#order_Malvales__Malvales  Malvaceae; Bombacaceae; Elaeocarpaceae; Sterculiaceae; Tiliaceae
  supertype:  plant_order__plantorder  the order of plants
  member of:  subclass_Dilleniidae
  member:  family_Malvaceae__Malvaceae__mallow_family  herbs and shrubs and some trees: mallows; cotton; okra
     member:  genus_Malva__Malva  herbs and subshrubs: mallows
        member:  musk_mallow__mus_rose__musrose__Malva_moschata  erect Old World perennial with faintly musk-scented foliage and white or pink flowers; adventive in United States
        member:  common_mallow__Malva_neglecta  annual Old World plant with clusters of pink or white flowers; naturalized in United States
        member:  tall_mallow__high_mallow__cheese__cheeseflower__Malva_sylvestris  erect or decumbent Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers; introduced in United States
     member:  mallow  any of various plants of the family Malvaceae
     member:  genus_Abelmoschus__Abelmoschus  genus of tropical coarse herbs having large lobed leaves and often yellow flowers
        member:  okra_plant__okra__gumbo__lady's-finger__Abelmoschus_esculentus__Hibiscus_esculentus  tall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus
        member:  abelmosk__musk_mallow__Abelmoschus_moschatus__Hibiscus_moschatus  bushy herb of tropical Asia grown for its yellow or pink to scarlet blooms that resemble the hibiscus
     member:  genus_Abutilon__Abutilon  herbs or shrubs or small trees: flowering maple; parlor maple; indian mallow
     member:  genus_Alcea__Alcea  genus of erect herbs of the Middle East having showy flowers: hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with Althea
        member:  hollyhock  any of various tall plants of the genus Alcea; native to the Middle East but widely naturalized and cultivated for its very large variously colored flowers
        member:  rose_mallow__Alcea_rosea__Althea_rosea  plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock
     member:  genus_Althaea  hollyhocks; in some classification systems synonymous with Alcea
        member:  althea__althaea__hollyhock  any of various plants of the genus Althaea; similar to but having smaller flowers than genus Alcea
        member:  marsh_mallow__marshmallow__white_mallow__whitemallow__Althea_officinalis  European perennial plant naturalized in United States having triangular ovate leaves and lilac-pink flowers
     member:  genus_Callirhoe__Callirhoe  small genus of North American herbs having usually red or purple flowers
        member:  poppy_mallow__poppymallow  a plant of the genus Callirhoe having palmately cleft leaves and white to red or purple flowers borne throughout the summer
     member:  genus_Gossypium__Gossypium  herbs and shrubs and small trees: cotton
        member:  cotton_plant__cotton  erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers
     member:  genus_Hibiscus  large genus of tropical and subtropical herbs and shrubs and trees often grown as ornamentals for their profusion of large flowers in a variety of colors
        member:  hibiscus  any plant of the genus Hibiscus
     member:  genus_Hoheria__Hoheria  small genus of shrubs and small trees of New Zealand: lacebarks
        member:  lacebark__ribbonwood__houhere__Hoheria_populnea  small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage
     member:  genus_Iliamna__Iliamna  small genus of perennial herbs or subshrubs; some often placed in other genera
        member:  wild_hollyhock__Iliamna_remota__Sphaeralcea_remota  a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea
        member:  mountain_hollyhock__Iliamna_ruvularis__Iliamna_acerifolia  perennial of northwestern United States and western Canada resembling a hollyhock and having white or pink flowers
     member:  genus_Kosteletzya__Kosteletzya  small genus of herbs of southeastern United States and tropical America and Africa
        member:  seashore_mallow  any of various plants of the genus Kosteletzya predominantly of coastal habitats; grown for their flowers that resemble hibiscus
     member:  genus_Lavatera__Lavatera  widespread genus or herbs or soft-wooded arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers
        member:  tree_mallow__velvetleaf__Lavatera_arborea  arborescent perennial shrub having palmately lobed furry leaves and showy red-purple flowers; southwestern United States
     member:  genus_Malacothamnus__Malacothamnus  genus of shrubs or small trees: chaparral mallow
        member:  chaparral_mallow__chaparralmallow__Malacothamnus_fasciculatus__Sphaeralcea_fasciculata  shrub of coastal ranges of California and Baja California having hairy branches and spikes of numerous mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea
     member:  genus_Malope  small genus of chiefly European herbs
        member:  malope__Malope_trifida  western Mediterranean annual having deep purple-red flowers subtended by 3 large cordate bracts
     member:  genus_Malvastrum__Malvastrum  genus of mallows characterized by red and yellow flowers often placed in other genera
     member:  genus_Malvaviscus__Malvaviscus  small genus of shrubs of Central and South America: wax mallows
        member:  waxmallow__wax_mallow__waxmallow__sleeping_hibiscus  any of various plants of the genus Malvaviscus having brilliant bell-shaped drooping flowers like incompletely opened hibiscus flowers
     member:  genus_Napaea__Napaea  1 species: glade mallow
        member:  glade_mallow__glademallow__Napaea_dioica  tall coarse American herb having palmate leaves and numerous small white dioecious flowers; found wild in most alluvial soils of eastern and central United States
     member:  genus_Pavonia  genus of tropical hairy shrubs or herbs of tropics and subtropics especially South America
        member:  pavonia  any of various evergreen plants of the genus Pavonia having white or yellow or purple flowers
     member:  genus_Plagianthus__Plagianthus  small genus of shrubs and trees of Australia and New Zealand
        member:  ribbon_tree__ribbonwood__Plagianthus_regius__Plagianthus_betulinus  deciduous New Zealand tree whose inner bark yields a strong fiber that resembles flax and is called New Zealand cotton
     member:  genus_Radyera__Radyera  very small species of shrubs of southern hemisphere: bush hibiscus
        member:  bush_hibiscus__Radyera_farragei__Hibiscus_farragei  southern and western Australian shrub with unlobed or shallowly lobed toothed leaves and purple flowers; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus
     member:  genus_Sida__Sida  large genus of tropical subshrubs or herbs some of which yield fibers of mucilaginous substances
        member:  Virginia_mallow__Sida_hermaphrodita  tall handsome perennial herb of southeastern United States having maplelike leaves and white flowers
        member:  Queensland_hemp__jellyleaf__Sida_rhombifolia  herb widely distributed in tropics and subtropics used for forage and medicinally as a demulcent and having a fine soft bast stronger than jute; sometimes an aggressive weed
        member:  Indian_mallow__Sida_spinosa  tropical American weed having pale yellow or orange flowers naturalized in southern United States
     member:  genus_Sidalcea__Sidalcea  genus of showy plants of western North America having palmate leaves and variously colored racemose flowers
        member:  checkerbloom__wild_hollyhock__Sidalcea_malviflora  perennial purple-flowered wild mallow of western North America that is also cultivated
     member:  genus_Sphaeralcea__Sphaeralcea  large genus of chiefly tropical herbs with showy flowers and mostly globose fruits: globe mallows
        member:  globe_mallow__globemallow__falsemallow  genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs of arid North and South America having pink or scarlet flowers and globose fruits
     member:  genus_Thespesia__Thespesia  small genus of tropical trees: Portia tree
        member:  portia_tree__bendy_tree__bendytree__seaside_mahoe__seasidemahoe__Thespesia_populnea  pantropical tree of usually seacoasts sometimes cultivated as an ornamental for its rounded heart-shaped leaves and showy yellow and purple flowers; yields valuable pink to dark red close-grained wood and oil from its seeds
  member:  family_Bombacaceae__Bombacaceae  tropical trees with large dry or fleshy fruit containing usually woolly seeds
     member:  genus_Bombax__Bombax  trees of chiefly South America
        member:  red_silk-cotton_tree__simal__Bombax_ceiba__Bombax_malabarica  East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok
     member:  genus_Adansonia__Adansonia  baobab; cream-of-tartar tree
        member:  cream-of-tartar_tree__sour_gourd__Adansonia_gregorii  Australian tree having an agreeably acid fruit that resembles a gourd
        member:  baobab__monkey-bread_tree__Adansonia_digitata  African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread
     member:  genus_Ceiba__Ceiba  tropical American trees with palmately compound leaves and showy bell-shaped flowers
     member:  genus_Durio__Durio  a genus of tall Asian trees of the family Bombacaceae
        member:  durian_tree__durian__durion__Durio_zibethinus  tree of southeastern Asia having edible oval fruit with a hard spiny rind
     member:  genus_Montezuma  1 species: medium-sized evergreen tree of Puerto Rico or Mexico
        member:  Montezuma  evergreen tree with large leathery leaves and large pink to orange flowers; considered a link plant between families Bombacaceae and Sterculiaceae
     member:  genus_Ochroma__Ochroma  1 species: balsa
        member:  balsa__Ochroma_lagopus  forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts
     member:  genus_Pseudobombax__Pseudobombax  tropical American deciduous shrubs or small trees
        member:  shaving-brush_tree__shavingbrushtree__Pseudobombax_ellipticum  tree of Mexico to Guatemala having densely hairy flowers with long narrow petals clustered at ends of branches before leaves appear
  member:  family_Elaeocarpaceae__Elaeocarpaceae__elaeocarpus_family__elaeocarpusfamily  genus of trees and shrubs widely distributed in warm regions some yielding useful timber; in some classifications included in the family Santalaceae
     member:  genus_Elaeocarpus__Elaeocarpus  type genus of the family Elaeocarpaceae
        member:  silver_quandong_tree__quandong__quandong_tree__Brisbane_quandong__blue_fig__Elaeocarpus_grandis  Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit
     member:  genus_Aristotelia__Aristotelia  small genus of shrubs or small trees of Australia and New Zealand and western South America
        member:  makomako__New_Zealand_wine_berry__wineberry__Aristotelia_serrata__Aristotelia_racemosa  graceful deciduous shrub or small tree having attractive foliage and small red berries that turn black at maturity and are used for making wine
     member:  genus_Muntingia__Muntingia  1 species: Jamaican cherry; sometimes placed in family Flacourtiaceae
        member:  Jamaican_cherry__calabur_tree__calaburtree__silkwood__Muntingia_calabura  a fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit; bark yields a silky fiber used in cordage and wood is valuable for staves
     member:  genus_Sloanea__Sloanea  genus of tropical hardwood timber trees
        member:  breakax__breakaxe__Sloanea_jamaicensis  West Indian timber tree having very hard wood
  member:  family_Sterculiaceae__Sterculiaceae__sterculia_family__sterculiafamily  a large family of plants of order Malvales
     member:  genus_Sterculia  type genus of the Sterculiaceae: deciduous or evergreen trees of Old and New World tropics and subtropics
        member:  sterculia  any tree of the genus Sterculia
     member:  genus_Brachychiton__Brachychiton  Australian trees (usually with swollen trunks)
        member:  bottletree  an Australian tree of the genus Brachychiton
     member:  genus_Cola__Cola  large genus of African trees bearing kola nuts
        member:  kola_nut_tree__kola__kola_nut__goora_nut__gooranut__Cola_acuminata  tree bearing large brown nuts containing e.g. caffeine; source of cola extract
     member:  genus_Dombeya  genus of African shrubs or small trees
        member:  dombeya  any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Dombeya grown for their rounded clusters of exquisite often sweet-scented flowers usually hanging beneath the leaves
     member:  genus_Firmiana__Firmiana  small genus of Asian trees or shrubs
        member:  Chinese_parasol_tree__Chinese_parasol__Japanese_varnish_tree__phoenix_tree__phoenixtree__firmianasimplex  deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods
     member:  genus_Fremontodendron__Fremontodendron__Fremontia__genus_Fremontia  flannelbush
        member:  flannelbush__flannel_bush__flannelbush__California_beauty  any of several handsome evergreen shrubs of California and northern Mexico having downy lobed leaves and showy yellow flowers
     member:  genus_Helicteres__Helicteres  genus of shrubs and small trees of tropical America and Asia having cylindrical fruits spirally twisted around one another
        member:  screw_tree__screwtree  a tree or shrub of the genus Helicteres
     member:  genus_Heritiera__Heritiera__Terrietia__genus_Terrietia  small genus of timber trees of eastern Asia, Australasia and tropical Africa that form large buttresses
     member:  genus_Hermannia__Hermannia  genus of African herbs and subshrubs having honey-scented bell-shaped flowers
        member:  honey_bell__honeybell__honeybells__Hermannia_verticillata__Mahernia_verticillata  African shrub having decumbent stems and slender yellow honey-scented flowers either solitary or in pairs
     member:  genus_Pterospermum__Pterospermum  genus of tropical Asian trees and shrubs
        member:  mayeng__maple-leaved_bayur__Pterospermum_acerifolium  Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree
     member:  genus_Tarrietia__Tarrietia  small genus of east Asian and Australian timber trees
        member:  Tarrietia_argyrodendron__silver_tree  Australian timber tree
     member:  genus_Theobroma__Theobroma  cacao plants
        member:  Theobroma_cacao__theobromacacao__cacao__cacao_tree__cacaotree__chocolate_tree__chocolatetree  tropical American tree producing cacao beans
     member:  genus_Triplochiton__Triplochiton  small genus of tropical African trees with maplelike leaves
        member:  obechi__obeche__arere__samba__Triplochiton_scleroxcylon  large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds; yields soft white to pale yellow wood
  member:  family_Tiliaceae__Tiliaceae__linden_family  chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia; Corchorus; Entelea; Grewia; Sparmannia
     member:  genus_Tilia__Tilia  deciduous trees with smooth usually silver-gray bark of North America and Europe and Asia: lime trees; lindens; basswood
        member:  linden_tree__linden__basswood__lime__lime_tree  any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers; several yield valuable timber
     member:  genus_Entelea__Entelea  a genus of evergreen shrub that grows in New Zealand
     member:  genus_Corchorus__Corchorus  widely distributed genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs; especially Asia
        member:  corchorus__corchoru  any of various plants of the genus Corchorus having large leaves and cymose clusters of yellow flowers; a source of jute
     member:  genus_Grewia__Grewia  a genus of tropical and subtropical Old World climbers or shrubs or trees
        member:  phalsa__Grewia_asiatica  drought-resistant Asiatic treelike shrub bearing pleasantly acid small red edible fruits commonly used in sherbets
     member:  genus_Sparmannia__Sparmannia  small genus of tropical African shrubs
        member:  African_hemp__Sparmannia_africana  large shrub of South Africa having many conspicuously hairy branches with large hairy leaves and clusters of conspicuous white flowers

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