#order_Sapindales__Sapindales  an order od dicotyledonous plants
  supertype:  #plant_order__plantorder  the order of plants
  member of:  #class_Dicotyledones
  member:  #family_Sapindaceae__Sapindaceae__soapberry_family__soapberryfamily  chiefly tropical New and Old World deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs bearing leathery drupes with yellow translucent flesh; most plants produce toxic saponins
     member:  #genus_Sapindus__Sapindus  type genus of the Sapindaceae
        member:  #soapberry_tree__soapberrytree__soapberry  a tree of the genus Sapindus whose fruit is rich in saponin
        member:  #wild_China_tree__Sapindus_drumondii__Sapindus_marginatus  deciduous tree of southwestern United States having pulpy fruit containing saponin
        member:  #China_tree__false_dogwood__falsedogwood__jaboncillo__chinaberry__Sapindus_saponaria  evergreen of tropical America having pulpy fruit containing saponin which was used as soap by native Americans
     member:  #genus_Blighia__Blighia  small genus of western African evergreen trees and shrubs bearing fleshy capsular three-seeded fruits edible when neither unripe nor overripe
        member:  #akee_tree__akee__Blighia_sapida  widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its fragrant flowers and colorful fruits; introduced in Jamaica by Captain Bligh of HMS Bounty
     member:  #genus_Cardiospermum__Cardiospermum  tendril-climbing herbs or shrubs whose seeds have a white heart-shaped spot
        member:  #soapberry_vine__soapberryvine  tendril-climbing vine
     member:  #genus_Dimocarpus__Dimocarpus  longan
        member:  #Dimocarpus_longan__longan__lungen__longanberry__euphorialitchi__Nephelium_longana  tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphoria or Nephelium
     member:  #genus_Harpullia  genus of tropical Asiatic and African trees
        member:  #harpullia  any of various tree of the genus Harpullia
     member:  #genus_Litchi  Chinese trees
        member:  #Nephelium_litchi__litchi__lichee__litchi_tree__Litchi_chinensis  Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
     member:  #genus_Melicoccus__Melicoccus__Melicocca__genus_Melicocca  tropical American trees and shrubs bearing berries
        member:  #Spanish_lime_tree__Spanish_lime__honey_berry__honeyberry__mamoncillo__genip__ginep__Melicocca_bijuga__Melicocca_bijugatus  tropical American tree bearing a small edible fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp
     member:  #genus_Nephelium__Nephelium  a genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae that are native to Asia and Australia
        member:  #rambutan_tree__rambutan__rambotan__Nephelium_lappaceum  Malayan tree bearing spiny red fruit
        member:  #pulasan_tree__pulasantree__pulasan__pulassan__Nephelium_mutabile  East Indian fruit tree bearing fruit similar to but sweeter than that of the rambutan
  member:  #family_Buxaceae__Buxaceae__box_family__boxfamily  widely distributed evergreen shrubs and trees
     member:  #genus_Buxus__Buxus  type genus of the Buxaceae
        member:  #boxwood__box  evergreen shrubs or small trees
     member:  #genus_Pachysandra  evergreen perennial procumbent subshrubs or herbs
        member:  #pachysandra  any plant of the genus Pachysandra; low-growing evergreen herbs or subshrubs having dentate leaves and used as ground cover
  member:  #family_Celastraceae__Celastraceae__spindle-tree_family__staff-tree_family  trees and shrubs and woody vines usually having bright-colored fruits
     member:  #genus_Celastrus__Celastrus  type genus of the Celastraceae: bittersweet and shrubby bittersweet; woody vines and shrubs native chiefly to Asia and Australia
        member:  #staff_tree__stafftree  any small tree or twining shrub of the genus Celastrus
        member:  #American_bittersweet__bittersweet__climbing_bittersweet__false_bittersweet__falsebittersweet__staff_vine__staffvine__waxwork__Celastrus_scandens  twining shrub of North America having three-valved yellow capsules enclosing scarlet seeds
        member:  #Japanese_bittersweet__Japan_bittersweet__oriental_bittersweet__Celastrus_orbiculatus__Celastric_articulatus  ornamental Asiatic vine with showy orange-yellow fruit with a scarlet aril; naturalized in North America
     member:  #genus_Euonymus__Euonymus  widely distributed chiefly evergreen shrubs or small trees or vines
        member:  #spindle_tree__spindletree__spindleberry__spindleberry_tree  any shrubby trees or woody vines of the genus Euonymus having showy usually reddish berries
        member:  #wahoo__burning_bush__burningbush__Euonymus_atropurpureus  deciduous shrub having purple capsules enclosing scarlet seeds
        member:  #strawberry_bush__wahoo__Euonymus_americanus  upright deciduous plant with crimson pods and seeds; the eastern United States from New York to Florida and Texas
        member:  #evergreen_bittersweet__evergreenbittersweet__Euonymus_fortunei_radicans__Euonymus_radicans_vegetus  broad and bushy Asiatic twining shrub with pinkish fruit; many subspecies or varieties
  member:  #family_Cyrilliaceae__Cyrilliaceae__cyrilla_family__cyrillafamily__titi_family  shrubs and trees with leathery leaves and small white flowers in racemes: genera Cyrilla and Cliftonia
     member:  #genus_Cyrilla  1 species: trees and shrubs having flowers with acute or twisted petals and wingless fruit
        member:  #cyrilla__leatherwood__white_titi__whitetiti__Cyrilla_racemiflora  shrub or small tree of southeastern United States to West Indies and Brazil; grown for the slender racemes of white flowers and orange-crimson foliage
     member:  #genus_Cliftonia__Cliftonia  1 species: titi
        member:  #titi__buckwheat_tree__buckwheattree__Cliftonia_monophylla  tree of low-lying coastal areas of southeastern United States having glossy leaves and racemes of fragrant white flowers
  member:  #family_Empetraceae__Empetraceae__crowberry_family__crowberryfamily  heathlike shrubs
     member:  #genus_Empetrum__Empetrum  crowberries
        member:  #crowberry  a low evergreen shrub with small purple flowers and black berrylike fruit
  member:  #family_Aceraceae__Aceraceae__maple_family__maplefamily  a family of trees and shrubs of order Sapindales including the maples
     member:  #genus_Acer__Acer  type genus of the Aceraceae; trees or shrubs having winged fruit
        member:  #maple  any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
     member:  #genus_Dipteronia__Dipteronia  small genus of large deciduous shrubs having large clusters of winged seeds that turn red as they mature; central and southern China
  member:  #family_Aquifoliaceae__Aquifoliaceae__holly_family__hollyfamily  widely distributed shrubs and trees
     member:  #genus_Ilex__Ilex  a large genus of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs of the family Aquifoliaceae that have small flowers and berries (including hollies)
        member:  #holly  any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex having red berries and shiny evergreen leaves with prickly edges
        member:  #Chinese_holly__Ilex_cornuta  dense rounded evergreen shrub of China having spiny leaves; widely cultivated as an ornamental
  member:  #family_Anacardiaceae__Anacardiaceae__sumac_family__sumacfamily  the cashew family; trees and shrubs and vines having resinous (sometimes poisonous) juice; includes cashew and mango and pistachio and poison ivy and sumac
     member:  #genus_Anacardium__Anacardium  type genus of the Anacardiaceae: cashew
        member:  #cashew_tree__cashew__Anacardium_occidentale  tropical American evergreen tree bearing kidney-shaped nuts that are edible only when roasted
     member:  #genus_Astronium__Astronium  a genus of dicotyledonous plants of the family Anacardiaceae
        member:  #goncalo_alves__goncaloalve__Astronium_fraxinifolium  tall tropical American timber tree especially abundant in eastern Brazil; yields hard strong durable zebrawood with straight grain and dark strips on a pinkish to yellowish ground; widely used for veneer and furniture and heavy construction
     member:  #genus_Cotinus__Cotinus  smoke trees
        member:  #smoke_tree__smoketree__smoke_bush__smokebush  any of several shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Cotinus
     member:  #genus_Malosma__Malosma  one species; often included in the genus Rhus
        member:  #laurel_sumac__Malosma_laurina__Rhus_laurina  small aromatic evergreen shrub of California having paniculate leaves and whitish berries; in some classifications included in genus Rhus
     member:  #genus_Mangifera__Mangifera  tropical tree native to Asia bearing fleshy fruit
        member:  #mango_tree__mangotree__mango__Mangifera_indica  large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval smooth-skinned fruit
     member:  #genus_Pistacia__Pistacia  a dicotyledonous genus of trees of the family Anacardiaceae having drupaceous fruit
        member:  #pistachio_tree__pistachiotree__pistachio__Pistacia_vera  small tree of southern Europe and Asia Minor bearing small hard-shelled nuts
        member:  #terebinth__Pistacia_terebinthus  a Mediterranean tree yielding Chian turpentine
     member:  #genus_Rhodosphaera__Rhodosphaera  1 species; an Australian evergreen sumac
        member:  #Australian_sumac__Rhodosphaera_rhodanthema__Rhus_rhodanthema  evergreen of Australia yielding a dark yellow wood
     member:  #genus_Rhus__Rhus  deciduous or evergreen shrubs and shrubby trees of temperate and subtropical North America, South Africa, eastern Asia and northeastern Australia; usually limited to nonpoisonous sumacs (see genus Toxicodendron)
        member:  #sumach__sumac__shumac  a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus)
     member:  #genus_Schinus__Schinus  genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America and Canary Islands and China
        member:  #aroeira_blanca__aroeirablanca__Schinus_chichita  small resinous tree or shrub of Brazil
        member:  #pepper_tree__molle__Peruvian_mastic_tree__Schinus_molle  small Peruvian evergreen with broad rounded head and slender pendant branches with attractive clusters of greenish flowers followed by clusters of rose-pink fruits
        member:  #Brazilian_pepper_tree__Schinus_terebinthifolius  small Brazilian evergreen resinous tree or shrub having dark green leaflets and white flowers followed by bright red fruit; used as a street tree and lawn specimen
     member:  #genus_Spondias__Spondias  tropical trees having one-seeded fruit
        member:  #yellow_mombin_tree__hog_plum__hogplum__yellow_mombin__Spondias_mombin  tropical American tree having edible yellow fruit
        member:  #mombin_tree__mombin__jocote__Spondias_purpurea  common tropical American shrub or small tree with purplish fruit
     member:  #genus_Toxicodendron__Toxicodendron  in some classifications: comprising those members of the genus Rhus having foliage that is poisonous to the touch; of North America and northern South America
        member:  #poison_ash__poison_dogwood__poison_sumac__Toxicodendron_vernix__Rhus_vernix  smooth American swamp shrub with pinnate leaves and greenish flowers followed by greenish white berries; yields an irritating oil
        member:  #markweed__poison_ivy__poison_mercury__poison_oak__Toxicodendron_radicans__Rhus_radicans  climbing plant common in eastern and central United States with ternate leaves and greenish flowers followed by white berries; yields an irritating oil that causes a rash on contact
        member:  #western_poison_oak__Toxicodendron_diversilobum__Rhus_diversiloba  poisonous shrub of the North American Pacific coast causing a rash on contact
        member:  #eastern_poison_oak__Toxicodendron_quercifolium__Rhus_quercifolia__Rhus_toxicodenedron  poisonous shrub of southeastern United States causing a rash on contact
        member:  #Japanese_varnish_tree__varnish_tree__varnishtree__lacquertree__Chinese_lacquer_tree__Japanese_lacquer_tree__Japanese_sumac__Toxicodendron_vernicifluum__Rhus_verniciflua  small Asiatic tree yielding a toxic exudate from which lacquer is obtained
  member:  #family_Hippocastanaceae__Hippocastanaceae__horse-chestnut_family  trees having showy flowers and inedible nutlike seeds in a leathery capsule
     member:  #genus_Aesculus__Aesculus  deciduous trees or some shrubs of North America; southeastern Europe; eastern Asia
        member:  #Aesculus_hippocastanum__horse_chestnut__horsechestnut__buckeye  tree having palmate leaves and large clusters of white to red flowers followed by brown shiny inedible seeds
  member:  #family_Staphylaceae__Staphylaceae__bladdernut_family  a family of dicotyledonous plants of order Sapindales found mostly in the north temperate zone
     member:  #genus_Staphylea__Staphylea  a genus of small trees or shrubs of the family Staphylaceae

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