#personal_manner__personalmanner__manner  a way of acting or behaving
  supertype:  #demeanor__demeanour__behavior__behaviour__conduct__deportment  behavioral attributes
  subtype:  #gentleness  mildness of manner or disposition
  subtype:  #comportment__bearing__presence__mien  dignified manner or conduct
     subtype:  #lordliness__dignity__gravitas  formality in bearing and appearance: "he behaved with great dignity"
  subtype:  #bedside_manner__bedsidemanner  manner or conduct of a physician in the presence of a patient
  subtype:  #formalness__formality  a manner that strictly observes all forms and ceremonies
     subtype:  #ceremoniousness  a ceremonial manner
     subtype:  #stateliness__statelines  a elaborate manner of doing something; "she served coffee with great stateliness"
  subtype:  #informality  a manner that does not take forms and ceremonies seriously
     subtype:  #casualness__familiarity  a casual manner
        subtype:  #slanginess  casualness in use of language
     subtype:  #unceremoniousness__unceremoniousnes  an unceremonial manner
  subtype:  #good_manners__courtesy  a courteous manner
     subtype:  #politeness.good_manners__niceness  a courteous manner that respects accepted social usage
     subtype:  #urbanity  polished courtesy; elegance of manner
     subtype:  #graciousness  excellence of manners or social conduct
        subtype:  #suavity__suavenes__blandnes  smooth and gracious in manner
     subtype:  #politesse__chivalry__gallantry  courtesy towards women
     subtype:  #respectfulness__deference__respect  courteous regard for people's feelings; "in deference to your wishes"; "out of respect for his privacy"
     subtype:  #civility  formal or perfunctory politeness
  subtype:  #rudeness__discourtesy  a manner that is rude and insulting
     subtype:  #boorishness  the manner of a rude or insensitive person
     subtype:  #impoliteness  a discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage
        subtype:  #bad_manners__badmanner__ill-breeding__illbreeding  impoliteness resulting from ignorance
        subtype:  #gaucheness__crudeness__crudenes  an impolite manner that is vulgar and lacking tact or refinement; "the whole town was famous for its crudeness"
     subtype:  #ungraciousness  an offensive lack of good manners
     subtype:  #incivility  deliberate discourtesy
     subtype:  #brusqueness__brusquenes__abruptnes__curtness__gruffness__gruffnes__shortnes  an abrupt discourteous manner
     subtype:  #contempt.rudeness__disrespect  a manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous
     subtype:  #crust__gall__impertinence__impudence__insolence__cheekiness__freshness__freshnes  the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties

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