiece  a woman's abbreviated two-piece bathing suit
                    subtype:  tank_suit__maillot  a woman's one-piece bathing suit
                    subtype:  swimming_trunks__bathing_trunks  swimsuit worn by men while swimming
                 subtype:  top.garment  a garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips; "he stared as she buttoned her top"
                    subtype:  blouse  a top worn by women
                       subtype:  garibaldi  a loose high-necked blouse with long sleeves; styled after the red flannel shirts worn by Garibaldi's soldiers
                       subtype:  guimpe  a short blouse with sleeves worn under a jumper or pinafore dress
                       subtype:  middy_blouse__middyblouse__middy  blouse with a sailor collar
                       subtype:  shirtwaist__shirtwaister  a blouse with buttons down the front; "in England they call a shirtwaist a shirtwaister"
                    subtype:  bodice  part of a dress above the waist
                    subtype:  halter  a woman's top that fastens behind the back and neck leaving the back and arms uncovered
                 subtype:  trouser  garment designed for or relating to trousers; "in his trouser's pocket"; "he ripped his left trouser on the fence"
                 subtype:  trousers__pants__pant  (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately; "he had a sharp crease in his trousers"
                    subtype:  bellbottom_trousers__bellbottoms__bellbottom  trousers with legs that flare; worn by sailors; absurdly wide hems were fashionable in the 1960s
                    subtype:  knee_breeches__breeches__knee_pants__knickerbockers__knickers  trousers ending above the knee
                       subtype:  britches  informal term for breeches
                       subtype:  buckskins__buckskin  breeches made of buckskin
                       subtype:  plus_fours  men's baggy knickers hanging below the knees; formerly worn for sports (especially golf)
                       subtype:  trunk_hose__trunkhose  puffed breeches of the 16th and 17th centuries usually worn over hose
                    subtype:  chinos  trousers made with chino cloth
                    subtype:  cords__cord__corduroys__corduroy  cotton trousers made of corduroy cloth
                    subtype:  flannel.trousers__gabardine__tweed__white  (usually in the plural) trousers
                    subtype:  blue_jean__jean__denim  close-fitting pants of heavy denim for casual wear (usually in the plural)
                       subtype:  Levi's__levis__levi  (Levi's is a trademark) a popular brand of jeans
                    subtype:  jodhpur_breeches__jodhpur__riding_breeches  flared trousers ending at the calves; worn with riding boots
                    subtype:  long_trousers__long_pants  trousers reaching to the foot
                    subtype:  pajamas__pyjamas  lightweight trousers worn in various Eastern countries
                    subtype:  pantaloon  trousers worn in former times
                    subtype:  pedal_pusher__pedalpusher__toreador_pant  snug trousers ending at the calves; worn by women and girls
                    subtype:  short_pants__shorts__trunks  trousers that end at or above the knee
                       subtype:  Bermuda_shorts__Jamaica_shorts  (usually in the plural) short pants that end at the knee
                       subtype:  hot_pants__hotpant  skin-tight very short pants worn by young women as an outer garment
                       subtype:  lederhosen  leather shorts often worn with suspenders; worn especially by men and obys in Bavaria
                    subtype:  slacks  (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear
                    subtype:  stretch_pants__stretchpant  trousers made of a stretchy fabric
                    subtype:  sweat_pants__sweatpant  loose-fitting trousers with elastic cuffs; worn by athletes
                    subtype:  trews__trew  tight-fitting trousers; usually of tartan
                 subtype:  undergarment  a garment worn under other garments
                    subtype:  body_stocking  a one-piece tight-fitting undergarment for women that covers the torso (and may have sleeves and legs)
                    subtype:  brassiere__bra__bandeau  an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts
                       subtype:  uplift  a brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts
                    subtype:  underbodice__camisole  a short sleeveless undergarment for women
                    subtype:  shimmy__chemise__shift__slip__teddies__teddie__teddy  a woman's sleeveless undergarment
                    subtype:  foundation_garment__foundation  a woman's undergarment worn to give shape to the contours of the body
                       subtype:  corset__girdle__panty_girdle__pantygirdle__stays__stay  a woman's close-fitting foundation garment
                       subtype:  roll-on  a woman's foundation garment rolled on to the hips
                    subtype:  garter_belt__suspender_belt__suspenderbelt  a wide belt of elastic with supporters hanging from it; worn by women to hold up stockings
                    subtype:  long_underwear__union_suit__unionsuit  an undergarment with shirt and drawers in one piece
                    subtype:  petticoat__half-slip__underskirt  undergarment worn under a skirt
                       subtype:  crinoline.petticoat  full stiff petticoat made of crinoline
                    subtype:  singlet__vest__undershirt  a collarless men's undergarment for the upper part of the body
                    subtype:  underpants  an undergarment that covers the body from the waist to the top of the thighs
                       subtype:  bikini_pants  small and tight-fitting underpants; worn by women
                       subtype:  bloomers__pants__pant__drawers__drawer__knickers  (usually in the plural) underpants worn by women; "she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing"
                       subtype:  drawers__drawer__jockey_shorts__shorts  (usually in the plural) underpants worn by men
                       subtype:  pantie__panty__scanty__step-in  short underpants for women or children (usually used in the plural)
                    subtype:  underwear__underclothes__underclothing  undergarment worn next to the skin and under the outer garments
                       subtype:  BVD's  men's underwear
                       subtype:  lingerie  women's underwear and nightclothes
                          subtype:  nightgown__nightie__night-robe__nightrobe__nightdress  lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women
                          subtype:  undies  women's underwear
                       subtype:  long_johns  (informal) warm underwear with long legs
                       subtype:  Skivvies  (trademark) men's underwear consisting of cotton T-shirt and shorts
                 subtype:  vest__waistcoat  a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
                    subtype:  bulletproof_vest__bulletproofvest  a vest capable of resisting the impact of a bullet
                 subtype:  widow's_weeds__widow'sweed__weeds__weed  a black garment (dress) worn by a widow as a sign of mourning
                 subtype:  wet_suit__wetsuit  a close-fitting garment made of a permeable material; worn in cold water (as by skin divers) to retain body heat
                 subtype:  wraparound  a garment (as a dress or coat) with a full length opening; adjusts to the body by wrapping around
              subtype:  gray_clothing__grey_clothing  gray clothing; "he was dressed in gray"
              subtype:  G-string  minimal clothing worn by stripteasers; covering for the pubic area
              subtype:  handwear  clothing for the hands
                 subtype:  glove__gloves  handwear: covers the hand and wrist
                    subtype:  batting_glove__battingglove  a glove worn by batters in baseball to give a firmer grip on the bat
                    subtype:  gauntlets__gauntlet__gauntlet  a glove with long sleeve
                    subtype:  gauntlet__metal_glove__metalglove  a glove of armored leather; protects the hand
                    subtype:  golf_glove  a glove worn by golfers to give a firm grip on the handle of the golfclub
                    subtype:  kid_glove__kidglove__suede_glove__suedeglove  a glove made of fine soft leather (as kidskin)
                    subtype:  mitten__mittens  glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers together
                 subtype:  muff  a warm tubular covering for the hands
              subtype:  headdress__headdres  clothing for the head
                 subtype:  cap  a tight-fitting headdress
                    subtype:  balaclava_helmet__balaclavahelmet  a cap that is close-fitting and woolen and covers all of the head but the face
                    subtype:  Balmoral__balmoral  a brimless Scottish cap with a flat top
                    subtype:  baseball_cap__jockey_cap__golf_cap  a cap with a bill
                    subtype:  bathing_cap__swimming_cap  a tight-fitting cap that keeps hair dry while swimming
                    subtype:  beret  a cap with no brim or bill; made of soft cloth
                    subtype:  biggin  a child's tight-fitting cap; often ties under the chin
                    subtype:  biretta  a stiff cap with ridges across the crown; worn by Roman Catholic clergy
                    subtype:  calpac__calpack__kalpac  a high-crowned black cap (usually made of felt or sheepskin) worn by men in Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus
                    subtype:  cloth_cap__clothcap__flat_cap  a flat woolen cap with a stiff peak
                    subtype:  cockscomb__coxcomb  a cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red
                    subtype:  coonskin_cap__coonskin  a raccoon cap with the tail hanging down the back
                    subtype:  fez__tarboosh  a felt cap (usually red) for a man; shaped like a flat-topped cone with a tassel that hangs from the crown
                    subtype:  garrison_cap__overseas_cap  a wedge-shaped wool or cotton cap; worn as part of a uniform
                    subtype:  Glengarry  a Scottish cap with straight sides and a crease along the top from front to back; worn by Highlanders as part of military dress
                    subtype:  kepi__peaked_cap__service_cap__yachting_cap  a cap with a flat circular top and a visor
                    subtype:  liberty_cap  close-fitting conical cap worn as a symbol of liberty during the French Revolution and in the U.S. before 1800
                    subtype:  mobcap  large high frilly cap with a full crown; formerly worn indoors by women
                    subtype:  mortarboard  an academic cap topped by a flat square with a tassel
                    subtype:  nightcap.cap  a cloth cap worn in bed
                    subtype:  pinner  a woman's cap with two long flaps pinned on
                    subtype:  sailor_cap  a cap worn by sailors
                    subtype:  shower_cap  a tight cap worn to keep hair dry while showering
                    subtype:  ski_cap__skicap__stocking_cap__toboggan_cap  a close-fitting woolen cap; often has a tapering tail with a tassel
                    subtype:  skullcap  rounded brimless cap fitting the crown of the head
                       subtype:  beanie__beany  a small skullcap; formerly worn by schoolboys and college freshmen
                       subtype:  coif  a skullcap worn by nuns under a veil or by soldiers under a hood of mail or formerly by British sergeants-at-law
                       subtype:  yarmulke__yarmulka__yarmelke  a skullcap worn by religious Jews (especially at prayer)
                    subtype:  tam-o'-shanter__tam__tammy  a woolen cap of Scottish origin
                    subtype:  watch_cap__watchcap  a knitted dark blue wool cap worn by seamen in cold or stormy weather
                    subtype:  wishing_cap  a magical cap that secures whatever one wishes for
                 subtype:  chapeau__hat__lid  headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim
                    subtype:  busby__bearskin__shako  tall hat; worn by some British soldiers on ceremonial occasions
                    subtype:  boater__leghorn__panama__Panama__sailor__skimmer__straw_hat__strawhat  a stiff straw hat with a flat crown
                    subtype:  poke_bonnet__bonnet  a hat tied under the chin
                       subtype:  sunbonnet__sunhat  a large bonnet that shades the face; worn by girls and women
                    subtype:  bowler_hat__bowler__derby__plug_hat  a hat that is round and black and hard with a narrow brim; worn by some British businessmen
                    subtype:  campaign_hat  a broad-brimmed felt hat with a high crown; formerly worn by the United States Army and Marine personnel
                    subtype:  cavalier_hat__slouch_hat  a soft felt hat with a wide flexible brim
                    subtype:  cocked_hat  hat with opposing brims turned up and caught together to form points
                       subtype:  bicorn__bicorne  a cocked hat with the brim turned up to form two points
                       subtype:  tricorn__tricorne  cocked hat with the brim turned up to form three points
                    subtype:  cowboy_hat__ten-gallon_hat  a hat with a wide brim and a soft crown; worn by American ranch hands
                    subtype:  deerstalker  a tight-fitting hat with visors front and back; formerly worn by hunters
                    subtype:  dress_hat__dresshat__high_hat__opera_hat__operahat__silk_hat__stovepipe__tophat__topper__beaver  a man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with beaver or silk
                    subtype:  dunce_cap__duncecap__dunce's_cap__dunce'scap__fool's_cap  a cone-shaped paper hat formerly placed on the head of slow or lazy pupils
                    subtype:  fedora__felt_hat__homburg__Stetson__trilby  felt hat with a creased crown
                    subtype:  fur_hat__furhat  a hat made of fur
                       subtype:  castor__beaver  a hat made of beaver fur or similar material
                    subtype:  woman's_hat__woman'shat__millinery  hats for women; the wares sold by a milliner
                       subtype:  cloche  a woman's close-fitting helmet-like hat
                       subtype:  picture_hat__picturehat  a woman's dressy hat with a wide brim
                       subtype:  toque__pillbox__turban  a small round woman's hat
                    subtype:  pith_hat__pith_helmet__sun_helmet__sunhelmet__topee__topi  a light-weight hat worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun
                    subtype:  porkpie_hat__porkpiehat__porkpie  man's hat with a low, flat crown and a snap brim
                    subtype:  shovel_hat  a stiff broad-brimmed hat with the brim turned up at the sides and projecting in front; worn by some clergymen in England
                    subtype:  sombrero  a straw hat with a tall crown and broad brim; worn in American southwest and in Mexico
                    subtype:  sou'wester  waterproof hat with wide slanting brim longer in back than in front
                    subtype:  tyrolean  soft green felt hat with a feather or brush hatband ornament
                 subtype:  helmet  a protective headgear made of hard material to resist blows
                    subtype:  batting_helmet__battinghelmet  a helmet worn by the batter in baseball
                    subtype:  crash_helmet__crashhelmet  a padded helmet worn by people riding bicycles or motorcycles; protects the head in case of accidents
                    subtype:  football_helmet__footballhelmet  a padded helmet with a face mask to protect the head of football players
                    subtype:  hard_hat__tin_hat__tinhat__safety_hat  a lightweight protective helmet (plastic or metal) worn by construction workers
                    subtype:  headpiece  a protective helmet for the head
                    subtype:  space_helmet__spacehelmet  a helmet worn by astronauts while in outer space
                 subtype:  hood  a headdress that protects the head and face
                    subtype:  calash__caleche  a woman's large folded hooped hood; worn in the 18th century
                    subtype:  camail__aventail__ventail  a medieval hood of mail suspended from a basinet to protect the head and neck
                 subtype:  jewelled_headdress  a headdress adorned with jewels
                    subtype:  diadem__crown  an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty
                       subtype:  coronet.diadem  a small crown; usually indicates a high rank but below that of sovereign
                    subtype:  tiara  a crown-like jewelled headdress worn by women on formal occasions
                 subtype:  miter__mitre  a liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions
                 subtype:  topknot.headdress  headdress consisting of a decorative ribbon or bow worn in the hair
                 subtype:  turban  a traditional Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the head
                 subtype:  wimple  headdress of cloth; worn over the head and around the neck and ears by medieval women
              subtype:  knitwear  knitted clothing
              subtype:  leisure_wear__leisurewear  informal clothing designed to be worn when you are relaxing
              subtype:  lounger  an article of clothing designed for comfort and leisure wear
              subtype:  neckpiece  an article of apparel worn about the neck
                 subtype:  fur-piece__furpiece  a neckpiece made of fur
              subtype:  nightclothes__nightwear  garments designed to be worn in bed
                 subtype:  nightgown__nightie__night-robe__nightrobe__nightdress  lingerie consisting of a loose dress designed to be worn in bed by women
                 subtype:  nightshirt  nightclothes worn by men
                 subtype:  pj's__pajamas__pyjamas__jammies  loose-fitting nightclothes worn for sleeping or lounging; have a jacket top and trousers
                    subtype:  lounging_pajamas__lounging_pyjamas  pajamas worn while lounging
              subtype:  outerwear__overclothes__overclothe  clothing for use outdoors
                 subtype:  gown.outerwear__robe  outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions
                    subtype:  academic_gown__academic_robe__judge's_robe__judge'srobe  a gown worn by academics or judges
                       subtype:  Geneva_gown  black academic gown widely used by Protestant clergymen
                    subtype:  vestment  gown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergy
                       subtype:  alb  a white linen liturgical vestment with sleeves; worn by priests
                       subtype:  cassock  an black garment reaching down to the ankles; worn by priests or choristers
                          subtype:  soutane  a long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests
                       subtype:  chasuble  a long sleeveless vestment worn by a priest when celebrating Mass
                       subtype:  humeral_veil__humeralveil__veil  a vestment worn by a priest at High Mass in the Roman Catholic Church; a silk shawl
                       subtype:  pallium.vestment  (Roman Catholic Church) vestment consisting of a band encircling the shoulders with two lappets hanging in front and back
                       subtype:  surplice  a loose-fitting white ecclesiastical vestment with wide sleeves
              subtype:  protective_garment  clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury
                 subtype:  apron  a garment of cloth or leather or plastic that is tied about the waist and worn to protect your clothing
                 subtype:  arm_guard__armguard__arm_pad__armpad  a pad worn by football players and hockey goalkeepers
                 subtype:  athletic_supporter__suspensor__jockstrap__jock  a support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise
                 subtype:  body_pad  a pad worn by hockey goalkeeper
                 subtype:  chest_protector  protective garment consisting of a pad worn in baseball by catchers and by football players
                 subtype:  coverall  a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing
                    subtype:  gaberdine__duster__smock__dust_coat  an loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles
                    subtype:  jumpers__jumper  a coverall worn by children
                    subtype:  boilersuit__overall__boilers_suit__boilerssuit  (British) a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
                 subtype:  diving_suit__diving_dress  a weighted and hermetically sealed garment supplied with air; worn by underwater divers
                 subtype:  elbow_pad__elbowpad  protective garment consisting of a pad worn over the elbow by football and hockey players
                 subtype:  foul-weather_gear  protective garment that is intended to keep the wearer dry and warm in bad weather
                 subtype:  hip_pad__hippad  protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football and hockey players
                 subtype:  knee_pad  protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football or baseball or hockey players
                 subtype:  loose_trousers  protective trousers
                 subtype:  pressure_suit  protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
                    subtype:  anti-G_suit__G_suit  worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
                    subtype:  spacesuit  a pressure suit worn by astronauts while in outer space
                 subtype:  shin_guard__shinpad  a stiff protective garment worn by hockey players or a catcher in baseball to protect the shins
                 subtype:  shoulder_pad  protective garment consisting of a hard rounded pad worn by football players to protect their shoulders
                 subtype:  thigh_pad__thighpad  protective garment consisting of a pad worn over the thighs by football players
                 subtype:  throat_protector  protective garment worn by hockey goalkeeper and catcher in baseball
                 subtype:  wrist_pad__wristpad  protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football players
              subtype:  slip-on  an article of clothing (garment or shoe) that is easily slipped on or off
              subtype:  slops__slop  cheap clothing (as issued to sailors)
              subtype:  sportswear  clothes worn for sport or for casual wear
              subtype:  street_clothes  ordinary clothing suitable for public appearances (as opposed to costumes or sports apparel or work clothes etc.)
              subtype:  togs__threads__thread__duds  informal terms for clothing
              subtype:  uniform  clothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification
                 subtype:  jump_suit  one-piece uniform worn by parachutists
                 subtype:  livery.uniform  uniform worn by some menservants and chauffeurs
                 subtype:  military_uniform  prescribed identifying uniform for soldiers
                    subtype:  battle_dress  a military uniform designed for field service
                    subtype:  dress_uniform__dressuniform  a military uniform worn on formal occasions
                       subtype:  dress_blues__dressblue__dress_whites  a dress uniform for formal occasions
                    subtype:  fatigues  military uniform worn by military personnel when doing menial labor
                    subtype:  full-dress_uniform  the naval or military uniform that is specified by regulations to be worn on ceremonial occasions
                    subtype:  olive_drab.military_uniform__olivedrab  military uniform of the United States army; made from cloth of a dull olive color
                    subtype:  regimentals  the military uniform and insignia of a regiment
              subtype:  work-clothing__work-clothes  clothing worn for doing manual labor
                 subtype:  overall  work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)
           subtype:  consumer_durables__durables__durable_goods__durablegood  consumer goods that are not destroyed by use
              subtype:  appliance  durable goods for home or office use
                 subtype:  dryer__drier  an appliance that removes moisture
                    subtype:  clothes_dryer__clothesdryer__clothes_drier__clothesdrier  a dryer that dries clothes wet from washing
                       subtype:  mangle  clothes dryer for drying and ironing laundry by passing it between two heavy heated rollers
                       subtype:  spin_dryer__spin_drier  a clothes dryer that uses centrifugal motion to dry the clothes that are put into it
                       subtype:  tumble-dryer__tumble_drier  a clothes dryer that spins wet clothes inside a cylinder with hot air
                       subtype:  wringer  a clothes dryer consisting of two roles between which the wet clothes are squeezed
                    subtype:  hair_dryer__hand_blower__blow_dryer__blow_drier__hair_drier  a hand-held electric blower that can blow warm air onto the hair; used for styling hair
                 subtype:  home_appliance__household_appliance  an appliance that does a particular job in the home
                    subtype:  curling_iron__curlingiron  a cylindrical metal home appliance that heats a lock of hair that has been curled around it
                    subtype:  smoothing_iron__smoothingiron__iron  home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth
                       subtype:  flatiron  an iron that was heated by placing it on a stove
                       subtype:  gauffer  an iron used to press pleats and ridges
                       subtype:  steam_iron__steamiron  a pressing iron that can emit steam
                       subtype:  travel_iron  a small lightweight iron that can be carried while traveling
                    subtype:  kitchen_appliance__kitchenappliance  a home appliance used in preparing food
                       subtype:  coffee_maker  a kitchen appliance for brewing coffee automatically
                          subtype:  espresso_maker  a coffee maker that forces live steam under pressure through dark roasted coffee grounds
                          subtype:  Silex  (trademark) a vacuum coffee maker
                       subtype:  garbage_disposal__garbagedisposal__disposal__electric_pig  a kitchen appliance for disposing of garbage
                       subtype:  food_processor  a kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades; used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food
                       subtype:  hot_plate__hotplate__hotplate  a portable electric appliance for heating or cooking or keeping food warm
                       subtype:  ice_maker__icemaker  an appliance included in some electric refrigerators for making ice cubes
                       subtype:  microwave_oven__microwaveoven__microwave  kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it; heat is produced by the absorption of microwave energy by the water molecules in the food
                       subtype:  oven  kitchen appliance used for baking or roasting
                          subtype:  broiler  an oven or part of a stove used for broiling
                          subtype:  Dutch_oven  n oven consisting of a metal box for cooking in front of a fire
                          subtype:  gas_oven__gasoven  a domestic oven fueled by gas
                          subtype:  kiln  a large oven for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks
                             subtype:  brickkiln  a kiln for making bricks
                             subtype:  dry_kiln__drykiln  a kiln for drying and seasoning lumber
                             subtype:  limekiln  a kiln used to reduce naturally occuring forms of calcium carbonate to lime
                             subtype:  muffle  a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature
                             subtype:  oast  a kiln for drying hops
                          subtype:  rotisserie.oven  an oven or broiler equipped with a rotating spit on which meat cooks as it turns
                       subtype:  kitchen_stove__kitchenstove__stove__range__kitchen_range__kitchenrange__cooking_stove__cookingstove  a kitchen appliance used for cooking food; "dinner was already on the stove"
                          subtype:  charcoal_burner  a stove that burns charcoal as fuel
                          subtype:  cookstove  a stove for cooking (especially a wood- or coal-burning kitchen stove)
                          subtype:  electric_range  a kitchen range in which the heat for cooking is provided by electric power
                          subtype:  gas_range__gasrange__gas_stove__gasstove__gas_cooker__gascooker  a range with with gas rings and an oven for cooking with gas
                          subtype:  potbelly_stove__potbelly  a bulbous stove in which wood or coal is burned
                          subtype:  Primus_stove__Primus  a portable paraffin cooking stove; used by campers
                          subtype:  spirit_stove  a stove that burns a volatile liquid fuel such as alcohol
                       subtype:  toaster  a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting bread
                       subtype:  toaster_oven__toasteroven  kitchen appliance consisting of a small electric oven for toasting or warming food
                    subtype:  sewing_machine  a textile machine used as a home appliance for sewing
                       subtype:  serger  a sewing machine that overcasts the raw edges of a fabric with a V-shaped stitch
                    subtype:  vacuum_cleaner__vacuum  an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction
                       subtype:  Hoover  (trademark) a kind of vacuum cleaner
                    subtype:  white_goods  large electrical home appliances (refrigerators or washing machines etc.) that are typically finished in white enamel
                       subtype:  clothes_dryer__clothesdryer__clothes_drier__clothesdrier  a dryer that dries clothes wet from washing
                       subtype:  dish_washer__dishwasher__dishwashing_machine__dishwashingmachine  a machine for washing dishes
                       subtype:  electric_range  a kitchen range in which the heat for cooking is provided by electric power
                       subtype:  refrigerator__icebox  white goods in which food can be stored at low temperatures
                          subtype:  ice_chest__icechest__cooler  a refrigerator for cooling liquids
                          subtype:  electric_refrigerator__fridge  a refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor
                             subtype:  deepfreeze__freezer  electric refrigerator in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time
                             subtype:  ice_machine  an electric refrigerator to supply ice cubes
                       subtype:  automatic_washer__automaticwasher__washer__washing_machine__washingmachine  a home appliance for washing clothes and linens automatically
           subtype:  fashions  consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode
           subtype:  grocery__foodstuff  (usually plural) consumer goods sold by a grocer
              subtype:  greengrocery.grocery  (British) groceries sold by a greengrocer
              subtype:  packaged_good  groceries that are packaged for sale
        subtype:  drygoods__soft_goods  textiles or clothing and related merchandise
           subtype:  haberdashery__men's_furnishings__men'sfurnishing  the drygoods sold by a haberdasher
           subtype:  household_linen__householdlinen__white_goods  drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth
              subtype:  ironing.garment  garments (clothes or linens) that are to be (or have been) ironed; "there was a basketful of ironing to do"
              subtype:  washing__laundry__wash__washables__washable  garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
              subtype:  linen  white goods or clothing made with linen cloth
                 subtype:  bath_linen  linens for use in the bathroom
                    subtype:  bath_mat  a heavy towel or mat to stand on while drying yourself after a bath
                    subtype:  bath_towel  a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath
                       subtype:  Turkish_towel__terry_towel__terrytowel  a bath towel with rough loose pile
                    subtype:  washcloth__washrag__flannel__face_cloth  bath linen consisting of a piece of cloth used to wash the face and body
                 subtype:  bed_linen__bedlinen  linen or cotton articles for a bed (as sheets and pillowcases)
                    subtype:  pillowcase__case__slip__pillow_slip  bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow; "the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase"
                    subtype:  pillow_sham  bed linen consisting of a decorative cover for a pillow
                    subtype:  bed_sheet__sheet  bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth; used in pairs
                       subtype:  fitted_sheet__contour_sheet__contoursheet  a sheet (usually with elastic edges) tailored to fit a particular mattress
                 subtype:  doily__doyley__doyly  a small round piece of linen place under a dish or bowl
                 subtype:  table_linen__tablelinen__napery  linens for the dining table
                    subtype:  damask.table_linen  a table linen made from linen damask
                    subtype:  table_napkin__tablenapkin__napkin__serviette  to protect clothing; wipe mouth
                       subtype:  bib  a napkin tied under the chin a child while eating
                       subtype:  dinner_napkin  a large napkin used when dinner is served
                       subtype:  tea_napkin__teanapkin  a small napkin used when tea is served
                    subtype:  place_mat__placemat__mat  table linen for an individual place setting
                    subtype:  tablecloth  a covering spread over a dining table
                       subtype:  tea_cloth__teacloth  a small tablecloth
                    subtype:  tray_cloth  table linen consisting of a small cloth for a tray
        subtype:  entrant  a commodity that enters competition with established merchandise; "a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer"
        subtype:  export  commodities (goods or services) sold to a foreign country
        subtype:  fungible  a commodity that is freely interchangeable with another in satisfying an obligation
        subtype:  future  bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
           subtype:  oil_future__oilfuture__petroleumfuture  petroleum bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
           subtype:  soybean_future__soybeanfuture  soybeans bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
           subtype:  wheat_future__wheatfuture  wheat bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date
        subtype:  import  commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
        subtype:  merchandise__wares__ware__product  commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
           subtype:  cargo__lading__freight__load__loading__payload__shipment__consignment  goods carried by a large vehicle
           subtype:  contraband  goods whose importation or exportation or possession is prohibited by law
           subtype:  feature  an article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles
              subtype:  loss_leader__drawing_card__drawingcard__leader  a featured article of merchandise sold at a loss in order to draw customers
           subtype:  irregular__second  merchandise that has imperfections; usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name
           subtype:  line_of_merchandise__line__product_line__productline__line_of_products__business_line__line_of_business  a particular kind of product or merchandise; "a nice line of shoes"
              subtype:  sideline  an auxiliary line of merchandise
           subtype:  number.merchandise  an item of merchandise offered for sale; "she preferred the black nylon number"; "this sweater is an all-wool number"
           subtype:  refill  a commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents; "he got a refill for his ball-point pen"; "he got a refill for his notebook"
           subtype:  release  merchandise issued for sale or public showing (especially a record or film); "a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra"
           subtype:  schlock__dreck  (slang) merchandise that is shoddy or inferior
           subtype:  software_package__software_product  merchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered for sale
           subtype:  stock.merchandise__inventory  the merchandise that a shop has on hand; "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"
           subtype:  top_of_the_line  the best (most expensive) in a given line of merchandise
           subtype:  yard_goods__piece_goods__piecegood  merchandise in the form of fabrics sold by the yard
        subtype:  middling  any commodity of intermediate quality or size (especially when coarse particles of ground wheat are mixed with bran)
        subtype:  salvage.belongings  property or goods saved from damage or destruction
     subtype:  cone  any cone-shaped artifact
     subtype:  covering.artifact  an artifact that cover something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
        subtype:  dressing__grooming  the activity of getting dressed
           subtype:  primping  careful or finicky grooming; "the primping alone took more than an hour"
           subtype:  toilet  the act of dressing and preparing yourself; "he made his toilet and went to breakfast"
        subtype:  artificial_skin  a synthetic covering with two layers used experimentally to treat burn victims
        subtype:  bootleg  the part of a boot above the instep
        subtype:  bubble.covering  a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic
        subtype:  canopy.covering  the transparent covering of an aircraft cockpit
        subtype:  casing  the outermost covering of a pneumatic tire
        subtype:  chafing_gear__chafinggear  covering (usually rope or canvas) of a line or spar to protect it from friction
        subtype:  cloak.covering  anything that covers or conceals
        subtype:  cloth_covering__clothcovering  a covering made of cloth
           subtype:  antimacassar  a piece of ornamented cloth that protects the back of chair from hair oils
           subtype:  back.cloth_covering  the part of a garment that covers your back; "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"
           subtype:  bedclothes__bed_clothing__bedclothing__bedding  covering that are used on a bed
              subtype:  bedroll  bedding rolled up for carrying
              subtype:  bedspread__bedcover__bed_cover__bedcover__bed_covering__bedcovering__counterpane__spread  decorative cover for a bed
                 subtype:  coverlet  a decorative bedspread (usually quilted)
                 subtype:  quilted_bedspread__quiltedbedspread  a bedspread constructed like a thin quilt
              subtype:  blanket.bedclothes__cover  bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"
                 subtype:  afghan  a blanket knitted or crocheted in strips or squares; sometimes used as a shawl
                 subtype:  electric_blanket  a blanket containing and electric heating element that can be controlled to the desired temperature by a rheostat
                 subtype:  Mackinaw_blanket__mackinaw  a thick plaid blanket formerly used in NW US
                 subtype:  manta  a blanket that is used as a cloak or shawl
                 subtype:  security_blanket  a blanket (or toy) that a child carries around in order to reduce anxiety
              subtype:  mattress_cover  bedclothes that provide a cover for a mattress
              subtype:  quilt__comforter__puff  bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together
                 subtype:  duvet__eiderdown__continentalquilt  a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider
                 subtype:  patchwork_quilt__patchworkquilt__patchwork  a quilt made by sew patches of different materials together
                    subtype:  crazy_quilt__crazyquilt  a patchwork quilt without a design
              subtype:  throw.bedclothes  bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something
           subtype:  blindfold  a cloth used to cover the eyes
           subtype:  bosom  cloth that covers the chest or breasts
           subtype:  burial_garment  cloth used to cover a corpse in preparation for burial
              subtype:  pall__shroud__cerement__winding-sheet__windingsheet__winding-clothes__windingclothe  burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
           subtype:  tea_cosy__teacosy__cosy__cosey__tea_cosey__teacosey__cozy__tea_cozy__teacozy__cozey__tea_cozey__teacozey__cozie__tea_cozie__teacozie  a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm
           subtype:  medical_dressing__medicaldressing__dressing  a cloth covering for a wound or sore
              subtype:  bandage  a piece of soft material that protects an injured part of the body
                 subtype:  adhesive_bandage  bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive
                    subtype:  Band_Aid  (trademark) an adhesive bandage to cover small cuts or blisters
                    subtype:  Elastoplast  (British trademark) an elastic adhesive bandage for covering cuts or wounds
                 subtype:  capeline_bandage  bandage that covers the head or an amputation stump like a cap
                 subtype:  plaster_cast__plastercast__plaster_bandage  bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
                 subtype:  compression_bandage__tourniquet  bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure
                 subtype:  elastic_bandage__elasticbandage  a bandage containing stretchable material that can apply local pressure
                    subtype:  Elastoplast  (British trademark) an elastic adhesive bandage for covering cuts or wounds
                 subtype:  four-tailed_bandage  a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends; the central part is placed under the chin to restrict motion of the mandible and the tails are tied over the top of the head
                 subtype:  immovable_bandage__immovablebandage  a bandage of cloth impregnated with with a substance (e.g., plaster of Paris) that hardens soon after it is applied
                 subtype:  oblique_bandage__obliquebandage  a bandage in which successive turns proceed obliquely up or down a limb
                    subtype:  spiral_bandage  an oblique bandage in which successive turns overlap preceding turns
                 subtype:  roller_bandage  bandage consisting of a strip of sterile fabric (of variable width) rolled into a cylinder to facilitate application
                 subtype:  scarf_bandage__scarfbandage__sling__triangular_bandage  bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck
                 subtype:  suspensory_bandage__suspensory  a bandage of elastic fabric applied to uplift a dependant part (as the scrotum or a pendulous breast)
                 subtype:  swathe__wrapping  an enveloping bandage
                 subtype:  truss.bandage__trus  (medical) a bandage consisting of a pad and belt; worn to hold a hernia in place by pressure
              subtype:  compress  a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)
              subtype:  surgical_dressing  a loosely woven cotton dressing for incisions made during surgery
           subtype:  elbow.cloth_covering  the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow; "his coat had patches over the elbows"
           subtype:  eyepatch__patch  a protective cloth covering for an injured eye
           subtype:  knee  cloth covering consisting of the part of a trouser leg that covers the knee
           subtype:  lap_covering__lapcovering__lap  the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs
           subtype:  leg.cloth_covering  cloth covering consisting of the part of a garment that covers the leg
              subtype:  pant_leg__trouser_leg__trouserleg  the leg of a pair of trousers
           subtype:  seat.cloth_covering  the cloth covering for the buttocks; "the seat of his pants was worn through"
           subtype:  skirt.cloth_covering  cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist
           subtype:  sleeve.cloth_covering__arm  the part of a garment that is attached at armhole and provides a cloth covering for the arm
              subtype:  dolman_sleeve  a sleeve with a large armhole and tight cuff
              subtype:  long_sleeve  a sleeve extending from shoulder to wrist
              subtype:  raglan_sleeve  a sleeve that extends in one piece to the neckline of a coat or sweater with seams from the armhole to the neck
              subtype:  shirtsleeve  the sleeve of a shirt
              subtype:  short_sleeve__shortsleeve  a sleeve extending from the shoulder to the elbow
           subtype:  slipcover  a removable fitted cloth covering for upholstered furniture
        subtype:  article_of_clothing__clothing__clothes__clothe__apparel__wearing_apparel__wearingapparel__wear  covering designed to be worn on a person's body
        subtype:  coating.covering__coat  a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"
           subtype:  bitumastic  a protective coating of asphalt and filter used on structural metals that are exposed to weathering
           subtype:  coat_of_paint  a layer of paint covering something else
              subtype:  finishing_coat__finishingcoat__finish_coat  the final coat of paint
              subtype:  flat_coat__ground__primer__priming__primer_coat__priming_coat__primingcoat__undercoat  the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
                 subtype:  couch.flat_coat  a flat coat of paint or varnish used by artists as a primer
           subtype:  photographic_emulsion__emulsion  a light-sensitive coating on paper or film; consists of fine grains of silver bromide suspended in a gelatin
           subtype:  enamel  any smooth glossy coating that resembles ceramic glaze
              subtype:  nail_polish__nail_enamel__nail_varnish  a cosmetic lacquer that dries quickly and that is applied to the nails to color them or make them shiny
           subtype:  facing.coating__veneer  an ornamental coating to a building
           subtype:  finish_coat__finishing_coat__finishingcoat  the final coating of plaster applied to walls and ceilings; "we can't paint until they put on the finishing coat"
           subtype:  gilt__gilding  a coating of gold or of something that looks like gold
           subtype:  lacquer  a hard glossy coating
              subtype:  japan  lacquer with a durable glossy black finish, originally from the orient
           subtype:  overcoat__overcoating  an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)
           subtype:  paint  a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating
              subtype:  acrylic_paint__acrylicpaint__acrylic  used especially by artists
              subtype:  coat_of_paint  a layer of paint covering something else
              subtype:  enamel.paint  a paint that dries to a hard glossy finish
              subtype:  encaustic  a paint consisting of pigment mixed with melted beeswax; it is fixed with heat after application
              subtype:  house_paint__housepaint  paint used to cover the exterior woodwork of a house
              subtype:  oil_paint__oilpaint  paint in which a drying oil is the vehicle
                 subtype:  oil_color__oilcolor__oil  oil paint used by an artist
              subtype:  semigloss__semiglos  a paint that dries with a finish between glossy and flat
              subtype:  spray_paint__spraypaint  paint applied with a spray gun
              subtype:  varnish  paint that provides a hard glossy transparent coating
                 subtype:  fixative  a varnish dissolved in alcohol and sprayed over pictures to prevent smudging
                 subtype:  shellac_varnish__shellacvarnish__shellac  a thin varnish made by dissolving lac in ethanol; used to finish wood
              subtype:  water-base_paint  paint in which water is used as the vehicle
                 subtype:  calcimine  a water-base paint containing zinc oxide and glue and coloring; used as a wash for walls and ceilings
                 subtype:  casein_paint__casein  a water-base paint made with casein (which is a protein precipitated from milk)
                 subtype:  latex_paint__latex__rubberbasepaint  a water-base paint having a latex binder
                 subtype:  tempera__poster_paint__poster_color__poster_colour  pigment mixed with water-soluble glutinous materials such as size and egg yolk
                 subtype:  wash.water-base_paint  a thin coat of water-base paint
                    subtype:  calcimine  a water-base paint containing zinc oxide and glue and coloring; used as a wash for walls and ceilings
                    subtype:  color_wash__colorwash__colour_wash  a wash of whitewash or other water-base paint tinted with a colored pigment
                    subtype:  whitewash  wash consisting of lime and size in water; used for whitening walls and other surfaces
                 subtype:  watercolor.water-base_paint  a water-base paint (with water-soluble pigments); used by artists
                    subtype:  gouache.watercolor  an opaque watercolor prepared with gum
           subtype:  patina  a fine coating of oxide on the surface of a metal
              subtype:  verdigris  a green patina that forms on copper or brass or bronze that has been exposed to the air or water for long periods of time
           subtype:  metal_plating__metalplating__plating  a thin coating of metal deposited on a surface
              subtype:  gold_plate  a thin plating of gold on something
              subtype:  silver_plate  a thin layer of silver deposited on something
           subtype:  seal.coating  a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
              subtype:  undercoat__underseal  seal consisting of a coating of a tar or rubberlike material on the underside of a motor vehicle to retard corrosion
           subtype:  veneer__veneering  coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood
           subtype:  waterproofing  a coating capable of making a surface waterproof
        subtype:  cover_plate__coverplate  covering consisting of a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle
        subtype:  earmuff  either of a pair of ear coverings (usually connected by a headband) that are worn to keep the ears warm in cold weather
        subtype:  fig_leaf__figleaf  a covering consisting of anything intended to conceal something regarded as shameful
        subtype:  finger.covering  the part of a glove that provides a covering for one of the fingers
        subtype:  flap  any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely; "he wrote on the flap of the envelope"
           subtype:  barndoor  an opaque adjustable flap on a lamp fixture; used in photography to cut off light from particular areas
           subtype:  coattail  the loose back flap of a coat that hangs below the waist
           subtype:  codpiece  (15th-16th century) a flap for the crotch of men's tight-fitting breeches
           subtype:  earflap__earlap  one of two flaps attached to a cap to keep the ears warm
           subtype:  dag__jag  a flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieval clothing
           subtype:  lap.flap__overlap  a flap that lies over another part
              subtype:  cuff__turnup  the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg
                 subtype:  trouser_cuff__trousercuff  a cuff on the bottoms of trouser legs
              subtype:  hem  lap that forms a cloth border doubled back and stitched down
              subtype:  lapel  lap at the front of a coat; continuation of the coat collar
                 subtype:  revers__revere  a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side
              subtype:  lappet  a small lap on a garment or headdress
           subtype:  pocket_flap  a flap that covers the access to a pocket
           subtype:  tent-fly__fly_sheet__fly__tent_flap  flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
           subtype:  tongue.flap  the flap of material under the laces of a shoe or boot
        subtype:  floorcover__floor_covering__floorcovering  a covering for the floor of an automobile
           subtype:  mat  a thick flat pad used as a floor covering
              subtype:  doormat__welcomemat  a mat placed outside an exterior door for wiping the shoes before entering
           subtype:  matting  floor covering of coarse fabric (usually of straw or hemp)
           subtype:  parquetry__parqueterie  a patterned wood inlay used to cover a floor
           subtype:  rug__carpeting  floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)
              subtype:  broadloom  a carpet woven on a wide loom to obviate the need for seams
              subtype:  Brussels_carpet  a worsted carpet with a heavy pile of colored yarns on a linen warp
              subtype:  drugget  a rug made of a coarse fabric having a cotton warp and a wool filling
              subtype:  flying_carpet  (Asian folk tales) an imaginary carpet that will fly people anywhere they wish to go
              subtype:  hearthrug  a rug spread out in front of a fireplace
              subtype:  numdah_rug__numdah__nammad  an embroidered rug made from a coarse Indian felt
              subtype:  prayer_rug__prayer_mat  a small rug used by Moslems during their devotions
              subtype:  red_carpet__redcarpet  a strip of red carpeting laid down for dignitaries to walk on
              subtype:  scatter_rug__scatterrug__throw_rug__throwrug  a small rug; several can be used in a room
              subtype:  shag_rug  a rug with long pile
                 subtype:  rya_rug__rya  a shag rug made in Sweden
              subtype:  stair-carpet__staircarpet  a strip of carpet for laying on stairs
              subtype:  Wilton  a kind of carpet with loops like a Brussels carpet but with a close velvet pile of cut loops
        subtype:  folder  covering that is folded over to protect the contents
           subtype:  file_folder  folder that holds papers together in a filing cabinet
           subtype:  matchbook  a small folder of paper safety matches
        subtype:  footgear__footwear  covering for a person's feet
           subtype:  boot  footwear that covers the whole foot and lower leg
              subtype:  buskin__chukka_boot__combat_boot__desert_boot__half_boot__top_boot__topboot  a boot reaching halfway up to the knee
              subtype:  cowboy_boot__cowboy_boots  a boot with a high arch and fancy stitching; worn by American cowboys
              subtype:  Hessian_boot__hessian__Wellington__Wellington_boot  (19th century) a man's high tasseled boot
              subtype:  hip_boot__hipboot__hipboot__thighboot__thigh_boots  very high boots; used especially for fishing
                 subtype:  waders  waterproof hip boots (sometimes extending to the chest) worn by anglers
              subtype:  riding_boot  a boot without laces that is worn for riding horses; part of a riding habit
                 subtype:  jodhpur_boot__jodhpurboot__jodhpur__jodhpur_shoe__jodhpurshoe  a short riding boot that fastens with a buckle at the side
              subtype:  rubber_boot__gum_boot__gumboot  a high boot made of rubber
              subtype:  ski_boot__skiboot__ski_boots__skiboot  a stiff boot that is fastened to a ski with a ski binding
           subtype:  geta__clog__patten__sabot  footwear usually with wooden soles
           subtype:  flats__flat  footwear (shoes or slippers) with no heel (or a flat heel)
           subtype:  overshoe  footwear that protects your shoes from water or snow or cold
              subtype:  arctic__galosh__golosh__rubber__gumshoe  a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow
           subtype:  shoe  footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material
              subtype:  anklet  a shoe for a child or woman that has a strap around the ankle
              subtype:  baby_shoe  a shoe designed to be worn by infants
              subtype:  blucher__bluchers  a high shoe with laces over the tongue
              subtype:  bowling_shoe__bowlingshoe  a special shoe worn when bowling
              subtype:  brogan__brogue__clodhopper__work_shoe  a thick and heavy shoe
              subtype:  calceus__calceu  a shoe covering the ankle; worn by ancient Romans
              subtype:  chopine__chopines__platform__platforms__platform  a woman's shoe with a very high thick sole
              subtype:  cleats  a pair of shoes with cleats on the soles; "the football players all wore cleats"
              subtype:  congress_boot__congress_shoe__congress_gaiter  an ankle high shoe with elastic gussets in the sides
              subtype:  flippers__flipper__fin__fin  a shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
              subtype:  gaiter.shoe  an shoe covering the ankle with elastic gores in the sides
              subtype:  ghillie__gillie  a shoe without a tongue and with decorative lacing up the instep
              subtype:  gym_shoe__gymshoe__sneaker__tennis_shoe  a canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole
                 subtype:  plimsoll  (British) a light gym shoe with a rubber sole and a canvas top
              subtype:  Loafer  (trademark) a low leather step-in shoe; the top resembles a moccasin but it has a broad flat heel
              subtype:  mocassin__moccasin__moccasins__moccasin  soft leather shoe; originally worn by native Americans
              subtype:  oxford  a low shoe laced over the instep
                 subtype:  saddle_oxford__saddle_shoe  an oxford with a saddle of contrasting color
              subtype:  pumps__pump__pump  a low-cut shoe without fastenings
                 subtype:  spectator_pump__spectatorpump__spectator  a woman's pump with medium heel; usually in contrasting colors for toe and heel
              subtype:  running_shoe__runningshoe  a light comfortable shoe designed for running
              subtype:  sabot__wooden_shoe  a shoe carved from a single block of wood
              subtype:  sandal  a shoe consisting of a sole fastened by straps to the foot
                 subtype:  espadrille  a sandal with a sole made of rope or rubber and a cloth upper part
                 subtype:  huarache__huaraches__huarache  a sandal with flat heels and an upper of woven leather straps
                 subtype:  zori__pusher  a sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes
                 subtype:  scuffer  a light-weight flexible sandal with a study sole; worn as play shoes by children and as sportswear by adults
                 subtype:  talaria  a winged sandal (as worn by Hermes in Graeco-Roman art)
              subtype:  walker  a shoe designed for comfortable walking
              subtype:  walking_shoe__walkingshoe  a light comfortable shoe designed for vigorous walking
              subtype:  wedgie__wedgies__wedgie  a shoe with a wedge heel
              subtype:  wing_tip.shoe__wingtip  a shoe having a wing-tip toecap
           subtype:  carpet_slipper__slipper  low footwear that can be slip on and off easily; usually worn indoors
              subtype:  bootee__bootees__bootee__bootie__booties__bootie  a slipper that is soft and wool (for babies)
              subtype:  mules__mule__mule__scuff__scuffs  a slipper that has no fitting around the heel
        subtype:  exhaust_hood__exhausthood__hood  metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes
           subtype:  range_hood__rangehood  exhaust hood over a kitchen range
        subtype:  imbrication__overlapping__lapping  covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another (as with tiles or shingles)
        subtype:  instep  the part of a shoe or stocking that covers the instep
        subtype:  mercy_seat__mercyseat  the golden covering of the ark of the covenant
        subtype:  paddlebox  a wooden covering for the upper part of a paddlewheel
        subtype:  planking.covering  a covering or flooring constructed of planks (as on a ship)
        subtype:  protective_cover__protective_covering__protection  a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors"
           subtype:  armor  protective covering made of metal and used in combat
              subtype:  body_armor__body_armour__suit_of_armor__suit_of_armour__coat_of_mail__cataphract  armor that protects the wearer's whole body
                 subtype:  bulletproof_vest__bulletproofvest  a vest capable of resisting the impact of a bullet
                 subtype:  chain_mail__chainmail__ring_mail__mail__chain_armor__chainarmor__chain_armour__chainarmour__ring_armor__ring_armour  (medieval) flexible armor; made of interlinked metal rings
                    subtype:  brigandine  a medieval coat of chain mail consisting of metal rings sewn onto leather or cloth
                    subtype:  habergeon  (medieval) a light sleeveless coat of chain mail worn under the hauberk
                    subtype:  hauberk__byrnie  a long (usually sleeveless) tunic of chain mail formerly worn as defensive armor
                    subtype:  voider__gusset  a piece of chain mail covering a place unprotected by armor plate
                 subtype:  corselet__corslet  a piece of body armor for the trunk; usually consists of a breastplate and back piece
                 subtype:  cuirass__cuiras  medieval body armor that covers the chest and back
              subtype:  buckler__shield  armor carried on the arm to intercept blows
                 subtype:  scutcheon__escutcheon  a shield; especially one displaying a coat of arms
                 subtype:  pavis__pavi__pavise  (medieval) a large heavy oblong shield protecting the whole body; originally carried but sometimes set up in permanent position
           subtype:  bell_jar__bell_glass  a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases
           subtype:  ring-binder__binder  holds loose papers or magazines
           subtype:  book_binding__binding__cover__back  the front and back covering of a book; "the book had a leather binding"
              subtype:  half_binding  book binding in which the spine and part of the sides are bound in one material and the rest in another
              subtype:  three-quarter_binding__threequarterbinding  the spine and much of the sides are a different material from the rest of the cover
           subtype:  blind__screen  something that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet"
              subtype:  drape__curtain__drapery__pall  hanging cloth used as a blind
                 subtype:  drop_curtain__drop_cloth__drop  a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage
                 subtype:  festoon.drape  a curtain of fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful loops
                 subtype:  portiere  a heavy curtain hung across a doorway
                 subtype:  shower_curtain  a curtain that keeps water from splashing out of the shower area
                 subtype:  theater_curtain__theatercurtain__theatre_curtain__theatrecurtain  a hanging cloth that conceals the stage; rises at the beginning and descends at the end of a performance
                    subtype:  safety_curtain  a fireproof theater curtain to be dropped in case of fire
              subtype:  shutter  a hinged blind for a window
                 subtype:  deadlight  a strong shutter over a ship's porthole that is closed in stormy weather
                 subtype:  jalousie  a shutter made of angled slats
              subtype:  window_blind  a blind for privacy or to keep out light
                 subtype:  Venetian_blind  a window blind made of horizontal strips that overlap when closed
                 subtype:  window_shade  an opaque window blind that can cover or uncover a window
                    subtype:  roller_blind  a window shade that rolls up out of the way
              subtype:  blinder__winker__blinker  blind consisting of a leather eye-patch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side
           subtype:  cap.protective_cover  something serving as a cover or protection
              subtype:  distributor_cap__distributorcap  the cap of the distributor that holds in place the wires from the distributor to the spark plugs
              subtype:  ferrule__collet  a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting
              subtype:  hubcap  cap that fits over the hub of a wheel
              subtype:  lens_cap__lens_cover  cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use
              subtype:  thimble  a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container
           subtype:  cloche.protective_cover  a low transparent cover put over young plants to protect them from cold
           subtype:  coaster  a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table (i.e., from the condensation on a cold glass or bottle)
           subtype:  cold_frame  protective covering consisting of a wooden frame with a glass top in which small plants are protected from the cold
           subtype:  cowl__cowling__hood  protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine
           subtype:  watch_crystal__watchcrystal__crystal__watch_glass  a protective cover that protects the face of a watch
           subtype:  dust_cover  a removable plastic protective covering for a piece of equipment
           subtype:  faceplate  a protective covering for the front of a machine or device (as a door lock or computer component)
           subtype:  cladding__facing  a protective covering that protects the outside of a building
              subtype:  revetement__revetment__stone_facing__stonefacing  a facing (usually masonry) that supports an embankment
           subtype:  fallboard  the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played
           subtype:  finger_plate__escutcheon__scutcheon  a flat protective covering (on a door or wall etc) to prevent soiling by dirty fingers
           subtype:  heat_shield  a protective covering that protects a spacecraft from overheating on re-entry
           subtype:  bonnet__hood  protective covering consisting of a hinged metal part that covers the engine
           subtype:  housing.protective_cover  a protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component
              subtype:  binnacle  a nonmagnetic housing for a ship's compass (usually in front of the helm)
              subtype:  cabinet.housing  housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
              subtype:  crankcase  housing for a crankshaft
              subtype:  distributor_housing  the housing that supports the distributor cam
              subtype:  journal_box__journalbox  metal housing for a journal bearing
              subtype:  lamphouse__lamp_housing  housing that holds a lamp (as in a movie projector)
              subtype:  radome__radar_dome__radardome  a housing for a radar antenna; transparent to radio waves
              subtype:  shell.housing__case__casing  the housing or outer covering of something; "the clock has a walnut case"
                 subtype:  boot.shell  protective casing for something that resembles a leg
                 subtype:  gearbox__gear_case  the shell (metal casing) in which a train of gears is sealed
                 subtype:  jacket.shell  the tough metal shell casing for certain kinds of ammunition
           subtype:  lining.protective_cover  a protective covering that protects an inside surface
              subtype:  brake_lining__brakelining  the lining on the brake shoes that comes in contact with the brake drum
              subtype:  cylindrical_lining__cylindricallining__bushing  a cylindrical metal lining used to reduce friction
              subtype:  facing  a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening
              subtype:  furnace_lining__furnacelining  lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace
           subtype:  mask.protective_cover  a protective covering worn over the face
              subtype:  face_mask  mask that provides a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball or football or hockey
                 subtype:  catcher's_mask__catcher'smask  a mask to protect the face of the catcher in baseball
                    subtype:  bar_mask__barmask  a catcher's mask with bars
                    subtype:  birdcage_mask  a catcher's mask with a strong wire face
                 subtype:  face_guard  face mask consisting of a strong wire mesh on the front of football helmets
                 subtype:  fencing_mask__fencingmask__fencer's_mask  a face mask made of fine mesh that is worn over a fencer's face
                 subtype:  ski_mask__skimask  a woolen face mask to protect the face from cold while skiing
              subtype:  gasmask__respirator__gas_helmet__gashelmet  a mask with a filter protects the face an lungs against poisonous gases
              subtype:  welder's_mask  a mask that you wear for protection when doing welding
           subtype:  mulch  a protective covering of rotting vegetable matter spread to reduce evaporation and soil erosion
           subtype:  roof  a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building
              subtype:  curb_roof  a roof with two or more slopes on each side of the ridge
                 subtype:  mansard_roof__mansardroof__mansard  a hip roof having two slopes on each side
                    subtype:  French_roof  a mansard roof with sides that are nearly perpendicular
              subtype:  dome  a hemispherical roof
                 subtype:  astrodome  a transparent dome on top of an airplane where the navigator can make celestial observations
                 subtype:  cupola  a roof in the form of a dome
                 subtype:  geodesic_dome  a lightweight dome constructed of interlocking polygons; invented by R. Buckminster Fuller
                 subtype:  onion_dome__oniondome  a dome that is shaped like a bulb; characteristic of Russian and Byzantine church architecture
                 subtype:  pressure_dome  a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
                 subtype:  whispering_gallery__whispering_dome  a space beneath a dome or arch in which sounds produced at certain points are clearly audible at certain distant points
              subtype:  gable_roof__gableroof__saddle_roof__saddleback__saddleback_roof  a double sloping roof with a ridge and gables at each end
                 subtype:  gambrel_roof__gambrelroof  a gable roof with two slopes on each side and the lower slope being steeper
              subtype:  hip_roof__hiproof  a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides
              subtype:  housetop  the roof of a house; "shout it from the housetops"
              subtype:  slate_roof__slateroof  a roof covered with slate
              subtype:  sunroof__sunshine-roof  an automobile roof having a sliding or raisable panel: "`sunshine-roof' is a British term for `sunroof'"
              subtype:  thatched_roof__thatch  a house roof made with a plant material (as straw)
              subtype:  tile_roof  a roof made of fired clay tiles
              subtype:  vault  an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof
                 subtype:  barrel_vault  the simplest form of vault; a single continuous arch
                 subtype:  groined_vault__groinedvault  two barrel vaults intersecting at right angles
                 subtype:  ribbed_vault  vault that resembles a groined vault but has ribbed arches
           subtype:  roof.protective_cover  protective covering on top of a motor vehicle
              subtype:  hood.roof  the folding roof of a carriage
                 subtype:  calash_top__calash__caleche  the folding hood of a horse-drawn carriage
           subtype:  screen  protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects)
              subtype:  fire_screen__fireguard  a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks)
              subtype:  mosquito_net  a fine net or screen (especially around beds) to protect against mosquitos
              subtype:  smoke_screen__smokescreen  (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements
              subtype:  window_screen  screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open window
              subtype:  windshield__windscreen  transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle
           subtype:  shade  protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight
              subtype:  lampshade__lamp_shade  a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view
              subtype:  parasol  a handheld collapsible source of shade
              subtype:  pith_hat__pith_helmet__sun_helmet__sunhelmet__topee__topi  a light-weight hat worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun
              subtype:  sunbonnet__sunhat  a large bonnet that shades the face; worn by girls and women
              subtype:  sun_visor__sunvisor  a shade (sometimes of green mica) affixed above the windshield of an automobile
           subtype:  sheath  a protective covering for a knife or sword
              subtype:  aglet__aiglet  metal or plastic sheath over the end of a shoelace or ribbon
              subtype:  fingerstall__cot  a sheath worn to protect a finger
              subtype:  holster  a sheath for a handgun; usually leather
                 subtype:  shoulder_holster  a holster worn over your shoulder so a gun can be concealed under your jacket
              subtype:  scabbard  a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet
           subtype:  sheathing__overlay  protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
           subtype:  shelter.protective_cover  protective covering that provides protection from the weather
              subtype:  bell_cote__bell_cot  a small shelter for bells; has a gable or shed roof
              subtype:  birdhouse__dovecote__columbarium  a shelter for birds (especially pigeons)
              subtype:  canopy  a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather
                 subtype:  awning__sunshade__sunblind  a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun
                 subtype:  baldachin  ornamented canopy supported by columns or suspended from a roof or projected from a wall (as over an altar)
                 subtype:  marquee  permanent canopy over an entrance of a hotel etc.
                 subtype:  porte-cochere__portecochere  canopy extending out from a building entrance to shelter those getting in and out of vehicles
                 subtype:  tester  a flat canopy (especially one over a four-poster bed)
                 subtype:  umbrella  a lightweight handheld collapsible canopy
                    subtype:  gamp__brolly  (British) colloquial terms for an umbrella
              subtype:  cote  a small shelter for domestic animals (as sheep or pigeons)
              subtype:  lean-to  rough shelter whose roof has only one slope
              subtype:  roost.shelter  a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds
                 subtype:  henroost  a roost for hens at night
              subtype:  sentry_box  a small shelter with an open front to protect a sentry from the weather
           subtype:  shield  a protective covering or structure
              subtype:  nipple_shield  a rubber or plastic shield to protect the nipples of nursing women
              subtype:  plate.shield__scale__shell  a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
                 subtype:  armor_plate__armorplate__armour_plate__armor_plating__armorplating__plate_armor__platearmor__plate_armour__platearmour  specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire
                    subtype:  backplate  plate armor protecting the back; worn as part of a cuirass
                    subtype:  beaver.armor_plate  a movable piece of armor on a medieval helmet used to protect the lower face
                    subtype:  brassard  armor plate that protects the arm
                    subtype:  breastplate__aegi__egis  armor plate that protects the chest; the front part of a cuirass
                    subtype:  cannon.armor_plate  (medieval) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm
                       subtype:  rerebrace__upper_cannon__uppercannon  cannon that provides plate armor for the upper arm
                       subtype:  vambrace__lower_cannon__lowercannon  cannon of plate armor protecting the forearm
                    subtype:  chanfron__chamfron__testiere__frontstall  medieval plate armor to protect a horse's head
                    subtype:  cubitiere  body armor that protects the elbow
                    subtype:  cuisse  armor plate that protects the thigh
                    subtype:  epauliere  armor plate that protects the shoulder
                    subtype:  fauld  a piece of armor plate below the breastplate
                    subtype:  gorget  armor plate that protects the neck
                    subtype:  greave__greaves__greave__jambeau  armor plate that protects legs below the knee
                    subtype:  helmet.armor_plate  armor plate that protects the head
                       subtype:  armet  a medieval helmet with a visor and a neck guard
                       subtype:  basinet  a medieval steel helmet
                       subtype:  casque  (15-16th century) any armor for the head; usually ornate without a visor
                          subtype:  casquet__casquetel  a light open casque without a visor or beaver
                       subtype:  heaume  a large medieval helmet supported on the shoulders
                       subtype:  morion__cabasset  a metal helmet worn by common soldiers in the 16th century
                       subtype:  pickelhaube  a spiked helmet worn by German soldiers
                       subtype:  sallet__sallade  a light medieval helmet with a slit for vision
                    subtype:  knee_piece  armor plate that protects the knee
                    subtype:  nosepiece  armor plate that protects the nose
                    subtype:  pallette__palette  one of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor
                    subtype:  roundel  round piece of armor plate that protects the armpit
                    subtype:  skirt_of_tasses  armor plate that protects the body below the waist
                    subtype:  solleret__sabaton  armor plate that protects the foot; consists of mail with a solid toe and heel
                    subtype:  tasset__tasse  one of two pieces of armor plate hanging from the fauld to protect the upper thighs
                    subtype:  tuille  armor plate that protects the hip and thigh
                    subtype:  visor__vizor  a piece of armor plate (with eye slits) fixed or hinged to a medieval helmet to protect the face
                 subtype:  U-shaped_plate__horseshoe__shoe  nailed to underside of horse's hoof
                 subtype:  shell_plating__shellplating  the plates covering the frame of a steel ship and corresponding to the planking of a wooden ship
              subtype:  nuclear_shield__nuclearshield__shielding  a shield of lead or concrete intended as a barrier to radiation emitted in nuclear decay
              subtype:  electromagnetic_shield__electromagneticshield__shielding  shield consisting of an arrangement of metal mesh or plates designed to protect electronic equipment from ambient electromagnetic interference
           subtype:  splashboard__dashboard  protective covering consisting of a panel to protect people from the splashing water or mud etc.
           subtype:  splasher  a protective covering over or beside a wheel to protect the upper part of a vehicle from splashes of mud
           subtype:  testudo  a movable protective covering that provided protection from above; used by Roman troops when approaching the walls of a besieged fortification
           subtype:  thumbstall  protective covering for an injured thumb
           subtype:  toecap  leather covering the toe of a boot or shoe and reinforcing or decorating it
              subtype:  wing_tip  a decorative toecap having a point extending toward the throat of the shoe
           subtype:  washboard.protective_cover__splashboard  protective covering consisting of a broad plank along a gunwale to keep water from splashing over the side
        subtype:  concealment__screen__cover__covert  a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "they crouched behind the screen"; "under cover of darkness"
           subtype:  blind.concealment  a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters); "he waited impatiently in the blind"
           subtype:  camouflage  device or stratagem for concealment or deceit
           subtype:  shoji  (Japanese) a translucent screen made of a wooden frame covered with rice paper
           subtype:  stalking-horse.concealment__stalkinghorse  screen consisting of a figure of a horse behind which a hunter hides while stalking game
        subtype:  swathing  cloth coverings wrapped around something (as a wound or a baby)
        subtype:  thumb  the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb
        subtype:  toe.covering  the part of footwear that provides a covering for the toes
        subtype:  top.covering  covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); "he removed the top of the carton"; "he couldn't get the top off of the bottle"; "put the cover back on the kettle"
           subtype:  cap.top  a top (as for a bottle)
              subtype:  bottlecap  a cap that seals a bottle
              subtype:  radiator_cap  cap on the opening in the top of a radiator through which a coolant liquid can be added
           subtype:  lid  a movable top or cover (hinged or separate) for closing the opening of a container
              subtype:  trunk_lid__trunklid  hinged lid for a trunk
           subtype:  manhole_cover__manholecover  a flush iron cover for a manhole (as in a street)
           subtype:  screwtop  the top of a container that must be screwed off and on
        subtype:  upholstery.covering  covering (padding and springs and webbing and fabric) on a piece of furniture
        subtype:  wrapping__wrap__wrapper  the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped
           subtype:  envelope.wrapping  any wrapper or covering
           subtype:  plastic_film__plasticfilm__film  a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things
              subtype:  Polaroid  (trade name) a plastic film that can polarize a beam of light; often used in sunglasses to eliminate glare
           subtype:  gift_wrapping  ornamental wrapping for gifts
           subtype:  jacket.wrapping  an outer wrapping or casing; "phonograph records were sold in cardboard jackets"
              subtype:  record_jacket  the jacket for a phonograph record
              subtype:  book_jacket__dust_cover__dust_jacket__dust_wrapper__wrapper  a paper jacket for a book; a jacket on which promotional information is printed
           subtype:  plastic_wrap__plasticwrap  wrapping consisting of a very thin transparent sheet of plastic
              subtype:  cellophane  a transparent paper-like product that is impervious to moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc.
              subtype:  cling_film__clingfilm__Saran_Wrap  a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself; used for wrapping food
     subtype:  decker  (often used in combination) something constructed with multiple levels; "they rode in a double-decker bus"
     subtype:  ornament__decoration__ornamentation  something used to beautify
        subtype:  adornment  a decoration of color or interest that is added to relieve plainness
           subtype:  banding__band__stripe  a strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material
              subtype:  cigar_band__cigarband  a narrow paper band around a cigar
              subtype:  hatband  a band around the crown of a hat just above the brim
              subtype:  neckband  a band around the collar of a garment
           subtype:  beauty_spot  a spot that is worn on a lady's face for adornment
           subtype:  boutonniere  a flower that is worn in a buttonhole
           subtype:  circlet  decorated metal band worn around the head
           subtype:  cordon  adornment consisting of an ornamental ribbon or cord
           subtype:  epaulet  adornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder
              subtype:  shoulder_board__shoulder_mark  epaulets that indicate rank
           subtype:  fob  an adornment that hangs from a watch chain
           subtype:  frill__flounce__ruffle__furbelow  a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
              subtype:  goffer__gauffer  an ornamental frill made by pressing pleats
              subtype:  jabot  a ruffle on the front of a woman's blouse or a man's shirt
              subtype:  peplum  a flared ruffle attached to the waistline of a dress or jacket or blouse
           subtype:  frogs__frog__frog  a decorative loop of braid or cord
           subtype:  frontlet__frontal  an adornment worn on the forehead
           subtype:  jewelry__jewellery  an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems)
              subtype:  bead  a small ball with a hole through the middle
                 subtype:  bugle.bead  a tubular glass or plastic bead sewn onto clothing for decoration
              subtype:  bijou  a small and delicately worked piece
              subtype:  bracelet__bangle  jewelry worn around the wrist for decoration
                 subtype:  ankle_bracelet__anklebracelet__anklet  an ornament worn around the ankle
              subtype:  clip.jewelry  an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress
              subtype:  cufflink  jewelry consisting of one of a pair of linked buttons used to fasten the cuffs of a shirt
              subtype:  earring  jewelry to ornament the ear; usually clipped to the earlobe or fastened through a hole in the lobe
                 subtype:  pendant_earring__pendantearring__drop_earring__eardrop  an earring with a pendant ornament
              subtype:  precious_stone__jewel__gem  a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry
                 subtype:  solitaire.precious_stone  a gem (usually a diamond) in a setting by itself
                 subtype:  diamond  a transparent piece of diamond that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
                    subtype:  ice.diamond  (informal) diamonds; "look at the ice on that dame!"
                 subtype:  ruby  a transparent piece of ruby that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
                 subtype:  pearl  a smooth lustrous round structure inside the shell of a clam or oyster; much valued as a jewel
                    subtype:  seed_pearl  a small imperfect pearl
                 subtype:  emerald.precious_stone  a transparent piece of emerald that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
                 subtype:  sapphire  a transparent piece of sapphire that has been cut and polished and is valued as a precious gem
              subtype:  necklace  jewelry consisting of a cord or chain (often bearing gems) worn about the neck as an ornament (especially by women)
                 subtype:  chain.necklace__string__strand  a necklace made by a stringing objects together; "a string of beads" or "a strand of pearls"
                 subtype:  choker.necklace__collar__dog_collar__dogcollar__neckband  necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck
              subtype:  pin.jewelry  a piece of jewelry that is pinned onto the wearer's garment
                 subtype:  brooch__broach__breastpin  a decorative pin worn by women
                    subtype:  sunburst  a jewelled brooch with a pattern resembling the sun
                 subtype:  scatter_pin  small pin usually worn in groups of two or more
                 subtype:  stickpin  a decorative pin that is worn in a necktie
                 subtype:  tie_tack__tietack__tiepin__scarfpin  a pin used to hold the tie in place
              subtype:  ring.jewelry__band  jewelry consisting of a circular band of a precious metal worn on the finger; "she had rings on every finger"
                 subtype:  annulet  a small ring
                 subtype:  engagement_ring  a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothal
                 subtype:  mourning_ring  a ring worn as a memorial to a dead person
                 subtype:  signet_ring__seal_ring  a ring bearing a signet
                 subtype:  wedding_ring__weddingring__wedding_band__weddingband  a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and sometimes one is also given to the groom) at the wedding
              subtype:  tie_clip__tieclip  a piece of jewelry that holds a man's tie in place
           subtype:  pectoral_medallion__pectoral  an adornment worn on the chest or breast
           subtype:  pendant  an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring)
              subtype:  lavaliere__lavalier__lavalliere  jewelled pendant worn on a chain around the neck
           subtype:  plume  a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament
              subtype:  aigrette__aigret  a long plume (especially one of egret feathers) worn on a hat or a piece of jewelry in the shape of a plume
              subtype:  panache  a feathered plume on a helmet
           subtype:  pompon__pom-pom__pompom  decoration consisting of a ball of tufted wool or silk; usually worn on a hat
           subtype:  rosette  an ornament or pattern resembling a rose that is worn as a badge of office or as recognition of having won an honor
           subtype:  sequin__spangle  adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing
           subtype:  tassel  adornment consisting of a bunch of cords fastened at one end
              subtype:  sword_knot__swordknot  an ornamental tassel on the hilt of a sword
           subtype:  passementerie__trimming__trim  a decoration or adornment on a garment; "the trimming on a hat"; "the trim on a shirt"
              subtype:  gold_braid__braid__braiding  trimming used to decorate clothes or curtains
                 subtype:  aiguilette__aglet__aiglet  ornamental tagged cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform
                 subtype:  soutache  a narrow braid used as a decorative trimming
              subtype:  miniver  trimming on ceremonial robes consisting of white or light gray fur
              subtype:  rickrack__ricrac  a narrow zigzag ribbon used as trimming
           subtype:  war_paint.adornment__warpaint  adornment consisting of paint applied to the face and body of certain Amerindians before a battle
        subtype:  arabesque  an ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design
        subtype:  architectural_ornament__architecturalornament  something added to a building to improve its appearance
           subtype:  antefix  carved ornament at the eaves of a tile roof concealing the joints between tiles
           subtype:  crocket  an architectural ornament of curved foliage used at the edge of a spire or gable
           subtype:  dogtooth  a carved pyramidal ornament; used in 13th century England
           subtype:  foliage__foliation  (architecture) leaf-like architectural ornament
           subtype:  frieze  an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice
           subtype:  guilloche  an architectural decoration formed by two intersecting wavy bands
           subtype:  trefoil  an architectural ornament in the form of three arcs arranged in a circle
        subtype:  beading__beadwork  ornamentation with beads
        subtype:  bow.ornament  a decorative interlacing of ribbons
        subtype:  brass.ornament__bras  an ornament or utensil made of brass
        subtype:  centerpiece__centrepiece  placed at the center of something (as on a table)
           subtype:  epergne  a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers
        subtype:  Christmas_tree  an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration
        subtype:  cockade  an ornament (such as a knot of ribbon or a rosette) usually worn on the hat
        subtype:  design.ornament__pattern__figure  a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
           subtype:  bear_claw.design__bearclaw  an incised design resembling a bear's claw used in Native American pottery
           subtype:  damascene  a design produced by inlaying gold or silver into steel
           subtype:  decalcomania__decal  a design fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design to be transferred to the surface
           subtype:  device.design  any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)
              subtype:  seal__stamp  a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
                 subtype:  bulla  the round leaden seal affixed to a papal bull
                 subtype:  cachet  a seal on a letter
                 subtype:  great_seal__greatseal  the principal seal of a government, symbolizing authority or sovereignty
                 subtype:  handstamp__rubber_stamp  a stamp (usually made of rubber) for imprinting a mark or design by hand
                 subtype:  signet  a seal (especially one used to mark documents officially)
           subtype:  emblem  special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc.
              subtype:  colophon  a publisher's emblem printed in a book (usually on the title page)
              subtype:  colours__colour__colors  a distinguishing emblem; "his tie proclaimed his school colors"
              subtype:  crest.emblem  (heraldry) in medieval times, an emblem used to decorate a helmet
              subtype:  cross__cros  a cross as an emblem of Christianity; used in heraldry
                 subtype:  Calvary_cross__cross_of_Calvary  a Latin cross set on three steps
                 subtype:  Celtic_cross  a Latin cross with a ring surrounding the intersection
                 subtype:  crucifix__rood__rood-tree  representation of the cross on which Jesus died
                 subtype:  Greek_cross  a cross with each of the four arms the same length
                 subtype:  Jerusalem_cross__jerusalemcros  a cross with equal arms, each terminating in a small crossbar
                 subtype:  Latin_cross  a cross with the lowest arm being longer than the others
                 subtype:  Lorraine_cross__cross_of_Lorraine  a cross with two crossbars, one above and one below the midpoint of the vertical, the lower longer than the upper
                 subtype:  Maltese_cross  a cross with triangular or arrow-shaped arms and the points toward the center
                 subtype:  papal_cross__papalcros  a cross with three crossbars
                 subtype:  patriarchal_cross__patriarchalcros  a cross with two crossbars
                 subtype:  St._Andrew's_cross__saltire  a cross with diagonal bars of equal length
                 subtype:  tau_cross__taucros__st.anthony'scros  cross resembling the Greek letter tau
              subtype:  device.emblem  an emblematic design (especially in heraldry); "he was recognized by the device on his shield"
                 subtype:  union  a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner)
              subtype:  flag  emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
                 subtype:  banner__streamer  long strip of cloth for decoration or advertising
                 subtype:  battle_flag  a flag that leads troops into battle
                 subtype:  black_flag__blackflag__pirate_flag__Jolly_Roger  a black flag bearing a white skull and crossbones; indicates a pirate ship
                 subtype:  colors__colours__colour  a flag that shows its nationality
                    subtype:  ensign  colors flown by a ship to show its nationality
                 subtype:  fanion  a small flag used by surveyors or soldiers to mark a position
                 subtype:  jack.flag  small flag indicating a ship's nationality
                 subtype:  waft__pennant__streamer  a long flag; often tapering
                    subtype:  pennoncel__penoncel__pennoncelle  a small pennant borne on a lance
                 subtype:  standard.flag  any distinctive flag
                 subtype:  tricolor__tricolour  a flag having three colored stripes (especially the French flag)
                 subtype:  Union_Jack__Union_flag  national flag of the United Kingdom; a composite of Saint George's Cross (England) and Saint Andrew's Cross (Scotland) and Saint Patrick's Cross (Ireland)
                 subtype:  white_flag__whiteflag__flag_of_truce  flag consisting of a piece of white cloth that is hoisted to signal surrender or to ask for a truce
                 subtype:  yellow_jack  yellow flag hoist on a ship in quarantine
              subtype:  heraldry  emblem indicating the right of a person to bear arms
                 subtype:  heraldic_bearing__charge__bearing__armorial_bearing  heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
                    subtype:  annulet.heraldic_bearing__roundel  a charge in the shape of a circle; a hollow roundel
                    subtype:  chevron  an inverted V-shaped charge
                    subtype:  fleur-de-lys__fleur-de-lis  (heraldry) charge consisting of a conventionalized representation of an iris
                    subtype:  ordinary  (heraldry) any of several conventional figures used on shields
                       subtype:  bend_dexter__bend  diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left
                       subtype:  fesse__fess  (heraldry) an ordinary consisting of a broad horizontal band across a shield
                 subtype:  coat_of_arms__arms__blazon__blazonry  (heraldry) the official symbols of a family, state, etc.
                    subtype:  quartering.coat_of_arms  a coat of arms that occupies one quarter of an escutcheon; combining four coats of arms on one shield usually represented intermarriages
              subtype:  skull_and_crossbones  emblem warning of danger or death
              subtype:  totem  emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)
              subtype:  totem_pole__totempole  a tribal emblem consisting of a pillar carved and painted with totemic figures; erected by Indian tribes of the northwest Pacific coast
           subtype:  linocut  a design carved in relief into a block of linoleum
           subtype:  motif  a design that consists of recurring shapes or colors
           subtype:  polka_dot__polkadot  design consisting of a pattern of regularly spaced circular spots
           subtype:  screen_saver  (computer science) a moving design that appears on a computer screen when there has been no input for a specified period of time; "screen savers prevent the damage that occurs when the same areas of light and dark are displayed too long"
           subtype:  tattoo.design  a design on the skin made by tattooing
           subtype:  weave  pattern of weaving or structure of a fabric
              subtype:  check.weave  a textile pattern of squares or crossed lines (resembling a checkerboard); "she wore a skirt with checks"
                 subtype:  houndstooth_check__houndstoothcheck__hound's-tooth_check__hound'stoothcheck__dogstooth_check__dogstoothcheck__dog's-tooth_check__dog'stoothcheck  textile with a pattern of small broken or jagged checks
              subtype:  open_weave  a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric
              subtype:  plain_weave__taffeta_weave__taffetaweave  a weave in which the filling and warp threads intertwine alternately producing a checkerboard effect
              subtype:  satin_weave__satinweave  a weave in which the filling and warp threads intersect in such a way as to give a smooth compact surface with no distinguishable twill line
              subtype:  twill_weave__twillweave__twill  a weave used to produce the effect of parallel diagonal ribs
           subtype:  marking.design  a pattern of marks
              subtype:  blaze  a light-colored marking; "they chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes"; "the horse had a blaze between its eyes"
              subtype:  crisscross__cross__cros  marking consisting of crossing lines
              subtype:  eyespot__ocellu  an eyelike marking (as on the wings of some butterflies); usually a spot of color inside a ring of another color
              subtype:  shading  graded markings that indicate light or shaded areas in a drawing or painting
                 subtype:  crosshatch__hatch__hachure  shading consisting of multiple crossing lines
              subtype:  speckle__spot__dapple__patch__fleck__maculation  a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopard's spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice": "a fleck of red"
                 subtype:  speck__pinpoint  a very small spot; "the plane was just a speck in the sky"
                 subtype:  nebula  (pathology) a faint cloudy spot on the cornea
                 subtype:  plaque  a small abnormal patch on or inside the body
                    subtype:  amyloid_plaque__amyloidplaque__amyloid_protein_plaque__amyloidproteinplaque  a plaque consisting of tangles of amyloid protein in nervous tissue (a pathological mark of Alzheimer's disease)
                    subtype:  dental_plaque__bacterial_plaque__bacterialplaque  a deposit on the teeth that encourages the development of dental caries
                 subtype:  macule__macula  a patch of skin that is discolored but not usually elevated; caused by various diseases
                    subtype:  freckle__lentigo  a small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skin
                    subtype:  liver_spot__liverspot  a type of skin disease that causes brown spots on the skin
                    subtype:  plague_spot  a spot on the skin characteristic of the plague
              subtype:  stripe.marking__streak  a marking of a different color or texture from the background
                 subtype:  striation__band__stria  a stripe of contrasting color; "chromosomes exhibit characteristic bands"
                    subtype:  stretch_mark__stretchmark  a narrow band resulting from tension on the skin (as on abdominal skin after pregnancy)
        subtype:  embellishment  a superfluous ornament
           subtype:  boulle__boule__buhl  an inlaid furniture decoration; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork
           subtype:  cuspidation  a decoration using cusps
           subtype:  festoon  an embellishment consisting of a decorative representation of a string of flowers suspended between two points; used on pottery or in architectural work
           subtype:  filigree__filagree__fillagree  delicate and intricate ornamentation (usually in gold or silver or other fine twisted wire)
           subtype:  vermiculation  a decoration consisting of wormlike carvings
           subtype:  flourish.embellishment  an ornamental embellishment in writing
              subtype:  paraph  a flourish added after or under your signature (originally to protect against forgery)
        subtype:  finial  an ornament at the top of a spire or gable; usually a foliated fleur-de-lis
        subtype:  flower_arrangement  a decorative arrangement of flowers
           subtype:  corsage__bouquet__posy__nosegay  an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present
           subtype:  flower_chain  flowers strung together in a chain
              subtype:  daisy_chain__daisychain  flower chain consisting of a string of daisies linked by their stems; worn by students on class day at some schools
              subtype:  festoonery__festoon  flower chains suspended in loops between points
           subtype:  spray.flower_arrangement  flower arrangement consisting of a single branch or shoot bearing flowers and foliage
           subtype:  wreath__garland__chaplet  flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes
              subtype:  crown.wreath  a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory
                 subtype:  crown_of_thorns  a mock crown made of thorn branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus before the Crucifixion
              subtype:  bay_wreath__baywreath__laurels__laurel__laurel_wreath  (in ancient Greece) wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory
        subtype:  gargoyle  an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal
        subtype:  garnish  any decoration added as a trimming or adornment
        subtype:  graffito__graffiti  a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls
        subtype:  wall_hanging__hanging  decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window; "the cold castle walls were covered with hangings"
           subtype:  Kakemono  a Japanese (paper or silk) wall hanging; usually narrow with a picture or writing on it and a roller at the bottom
           subtype:  lambrequin  short and decorative hanging for a shelf edge or top of a window casing
           subtype:  arras__arra__tapestry  a wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs
        subtype:  hood_ornament  an ornament on the front of the hood of a car emblematic of the manufacturer
        subtype:  inlay  a decoration made by fitting pieces of wood into prepared slots in a surface
           subtype:  marquetry__marqueterie  inlaid veneers are fitted together to form a design or picture that is then used to ornament furniture
           subtype:  parquetry__parqueterie  a patterned wood inlay used to cover a floor
        subtype:  decor__interior_decoration  decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior
        subtype:  pommel__knob  an ornament in the shape of a ball on the hilt of a sword or dagger
        subtype:  lunula  a crescent-shaped metal ornament of the Bronze Age
        subtype:  molding.ornament__moulding  a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing
           subtype:  bandelet__annulet__bandlet__square_and_rabbet  molding in the form of a ring; at top of a column
           subtype:  architrave.molding  the molding around a door or window
           subtype:  baseboard__mopboard__skirting_board  a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor
           subtype:  astragal__beading__bead__beadwork  a beaded molding for edging or decorating furniture
              subtype:  quirk_bead__quirkbead__bead_and_quirk  beading formed with a narrow groove separating it from the surface it decorates
           subtype:  cavetto  a concave molding shaped like a quarter circle in cross section
           subtype:  conge.molding  a concave molding
           subtype:  cornice.molding  a molding at the corner between the ceiling and the top of a wall
           subtype:  cyma__cymatium  (classical architecture) a molding for a cornice; in profile it is partly concave and partly convex
           subtype:  egg-and-dart__egganddart__egg-and-anchor__eggandanchor__egg-and-tongue__eggandtongue  a decorative molding; a series of egg-shaped figures alternating with another shape
           subtype:  gorgerin__necking  the molding at the top of a column
           subtype:  ovolo__thumb__quarter_round__quarterround  a convex molding having a cross section in the form of a quarter of a circle or of an ellipse
              subtype:  echinus__echinu  ovolo molding between the shaft and the abacus of a Doric column
           subtype:  quirk_molding__quirkmolding__quirk_moulding__quirkmoulding  a molding having a small groove in it
           subtype:  rib.molding  a projecting molding on the underside of a vault or ceiling; may be ornamental or structural
           subtype:  subbase  the lowest molding of an architectural base or of a baseboard
           subtype:  surbase  the molding or border above the base of a structure (a pedestal or podium or wall)
           subtype:  tore__torus__toru  commonly the lowest molding at the base of a column
        subtype:  nailhead.ornament  something resembling the head of a nail that is used an an ornamental device
        subtype:  necklet  decoration worn about the neck (fur piece or tight necklace) as an ornament
        subtype:  rosemaling  a Scandinavian style of carved or painted decoration (as on furniture or walls or dinnerware) consisting of floral motifs
        subtype:  set_decoration__setdecoration  a decoration used as part of the set of a theatrical or movie production
        subtype:  sgraffito  a ceramic or mural decoration made by scratching off a surface layer to reveal the ground
        subtype:  volute__spiral  ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
        subtype:  sprig  an ornament that resembles a spray of leaves or flowers
        subtype:  stud__boss__rivet  ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)
           subtype:  nailhead  flattened boss on the end of nail opposite to the point
        subtype:  tail_fin__fin  one of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile
        subtype:  tinsel.ornament  a showy decoration that is basically valueless; "all the tinsel of self-promotion"
        subtype:  tracery  decoration consisting of an open pattern of interlacing ribs
           subtype:  fan_tracery__fantracery  the carved tracery on fan vaulting
        subtype:  garnish.ornament  something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration
           subtype:  topping  a flavorful addition on top of a dish
              subtype:  frosting__icing__ice  a flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes
              subtype:  glaze.topping  any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods
              subtype:  meringue  sweet topping especially for pies made of beaten egg whites and sugar
              subtype:  whipped_cream__whippedcream  cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy
     subtype:  electroplate  any artifact that has been plated with a thin coat of metal by electrolysis
     subtype:  enclosure  artifact consisting of a space that has been enclosed for some purpose
        subtype:  coop__cage  an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept
           subtype:  birdcage  a cage in which a bird is kept
           subtype:  hutch  a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals
              subtype:  rabbit_hutch  a hutch for rabbits
           subtype:  squirrel_cage  cage with a cylindrical framework that rotates as a small animal runs inside it
        subtype:  cargo_area__cargoarea__cargo_deck__cargodeck__cargo_hold__cargohold__hold__storage_area__storagearea  the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
        subtype:  catchall  an enclosure or receptacle for odds and ends
        subtype:  chamber  a natural or artificial enclosed space
           subtype:  airlock__air_lock__airlock  a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure
           subtype:  burial_chamber__sepulcher__sepulchre  a chamber that is used as a grave
              subtype:  crypt  a cellar or vault or underground burial chamber (especially beneath a church)
              subtype:  mausoleum  a large burial chamber, usually above ground
                 subtype:  Taj_Mahal  beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife
              subtype:  repository.burial_chamber__monument  a burial vault (usually for some famous person)
              subtype:  burial_vault__vault  a burial chamber (usually underground)
                 subtype:  charnel_house__charnelhouse__charnel  a vault or building where corpses or bones are deposited
           subtype:  pneumatic_caisson__pneumaticcaisson__caisson  large watertight chamber used for construction under water
           subtype:  camera_obscura  a darkened enclosure in which images of outside objects are projected through a small aperture or lens onto a facing surface
           subtype:  core.chamber  the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
           subtype:  piston_chamber__cylinder  a chamber within which piston moves
              subtype:  hydraulic_brake_cylinder__hydraulicbrakecylinder__brake_cylinder__brakecylinder__master_cylinder  a cylinder that contains brake fluid that is compressed by a piston
           subtype:  firing_chamber__gun_chamber  chamber that is the part of a gun that receives the charge
           subtype:  furnace  an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
              subtype:  blast_furnace__blastfurnace  a furnace for smelting of iron from iron oxide ores; combustion is intensified by a blast of air
              subtype:  cremation_chamber__cremationchamber__crematory__crematorium  a furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduced to ashes
                 subtype:  gas_oven.cremation_chamber__gasoven  a cremation chamber fueled by gas
              subtype:  cupola.furnace  a vertical cylindrical furnace for melting iron for casting
              subtype:  electric_furnace  any furnace in which the heat is provided by an electric current
                 subtype:  Stassano_furnace__electric-arc_furnace  an electric furnace in which an electric arc provides the source of heat for making steel
              subtype:  firebox  a furnace (as on a steam locomotive) in which fuel is burned
              subtype:  forge  furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping
              subtype:  gas_furnace__gasfurnace  a furnace that burns gas
              subtype:  incinerator  a furnace for incinerating (especially to dispose of refuse)
              subtype:  oil_burner__oilburner__oil_furnace__oilfurnace  a furnace that burns oil
              subtype:  tank_furnace  furnace into one end of which a batch of measured raw materials is shoveled and from the other end molten glass is obtained
           subtype:  hyperbaric_chamber  a large chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere; used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning
           subtype:  cavity_resonator__resonator__resonating_chamber  a hollow chamber whose dimensions allow the resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustic waves
              subtype:  soundbox  a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
              subtype:  soundboard__sounding_board  (music) resonator consisting of a thin board whose vibrations reinforce the sound of the instrument
           subtype:  steam_chest  the chamber from which steam is distributed to a cylinder
           subtype:  stokehold__stokehole__fireroom  (nautical) chamber or compartment in which the furnaces of a ship are stoked or fired
           subtype:  stuffing_box__packing_box__packingbox  a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a reciprocating shaft or piston to form a seal
           subtype:  tokamak  a doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research; a plasma is heated and confined in a magnetic bottle
           subtype:  vacuum_chamber  a chamber from which nearly all matter (especially air) has been removed
        subtype:  cockpit.enclosure  an enclosure for cockfights
        subtype:  compound.enclosure  an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)
        subtype:  dock  an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial
        subtype:  lock_chamber__lock  enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
        subtype:  nacelle  a streamlined enclosure for an aircraft engine
        subtype:  pen.enclosure  an enclosure for confining livestock
           subtype:  cow_pen__cattle_pen__corral  a pen for cattle
           subtype:  creep  a pen that is fenced so that young animals can enter but adults cannot
           subtype:  sheepfold__fold__sheep_pen__sheeppen__sheepcote  a pen for sheep
           subtype:  kraal  a pen for livestock in southern Africa
           subtype:  paddock  pen where racehorses are saddled and paraded before a race
           subtype:  pinfold  a pen where stray animals are confined
           subtype:  rodeo.pen  an enclosure for cattle that have been rounded up
           subtype:  pigsty__sty__pigpen  a pen for swine
        subtype:  playpen__pen  a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
        subtype:  plenum  an enclosed space in which the air pressure is higher than outside
        subtype:  dog_pound__dogpound__pound  a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs; "unlicensed dogs will be taken to the pound"
        subtype:  recess__niche  an enclosure that is set back or indented
           subtype:  alcove__bay  a small recess opening off a larger room
              subtype:  carrel__carrell__stall  small individual study area in a library
           subtype:  apse__apsis__apsi  a domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a church; usually contains the the altar
              subtype:  tribune  the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne
           subtype:  fireplace__open_fireplace__hearth  an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built
              subtype:  fire.fireplace  a fireplace in which a fire is burning; "they sat by the fire and talked"
                 subtype:  cookfire  a fire for cooking
        subtype:  yard.enclosure  an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock)
           subtype:  barnyard  a yard adjoining a barn
           subtype:  chicken_yard__chickenyard__chicken_run__fowl_run  an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
           subtype:  farmyard  an area adjacent to farm buildings
           subtype:  stockyard  enclosed yard where cattle, pigs, horses, or sheep are kept temporarily
     subtype:  hole_in_the_ground__excavation  a hole in the ground made by excavating
        subtype:  bore-hole__bore__drill_hole__drillhole  (mining terms) a hole or passage made by a drill; usually made for exploratory purposes
           subtype:  shot_hole  drill hole for a charge of an explosive
        subtype:  delf  (British colloquialism) an excavation; usually a quarry or mine
        subtype:  ditch  a long narrow excavation in the earth
           subtype:  drainage_ditch  a ditch for carrying off excess water or sewage
           subtype:  irrigation_ditch  a ditch to supply dry land with water artificially
           subtype:  sunk_fence__ha-ha__haw-haw__hawhaw  a ditch with one side being a retaining wall; used to divide lands without defacing the landscape
           subtype:  trench  a ditch dug as a fortification having a parapet of the excavated earth
              subtype:  approach_trench__communication_trench__communicationtrench  a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
              subtype:  fire_trench  a trench especially constructed for the delivery of small-arms fire
              subtype:  moat__fosse  ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water
              subtype:  slit_trench  narrow trench for shelter in battle
           subtype:  trench.ditch  any long ditch cut in the ground
              subtype:  furrow  a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow)
                 subtype:  gash__cut  a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
        subtype:  mine  excavation in the earth from which ores and minerals are extracted
           subtype:  coal_mine__coalpit  a mine where coal is dug from the ground
           subtype:  copper_mine  a mine where copper is dug from the ground
           subtype:  goldmine__gold_mine  a mine where gold ore is found
           subtype:  salt_mine  a mine where salt is dug
           subtype:  silver_mine  a mine where silver ore is dug
           subtype:  strip_mine__stripmine  an open mine (usually for coal) where the seams run close to the surface
           subtype:  sulphur_mine__sulphurmine__sulfur_mine  a mine where sulphur is dug from the ground
        subtype:  mineshaft  excavation consisting of a vertical or sloping passageway for finding or mining ore or for ventilating a mine
        subtype:  stone_pit__stonepit__pit  a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate: "a British term for `quarry' is `stone pit'"
           subtype:  chalkpit__chalk_pit__chalkpit  a quarry for chalk
           subtype:  gravel_pit  a quarry for gravel
           subtype:  trou-de-loup  a sloping pit with a stake in the middle used as an obstacle to the enemy
        subtype:  pool  an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
           subtype:  cistern  an artificial reservoir for storing liquids; especially an underground tank for storing rainwater
              subtype:  cesspool__cesspit__sump  a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it
              subtype:  rain_barrel  a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater
           subtype:  swimming_pool__swimming_bath__natatorium  pool that provides a facility for swimming: "`swimming bath' is a British term"
              subtype:  heated_swimming_pool
              subtype:  outdoor_swimming_pool
           subtype:  wading_pool  a shallow pool for children
           subtype:  water_jump__waterjump  a pool or stream in a steeplechase or similar contest
           subtype:  spa
              subtype:  in_room_spa
        subtype:  root_cellar__cellar  an excavation where root vegetables are stored
        subtype:  well  a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine
           subtype:  artesian_well  a well drilled through impermeable strata into strata that receive water from a higher altitude so there is pressure to force the water to flow upward
           subtype:  driven_well__tube_well  a well made by driving a tube into the earth to a stratum that bears water
           subtype:  gas_well__gaswell  a well that yields or has yielded natural gas
           subtype:  oil_well__oilwell  a well that yields or has yielded oil
              subtype:  gusher  an oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping is not necessary
              subtype:  spouter.oil_well  an oil well that is spouting
              subtype:  wildcat_well__wildcatwell__wildcat  an exploratory oil well drilled in land not known to be an oil field
           subtype:  sump  a well or other hole in which water has collected
        subtype:  working__workings  a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked
     subtype:  cloth__fabric__material__textile  artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers
        subtype:  aba  a fabric woven from goat and camel hair
        subtype:  acrylic  a synthetic fabric
           subtype:  Courtelle  a wool-like acrylic fabric
           subtype:  Orlon  (trademark) an acrylic fiber or the lightweight crease-resistant fabric made with Orlon yarns
        subtype:  Aertex  a trademark for a loosely woven cotton fabric that is used to make shirts and underwear
        subtype:  alpaca  a thin glossy fabric made of the wool of the alpaca, or a rayon or cotton imitation
        subtype:  baize  a bright green fabric napped to resemble felt; used to cover gaming tables
        subtype:  basket_weave  a cloth woven of two or more threads interlaced to suggest the weave of a basket
        subtype:  batik  a dyed fabric; a removable wax is used where the dye is not wanted
        subtype:  batiste  a thin plain-weave cotton or linen fabric; used for shirts or dresses
        subtype:  belting  the material of which belts are made
        subtype:  boucle  a fabric of uneven yarn that has an uneven knobby effect
        subtype:  broadcloth  a closely woven silk or synthetic fabric with a narrow crosswise rib
        subtype:  broadcloth.cloth  a densely textured woolen fabric with a lustrous finish
        subtype:  brocade  thick heavy expensive material with a raised pattern
        subtype:  buckram  a coarse cotton fabric stiffened with glue; used in bookbinding and to stiffen clothing
        subtype:  bunting.cloth  a loosely woven fabric used for flags, etc.
        subtype:  calico  coarse cloth with a bright print
        subtype:  cambric  a finely woven white linen
        subtype:  camel's_hair__camel'shair  a soft tan cloth made with the hair of a camel
        subtype:  camlet  a fabric of Asian origin; originally made of silk and camel's hair
        subtype:  camo__camouflage  fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the background
        subtype:  canopy.cloth  the umbrella-like part of a parachute that fills with air
        subtype:  canvas__canvass  heavy closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
           subtype:  tarpaulin__tarp  waterproofed canvas
        subtype:  cashmere  a soft fabric made from the wool of the Cashmere goat
        subtype:  cerecloth  a waterproof waxed cloth once used as a shroud
        subtype:  challis__challi  a soft lightweight fabric (usually printed)
        subtype:  chambray  a lightweight fabric woven with white threads across a colored warp
        subtype:  chenille  a heavy fabric woven with chenille cord; used in rugs and bedspreads
        subtype:  chiffon  a sheer fabric of silk or rayon
        subtype:  chino_cloth__chinocloth__chino  a coarse twilled cotton fabric used for uniforms
        subtype:  chintz  a brightly printed and glazed cotton fabric
        subtype:  coating  a heavy fabric suitable for coats
           subtype:  chinchilla  a thick twilled fabric of wool and cotton
        subtype:  cord.cloth__corduroy  a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton
           subtype:  Bedford_cord  a heavy corded fabric similar to corduroy; used for clothing
           subtype:  narrow_wale  corduroy with narrow ribs
           subtype:  wide_wale  corduroy with wide ribs
        subtype:  cotton_cloth__cotton  fabric woven from cotton fibers
           subtype:  gauze_bandage__gauzebandage__gauze  (medical) bleached cotton cloth of plain weave used for bandages and dressings
              subtype:  petrolatum_gauze  gauze saturated with petrolatum
        subtype:  cotton_flannel__Canton_flannel  a stout cotton fabric with nap on only one side
        subtype:  crepe.cloth  a soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface
           subtype:  Canton_crepe  a soft thick crinkled dress crepe; heavier than crepe de Chine
           subtype:  crepe_de_Chine  a very thin crepe of silk or silklike fabric
           subtype:  crepe_marocain__crepemarocain__marocain  a dress crepe; similar to Canton crepe
        subtype:  cretonne  an unglazed heavy fabric; brightly printed; used for slipcovers and draperies
        subtype:  crinoline  a stiff coarse fabric used to stiffen hats or clothing
        subtype:  damask  a fabric of linen or cotton or silk or wool with a reversible pattern woven into it
        subtype:  denim__jean  a coarse durable twill-weave cotton fabric
        subtype:  diamonte  fabric covered with glittering ornaments such as sequins or rhinestones
        subtype:  diaper  a fabric (usually cotton or linen) with a distinctive woven pattern of small repeated figures
        subtype:  dimity  a strong cotton fabric with a raised pattern; used for bedcovers and curtains
        subtype:  doeskin_cloth__doeskincloth__doeskin  a fine smooth soft woolen fabric
        subtype:  drapery  cloth gracefully draped and arranged in loose folds
        subtype:  duck.cloth  a heavy cotton fabric of plain weave; used for clothing and tents
        subtype:  duffel__duffle  a coarse heavy woolen fabric
        subtype:  elastic  an elastic fabric made of yarns containing an elastic material
        subtype:  etamine__etamin  a soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh; used for curtains or clothing etc.
        subtype:  faille  a ribbed woven fabric of silk or rayon or cotton
        subtype:  felt  a fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers
        subtype:  vulcanized_fiber__fiber__fibre  a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth
        subtype:  flannel  a soft light woolen fabric; used for clothing
        subtype:  flannelette  a cotton fabric imitating flannel
           subtype:  winceyette  (British) cotton flannelette with a nap on both sides
        subtype:  fleece  a soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing
        subtype:  foulard  a light plain-weave or twill-weave silk or silklike fabric (usually with a printed design)
        subtype:  frieze.cloth  a heavy woolen fabric with a long nap
        subtype:  fustian  a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap
        subtype:  gabardine  a firm durable fabric with a twill weave
        subtype:  georgette  a thin silk dress material
        subtype:  gingham  a clothing fabric in a plaid weave
        subtype:  grogram  a coarse fabric of silk mixed with wool or mohair and often stiffened with gum
        subtype:  grosgrain  a silk or silklike fabric with crosswise ribs
        subtype:  haircloth__hair  cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments
        subtype:  herringbone  a twilled fabric with a herringbone pattern
        subtype:  homespun_fabric__homespun  a rough loosely woven fabric originally made with homespun yarn
           subtype:  russet  a reddish brown homespun fabric
        subtype:  hopsacking__hopsack  a loosely woven coarse fabric of cotton or linen; used in clothing
        subtype:  horsehair  fabric made from horsehair fibers; used for upholstery
        subtype:  khaki  a sturdy twilled cloth of a yellowish brown color used especially for military uniforms
        subtype:  knitted_fabric__knittedfabric__knit  a fabric made by knitting
           subtype:  balbriggan  a cotton knit fabric used for underwear
           subtype:  double_knit  a knit fabric similar to jersey that is made with two sets of needles producing a double thickness joined by interlocking stitches
           subtype:  jersey  a slightly elastic machine-knit fabric
           subtype:  stockinet__stockinette  knit used especially for infants' wear and undergarments
           subtype:  tricot  a knitted fabric or one resembling knitting
        subtype:  lace  a delicate decorative fabric woven in an open web of symmetrical patterns
           subtype:  Brussels_lace  fine lace with a raised or applique design
           subtype:  macrame  a coarse lace; made by weaving and knotting cords
           subtype:  pillow_lace__bobbin_lace  lace made by winding thread around bobbins on a padded cushion
           subtype:  point_lace__pointlace__needlepoint  lace worked with a needle in a buttonhole stitch on a paper pattern
        subtype:  lame  a fabric interwoven with threads of metal; "she wore a gold lame dress"
        subtype:  Leatherette__leatherette__imitation_leather__imitationleather  fabric made to look like leather
        subtype:  linen.cloth  a fabric woven with fibers from the flax plant
        subtype:  linsey-woolsey  a rough fabric of linen warp and wool or cotton woof
        subtype:  lint.cloth  cotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side; used to dress wounds
        subtype:  lisle.cloth  a fabric woven with lisle thread
        subtype:  mackinaw  a heavy woolen cloth heavily napped and felted, often with a plaid design
        subtype:  mackintosh__macintosh  a lightweight waterproof (usually rubberized) fabric
        subtype:  madras  a light patterned cotton cloth
        subtype:  marseille  strong cotton fabric with a raised pattern; used for bedspreads
        subtype:  mohair  fabric made with yarn made from the silky hair of the Angora goat
        subtype:  moire__watered-silk__wateredsilk  silk fabric with a wavy surface pattern
        subtype:  moleskin  a durable cotton fabric with a velvety nap
        subtype:  monk's_cloth  a heavy cloth in basket weave
        subtype:  moquette  a thick velvety synthetic fabric used for carpets and soft upholstery
        subtype:  moreen  a heavy fabric of wool (or wool and cotton) used especially in upholstery
        subtype:  motley  a multicolored woolen fabric woven of mixed threads in 14th to 17th century England
        subtype:  mousseline_de_sole  a gauze-like fabric of silk or rayon
        subtype:  muslin  plain-woven cotton fabric
           subtype:  nainsook  a soft lightweight muslin used especially for babies
           subtype:  organdy__organdie  a sheer stiff muslin
        subtype:  nankeen  a durable fabric formerly loomed by hand in China from natural cotton having a yellowish color
        subtype:  net  an open fabric woven together at regular intervals
           subtype:  gauze__netting__veiling  a net of transparent fabric with a loose open weave
              subtype:  cheesecloth  a coarse loosely woven cotton gauze; originally used to wrap cheeses
              subtype:  gossamer  a gauze fabric with an extremely fine texture
           subtype:  hairnet  a small net that some women wear over their hair to keep it in place
           subtype:  reseau.net  a net or mesh foundation for lace
           subtype:  safety_net  a large strong net to catch circus acrobats who fall or jump from a trapeze
           subtype:  save-all  a net hung between ship and pier while loading a ship
           subtype:  snood  an ornamental net in the shape of a bag that confines a woman's hair; pins or ties at the back of the head
           subtype:  sparker__spark_arrester__sparkarrester  a wire net to stop sparks from an open fireplace or smokestack
           subtype:  tulle  a fine (often starched) net used for veils or tutus or gowns
           subtype:  wirework__grillwork  mesh netting made of wires
        subtype:  ninon  a fine strong sheer silky fabric made of silk or rayon or nylon
        subtype:  nylon  a synthetic fabric
           subtype:  Qiana__qiana  silklike nylon fabric
        subtype:  oilcloth  cloth treated on one side with a drying oil or synthetic resin
        subtype:  olive_drab__olivedrab  a cloth of an olive-brown color used for military uniforms
        subtype:  organza  a fabric made of silk or a silklike fabric that resembles organdy
        subtype:  paisley  a soft wool fabric with a colorful swirled pattern of curved shapes
        subtype:  trousering__panting  any fabric used to make trousers
        subtype:  pepper-and-salt  a fabric woven with flecks of light and dark
        subtype:  percale  a fine closely woven cotton fabric
        subtype:  permanent_press__permanentpres__permanent-press_fabric__permanentpressfabric__durable_press__durablepres__durable-press_fabric__durablepressfabric  a fabric that has been chemically processed to resist wrinkles and hold its shape
        subtype:  piece_of_cloth__piece_of_material  a piece of fabric
           subtype:  bib.piece_of_cloth  top part of an apron; covering the chest
           subtype:  chamois_cloth__chamoiscloth  a piece of chamois used for washing windows or cars
           subtype:  dishrag__dishcloth  a cloth for washing dishes
           subtype:  drop_cloth  a large piece of cloth laid over the floor or furniture while a room is being painted
           subtype:  dustcloth__dustrag__duster  a piece of cloth used for dusting
           subtype:  dust_sheet__dust_cover  a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
           subtype:  remnant__remainder__scrap  a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold
              subtype:  fag_end__fagend  the frayed end of a length of cloth or rope
           subtype:  gore  a triangular piece of cloth
           subtype:  groundsheet__groundcloth  a waterproofed piece of cloth spread on the ground (as under a tent) to protect from moisture
           subtype:  guimpe.piece_of_cloth  a piece of starched cloth covering the shoulders of a nun's habit
           subtype:  gusset__inset  a piece of material inset to strengthen or enlarge a garment
           subtype:  handkerchief__hankie__hanky__hankey  a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory
              subtype:  bandanna__bandana  large and brightly colored handkerchief; often used as a neckerchief
              subtype:  pocket-handkerchief  a handkerchief that is carried in a pocket
           subtype:  liner__lining  a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment
           subtype:  lungi__lungyi__longyi  a long piece of brightly colored cloth (cotton or silk) used as clothing (a skirt or loincloth or sash etc.) in India and Pakistan and Burma
           subtype:  patch  a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
              subtype:  pasties__pastie  a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers
              subtype:  shoulder_patch  patch worn on the shoulder of a military uniform to indicate rank
           subtype:  placket  a piece of cloth sewn under an opening
           subtype:  shred__rag__tag_end__tagend__tatter  a small piece of cloth
              subtype:  pine-tar_rag  baseball equipment consisting of a rag soaked with pine tar; used on the handle of a baseball bat to give a batter a firm grip
           subtype:  sail__canvas__canvass__sheet  a large piece of fabric (as canvas) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
              subtype:  balloon_sail__balloonsail  any light loose sail
              subtype:  crossjack__mizzencourse  the lowermost sail on a mizzenmast
              subtype:  fore-and-aft_sail  any sail not set on a yard and whose normal position is in a fore-and-aft direction
                 subtype:  gaffsail__gaff-headed_sail  a quadrilateral fore-and-aft sail suspended from a gaff
                 subtype:  gaff_topsail__fore-and-aft_topsail  a triangular fore-and-aft sail with its foot along the gaff and its luff on the topmast
                 subtype:  jib  any triangular fore-and-aft sail (set forward of the foremast)
                    subtype:  flying_jib  the outermost of two or more jibs
                 subtype:  lateen_sail__lateen  a triangular fore-and-aft sail used especially in the Mediterranean
                 subtype:  lugsail__lug  a sail with four corners that is hoisted from a yard that is oblique to the mast
                 subtype:  mizzen__mizen  fore-and-aft sail set on the mizzenmast
                 subtype:  spanker  a fore-and-aft sail set on the aftermost lower mast (usually the mizzenmast) of a vessel
                 subtype:  spritsail  a fore-and-aft sail extended by a sprit
                 subtype:  staysail  a fore-and-aft sail set on a stay (as between two masts)
              subtype:  foresail  the lowest sail on the foremast of a square-rigged vessel
              subtype:  headsail  any sail set forward of the foremast of a vessel
                 subtype:  spinnaker  large and usually triangular headsail; carried by a yacht as a headsail when running before the wind
              subtype:  mainsail  the lowermost sail on the mainmast
                 subtype:  main_course  a square mainsail
              subtype:  main-topsail  a topsail set on the mainmast
              subtype:  press_of_sail__press_of_canvas  the greatest amount of sail that a ship can carry safely
              subtype:  royal  a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast
              subtype:  save-all.sail__saveall  a sail set to catch wind spilled from a larger sail
              subtype:  skysail  the sail above the royal on a square-rigger
              subtype:  square_sail  a four-sided sail set beneath a horizontal yard suspended at the middle from a mast
              subtype:  topgallant_sail__topgallantsail__topgallant  a sail set on a yard of a topgallant mast
              subtype:  topsail  a sail (or either of a pair of sails) immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast
                 subtype:  fore-topsail  the topsail on a foremast
           subtype:  swatch  a sample piece of cloth
           subtype:  towel  a rectangular piece of absorbent cloth (or paper) for drying or wiping
              subtype:  bath_towel  a large towel; to dry yourself after a bath
              subtype:  beach_towel__beachtowel  very large towel to dry yourself after swimming
              subtype:  dish_towel__tea_towel__teatowel  a towel for drying dishes
              subtype:  hand_towel__face_towel  a small towel used to dry the hands or face
              subtype:  paper_towel__papertowel  a disposable towel made of absorbent paper
              subtype:  roller_towel  a towel with the ends sewn together, hung on a roller
           subtype:  train  piece of cloth forming the long back section of a gown that is drawn along the floor; "the bride's train was carried by her two young nephews"
        subtype:  pilot_cloth__pilotcloth  a thick blue cloth used to make overcoats and coats for sailors etc
        subtype:  pique  tightly woven fabric with raised cords
        subtype:  plush  a fabric with a nap that is longer and softer than velvet
        subtype:  polyester  any of a large class of synthetic fabrics
           subtype:  Dacron__dacron__Terylene  a kind of polyester fabric
        subtype:  pongee  a soft thin cloth woven from raw silk (or an imitation)
        subtype:  poplin  a ribbed fabric used in clothing and upholstery
        subtype:  print  a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
        subtype:  quilting  a material used for making a quilt, or a quilted fabric
        subtype:  rayon  a synthetic silklike fabric
           subtype:  acetate_rayon__acetaterayon__acetate  a fabric made from cellulose acetate fibers
           subtype:  viscose_rayon__viscose  a rayon fabric made from viscose (cellulose xanthate) fibers
        subtype:  repp__rep  a fabric with prominent rounded crosswise ribs
        subtype:  sackcloth  a coarse cloth resembling sacking
        subtype:  bagging__sacking  coarse fabric used for bags or sacks
           subtype:  burlap__gunny  coarse jute fabric
        subtype:  sailcloth  a strong fabric (such as cotton canvas) used for making sails and tents
        subtype:  samite  a heavy silk fabric (often woven with silver or gold threads); used to make clothing in the Middle Ages
        subtype:  sateen  a cotton fabric with a satiny finish
        subtype:  satin  a smooth fabric of silk or rayon; has a glossy face and a dull back
        subtype:  screening.cloth  fabric of metal or plastic mesh
        subtype:  scrim  a firm open-weave fabric used for a curtain in the theater
        subtype:  seersucker  a light puckered fabric (usually striped)
        subtype:  serge  a twilled woolen fabric
        subtype:  shag.cloth  a fabric with long coarse nap; "he bought a shag rug"
        subtype:  shantung  a heavy silk fabric with a rough surface (or a cotton imitation)
        subtype:  sharkskin  a smooth crisp fabric
        subtype:  sheeting  fabric from which bed sheets are made
        subtype:  shirting  any of various fabrics used to make men's shirts
        subtype:  shirttail  fabric forming the tail of a shirt
        subtype:  silesia  a sturdy twill-weave cotton fabric; used for pockets and linings
        subtype:  silk  a fabric made from the fine threads produced by certain insect larvae
        subtype:  spandex  an elastic synthetic fabric
        subtype:  sponge_cloth  any soft porous fabric (especially in a loose honeycomb weave)
        subtype:  stammel  a coarse woolen cloth formerly used for undergarments and usually dyed bright red
        subtype:  suede_cloth__suedecloth__suede  a fabric made to resemble suede leather
           subtype:  Ultrasuede__ultrasuede  (trade mark) a synthetic suede cloth
        subtype:  suiting  a fabric used for suits
        subtype:  swan's_down.cloth__swan'sdown  soft woolen fabric used especially for baby clothes
        subtype:  taffeta  a crisp smooth lustrous fabric
        subtype:  tammy  plain-woven (often glazed) fabric of wool or wool and cotton used especially formerly for linings and garments and curtains
        subtype:  tapa__tappa  a paperlike cloth made in the South Pacific by pounding tapa bark
        subtype:  tapis__tapi__tapestry  a heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery
        subtype:  tartan__plaid  a cloth having a crisscross design
        subtype:  terry  a pile fabric (usually cotton) with uncut loops on both sides; used to make bath towels and bath robes
        subtype:  ticking  a strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers
        subtype:  toweling__towelling  any of various fabrics (linen or cotton) used to make towels
           subtype:  huck__huckaback  toweling consisting of coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric
           subtype:  terry  a pile fabric (usually cotton) with uncut loops on both sides; used to make bath towels and bath robes
        subtype:  tweed  thick woolen fabric used for clothing; originated in Scotland
           subtype:  Harris_Tweed  (trademark) a loosely woven tweed made in the Outer Hebrides
        subtype:  twill  a cloth with parallel diagonal lines or ribs
        subtype:  upholstery_material  the fabric used in upholstering
        subtype:  Velcro  (trademark) nylon fabric used as a fastening
        subtype:  velours__velour__velour  heavy fabric that resembles velvet
        subtype:  velvet  a silky densely piled fabric with a plain back
        subtype:  velveteen  a usually cotton fabric with a short pile imitating velvet
        subtype:  vicuna  a soft wool fabric made from the fleece of the vicuna
        subtype:  Viyella  (trademark) a fabric made from a twilled mixture of cotton and wool
        subtype:  voile  a light semitransparent fabric
        subtype:  wash-and-wear_fabric__wash-and-wear  a fabric treated to be easily washable and to require no ironing
        subtype:  waterproof  any fabric impervious to water
        subtype:  web.cloth  a fabric (especially a fabric in the process of being woven)
        subtype:  webbing  a strong fabric woven in strips
        subtype:  whipcord  a strong worsted or cotton fabric with a diagonal rib
        subtype:  wincey  (British) a plain or twilled fabric of wool and cotton used especially for warm shirts or skirts and pajamas
        subtype:  wire_cloth  fabric woven of metallic wire
        subtype:  woolen__wool__woollen  a fabric made from the hair of sheep
        subtype:  worsted  a woolen fabric with a hard textured surface and no nap; woven of worsted yarns
        subtype:  yoke  fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
           subtype:  tucker  a detachable yoke of linen or lace worn over the breast of a low-cut dress
        subtype:  pina_cloth  a fine cloth made from pineapple fibers
     subtype:  installation__facility  a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry; "the assembly plant is an enormous facility"
        subtype:  airfield__landing_field__landingfield__flying_field__field  a place where planes take off and land
           subtype:  airport__aerodrome  an airfield equipped with control tower and hangers as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo
              subtype:  heliport  an airport for helicopters
              instance:  Kennedy_International_Airport__Kennedy__Kennedy_Interrnational  Dallas/Fort_Worth (pm)  Denpasar (pm)  London_Gatwick (pm)  Mumbai/Bombay (pm)  Nadi (pm)
           subtype:  airstrip__flight_strip__landing_strip__landingstrip__strip  an airfield without normal airport facilities
              subtype:  flare_path__flarepath  an airstrip outline with lights to guide an airplane pilot in landing
           subtype:  auxiliary_airfield__auxiliaryairfield  an airfield that functions in a subsidiary capacity
        subtype:  arboretum__botanical_garden__botanicalgarden  a facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated for exhibition
        subtype:  athletic_facility  a facility for athletic events
           subtype:  ballpark__park  a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games); "take me out to the ballpark"
           subtype:  field_house  an athletic facility where athletes prepare for sport
           subtype:  football_stadium  a stadium where football games are held
           subtype:  gymnasium__gym  athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training
           subtype:  swimming_pool__swimming_bath__natatorium  pool that provides a facility for swimming: "`swimming bath' is a British term"
        subtype:  backroom  the meeting place of a group of leaders who make their decisions via private negotiations
        subtype:  cafeteria_facility__cafeteriafacility  (usually plural) facilities for providing food for employees or visitors
        subtype:  communication_equipment__communicationequipment__communication_system__communicationsystem  facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
           subtype:  fiber-optic_transmission_system__fibre-optic_transmission_system__FOTS  a communication system using fiber optic cables
           subtype:  communications_network__network  communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same program simultaneously
        subtype:  course.area  facility consisting of a circumscribed area of land or water laid out for a sport; "the course had only nine holes"; "the course was less than a mile"
           subtype:  golf_course__golf_links__links__link  course consisting of a large landscaped area for playing golf
              instance:  http://www.pelicanwaters.citysearch.com.au  http://www.oasisgolf.citysearch.com.au
           subtype:  racetrack__racecourse__raceway__track  a course over which races are run
              subtype:  cinder_track  a racetrack paved with fine cinders
              subtype:  dirt_track  a racetrack that is not paved
                 subtype:  Belmont_Park  a racetrack for horse racing in Elmont on Long Island; site of the Belmont Stakes
                 subtype:  Churchill_Downs  a racetrack for horse races in Louisville; site of the Kentucky Derby
                 subtype:  Pimlico  a racetrack for horse racing; site of the Preakness
              subtype:  racing_circuit__circuit  (British) a racetrack for automobile races
              subtype:  speedway  a racetrack for racing automobiles or motorcycles
        subtype:  depository__deposit__repository  a facility where things can be deposited for safekeeping
           subtype:  archive__archives  a depository containing historical records and documents
              subtype:  chancery  an office of archives for public or ecclesiastic records; a court of public records
           subtype:  bank_building__bank  a building in which commercial banking is transacted; "the bank is on the corner of Nassau and Witherspoon"
           subtype:  drop.depository  a central depository where things can be left or picked up
              subtype:  maildrop  a drop where mail can be deposited
                 subtype:  postbox__mailbox__letter_box  public box for deposit of mail
                    subtype:  pillar_box  (British) a red pillar-shaped letter box
           subtype:  depository_library__library  a depository built to contain books and other materials for reading and study
              subtype:  athenaeum__atheneum  a place where reading materials are available
              subtype:  lending_library__lendinglibrary__circulating_library__circulatinglibrary  library that provides books for use outside the building
           subtype:  lost-and-found  repository in a public building where lost articles can be kept until their owners reclaim them
           subtype:  museum  a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value
              subtype:  Louvre_Museum__Louvre  an art museum that is a famous tourist attraction in Paris
              subtype:  science_museum__sciencemuseum  a museum that collects and displays objects having scientific interest
              instance:  http://www.dollscottage.com.au  http://gympiegoldmuseum.citysearch.com.au
           subtype:  repertory  a storehouse where a stock of things is kept
           subtype:  sperm_bank__spermbank  a depository for storing sperm
           subtype:  storehouse__depot__entrepot__storage__store  a depository for goods; "storehouses were built close to the docks"
              subtype:  granary  a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed
              subtype:  powder_magazine__magazine__powder_store  a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored
              subtype:  railhead  a railroad depot in a theater of operations where military supplies are unloaded for distribution
              subtype:  treasure_house  a storehouse for treasures
              subtype:  storage_warehouse__storagewarehouse__warehouse  a storehouse for goods and merchandise
                 subtype:  godown  a warehouse in the East (India or Malaya)
           subtype:  treasury.depository  a depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be kept safely
        subtype:  drive-in__drivein  any installation designed to accommodate patrons in their automobiles
        subtype:  meeting_place__meetingplace__forum__assembly  a public facility to meet for open discussion
        subtype:  gas_system__gassystem  facility (plant and equipment) for providing natural-gas service
        subtype:  zoo__menagerie__zoologicalgarden  the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition
        subtype:  military_installation  any facility servicing military forces
           subtype:  arsenal__armory__armoury  a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms
           subtype:  base_of_operations__base  installation from which a military force initiates operations; "the attack wiped out our forward bases"
              subtype:  air_base__airbase__air_station__airstation  a base for military aircraft
              subtype:  army_base  a large base of operations for an army
              subtype:  firebase  an artillery base to support advancing troops
              subtype:  navy_base  base of operations for a naval fleet
              subtype:  rocket_base  a military base for rocket missiles
           subtype:  emplacement  military installation consisting of a prepared position for siting a weapon
              subtype:  gun_emplacement__gunemplacement__weapons_emplacement__weaponsemplacement  an emplacement for a gun
                 subtype:  nest.gun_emplacement  a kind of gun emplacement; "a machine-gun nest"; "a nest of snipers"
                 subtype:  pillbox  a small enclosed gun emplacement (usually of fortified concrete)
           subtype:  military_headquarters__headquarters__HQ  the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command; "his headquarters were a couple of large tents"
              subtype:  command_post__commandpost__general_headquarters__GHQ  military headquarters from which a military commander controls and organizes the forces
              subtype:  guardhouse  a military facility that serves as the headquarters for military police and in which military prisoners can be detained
           subtype:  military_post__post  military installation at which a body of troops is stationed
              subtype:  fort__garrison  a fortified military post where troops are stationed
              subtype:  outpost  a military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops
           subtype:  naval_installation__navalinstallation__shore_station__shorestation  military installation servicing naval forces
           subtype:  silo.military_installation  military installation consisting of an underground structure where ballistic missiles can be stored and fired
           instance:  West_Point
        subtype:  power_system__powersystem__power_grid__powergrid__grid  a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
        subtype:  range.installation  a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds; "the army maintains a missile range in the desert"; "any good golf club will have a range where you can practice"
           subtype:  practice_range  a place for practicing golf shots
              subtype:  firing_range__target_range  a practice range for target practice
                 subtype:  rocket_range  a firing range for rocket missiles
                 subtype:  shooting_range__shooting_gallery  an enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice
              subtype:  golf_range__driving_range__drivingrange  a practice range for practicing golf shots
           subtype:  rifle_range__riflerange  a range where people can practice shooting rifles; "during the war they turned the bowling alleys into rifle ranges"
           subtype:  test_range  a range for conducting tests
        subtype:  recreational_facility__recreation_facility  a public facility for recreation
           subtype:  lido  (British) a recreational facility including a swimming pool for water sports
        subtype:  sewage_system__sewer_system__sewersystem__sewage_works  facility consisting of a system of sewers for carrying off liquid and solid sewage
        subtype:  source.installation  a facility where something is available
           subtype:  Golconda  a source of great wealth (especially a mine)
           subtype:  gold_mine__goldmine  a good source of something that is desired
        subtype:  station  a facility equipped with special equipment and personnel for a particular purpose; "he started looking for a gas station"; "the train pulled into the station"
           subtype:  fire_station__firehouse  a station housing fire apparatus and firemen
           subtype:  first-aid_station__firstaidstation  a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained
              subtype:  dressing_station__aid_station__aidstation  (military) a first aid station located near a combat area for giving aid to the wounded
           subtype:  observation_station__observationstation  a station set up for making observations of something
              subtype:  sampling_station__sampler  an observation station that is set up to make sample observations of something
           subtype:  police_station__police_headquarters__station_house__stationhouse__police_office  a station that serves as headquarters for police in a particular district; serves as a place from which policemen are dispatched and to which arrested persons are brought; "in England they call a police station a police office"
           subtype:  power_station__powerstation__power_plant__powerplant__powerhouse  an electrical generating station
           subtype:  radio_station__radiostation  station for the production and transmission of radio broadcasts
              subtype:  beacon__radio_beacon__radiobeacon  a radio station that broadcasts a directional signal for navigational purposes
           subtype:  service_station__servicestation  a station where service is provided
              subtype:  gasoline_station__gas_station__gasstation__filling_station__fillingstation__petrol_station  a service station that sells gasoline
              subtype:  truck_stop__truckstop  a roadside service station (and restaurant) that caters to truck drivers
           subtype:  substation  a subsidiary station where electricity is transformed for distribution by a low-voltage network
           subtype:  television_station__TV_station  station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts
              subtype:  television_channel__channel__TV_channel  a television station and its programs; "a satellite TV channel"; "surfing through the channels"; "they offer more than one hundred channels"
           subtype:  depot__terminal__terminus  station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods
              subtype:  air_terminal__airterminal__airportterminal  a terminal that serves air travelers or air freight
              subtype:  bus_terminal__busterminal__bus_depot__busdepot__bus_station__busstation__coach_station__coachstation  a terminal that serves bus passengers
              subtype:  cathode.depot  the positively charged terminal of a voltaic cell or storage battery that supplies current
              subtype:  railway_station__railwaystation__railroad_station__railroad_terminal__train_station__trainstation__train_depot__traindepot  terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods
                 subtype:  whistle_stop__whistlestop__flag_stop  a small railway station where the train stops only on a signal
              subtype:  subway_station  a terminal where subways load and unload passengers
        subtype:  transportation_system__transportation__transit  facility consisting of the roads and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
           subtype:  highway_system__highwaysystem  a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport
           subtype:  public_transit  a public transportation system for moving passengers
              subtype:  mass_rapid_transit__rapid_transit__rapidtransit  an urban public transit system using underground or elevated trains
           subtype:  short_line__shortline  a transportation system that operates over relatively short distances
           subtype:  telpherage__telferage  a transportation system in which cars (telphers) are suspended from cables and operated on electricity
        subtype:  utility.installation  a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal: "the price of the house included all utilities"
           subtype:  electrical_plant__electrical_system  utility that provides electricity
           subtype:  heating_system__heatingsystem__heating_plant__heatingplant__heating__heat  utility to warm a building; "the heating system wasn't working"; "they have radiant heating"
              subtype:  central_heating__centralheating  a heating system in which air or water is heated at a central furnace and sent through the building via vents or pipes and radiators
              subtype:  gas_heat__gasheat  heating system that burns natural gas
              subtype:  panel_heating__panelheating  heating system consisting of wall or floor or baseboard or ceiling panels containing electric conductors or heating pipes
              subtype:  steam_heat__steamheat__steamheating  a heating system in which steam is generated in boilers and piped to radiators
           subtype:  plumbing_system__plumbingsystem__plumbing  utility consisting of the pipes and fixtures for the distribution of water or gas in a building and for the disposal of sewage
        subtype:  water_supply__watersupply__water_system__watersystem__water  facility that provides a source of water; "the town debated the purification of the water supply"; "first you have to cut off the water"
     subtype:  fixture  a object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)
        subtype:  bathroom_fixture  any fixture in a bathroom
        subtype:  lighting_fixture  a fixture providing artificial light
           subtype:  chandelier__pendant  branched lighting fixture; often ornate; hangs from the ceiling
           subtype:  indirect_lighting  a concealed lighting fixture
        subtype:  plumbing_fixture  a fixture for the distribution and use of water in a building
           subtype:  fount  a plumbing fixture that provides a flow of water
           subtype:  shower  a plumbing fixture that sprays water over you; "they installed a shower in the bathroom"
           subtype:  sink  plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe
              subtype:  kitchen_sink__kitchensink  a sink in a kitchen
              subtype:  washbasin__basin__washbowl__washstand  a bathroom or lavatory sink that is permanently installed and connected to a water supply and drainpipe; where you wash your hands and face
           subtype:  can__toilet__commode__crapper__pot__stool__throne  a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination
              subtype:  flushless_toilet__flushlesstoilet  a toilet that relies on bacteria to break down waste matter (instead of using water)
              subtype:  flush_toilet__flushtoilet__lavatory  a toilet that is cleaned of waste by the flow of water through it
              subtype:  potty_seat__pottyseat__potty_chair  toilet consisting of a small seat used by young children
           subtype:  urinal  a plumbing fixture (usually attached to the wall) used by men to urinate
           subtype:  water_faucet__waterfaucet__water_tap__watertap__tap__spigot__hydrant  a faucet for drawing water from a pipe or cask
        subtype:  soap_dish  a bathroom or kitchen fixture for holding a bar of soap
     subtype:  float  something that remains on the surface of a liquid
     subtype:  insert.artifact__inset  an artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted
     subtype:  instrumentality__instrumentation  an artifact (or system of artifacts) that is instrumental in accomplishing some end
     subtype:  lemon.artifact__stinker  (informal) an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory
     subtype:  line.artifact  something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible; "a washing line"
     subtype:  marker.artifact  some conspicuous object used to distinguish or mark something; "the buoys were markers for the channel"
     subtype:  opening.artifact  a vacant or unobstructed space; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"
     subtype:  padding__cushioning  artifact consisting of soft or resilient material used to fill or give shape or protect or add comfort
     subtype:  plaything__toy  an artifact designed to be played with
     subtype:  flat_solid__sheet  a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
     subtype:  sphere  any spherically shaped artifact
     subtype:  square.artifact  any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles; "a checkerboard has 64 squares"
     subtype:  squeaker  any artifact that makes a squeaking sound when used; "those sneakers are squeakers"; "which hinge is the squeaker?"
     subtype:  strip.artifact__slip  artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material
     subtype:  physical_structure__structure__construction  a thing constructed; a complex construction or entity; "the structure consisted of a series of arches"; "she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons"
     subtype:  surface  the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary; "there is a special cleaner for these surfaces"; "the cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface"
     subtype:  thing  an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
     subtype:  way  any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another; "he said he was looking for the way out"
     subtype:  weight.artifact  an artifact that is heavy
     subtype:  whatchamacallit__stuff__whatsis__whatsi__sundry__sundries  miscellaneous unspecified artifacts; "the trunk was full of stuff"
     subtype:  building_material  material used for constructing buildings
     subtype:  paving_material  material used for pavement
     subtype:  book.artifact__volume  (books as a physical objects) a number of pages bound together; "he used a large book as a doorstop"
     subtype:  book_like_thing__book  a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge; "he bought a book of stamps"
  subtype:  draw.physical_object__lot  anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random; "the luck of the draw"; "they drew lots for it"
  subtype:  film  a thin coating or layer; "the table was covered with a film of dust"
  subtype:  part.physical_object__portion  something less than the whole of a human artifact: "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"
  subtype:  something_resembling_a_snake__snake  something resembling a snake
  subtype:  paring  (usually plural) a part of a fruit or vegetable that is pared or cut off; especially the skin or peel; "she could peel an apple with a single long paring"
  subtype:  body_of_water__water  the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean); "they invaded our territorial waters"; "they were sitting by the water's edge"
  subtype:  catch.physical_object  anything that is caught (especially if it is worth catching); "he shared his catch with the others"
  subtype:  discard.physical_object  anything that is cast aside or discarded
  subtype:  finding.physical_object  something that is found; "the findings in the gastrointestinal tract indicate that he died several hours after dinner"; "an area rich in archaelogical findings"
  subtype:  floater  an object that floats or is capable of floating
  subtype:  fomite  any inanimate object (as a towel or money or clothing or dishes or books or toys etc.) that can transmit infectious organisms from one person to another
  subtype:  growth.physical_object  something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
  subtype:  head.physical_object  a rounded compact mass; "the head of a comet"
  subtype:  ice  the frozen part of a body of water
  subtype:  dry_land__dryland__land__earth__solid_ground__solidground__terrafirma  the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
  subtype:  soil__land__ground  material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"
  subtype:  moon.physical_object  any object resembling a moon; "he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light"; "the clock had a moon that showed various phases"
  subtype:  neighbour__neighbor  a nearby object of the same kind; "Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas"; "what is the closest neighbor to the Earth?"
  subtype:  pounder  something weighing a given number of pounds; "the fisherman caught a 10-pounder" or "their linemen are all 300-pounders"
  subtype:  remains__remain  any object that is left unused or still extant; "I threw out the remains of my dinner"
  subtype:  thread__ribbon  any long object resembling a thin line; "a mere ribbon of land"; "the lighted ribbon of traffic"; "from the air the road was a gray thread"; "a thread of smoke climbed upward"
  subtype:  shiner.physical_object  something that shines (with emitted or reflected light)
  subtype:  vagabond  anything that resembles a vagabond in having no fixed place; "pirate ships were vagabonds of the sea"
  subtype:  wall.physical_object  anything that suggests a wall in structure or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"
  subtype:  web  an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving; "the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn"

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